Alignment and Integration - Harden's Ladder of Integration

  • Опубликовано: 8 ноя 2023
  • The integration continuum
    Discussions about integration have been polarised, with some teachers arguing in
    favour and others against integrated teaching. In the SPICES model for educational
    strategies, integration is presented as a continuum with full integration at one end
    and discipline-based teaching at the other (Harden 2000). A position between the
    two extremes may be adopted as described on the integration ladder
    This has been found to be a useful tool to explore integration in a curriculum and
    to identify the most appropriate level to suit a particular curriculum.
    Step 1 - Isolation
    Departments or subject specialists, represented by squares, organise their teaching
    in isolation with no consideration of other subjects or disciplines.
    Step 2 - Awareness
    The teaching is subject-based, as in Step 1, but some mechanisms are in place whereby
    a teacher in one subject is made aware of what is covered in other subjects in the
    Step 3 - Harmonisation
    In harmonisation, teachers responsible for different courses consult with each other
    and communicate about their course.
    Step 4 - Nesting
    In this integrated approach the teacher includes, within a subject-based course,
    knowledge and skills relating to other subjects.
    Step 5 - Temporal coordination
    The timetable is adjusted so that related topics within subjects are scheduled at the
    same time, with similar topics being taught on the same day or week.
    Step 6 - Sharing
    Some teaching is shared between two departments or disciplines implementing the
    teaching programme.
    Step 7 - Correlation
    In addition to the subject-based teaching, an integrated teaching session is introduced that brings together areas of common interest in each of the subjects.
    Step 8 - Complementary
    There is both subject-based and integrated teaching but with integrated sessions
    representing a major feature of the curriculum.
    Step 9 - Multi-disciplinary
    A number of subjects are brought together in a single course with an integrated
    theme, but with the subjects clearly identified.
    Step 10 - Inter-disciplinary
    Subjects lose their identity in a new integrated programme.
    Step 11 - Trans-disciplinary
    The integration is built around the field of knowledge as exemplified in the real
    world rather than a theme or topic selected for the purpose.
    An Introduction to Teaching and Learning
    in Medicine
    Second Edition
    Ronald M. Harden

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