It’s actually amazing how this « rivalry » is one sided. I’m French and Spain never occurred to me as a « rival » (England, Germany historically and Italy for sport yes). We don’t even know this « the Spanish hate the French » thing 😂
One side? I still rememeber Rafa Nadal playing in Roland Garros at the beggining of his career and came on men, the french crowd absolutlty hate him, even in some fr3nch tv shows in Canal+ made fun of him.
I'm French and I think it's a little bit weird how Spanish people think French people look down on them because we actually really love them as well as their culture. And I think I can confindently say that most of French people do not see themselves better that Spanish people or think that our country is better. Both countries are just so different in my opinion and they just have their own charms, they're not really comparable I think. Anyway love from France ❤
I think earlier french generations definately looked down on Spain and Spaniards, when one was a flourishing democracy and the other a conservative monarchy or dictatorship. Possibly even during both 19th and 20th centuries. I dont think thats the case today though.
C'est faux. On se considère comme supérieur on ne l'expriment pas de manière hyper frontale mais on considère notre cuisine comme la meilleure, nos vins comme les meilleurs, notre industrie de la mode, notre équipe de foot, notre langue comme la plus belle, notre pays comme le plus beaux donc oui on dit pas qu'on est les meilleurs mais on le pense quand même assez.
I am French and nobody in France would ever say "oh I don't like the Spaniards" it would almost sound ridiculous. French people have a very high view of Spain and Spanish people, maybe beside its economy and its government but those things are irrelevant when it comes to assessing one's relationship to a foreign country.
It’s curious that you mention economy and government, as both tend to be rather on par today. But it’s true that somehow French still have a negative view of it.
@Calabacita85 I don't think people have the attitude anymore... it's a little ironic since there seems to be way more AFRICA in France rather than Spain.
@@Gatitosygatitos I Never have Heard such claim as "Africa stats ar Pyrénées" during Lost if my life in the northern half if France. Who told you this ? Thé only Time I Heard this expression was in the US, where someone asked m'y why WE french people were supposed to dislike spanish people. I answered hum that most french people love spain and spaniards. But hé came with that sentence "Africa starts at Pyrénées" claiming it was a famous french saying. I told hum that nobody uses this sentence and myself never have Heard about before this time in the US. It seems like a urbain légend made to create animosity between out both countries that share much common points
I'm from Irun, a Spanish bordering city with France and I know well the French. Maybe because when you cross a river things don't change drastically, but South-Western French people are some of the warmest you will find in the world and share the Spanish "la familia lo es todo" way of life. If I had to tell a difference I'd mention the hours of meals from one side. From the other side, the humour and jokes change drastically. On the Spanish side sarcasm is the most popular resource to make someone laugh and Spanish humour can arrive to be very-very dark. On the French side humour tends to be Ironic and a little dark.
I am French and honestly there is no rivalry between France and Spain, I would even say that Spain and the Spanish people are very appreciated in France, Spain must certainly be one of the most appreciated European countries for French people. The only rivalry might be Football and Basketball between our 2 countries, but it's a really not mean and respectful rivalry. Sorry for my bad english. Love Spain and spanish people From France
Interesting. As a French man I always loved Spain and Spaniards. But I love how the guy who said “I don’t like French people” ends with “les mecs, venez, on a tout ici”😂
Soy frances y he vivido 3 anos en Barcelona, y nunca he sido mal recibido por ser frances, al contrario siempre los espanoles me trataron muy bien, los espanoles son muy abiertos y eso ayuda bastante para integrarse. Fuera del deporte no creo que hay rivalidad entre los 2 paises, al menos del lado frances no hay ninguna, os queremos mucho. Nuestro "rival" de toda la vida siempre fue Inglaterra, pero es historia ahora. Adeuuu
A los franceses los queremos y respetamos, sobre todo en el norte de España. El camino FRANCÉS de Santiago es la base de España y os lo debemos a vosotros, amigos franceses.
The French people have great confidence, which sometimes comes across as arrogant. But once you get to know a few really well, they can be lots of fun. And be prepared to debate everything!😅
Hmm I kind of disagree. Most people in the world don't really like the french because they are just arrogant and not confident. You can be confident and likable but french people are just arrogant and rude. I'm from belgium and in my country we have half the people who speak dutch and half the people who speak french and it's exactly the same thing here. Most people don't like the french speaking people in belgium, because they have the same habits and arrogance as french people.
the "historic rivalry" between spain and france is very much one sided tbh. french people love spain and generally have a good opinion of spaniards. the rivalry in sports is real though
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes dans le même bateau, nous sommes une île dans le monde, menacée par la Chine, les États-Unis, le mondialisme, l'immigration de masse, etc.
@@ehjo4904 I`ve never felt "looked down" in my many travels to France. On the contrary, the French were always courteous, and even kind to me. And ignorant ultra nationalist Spaniards "look down" on French just the same.
@@9grand I know English, and of course the meaning of that expression, and again you generalize and you are wrong. If that were the case Manuel Valls, Hidalgo, Goya, Balenciaga, Paco Rabanne, Luis Buñuel, Dali, Picasso, or even in the banal world of sports Luis Fernández, Florentino Pérez and Real Madrid, Luis Enrique, etc, etc., and other Spaniards or French of SpanIsh descent would not have been taken seriously. Btw, research Spaniards in the French Resistance, and "La Nueve", the Batallion that liberated Paris.
I find French and Spanish people are far more comfortable with expressing opinions then say for example the British who are too afraid of “offending” someone..
Totally. My gf is brit and cancel culture in England is way too oppressive. She's often afraid of expressing her thoughts regarding some more controversi topics bc of the fear of offending someone.
As a french, i've always be amused by spanish people imagining a kind of rivalry between France and Spain.... when historically, economically, culturally France has always been in confrontation with Germany, England or Italy.... not really Spain. I've got a lot of spanish friends and i like their qualities and weaknesses. We're more close than they believe.
@@zisssssou ETA. Turcos en Europa, auxiliados por Francia para menoscabar la posición de España. Apoyo actual a Marruecos. Bailén y Pepe Botella. "las pasiones agitadas con motivo de la Guerra Civil Española volvieron a abrir viejas heridas, al convertirse Francia en una base firme de propaganda y otras actividades intervencionistas en favor de uno de los beligerantes. La importancia de estos antagonismos históricos en el desarrollo de la Leyenda Negra es indudable, y por ello, sólo necesita un ligero comentario. Las intensas rivalidades y enfrentamientos militares hispano-franceses durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI y posteriores, convirtió a Francia en un centro natural de actividades antiespañolas. La primera amenaza extranjera digna de mención contra España en el Nuevo Mundo, del tipo de piratería, se lanzó desde los puertos de Bretaña. Más tarde, la literatura de viajes y el liderato francés en la Ilustración del siglo XVIII, tuvieron una enorme importancia en el endurecimiento del desdén general europeo y aun del odio hacia España y los españoles. Desde el siglo XVII hasta nuestros días, la hegemonía cultural francesa en el Continente y en las Américas puso, inter alia, su indiscutible sello de aprobación a los prejuicios antiespañoles." (Árbol de odio, Philip Wayne Powell). Esto para que empieces a informarte...
@@zisssssouprobably because the Spain-France rivalry was at the beginning of modern era, when Spain was on it's golden age. After that, France had other enemies while Spain was falling.
He said he went to the french school in Madrid. If he did all the colège's period it's from 10-11 to 14-15 years old. And i'm not sure you can get in that school if you dont have a good level of french or have someone in your familly that could help you.
La entrevistadora y las entrevistas son maravillosas,pero esta chica tiene una cadencia,una voz,una verdad una línea buenísima.a seguir así!!
I'm French and I'm appalled by what I saw, I never ever heard any french speak ill of Spain or Spaniards, in fact, we love Spain and fantasize a lot about its culture, yes we do call them "Espingouins" just like they call us Gabachos, but it's all fun, the only things we look down on is Desigual and let's be honest: the quality of their agriculture which is unfortunately extremely pesticide-heavy.
For me it is the same thing I have never heard any negativity from anyone about Spain. The only thing I ever saw was BBC Two Fawlty Towers where Basil becomes xenophobic and insults his employee Manuel. The other one where Catalans insist they are not Spaniards and want to leave. That is the only negative things I've ever heard in my lifetime.
Quelques commentaires dans le vidéo m'a causé de l'embarras en tant que femme espagnole. Excuses. J'aime la culture française et ses habitants, ils ont toujours été très hospitaliers avec moi et ma famille.
Sebastián Covarrubias, en su Tesoro de la Lengua Castellana o Española (1611); dice: "Gavacho: Existen unos pueblos en Francia, que confinan con la provincia de Narbona. Strabon y Plinio los llaman gabales, Caesar gabalos. A éstos Belteforestio les denominaba gavachus y nosotros gavachos. Esta tierra debe de ser mísera, porque muchos de estos gavachos se vienen a España y se ocupan de servicios bajos y viles, y se enfrentan cuando los llaman gavachos. Con todo eso vuelven a su tierra con muchos dineros y para ellos son buenas Indias los reinos de España".
Je suis originaire du nord de l'Espagne et d'une génération qui ne se comprend pas sans la culture française. Nos racines culturelles sont communes depuis le Moyen Âge et le Chemin Français de Saint-Jacques. L'Espagne sans la France n'existerait pas.
Soy francés y vivo en España, de lo que veo es que somos muy parecidos en muchos aspectos, todo lo que dicen en esta vidéo se aplica para muchas personas en España, no hay tantas diferencias entre nosotros, no hablo de deportes ni nada solo de la gente de manera general.
@@Sir77Hill Il a appris le français étant enfant. Les langues c'est mon domaine, et il y a absolument AUCUNE chance qu'il ait appris le français seulement au "collège", lol.
Este es el problema. Los extranjeros creen que París = Francia. París o las grandes ciudades son mundos específicos. Ven a ver el mar o el campo en Normandía, la gente es amable. Yo mismo soy originario de Normandía y me gusta mucho ver a los extranjeros. Vemos diferentes puntos de vista. (un poco difícil de comunicar en algunos casos 😅) No estoy seguro de que el español sea perfecto, con el traductor. 😳
Soy Frances y a mi me gusta mucho Espana y espanoles. Cuando mi mujer y yo estamos en Espana, somos siempre muy bien recibidos. Importante : No hablo muy bien espanol, pero hago esfuerzos para hablar este idoma, y me disculpo para hablar lo como... un Frances ! Soy jubilado ahora, pero cuando trabaje, ayude muchas estudiantes espanoles en el laboratorio. Pienso que ellos y ellas quedaron un buen recuerdo de su tiempo passado aqui en Francia porque me escriben por veces...
@@luistoses Gracias pour su (o tu) comentario. Como lo he dicho arriba, yo se que los Espanoles pueden entender mi, y se que puedo entender espanol. Ademas, me gusta el idioma. Pero me faltan muchas palabras, la conjugacion es siempre difficil, y nunca me recuerdo donde poner los acentos sobre los a, e, i, o, etc.
This video was obviously taped in Madrid. I've been to that park in 2023 (crushing heatwave though) I'm technically French, but I've always lived abroad so I'm not sure if that counts.... In any case, I love going to France as a "tourist" and Spain is an amazing country in its own right. Madrid, Toledo, Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia, Alicante, all great spots from what I've seen/experienced. Like some tourists discover in France, English proficiency in Spain is.... not that great either, but I can use my rusty Spanish learned in college. I think speaking to the locals in their native language shows respect and usually generates a more positive experience. The guy who went to a French college speaks French really well. He sounds native though there are very small hints that he is not. Still impressive though.
I agree. In north Spain we mostly don`t have that feeling at all. We are used to contact with France and French people. I think it`s more a thing of ultra nationalists living in the past and little travelled in Madrid and in the south. But even these people have this feeling only at a historical general level, never in individual interactions.
@@juanjaubertpoggio7629 Lo imaginaba en un canario, y más de apellido Jaubert, pero hay otros españoles que no conocen este hecho y por eso lo recordaba. Hay muchos españoles, con y sin apellidos franceses, con antepasados franceses: los "francos" de las crónicas medievales en las cartas de repoblación de la Reconquista.
Soy Español/Americano y orgulloso de serlo. Me encanta que España tenga sus regiones tan marcadamente diferentes, con cuatro idiomas, y mucho más. Lo único que me gusta más de Francia son las comunidades Católicas porque son unas verdaderas joyas. Quién Lo supiera? Pero, és así.
That’s actually surprising to hear. It’s rare to hear about the very niche but absolutely incredible, bustling traditional Catholic communities in France. (FSSPX, FSSP, IBP…)
Soy francés y viví en España por mis estudios y hay un valor que compartimos con los españoles: el chovinismo. Después de los franceses, los españoles son las personas más orgullosas que he visto en mi vida. Un español me dijo que los croissants españoles eran mejores que los franceses, come on tio !! 😅
Gran verdad, pero los españoles cultos:) amamos Francia. De vosotros vienen por el Camino francés de santiago el Románico y el Gótico, Cluny y el Císter y la conexión con el resto de Europa occidental en la lucha de la Reconquista contra el Islam. Somos Europa gracias en gran medida a la influencia cultural de los reinos de Francia (por ejemplo, Navarra tuvo dinastías francesas de los Capeto y de la Casa de Foix) y también a la gran entrada de franceses, los llamados "francos" en las Crónicas medievales, en las repoblaciones de la Reconquista.
a 1200 kms de Francia, aquí abrieron un obrador que hacía cruasanes tan buenos como los franceses. También es verdad que el chaval se llamaba Thibaud y era de Touluosse...
I'm a french from the spanish border, in the Pyrenees. Outside the football field, everyone likes Spain and spaniards there and same cannot be said for Italy. We also often learn Spanish.
Hey! I’m Spaniard from the western French border Hehe. I agree with you, I never felt nothing negative about Frenchies to Spain at all, as I don’t see almost differences between us, France for me I feel like home, more than a lot of parts from Spain in fact.🤷🏻♂️PD: please we need some French enterprise trying flan patissier here, it s the first thing I buy every time i cross the border.
It's true in the Pyrenees the spirit and mentality is completely different than the other parts of France . Sadly most people only know of Paris when talking about France and like they said people are rather cold in the North side 😅 . But when you look at the South it's completely different maybe cause some part of the South is very influenced by Spain and Occitània is viewed differently mostly cause of the past , but you have a huge Spanish community that living there. It seems that the South is rather cool with Spain to the point most French people say a city like Toulouse is the most Spanish city of France .
Same here, in Navarra. French Medieval architecture, schools, French "barrio" in the Middle Ages, French pilgrim road to Saint-Jacques unites us. With current globalism I realize how much I love France.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr Yes that's true it's indeed very interesting, Basque and navarra are related historically it makes sense why so much people across the boarders share a common history and are somehow related to each other. In France Basque see themselves as Basque and will make sure you know that they Basque, their is for sure some roots between people close to the boarders from each side maybe that's why we are somehow disconnected with the others in our countries .
Es por el MEME, meterse con los franceses con el paso del tiempo se ha convertido casi en una costumbre, pero ojo, que yo todavía me acuerdo cuando paraban a los camiones para tirar la fruta.
no, no es por un meme, siempre ha habido rivalidad entre nosotros, al igual que Grecia - Turquía, Irlanda - R.U, Hungría - Rumanía, y demás países de la U.E, los franceses siempre miran x encima del hombro, pero nosotros somos mejores q ellos y lo saben
@@a-jerk No hay rivalidad, porque una rivalidad es de igual a igual, y no es el caso. Mira, puedes hacer una analogía con la relación entre España y Portugal. Uno se cree más que el otro, y el otro le tiene rencor por ello. De hecho, me hizo mucha gracia constatar que muchos chistes contados en España, sobre Francia, son contados en Portugal sobre españoles. Francia no mira a España, es un vecino simpático pero nunca le van a considerar como un rival, ellos miran a Alemania e Inglaterra. Es una historia universal.
I'm French and I've never heard my compatriots say anything remotely negative about Spain or its people.... Sometimes you can hear that the food is not great but overall, France loves Spain! Amamos a nuestros vecinos españoles
I love France, and travel to beautiful south France whenever I can (it`s an hour ride) Sobre comida: Prueba el gazpacho, la tortilla francesa, pimientos del padrón, bacalao al pil pil, el salmorejo, etc. No todo es malo:)
Viví en España 6 años y en Francia llevo unos ocho. He visto el video y tengo que comentar que los españoles tienen una percepción muy equivocada de los franceses. Es un problema cultural que noto cada vez que estoy en Paris y veo a los turistas españoles. El francés es super educado, si uno traduce palabra por palabra como se comunican sería insoportable para un español. No me imagino a nadie en España diciendo "Buenos días señor, que puedo ofrecerle el día de hoy" (Bonjour monsieur, que puis-je vous offrir aujourd'hui ?) a menos que te vayas a tomar un café en el Ritz. A veces paso verguenza ajena, viendo como los españoles se dirigen a los camareros en un tono que en Francia suena despectivo o humillante y en cambio en España sería completamente normal. Obviamente, si te tratan de humillar, tu te comportas de forma consecuente, lo cual puede ser interpretado como arrogancia. He visto discusiones horribles en cafes y restaurantes, porque los españoles se sienten maltratados cuando en realidad, los franceses reaccionan a una supuesta humillación inicial. Mi recomendación es que si van a Francia, imagínense que están en latinoamérica, sobre todo México. Piensen como los mexicanos se comportan en España y así es que se deben comportar en Francia.
No estoy nada de acuerdo con usted, porque esta diciendo que los franceses se lo toman como una humillacion cuando usted mismo admite y sabe que no es la intencion de los españoles "en cambio en España sería completamente normal". Es decir, es solo un mal entendido entre ambas partes, por lo que los españoles no estan tratando mal a nadie y no tiene sentido que sienta verguenza ajena por algo que no esta hecho con mala intencion por parte de los mismos.
@@overvault No veo porque dice que no está de acuerdo conmigo. Lo primero que digo es que es un problema cultural. Los franceses no son conscientes que los españoles actúan de esa manera. Si lee lo que escribí es obvio que estoy de acuerdo con usted de que es un mal entendido. Pero aún así siento mucha vergüenza ajena. Es como cuando los japoneses hacen sonido cuando mastican, soy consciente que en su cultura eso significa que la comida está buena, pero si uno ve eso en un restaurante en el barrio de Salamanca en Madrid se le cae la cara de la vergüenza
I'm french and I had no idea about this rivalry, on the opposite I thought they would kinda like us because a lot left Franco for France back then, guess I was wrong
I, as a spaniard, sincerely think that the "hate" to the french is more than a joke than something serious. It's something that we like to hate. Like we hate, as a resident of the canary islands, the people of other islands, but we join in the hate against what we call the "goths" (people of mainland spain). The same occurs with the French. Our peoples join forces against Perfidious Albion!!
@@lauramartin-bk9nr Lol for the last one we had a scandal 2 weeks ago. An historic site, old of something like 6 000 years, has been destroy in order to be replaced by a construction store '- -
@@clementdos8665 Sad, In Pamplona same thing: a parking was constructed underneath the Plaza del Castillo, where Roman baths had been found. I envy Italy in this matter.
I live in Spain and drove to France some days ago, first thing I noticed crossing the border was that cars keep right on the freeway instead of just driving in whatever lane they want. That and the food was a nice change.
I am a French man and I like the Spanish people and Spain even though I never experienced a closed relationship with any of them unfortunately. I have a little problem with the language though. I learnt it at school but I am afraid, and I apologize if it may hurts, it makes my ears bleed. I just can't stand lessoning to it. I don't know why.
I've seen a lot of videos where Spanish people call Northern Europeans (like me) "cold". What exactly do you mean by that? A bit reserved and introverted? Boring and unfriendly? Heartless and devoid of emotions? I have to admit that it stings a bit lol.
I answer you honestly, "you need more passion" it means that you have to let yourself be carried away more by emotions, like when you are here on vacation xd it's like the image people have of engineers, in party we dance and flirt, nothing happens if you fail or you are given bad, that doesn't matter, the important thing is to have fun :) It does not mean that you do not have your wild side, it is just a prejudice that we have of the Germans, do not pay much attention to it, we see each case individually.
I am german and everything you included would fit to "being cold" imo. I dont know about the other countries but for Germany it is actually true unfortunately.
Provincial French people often relate to Parisians in a similar way than these Spaniards relate to France. The "hate", "rivalry" and "arrogance" is more one sided than you think, and not the side you expect 😂
French-spanish rivalry is a purely Spanish concept , I never saw or listen a french guy talking about the French-spanish rivalry , for us we are brother , no the rivalry for france come to England and germany .
Never heard of a Franco/Spanish rivalry. The only rivalry to the French would be England and Germany i guess. Maybe a little bit Italy also but...yes just a little bit. I live in Belgium.
El señor de la gorra sabe, cuánto más les conoces, y yo he trabajado en Francia, más se les aprecia y ojo, haz un amigo francés y te dura toda la vida, yo todos los antifranceses que conozco es porque ni los conoce, ni ha hablado nunca con ellos, desconocimiento absoluto
Yo he ido a Francia desde que tenía 14 años y ahora tengo 48. Viajo allí por negocios y muchos son bastante insoportables, sobre todo con sus aires de superioridad y faltas de respeto. Sobre todo en París, eso es cierto.
@@Gatitosygatitos que le vamos a hacer? Suerte que he tenido de encontrarme con las únicas buenas personas del norte entonces, incluso de París, casualidades de la vida...
Soy de Colombia, y estoy viviendo en Francia desde hace tres años, hablo francés, estudié mi universidad con franceses, trabajo con franceses y aun así tengo 0 amigos franceses. Y es el mismo caso de todos mis amigos internacionales, somos de diferentes partes del mundo y ninguno tiene un buen amigo francés. Existe una barrera muy grande, puedes hablar con ellos, entablar una conversación, pero siempre existe una distancia. Por eso estoy considerando mudarme a España o a Italia, quiero sentirme más en casa en el país en le que vivo.
En tant que Français ça me fait de la peine de lire votre témoignage. Vous n'êtes pas le premier étranger à éprouver des difficultés à vous intégrer en France, nous avons la réputation d'être assez lents pour nouer des amitiés... En contrepartie, nous gardons nos amis pour la vie. J'espère que vous serez heureux, en France ou ailleurs.
@@ogamiitto8627n vrai mieux vaut pas lui dire mais il doit être dans une formation réservé aux élèves hors Erasmus ou quelque chose comme ça et en fac se faire des amis hors des cours c'est juste impossible donc si il ne vas pas plus loin ( aller dans un club ou autre ) il ne se fera pas d'amis c'est sûr mais ça sera la même chose partout malheureusement.
What I like about spanish people is that they put themselves out there so easily, they seem don't afraid to speak loud and this is why I want to live in Spain... its coming soon baby. Also spanish girl are the prettiest
Qué pena como perduran los prejuicios... Nunca he oido a franceses hablar mal de España, nunca. Lo que muchos españoles llaman soberbia es, en realidad, reserva. A los franceses no les gusta imponerse y entonces pueden pasar por frios, superiores o distantes. La otra cosa es que los españoles solo tienen 2 o 3 vecinos: Portugal, Francia y Marruecos. Francia siendo el màs poderoso, toda la rabia se dirige hacia ella mientras que Francia tiene 9 paises vecinos, entonces no le importa compararse con los demàs. Creo que España tiene un complejo de inferioridad (injustificado) pero que permite explicar lo que se oye en este documentario.
Bueno, al menos el señor de la gorra decía la verdad: los españoles que tienen información directa sobre Francia dejan atrás los prejuicios propios de ignorantes trasnochados. En Francia hay mayor nivel de lectura que en España y tienen más "mundo" que los españoles que siguen viviendo en el dos de mayo de 1808.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr Estos comentarios son los mismos que fomentan el desprecio frente a la idea que tienen de los franceses, no hacen más que fomentar la idea ya existente del supuesto complejo de superioridad francés. Decir "En francia son más inteligentes y los españoles son desadaptados" no va a hacer que los 'ignorantes' dejen de despreciar a la idea que tienen de los franceses.
I though as french Spain had rivalry with Italy or Portugal . Not us maybe during the habsbourg fall and Spanish succession but I guess it is more a link between us than a rivalry
There is absolutely no rivalry between France and Spain, politically or culturally the only rivalry we have is with Germany, we always compare each other since we are the two biggest European power French loves Spain and the language most french ppl has been at least once in Spain and choose to study Spanish at school (we can choose Spanish or German, and 90% choses Spanish) French are not nationalistic at all, the opposite, you won't see many french flags everywhere while in Madrid there are flags everywhere, for a french it's a shame to be french and If you're 'proud' of it you are seen as a racist/xenophobic. I would say that french tend to be colder the more you go north which is a common phenomenon in most countries, probably the case in Spain too
I lived in Paris. I agree with almost everything you said. It is true that the French do no consider the Spanish their rivals. But, the Spanish do consider the French as rivals. The rest you said is true, in my opinion.
De acuerdo con que vuestra rivalidad más fuerte sea con Alemania, sin embargo ha habido y todavía hay casos en los que Francia trata de boicotear intentos de perseverancia española. Cuando España entró en la EU muchos franceses no estuvieron de acuerdo y, volcaron muchos camiones españoles que exportaban productos al resto de europa a modo de protesta. A día de hoy, Francia trata de impedir que empresas españolas puedan introducir sus trenes por sus ferrocarriles con la nueva ley de la EU, sin embargo en España ya hay trenes franceses. También hay una intervención de Francia con un canal de gas, el cual se va a construir para transportar Hidrógeno verde de España (H2 producido con energías renovables) al resto de Europa, Francia tan solo lo permitirá si por este puede transportarse hidrógeno rosa (producido con energía nuclear), el cual es más contaminante según los criterios de la agenda 2030. Como ves Francia sigue aprovechando que su territorio es la única conexión terrestre con el resto de Europa para España para enriquecerse ella misma y reprimir a su vecina España, además de esto hay una minoría de franceses que miran por encima a los españoles, yo que vivo cerca de la frontera, puedo decirte que realmente se nota un desprecio y una actitud de superioridad que da bastante asco, sin embargo es una minoría, pero ya sabes como somos los humanos, nos fijamos siempre en lo malo y al final acaba siendo un prejuicio, aunque también puedo decir que no somos el único país de Europa que piensa a modo general que los franceses tienen una actitud arrogante.
Yep, pretty much on point, except for the cultural rivalry with Germany. I mean come on, when it comes to culture the only ones we se as rival are the Italians.
@@Julien-rp2zj Maybe it comes from the feeling of being totally ignored by the historical parties who, on top of that, have been an utter disaster for the last 40 years. And, by the way, nationalism is not a bad thing.
@@Julien-rp2zj I'm not sure why you would think that the far right reaching 42% is proof that the French are nationalist when it's obvious the two are not correlated. To realize that, It's enough to notice the French were far more nationalist 40 years ago, yet the extreme right was only 7%.
En moyenne les commentaires des Français sur les Espagnols sont plus positifs que le contraire. On average the comments from French people about Spanish people are more positive than the opposite. En promedio los commentarios de los franceses sobre los españoles son mas positivos que el contrario.
Hahah omg I am French and living in Madrid. All what is said is sooo true and gives a good idea of our image in Spanish people minds. It’s true we do have such a high view of ouselves, economics, agriculture, culture, food, rights etc… But I think we love Spanish people much more than they like us 😂 Spain is cheaper, has more Sun more playa more siesta more fiesta. Plus the people are more friendly. That’s the best neighbour a country could dream of right? ❤ And It’s so funny that the French occupation of Spain is so present in the Spanish culture/mind, because I’m not even sure that French people know we actually tried to invade Spain!! That’s how we are, if we failed at it, we just forget it as it doesn’t match with our high opinion of ourselves 😅 But yeah sorry guys but we do have the best croissants 😉
in the north east of Spain most love France and are over Napoleon. I think the memory of Napoleon is more present in Madrid. But in Madrid you have a huge Franch influence: the Royal Academies in the French tradition, the Prado Museum and the Royal Palace in Neoclassical french style, many 19th century buildings in Paris style, etc.
@@daphneb675 Si vous marchez le long du Chemin Français, l'itinéraire jacobin avec la plus grande tradition historique et le plus internationalement reconnu, vous serez en Espagne et en France.👍
We forgot it because there was nothing at stake for us. Justine we forgot about casually conquering Europe : that is a page of history but there was nothing vital for us from today's point of view.
The invasion of Spain was not a major part of France’s history. That’s why it don’t get talked much. France has come across so much through history, people can just not be taught about everything. Just like for instance, most French people are totally unaware about Spain’s attempt to invade France in 1643. French people would have just way too much to learn if they had to learn everything about their history. Same for people from most countries. People get taught the major events and then it’s up to them to look out for it if they want to learn more.
Beaucoup de Français écrivent ici en Anglais. Pourquoi? Je suis français, fier de l'être. J'aime mes racines, l'Histoire de mon pays, la France J 'écris en Français même si je parle Anglais et sais l'écrire. Ne méprisons pas notre langue. Elle est belle. Elle doit être défendue à tout prix.
Because obviously we wanted to be read by the largest public possible, and this video is made for English viewers, so if you know English you write in English. Why have we spend so much time at school learnign english if it's for never use it? ask yourself why Frenchs are allways labeled by all the other countries as arrogant? Even by Spaniards, a thing that I had no clue before this video.
Im French and i have never heard about this rivalry with Spanish! French tend to compete with Germans,British ( economy,industry) or italians( food, art, culture,fashion). People here talk of Spain only when it comes to holiday or football.
It’s funny how Spanish people think they have a rivalry with France while French people don’t even care about Spain, this is One sided and I find it kinda pathetic
The people in the video, except the older gentleman with a hat who really knew France, were spouting nonsense; they don`t represent me or anybody I know. In north Spain we feel very close to French people and French culture.
@@albertoperruca9852he French KING 😂😂😂 the average citizen doesn’t even know that France had kings in the past. Ok that’s not true and exaggerated, but just to show how irrelevant your comment is, it’s 2023 not 15XX or 17XX
@@albertoperruca9852bro I'm french and I didn't even knew we had a king capture by Spain to be honest I don't even recall a war we had with Spain as the main antagonist expect the Napoleon invasion but it's not very important to us and I don't like Napoleon anyway.
"We just don't care." As a French myself, that's the best description that you can make of French people. We don't care about our neighboring countries, we just mind our own business.
I think that there is a few exceptions like we love Belgium but we can't say it ofc. And we admire Germany but we believe we complet them like they have a good economy we have a good army, they have good organization we have good jokes...
Yo soy francés y ni siquiera sabia que hay una rivalidad entre Francia y España jakaksks, creo que solo es un comcepto espańol porque en Francia todo el mundo ama españa
i guess the french spanish rivalry dates back when we said: franc is stronger than pesetas.. Otherwise, we're the same. Most names in south ouest france are spanish and we love going to spain for holidays. so much relaxing & warmer. We also have in common a couple of french queens of spain and spanish queens of france... So ... makes no difference. French arrogance is spread worldwide, I guess it is because of a few presidents we had/have, that are a shame to us on TV...especially the one we've got now...
Lol you guys think we are arrogant.. but all the spanish people in this video seem way more proud and arrogant than me and all the french people I know 🤷 look in the mirror maybe ? And if someone asked me what I think of Spanish people, I would just say I like them and they are our neighbors 🤷 you seem to criticize a lot according to that video....
Il me semble que les Espagnols cultivent un sentiment d'infériorité envers les Français. Sentiment injustifié dans la mesure où les Français, dans leur majorité, aiment l'Espagne et ont une image positive du pays. A noter que le foot n'est pas un sujet de discussion central en France, donc encore moins un sujet de division avec nos voisins.
medio millon de españoles muertos en la guerra napoleonica en la que se intento convertir a españa en una colonia norteafricana y de paso se destruyo absolutamente toda la industria que existia en españa, protestas en contra de que españa entre en la otan y como condicion que ceuta y melilla no entren en el pacto, apoyo a marrruecos por encima de españa en todas las disputas, aislamiento energetico con el resto de europa. tu llamalo "sentimiento de inferioridad" pero la verdad va mucho más alla de eso
@@hanyu_dada Guerres Napoléoniennes... Tu penses quoi de la relation entre la France et l'Allemagne dans ce cas? L'intelligence c'est de créer la paix entre les peuples et ne pas rester divisés à cause d'erreurs commises il y a plusieurs décénies.
J'ai aucune inferiorité avec aucun pays, aprés visiter plus de 80 pays. J'ai vraiment noté une expression de superiorité des francaises vers nous, que je n'aime pas de tout.
C'est dommage parce que je pense aussi que la plupart des français aiment les autres pays d Europe. Peut etre moins l'Angleterre et encore. On apprend quasiment tous l'espagnol (à différents niveaux). Je suppose que peut être les gens un peu moins conscient et éduqués peuvent paraitre arrogant ou d'autres par leur manière? Mais je n ai pas entendu parler de rivalité avec l Espagne. Juste un peu avec l Italie et le royaume Uni
@@hanyu_dada passe à autre chose mon ami... Personne n'etait né sous Napoléon... Et vous avez bien eclaté l'Amerique donc ne donnez pas trop de leçons de morale s'il vous plait...
Hay bastante rivalidad, de los dos lados por cierto (por más que algunos franceses estén intentando negarlo, lo cual no hace sino confirmarlo aún más). Es histórica: Rivalidad europea (las luchas en Italia, el tema de los papas y la iglesia dominante, rivalidad imperial, incluso rivalidad en el ámbito de las ideas). Un ejemplo actual: Los deportistas españoles son sistemáticamente abucheados en Francia. Que se lo digan a Nadal o a Gasol, por ejemplo... Algo similar ocurre entre franceses e italianos (y la misma negación por parte de los franceses). No se dan cuenta de que esa negación es precisamente parte de su idiosincrasia, de su "chauvinismo".
I will speak for french people. We honestly dont have any rivalry with spanish, we dont have opinion about spanish, we dont talk shit about spanish. It seems like all Europe have an opinion about French and most of the time negative, but i can tell you, we French dont have opinion about others, we dont have any animosity about a population in Europe. So please, leave us alone
This is the same attitude that made a lot of Europeans have some disdain towards the French, the entire "holier-than-thou" attitude. "We don't have opinion about others, we don't even think about you", the sheer arrogance coming from that sentence is the same stereotype people have of the French. The French have no opinions about anyone else because they can only think of themselves, and your comment simply proves this.
@@marlongomezacevedo2170 ok, anything french will say will sound like arrogance for you then so anyway i say we dont have opinion not in the sense " we dont care about others" but we dont have much stereotypes or rivalry as you think you should think about develop your country and your family too rather than insult other countries have a good day
They judge the French based on stereotypes and what Hollywood has been broadcasting about the French for decades. And many also focus on the negative things the French have done (for example the young man talks about the occupation of Spain under Napoleon). Moreover, they forget all the positive things that the French have brought to their country (and this is valid for all Europeans..) For example, for the Spaniards, without the support of France and the French they would never have been able to rid their country of Islamic colonization. All that France has brought in support of their refugees (during the Spanish Civil War). They forget that they owe their progress and the wealth of their country to the European Union created by France and to all the French investments committed to their country (practically all Spanish industry has developed thanks to France).
Je pense que les réponses ne sont pas exactement ce à quoi on pourrait s'attendre. Les similitudes sont assez simples à trouver entre l'Espagne et la France. Habitudes culinaires, apéritif, frontalité dans le discours, politique, agressivité etc. Les réponses autour de l'Histoire ne nous concerne plus vraiment je pense, et lorsqu'on parle d'un pays le sport est-t-il vraiment si important..?
Je suis d'accord. Tout cela est très superficiel. La plupart des personnes dans la vidéo sont des personnes qui n'ont pas voyagé à travers la France et qui ont de vieux stéréotypes espagnols sur la France et la relation entre le français et l'espagnol.
I'm English and I've travelled to both France and Spain. It seems to me that the Spanish hide their disliking of the English a little better than the French do 😅.
Francia por razones historicas no goza de mucha simpatia en varios paises europeos. El esteretipo de los franceses como arrogantes y xenofobos es una idea bastante extendida por Europa, pero en mi experiencia personal nada mas lejos de la realidad, son gente amable de buenos modales, a excepcion de los parisinos...
Soy frances y espanol .Como es que en espana no se pueda encontrar un croissant como Dios mande!! Y en Francia es intolerable no poser comerse un helado de nata. Hay que ver como son las Cosas
The French have a global reputation of being arrogant and unwelcoming people. Also I find it interesting that there is a program in France to teach the olympics volunteers how to be polite and avoid rudeness.
A video about Australia would be boring. Everyone likes Australia, the people are great, the country is great, the culture is great, the laidback nature of people. It's just a bit expensive.
@@maskedgamer7565Australia is one of the most boring places to live in terms of human interactions (for nature it’s everything but boring of course). People don’t hang out, everything closes early, car-oriented… France or Spain are much better
@@sans_hw187 I think it depends what you are looking for. I'm from europe and I visit friends in australia at least 5 times a year and I just love everything about it. The reason I like it is because like you said nature is nice and I love the way people interact with eachother, it's really friendly and relax. Spain is indeed amazing, great food, beautiful people, temperature is always nice. France is errrr...yeah France.
@@maskedgamer7565 France also has great food, nice people, nice temperature in the south… France and Spain have a lot of similarities, if you take Andalusia vs Northern France the gap is huge, but the closer you get to the border, the more similar.
the rivality is one sided. Spanish people think that there is one while french dont even think about spanish people. Its exactly like in Canada where im from where people create a rivality against united states for the sake of it while americans dont even know that canadians exist. It comes from a sens of inferiority. Because canada and spain are inferiour to the counterparts in terms of food, economy, military, culture, popularity, population, sports, power etc, they create unecessary competition and rivality.
It’s actually amazing how this « rivalry » is one sided. I’m French and Spain never occurred to me as a « rival » (England, Germany historically and Italy for sport yes). We don’t even know this « the Spanish hate the French » thing 😂
One side? I still rememeber Rafa Nadal playing in Roland Garros at the beggining of his career and came on men, the french crowd absolutlty hate him, even in some fr3nch tv shows in Canal+ made fun of him.
@@wallyfog270 Maybe because Roland Garros is not France ?
¿En serio?
@@leyendanegra1259 yes, seriously.
Supongo que comunicarse mediante idiomas que no distinguen entre "ser" y "estar" es lo que tiene...
I'm French and I think it's a little bit weird how Spanish people think French people look down on them because we actually really love them as well as their culture. And I think I can confindently say that most of French people do not see themselves better that Spanish people or think that our country is better. Both countries are just so different in my opinion and they just have their own charms, they're not really comparable I think. Anyway love from France ❤
Merci. Il y a des Espagnols qui sont devenus coincés, obsolètes dans leurs croyances du passé.
Ils disent qu'on les méprise, mais toutes les personnes dans la vidéo nous ch***nt a la gueule lol...
ah shut up
I think earlier french generations definately looked down on Spain and Spaniards, when one was a flourishing democracy and the other a conservative monarchy or dictatorship. Possibly even during both 19th and 20th centuries. I dont think thats the case today though.
C'est faux. On se considère comme supérieur on ne l'expriment pas de manière hyper frontale mais on considère notre cuisine comme la meilleure, nos vins comme les meilleurs, notre industrie de la mode, notre équipe de foot, notre langue comme la plus belle, notre pays comme le plus beaux donc oui on dit pas qu'on est les meilleurs mais on le pense quand même assez.
I am French and nobody in France would ever say "oh I don't like the Spaniards" it would almost sound ridiculous.
French people have a very high view of Spain and Spanish people, maybe beside its economy and its government but those things are irrelevant when it comes to assessing one's relationship to a foreign country.
Yes, bien sûr...🤣🤣🤣 French people hate us....that's the truth
It’s curious that you mention economy and government, as both tend to be rather on par today. But it’s true that somehow French still have a negative view of it.
@Calabacita85 I don't think people have the attitude anymore... it's a little ironic since there seems to be way more AFRICA in France rather than Spain.
Southwest France like Spain, a lot of people have spanish origins and we also learn it in college / high school
@@Gatitosygatitos I Never have Heard such claim as "Africa stats ar Pyrénées" during Lost if my life in the northern half if France. Who told you this ?
Thé only Time I Heard this expression was in the US, where someone asked m'y why WE french people were supposed to dislike spanish people. I answered hum that most french people love spain and spaniards. But hé came with that sentence "Africa starts at Pyrénées" claiming it was a famous french saying. I told hum that nobody uses this sentence and myself never have Heard about before this time in the US. It seems like a urbain légend made to create animosity between out both countries that share much common points
French-spanish rivalry is a purely Spanish concept.
Haha similar to how Canadians believe there is an issue with people from the United States.
It because they are jalous 😜 of our suoeriority 😂😂😂
not really
@@gavinstuart6704why do you say that ?
I'm from Irun, a Spanish bordering city with France and I know well the French. Maybe because when you cross a river things don't change drastically, but South-Western French people are some of the warmest you will find in the world and share the Spanish "la familia lo es todo" way of life.
If I had to tell a difference I'd mention the hours of meals from one side. From the other side, the humour and jokes change drastically. On the Spanish side sarcasm is the most popular resource to make someone laugh and Spanish humour can arrive to be very-very dark. On the French side humour tends to be Ironic and a little dark.
Coming from a french girl living in Euskal Herra, it’s always a pleasure when I talk with my siblings from Irun o San Sebastian :)
Vive la France! Yo soy de Pamplona y el sur de Francia es una MARAVILLA.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr cierto.
@@claratitrit Sorry I did not answer, but I remember you wrote that in San Martzial day. Gora Irun, gora San Martzial!
I am French and honestly there is no rivalry between France and Spain, I would even say that Spain and the Spanish people are very appreciated in France, Spain must certainly be one of the most appreciated European countries for French people. The only rivalry might be Football and Basketball between our 2 countries, but it's a really not mean and respectful rivalry. Sorry for my bad english. Love Spain and spanish people From France
Interesting. As a French man I always loved Spain and Spaniards. But I love how the guy who said “I don’t like French people” ends with “les mecs, venez, on a tout ici”😂
Mucho amor para nuestros vecinos españoles, su cultura es tan rica como sus paisajes !!
Soy frances y he vivido 3 anos en Barcelona, y nunca he sido mal recibido por ser frances, al contrario siempre los espanoles me trataron muy bien, los espanoles son muy abiertos y eso ayuda bastante para integrarse. Fuera del deporte no creo que hay rivalidad entre los 2 paises, al menos del lado frances no hay ninguna, os queremos mucho. Nuestro "rival" de toda la vida siempre fue Inglaterra, pero es historia ahora. Adeuuu
A los franceses los queremos y respetamos, sobre todo en el norte de España. El camino FRANCÉS de Santiago es la base de España y os lo debemos a vosotros, amigos franceses.
The French people have great confidence, which sometimes comes across as arrogant. But once you get to know a few really well, they can be lots of fun. And be prepared to debate everything!😅
Hmm I kind of disagree. Most people in the world don't really like the french because they are just arrogant and not confident.
You can be confident and likable but french people are just arrogant and rude.
I'm from belgium and in my country we have half the people who speak dutch and half the people who speak french and it's exactly the same thing here.
Most people don't like the french speaking people in belgium, because they have the same habits and arrogance as french people.
a few french presidents and especially last one are worst than arrogant / they are a shame for us on TV
the "historic rivalry" between spain and france is very much one sided tbh. french people love spain and generally have a good opinion of spaniards. the rivalry in sports is real though
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes dans le même bateau, nous sommes une île dans le monde, menacée par la Chine, les États-Unis, le mondialisme, l'immigration de masse, etc.
They like the spaniards but still look down the spaniards
@@ehjo4904 I`ve never felt "looked down" in my many travels to France. On the contrary, the French were always courteous, and even kind to me. And ignorant ultra nationalist Spaniards "look down" on French just the same.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr " look down " does not mean hate. But they do not take the spaniards seriously
@@9grand I know English, and of course the meaning of that expression, and again you generalize and you are wrong. If that were the case Manuel Valls, Hidalgo, Goya, Balenciaga, Paco Rabanne, Luis Buñuel, Dali, Picasso, or even in the banal world of sports Luis Fernández, Florentino Pérez and Real Madrid, Luis Enrique, etc, etc., and other Spaniards or French of SpanIsh descent would not have been taken seriously. Btw, research Spaniards in the French Resistance, and "La Nueve", the Batallion that liberated Paris.
I find French and Spanish people are far more comfortable with expressing opinions then say for example the British who are too afraid of “offending” someone..
Totally. My gf is brit and cancel culture in England is way too oppressive. She's often afraid of expressing her thoughts regarding some more controversi topics bc of the fear of offending someone.
@@joellopes3934 its refreshing going abroad where people speak more freely.
Brits are hypocrits
Cool Video, the guy who studied in a French college accent's is immaculate, hard to believe he isn't French
As a french, i've always be amused by spanish people imagining a kind of rivalry between France and Spain.... when historically, economically, culturally France has always been in confrontation with Germany, England or Italy.... not really Spain. I've got a lot of spanish friends and i like their qualities and weaknesses. We're more close than they believe.
Confrontation with UK and Germany ok, but Italy ?
No sabes demasiado de Historia, pues...
@@leyendanegra1259 so, why this 'rivalry' exists more in spanish minds than in french ones? 🤔
Turcos en Europa, auxiliados por Francia para menoscabar la posición de España.
Apoyo actual a Marruecos.
Bailén y Pepe Botella.
"las pasiones agitadas con motivo de la Guerra Civil Española volvieron a abrir viejas heridas, al convertirse Francia en una base firme de propaganda y otras actividades intervencionistas en favor de uno de los beligerantes.
La importancia de estos antagonismos históricos en el desarrollo de la Leyenda Negra es indudable, y por ello, sólo necesita un ligero comentario. Las intensas rivalidades y enfrentamientos militares hispano-franceses durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI y posteriores, convirtió a Francia en un centro natural de actividades antiespañolas. La primera amenaza extranjera digna de mención contra España en el Nuevo Mundo, del tipo de piratería, se lanzó desde los puertos de Bretaña. Más tarde, la literatura de viajes y el liderato francés en la Ilustración del siglo XVIII, tuvieron una enorme importancia en el endurecimiento del desdén general europeo y aun del odio hacia España y los españoles. Desde el siglo XVII hasta nuestros días, la hegemonía cultural francesa en el Continente y en las Américas puso, inter alia, su indiscutible sello de aprobación a los prejuicios antiespañoles."
(Árbol de odio, Philip Wayne Powell).
Esto para que empieces a informarte...
@@zisssssouprobably because the Spain-France rivalry was at the beginning of modern era, when Spain was on it's golden age. After that, France had other enemies while Spain was falling.
Mais le mec vers la fin - son niveau de français...waow!
Mais il est français ?
mais c'est incroyable son français.
Il est francais...donc normal.
@@quinncreel6091 que no es frances dijo que se crio en un colegio frances alli en españa
Wow that guy’s french was perfect !
He said he went to the french school in Madrid. If he did all the colège's period it's from 10-11 to 14-15 years old. And i'm not sure you can get in that school if you dont have a good level of french or have someone in your familly that could help you.
Almost. :p
La entrevistadora y las entrevistas son maravillosas,pero esta chica tiene una cadencia,una voz,una verdad una línea buenísima.a seguir así!!
A qué chica te refieres?
Es porque es argentina, aunque ya perdió su acento hace mucho tiempo. Habla con un acento más neutro.
I'm French and I'm appalled by what I saw, I never ever heard any french speak ill of Spain or Spaniards, in fact, we love Spain and fantasize a lot about its culture, yes we do call them "Espingouins" just like they call us Gabachos, but it's all fun, the only things we look down on is Desigual and let's be honest: the quality of their agriculture which is unfortunately extremely pesticide-heavy.
For me it is the same thing I have never heard any negativity from anyone about Spain. The only thing I ever saw was BBC Two Fawlty Towers where Basil becomes xenophobic and insults his employee Manuel. The other one where Catalans insist they are not Spaniards and want to leave.
That is the only negative things I've ever heard in my lifetime.
In reality French have good press in Spain. I love France for its beauty and culture and so does every Spaniard I know.
Quelques commentaires dans le vidéo m'a causé de l'embarras en tant que femme espagnole. Excuses. J'aime la culture française et ses habitants, ils ont toujours été très hospitaliers avec moi et ma famille.
Tú no eres española...
Sebastián Covarrubias, en su Tesoro de la Lengua Castellana o Española (1611); dice:
"Gavacho: Existen unos pueblos en Francia, que confinan con la provincia de Narbona.
Strabon y Plinio los llaman gabales, Caesar gabalos. A éstos Belteforestio les denominaba gavachus y nosotros gavachos.
Esta tierra debe de ser mísera, porque muchos de estos gavachos se vienen a España y se ocupan de servicios bajos y viles, y se enfrentan cuando los llaman gavachos. Con todo eso vuelven a su tierra con muchos dineros y para ellos son buenas Indias los reinos de España".
Soy frances pero la verdad Espana me cae muy bien. Siempre buenas ondas con nuestros vecinos, un saluddoooo
Je suis originaire du nord de l'Espagne et d'une génération qui ne se comprend pas sans la culture française. Nos racines culturelles sont communes depuis le Moyen Âge et le Chemin Français de Saint-Jacques. L'Espagne sans la France n'existerait pas.
The next question the answers to which will be completely different in my opinion: What do Spanish People Think of the Italians?
somos fratelli 🇪🇸🤝🏼🇮🇹
I would say Spanish people in general like Italians
Then there is *Eurovision*
@JP-en7ccword for word
@JP 😆🤣😆🤣
Soy francés y vivo en España, de lo que veo es que somos muy parecidos en muchos aspectos, todo lo que dicen en esta vidéo se aplica para muchas personas en España, no hay tantas diferencias entre nosotros, no hablo de deportes ni nada solo de la gente de manera general.
Le français du mec à la fin est incroyable.
Il est francais... donc pas etonnant.
@@quinncreel6091absolument pas. Il dit juste qu'il a fait ses études dans un collège Français à Madrid, rien de plus.
@@Sir77Hill Il a appris le français étant enfant. Les langues c'est mon domaine, et il y a absolument AUCUNE chance qu'il ait appris le français seulement au "collège", lol.
Ça aurait été super si ça avait été sous - titré en français aussi ! Merci! Cordialement de France
Pues yo soy español y los franceses que he conocido han sido personas increíbles y super humildes. Hay mucho prejuicio me parece a mi
No me cabe la menor duda, pero hay que reconocer que algunos parisinos, especialmente, son para cogerlos con pinzas.
Este es el problema. Los extranjeros creen que París = Francia. París o las grandes ciudades son mundos específicos. Ven a ver el mar o el campo en Normandía, la gente es amable. Yo mismo soy originario de Normandía y me gusta mucho ver a los extranjeros. Vemos diferentes puntos de vista. (un poco difícil de comunicar en algunos casos 😅) No estoy seguro de que el español sea perfecto, con el traductor. 😳
@@murania1482 sí : Normandía es una visita pendiente... el traductor funciona perfectamente.
Spain is probably one of the most popular country among french people, everyone here is learning Spanish at school it's for a reason
Well, we are cousins actually xD
Soy Frances y a mi me gusta mucho Espana y espanoles. Cuando mi mujer y yo estamos en Espana, somos siempre muy bien recibidos. Importante : No hablo muy bien espanol, pero hago esfuerzos para hablar este idoma, y me disculpo para hablar lo como... un Frances ! Soy jubilado ahora, pero cuando trabaje, ayude muchas estudiantes espanoles en el laboratorio. Pienso que ellos y ellas quedaron un buen recuerdo de su tiempo passado aqui en Francia porque me escriben por veces...
Me dió mucha alegría leer tu comentario. Un saludo cordial y espero que sigas aprendiendo, aunque tú español ya es casi perfecto 😊
@@luistoses Gracias pour su (o tu) comentario. Como lo he dicho arriba, yo se que los Espanoles pueden entender mi, y se que puedo entender espanol. Ademas, me gusta el idioma. Pero me faltan muchas palabras, la conjugacion es siempre difficil, y nunca me recuerdo donde poner los acentos sobre los a, e, i, o, etc.
This video was obviously taped in Madrid. I've been to that park in 2023 (crushing heatwave though)
I'm technically French, but I've always lived abroad so I'm not sure if that counts.... In any case, I love going to France as a "tourist" and Spain is an amazing country in its own right. Madrid, Toledo, Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia, Alicante, all great spots from what I've seen/experienced.
Like some tourists discover in France, English proficiency in Spain is.... not that great either, but I can use my rusty Spanish learned in college. I think speaking to the locals in their native language shows respect and usually generates a more positive experience.
The guy who went to a French college speaks French really well. He sounds native though there are very small hints that he is not. Still impressive though.
It's weird, I'm French and I've never heard of any "rivalry" with our Spanish friends, but maybe I'm misinformed
I agree. In north Spain we mostly don`t have that feeling at all. We are used to contact with France and French people. I think it`s more a thing of ultra nationalists living in the past and little travelled in Madrid and in the south. But even these people have this feeling only at a historical general level, never in individual interactions.
@@lauramartin-bk9nrI'm from Canary Islands, here we "hate" the French in joke
@@juanjaubertpoggio7629 Jean de Béthencourt y Gadifer de La Salle conquistaron Canarias, entre 1402 y 1405. Vuestros fundadores son franceses.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr me apellido Jaubert, no creas q no conozco nuestro pasado francés
@@juanjaubertpoggio7629 Lo imaginaba en un canario, y más de apellido Jaubert, pero hay otros españoles que no conocen este hecho y por eso lo recordaba. Hay muchos españoles, con y sin apellidos franceses, con antepasados franceses: los "francos" de las crónicas medievales en las cartas de repoblación de la Reconquista.
I'm french and I didn't even know there was a rivalry going on with Spain beside the R place war where Spain suddenly decided to attack us.
Soy Español/Americano y orgulloso de serlo. Me encanta que España tenga sus regiones tan marcadamente diferentes, con cuatro idiomas, y mucho más. Lo único que me gusta más de Francia son las comunidades Católicas porque son unas verdaderas joyas. Quién Lo supiera? Pero, és así.
That’s actually surprising to hear. It’s rare to hear about the very niche but absolutely incredible, bustling traditional Catholic communities in France. (FSSPX, FSSP, IBP…)
@@rowanwild8445 It's funny you should mention those....they must be even better than the ones I saw! Hahaha!
Soy francés y viví en España por mis estudios y hay un valor que compartimos con los españoles: el chovinismo. Después de los franceses, los españoles son las personas más orgullosas que he visto en mi vida. Un español me dijo que los croissants españoles eran mejores que los franceses, come on tio !! 😅
Gran verdad, pero los españoles cultos:) amamos Francia. De vosotros vienen por el Camino francés de santiago el Románico y el Gótico, Cluny y el Císter y la conexión con el resto de Europa occidental en la lucha de la Reconquista contra el Islam. Somos Europa gracias en gran medida a la influencia cultural de los reinos de Francia (por ejemplo, Navarra tuvo dinastías francesas de los Capeto y de la Casa de Foix) y también a la gran entrada de franceses, los llamados "francos" en las Crónicas medievales, en las repoblaciones de la Reconquista.
a 1200 kms de Francia, aquí abrieron un obrador que hacía cruasanes tan buenos como los franceses. También es verdad que el chaval se llamaba Thibaud y era de Touluosse...
Va faire un tour au portugal tu seras servis en terme de chauvinisme!😂
I'm a french from the spanish border, in the Pyrenees. Outside the football field, everyone likes Spain and spaniards there and same cannot be said for Italy. We also often learn Spanish.
Hey! I’m Spaniard from the western French border Hehe. I agree with you, I never felt nothing negative about Frenchies to Spain at all, as I don’t see almost differences between us, France for me I feel like home, more than a lot of parts from Spain in fact.🤷🏻♂️PD: please we need some French enterprise trying flan patissier here, it s the first thing I buy every time i cross the border.
It's true in the Pyrenees the spirit and mentality is completely different than the other parts of France . Sadly most people only know of Paris when talking about France and like they said people are rather cold in the North side 😅 . But when you look at the South it's completely different maybe cause some part of the South is very influenced by Spain and Occitània is viewed differently mostly cause of the past , but you have a huge Spanish community that living there. It seems that the South is rather cool with Spain to the point most French people say a city like Toulouse is the most Spanish city of France .
Maybe because the south had more Roman and Visigothic influence?
Same here, in Navarra. French Medieval architecture, schools, French "barrio" in the Middle Ages, French pilgrim road to Saint-Jacques unites us. With current globalism I realize how much I love France.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr Yes that's true it's indeed very interesting, Basque and navarra are related historically it makes sense why so much people across the boarders share a common history and are somehow related to each other. In France Basque see themselves as Basque and will make sure you know that they Basque, their is for sure some roots between people close to the boarders from each side maybe that's why we are somehow disconnected with the others in our countries .
Es por el MEME, meterse con los franceses con el paso del tiempo se ha convertido casi en una costumbre, pero ojo, que yo todavía me acuerdo cuando paraban a los camiones para tirar la fruta.
no, no es por un meme, siempre ha habido rivalidad entre nosotros, al igual que Grecia - Turquía, Irlanda - R.U, Hungría - Rumanía, y demás países de la U.E, los franceses siempre miran x encima del hombro, pero nosotros somos mejores q ellos y lo saben
China vs Japon: sibling rivalry
pues lo siguen haciendo al menos hace 5 años
@@a-jerken la U.E siempre declinan nuestros presupuestos de la ue y las ayudas y tal en cambio Portugal siempre se pone de nuestra parte
@@a-jerk No hay rivalidad, porque una rivalidad es de igual a igual, y no es el caso. Mira, puedes hacer una analogía con la relación entre España y Portugal. Uno se cree más que el otro, y el otro le tiene rencor por ello. De hecho, me hizo mucha gracia constatar que muchos chistes contados en España, sobre Francia, son contados en Portugal sobre españoles. Francia no mira a España, es un vecino simpático pero nunca le van a considerar como un rival, ellos miran a Alemania e Inglaterra. Es una historia universal.
I'm French and I've never heard my compatriots say anything remotely negative about Spain or its people.... Sometimes you can hear that the food is not great but overall, France loves Spain! Amamos a nuestros vecinos españoles
A mi me gustan las paellas, cocidos, fabadas...
I love France, and travel to beautiful south France whenever I can (it`s an hour ride) Sobre comida: Prueba el gazpacho, la tortilla francesa, pimientos del padrón, bacalao al pil pil, el salmorejo, etc. No todo es malo:)
what ? I'm French and spanish food is quite appreciated here, just behind italian food :=)
Si vous êtres Français, pourquoi n'écrivez-vous pas en Français?
Ce serait mieux.
@@nuno7588 Parce que l'anglais semble pertinent afin que le plus grand nombre comprenne mon commentaire?
I'm french and I love Spain (I went several times there), and I only know people who love it aswell.
Vous êtes Français. Pourquoi écrire en Anglais?
I didn't know that Spain had problems with french.
❤ from France
Viví en España 6 años y en Francia llevo unos ocho. He visto el video y tengo que comentar que los españoles tienen una percepción muy equivocada de los franceses. Es un problema cultural que noto cada vez que estoy en Paris y veo a los turistas españoles. El francés es super educado, si uno traduce palabra por palabra como se comunican sería insoportable para un español. No me imagino a nadie en España diciendo "Buenos días señor, que puedo ofrecerle el día de hoy" (Bonjour monsieur, que puis-je vous offrir aujourd'hui ?) a menos que te vayas a tomar un café en el Ritz. A veces paso verguenza ajena, viendo como los españoles se dirigen a los camareros en un tono que en Francia suena despectivo o humillante y en cambio en España sería completamente normal. Obviamente, si te tratan de humillar, tu te comportas de forma consecuente, lo cual puede ser interpretado como arrogancia. He visto discusiones horribles en cafes y restaurantes, porque los españoles se sienten maltratados cuando en realidad, los franceses reaccionan a una supuesta humillación inicial. Mi recomendación es que si van a Francia, imagínense que están en latinoamérica, sobre todo México. Piensen como los mexicanos se comportan en España y así es que se deben comportar en Francia.
Totalmente de acuerdo.
No estoy nada de acuerdo con usted, porque esta diciendo que los franceses se lo toman como una humillacion cuando usted mismo admite y sabe que no es la intencion de los españoles "en cambio en España sería completamente normal".
Es decir, es solo un mal entendido entre ambas partes, por lo que los españoles no estan tratando mal a nadie y no tiene sentido que sienta verguenza ajena por algo que no esta hecho con mala intencion por parte de los mismos.
@@overvault No veo porque dice que no está de acuerdo conmigo. Lo primero que digo es que es un problema cultural. Los franceses no son conscientes que los españoles actúan de esa manera. Si lee lo que escribí es obvio que estoy de acuerdo con usted de que es un mal entendido. Pero aún así siento mucha vergüenza ajena. Es como cuando los japoneses hacen sonido cuando mastican, soy consciente que en su cultura eso significa que la comida está buena, pero si uno ve eso en un restaurante en el barrio de Salamanca en Madrid se le cae la cara de la vergüenza
I'm french and I had no idea about this rivalry, on the opposite I thought they would kinda like us because a lot left Franco for France back then, guess I was wrong
I, as a spaniard, sincerely think that the "hate" to the french is more than a joke than something serious. It's something that we like to hate. Like we hate, as a resident of the canary islands, the people of other islands, but we join in the hate against what we call the "goths" (people of mainland spain). The same occurs with the French. Our peoples join forces against Perfidious Albion!!
As a french, the only negative thing i heard of Spain is how they drive violently compared to us.
We have many things to learn and imitate from France, such as driving and the preservation of historical heritage.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr Lol for the last one we had a scandal 2 weeks ago.
An historic site, old of something like 6 000 years, has been destroy in order to be replaced by a construction store '- -
@@clementdos8665 Sad, In Pamplona same thing: a parking was constructed underneath the Plaza del Castillo, where Roman baths had been found. I envy Italy in this matter.
T'es pas allé dans le Gard ça se voit😂
I live in Spain and drove to France some days ago, first thing I noticed crossing the border was that cars keep right on the freeway instead of just driving in whatever lane they want. That and the food was a nice change.
Soy frances, et Nunca escuche un frances decir que a el no le gusta a los español.
I am a French man and I like the Spanish people and Spain even though I never experienced a closed relationship with any of them unfortunately. I have a little problem with the language though. I learnt it at school but I am afraid, and I apologize if it may hurts, it makes my ears bleed. I just can't stand lessoning to it. I don't know why.
Pourquoi écrivez-vous en Anglais puisque vous êtes Français?
@@nuno7588 T'as pas remarqué que c'était une page anglo-saxonne ?
1:42 i love this guy, clever 👍
Decidle al que hace los subtítulos que tenga más cuidado con la diferencia entre "a" y "ha"
I've seen a lot of videos where Spanish people call Northern Europeans (like me) "cold". What exactly do you mean by that? A bit reserved and introverted? Boring and unfriendly? Heartless and devoid of emotions? I have to admit that it stings a bit lol.
Reserved, yes, not so open to other people
Northern people say we shout and talk too much, so we are at peace 😅
I answer you honestly, "you need more passion" it means that you have to let yourself be carried away more by emotions, like when you are here on vacation xd it's like the image people have of engineers, in party we dance and flirt, nothing happens if you fail or you are given bad, that doesn't matter, the important thing is to have fun :) It does not mean that you do not have your wild side, it is just a prejudice that we have of the Germans, do not pay much attention to it, we see each case individually.
I am german and everything you included would fit to "being cold" imo. I dont know about the other countries but for Germany it is actually true unfortunately.
@@israelbaras8237 People working as tourism guides say German people always ask about the measures on everything
(Reforcing your image as engineers)
It means rational rather than emotinal.
france love spain, we don't look down on you guys
Provincial French people often relate to Parisians in a similar way than these Spaniards relate to France. The "hate", "rivalry" and "arrogance" is more one sided than you think, and not the side you expect 😂
i’m coming to spain next month i hope i see y’all on the street 😬😬😬
Oui, je veux pratiquer mon français parlé qui peut être amélioré:)
French-spanish rivalry is a purely Spanish concept , I never saw or listen a french guy talking about the French-spanish rivalry , for us we are brother , no the rivalry for france come to England and germany .
Never heard of a Franco/Spanish rivalry.
The only rivalry to the French would be England and Germany i guess. Maybe a little bit Italy also but...yes just a little bit.
I live in Belgium.
El señor de la gorra sabe, cuánto más les conoces, y yo he trabajado en Francia, más se les aprecia y ojo, haz un amigo francés y te dura toda la vida, yo todos los antifranceses que conozco es porque ni los conoce, ni ha hablado nunca con ellos, desconocimiento absoluto
Yo he ido a Francia desde que tenía 14 años y ahora tengo 48. Viajo allí por negocios y muchos son bastante insoportables, sobre todo con sus aires de superioridad y faltas de respeto. Sobre todo en París, eso es cierto.
Así es, totalmente de acuerdo. En España hay mucho bocazas ignorante. Es un mal nacional
@@Kakonanc'est plutôt toi qui a un sentiment d'infériorité
@@Gatitosygatitos que le vamos a hacer? Suerte que he tenido de encontrarme con las únicas buenas personas del norte entonces, incluso de París, casualidades de la vida...
Tú eres un ejemplo de ello...
Los españoles son los mejores de nuestros vecinos
España es el mejor pais de Europa
bah selon quels critères frérots parce que ça ce discute hein
Ah c'est donc ça l'arrogance fran... espagnole
Ironicallly, The Retiro park was completly devastated by the French troops on 1808
Soy Francés. Me encanta España.
por cierto, deberíamos hablar de Españas.
porque cada región tiene una identidad muy fuerte .
Soy de Colombia, y estoy viviendo en Francia desde hace tres años, hablo francés, estudié mi universidad con franceses, trabajo con franceses y aun así tengo 0 amigos franceses. Y es el mismo caso de todos mis amigos internacionales, somos de diferentes partes del mundo y ninguno tiene un buen amigo francés. Existe una barrera muy grande, puedes hablar con ellos, entablar una conversación, pero siempre existe una distancia. Por eso estoy considerando mudarme a España o a Italia, quiero sentirme más en casa en el país en le que vivo.
En tant que Français ça me fait de la peine de lire votre témoignage. Vous n'êtes pas le premier étranger à éprouver des difficultés à vous intégrer en France, nous avons la réputation d'être assez lents pour nouer des amitiés... En contrepartie, nous gardons nos amis pour la vie. J'espère que vous serez heureux, en France ou ailleurs.
@@ogamiitto8627n vrai mieux vaut pas lui dire mais il doit être dans une formation réservé aux élèves hors Erasmus ou quelque chose comme ça et en fac se faire des amis hors des cours c'est juste impossible donc si il ne vas pas plus loin ( aller dans un club ou autre ) il ne se fera pas d'amis c'est sûr mais ça sera la même chose partout malheureusement.
You can blame Napoleon Bonaparte for that rivalry.
What I like about spanish people is that they put themselves out there so easily, they seem don't afraid to speak loud and this is why I want to live in Spain... its coming soon baby. Also spanish girl are the prettiest
The guy at the end speaks really good french.
Qué pena como perduran los prejuicios... Nunca he oido a franceses hablar mal de España, nunca. Lo que muchos españoles llaman soberbia es, en realidad, reserva. A los franceses no les gusta imponerse y entonces pueden pasar por frios, superiores o distantes. La otra cosa es que los españoles solo tienen 2 o 3 vecinos: Portugal, Francia y Marruecos. Francia siendo el màs poderoso, toda la rabia se dirige hacia ella mientras que Francia tiene 9 paises vecinos, entonces no le importa compararse con los demàs. Creo que España tiene un complejo de inferioridad (injustificado) pero que permite explicar lo que se oye en este documentario.
Bueno, al menos el señor de la gorra decía la verdad: los españoles que tienen información directa sobre Francia dejan atrás los prejuicios propios de ignorantes trasnochados. En Francia hay mayor nivel de lectura que en España y tienen más "mundo" que los españoles que siguen viviendo en el dos de mayo de 1808.
No decir cosas asì, que Francia siempre se comparò con los paises cercanos. Es la normalidad hacerlo.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr Estos comentarios son los mismos que fomentan el desprecio frente a la idea que tienen de los franceses, no hacen más que fomentar la idea ya existente del supuesto complejo de superioridad francés.
Decir "En francia son más inteligentes y los españoles son desadaptados" no va a hacer que los 'ignorantes' dejen de despreciar a la idea que tienen de los franceses.
I though as french Spain had rivalry with Italy or Portugal . Not us maybe during the habsbourg fall and Spanish succession but I guess it is more a link between us than a rivalry
There is absolutely no rivalry between France and Spain, politically or culturally the only rivalry we have is with Germany, we always compare each other since we are the two biggest European power
French loves Spain and the language most french ppl has been at least once in Spain and choose to study Spanish at school (we can choose Spanish or German, and 90% choses Spanish)
French are not nationalistic at all, the opposite, you won't see many french flags everywhere while in Madrid there are flags everywhere, for a french it's a shame to be french and If you're 'proud' of it you are seen as a racist/xenophobic.
I would say that french tend to be colder the more you go north which is a common phenomenon in most countries, probably the case in Spain too
I lived in Paris. I agree with almost everything you said. It is true that the French do no consider the Spanish their rivals. But, the Spanish do consider the French as rivals. The rest you said is true, in my opinion.
De acuerdo con que vuestra rivalidad más fuerte sea con Alemania, sin embargo ha habido y todavía hay casos en los que Francia trata de boicotear intentos de perseverancia española. Cuando España entró en la EU muchos franceses no estuvieron de acuerdo y, volcaron muchos camiones españoles que exportaban productos al resto de europa a modo de protesta. A día de hoy, Francia trata de impedir que empresas españolas puedan introducir sus trenes por sus ferrocarriles con la nueva ley de la EU, sin embargo en España ya hay trenes franceses. También hay una intervención de Francia con un canal de gas, el cual se va a construir para transportar Hidrógeno verde de España (H2 producido con energías renovables) al resto de Europa, Francia tan solo lo permitirá si por este puede transportarse hidrógeno rosa (producido con energía nuclear), el cual es más contaminante según los criterios de la agenda 2030.
Como ves Francia sigue aprovechando que su territorio es la única conexión terrestre con el resto de Europa para España para enriquecerse ella misma y reprimir a su vecina España, además de esto hay una minoría de franceses que miran por encima a los españoles, yo que vivo cerca de la frontera, puedo decirte que realmente se nota un desprecio y una actitud de superioridad que da bastante asco, sin embargo es una minoría, pero ya sabes como somos los humanos, nos fijamos siempre en lo malo y al final acaba siendo un prejuicio, aunque también puedo decir que no somos el único país de Europa que piensa a modo general que los franceses tienen una actitud arrogante.
Yep, pretty much on point, except for the cultural rivalry with Germany. I mean come on, when it comes to culture the only ones we se as rival are the Italians.
@@Julien-rp2zj Maybe it comes from the feeling of being totally ignored by the historical parties who, on top of that, have been an utter disaster for the last 40 years. And, by the way, nationalism is not a bad thing.
@@Julien-rp2zj I'm not sure why you would think that the far right reaching 42% is proof that the French are nationalist when it's obvious the two are not correlated. To realize that, It's enough to notice the French were far more nationalist 40 years ago, yet the extreme right was only 7%.
En moyenne les commentaires des Français sur les Espagnols sont plus positifs que le contraire.
On average the comments from French people about Spanish people are more positive than the opposite.
En promedio los commentarios de los franceses sobre los españoles son mas positivos que el contrario.
En privé, les Espagnols admirent beaucoup de choses sur la France. Les réactions du public dans ce genre de vidéos sont parfois très superficielles.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr Tant mieux dans ce cas, merci. C'est le problème de ce genre de vidéo.
Hahah omg I am French and living in Madrid. All what is said is sooo true and gives a good idea of our image in Spanish people minds.
It’s true we do have such a high view of ouselves, economics, agriculture, culture, food, rights etc…
But I think we love Spanish people much more than they like us 😂 Spain is cheaper, has more Sun more playa more siesta more fiesta. Plus the people are more friendly. That’s the best neighbour a country could dream of right? ❤
And It’s so funny that the French occupation of Spain is so present in the Spanish culture/mind, because I’m not even sure that French people know we actually tried to invade Spain!! That’s how we are, if we failed at it, we just forget it as it doesn’t match with our high opinion of ourselves 😅
But yeah sorry guys but we do have the best croissants 😉
in the north east of Spain most love France and are over Napoleon. I think the memory of Napoleon is more present in Madrid. But in Madrid you have a huge Franch influence: the Royal Academies in the French tradition, the Prado Museum and the Royal Palace in Neoclassical french style, many 19th century buildings in Paris style, etc.
@@lauramartin-bk9nr I agree 100%. And wish I visit Northern Spain soon!! I only know pais vasco 😎
@@daphneb675 Si vous marchez le long du Chemin Français, l'itinéraire jacobin avec la plus grande tradition historique et le plus internationalement reconnu, vous serez en Espagne et en France.👍
We forgot it because there was nothing at stake for us. Justine we forgot about casually conquering Europe : that is a page of history but there was nothing vital for us from today's point of view.
The invasion of Spain was not a major part of France’s history. That’s why it don’t get talked much. France has come across so much through history, people can just not be taught about everything. Just like for instance, most French people are totally unaware about Spain’s attempt to invade France in 1643. French people would have just way too much to learn if they had to learn everything about their history. Same for people from most countries. People get taught the major events and then it’s up to them to look out for it if they want to learn more.
El problema de Francia no son los franceses de toda la vida... son los "nuevos" franceses... Ya sabéis de quienes estoy hablando.
@@HamidouCisse-n8t we spain we racist
Typical spaniard..
Nosotros los llamamos de farceses de papel
Beaucoup de Français écrivent ici en Anglais. Pourquoi?
Je suis français, fier de l'être. J'aime mes racines, l'Histoire de mon pays, la France
J 'écris en Français même si je parle Anglais et sais l'écrire.
Ne méprisons pas notre langue. Elle est belle. Elle doit être défendue à tout prix.
Because obviously we wanted to be read by the largest public possible, and this video is made for English viewers, so if you know English you write in English. Why have we spend so much time at school learnign english if it's for never use it? ask yourself why Frenchs are allways labeled by all the other countries as arrogant? Even by Spaniards, a thing that I had no clue before this video.
Im French and i have never heard about this rivalry with Spanish! French tend to compete with Germans,British ( economy,industry) or italians( food, art, culture,fashion).
People here talk of Spain only when it comes to holiday or football.
It’s funny how Spanish people think they have a rivalry with France while French people don’t even care about Spain, this is One sided and I find it kinda pathetic
They sure do love Spanish bullfighting culture 😱
The french king didn't think the same when he was captive in Madrid after Pavía.
The people in the video, except the older gentleman with a hat who really knew France, were spouting nonsense; they don`t represent me or anybody I know. In north Spain we feel very close to French people and French culture.
@@albertoperruca9852he French KING 😂😂😂 the average citizen doesn’t even know that France had kings in the past. Ok that’s not true and exaggerated, but just to show how irrelevant your comment is, it’s 2023 not 15XX or 17XX
@@albertoperruca9852bro I'm french and I didn't even knew we had a king capture by Spain to be honest I don't even recall a war we had with Spain as the main antagonist expect the Napoleon invasion but it's not very important to us and I don't like Napoleon anyway.
Big up au moustachu, je t'aime ♥
Il a l'insigne des babas cool et il l'est. Pouce bleu !
I’m curious what they think about French speaking Belgians ;) the same as about French people or different?
in France, we don't like anybody. We just don't care. We don't wanna be loved, u already love us.
"We just don't care." As a French myself, that's the best description that you can make of French people. We don't care about our neighboring countries, we just mind our own business.
That is a good attitute. Countries that strive to be liked lack self esteem.
I think that there is a few exceptions like we love Belgium but we can't say it ofc. And we admire Germany but we believe we complet them like they have a good economy we have a good army, they have good organization we have good jokes...
Yo soy francés y ni siquiera sabia que hay una rivalidad entre Francia y España jakaksks, creo que solo es un comcepto espańol porque en Francia todo el mundo ama españa
i guess the french spanish rivalry dates back when we said: franc is stronger than pesetas.. Otherwise, we're the same. Most names in south ouest france are spanish and we love going to spain for holidays. so much relaxing & warmer. We also have in common a couple of french queens of spain and spanish queens of france... So ... makes no difference. French arrogance is spread worldwide, I guess it is because of a few presidents we had/have, that are a shame to us on TV...especially the one we've got now...
Lol you guys think we are arrogant.. but all the spanish people in this video seem way more proud and arrogant than me and all the french people I know 🤷 look in the mirror maybe ? And if someone asked me what I think of Spanish people, I would just say I like them and they are our neighbors 🤷 you seem to criticize a lot according to that video....
But when it's them it's not arrogance, it's only when it's us.
@@cleolympekaraoke906 yeah they actually want us to say we are shit... And that we praise Spain like the best country in the world
Inferiority complex, a bit like Belgium, when most French people are totally positive or neutral towards these countries
Il me semble que les Espagnols cultivent un sentiment d'infériorité envers les Français. Sentiment injustifié dans la mesure où les Français, dans leur majorité, aiment l'Espagne et ont une image positive du pays. A noter que le foot n'est pas un sujet de discussion central en France, donc encore moins un sujet de division avec nos voisins.
medio millon de españoles muertos en la guerra napoleonica en la que se intento convertir a españa en una colonia norteafricana y de paso se destruyo absolutamente toda la industria que existia en españa, protestas en contra de que españa entre en la otan y como condicion que ceuta y melilla no entren en el pacto, apoyo a marrruecos por encima de españa en todas las disputas, aislamiento energetico con el resto de europa. tu llamalo "sentimiento de inferioridad" pero la verdad va mucho más alla de eso
@@hanyu_dada Guerres Napoléoniennes... Tu penses quoi de la relation entre la France et l'Allemagne dans ce cas? L'intelligence c'est de créer la paix entre les peuples et ne pas rester divisés à cause d'erreurs commises il y a plusieurs décénies.
J'ai aucune inferiorité avec aucun pays, aprés visiter plus de 80 pays. J'ai vraiment noté une expression de superiorité des francaises vers nous, que je n'aime pas de tout.
C'est dommage parce que je pense aussi que la plupart des français aiment les autres pays d Europe. Peut etre moins l'Angleterre et encore. On apprend quasiment tous l'espagnol (à différents niveaux). Je suppose que peut être les gens un peu moins conscient et éduqués peuvent paraitre arrogant ou d'autres par leur manière? Mais je n ai pas entendu parler de rivalité avec l Espagne. Juste un peu avec l Italie et le royaume Uni
@@hanyu_dada passe à autre chose mon ami... Personne n'etait né sous Napoléon... Et vous avez bien eclaté l'Amerique donc ne donnez pas trop de leçons de morale s'il vous plait...
'I like France, but...'
'There are good French people...'
No teneis que comparar Francia con Paris. Me gustas muchos Espańa que es el païs de mis abuelos.
That little boy had the most interesting accent. Can anybody tell me if it's a regional accent?
yes, he's accent is from Andalucia. Greetings from Bilbao!
@@Jon-jn8zx Even more localized! I guess he's from Jaén or Granada. Those 2 provinces have a very distinct accent.
@@BlackHoleSpain I would say Granada but not sure tho.... even for a spaniard like me is a little hard to differentiate the accents sometimes
@@Jon-jn8zx It could be Almeria also, i am from there and sounds quite similar, it is oriental andalusian, thats sure hahaha
Hay bastante rivalidad, de los dos lados por cierto (por más que algunos franceses estén intentando negarlo, lo cual no hace sino confirmarlo aún más). Es histórica: Rivalidad europea (las luchas en Italia, el tema de los papas y la iglesia dominante, rivalidad imperial, incluso rivalidad en el ámbito de las ideas). Un ejemplo actual: Los deportistas españoles son sistemáticamente abucheados en Francia. Que se lo digan a Nadal o a Gasol, por ejemplo...
Algo similar ocurre entre franceses e italianos (y la misma negación por parte de los franceses). No se dan cuenta de que esa negación es precisamente parte de su idiosincrasia, de su "chauvinismo".
A lot of French are French/Spanish, ❤
I will speak for french people.
We honestly dont have any rivalry with spanish, we dont have opinion about spanish, we dont talk shit about spanish. It seems like all Europe have an opinion about French and most of the time negative, but i can tell you, we French dont have opinion about others, we dont have any animosity about a population in Europe.
So please, leave us alone
mdddrr ce commentaire est si vrai mais l'exaspération qui transparaît du commentaire est super drôle
This is the same attitude that made a lot of Europeans have some disdain towards the French, the entire "holier-than-thou" attitude. "We don't have opinion about others, we don't even think about you", the sheer arrogance coming from that sentence is the same stereotype people have of the French.
The French have no opinions about anyone else because they can only think of themselves, and your comment simply proves this.
@@marlongomezacevedo2170 ok, anything french will say will sound like arrogance for you then so anyway
i say we dont have opinion not in the sense " we dont care about others" but we dont have much stereotypes or rivalry as you think
you should think about develop your country and your family too rather than insult other countries
have a good day
They judge the French based on stereotypes and what Hollywood has been broadcasting about the French for decades.
And many also focus on the negative things the French have done (for example the young man talks about the occupation of Spain under Napoleon).
Moreover, they forget all the positive things that the French have brought to their country (and this is valid for all Europeans..)
For example, for the Spaniards, without the support of France and the French they would never have been able to rid their country of Islamic colonization.
All that France has brought in support of their refugees (during the Spanish Civil War).
They forget that they owe their progress and the wealth of their country to the European Union created by France and to all the French investments committed to their country (practically all Spanish industry has developed thanks to France).
Je pense que les réponses ne sont pas exactement ce à quoi on pourrait s'attendre.
Les similitudes sont assez simples à trouver entre l'Espagne et la France.
Habitudes culinaires, apéritif, frontalité dans le discours, politique, agressivité etc.
Les réponses autour de l'Histoire ne nous concerne plus vraiment je pense, et lorsqu'on parle d'un pays le sport est-t-il vraiment si important..?
Je suis d'accord. Tout cela est très superficiel. La plupart des personnes dans la vidéo sont des personnes qui n'ont pas voyagé à travers la France et qui ont de vieux stéréotypes espagnols sur la France et la relation entre le français et l'espagnol.
Los franceses son muy majos y parecidos a los españoles. La rivalidad es una coña como la que hay entre franceses y ingleses.
I'm English and I've travelled to both France and Spain. It seems to me that the Spanish hide their disliking of the English a little better than the French do 😅.
What do Spanish people think/know about Poland?
Francia por razones historicas no goza de mucha simpatia en varios paises europeos. El esteretipo de los franceses como arrogantes y xenofobos es una idea bastante extendida por Europa, pero en mi experiencia personal nada mas lejos de la realidad, son gente amable de buenos modales, a excepcion de los parisinos...
Parisians are ruining the French reputation everywhere LOL
Soy frances y espanol .Como es que en espana no se pueda encontrar un croissant como Dios mande!! Y en Francia es intolerable no poser comerse un helado de nata. Hay que ver como son las Cosas
What do french people do better than spanish ?
Is it still a Napoleon descendant in spain ?
The French have a global reputation of being arrogant and unwelcoming people.
Also I find it interesting that there is a program in France to teach the olympics volunteers how to be polite and avoid rudeness.
this reputation is a cliché;
El niño habla mejor que yo
Do one about Australia!
We like Mozart and the waltz so yeah Australia is great......kidding, just kidding kangoroo land is great
A video about Australia would be boring.
Everyone likes Australia, the people are great, the country is great, the culture is great, the laidback nature of people.
It's just a bit expensive.
@@maskedgamer7565Australia is one of the most boring places to live in terms of human interactions (for nature it’s everything but boring of course). People don’t hang out, everything closes early, car-oriented… France or Spain are much better
@@sans_hw187 I think it depends what you are looking for. I'm from europe and I visit friends in australia at least 5 times a year and I just love everything about it. The reason I like it is because like you said nature is nice and I love the way people interact with eachother, it's really friendly and relax. Spain is indeed amazing, great food, beautiful people, temperature is always nice. France is errrr...yeah France.
@@maskedgamer7565 France also has great food, nice people, nice temperature in the south… France and Spain have a lot of similarities, if you take Andalusia vs Northern France the gap is huge, but the closer you get to the border, the more similar.
the rivality is one sided. Spanish people think that there is one while french dont even think about spanish people. Its exactly like in Canada where im from where people create a rivality against united states for the sake of it while americans dont even know that canadians exist. It comes from a sens of inferiority.
Because canada and spain are inferiour to the counterparts in terms of food, economy, military, culture, popularity, population, sports, power etc, they create unecessary competition and rivality.
hard truth for the people with inferiority complex
Spain, inferior in food, culture, sports etc than France? LOL go back to yor tree.
I'm American and I love Spain. I know it's not relevant to this conversation but I wanted to mention it.
I'm English and I love Spain. I know it's not relevant, but I too just wanted to mention it, haha.
Desde el punto de vista de los franceses no hay ninguna rivalidad contra España 😂😂😂
Francia esta muy bien pero los franceses sobran
I really wanna know the controversial opinion lol
The controversial opinion is this: When Putin comes knocking, remember the one country that kicked Napoleon's arse. 😜
Los parisinos hacen quedar mal a todos los franceses.
Je crois que it's the same con los madrileños... 🙃