Responsible Borrowing

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 230

  • @TheHDStation
    @TheHDStation 10 лет назад +147

    They make it look so easy and friendly. They welcome you with loving arms. They show their true colors, however, once they have you trapped in those arms.

    • @annebradley6086
      @annebradley6086 10 лет назад +9

      They are pathetically dishonest to the core! That is the only common core that exists!

    • @triad6425
      @triad6425 10 лет назад +22

      The biggest problem is that back when our parents or previous generations went to school the cost of education was way more reasonable. Taking out over $40k was somewhere between unheard of, rare and impossible for your a public university.

    • @BadMannerKorea
      @BadMannerKorea 7 лет назад +3

      It is easy to not be an idiot. If you borrowed a ton of money, then you deserve to suffer.

    • @StephJ0seph
      @StephJ0seph 4 года назад +2

      Those loving arms pulling you into a warm embrace turns out to be a bear trap in disguise

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад +3

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

    @iSNEEZES 11 лет назад +173

    I find it amusing that comments weren't disabled for this video.

    • @Anime9100
      @Anime9100 11 лет назад +25

      Lol Gov. did something right for once lol

    • @StephJ0seph
      @StephJ0seph 4 года назад

      Same I'm surprised

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад +3

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @GameNut321
    @GameNut321 10 лет назад +75

    Getting ready for college is pretty overwhelming... trying my best to stay focused

    • @bpup04
      @bpup04 10 лет назад +1

      Good luck

    • @jdstep97
      @jdstep97 10 лет назад +3

      Yes. Good luck and AVOID LOANS as much as possible. If you have any alternatives (e.g. living at home, working part-time, attend school part-time, state or community college, etc.) take them.

    • @AlexChambersXYZ
      @AlexChambersXYZ 10 лет назад +7

      Absolutely. It's fun to stay on campus, but brutal to your wallet. Get a car. Park near the campus instead of their paid parking (at least that's how it is at ASU). Eat breakfast and dinner at home. If you can, pack a lunch. Every now and then, treat yourself to Starbucks and Chick fil A.

    • @helenhart7730
      @helenhart7730 9 лет назад +1


    • @shootaslay
      @shootaslay 4 года назад +2

      Now you got 300K+ subscribers, nice.

  • @MrBGeonzon
    @MrBGeonzon 10 лет назад +160

    This video forgot to add.

    • @ricardofranco7419
      @ricardofranco7419 10 лет назад +14

      I know right? But you can declare bankruptcy for other "more responsible" debts. 'Murika. Land of legalized extortion and corruption! #freedomisntfree

    • @samsavidge1
      @samsavidge1 10 лет назад

      Actually, you can declare bankruptcy for student loans, if you are disabled. My mother was able to do this.

    • @MrBGeonzon
      @MrBGeonzon 10 лет назад

      ***** That's interesting I genuinely wanna know more. Did she graduate or was she in the middle of school when she became disabled?

    • @MissBrri
      @MissBrri 10 лет назад +3

      ***** That is true, BUT you essentially lose your degree/certificate. So whatever job you were hoping to get after college you probably won't get.

    • @annebradley6086
      @annebradley6086 10 лет назад +1

      There is a book that is supposed to provide you the administrative procedures and regs for student loans. I looked at it at the court law law library. Deciphering it is a whole nother thing! Obama is a communist-lying criminal! That book and most everything, including Obamacare (writer of Obamacare--who hails from Harvard oror Yale - go figure - got over $4 million of govt money to create chaos in our country, causing many to even die!)

  • @davidwallach3480
    @davidwallach3480 10 лет назад +218

    It'd really kill them to just lower tuition, wouldn't it.

    • @calvinware7957
      @calvinware7957 10 лет назад +15

      Why do that when you can profit off of the ever increasing tuition rates of college?

    • @annebradley6086
      @annebradley6086 10 лет назад +4

      Abba Okoro Obama hates the US and wants to take us down! He is trying to collapse our economy and his planners have everything to do with it! The White House is infiltrated with Obama puppets who do not think for themselves! Obama doesn't think for HIS-self! He is a puppet for a huge collaboration of terrorist-planners and we have to eradicate them all! See my twitter account at but I have corrupted internet service right now. AT&T sold landline service ONLY in Connecticut - to Frontier Corp! Frontier is dishonest. I refuse to let them have any access to my computer! Yet they enjoy a monopoly! I have to use wifi from other sources and it is very hard on me. I am disabled from being hit by a 20-ton truck head on. His fault. Yet this year, the at-fault insurance was changed to NO-Fault and they claim rights to liquidate my insurance - this is all Obama corruption! Fight them, my friends! Keep in touch with Congress!

    • @annebradley6086
      @annebradley6086 10 лет назад

      Anne Bradley
      Part I of IVвидео.html - Chicago speaks out against Obamaвидео.html - This is about Barry Sotoro’s birth certificate and more. Hawaiin music. FACTS - Woman who was supported Obama now says she no longer supports himвидео.html Ray Stevens song, Come To the USA, there’s no penalty to pay, should you get caught illegally immigration….lots of freebies
      Petition: Let Illegal Alian Children Live At The White House
      There’s no Place Like Utopia 2014, 2 min promotionвидео.html#t=78, interview with Joel Gilbert, film maker. The REAL Father of Obama is Frank Marshall Davis.
      (This film can be found on Amazon or, “Dreams From my REAL father”. In my opinion, Info Wars is not consistently correct. Tea Party info is political poison. Take that into serious consideration.)
      Suspicious deaths:видео.html
      16-min film tells America to Wake Up because Obama is a terrorist. We have to support Congress. Source: “Officially Anonymous”. Note, these are rogue cyber hackers. They hacked many Malaysian computers! (Link is after this one):видео.html
      Admission of hacking many Malaysian computers, more. 13.5 minutes:видео.html
      Illuminati uses phrase “New World Order” to fit their whims:видео.htmlвидео.html - Andrew Breitbart’s public speaking, emphasizing Tea Party was triggered by dems (yet news video with Martin Basher claims he was a Tea Party loyalist); Occupy Movement was triggered by dems…Andrew Breitbart was murdered shortly after this! - this website tells you what is going on now at the Israeli/Palestinian border as well as the growth of terrorism in the world -“Germany did not need to destroy Russia for more land”…war fails to accomplish anything…Value of Life….second video is interview of producer of “Blue”….”Global Warming is a farce” - taking back the environment..false predictions and bloodshed…Blue Beats Green U-Tube Channelвидео.html - Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama: His Birth Certificate in Hawaii is found to be fake!видео.html - 2009 video which never got attention when it was needed. Illegal Obamaвидео.html Obama is bisexual, people died suspiciously, drug user (cocaine habit) - What American Progressivism Really Isвидео.html - Jeff Rense interviews Mia Pope, who knew “Barry Soetoro” at school in Hawaii. Suspicious death of Obama’s grandmother, reflecting convenience for his presidential race. Deaths of three of his boy-toys suspicious - murders. Members of the Down Low Club, secret gays. Donald Young Murdered by multiple gunshot wounds done by ammature gun user. Nate spencer murdered. Larry Bland murdered. Larry Sinclair exposed Obama. (Secret Service “saved” Larry Sinclair when he attempted suicide and called Glenn Beck - great Obama image!)видео.html&feature=youtube_gdata_player - Exposed! $6.5 Billion for Border Crisis Was Funded by Senate In 2013!....including special status for those associated with Monsanto planned - Russian fighters facebook. I stand with Vladimir Putin! - Congressional Budget Officeвидео.html - Dr. Dinesh D’Souza speaks to University on Obama’s America: Unmaking The American Dreamвидео.html - - Obama’s secret life. Facts in FBI records. 9.5 minutes Comments attached to this film make no sense.
      7/28/2014 Current altering of Military Records accounting for weapons seized:видео.html - Sean Hannity interview w/ Mark Levinвидео.html - Michelle Obama is a man - quite perplexing about Obama Plan and religious connotations, which may be instigated by Tea Party, in my opinionвидео.html - 5 min; Michelle Obama is a manвидео.html ­ - 4 min: Michelle Obama is a man - The Rise of the Illuminati - Luminati claims the Protestants are the corrupted ones…(so, what about the Catholic Church?..this gives a hint on the intent of this propaganda) - Banker deaths climb to 15
      Second Part
      Video, Jewish Americans Dwarf Palestinian Demonstration: - Egyptian TV news anchor angry at Hamas,7340,L-4549134,00.html - 7/24/2014 Fighting videos Israel/Palestine - Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Secret trade agreements with Obama - LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - Obama’s America 2016 film and readable versionвидео.html - Michelle Obama is a man! - best professional video proof (24 min)видео.html - Michelle Obama is a man - ISIS to perform FGM on all females in Iraq
      Yet there are contrary news reports now….consider the sources! Notice how they are linked to terrorists - i.e. claiming most of the ones who die in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are Palestinians! Then why do they not agree to the proposed agreement made by Israel? Many deaths occur - all unnecessary! Palestinians are letting Hamas control everything!видео.html&app=desktop - LEGAL BASIS….Sec. Panetta Commits Treason and Tells Congress U.S. Military Takes Orders from U.N. 3/9/12видео.html Panetta Publicly Admits U.S. Military/Obama Takes Orders from The U.N. (He mentions Lybia. They killed leaders in Lybia without congress approval and claimed they got UN approval - instead!!)видео.html - why Breitbart was assisinated ACCORDING to Dr. Manning. I don’t recommend you spend time watching this 25 min video. Manning is trying to convince public that those (white guys) Navy Seals, covered up a hoax. Yet Obama had the seals murdered. He shows no relevance; and frames everything on Breitbart, who I believe was a treasonist, helping Snowden. (Obama uses Dr. Manning as a social tool to get people to believe the murder of Bin Laden was a hoax…those navy seals would have told family and others if they could not have killed Bin Laden, when it was the third time they had Bin Laden and Obama was pressured to do his job and order an okay…killing the seals was Obama’s message to his terrorists that he was with them, not US!)видео.html - Senator McCain Rips into General Dempsey over Benghazi…Dempsey argues “We wouldn’t have gotten there soon enough”…as reason he did not deploy military to protect the Embassy in Benghaziвидео.html - Watch the Full Clinton-McCain Exchange from the Benghazi Hearing (2) Clinton complains Congress put on hold money SHE needed to help Lybia, claiming they should not have to (3) Disagreement that they should not have been part of any UN mission in Lybia, (4) Complains “currently the House has holds on bilateral security assistance, any kind of terrorism assistance, So we gotta get our act together between the administration and the Congress. If this is a priority about trying to help this country and deal with what is a very dangerous environment from East to West, then we have to work together”….(5) Whatever we can do, we need to get out there and start delivering
      I get the impression she is giving an ultimatum, that the horrific attack was an end justifying the means type of situationвидео.html - Secretary of State Clinton Claims Fault for Benghazi Attack…yet says “What Difference Does It Make?”….interviewed with Rep Johnson….”Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided to go kill some Americans”……”It is our job to do everything we can to prevent this from happening again”
      She contradicts herself and I believe she may have been in on the Obama Plan to take over the country, for decades. I bet she has affiliations/dealings with the same people as Obama - particularly since Obama helped her husband win the Presidential election by using dishonest votes - from thousands of dead people. Most likely others did around the country since he was successful.видео.html - Republicans Demand Action, Jail Time for IRS Scandal “My question is not who is going to resign, but who is going to jail…”, John Boehner
      Tea Party and other orgs erroneously applied and got tax write-offs they should have not received.
      Note, Obama now offers deal of thousands of dollars cut for back taxes!
      Rep’s who interviewed Holder: Rep Johnson, Rep Steve Chabot, Rep Darrell Issa (Holder committed contempt as he was interrupting Rep Darrell Issa and even made complaints about how rotten the Congress is)
      There is no NEW WORLD ORDER - President Bush did not create an underground! Obama says this to evade and deceive since HIS Planners are doing this! He is no doubt a member of ISIS!
      Continued to Part 3

      Third Partвидео.html - pfc reported as committing suicide when she was murdered…Obama used them as a tool…parents claim “they have a torrid reputation of abuse in the military and it needs to stop”….their daughter was probably murdered by terrorists they were fighting, yet parents do not pursue that, according to this video, which has music in the background, reported by a TV station. Two Suspicions: (1) Obama wanted the parents to sue the Army to harm it more financially (2) By reporting a suicide, they don’t have to pay family any wartime loss, military benefits for life insurance…..also, there are several other u-tube videos which are created from Afri-Synergy, about black people who claim their family member was murdered…видео.html -- Ted Nugent "Hillary Clinton Should Be In Jail! Along With Eric Gun-Running Holder!"видео.html - "Butcher of Benghazi" Hillary Clinton Headed to Prison?видео.html - Susan Rice Caught Lying About Benghazi - Rep. Trey Gowdy Whistleblower Questioning.
      Mr. Hicks answer to Congressman Trey Gowdy was practiced. He claimed that the REASON Susan Rice went on several talk shows was to put pressure on the FBI to go out there as they requested. His emphasis was blaming FBI for her need to go on talk shows.
      He literally ducked the fact that Trey Gowdy claimed she reported lies deliberately.видео.html - Lerner Pleads 5th AGAIN--All Hell Breaks Loose!! Darrel Issa questions her. She pleas the 5th. Question: Who wanted to fix the problem caused by Citizens United?
      Email found: She emails Tea Party Lois Lerner's email provided by whistleblower: TEA PARTY MATTER VERY DANGEROUS. This could be the vehicle to go to court on the issue of whether Citizen's United overturning the ban on corporate spending applies to tax exempt rules. Counsel and Judy Kindell need to be in on this one please...Cincy should probably not have these cases....Holly please see exactly what they have please
      Lois Lerner’s hearing was adjourned because of uncooperative testimony. She just kept pleading the 5th. Mr. Elijah Cummings, MD. Attacks Mr. Issa, failing to have relevance. Yells out Mr. Issa had a one-sided investigation. A snotty rep said, “He’s taking the 5th” and they-democrats laugh. This rep, by the last name of Cummings claims that Rep Issa had no right to plea the 5th. He didn't plead any 5th. Rep Cummings committed contempt since the hearing was adjourned.
      Consider THIS source also!
      Warning! This is torture!
      Warning! This is torture!
      Warning on impending Bioterrorism in U.S., etc. :
      German-decent Officer serves as Brigadier General in USArmy:
      BARE NAKED ISLAMвидео.html
      PALLYWOOD’ films an alleged Israeli “atrocity” that got picked up by many in the Mainstream Media - inside look at a tunnel that Hamas builds
      Muslim terrorists beheading Christian Children:
      Rev 7/28/2014
      This keeps getting altered! - inside look at a tunnel that Hamas builds
      Part IV
      Obama planners obviously formed a type of coup de tat to get rid of the pope fast, since Adam Lanza was molested by a priest when he was six, and people were sharing it. NOT mainstream media, of course, which has been doing a lot of lying and failing to abide by their journalism oath.видео.html

    • @SuperNoPants
      @SuperNoPants 9 лет назад +2

      Anne Bradley Not really the same subject but I do need to vent. Add to it what Obama did regarding signing the Monsanto bill. We are being poisoned no matter what we eat. Not everyone can afford organic so we are doomed with GMO's. Also, I used to work for AT&T for many years (in California) and I believe I am correct in saying that AT&T is forced by the FCC to lease out their phone lines to the competitive local exchange carriers such as Frontier, which unfortunately sucks. Although it isn't like AT&T minds because they are making bucks off the deal anyway.

    • @martinme555
      @martinme555 5 лет назад +8

      @@annebradley6086 Are you ok

  • @user-tq5fy8wl8q
    @user-tq5fy8wl8q 8 лет назад +161

    "Don't worry, financial aid and loans are easy to pay off, and you'll be fine!"
    lmao don't lie to me.

    • @JavierMartinez-vy3nt
      @JavierMartinez-vy3nt 8 лет назад +10

      Better than paying private loans

    • @Paragons_Delight
      @Paragons_Delight 8 лет назад +3

      damn straight

    • @jacquelinedelatorre1821
      @jacquelinedelatorre1821 6 лет назад

      someone who has asked for a loan of money that can tell me how long it takes to approve and give the money?

    • @m.hosterman8375
      @m.hosterman8375 4 года назад

      LOL 70K in student loan debt here. Public school, public loans. Not easy to pay off. Im in my 30s btw

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад +1

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @cheri1997
    @cheri1997 9 лет назад +118

    If only borrowing was as easy as this video makes it look. Basically since I'm not rich enough to pay for school and not poor enough to get the grants I need, I will paying off loans for college for the next decade(s). Would it kill colleges to lower tuition? I shouldn't have to be penalized for wanting to further my education in order to prepare for my future career.

    • @nicholasalawine3796
      @nicholasalawine3796 8 лет назад +24

      Which is why we need Bernie Sanders and not a racist, selfish Trump or a dishonest, greedy Clinton.

    • @brandonthesteele
      @brandonthesteele 8 лет назад +6

      The ridiculous cost of a University education is proof they can't run themselves effectively. The State needs to step in.

    • @nicholasalawine3796
      @nicholasalawine3796 8 лет назад +1

      I would consider your comment if you simply used logic instead of using the fallacy attacking the person. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean that you are superior.

    • @krillansavillan
      @krillansavillan 8 лет назад +1

      The reason it is so high is because the white collar job market is increasing more competitive. And, our public school system doesn't do a good enough job dissuading liberal arts degrees. Of course colleges are going to prey on the uninformed consumer who has no idea what paying back 30, 40, or 100k of student loans is like, and who treats their college major like a slew of electives rather than an actual investment (cost:return). I certainly hope that you do your research and perhaps get a STEM degree if you truly want to further your eucation. Believe me, you can get nearly any job with a high school diploma or associates degree from a community college, as you can a BA in Psychology from some out of state college.

    • @magoo9279
      @magoo9279 5 лет назад +1

      Man they don't even offer that much in Grant's. You still have to take out loans.

  • @spaceisnothing
    @spaceisnothing 10 лет назад +192

    and thus my enslavement begins

    • @Jojo-wl7sn
      @Jojo-wl7sn 7 лет назад +3


    • @drewmiller8825
      @drewmiller8825 5 лет назад +1

      Right lol

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

    • @Daniel-xc3sv
      @Daniel-xc3sv 3 года назад

      can you please respond to me and tell me how it went im about to go into the process.

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      @@Daniel-xc3sv Jesus loves you and He's willing to forgive you fr

  • @judithapte6959
    @judithapte6959 10 лет назад +55

    I live abroad but im american and seriously its amazing how other countries treat their university students. In australia all permanent residents/citizens are applicable for a commonwealth supported place where the government pays for 50% of your tuition. Australian citizens like my friends all be getting no interest loans that only require repayment when their salaries exceed 50,000 (and even then they pay a small amount in their taxes over the years so they dont get hit financially). Meanwhile the US government is out here acting like its the 1850s and going to university should be only for rich people, and us filthy poor people shouldnt even think about dirtying the hallowed halls of a tertiary institution

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад +3

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @MFMegaZeroX7
    @MFMegaZeroX7 10 лет назад +43

    Got to love the condescending tone of this guy.

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @sfgox10
    @sfgox10 8 лет назад +139

    Glad we spend what, 800 billion a year on our military, but cannot offer 0% interest rates on EDUCATION.

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад +5

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

    • @servantofourlordjesuschris6456
      @servantofourlordjesuschris6456 Год назад

      I was thinking the same thing.

    • @Wi11D
      @Wi11D Год назад

      The military is used to serve and protect American people student debt is own damn problem it shouldn’t be the tax payers burden to put privileged assholes threw collage

    • @ajsims1996
      @ajsims1996 11 месяцев назад +1

      God bless America Rahhhhhhhhhhh. Nah but I agree with you

  • @scribblerofdreams
    @scribblerofdreams 9 лет назад +182

    we're all screwed. :D

    • @nodice100
      @nodice100 6 лет назад +3

      Yes we are ;-;

    • @drewmiller8825
      @drewmiller8825 6 лет назад +2

      Yep, in short that's it

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @laprechaun12
    @laprechaun12 10 лет назад +40

    Why did I feel like crying at the end of this video? :(

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @LackofRyan
    @LackofRyan 10 лет назад +44

    But it kinda sucks being middle class. . . receiving no aid at all.

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад +1

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @MoParadise
    @MoParadise 11 лет назад +2

    The answer has many variables. Information needed to answer that question: What type of loan is it? (Subsidised or not? Federal, Perkins or Private?)
    How many months will pass between taking out the loan and when you begin repayment?
    What is your interest rate? Is it fixed?
    It is totally worth the effort to figure this out BEFORE you take out any more loans and when you get interest statements. By not knowing how this works you could end up like me. Borrowed 64k owe 112k (for 2 masters degrees)

  • @GeorgeTheRapper2
    @GeorgeTheRapper2 10 лет назад +4

    I'm not sure how accurate this is but I remember looking up how much federal funding went into education and it was only 2%!

  • @gammarust
    @gammarust 10 лет назад +26

    Haha damn now I'm thinking about my future more then before. I'm going to cry.

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад +1

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @janetking8180
    @janetking8180 10 лет назад +2

    Yes, I agree that student loans may be the only way to attend college. Also, you need to be careful and only take out the loans necessary and no more.

  • @sLicKezT72
    @sLicKezT72 10 лет назад +23

    I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!!!! - Michael Scott

    • @nametager7539
      @nametager7539 5 лет назад +2

      ERROR 404: bankruptcy not found

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @amihartz
    @amihartz 8 лет назад +18

    My yearly expenses for a public college is almost 20k but then I'm only allowed to take out 7k in student loans?
    Dude my private loans are through the roof! rip me lol

    • @iAlwaysNeverWlN
      @iAlwaysNeverWlN 8 лет назад +4

      at least youre a girl and have the option to be a stripper or cam girl to get hella money unlike us guys :(

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @dtmevolved
    @dtmevolved 10 лет назад +7

    I am having trouble getting enough money together for college. They said I have two weeks to pay or I get dropped. I'm trying to become a firefighter, with a low salary because I want to save lives and help people. And this is how i'm treated?

    • @mrsuns10
      @mrsuns10 9 лет назад +1

      dtmevolved This country doesnt appreciate the firefighters, the police officers, the teachers. All 3 groups who play very valuable roles to society.

    • @bgordon8286
      @bgordon8286 8 лет назад

      Just go to ROP or trade school you'll end up paying $1,000 most instead of $30,000 + at a College.

  • @souladucky
    @souladucky 10 лет назад +18

    Anyone else think these financial-aid requirements are crap?

  • @iriscastro1602
    @iriscastro1602 6 лет назад

    It is a good idea to make monthly interest payment that way by the time you graduate and need to start paying back the loan. You have paid down considerably.

  • @blainemartens916
    @blainemartens916 8 лет назад +11

    Community College and a part time job equals no debt. Pay as you go.

    • @iriscastro1602
      @iriscastro1602 6 лет назад

      Good point! Also location, location does make a difference if you attend an out of state school, make sure that the cost of living is not expensive too.

  • @proto-t7k
    @proto-t7k 10 лет назад +3

    Attention youth of America! if you cant afford college you have 3 options:
    1. join the military for the post 9/11 G.I bill, so that you can afford college after service.
    2. Get a minimum wage job that you might get by on if you don't have a family.
    3. Take out a fuck ton of student loans and pay them back over the next 10 years of your life.
    Secret option number 4. get born into a rich family that can pay for your college.

  • @jonj3233
    @jonj3233 10 лет назад +13

    I hate debt.

  • @Historybuff188
    @Historybuff188 11 лет назад

    In this job market; it scares me to think of the amount of debt times the amount of time it takes to find a good job.

  • @jessemckay7718
    @jessemckay7718 10 лет назад

    going to study and get ready good luck looking forward to oct 5

  • @blackmajik5602
    @blackmajik5602 9 лет назад +2

    Yea, somehow I got duped into owing $20k and I did not do but a year and a half of courses ... I want a refund. I cannot even get a transcript for the schooling I have done.

  • @Allan4242564
    @Allan4242564 8 лет назад +12

    Federal loans hurt, but private ones..... your life's end

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @millieme6224
    @millieme6224 11 лет назад +5

    I find it funny that this video was in the suggestions for "Bad Boys" by Bob Marley

  • @roderickthompson2357
    @roderickthompson2357 10 лет назад

    having enough money for community college is very important and I need to be careful when I borrow for community college

  • @juanitamarsee8953
    @juanitamarsee8953 5 лет назад +2

    Wow!! hearing some of these comments are scaring me! You know hearing all of this makes me wonder who is the real scammers here. You know all that I have ever done all of my life has been totally devoted to helping and taking care of others. I'm 49 a single mother and I really have no income. I'm now taking care of a 95-year-old lady who has no way to pay. I have been taking care of others since I was 16. I'm a CNA and I'm going for my masters in health care administration, I have seen so much that needs to be changed in this field, and well I guess this is my calling! Never about the money, but something has got to give I can do without for others, but my son shouldn't have to. I believe that I have paved his way thru my blood sweat and tears and my very large heart. I lost his older brother to the ignorance of the ex-army munition specialist that shoot my 8-year-old baby boy in the street like a dog. he said that it was an accident. REALLY! PLAYING IN THE STREET WITH A LOADED GUN ON YOU THAT HAD NO SAFETY. Well seems pretty cut and dry to me right? well he walked out of the courtroom a free man, and I walked to the Graveyard!!!

  • @misssmith7222
    @misssmith7222 8 лет назад +1

    This was actually really helpful thanks!

  • @kiradiestler134
    @kiradiestler134 7 лет назад

    Excited to go back!

  • @stt9379
    @stt9379 8 лет назад +1

    what about audio books are these commercial free whom is who has libraries opened?

  • @Mikedogg13666
    @Mikedogg13666 11 лет назад

    I have the best answer possible (or atleast the best one for me).
    College is great if two things happen...
    1- You happen to pick a career that wont eventually make you blow your brains out from hatred of the work.
    2- You happen to choose a career that pays you enough to eventually pay off the unthinkable amount of loans it's going to take to pay off your college debts.
    If neither of these are (listen closely)...STILL GOING TO HAVE TO PAY OFF THE COLLEGE DEBTS!!
    Not worth it for most.

  • @lewisbosworth860
    @lewisbosworth860 12 лет назад +2

    "Living off the govt" seems a little beyond the scope of these videos. Federal Student Aid isn't a "hand out" by any means. Federal Loans, whether subsidized or unsubsidized are rarely forgiven short of paid off in full. Bankruptcy won't clear them. The only thing I can think of is death or complete disability. I worry about students locking in to federal loans haphazardly, not clearly understanding the magnitude of the contract they're entering into. There are a lot of defaults.

  • @natefuller1325
    @natefuller1325 4 года назад +5

    Me, an 18-year-old first-generation college student with no family experience in college, borrowing or anything of the sorts:
    FSA: YoU'lL bE fiNe jUsT boRrow ReSpONsibly!
    Me, 4 years later: 70k in debt :|
    this system is fucked up

  • @CC-xz9er
    @CC-xz9er 8 лет назад +2

    Never mentions that the debt in not extinguishable in a bankruptcy. You owe it no matter what. Debt slavery at it's worst.

    • @krillansavillan
      @krillansavillan 8 лет назад

      Charles Cottle well you can't repossess their degree, knowledge, and years of on the job experience earned after completion of said degree. Why wouldn't every single college kid plan to rack up $100,000+ and declare bankruptcy the day they graduate? What we need to do is stop federally backing stupid liberal arts degrees.

  • @ominous-omnipresent-they
    @ominous-omnipresent-they 5 лет назад +2

    You guys could lower tuition. People shouldn't have to be afraid to further their education in a country like the United States. Even Algerians don't have to worry about this ridiculousness. Education should be the primary focus of any country, especially first-world nations. Everyone benefits when citizens of a nation are educated.

  • @alejandrosantana9087
    @alejandrosantana9087 9 лет назад

    I'm train to fill out the application, but is not working on word,

  • @pineappleexpress4067
    @pineappleexpress4067 11 лет назад

    well to do videos,very easy to understand.thanks

  • @nataliajackson6878
    @nataliajackson6878 7 лет назад

    Thanks for all the help! 2017!!!

  • @lydiabusarow
    @lydiabusarow 7 лет назад +4

    10/10 would go into unending piles of debt again

    • @maildsuga1897
      @maildsuga1897 5 лет назад

      lydiabusarow lmao this is good one

  • @jacquelinedelatorre1821
    @jacquelinedelatorre1821 6 лет назад

    someone who has asked for a loan of money that can tell me how long it takes to approve and give the money?

  • @vanessahouston7304
    @vanessahouston7304 7 лет назад

    Vanessa I have a loan and I promised to pay for the loan but somehow the taxes got backed up and there still holding the money my credit is still going up its up to 300.00 now Now they are saying something about another location for the deposit what do I do and what is this about rerouting the money exchange What next.

  • @danc3677
    @danc3677 3 года назад

    Thank you 🇺🇸

  • @williamhad
    @williamhad 7 лет назад

    Love how non of you in the comments understand basic economics. Perhaps you should use some of your loan money to take a course in macro economics..

  • @callalaaa
    @callalaaa 5 лет назад

    I was thinking apply to student loans but, why everyone else is pessimistic below the comments, it started to change my mind can anyone explain this to me?

  • @donnaserfass3241
    @donnaserfass3241 7 лет назад


  • @Chris-mw7ll
    @Chris-mw7ll 8 лет назад +12

    good luck everybody, hope you all get six figure jobs so you can help pay my social security😁 Im going to be a teacher so this video does not help me at all, teachers don't make shit but end up producing future billionaires, so sad😢.

    • @Chris-mw7ll
      @Chris-mw7ll 8 лет назад +4

      ***** My Parents are both teachers, I wanted to keep up the tradition. i have grown to respect and love what they do. It's a tough job, but I enjoy a challenge, and I'm great with kids.

    • @matthewbrown9109
      @matthewbrown9109 8 лет назад +3

      If you chose the job, you can't really complain about the pay because it's what you wanted to do. If you wanted more money, you could have worked at a private Institution. I respect very much that you want to teach kids. I believe it is a valuable sacrifice.

  • @larrygomez3890
    @larrygomez3890 4 года назад

    I need my stimulus package and where is it

    • @larrygomez3890
      @larrygomez3890 4 года назад

      Where I is my stimulus payment for Larry Gomez

  • @rsautoswitcher_com5922
    @rsautoswitcher_com5922 7 лет назад

    Great video dude

  • @GeldorfMcleod
    @GeldorfMcleod 10 лет назад

    What about responsible lending?

  • @DeondreReynolds
    @DeondreReynolds 10 лет назад


  • @fbibarbie
    @fbibarbie 11 лет назад

    Enlist use GI bill.

    @CHEEJOEKAY 12 лет назад +1

    Love these videos. Ppl really don't appreciate the govt. The funniest part is ppl who complain about ppl "living off the govt" even though they themselves are on financial aid

  • @shippyshiphead
    @shippyshiphead 10 лет назад

    10 years or more? The loan companies only allow 4 years and want $1,000 a month.,..

  • @djp1234
    @djp1234 10 лет назад +8

    American education system is so broken....

  • @JSErwine
    @JSErwine 12 лет назад

    In this economy and an uncertain future. How is one supposed to know what a job is going to pay in the future or if that job will even be viable? 30k in debt and working part-time at McDonalds.

  • @oskarschlangengift2043
    @oskarschlangengift2043 10 лет назад

    And this is why I decided to major in Bioengineering.

  • @MatthewCenance
    @MatthewCenance 11 лет назад


  • @hanheldhandle
    @hanheldhandle 10 лет назад +18

    Loans are the DEVIL!! Lol. Jk. But no, really. I'm basically being forced to take out a loan and I have no idea why I am even taking college classes right now. Someone, seriously, just kill me.

    • @stephon972
      @stephon972 10 лет назад +8

      find a major thats beneficial to the public and apply for loan forgiveness. Its sad that young people are asked to make so many crucial choices about their future

    • @hanheldhandle
      @hanheldhandle 10 лет назад +1

      stephon972 Thanks for the advice! Not what I asked for but, if I have to be alive I might as well take advice from people.

    • @stephon972
      @stephon972 10 лет назад

      ***** True so what exactly where you asking.

    • @hanheldhandle
      @hanheldhandle 10 лет назад +1

      For someone to kill me.

    • @stephon972
      @stephon972 10 лет назад +2

      ***** good luck

  • @ZackGomez198035
    @ZackGomez198035 8 лет назад

    I cannot claim to be a responsible borrower but I found a governmental job that might qualify for loan forgiveness.

  • @hdel1
    @hdel1 11 лет назад

    Very informative...

  • @abdoul2minnesota
    @abdoul2minnesota 11 лет назад

    I took 3000 as loan last semester. Can anybody tell me how much imma need to pay after graduation?

  • @tatianilla1
    @tatianilla1 11 лет назад

    don't get it

  • @luigivaldivieso
    @luigivaldivieso 10 лет назад

    got it.

  • @weswilmers3483
    @weswilmers3483 9 лет назад +2

    If the investment in yourself and your future isn't worth it - then don't do it. Otherwise, be grateful for the opportunity and make the most of it.

  • @hOtneO
    @hOtneO 10 лет назад +1

    The problem isn't the borrowing...Americans are good at borrowing. The problem is the loan that incentive for colleges to jack up costs even more. Why are colleges charging more for education when at a time the degrees are next to worthless that can't get a job? Seems like too many sheeple are getting slaughtered when they should rethink education. The amount of money spent could be used to put it all on the Internet for free and have it accredited, that should make colleges lower their price if there was competition. Why buy music and movies when you can download it for free? Eventually education like Hollywood will have to face reality and change their business model when education is offered for free online. The people spending money now or have borrowed are suckers.

  • @demetrasrichardson5958
    @demetrasrichardson5958 10 лет назад


  • @jessica33313
    @jessica33313 8 лет назад +2

    Thank god I'm only borrowing less than 1k

  • @curtisw506
    @curtisw506 8 лет назад +7

    "Oh the Place you'll go if it weren't for Student Debt, Classism, & Wage Labor"
    Thanks Capitalism, Neoliberalism, and Neo-Feudalism what would we do without you?

  • @henrygambing2482
    @henrygambing2482 10 лет назад +2

    Be a Good and resposible go a long way ,

  • @dorlyintern
    @dorlyintern 11 лет назад


  • @redskullog9514
    @redskullog9514 8 месяцев назад

    I'll never use this irl bc I'll never go to college

  • @xavi5183
    @xavi5183 10 лет назад +3

    Indeed, some european countries give students free money, yet they DONT have the best jobs with better enviroment, salary, and benefits. But I agree they should cover most of the expenses since Financial Aid only gives like a fifth of the total cost of attendance :/

  • @Coffeycup27
    @Coffeycup27 9 лет назад

    Lol. "All daisies guys don't worry about it!" - Government

  • @Kstanimal
    @Kstanimal 9 лет назад +4

    yayyyy time to sell my soul. hello death called student loans

  • @dr.ruthdoriscar-cook9282
    @dr.ruthdoriscar-cook9282 10 лет назад


  • @annebradley6086
    @annebradley6086 10 лет назад


  • @fabsisters1
    @fabsisters1 7 лет назад


  • @Windy2468
    @Windy2468 11 лет назад

    reality scares the shit out of me. :'(

  • @hhslf
    @hhslf 10 лет назад

    thanks obama

  • @doesfireburn8532
    @doesfireburn8532 8 месяцев назад

    or you just live in europe.

  • @peppa_pig_
    @peppa_pig_ 8 лет назад +4

    you're all vampires

  • @joshluetjen2041
    @joshluetjen2041 11 лет назад

    the cartoon guy looks like a black slenderman 0.0

  • @TTYScg10
    @TTYScg10 11 лет назад

    F Gov Loans!!!!!!!! We need a different educational system. Do not take out a government loan PERIOD!!!!!!

  • @AD_2314
    @AD_2314 8 лет назад +2


  • @FemboyChaos
    @FemboyChaos 9 лет назад +9

    Or I could just move to Germany, and go to school for free.
    Sort of.

    • @xzandergraves2413
      @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

      God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @porygonL
    @porygonL 10 лет назад +2

    I am going to die ._.

  • @nametager7539
    @nametager7539 5 лет назад

    They won't get their money if i die because of WW3

  • @xzandergraves2413
    @xzandergraves2413 3 года назад

    God bless Jesus loves you. He died for your sins and because of His grace love and mercy you can be forgiven and saved fr. no cap. frfr

  • @hanktomcat2638
    @hanktomcat2638 11 лет назад


  • @FxzzzzPaper
    @FxzzzzPaper 11 лет назад

    wtf...invasion of privacy much...freak

  • @chuckmcsneed
    @chuckmcsneed 6 лет назад +2

    who's jewing who anymore?

  • @erinmarie2615
    @erinmarie2615 11 лет назад

    BORING! °_°

  • @STUDENT.X2004
    @STUDENT.X2004 Месяц назад

    USC & ME ~ Lets Talk about Fairness & Justice !