I love this song so much. Makes me wanna go on a road trip and find hidden waterfalls in the mountains. When BX and Jinyoung blended their voices... ahhh eargasm. Everyone sung so well! Their voices are as cool as ice.
Seunghun looks super attractive in this outfit and his voice is so pretty. I want to keep him in my pocket forever. I love you Seunghun. My baby is so handsome
CIX (Complete In X) 1:121:22 *BX / Lee Byounggon* -leader, main rapper -producer, composer -1998 liner 0:020:492:022:393:083:153:27 *Kim Seunghun* -main vocal -main actor of the Korean remake of Step Up movie (Mar 2021) -1999 liner 0:131:181:522:103:103:19 *Bae Jinyoung* -center, vocal, dance -choreographs some of their dances -main actor of the drama "Account has been deleted" (Nov 2021) -2000 liner 0:411:322:31 *Kim Yonghee* -vocal -brain of the group -main actor of the webdrama "Witch Shop: Reopen" (Dec 2021) -2000 liner 0:311:422:55 *Yoon Hyunsuk* -maknae, vocal, rap, dance -main cast of the webdrama "Best Mistake Season 3" (2021) -2001 liner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Who is CIX?* - more info about them F l a w l e s s D i s c o g r a p h y CIX (Complete In X) is acknowledged for having a flawless discography since debut. Even other stans approved it as one of the best discographies in Kpop. There are zero skips, not a single bad song in all the albums -- only good music (whether it's a b-side track, Japanese song, anime ending OST, music release for an app, fansong) B e s t D e b u t CIX debuted last July 23, 2019 with Movie Star and it is known as one of the best debuts in the industry. Even 2 years after its release, it trended again in South Korea after CIX performed it in a concert. They got their 1st win in a music show just 7 days after debut and became the 2nd fastest group to do so back then. A l l - r o u n d e r s Everyone in CIX can sing, rap, and dance. They can change positions anytime they want. Even the main rapper can hit high notes and the vocal line can spit raps. They even participate in the choreography and production of the songs in their albums. V i s u a l s & P r o p o r t i o n s CIX is an all-visual group who have model-like heights with an average height of ~180cm. The tallest one is their maknae who is 186.9cm. They are often invited to do photoshoots for magazine covers and features. G o o d I n f l u e n c e The members participate in a lot of awareness campaigns and encourage the fans to help as well. They also have storyfilms during their 1st comeback "Numb" which tackled about important issues (note: they put trigger warnings in the videos) such as bullying, self-harm, academic pressure, suicide, etc. G e n u i n e P e r s o n a l i t i e s They have the most genuine, sweetest, and kindest members. They never fail to tell their fans that they worked hard at the end of the day. They also ask about our worries and know the right words to say. They even pray for our happiness and health! Fun fact: They are more clingy than the fans. D i v i n e C o m e d y CIX storyline is based on Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy since predebut. They have shown Inferno in 4 chapters during the 1st series. They specifically portrayed Inferno during "Jungle" era (teasers, concept videos, MVs, etc) and now, they are in Purgatorio going towards Paradiso. All of the MVs (Korean or Japanese), songs in all the albums, and their shows are connected. B e a u t i f u l D e s t i n y CIX did not train together but they were actually connected with each other without them knowing. They met 5 months before they debuted and became the perfect team. You can check Twitter for the thread of their mind-blowing fate. It will surely surprise you on how they were meant to be together. O n e F a m i l y The members said they have become like a real family now and can't imagine living without each other. They love their members so much to the point that they even postpone a comeback just a week before the target date because a member got injured. There was a long hiatus before it but they wanted to comeback together. All or none. A m a z i n g P r o d u c t i o n They are from a small company but their production team is consists of well-known names in the industry: MZMC, Bazzi, Styalz Fuego, Kasper (SM choreographer), Dony (one of the Kwon Twins in YG), Choi Youngjoon (choreographer of famous kpop dances), Just Jerk (dance crew who won competitions worldwide), and many more. M a i n A c t o r s Everyone in the team who has been casted in a movie or a drama was given the main role during their acting debut. What's amazing about this is that, they even put the name of the fandom in the ending credits. H e a l i n g In their previous comeback "Cinema", a lot of people wondered why after listening to the song, it will instantly put a smile on your face even after having a really bad day. It's a song you never knew you needed. Listen to it and feel the happiness everyday. F a i t h I n X CIX chose this name for their fans. There hasn't been a day that we weren't genuinely happy because of CIX. I can assure you that it's the best decision to be with this group as a kpop fan for 12 years now. There is something different about them. If you have decided to become one, welcome to the family ♡
@@sa.kuzya_ omg did he measure his height again? :O I also thought he is 188cm or even taller than that XD but a few months ago when he measured it, it was 186.9cm >
So this guy in the middle (Bae Jinyoung?) is so attractive and seductive it almost hurts. Sorry for ignorance, I have been only learning their names even though I have bought their whole discography. Now it's time to stan.
I listened to this song on Apple music, but couldn't recognize which member is singing which part, (could guess some parts with very high tones are Seunghun's part and rap is BX's part kk ) Therefore, it means how all members are so talented. This song touched my heart on listening, and it made me watch this performance. Anyway, they are the best idols for me, could be the best idols in the K-pop industry
I love this song so much. Makes me wanna go on a road trip and find hidden waterfalls in the mountains. When BX and Jinyoung blended their voices... ahhh eargasm. Everyone sung so well! Their voices are as cool as ice.
Seunghun looks super attractive in this outfit and his voice is so pretty. I want to keep him in my pocket forever. I love you Seunghun. My baby is so handsome
Nooo he's my baby too 🍼😘😂
Seunghun really looks so good and handsome in everything 😍😍😍😍😍
bro same i want to keep them all in my non existent basement
Their voices are so angelic
비주얼 그룹인데 음색도 예쁘네ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
CIX's visuals are no joke!! Especially Yongpa's dad!!! What did Kim Yonghee eat?? Kim Yonghee is more and more handsome day by day!!
seunghuns cotton candy hair is the best thing ive seen in a while
They are become more handsome and handsome with that suit
kim seunghun is THE VOCALIST
pastel suits them they're like that in reality, gorgeous
all of their voices are so AMAZINGGG??????????????????
Their vocal is clear than my ears😭💙
seunghun ending fairy actually ended me hes sooooooo cute
정말 어떻게 노래가 다 좋을 수 있지,, 2년 뒤 검색해보면 얘내 엄청 떠 있을 것 같아..
CIX (Complete In X)
1:12 1:22
*BX / Lee Byounggon*
-leader, main rapper
-producer, composer
-1998 liner
0:02 0:49 2:02 2:39 3:08 3:15 3:27
*Kim Seunghun*
-main vocal
-main actor of the Korean remake of
Step Up movie (Mar 2021)
-1999 liner
0:13 1:18 1:52 2:10 3:10 3:19
*Bae Jinyoung*
-center, vocal, dance
-choreographs some of their dances
-main actor of the drama "Account
has been deleted" (Nov 2021)
-2000 liner
0:41 1:32 2:31
*Kim Yonghee*
-brain of the group
-main actor of the webdrama
"Witch Shop: Reopen" (Dec 2021)
-2000 liner
0:31 1:42 2:55
*Yoon Hyunsuk*
-maknae, vocal, rap, dance
-main cast of the webdrama
"Best Mistake Season 3" (2021)
-2001 liner
*Who is CIX?* - more info about them
F l a w l e s s D i s c o g r a p h y
CIX (Complete In X) is acknowledged for having a flawless discography since debut. Even other stans approved it as one of the best discographies in Kpop. There are zero skips, not a single bad song in all the albums -- only good music (whether it's a b-side track, Japanese song, anime ending OST, music release for an app, fansong)
B e s t D e b u t
CIX debuted last July 23, 2019 with Movie Star and it is known as one of the best debuts in the industry. Even 2 years after its release, it trended again in South Korea after CIX performed it in a concert. They got their 1st win in a music show just 7 days after debut and became the 2nd fastest group to do so back then.
A l l - r o u n d e r s
Everyone in CIX can sing, rap, and dance. They can change positions anytime they want. Even the main rapper can hit high notes and the vocal line can spit raps. They even participate in the choreography and production of the songs in their albums.
V i s u a l s & P r o p o r t i o n s
CIX is an all-visual group who have model-like heights with an average height of ~180cm. The tallest one is their maknae who is 186.9cm. They are often invited to do photoshoots for magazine covers and features.
G o o d I n f l u e n c e
The members participate in a lot of awareness campaigns and encourage the fans to help as well. They also have storyfilms during their 1st comeback "Numb" which tackled about important issues (note: they put trigger warnings in the videos) such as bullying, self-harm, academic pressure, suicide, etc.
G e n u i n e P e r s o n a l i t i e s
They have the most genuine, sweetest, and kindest members. They never fail to tell their fans that they worked hard at the end of the day. They also ask about our worries and know the right words to say. They even pray for our happiness and health! Fun fact: They are more clingy than the fans.
D i v i n e C o m e d y
CIX storyline is based on Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy since predebut. They have shown Inferno in 4 chapters during the 1st series. They specifically portrayed Inferno during "Jungle" era (teasers, concept videos, MVs, etc) and now, they are in Purgatorio going towards Paradiso. All of the MVs (Korean or Japanese), songs in all the albums, and their shows are connected.
B e a u t i f u l D e s t i n y
CIX did not train together but they were actually connected with each other without them knowing. They met 5 months before they debuted and became the perfect team. You can check Twitter for the thread of their mind-blowing fate. It will surely surprise you on how they were meant to be together.
O n e F a m i l y
The members said they have become like a real family now and can't imagine living without each other. They love their members so much to the point that they even postpone a comeback just a week before the target date because a member got injured. There was a long hiatus before it but they wanted to comeback together. All or none.
A m a z i n g P r o d u c t i o n
They are from a small company but their production team is consists of well-known names in the industry: MZMC, Bazzi, Styalz Fuego, Kasper (SM choreographer), Dony (one of the Kwon Twins in YG), Choi Youngjoon (choreographer of famous kpop dances), Just Jerk (dance crew who won competitions worldwide), and many more.
M a i n A c t o r s
Everyone in the team who has been casted in a movie or a drama was given the main role during their acting debut. What's amazing about this is that, they even put the name of the fandom in the ending credits.
H e a l i n g
In their previous comeback "Cinema", a lot of people wondered why after listening to the song, it will instantly put a smile on your face even after having a really bad day. It's a song you never knew you needed. Listen to it and feel the happiness everyday.
F a i t h I n X
CIX chose this name for their fans. There hasn't been a day that we weren't genuinely happy because of CIX. I can assure you that it's the best decision to be with this group as a kpop fan for 12 years now. There is something different about them. If you have decided to become one, welcome to the family ♡
Isn't hyunsuk 188 now? He grew taller lol
@@sa.kuzya_ omg did he measure his height again? :O I also thought he is 188cm or even taller than that XD but a few months ago when he measured it, it was 186.9cm >
I think I found the best FIX ever
Step up what? I cant find the movie 😢
CIX is one of the group that has it all, musical talent, looks, legs and versatility.
spotify randomly put their songs on for me and im not complaining theyre so good!
Seunghun's voice is really sweet
ice는 씨네마 다음으로 듣기좋은 노래인것같아영❤❤
now give me the bad dream stage
ok bestie the long awaited stage is out now LETS STREAM IT
cant deny
A FULL GROUP OF VOCALISTS!!!!! need more yonghee tho~~
The VOCALSSSSS I swear their voices fit the song so perfectly its so vibey
every look was like "yea~i know you're falling in love with me"
Yonghee looks FANCYYY
This is too much talent and beauty. My eyes, ears and heart can't take it
The song and the voice..
Btw, Bae Jinyoung is flirting with the camera so much. 😅
not camera but fans hahahha im melting
밷드림에 아이스라니 더쇼 사랑해요
i could listen to their voices literally for hours they're just so angelic
i wish they had a choregraphy for this 😭 but it’s still cool with them relaxing like that. Ice best bside! i hope they promote it more 💟
Gon be standing up and amazed us with his presence. ㅠㅠ
와 개잘생격다.
Angelic voices ✔️ amazing visual ✔️ cute pastel suit ✔️ thanks CIX, it was amazing :')
their vocals feels like honey
Even honey combs would melt like water 😱♥️🕯🕯🕯🐝🐝
This is honestly my favorite song off the album
the song and visuals are both so gorgeous 😭😭 truly luck to have cix as incredible artists and lovely people
Lee Byounggon such an attractive person ugh ☹️💙🤌🏼
their visuals, their talents, their voices, their songs, everything about CIX is just beautiful. thank God for letting me stan 'em 😭😭😭😭
승훈아 예뻐 💛💛 사랑해 너무 보고싶어 ㅜㅠ😭
Their voice can heal you. Even the rapper is so soft to hear 💙
this is one of my favorite songs in the album. all of them look so good in this stage, my pretty boys.
기다리고 기다리던 아이스 무대 !!
스탠드 마이크 스타일 좋아네ㅠㅠㅜㅠ
They were rocking those pearls & pastels! And of course the vocals & eye contact. 🤩👌
Jinyoung is so dmn handsome, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
Very very gorgeous... their visual and vocal, really amazing, i like this song
CIX sounds so good singing live and they look like a group of model. ♡
omg the vocals and visuals
승훈이 목소리가 너무 너무 좋아ㅏ!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Ice is one of my favorite tracklist 😭💙
Seunghun looks perfect in that suits ❤️
Again and again, how can they so handsome like they just fall from the heaven???
the voices, the outfits and the visuals 🔥
all their songs are bops, cix world domination
꺄 아이스 영상 올라왔었네 너무 좋다ㅜㅜ
CIX looking so fine, singing heavenly and with that crazy stage presence......Im not ok....
ice is definitely in my top 3 from this album
I wanna marry Hyunsuk's vocals in the last chorus so badly
Yall do not understand how much I resonate with Bae at 2:50, like this song is tooo muthf***n smooth how could you not groove
So this guy in the middle (Bae Jinyoung?) is so attractive and seductive it almost hurts. Sorry for ignorance, I have been only learning their names even though I have bought their whole discography. Now it's time to stan.
jinyoung really feeling himself
다들 음색 무슨일이에요!,!…개좋다
cool baejinyoung
Ufff ame está canción, siempre sacan buenas canciones, apoyen a CIX es un grupo talentoso, son bien lindos
la discografía de cix siempre es SUPERIOR
Visual no joke
1:37 thats so smooth yonghee
Bae Jinyoung jawline is damn so hot!!
I listened to this song on Apple music, but couldn't recognize which member is singing which part, (could guess some parts with very high tones are Seunghun's part and rap is BX's part kk ) Therefore, it means how all members are so talented. This song touched my heart on listening, and it made me watch this performance. Anyway, they are the best idols for me, could be the best idols in the K-pop industry
the vocals are so beautiful 😭😭😭
엔딩요정 승훈아 사랑해ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
my favourite in Be OK album. Thank you guys for the best perform❤
이거 무대 더 해줘!!
The first 7 secs of the vid already made me melting by Seunghun's voice hELP
Ok definitely my fav from the album
This video is dangerous for ones heart!
I think this is my fav performance from this era
omg one of my fave songs on the album!!
so obsessed with the album
Everything about ICE Stage is just so beautiful. CIX is so good. I am so proud of them. 🥺💙
애들아 진짜 무대 장인이네..라이브짱잘해아이엑스 사랑해ㅠㅠㅠㅜ 언제 들어도 좋은 아이스 💙 보고싶다 씨아엑💙💙 사랑행
ICE is about how it can be scary to protect the existence of something precious but it's okay to do it at any cost ♡
씨앗이들이랑 필수가 만난건 운명이에요ㅠㅠ 이렇게 멋있고 귀여운 남자 5명 씨아이엑스밖에 없잖아!!>ㅁ
The heavenly vocals. Love their every performances. Cix ❤❤❤❤❤
CIX i love youuuu
Young Hee so beautiful
Cix는 전곡이 다 좋다 진짜 너희는 더 떠야 된다고ㅜㅜ cix 8월 22일날 컴백합니다♡
Their voices are GOLD ❤️❤️
The vocal is so good !!🔥
as usual cix’s vocal chef kiss but we want bad dream stage pls c9
CIX what i need
This song is soooooooo elite
the chill vibe
This performance made me unbelievably happy, I almost cried. Their visuals and voices, everything was top notch.
CIX superb vocal and facial expression🔥✨
I could listen to seunghun sing forever ❤
Bae bae is so handsome