Two amazing jay species: Green Jay And White-tailed Jay - Northern Peru

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • Green Jay is a brilliant green, yellow, and blue jay of the tropics whose range barely stretches to southern Texas, the Green Jay is a noisy, colorful delight. The birds travel in conspicuous family flocks through brushlands and forests, seeking insects, small vertebrates, and fruit to eat. Like other jays and crows, this species is an incredibly versatile forager equally comfortable at picking, gleaning, pouncing, and even flycatching. During the breeding season, from April through June, these garrulous birds settle down and become a bit quieter.
    White-tailed Jay is one of the most striking and recognizable birds of the dry “Tumbesian Region” that encompasses parts of western Ecuador and northwestern Peru. No other bird in range has a similar blue, white, and black pattern. Adults have yellow eyes. Young birds have dark eyes and slightly duller plumage. Noisy gangs of these impressive birds roam through dry forest giving a wide variety of calls, many of which have an odd, metallic quality.

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