TWICE "MORE & MORE" Dance Tutorial (Mirrored + Explanation) | Sheryl Chang

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 375

  • @SherylChang
    @SherylChang  4 года назад +279

    So excited for this month!! Here’s to summer~ Let me know if you would like a tutorial on the dance break for this song!!
    0:11 Chorus Explanation
    5:51 Chorus w/Counts
    6:22 Chorus w/0.75x speed
    6:50 Chorus Full Speed
    7:11 Hook Explanation
    11:54 Hook w/Counts
    12:40 Everything w/Counts
    13:40 Everything w/0.75x speed
    14:34 Everything w/Full Speed

    • @PiaDawn123
      @PiaDawn123 4 года назад +1

      you’re amazing!

    • @Alice-un3kq
      @Alice-un3kq 4 года назад

      Thank you so much!!!

    • @yo4498
      @yo4498 4 года назад +2

      can we get a full dance tutorial

    • @kanginmin9894
      @kanginmin9894 4 года назад

      Sheryl Chang thank you so much😘

    • @haven6700
      @haven6700 4 года назад

      TYSM it helped me so much😃😃

  • @IceX92
    @IceX92 4 года назад +440

    It's so difficult and exhausting, I want to cry. Respect for Twice doing the entire song

    • @Gabby-zl2kh
      @Gabby-zl2kh 4 года назад +5

      omg you got it girl keep trying

    • @gabiecv
      @gabiecv 4 года назад +10

      now that I've learned, every time I dance I sweat horrors

    • @arieldiakonikolh8258
      @arieldiakonikolh8258 4 года назад +2


    • @ceasarcassell4050
      @ceasarcassell4050 4 года назад +13

      I literally have no idea how they can even breathe after doing all of this plus the dance break and all the other difficult shit

    • @nuisance_4699
      @nuisance_4699 4 года назад


  • @antoninaaman7210
    @antoninaaman7210 4 года назад +577

    Am I the only one who learns quicker when it’s taught like... in person?

  • @dea8187
    @dea8187 4 года назад +179

    When you’re explaining or talking it looks cute but when you start dancing like WOW

  • @samk8341
    @samk8341 4 года назад +328

    How is she 16??? She dances like she is a 25 year old pro!!!

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +31

      aww haha yes i am actually 16 xD thank you so much!!

    • @samk8341
      @samk8341 4 года назад +3

      @@SherylChang Love you!!! Just subbed!!!!!!

    • @pedregosaeunicemaeo.5297
      @pedregosaeunicemaeo.5297 4 года назад +1

      Omg she's 16?!!!! Such talent guuurl

    • @aaliyahetc.6687
      @aaliyahetc.6687 4 года назад +3

      most dancers start at a young age. professionals from what ive seen

    • @samk8341
      @samk8341 4 года назад +3

      @@aaliyahetc.6687 Yea I have seen professional dancers start dancing at like 4

  • @nana._.339
    @nana._.339 4 года назад +81

    My back up girl if Ellen and Brian doesn’t show a tutorial

  • @nabongs_makes_me_weak8329
    @nabongs_makes_me_weak8329 4 года назад +159

    Me on the floor crying because I fell attempting to do this: TT im just like TT

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +18

      you can do it!! i believe in you~ o(≧∇≦o)

  • @julicorn17
    @julicorn17 4 года назад +86

    I feel like every dance is easier when you're the teacher🥰
    You are so in gods name😳❤

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +6

      aww~ that means a lot to me!! thank you so much🥺💛

    • @Luna-il7ru
      @Luna-il7ru 4 года назад

      Bro it literally got easier for me just by watching this video just how 😯

  • @JessPea
    @JessPea 4 года назад +298

    Can you please care to explain HOW THE HELL YOU ARE QUICKER THAN MY WIFI?

    • @ky_nah
      @ky_nah 4 года назад +3

      skks so truuu

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +32

      im in the nEED foR sPEEED

    • @JessPea
      @JessPea 4 года назад +3

      Sheryl Chang omg ahahahaha ur so amazing ❤️❤️

  • @smjamilaftab3555
    @smjamilaftab3555 4 года назад +1

    wow!! I tried this tutorial and realized this dance is not a piece of cake and it was sooo tough for you as you had to dance and explain!! Great job!!

  • @emmanuelvictor8046
    @emmanuelvictor8046 4 года назад +92

    Lmao use me as the pissed that u can’t get it so u scroll through the comments to find someone who can’t also get it button😤😭😭😭

  • @YoursNadine18
    @YoursNadine18 4 года назад +49

    Tried the chorus part from explaning to counting to slower speed to full speed .... needless to say that I look like a dying whale. I wanna perform like my Goddess Jihyo .. how does it look so effortlessly but actually be so hard

    • @paigec9836
      @paigec9836 4 года назад

      IKR! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @unknown_8588
    @unknown_8588 4 года назад +1

    Wow..u explain so clearly 😍😍😍

  • @hannahhodge2613
    @hannahhodge2613 4 года назад +28

    This is amazing! !!! I was able to follow sooo easily! Thank youuuu

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +4

      aww that's great to hear! you're welcome

  • @alyadania4958
    @alyadania4958 4 года назад +1

    U just earned a new subscriber, because this video is very helpful. After watching this i litterally improoved meh dance moves. TYSM🥰🥰

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much!! and that's amazing

  • @xi2721
    @xi2721 4 года назад +6

    Thank you for teaching me! I've been practicing the whole day! I learned the dance faster than my usual!!♡

    • @1ayesha1
      @1ayesha1 4 года назад

      NANA jeNo's BESTeu how much time did you take to learn the choreo

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад


  • @seokshine5818
    @seokshine5818 4 года назад +1

    The tutorial is so clear i was able to point out the moves i did wrong before. Thank you!!😭😭❣

  • @4evergg151
    @4evergg151 4 года назад +2


    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      うわー!ありがとう、とても助かるよ ~o(^▽^)o 💗

  • @jazcoccia7403
    @jazcoccia7403 4 года назад +33

    yess i was waiting for this, thank you!!

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      you're welcome!! hope you have fun dancing~

  • @ch3ralogy
    @ch3ralogy 4 года назад +1

    i love ur tutorials so much, its easier to understand and follow!! i learnt nonstop within the same day in less than 1 hr and i took a little bit longer this time for more & more but i got everything really fast. THANK YOUU

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      ooh that's wonderful!! and you're welcome ☺️💗

  • @user-su1rl8qw9c
    @user-su1rl8qw9c 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for helping! My memory isn't quite good, but thanks to you, you've helped me improve! Your voice calms me down a lot, and helps boost my confidence.

  • @softzjo1348
    @softzjo1348 4 года назад

    With other tutorials, it takes me a week to learn the dance. But with this one, it took me less than a day! Thank you so much! Love your videos!!

  • @azalearaissa7246
    @azalearaissa7246 4 года назад +2

    OMG!! Your tutorial is so easy to practice thank you!

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      that's great to hear!! thank you

  • @kuma-chan5601
    @kuma-chan5601 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for this! I can’t wait to learn the chorus and hook~

  • @srynemohammad9197
    @srynemohammad9197 4 года назад

    Thank you so much. I think you are the one that had taught about the dance clearly especially with the counting. It really means a lot to the zero background person who wants to learn. Thanks a lot. May god bless you

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      aww🥺 thank you so much, this mean so much to me!! you got this, I believe in you

  • @bluegrey2468
    @bluegrey2468 4 года назад +12

    Hey thanks a lot . I learned it well. I feel like more practice can make my performance better. Thanks a lot for the tutorial. It's really helpful

    • @bluegrey2468
      @bluegrey2468 4 года назад

      @Tonika yeah true. My dance has improved a lot. I have been practicing for like 6 hours

    • @bluegrey2468
      @bluegrey2468 4 года назад

      @Tonika yeah thanks a lot

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      that's amazing!! practice makes perfect ^^

    • @bluegrey2468
      @bluegrey2468 4 года назад

      @@SherylChang thank you soo much for the tutorial. It really helps

  • @jenna_maria
    @jenna_maria 4 года назад +7

    This is super easy to follow, thanks for the great tutorial! ☀️

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      yayy that's great to hear~! and you're welcome :>

  • @tenzinminyeol7399
    @tenzinminyeol7399 4 года назад

    First time learning a real dance tutorial and thank god that u choose this video😭, the way she is expaining so good and I am getting so excited to send my chorus cover of this song to my friends🤩I know they would be blasted cause they are seeing me dancing like real for the first time

  • @Shefaminnisa
    @Shefaminnisa 4 года назад


  • @eshkookie2962
    @eshkookie2962 4 года назад +1

    You are so cute and pretty.. thanks for the are a great mentor.

  • @missg3811
    @missg3811 4 года назад

    I was searching for M&M dance tutorial, now I'm done watching with a smile cause I'm in a right place. Explaining detail to detail you such pro. 👏👏👏
    Thank you for this looking forward for your full version. 😉💛

  • @itsleane
    @itsleane 4 года назад +12

    great tutorial!

  • @jessicabaptist5609
    @jessicabaptist5609 4 года назад

    Ma'am ur the best teacher, I finally understood it

  • @twice3892
    @twice3892 4 года назад +1

    Omg thanks so much for this video!! I really needed it

  • @Hieelife1
    @Hieelife1 4 года назад

    This is SO CLEAN even as a tutorial thankyou so much💞

  • @kwangbae5182
    @kwangbae5182 4 года назад

    i’m so happy i learned this choreo because of you 🥺🥺 you deserve so much recognition!!

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      aww yay that's amazing! and thank you so much 🥺💗

  • @defsoul7675
    @defsoul7675 4 года назад +8

    wow this is good thanks for this

  • @yujinieee4896
    @yujinieee4896 4 года назад +40

    Does anyone ever wonder like: how do they learn the dances, other tutorials or self taught, and if self taught, HOW LIKE ARE YOU GUYS ON STEROIDS

  • @S.kim_
    @S.kim_ 4 года назад +1

    yayyy thankyou so much for your tutorial! i'm glad you posted it cause i think its a pretty hard dance! :)

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      of course!! hope you were able to understand it well :D keep practicing!!

  • @msanastasiaa
    @msanastasiaa 4 года назад

    Thank you Sheryl for this video. I love this kind of tutorials that's using counts and detailed explanation. This time is my job to keep practicing this choreography

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      Thank you so much for your kind words!! It means a lot to me

  • @pewpew221
    @pewpew221 4 года назад

    OMG respect for TWICE and Sheryl for doing this dance cover. This dance is so hard. Sheryl is a pro at this. And also am I the only one who thought that Sheryl was really cute?❤️❤️ anyways I love everyone who reads this stay safe and healthy bye!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry if this is a weird comment to u. 😂 lol

  • @takwp2016
    @takwp2016 4 года назад

    Great video! Your explanations are very clear! Thanks!

  • @honessy4142
    @honessy4142 4 года назад

    Oh my i already mememorized the choreo in 1 hour cause it feels like she teaching the choreo in person thanks for the tutorial video

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      awee that means a lot!! thank you so much

  • @jjeongg2yeon816
    @jjeongg2yeon816 4 года назад

    How come you don't have a million of subscribers? You're sooo goood... i loved how you explain every parts of the choreography.. thank you soo much!

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      aww that means a lot to me!! I'll keep working harder towards this goal :)) thank you so much

  • @liv__gaming5982
    @liv__gaming5982 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for the counts and going slower with everything! I've been trying to find someone who does just that. 💕

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      aww I'm glad you liked it!! thank you

  • @auroraborealis9068
    @auroraborealis9068 4 года назад

    You're a great teacher! Thank you so much!

  • @meggemmeggem
    @meggemmeggem 4 года назад +28

    Thank you so much! This helped a lot and I really love ur detailed explanations 😊
    Ur also a really great dancer, excited to see more

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +2

      yayy! that's awesome~ thank you so much for your support

    • @paigec9836
      @paigec9836 4 года назад

      Excited to see more and more-perfect pun opportunity

  • @zoegonzalez909
    @zoegonzalez909 4 года назад

    AMAZING!! You taught the dance so well! 🤍

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      aww thank you so much! It means a lot to me 🥺

  • @claudiacantu2990
    @claudiacantu2990 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much!! I really love your dance

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      You're welcome!! and thank you^^

  • @algaines
    @algaines 4 года назад

    Hats to you, dear! Great tutorial!

  • @mutitaqoh29
    @mutitaqoh29 4 года назад

    Thank you for the tutorial! Your explanation are great and easy to follow😍

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      aww I'm happy to hear that :) thank you!

  • @marielle1938
    @marielle1938 4 года назад

    Thank you for this! I am not really a dancer and i have a hard time coordinating both my hands and feet. But i was able to get the steps after 2hrs of practicing! Thanks a lot, Sheryl!

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      You're welcome!! and that's awesome

  • @babychaeng7273
    @babychaeng7273 4 года назад +1

    you guys must hit the like and subscribed button bcs she looked very tired and really want to do it for you guys,btw your dance look so good and perfect

  • @charlottea867
    @charlottea867 4 года назад +1

    Where is your outfit from!!!!!!! 😍 I love it

  • @gaharamiahuna9411
    @gaharamiahuna9411 4 года назад

    Thank you for the dance lesson, now I get the steps

  • @YoursNadine18
    @YoursNadine18 4 года назад

    Day 3 of me learning this ... it‘s definitely a progress if you haven‘t danced in a very long time
    Thank you for your video, it helps a lot

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      keep going!! you can do it

  • @Mari-ut7yg
    @Mari-ut7yg 4 года назад +11

    i really love this video, help me a lot and i am going to practice to get it to look at least not bad
    btw: you look like lua from weki meki really cute ^^

  • @saniahjewel9565
    @saniahjewel9565 4 года назад

    This was fun thank you so much very easy good instructions killed that ❤️

  • @crisjamesarias766
    @crisjamesarias766 4 года назад

    *_Thank you for your dance tutorial. 💕✨✊🏻_*

  • @bubieneverdie06
    @bubieneverdie06 4 года назад

    I can dance this song because you! Thank you so much 💗💗💗💗

  • @lele0732
    @lele0732 4 года назад

    I loved your explanations! Subscribed!

  • @caroltm4080
    @caroltm4080 4 года назад

    thank uuu for the video ♥ please do a wannabe tutorial!!

  • @gabiecv
    @gabiecv 4 года назад

    thank you! I managed to learn, I saw half of your video yesterday and today I saw the other half

  • @mnmookk2277
    @mnmookk2277 4 года назад +4

    Thank you so much 😍👍🏻

  • @minshi5980
    @minshi5980 4 года назад

    Thank you so much I learn alot from you and also have fun too

  • @celinafredj8347
    @celinafredj8347 4 года назад

    i already knew the main parts of the dance but this really helped me perfect it, tsym!!

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      aww that's great!! thank you

  • @d1zzym1lkk38
    @d1zzym1lkk38 4 года назад

    omfg thanks so much for this. was looking for tutorial with an explanation and i fOuNd It~

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      aww~so happy that you fOuNd it~^^ hope you had fun learning!!

  • @lilif6468
    @lilif6468 4 года назад

    dancing is so hard. i’m sweating buckets and i don’t know how to move my body but it’s fun!!!!!!

  • @woosan9189
    @woosan9189 4 года назад

    as a person that really sucks at dancing,, this tutorial is really easy to follow 🥺❤️ thank u

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      no you don't :> you're improving every time you practice!!

  • @winnyzhang9545
    @winnyzhang9545 4 года назад +4

    I was watching this and got a ad of more and more music video

  • @crimmilicious
    @crimmilicious 4 года назад

    Like I know how to dance but damn. I just wanna cry. Respect for Twice 👐

  • @bbmufta
    @bbmufta 4 года назад

    Thanks a lot sheryl for the tutorial

  • @kyokun4376
    @kyokun4376 4 года назад

    u teach very nice woow like if i see other doing dis i kinda found it difficult u dance so well at ur age

  • @jamillykaren4561
    @jamillykaren4561 4 года назад

    omg i loved it, u are so talented

  • @girlbffr_1
    @girlbffr_1 4 года назад

    c'était génial!!!! t'es très jolie et ton tutorial m'a aidé beaucoup!! thank you a lot :) you're very good dancer and very pretty

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      Merci! Cela signifie beaucoup pour moi 💗☺️

  • @neoma9732
    @neoma9732 4 года назад

    Wow! Thank you so much! You taught me a lot and I actually learnt it quicker this way. I really recommend you to beginner dancers like me too. 💕

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      that's amazing!! great job :D

  • @eurekaelcano8252
    @eurekaelcano8252 4 года назад

    Super cute while explaining!💖

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      aww haha thank you so much >.

  • @marilyn5708
    @marilyn5708 4 года назад

    this video helped a lot even tho i was really exhausted i'm gonna watch this video everyday until i get it :)

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      you got this!! I'm cheering you on ^^

  • @callmekenflores1842
    @callmekenflores1842 4 года назад

    9:33 I was struggling to do this thanks for your tutorial i finally understand how to do it. :)

  • @princesspolly4789
    @princesspolly4789 4 года назад

    Thank u this was helpful and ur so pretty💕

  • @perth1196
    @perth1196 4 года назад

    Thank you so muchhh❤️❤️ This is really helpful.

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      I'm happy to hear that^^ you're welcome!!

  • @jungkookie3883
    @jungkookie3883 4 года назад

    Thanks for tutoring . Once make sure to strm the new mv

  • @enyivictoriaa
    @enyivictoriaa 4 года назад

    thank you so much for this it really helps💓

  • @erin-nr9ll
    @erin-nr9ll 4 года назад

    Thank you so much! I learned it quickly! ❤️

  • @kritikumari2491
    @kritikumari2491 4 года назад

    It's Amazing 😍😍 and so easy . Looks like You'll be my teacher fir the next few months 😂

  • @melisagarcines5949
    @melisagarcines5949 4 года назад

    It's difficult hahaha but I am trying, thank you for the tutorial.. Love lots

  • @melanctha_
    @melanctha_ 4 года назад +6

    thanks ❤😍

  • @littleamig0
    @littleamig0 4 года назад +7

    LMAO why do I still look like a DONKEY kicking one foot back on that one part with the bent body roll, I-
    I cant dance ;-; my little rolls get in the way

  • @puka4843
    @puka4843 4 года назад

    13:41 (everything 0.75x to practice)

  • @afiqah14
    @afiqah14 4 года назад

    thank you so much ! its really work for me .

  • @potxkim
    @potxkim 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for the tutorial! 🤗 I learned in just 10minutes 🤗❤️

  • @rin_abcdefgh
    @rin_abcdefgh 4 года назад

    your voice is so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ little sister awww

  • @白い-l9l
    @白い-l9l 4 года назад +1

    I like you voice
    And you tutorial

  • @siapaajah7407
    @siapaajah7407 4 года назад

    thank youuuu!!! You're a great teacher😍

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      aww you're welcome!! thank you ^^

  • @AkachanyanCh
    @AkachanyanCh 4 года назад


    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад +1

      haha yes i am 16 xP thank you so much!!

  • @INDIanUNNie
    @INDIanUNNie 4 года назад

    I just love your voice 😍😘🥰

  • @melanieleon5395
    @melanieleon5395 4 года назад +5

    Explicas muy bien los pasos, espero poder aprenderlos ya que no soy buena bailando, pero con tu tutorial seguro que sí.

    • @SherylChang
      @SherylChang  4 года назад

      Muchas gracias!! significa mucho para mí~^^

  • @uzimakionce8860
    @uzimakionce8860 4 года назад

    This was fun ashhhhhhhhhh thankss

  • @ruth9518
    @ruth9518 4 года назад

    I learn itso fast thankyou 💜💜

  • @Sherryxy
    @Sherryxy 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for the tutorial!!