Just a bit of a tip, I would add a bit of contrast and mid detail to your video of you talking before you cut it up cause it looks a bit faded. Presumably you're in front of a window or there is just too much light and so you look a bit off visually. Also the volume is inconsistent, so either throwing it into an ai tool to EQ it, or just simply cutting and increasing gain on your volume levels! Keep it up!
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Just a bit of a tip, I would add a bit of contrast and mid detail to your video of you talking before you cut it up cause it looks a bit faded. Presumably you're in front of a window or there is just too much light and so you look a bit off visually. Also the volume is inconsistent, so either throwing it into an ai tool to EQ it, or just simply cutting and increasing gain on your volume levels! Keep it up!
Appreciate the tips mate, helpful insights! 👌