@Markzard-World it's very funky. I'm currently working on an a-vest white kyurem team which uses cylizar scarf shed tail into kyurem while ninetails sets up. This makes kyurem super hard to kill and a tera dark knock off from scarfed cyclizar outspeeds and oneshots cally shadow no prob. No one expects it
This Groudon setup is lit.
@@ivysnore3783 I agree
I love off meta things like this.
This team was awesome. Luv the fact I could use coaching.
@Markzard-World it's very funky. I'm currently working on an a-vest white kyurem team which uses cylizar scarf shed tail into kyurem while ninetails sets up. This makes kyurem super hard to kill and a tera dark knock off from scarfed cyclizar outspeeds and oneshots cally shadow no prob. No one expects it
@ I’ve seen something similar to that. Without the aurora Ville.