So excited for this month!! Here’s to summer~ Let me know if you would like a tutorial on the dance break for this song!! Timestamps: 0:11 Chorus Explanation 5:51 Chorus w/Counts 6:22 Chorus w/0.75x speed 6:50 Chorus Full Speed 7:11 Hook Explanation 11:54 Hook w/Counts 12:40 Everything w/Counts 13:40 Everything w/0.75x speed 14:34 Everything w/Full Speed
Tried the chorus part from explaning to counting to slower speed to full speed .... needless to say that I look like a dying whale. I wanna perform like my Goddess Jihyo .. how does it look so effortlessly but actually be so hard
i love ur tutorials so much, its easier to understand and follow!! i learnt nonstop within the same day in less than 1 hr and i took a little bit longer this time for more & more but i got everything really fast. THANK YOUU
Thank you so much for helping! My memory isn't quite good, but thanks to you, you've helped me improve! Your voice calms me down a lot, and helps boost my confidence.
Thank you so much. I think you are the one that had taught about the dance clearly especially with the counting. It really means a lot to the zero background person who wants to learn. Thanks a lot. May god bless you
First time learning a real dance tutorial and thank god that u choose this video😭, the way she is expaining so good and I am getting so excited to send my chorus cover of this song to my friends🤩I know they would be blasted cause they are seeing me dancing like real for the first time
I was searching for M&M dance tutorial, now I'm done watching with a smile cause I'm in a right place. Explaining detail to detail you such pro. 👏👏👏 Thank you for this looking forward for your full version. 😉💛
Thank you Sheryl for this video. I love this kind of tutorials that's using counts and detailed explanation. This time is my job to keep practicing this choreography
OMG respect for TWICE and Sheryl for doing this dance cover. This dance is so hard. Sheryl is a pro at this. And also am I the only one who thought that Sheryl was really cute?❤️❤️ anyways I love everyone who reads this stay safe and healthy bye!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry if this is a weird comment to u. 😂 lol
Thank you for this! I am not really a dancer and i have a hard time coordinating both my hands and feet. But i was able to get the steps after 2hrs of practicing! Thanks a lot, Sheryl!
you guys must hit the like and subscribed button bcs she looked very tired and really want to do it for you guys,btw your dance look so good and perfect
i really love this video, help me a lot and i am going to practice to get it to look at least not bad btw: you look like lua from weki meki really cute ^^
LMAO why do I still look like a DONKEY kicking one foot back on that one part with the bent body roll, I- 😭😭 I cant dance ;-; my little rolls get in the way
So excited for this month!! Here’s to summer~ Let me know if you would like a tutorial on the dance break for this song!!
0:11 Chorus Explanation
5:51 Chorus w/Counts
6:22 Chorus w/0.75x speed
6:50 Chorus Full Speed
7:11 Hook Explanation
11:54 Hook w/Counts
12:40 Everything w/Counts
13:40 Everything w/0.75x speed
14:34 Everything w/Full Speed
you’re amazing!
Thank you so much!!!
can we get a full dance tutorial
Sheryl Chang thank you so much😘
TYSM it helped me so much😃😃
It's so difficult and exhausting, I want to cry. Respect for Twice doing the entire song
omg you got it girl keep trying
now that I've learned, every time I dance I sweat horrors
I literally have no idea how they can even breathe after doing all of this plus the dance break and all the other difficult shit
Am I the only one who learns quicker when it’s taught like... in person?
same, idk why
Same same
When you’re explaining or talking it looks cute but when you start dancing like WOW
How is she 16??? She dances like she is a 25 year old pro!!!
aww haha yes i am actually 16 xD thank you so much!!
@@SherylChang Love you!!! Just subbed!!!!!!
Omg she's 16?!!!! Such talent guuurl
most dancers start at a young age. professionals from what ive seen
@@aaliyahetc.6687 Yea I have seen professional dancers start dancing at like 4
My back up girl if Ellen and Brian doesn’t show a tutorial
Exactly that's the reason I came here
Oh my god, the same :)
Me on the floor crying because I fell attempting to do this: TT im just like TT
you can do it!! i believe in you~ o(≧∇≦o)
I feel like every dance is easier when you're the teacher🥰
You are so in gods name😳❤
aww~ that means a lot to me!! thank you so much🥺💛
Bro it literally got easier for me just by watching this video just how 😯
Can you please care to explain HOW THE HELL YOU ARE QUICKER THAN MY WIFI?
skks so truuu
im in the nEED foR sPEEED
Sheryl Chang omg ahahahaha ur so amazing ❤️❤️
wow!! I tried this tutorial and realized this dance is not a piece of cake and it was sooo tough for you as you had to dance and explain!! Great job!!
Lmao use me as the pissed that u can’t get it so u scroll through the comments to find someone who can’t also get it button😤😭😭😭
Tried the chorus part from explaning to counting to slower speed to full speed .... needless to say that I look like a dying whale. I wanna perform like my Goddess Jihyo .. how does it look so effortlessly but actually be so hard
IKR! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wow..u explain so clearly 😍😍😍
This is amazing! !!! I was able to follow sooo easily! Thank youuuu
aww that's great to hear! you're welcome
U just earned a new subscriber, because this video is very helpful. After watching this i litterally improoved meh dance moves. TYSM🥰🥰
Thank you so much!! and that's amazing
Thank you for teaching me! I've been practicing the whole day! I learned the dance faster than my usual!!♡
NANA jeNo's BESTeu how much time did you take to learn the choreo
The tutorial is so clear i was able to point out the moves i did wrong before. Thank you!!😭😭❣
うわー!ありがとう、とても助かるよ ~o(^▽^)o 💗
yess i was waiting for this, thank you!!
you're welcome!! hope you have fun dancing~
i love ur tutorials so much, its easier to understand and follow!! i learnt nonstop within the same day in less than 1 hr and i took a little bit longer this time for more & more but i got everything really fast. THANK YOUU
ooh that's wonderful!! and you're welcome ☺️💗
Thank you so much for helping! My memory isn't quite good, but thanks to you, you've helped me improve! Your voice calms me down a lot, and helps boost my confidence.
With other tutorials, it takes me a week to learn the dance. But with this one, it took me less than a day! Thank you so much! Love your videos!!
OMG!! Your tutorial is so easy to practice thank you!
that's great to hear!! thank you
Thank you for this! I can’t wait to learn the chorus and hook~
Thank you so much. I think you are the one that had taught about the dance clearly especially with the counting. It really means a lot to the zero background person who wants to learn. Thanks a lot. May god bless you
aww🥺 thank you so much, this mean so much to me!! you got this, I believe in you
Hey thanks a lot . I learned it well. I feel like more practice can make my performance better. Thanks a lot for the tutorial. It's really helpful
@Tonika yeah true. My dance has improved a lot. I have been practicing for like 6 hours
@Tonika yeah thanks a lot
that's amazing!! practice makes perfect ^^
@@SherylChang thank you soo much for the tutorial. It really helps
This is super easy to follow, thanks for the great tutorial! ☀️
yayy that's great to hear~! and you're welcome :>
First time learning a real dance tutorial and thank god that u choose this video😭, the way she is expaining so good and I am getting so excited to send my chorus cover of this song to my friends🤩I know they would be blasted cause they are seeing me dancing like real for the first time
You are so cute and pretty.. thanks for the are a great mentor.
I was searching for M&M dance tutorial, now I'm done watching with a smile cause I'm in a right place. Explaining detail to detail you such pro. 👏👏👏
Thank you for this looking forward for your full version. 😉💛
great tutorial!
thank you so much!!
Ma'am ur the best teacher, I finally understood it
Omg thanks so much for this video!! I really needed it
This is SO CLEAN even as a tutorial thankyou so much💞
i’m so happy i learned this choreo because of you 🥺🥺 you deserve so much recognition!!
aww yay that's amazing! and thank you so much 🥺💗
wow this is good thanks for this
aww you're welcome!!
Does anyone ever wonder like: how do they learn the dances, other tutorials or self taught, and if self taught, HOW LIKE ARE YOU GUYS ON STEROIDS
yayyy thankyou so much for your tutorial! i'm glad you posted it cause i think its a pretty hard dance! :)
of course!! hope you were able to understand it well :D keep practicing!!
Thank you Sheryl for this video. I love this kind of tutorials that's using counts and detailed explanation. This time is my job to keep practicing this choreography
Thank you so much for your kind words!! It means a lot to me
OMG respect for TWICE and Sheryl for doing this dance cover. This dance is so hard. Sheryl is a pro at this. And also am I the only one who thought that Sheryl was really cute?❤️❤️ anyways I love everyone who reads this stay safe and healthy bye!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry if this is a weird comment to u. 😂 lol
Great video! Your explanations are very clear! Thanks!
Oh my i already mememorized the choreo in 1 hour cause it feels like she teaching the choreo in person thanks for the tutorial video
awee that means a lot!! thank you so much
How come you don't have a million of subscribers? You're sooo goood... i loved how you explain every parts of the choreography.. thank you soo much!
aww that means a lot to me!! I'll keep working harder towards this goal :)) thank you so much
Thank you for the counts and going slower with everything! I've been trying to find someone who does just that. 💕
aww I'm glad you liked it!! thank you
You're a great teacher! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much! This helped a lot and I really love ur detailed explanations 😊
Ur also a really great dancer, excited to see more
yayy! that's awesome~ thank you so much for your support
Excited to see more and more-perfect pun opportunity
AMAZING!! You taught the dance so well! 🤍
aww thank you so much! It means a lot to me 🥺
Thank you so much!! I really love your dance
You're welcome!! and thank you^^
Hats to you, dear! Great tutorial!
Thank you for the tutorial! Your explanation are great and easy to follow😍
aww I'm happy to hear that :) thank you!
Thank you for this! I am not really a dancer and i have a hard time coordinating both my hands and feet. But i was able to get the steps after 2hrs of practicing! Thanks a lot, Sheryl!
You're welcome!! and that's awesome
you guys must hit the like and subscribed button bcs she looked very tired and really want to do it for you guys,btw your dance look so good and perfect
Where is your outfit from!!!!!!! 😍 I love it
Thank you for the dance lesson, now I get the steps
Day 3 of me learning this ... it‘s definitely a progress if you haven‘t danced in a very long time
Thank you for your video, it helps a lot
keep going!! you can do it
i really love this video, help me a lot and i am going to practice to get it to look at least not bad
btw: you look like lua from weki meki really cute ^^
aww thank you
lua from weki meki is so accurate!!
This was fun thank you so much very easy good instructions killed that ❤️
*_Thank you for your dance tutorial. 💕✨✊🏻_*
I can dance this song because you! Thank you so much 💗💗💗💗
I loved your explanations! Subscribed!
thank uuu for the video ♥ please do a wannabe tutorial!!
thank you! I managed to learn, I saw half of your video yesterday and today I saw the other half
yayy!! you can do it~
Thank you so much 😍👍🏻
you're welcome!!
Thank you so much I learn alot from you and also have fun too
i already knew the main parts of the dance but this really helped me perfect it, tsym!!
aww that's great!! thank you
omfg thanks so much for this. was looking for tutorial with an explanation and i fOuNd It~
aww~so happy that you fOuNd it~^^ hope you had fun learning!!
dancing is so hard. i’m sweating buckets and i don’t know how to move my body but it’s fun!!!!!!
as a person that really sucks at dancing,, this tutorial is really easy to follow 🥺❤️ thank u
no you don't :> you're improving every time you practice!!
I was watching this and got a ad of more and more music video
Like I know how to dance but damn. I just wanna cry. Respect for Twice 👐
Thanks a lot sheryl for the tutorial
aww you're welcome!!
u teach very nice woow like if i see other doing dis i kinda found it difficult u dance so well at ur age
omg i loved it, u are so talented
aww thank you so much!!
c'était génial!!!! t'es très jolie et ton tutorial m'a aidé beaucoup!! thank you a lot :) you're very good dancer and very pretty
Merci! Cela signifie beaucoup pour moi 💗☺️
Wow! Thank you so much! You taught me a lot and I actually learnt it quicker this way. I really recommend you to beginner dancers like me too. 💕
that's amazing!! great job :D
Super cute while explaining!💖
aww haha thank you so much >.
this video helped a lot even tho i was really exhausted i'm gonna watch this video everyday until i get it :)
you got this!! I'm cheering you on ^^
9:33 I was struggling to do this thanks for your tutorial i finally understand how to do it. :)
Thank u this was helpful and ur so pretty💕
Thank you so muchhh❤️❤️ This is really helpful.
I'm happy to hear that^^ you're welcome!!
Thanks for tutoring . Once make sure to strm the new mv
thank you so much for this it really helps💓
Thank you so much! I learned it quickly! ❤️
That's amazing!!
It's Amazing 😍😍 and so easy . Looks like You'll be my teacher fir the next few months 😂
It's difficult hahaha but I am trying, thank you for the tutorial.. Love lots
thanks ❤😍
of course!!
LMAO why do I still look like a DONKEY kicking one foot back on that one part with the bent body roll, I-
I cant dance ;-; my little rolls get in the way
13:41 (everything 0.75x to practice)
thank you so much ! its really work for me .
aww you're welcome ^^
Thank you so much for the tutorial! 🤗 I learned in just 10minutes 🤗❤️
wow!! great job :DD
your voice is so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ little sister awww
I like you voice
And you tutorial
aww thank you so much hahah
thank youuuu!!! You're a great teacher😍
aww you're welcome!! thank you ^^
haha yes i am 16 xP thank you so much!!
I just love your voice 😍😘🥰
Explicas muy bien los pasos, espero poder aprenderlos ya que no soy buena bailando, pero con tu tutorial seguro que sí.
Muchas gracias!! significa mucho para mí~^^
This was fun ashhhhhhhhhh thankss
I learn itso fast thankyou 💜💜
Thanks for the tutorial!!
You're welcome!!