  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @deedots2878
    @deedots2878 7 месяцев назад +4

    I have been on this journey for a little over a year, it’s so true about attracting what your vibration sends out. And I didn’t quite appreciate it until recently I had a short period where I didn’t get what I was expecting and it really hurt my ego. I was angry and for a short while vibrationally low. And all of a sudden I got angry people coming at me (shop assistant, people on public transport etc) … it felt so bad, but because I have learned to observe and analyse, I quickly came to the conclusion that it was just a mirror to my mental/emotional state. Now I only have lovely people wherever I go, because I went back to my true essence. It requires patience to understand that if your manifestation isn’t in the 3D yet, it’s because you are not ready!

  • @UniqueInterpretations
    @UniqueInterpretations 8 месяцев назад +11

    In my own work as an intuitive who is able to tap into different dimensions, I have gotten indications that our lives are simulations in a Universe of many parallel realities where there is no distiction between past, present or future.

    • @barrymacfarlane4701
      @barrymacfarlane4701 7 месяцев назад

      I'm so excited to have seen this comment!
      Sometimes I have dreams and the exact thing I see in my dream happens (not Deja vu). I have dreamt about the George Floyd incident 2 months before it happened, heard his voice and saw his name and spoke to him in the dream and when I woke up I said the phrase "My back hurt, my neck hurt, everything hurt" which is what he said in his dying moments. Very intense.
      Then I met a girl and she was telling me about an Astral experience she had and that triggered me to remember a dream where I was a third party watching her in this Astral and I told her the details of what I had dreamt and she confirmed that the experience she had in Astral is the same as what I saw.
      I dreamt about my grandfather being stuck in the hospital because his throat wouldn't work properly. A year later he went for heart surgery and had complications that kept him under for almost a week, then he was stuck in the hospital for almost 50 days because he was having an issue with the muscle in his throat that controls food from going into the lungs.
      And I have had so many more experiences that absolutely and awesomely blow my mind.
      All of this just to say, I believe there is one universal conciousness experiencing everything through everyone, and the body and life we experience is just the individual perspective of that greater conciousness awareness experiencing its self. And the more deeply I accept that, the more life feels like a dream.

  • @wpaul79
    @wpaul79 8 месяцев назад +3

    I like this, and I see it in my life. My wife and I always comment on how nice people are to us. And they are. On the health front, my loved ones are very supportive of everything I do, but when I internally harbor doubts about leaving behind 3D solutions, they mirror those doubts back to me.

  • @ElizabethRori
    @ElizabethRori 7 месяцев назад +1

    Grateful to have found your page! Love love love your content! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🧿

  • @godsblossom
    @godsblossom 8 месяцев назад +2

    Great explanation 🙏🏾

  • @deanayer3822
    @deanayer3822 8 месяцев назад +1

    Infinite timelines is likely the foundation of manifesting and the act of receiving your manifestation is simply a switch in your centered consciousness from one timeline to the next so within these infinite timelines why not start with a fundamental manifestation like wishing to live in a timeline that works in alignment with me just in general versus fighting me at every step of the way. Feel that you are already in the timeline, see it in your mind, you will shift into it at some point in the blink of an eye, because its so general a manifestation it will reveal itself in a very subtle way. It will be a bit like "The Truman show" although life already is like that, LOL.

  • @sjstone7337
    @sjstone7337 8 месяцев назад +2

    I love this concept, I consider myself a pragmatist and it makes sense. I'll give it a go mate and let you know how it turns out.

  • @viccityempire
    @viccityempire 8 месяцев назад +1

    Love your explanation

  • @jayapril110
    @jayapril110 8 месяцев назад

    This just gave me that AHA! moment. Thanks for this clarification

  • @mirabella5806
    @mirabella5806 8 месяцев назад

    This is brilliant and very well explained. I could easily follow your ideas and i can confirm that when i change in a way that I change my thinking about someone I am currently not really in line with it really happened that the person or situation changed. And of course this was related to a good intention of a better interpersonal relationship. So very interesing thought about the timelines. And while listening i remembered suddenly situations in the past even long years ago where i felt completely wrong where i was to the extend that i have memories of these times being in a fog. Funny that this came up while you are talking about the switch of timelines. Thanks Michael, i really like your channel.

  • @superactive8220
    @superactive8220 8 месяцев назад +1

    لقد وصلت الفكرة بشكل مذهل !!!!
    وعرفت ماتقصده بدقة
    وهو فعليا مايحصل معي الآن
    أنا مدركة لهذا التفصيل الذي ذكرته
    وهذا حقا رائع !!!

  • @superactive8220
    @superactive8220 8 месяцев назад

    Great !!!!!!

  • @BeingLove24
    @BeingLove24 8 месяцев назад

    Hey Michael, the issue I am facing is related to time. I feel I am always behind time and no matter how fast I try to do things, others do the same thing much much quicker. People around me can do the same thing in 10 minutes in which I take more than 30 minutes. I am unable to find any solution. Please help me!

  • @imlearningtoo74
    @imlearningtoo74 Месяц назад


  • @Illuminated333
    @Illuminated333 8 месяцев назад +1

    It isn’t bc we are on the same vibration as others. People are very high vibing and come across narcissists.

    • @Beth00009
      @Beth00009 7 месяцев назад

      I've experienced that personally (more than once) They drained me and lowered my own energy so bad through the stress gaslighting, stalking (among other things I won't go into here) I think they do an energy transference by taking our energy and giving us theirs (I really feel it's what they do)

  • @castorpollux5154
    @castorpollux5154 8 месяцев назад

    Question is: how do we do it?

    • @Jazmeyne
      @Jazmeyne 8 месяцев назад

      Simply decide.

  • @squadkillersa7880
    @squadkillersa7880 8 месяцев назад
