One I forgot to mention was the urge to play league right after watching pro games only to hop in a game and remember that kind of teamwork and gameplay is non existent in the real game😭, feels bad man. What else did I miss?
Video idea: "10 things we all thought when we were noobs" it will contain stuff like "you could play every champion in every role", "mastery 6 and 7 were unlocked through mastery points" etc.
Lol my big bro was a league player before me and he liked off meta he mained teemo jungle and when I start playing I thought any champion can be a jungle so I played a lot of teemo,kogmaw jng with no smite lol
Similar to the cannon thing, as a support main I get ward temptation. If I use sweeper on a ward, I will sacrifice anything and take unnecessary risk to destroy it. I have died and gotten poked down many times due to this habit.
Similarly, I hate minion block and that has become the quickest trigger for me. That, and when I walk into tower WITH minions, and tower targets me. Like, what the hell man...?
I still remember back in s9, in my gold promos, i had this ashe support who was literally just learning the difference between ad and ap :D, yes the enemy bot got fed, and yes we lost
Mate in S10 in my 2nd set of promos to gold (which only managed on 3rd try) my support banned my OPT bcs “ivern is bad, play a good champ” so i played rammus and i am not good w/ rammus, so you can imagine how that went
I don't even get tilted when I lose, I get tilted when I can tell that people don't want to win. If we are all trying our best, a loss still feels like a GG.
At least you didnt fail your promos 5 times in a row where every single time you won the first 2 games and no mater where you went and what you played you still lost (plays supp, jg is s#it, next game plays jg mid and bot are runing it down, next game, plays mid Talon and roams all ower the map but your team ends up throwing the game....... fml).
The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is a quick building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man with brown eyebrows, a beard, a mohawk, and a golden body piercing in his left ear who is riding a hog. A Hog Rider card costs 4 Elixir to deploy. His fast move speed can boost forward mini tanks like an Ice Golem in a push. At the same time, he can also function as a tank for lower hitpoint troops such as Goblins as he still has a fair amount of health. Most cheap swarms complement the Hog Rider well, as they are nearly as fast as him and usually force more than one card out of the opponent's hand. The Hog Rider struggles with swarms, as they can damage him down and defeat him quickly while obstructing his path. Barbarians in particular can fully counter him without very strict timing on the defender's part, though be wary of spells.
The greatest example of Riots genius match making system: back when we actually had other game modes and the rankings were different in all of then, you'd always find top tier players trying to hard carry their friends on Twisted Treeline. As a lower ranked/casual, mainly 3s player back then, I've fought far more Diamond and Master players than I have any right to.
while being in the higher gold elo i once played a twisted treeline normal (misclick on our part) vs the freaking first place challenger team. needless to say just how hard we got steamrolled
Bro, i was so tilted 3 month ago that i created an exel document with the elo of every ennemy's and allies (100 people in total) on 10 last games, i made a chart and statistics If you want to cry with me there is my stats (i have to specify i'm lvl 200 i'm stuck in bronze 2 and i was iron 2 last season) : Ennemy's : 10% Diamond (5) 30% Platinium (15) 18% Gold (9) 40% Silver (20) 2% Bronze (1) 0% Iron (0) My team : 0% Diamond (0) 8% Platinium (4) 44% Gold (22) 18% Silver (9) 30% bronze (15) 0% Iron (0) Fun fact, i have stats per game, in a game my team was silver 3 average and ennemy's Plat 4 average Now i understand why i'm stuck, i'm always against Diamond and platinium who carry their team. Matchmaking is so fu**** up that I even played a normal game with a 500Lp challenger (while i was bronze)
8:42 not only this scenario, but i remember one game where i was jungle or something probably and my adc was flaming me saying stuff like "do u have a brain?" I peaked silver, so I'm not all that good, and i was in a nice mood, so i asked back, "what do i need to do better?" They then replied, "grow a brain" Like, if I'm bad, tell me why
1:58 bruh, this is very true, one of my first skins was pijama soraka and I became so focused on her that i got maestry 7 and became main support. Also happened the same with Ahri K/DA ALL OUT but I was an ahri main since i´ve started.
"Losers queue" bruh my last two ranked games LITERALLY had bots in them. I'm not even trash talking; one look at their match history is all you need to see it. Like 90% loss rate. Same hero every game. Same items. Spent minutes recalling into the fountain from base with weird, repetitive, mechanical pathing. Had a kalista who just continuously auto-ran into our own t1 tower, never used her passive spear. Insanity
since you mentioned not surrendering pre 20, you definetly should mention your team surrendering for no reason at all after min 20. i had games where i went 8-0 and the game going really in our favor, just for seeing the 4-1 surrender going through. in terms of reports i wrote, that one is definetly in the top 5 reasons
they say that if you don’t climb it’s your own fault and here i am. literally 8 games straight with one or more people feeding their enemy laner and rage quits how is that my fault?
As someone who's who fav roles are support and jungle, I am an eternal human pin cushion for flame and blame. Forever more though, the funniest thing I have and will ever be blamed for, was the time I was support, enemy top ganked mid, and and my mid yelled at *ME* for not pinging *TOP MIA*
Another one worth mentioning is what I call aram roulette with the boys. U know u just want one game, and it will most likely end up being 2 hours+ of aram, there is however, a small chance that you do stop playing after the first game
It's a true story, a few days ago I was on a losing streak of 10 games playing support, I did the best I could and didn't serve, I tilted in a game where I was camped because they knew I was on a losing steak. this game sucks sometimes
No im flaming in champ select because for the 10000th time in a row the support is locking in teemo or shaco support and being completely useless while running it down.
I had the time, when I bought DJ Sona and started playing her, because of the Skin.... She is now my most Played champion by a landslide with nearly 1.2 Million points xD
Hey i actually just had a 12 losingstreak. And with porofessor i saw that everytime i got in a team with player who also had a losing streak and the enemy always a winning streak.
Just wanna mention that "the toxic players get reported instead of those losing the game" is what should happen. Sucking is not to be reported. Sucking is what LP are for.
The greatest pains in League: 1.) Checking porofessor before the game only to discover your toplaner is a 30% wr Teemo OTP 2.) Your champion gets a skin after so long, but the skin sucks 3.) You're playing bot/support and your partner doesn't hover, only to pick a troll champ after you 4.) You're playing ADC and your team drafts full AD 5.) Your main's hard counter champ has a 0% pick rate so it's a wasted ban, and your enemy picks it 6.) You say "don't fight, I'm farming", your entire team dies mid, and they flame you 7.) You get an A+ rank because you didn't farm enough, or you took a ton of towers but didn't do enough champion damage 8.) You come out of lane 3/0/0 and then discover the enemy ADC is 10/0/0
i was playing a norms yesterday (i’m a jungler) and i had a zeri top with exhaust that proceeded to get solo killed 5 times in a row without either jungler going top once and then proceeding to say jg diff :)))
2:35 believe me, as a level 30 who had such bad loss streaks that I only played custom for a few days, its just a bad the other way around (especially since your teammates and only *your* teammates seem to think they're playing an fps)
I unironically blamed my jungler once when I didn't pass an exam in high school. I couldn't study because he kept ganking my bed that weekend (if you know what I mean) and he was LITERALLY the jungler in the team I had with my friends.
Is "losers queue" a real thing? Because I have a 72% win ratio and suddenly one night despite my best efforts lost 9 games in a row. The next day and all the time after that everything was normal. Not even when I played drunk did something like that happen again. It just straight up does feel like the losers queue you mentioned.
As a jungle main I learned early on to have everyone muted in chat. Cuz botlaners keep towerdiving and blaming it on me saying stuff like "why didn't you tank it?". While i'm stealing camps lol
me and my friend were gonna start grinding ranked once. first champ select, adc bans my champ, me and my friend ask why, they tell team to report us for hate speech, and then they began following us around all game trying to steal our minions. if this didn't happen we would've won that game. the enemy jungler was a xerath without smite.
I was playing League yesterday and after my midlaner died to a gank, he told me to hang myself 5 minutes in. 10 minutes later I stole dragon from the enemy Yi and he told me he'd r*pe me.
Haha reminds me of my Sion mid. Pushed up so much that I can’t gank and then gets ganked by the enemy, decides to flame me by asking where’s is his gank and when I told him he’s too pushed up he decided to tell me “then where’s my countergank??” This idiot seriously wants me to drop everything I’m doing and regardless if where I am on the map I’m suppose to magically appear right there to help about self entitled as if my job as Jungler isn’t alr hard enough as it is with objectives on the line.
I don't main support but I play it occasionally. But the number one thing that will give me the biggest urge to leave lane is when I'll ping my support item (1 charge) I'll ping the cannon minion and the ADC will proceed to hard shove the cannon minion before I am able to get in range to melee it for both of us getting the gold.
thx god he added teemo ,as a veteran player i used to dread him when i started played back in the days but now everything is just way more cancerous than teemo so i just love him :)
Losers queue is when you are 17\4, do a triple kill and the rest of your team is killed by the enemy support.. Not inting your heart out because you are tilted.
damn i really feel matchmaking being bad, i've had 4 days in a row of just being against lvl 200 or more meanwhile i have just started playing the game and am lvl 33
The fact that all of this is 100%. Especially the "hating on the game even tho we play it" one. I been playing this cursed game since 2011 and it was genuinely fun back then. Nowadays, its just toxicity everywhere.
@@YourSuizo I kind of wish i could and I've been thinking about it. I've spent too much time, money and effort in this game to just quit, sadly. Toxicity can be easily solved by just muting the toxic people, which i come across in so many games for some reason. But mentality and sanity always hang on a thread LOL
22 tilted me yesterday, there was this guy ign name Tobey Maguire and he was auto fill support and I was the ad carry, not only did he pick syndra and basically went every lane except bot (unless I'm dead), he had the audacity to flame everyone else because no one wants to swap lanes and our mid laner basically rage quit after getting 1/5 because syndra kept stealing kills, I'm sure that guy was basically just giving us the "gonna cry" meme on us and I wish his ranked game put him back to Iron.
I would just like to talk about how I am level 36 currently and the only people I get paired with are people who are level 200+. I don't know what kind of developers riot is hiring but clearly they know something about this matchmaking that I do not.
9:54 i had this one game of rengar top where i was 8 0, i 1v2 top and jg and then i see my 1m points fiddle jungle that has 2 8 in 10th minute and 13 2 enemy graves. Unlucky i need to say
thank god I stopped playing League, almost 6 months passed and feeling much better o_o but still enjoying seeing League content, keep up the videos bro!
i had a second time fiora in my ranked game yesterday ^_^ i went 20/5 on warwick and we still lost while fiora did her best to prove shes just not used to playing team based games
Never once played a ranked match. Rarely play regular SR unless I want to M7 my current fav champion. Happy life. ...except when 6/3/45 with 90+ vision is still a damn S- on Leona...seriously that final token..was soul crushing...
The only thing comparable to ending a long night down 50 LP is losing all the souls that you've built up in any dark souls game after about 4 hours of not going to a bonfire
promos is possible the most tilting thing ever. At the start of my ranked experience this season, my placements got griefed by having 4 games where my teammates decided to flame each other and then start purposely running it so that was real fun. I eventually managed to reach a 70+% wr and hit my promos. I think it took me about 5 promo series until the 6th one where they literally handed me two free wins to start off the promo series because of the amount of times id gone through my promos and lost in the past week or so. but hey i hit plat for the season never touching ranked for the rest of the season its lit
I was silver in 2020, then I skipped the whole 2021 season, about a month ago I restarted. All goes well, nice, 8/10 wins! let's see where I get placed... BRONZE 4. And of course a loser streak shortly after getting to 90 pts in B2. Nice.
I have one to add, Players that have kids that start matches and you don't even relise till it's to late and you've gotten an AFK warning you then try to apologize and your team is more an enemy then red team is (True Story)
"league of legends is usually not something you wanna show off with" lmao > me having met my girl and ironically telling her i play league (i didnt play it currently at the time, but i've always played it), and us being together 2 years later ps: we've played in total 3 games together. she doesnt wanna play anymore. and she's a fucking gold support main and im a silver adc main LIFE IS PAIN, WE COULD BE CLIMBING, BABY THIS COULD BE US BUT YOU (not) PLAYING
one thing i really like is when i or my teammates pick weird champs for a roll and i just think to myself , its weird enough to work on the enemy team if they did it ... so we win the game from weird picks like bard top
Technically failing midterms could definitely be the jngs fault. Because you said last game before you studied but then got jng diffed 4 games in a row and you can't end on a loss. Now it's 2 am and you didn't study
Missed the Sunday queue. NEVER PLAY RANKED LEAGUE ON SUNDAYS. Played 2 games last Sunday and first one had ADC who decided to follow the jungler 90% of the game, because the jungler took 1 of their waves. The second game we got an ADC who just ran to random lanes to feed kills to enemy team and drain exp. This kind of stuff happens every Sunday, and it is somehow always on your team.
in the first 2 minutes of the video all points made except for the cannon minion one and new champs, can be attributed to almost every teambased multiplayer game
When it comes to the "new champs and reworks" I literally avoid playing ranked until like a week after that comes out when everyone's hype has died off
One I forgot to mention was the urge to play league right after watching pro games only to hop in a game and remember that kind of teamwork and gameplay is non existent in the real game😭, feels bad man. What else did I miss?
I can relate to all of these I'm 11 pls help
u missed a cannon
If you getting tilted by playing a video game, you have bad mental!
@@berthaluv you're doom i think
Yuumi stealing all your kills??
"Toxicity is like the wind always by my side"
Ah yes, yasuo.
Hey were not that bad.....sometimes
@@seanlu668 I play yasuo as well, and I never talk shit on someone in chat, only in my mind.
@@playerthedev5168 sale actually, although when I play him my teammates are good too most of the time
@@playerthedev5168 as is the way of the internally toxic windshitter
Video idea: "10 things we all thought when we were noobs"
it will contain stuff like "you could play every champion in every role", "mastery 6 and 7 were unlocked through mastery points" etc.
"play jungle without smite" lane with smite (450 true damage, broken)
@@RatorixDeiPoveri ive actually done that. immediately dropped it after 1 game
@@Brukin. yeah, me too
Lol my big bro was a league player before me and he liked off meta he mained teemo jungle and when I start playing I thought any champion can be a jungle so I played a lot of teemo,kogmaw jng with no smite lol
4:03 so no one is gonna talk about how big brain this was, using QW and intentionally stepping on a cait's trap to stun her
It's so fun surprising a Veigar like that by dashing through his cage and blocking half his combo 🤣
It's normal for that to happen on high elo
This is something weird, i was thinking about that with Fiora when i waked up, lol
Similar to the cannon thing, as a support main I get ward temptation. If I use sweeper on a ward, I will sacrifice anything and take unnecessary risk to destroy it. I have died and gotten poked down many times due to this habit.
as a support main, same, the vision score is my equivalent of others damage dealt
9:45 the fact that when the enemy buys heal cut vs you it's gg your champ is useless, but when you buy heal cut it's like it's not even working
Depends on the champ, but I wery well know the fealing.
also a big pain: minions who suddenly switch aggro from one minion to another and f up your farming
Similarly, I hate minion block and that has become the quickest trigger for me. That, and when I walk into tower WITH minions, and tower targets me.
Like, what the hell man...?
Dude u dont kno my pain, the amonut of times minions ran infront of my skill shot to save the enemy.
I still remember back in s9, in my gold promos, i had this ashe support who was literally just learning the difference between ad and ap :D, yes the enemy bot got fed, and yes we lost
Ashe support is the right way to play ashe
@@shaddow3851 yea but at least u gotta know what to build xD
Mate in S10 in my 2nd set of promos to gold (which only managed on 3rd try) my support banned my OPT bcs “ivern is bad, play a good champ” so i played rammus and i am not good w/ rammus, so you can imagine how that went
I don't even get tilted when I lose, I get tilted when I can tell that people don't want to win.
If we are all trying our best, a loss still feels like a GG.
Me: * on my promos *
Ally Team after 6-7 mins in the game: "A summoner has disconnected"
At least you didnt fail your promos 5 times in a row where every single time you won the first 2 games and no mater where you went and what you played you still lost (plays supp, jg is s#it, next game plays jg mid and bot are runing it down, next game, plays mid Talon and roams all ower the map but your team ends up throwing the game....... fml).
The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is a quick building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man with brown eyebrows, a beard, a mohawk, and a golden body piercing in his left ear who is riding a hog. A Hog Rider card costs 4 Elixir to deploy.
His fast move speed can boost forward mini tanks like an Ice Golem in a push. At the same time, he can also function as a tank for lower hitpoint troops such as Goblins as he still has a fair amount of health. Most cheap swarms complement the Hog Rider well, as they are nearly as fast as him and usually force more than one card out of the opponent's hand.
The Hog Rider struggles with swarms, as they can damage him down and defeat him quickly while obstructing his path. Barbarians in particular can fully counter him without very strict timing on the defender's part, though be wary of spells.
I personally prefer loonie
The greatest example of Riots genius match making system: back when we actually had other game modes and the rankings were different in all of then, you'd always find top tier players trying to hard carry their friends on Twisted Treeline. As a lower ranked/casual, mainly 3s player back then, I've fought far more Diamond and Master players than I have any right to.
while being in the higher gold elo i once played a twisted treeline normal (misclick on our part) vs the freaking first place challenger team. needless to say just how hard we got steamrolled
Bro, i was so tilted 3 month ago that i created an exel document with the elo of every ennemy's and allies (100 people in total) on 10 last games, i made a chart and statistics
If you want to cry with me there is my stats (i have to specify i'm lvl 200 i'm stuck in bronze 2 and i was iron 2 last season) :
Ennemy's :
10% Diamond (5)
30% Platinium (15)
18% Gold (9)
40% Silver (20)
2% Bronze (1)
0% Iron (0)
My team :
0% Diamond (0)
8% Platinium (4)
44% Gold (22)
18% Silver (9)
30% bronze (15)
0% Iron (0)
Fun fact, i have stats per game, in a game my team was silver 3 average and ennemy's Plat 4 average
Now i understand why i'm stuck, i'm always against Diamond and platinium who carry their team.
Matchmaking is so fu**** up that I even played a normal game with a 500Lp challenger (while i was bronze)
8:42 not only this scenario, but i remember one game where i was jungle or something probably and my adc was flaming me saying stuff like "do u have a brain?" I peaked silver, so I'm not all that good, and i was in a nice mood, so i asked back, "what do i need to do better?"
They then replied, "grow a brain"
Like, if I'm bad, tell me why
1:58 bruh, this is very true, one of my first skins was pijama soraka and I became so focused on her that i got maestry 7 and became main support. Also happened the same with Ahri K/DA ALL OUT but I was an ahri main since i´ve started.
The feeling when you’re the support in solo queue and the adc asks to switch with mid or top and gets toxic when refused…
As a Bard Main its not my problem
What about Lee Syndrome - the urge to follow up a Lee q1 to dash to them (occurs with snowballs on ARAM as well)
You mean lee sin players who always want to do crazy insec combos ?
Also known as the Yasuo Ult Syndrome, Akali E syndrome and the Katarina Dagger Syndrome
"Losers queue" bruh my last two ranked games LITERALLY had bots in them. I'm not even trash talking; one look at their match history is all you need to see it. Like 90% loss rate. Same hero every game. Same items. Spent minutes recalling into the fountain from base with weird, repetitive, mechanical pathing. Had a kalista who just continuously auto-ran into our own t1 tower, never used her passive spear. Insanity
since you mentioned not surrendering pre 20, you definetly should mention your team surrendering for no reason at all after min 20. i had games where i went 8-0 and the game going really in our favor, just for seeing the 4-1 surrender going through. in terms of reports i wrote, that one is definetly in the top 5 reasons
they say that if you don’t climb it’s your own fault and here i am. literally 8 games straight with one or more people feeding their enemy laner and rage quits how is that my fault?
As someone who's who fav roles are support and jungle, I am an eternal human pin cushion for flame and blame.
Forever more though, the funniest thing I have and will ever be blamed for, was the time I was support, enemy top ganked mid, and and my mid yelled at *ME* for not pinging *TOP MIA*
In which role do you get more shit? Btw that midlaner lmao
Another one worth mentioning is what I call aram roulette with the boys. U know u just want one game, and it will most likely end up being 2 hours+ of aram, there is however, a small chance that you do stop playing after the first game
It's a true story, a few days ago I was on a losing streak of 10 games playing support, I did the best I could and didn't serve, I tilted in a game where I was camped because they knew I was on a losing steak. this game sucks sometimes
i never forget to watch your videos always so entertaining and the energy in your voice is amazing!!
thanks benjamin tee :D
It's insane u see peeps in high elo waste ult for cannon but u respect it
No im flaming in champ select because for the 10000th time in a row the support is locking in teemo or shaco support and being completely useless while running it down.
I find it very apt that half of the clips are just irelia being irelia.
Non league players can't understand the pain you feel when you get killed by 0/420 toplaner even if you are 69/0 adc
I had the time, when I bought DJ Sona and started playing her, because of the Skin....
She is now my most Played champion by a landslide with nearly 1.2 Million points xD
I actually got ARAM fever for literally my best champion lol. Taric wasn't on my radar until I decided to stick him in a couple aram games.
my favorite when you got the lane you pick, then 3 time in a row someone dodge the champ select and then you got autofilled :)
Hey i actually just had a 12 losingstreak. And with porofessor i saw that everytime i got in a team with player who also had a losing streak and the enemy always a winning streak.
Just wanna mention that "the toxic players get reported instead of those losing the game" is what should happen. Sucking is not to be reported. Sucking is what LP are for.
The greatest pains in League:
1.) Checking porofessor before the game only to discover your toplaner is a 30% wr Teemo OTP
2.) Your champion gets a skin after so long, but the skin sucks
3.) You're playing bot/support and your partner doesn't hover, only to pick a troll champ after you
4.) You're playing ADC and your team drafts full AD
5.) Your main's hard counter champ has a 0% pick rate so it's a wasted ban, and your enemy picks it
6.) You say "don't fight, I'm farming", your entire team dies mid, and they flame you
7.) You get an A+ rank because you didn't farm enough, or you took a ton of towers but didn't do enough champion damage
8.) You come out of lane 3/0/0 and then discover the enemy ADC is 10/0/0
i was playing a norms yesterday (i’m a jungler) and i had a zeri top with exhaust that proceeded to get solo killed 5 times in a row without either jungler going top once and then proceeding to say jg diff :)))
2:35 believe me, as a level 30 who had such bad loss streaks that I only played custom for a few days, its just a bad the other way around (especially since your teammates and only *your* teammates seem to think they're playing an fps)
I unironically blamed my jungler once when I didn't pass an exam in high school. I couldn't study because he kept ganking my bed that weekend (if you know what I mean) and he was LITERALLY the jungler in the team I had with my friends.
Your jungler fucked you!?
wtf ?
@@FarmerSakki the jg was her bf
Is "losers queue" a real thing? Because I have a 72% win ratio and suddenly one night despite my best efforts lost 9 games in a row. The next day and all the time after that everything was normal. Not even when I played drunk did something like that happen again. It just straight up does feel like the losers queue you mentioned.
bro how do u go from 72% w/r to 9 losses in a row? U inting?
As a jungle main I learned early on to have everyone muted in chat. Cuz botlaners keep towerdiving and blaming it on me saying stuff like "why didn't you tank it?". While i'm stealing camps lol
me and my friend were gonna start grinding ranked once. first champ select, adc bans my champ, me and my friend ask why, they tell team to report us for hate speech, and then they began following us around all game trying to steal our minions. if this didn't happen we would've won that game. the enemy jungler was a xerath without smite.
6:49 i just say i play tft for extra intellectual damage
I was playing League yesterday and after my midlaner died to a gank, he told me to hang myself 5 minutes in. 10 minutes later I stole dragon from the enemy Yi and he told me he'd r*pe me.
Report, make a Riot support ticket, hopefully he gets banned.
Haha reminds me of my Sion mid. Pushed up so much that I can’t gank and then gets ganked by the enemy, decides to flame me by asking where’s is his gank and when I told him he’s too pushed up he decided to tell me “then where’s my countergank??” This idiot seriously wants me to drop everything I’m doing and regardless if where I am on the map I’m suppose to magically appear right there to help about self entitled as if my job as Jungler isn’t alr hard enough as it is with objectives on the line.
It’s always “where’s my jungler” never “how’s my jungler” ;-;
I don't main support but I play it occasionally. But the number one thing that will give me the biggest urge to leave lane is when I'll ping my support item (1 charge) I'll ping the cannon minion and the ADC will proceed to hard shove the cannon minion before I am able to get in range to melee it for both of us getting the gold.
it looks like riot hasnt taken akalis old line 'so many noobs, will matchmaking ever find true balance?' seriously.............
thx god he added teemo ,as a veteran player i used to dread him when i started played back in the days but now everything is just way more cancerous than teemo so i just love him :)
Losers queue is when you are 17\4, do a triple kill and the rest of your team is killed by the enemy support..
Not inting your heart out because you are tilted.
damn i really feel matchmaking being bad, i've had 4 days in a row of just being against lvl 200 or more meanwhile i have just started playing the game and am lvl 33
Play ranked?
Yep losers queue Is real... I experienced It few days ago. Once you lose like 3 games in a row you will be getting
The fact that all of this is 100%. Especially the "hating on the game even tho we play it" one.
I been playing this cursed game since 2011 and it was genuinely fun back then. Nowadays, its just toxicity everywhere.
You should stop playing it then, if isn't enjoyable anymore to you. For some people game is still one of the best games to play.
@@YourSuizo I kind of wish i could and I've been thinking about it.
I've spent too much time, money and effort in this game to just quit, sadly.
Toxicity can be easily solved by just muting the toxic people, which i come across in so many games for some reason.
But mentality and sanity always hang on a thread LOL
You forgot to mention "ranged toplanes"
When you play trynda vs teemo and his Q last 3 seconds at lvl 2 you know that you hate everything and everyone
22 tilted me yesterday, there was this guy ign name Tobey Maguire and he was auto fill support and I was the ad carry, not only did he pick syndra and basically went every lane except bot (unless I'm dead), he had the audacity to flame everyone else because no one wants to swap lanes and our mid laner basically rage quit after getting 1/5 because syndra kept stealing kills, I'm sure that guy was basically just giving us the "gonna cry" meme on us and I wish his ranked game put him back to Iron.
Sounds like Bully Maguire put some dirt in your team's eye
When I reach diamond for the first time in my account I got losers queue and now I'm hard stuck D3 and I now expect losers queue
Missing a cannon = 1 hp dmg irl
Did you forget about "Ranged top laners"????
Love how you saved worst for the last.
almost 1am here, this video made me wanna play one more game...
last one...
Unfortunately, my skinuritis is chronic 😔
Currently experiencing my worst time in league with 21 losing streak. Wish me luck on my future games :')
Jesus how bad are your scores?
The only solution i found for teemo was to start playing him XD. Now others get mad instead of me in champ select
I would just like to talk about how I am level 36 currently and the only people I get paired with are people who are level 200+. I don't know what kind of developers riot is hiring but clearly they know something about this matchmaking that I do not.
9:54 i had this one game of rengar top where i was 8 0, i 1v2 top and jg and then i see my 1m points fiddle jungle that has 2 8 in 10th minute and 13 2 enemy graves. Unlucky i need to say
0:49 ye it kinda hurts me even when im just watching it not even playing
I don't understand the toxicity part, I play without chat and pings. No issue for me 🆗
thank god I stopped playing League, almost 6 months passed and feeling much better o_o
but still enjoying seeing League content, keep up the videos bro!
I have been in losers queue for 8 years.
i had a second time fiora in my ranked game yesterday ^_^ i went 20/5 on warwick and we still lost while fiora did her best to prove shes just not used to playing team based games
100% your fault if u couldn't carry the game on 20/5 warwick
I’ve never heard anyone who actively plays league say they enjoy it
Never once played a ranked match. Rarely play regular SR unless I want to M7 my current fav champion. Happy life.
...except when 6/3/45 with 90+ vision is still a damn S- on Leona...seriously that final token..was soul crushing...
0:40 support players: I don't have such weaknesses
Unless you have relic shield, then it's worse because the adc will steal it
Even as a Teemo main myself, I hate Teemo too. That should tell you something.
You forgot about shaco, or invisibility in general
Camouflage is so annoying. Suddenly a twitch comes out of nowhere and deletes your entire team
The only thing comparable to ending a long night down 50 LP is losing all the souls that you've built up in any dark souls game after about 4 hours of not going to a bonfire
Outside Joke: Most people don't want to say they play League
My Sister: Wears Hardstuck Iron Hoodie
promos is possible the most tilting thing ever. At the start of my ranked experience this season, my placements got griefed by having 4 games where my teammates decided to flame each other and then start purposely running it so that was real fun. I eventually managed to reach a 70+% wr and hit my promos. I think it took me about 5 promo series until the 6th one where they literally handed me two free wins to start off the promo series because of the amount of times id gone through my promos and lost in the past week or so. but hey i hit plat for the season never touching ranked for the rest of the season its lit
I was silver in 2020, then I skipped the whole 2021 season, about a month ago I restarted. All goes well, nice, 8/10 wins! let's see where I get placed... BRONZE 4. And of course a loser streak shortly after getting to 90 pts in B2. Nice.
I have one to add, Players that have kids that start matches and you don't even relise till it's to late and you've gotten an AFK warning you then try to apologize and your team is more an enemy then red team is (True Story)
#11 - dont forget that those two games were like 45 minutes hard earned win and the next loose is in like 10 minutes with toxic teamates and one afk.
i will flash for cannon
Ult for cannon
Zonya for cannon
Even Die for cannon,
Bcs at the end of the day it's always worth
"league of legends is usually not something you wanna show off with" lmao
> me having met my girl and ironically telling her i play league (i didnt play it currently at the time, but i've always played it), and us being together 2 years later
ps: we've played in total 3 games together. she doesnt wanna play anymore. and she's a fucking gold support main and im a silver adc main LIFE IS PAIN, WE COULD BE CLIMBING, BABY THIS COULD BE US BUT YOU (not) PLAYING
The greatest feeling is when a guy just takes your role without asking and proceeds to run it down.
one thing i really like is when i or my teammates pick weird champs for a roll and i just think to myself , its weird enough to work on the enemy team if they did it ... so we win the game from weird picks like bard top
i unlocked dark cosmic lux, now she is my 2nd most played champ after pyke. i left support and became a mid main.
I had skinuritis when i got battle queen Katarina, Now i am a Katarina main. I suffered for a long time tho but i love the skin
Technically failing midterms could definitely be the jngs fault. Because you said last game before you studied but then got jng diffed 4 games in a row and you can't end on a loss. Now it's 2 am and you didn't study
The puppy made me subscribe. And the fact that I am in a loser streak which is so bad I could throw the mouse away
3:22 - Me trying to play Kog'Maw - Ashe Exists
Yeah about the lp gaining, I just won 17 out of my 20 last games and I'm still getting from +11 to +14, and on every lost its -17
The fact that im watching this at 1.54 and that is not even bad is just proving something in this I did not need proven to me so vividly.
I like how, like half of these clips had irelia killing 2 or more enemy champions by herself.
Bro i just found your channel.saw 2 mins of this clip and after subsrcibed.such a great channel and i relate to so many of this 🤣
I love this! Couldn't be more true!
Missed the Sunday queue. NEVER PLAY RANKED LEAGUE ON SUNDAYS. Played 2 games last Sunday and first one had ADC who decided to follow the jungler 90% of the game, because the jungler took 1 of their waves. The second game we got an ADC who just ran to random lanes to feed kills to enemy team and drain exp. This kind of stuff happens every Sunday, and it is somehow always on your team.
When your queue as support takes 15 seconds Longer and now your top.
Glad the flame-lane / blame-lane made it into the video.
4:03 honestly never occured to purposely step on caitlyn trap as fiora to get the stun off w. but then again i dont really play fiora
Bro I actually did play the Candy Land pc game as a kid. No joke no shame, that was 5yo me's JAM!
"...Probably dont have the blue essense"
Me, Who is sitting on enough Blue Essense to buy 2 champions day 1: Im just waiting for a real good one...
daniel with another fire vid good to see you in bms stream every now and again
in the first 2 minutes of the video all points made except for the cannon minion one and new champs, can be attributed to almost every teambased multiplayer game
When it comes to the "new champs and reworks" I literally avoid playing ranked until like a week after that comes out when everyone's hype has died off
ayy love these videos, keep it going dude!
thanks tempex!