
  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • In Matthew 11:28, God says, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Rest there actually means rest. In the original language, “ anapauso, ” is the same as the word “ sabaton ” (Sabbath), rest. God gives us rest, meaning we get a feeling of sufficiency, we no longer look for something that we feel makes our lives complete. So, rest means rest that makes us feel sufficient and complete. However, many people look for something and hope that by getting that something, they think they can make their lives complete, whole, happy, safe, secure, and they will find a quality life, peace and prosperity. But on the contrary, that is what makes someone tired, weary, and heavy-burdened.
    So, tiredness here is not because of not being married, not having a partner, or not having children, not having a house, not having a four-wheeled vehicle, and so on. Humans in general continue to move to complete their lives with something that they think will make them happy, make themselves complete, whole, and make them able to say "enough." In fact, humans never feel enough. Humans will continue to wander from one desire to the next, from one pleasure to the next. This life makes a person move to achieve what they think can make themselves complete, whole, secure, safe, happy, and then until they can say "enough."
    In general, when big things have not been achieved, then small things are sought; such as traveling, shopping that can make "eyes hungry." Hunger is not always for something that seems to violate morals, but it can really occupy the mind and heart. And it becomes a bond that makes our lives unholy because of those things. Humans have been gripped by the power of the world without realizing it and its characteristic is "eyes hungry." So we must not maintain and keep it attached to ourselves, we must throw it away, we learn from the Lord Jesus. As the Lord Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well near the City of Sychar, "You drink this water, you are thirsty again, but if you drink the water that I give you, living water will flow from within you" (John 4:13-14).
    God reminds us on this occasion, do not stop at the false harbor. There we are offered, if we have a soulmate, we will be enough, happy, complete. In fact, after having a soulmate, we definitely want another. Humans will never be satisfied, and that is because humans have a sinful nature, we all have that passion, which we inherited from our ancestors, but now we want to come to the Lord Jesus who said, "Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
    Come on, let's learn. Although of course it hasn't come out 100% yet, it means that there are still remnants of the old man that must be completely used up. So, we must dare to make God our only happiness. We must dare to say that there is no stopping place in this life other than God. So, whatever our current situation, don't dream of anything other than how to experience God and live in fellowship with Him. Let's study day and night thinking about God. Because only God is our happiness. Don't think, if my husband comes home, we will be happy; whether my husband comes home or not, we are still happy.
    Whatever happens, Jesus is enough for me, God the Father is enough for me. And that is what makes us truly adore or worship Him. And it depends on us, so take a step. With steps like this, we will experience God, we can feel peace in God, happiness in God, and this cannot be explained in words, but must be experienced. Unfortunately, many Christians only fantasize about God, but do not experience Him. They are good at talking about God, but their words, their sermons do not change. The congregation does not get guidance. Now God's voice is for us, whatever our circumstances, we can have shelter, rest.
    Therefore, there is no other way except to think about God day and night, meet God at certain times, believe that God is present in the midst of our circumstances, where God seems silent, as if he does not exist, we still believe, God is alive. This matter, talk about this with God, only then can we understand what it means to make God the only stop. Let us not feel unhappy even though our circumstances are really difficult, maybe our good name is damaged, maybe we are insulted by people, belittled, trampled on by people. Do not be troubled because of that, do not idolize the problem. We can throw away the trouble of the heart, and replace it with our hope to enjoy God.
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