Harry Styles - What Makes You Beautiful (Live at Capital's Jingle Bell Ball 2019) | Capital

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10 тыс.

  • @kushmilabandara2817
    @kushmilabandara2817 5 лет назад +6940

    Harry, himself is the person who enjoys his performances the most!

    • @nurraimibatrisyia2008
      @nurraimibatrisyia2008 5 лет назад +14

      Kushmila Bandara i can definitely agree

    • @tonilou
      @tonilou 5 лет назад +13

      And that's amazing

    • @katakanaka8049
      @katakanaka8049 5 лет назад +2


    • @marcellasteles
      @marcellasteles 5 лет назад +4

      And that's why his performances are so amazing.

    • @user-qn4tq2qt5m
      @user-qn4tq2qt5m 4 года назад +6

      Yessss I love him enjoying his own concerts cuz it doesn't feel like he's singin a song for people as a performer he plays his songs for all of them - including himself- to dance to and have fun

  • @Lu-io6wl
    @Lu-io6wl 5 лет назад +28754

    If Harry himself doesn’t get over this song then I don’t have to get over it

  • @chatois9378
    @chatois9378 5 лет назад +7859

    Why is nobody talking about that drummer girl. She’s a mood!

    • @DjinnRummy
      @DjinnRummy 5 лет назад +93

      Sarah Jones is amazing!!

    • @hasnain1260
      @hasnain1260 5 лет назад +16

      Reminds me of "The White Stripes" days also "Jack Whites" blunderbus line up.

    • @abelesser69
      @abelesser69 5 лет назад +3

      Thats his girlfriend

    • @zahraahmed5238
      @zahraahmed5238 5 лет назад +32

      @@abelesser69 no lol

    • @eghlimafahrvandi3045
      @eghlimafahrvandi3045 5 лет назад +12

      I like her she's really amazing👌

  • @aljonoliveros131
    @aljonoliveros131 3 года назад +6494

    Just Imagine the MEMORIES Inside his Head😢😢

    • @mansura5409
      @mansura5409 3 года назад +41


    • @videostcrr5312
      @videostcrr5312 3 года назад +57

      it’s sad :(

    • @luisgab707
      @luisgab707 3 года назад +12

      @@videostcrr5312 why should it be sad...

    • @videostcrr5312
      @videostcrr5312 3 года назад +80

      @@luisgab707 i don’t know, when i have happy memories i’m just sad because i never wanted them to end, but obviously everyone’s different, but i just assumed he would be sad remembering all the memories :)

    • @helenetschernja4041
      @helenetschernja4041 3 года назад +12

      It’s so sad

  • @WappoWappoman
    @WappoWappoman 5 лет назад +20691

    What makes Harry so cool is that he doesn’t shy away from his past and embraces it

    • @stephhxo_1106
      @stephhxo_1106 5 лет назад +268

      Jay-Jay Acance // then he should’ve invited Liam on stage for this song 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣

    • @emilyzeller9778
      @emilyzeller9778 5 лет назад +303

      That would have been epic since Liam was in the crowd

    • @urbancitygirl3696
      @urbancitygirl3696 5 лет назад +9

      Jay-Jay Acance so true

    • @dulcesison8448
      @dulcesison8448 5 лет назад +214

      He’s always been vocal about appreciating that without his time in 1D he wouldn’t be able to do these things he love now. I ❤️ HS

    • @cherylcanedo8869
      @cherylcanedo8869 5 лет назад +58

      Thats how hes so humble i love him. So much❤

  • @sattheer1493
    @sattheer1493 5 лет назад +9776

    It makes me feel like Harry’s thanking 1D fans when he sings this song

    • @rodnhicscruz4498
      @rodnhicscruz4498 5 лет назад +24

      oh sameee ❤️

    • @madeline6025
      @madeline6025 5 лет назад +44

      also the band members

    • @user-tu5qx9zu1m
      @user-tu5qx9zu1m 5 лет назад +133

      @•1D • he once said in an intreview that this song he's gonna sing it for the rest of his life because he likes it

    • @vaggeliskiki9837
      @vaggeliskiki9837 4 года назад +3

      I wish❤

    • @Idk-vr4zw
      @Idk-vr4zw 4 года назад +4

      Or, he could have found a lover ooh~

  • @rrbb7020
    @rrbb7020 5 лет назад +12866

    I feel like this is the way harry has always wanted to sing this song

    • @marlenelutz394
      @marlenelutz394 4 года назад +581

      Rr Bb i feel this is the way he always wanted to dance this song lol

    • @sx_lostkid3680
      @sx_lostkid3680 4 года назад +134

      Rr Bb no not all he just grew up and he changed but when he was 16 he didn’t want to sing like that like it doesn’t mean he changed means that he always wanted to do this he just changed he was completely himself in. 1D

    • @kailahholmes9402
      @kailahholmes9402 4 года назад +21

      @@sx_lostkid3680 how do you know he might of wanted to sing it like this your not some mind reader or something

    • @sx_lostkid3680
      @sx_lostkid3680 4 года назад +40

      Kailah Holmes because he actually said it he said he was himself the whoollle time but when he became 22-23 his type of music changed to a more adult stuff (wich I don’t understand since he’s just 26) but like I love Harry and his new album but I don’t like the way that he changes wmyb to his old new type of music like we’re not 65yo

    • @kailahholmes9402
      @kailahholmes9402 4 года назад +7

      @@sx_lostkid3680 omg yous don't understand

  • @ishita2027
    @ishita2027 4 года назад +8911

    Harry: *"I will sing my own version!"*
    The band and the crowd: *"and I took that personally"*

    • @5laddylads808
      @5laddylads808 3 года назад +21

      Lol 😂😂

    • @kurosakiichigo4024
      @kurosakiichigo4024 3 года назад +7


    • @dhanush.6749
      @dhanush.6749 3 года назад +5


    • @ishita2027
      @ishita2027 3 года назад +3

      @FunMedia185 he didn't say that-

    • @sureshmakwana8709
      @sureshmakwana8709 3 года назад +9

      Can anybody please tell me how in the 7th heaven did Harry chose to sing this song even if talking about 1d is like a taboo amongst the boys??? Or did his management or capital fm made him sing wmyb ???

  • @violetgrace06
    @violetgrace06 4 года назад +10233

    harry: baby you light-
    the band: na na na
    harry: *heart been broke so many times don’t know what to believe*

    • @ansjwowkmsns2
      @ansjwowkmsns2 4 года назад +99

      best comment ever

    • @Camille-ov8wl
      @Camille-ov8wl 4 года назад +389

      liam in audience “😳i should rly pull down his pants for that”

    • @chinobandong2790
      @chinobandong2790 4 года назад +11

      @@ansjwowkmsns2 h

    • @madiclegg
      @madiclegg 4 года назад +9

      So funny😂😂😂

    • @starlightjuniel2221
      @starlightjuniel2221 4 года назад +8

      I'm the 1000th person who liked your comment 😆

  • @giulianaabelarde8838
    @giulianaabelarde8838 4 года назад +2946

    When you compare this with the music video....

    • @Theoquertz
      @Theoquertz 4 года назад +19

      sounds the same to me, or is it im still at the 2010 zone?

    • @irisptmr7826
      @irisptmr7826 4 года назад +15

      puberty hit him like the planes the twin towers

    • @BlueAlpha-tc3py
      @BlueAlpha-tc3py 4 года назад +10

      Iris Ptmr pls don’t make a joke about that

    • @Dev_Wani
      @Dev_Wani 4 года назад +2


    • @jeshiejhay8416
      @jeshiejhay8416 4 года назад +2

      Your profile picture tho😂😍

  • @annahoran5097
    @annahoran5097 4 года назад +2993

    i swear this man can be completely high in a performance and we wouldn't even notice

  • @synnamon6076
    @synnamon6076 3 года назад +860

    The fact that he says "still know it"
    Sir did you actually think even one of us forgot?!

    • @marjaoonaa9325
      @marjaoonaa9325 3 года назад +34

      I'll remember these lyrics probably forever

    • @synnamon6076
      @synnamon6076 3 года назад +14

      @@marjaoonaa9325 legends will never forget

    • @syekollu61
      @syekollu61 3 года назад +3

      When does he say that?

    • @laurel7166
      @laurel7166 3 года назад +7

      @@syekollu61 at 0:40

  • @Milizxe
    @Milizxe 5 лет назад +8423

    Harry's face when he realised he sang the wrong lyrics and that few seconds of him listening and thinking 😍

  • @dhanyaabhilash1652
    @dhanyaabhilash1652 5 лет назад +2628

    His drummer is literally on fire..hats off to that wonderful woman

  • @sarah-ui8ip
    @sarah-ui8ip 5 лет назад +11426

    Band "NANANANA"
    Harry _surprised pikachu face_

  • @ananyabose8015
    @ananyabose8015 3 года назад +251

    2:11 is the timestamp you're looking for. I've already watched it over 20 times. And his face at that moment worth EVERYTHING !

  • @aniboo2002
    @aniboo2002 5 лет назад +1541

    harry: baby you light up my world-
    vocals: na na na

  • @sannaspjuth
    @sannaspjuth 4 года назад +10344

    Can we just talk about the fact that Liam was watching him from the audience I-

  • @erinluby8510
    @erinluby8510 5 лет назад +9789

    Harry: “If you know the words please sing along”
    Also Harry: “Baby you light up- 👁👄👁”

  • @TKM12
    @TKM12 4 года назад +2092

    2019- Harry
    2020- Liam
    2021 (this year)- lets all pray its One Direction all 5

  • @alinarazi6153
    @alinarazi6153 5 лет назад +3603

    Honestly Harry can do whatever he wants like if anyone else did it it would be embarrassing but nope he’s king

    • @jason9325
      @jason9325 5 лет назад +9

      Alina Razi it’s embarrassing for him to have a butterfly tattoo across his stomach and have his shirt nearly fully open for everyone to see😂

    • @smusherface
      @smusherface 5 лет назад +47

      Clearly it’s not or he would’ve worn something else - and why would it be? Do you think he should be embarrassed because you think butterfly tattoos are “girly”? If so, you obviously don’t know butterflies are an ancient symbol of transformation and butterfly tattoos date back to warriors of ancient Polynesian tribes.
      Weak, insecure men let stereotypes and what other people might think dictate what they do. Truly strong, confident men don’t live their lives in fear of what others think of them - or their tattoos. Evidently, Harry’s got enough guts to not let other people’s definition of what’s “manly” control his choices.

    • @AnaLu07
      @AnaLu07 5 лет назад +2

      It's so much he style(styles😆) now that everyone expect it from him

    • @elite3DIY
      @elite3DIY 5 лет назад +1

      Nial is better

    • @ale_98_
      @ale_98_ 5 лет назад +6

      @@elite3DIY no one asked tho. And btw It's "NIALL"

  • @andreajamille2562
    @andreajamille2562 5 лет назад +38235

    harry singing confidently knowing that no one will pull his pants down

    • @mkg7manohar
      @mkg7manohar 5 лет назад +230

      😂 😂 Haha

    • @gymnast1555
      @gymnast1555 5 лет назад +86


    • @akshita9487
      @akshita9487 5 лет назад +912

      That's the reason he didn't call Liam on stage 😂

    • @eliraeclipse2435
      @eliraeclipse2435 5 лет назад +473

      Thank you for making me laugh and sad at the same time.

    • @eliraeclipse2435
      @eliraeclipse2435 5 лет назад +655

      Imagine if Liam suddenly appears behind him just to pull his pants

  • @mebanwanteikhyriemmujat3943
    @mebanwanteikhyriemmujat3943 4 года назад +2166

    Harry: If you know the words to this song please do sing along
    Also Harry: **proceeds to mess up the bridge**

  • @anj3067
    @anj3067 3 года назад +570

    Boys: nananana
    Harry's mind: *did I just hear Liam?*

    • @jiminiee296
      @jiminiee296 3 года назад +5

      Why everyone is writing liam name in pulling pants

    • @sureshmakwana8709
      @sureshmakwana8709 3 года назад +9

      @@jiminiee296 because Liam had literally did that which was shown in their "This is Us" film and Liam was there here in Capital FM 2019 fest for his solo performance too

  • @fernandamorales3017
    @fernandamorales3017 5 лет назад +12658

    This just shows that lyrics aren’t everything, this sounds like a completely different song. I am in love

    • @r3habsofiacarson
      @r3habsofiacarson 5 лет назад +42

      maria fernanda morales listen to his song Carolina the beat is from that

    • @louisey1853
      @louisey1853 5 лет назад +72

      Omg yes. It sounds like it could be part of his new album.

    • @veggie42
      @veggie42 5 лет назад +12

      it's like Start Me Up by the stones

    • @iii.lll.7498
      @iii.lll.7498 5 лет назад +9

      Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang Gucci's gang...

    • @sdidora5
      @sdidora5 5 лет назад +8

      Cuz he needs the rest of the group to fill out the song

  • @kristina11997
    @kristina11997 5 лет назад +3079

    The fact that he still messes the lyrics up ...
    AND is so confident while doing so 😂😂😂

    • @ramonalouise2701
      @ramonalouise2701 5 лет назад +116

      Everyone else: *tries to separate themselves from the 1D image*
      Harry: sings the wmyb lyrics the same way he would've when it came out

    • @barentra
      @barentra 5 лет назад +37

      @@ramonalouise2701 Niall and Louis both still regularly sing their own version of 1d songs too. Niall even got one on Spotify.

    • @colettefurlong5111
      @colettefurlong5111 5 лет назад +7

      I don’t like the way he’s singing it. He sounds too much like a robot.

    • @Dravenpoett
      @Dravenpoett 5 лет назад

      Kristina K siktir laaaan

    • @VincentA824
      @VincentA824 5 лет назад +2

      Colette Furlong Are you a big 1D fan? It might be because you are so used to it sounding another way? Or you’re resentful he’s changed something that means a lot to you?

  • @yanceemacado
    @yanceemacado 4 года назад +2098

    Harry: *sing it in his version*
    Fans: *sing it in a 1D waaaaay*

  • @anushka-fu6pv
    @anushka-fu6pv 3 года назад +3499

    He is so talented. He should definitely collaborate with niall, liam, louis and zayn.

  • @flklrevrmr
    @flklrevrmr 4 года назад +991

    the fact that he dances like that discribes all his love to this song and 1d

    • @ktmg0_0
      @ktmg0_0 4 года назад +3

      cherry yes 😍😍

    • @Emily-nz1hr
      @Emily-nz1hr 4 года назад +4


    • @Amelie-ij1oz
      @Amelie-ij1oz 4 года назад +6

      Of course he does and he never stopped loving them...

    • @flklrevrmr
      @flklrevrmr 4 года назад +3

      @@Amelie-ij1oz ikr

    • @edgbaston149
      @edgbaston149 4 года назад +2


  • @arhat3596
    @arhat3596 5 лет назад +5650

    Rest of the world: " you don't kno-o-oww"
    Harry: "you doont know'
    World: okay...

    • @rkssk17
      @rkssk17 5 лет назад +86

      It's kinda sad tbh, I miss the 1D vibe

    • @LeonardoPimentel20
      @LeonardoPimentel20 5 лет назад +12

      They seems to not like stammering

    • @sergiogal6278
      @sergiogal6278 5 лет назад +9

      Sounds better

    • @QueziaJones
      @QueziaJones 5 лет назад +3

      yes haha

    • @lau3843
      @lau3843 5 лет назад +10

      @@rkssk17 Sad that he makes his own version? Ok...

  • @PerrieStyles
    @PerrieStyles 5 лет назад +3920

    I love that he sings this. As their most "generic" or "overplayed" "boyband pop" song, him singing it feels like his way of reiterating that he doesn't regret his One Direction days, or hate the music he made (unlike some members)

    • @gracietollefson4594
      @gracietollefson4594 5 лет назад +41

      Masooma Jaffry Zayn dint like the music, which is one reason he left.
      Edit: your right zeze, I didn’t say that in the best way.

    • @haleybigballinurmom4311
      @haleybigballinurmom4311 5 лет назад +48

      Well there’s nothing wrong with the fact that they didn’t like the music they sang. They’re all allowed to have their own opinions and feelings and that doesn’t make them any less amazing🤷🏼‍♀️.

    • @joanmitra225
      @joanmitra225 5 лет назад +5

      This is so true!

    • @sukhmaninijjar726
      @sukhmaninijjar726 5 лет назад +31

      Lol you didn’t need to throw shade towards Zayn

    • @nb2334
      @nb2334 5 лет назад +22

      You don't have to shade any of the members 😠☹

  • @wilfredhebronmoses970
    @wilfredhebronmoses970 4 года назад +408

    Harry's voice has matured so well and this new version of the song has just blended in with it. I love it

    • @laibaahmedimran6952
      @laibaahmedimran6952 2 года назад +4

      His voice is still same he.just made a version of his own look again when he said smile at the ground it sounded same

    • @suzyfaber8222
      @suzyfaber8222 Год назад +1

      Grown-up Harry. 🫠🫠

  • @CJ87962
    @CJ87962 5 лет назад +4571

    LOL at the fans singing in the original key, I like how Harry changes it up and made it his own

    • @judychiang2856
      @judychiang2856 5 лет назад +41

      Hmm I'm pretty sure Harry is singing it in the original key too though.

    • @annaofminecraft
      @annaofminecraft 5 лет назад +51

      Judy Chiang no he actually kinda changed it

    • @judychiang2856
      @judychiang2856 5 лет назад +32

      Аня Майнкрафтер Nah I’m pretty sure that’s just the accompaniment, the vocals is still in the original key. I don’t think the audience would know to sing in the original key if Harry didn’t.

    • @NR-jr4sf
      @NR-jr4sf 4 года назад +5

      Judy Chiang lol admit when you’re wrong

    • @judychiang2856
      @judychiang2856 4 года назад +3

      N R I don’t think I’m wrong, but do feel free to explain why you think I am.

  • @diksha8946
    @diksha8946 5 лет назад +2472

    Harry:You turning heads when you walk through the door
    Crowd: You turning heads when you walk through the do-o-oor

    • @RuthStanley68
      @RuthStanley68 4 года назад +27

      I feel like he forgot how it went a lil bit

    • @polly3061
      @polly3061 4 года назад +69

      @@RuthStanley68 no he just changed it up to match his style more

    • @RuthStanley68
      @RuthStanley68 4 года назад +4

      anna Smith I’m talking about where he sang the wrong part at the wrong time

    • @Ray-mh9tw
      @Ray-mh9tw 4 года назад +22

      The audience are literally lagging behind.. its like-
      Harry: Don't need make-up to cover up,
      while fans: do-o-or

    • @louisratatoulielinson
      @louisratatoulielinson 4 года назад

      @@Ray-mh9tw lol ahah

  • @flora6661
    @flora6661 5 лет назад +1895

    the fact that he’s even asking IF we know the words to the song
    harry sweetie you’re underestimating us

  • @Ash_I-12
    @Ash_I-12 3 года назад +415

    2:15 me thinking that Liam came on stage to surprise Harry

  • @thisismarcooos9406
    @thisismarcooos9406 5 лет назад +6127

    I love how everyone just started sing this song like cmon who don’t know this song

    • @Lola_t
      @Lola_t 5 лет назад +17

      That is honestly the first time I’ve heard the complete song

    • @faithneufville2902
      @faithneufville2902 5 лет назад +39

      I knew the song even before I became a Directioner lol

    • @rose2654
      @rose2654 5 лет назад +16

      They played this song 10000 times during lunch back in 7th grade so it was pretty unavoidable for me lol.

    • @sylviaishanee5377
      @sylviaishanee5377 5 лет назад +2

      @@rose2654 samee. My school never stopped playing this even in 2014 but by then Best Song Ever dominated

    • @Thisath100
      @Thisath100 5 лет назад +2

      clearly Harry Styles himself.

  • @888rania
    @888rania 4 года назад +862

    2:58 *and that, everyone, is why i am in love with harry styles.*

  • @directionerstv5147
    @directionerstv5147 4 года назад +4703

    2:57 Harry Styles is that kind of person who can do that without looking ridiculous

    • @pattygmartell1720
      @pattygmartell1720 4 года назад +167

      He looks magnificent

    • @directionerstv5147
      @directionerstv5147 4 года назад +19

      @@hafsaabdulbari9031 He's not Marcel, look closely at his face.

    • @madibaddie_xx3
      @madibaddie_xx3 4 года назад +65

      My favorite part honestly, it’s adorable

    • @ivyannlitton
      @ivyannlitton 4 года назад +79

      He just does it so confidently

    • @rachelwilliamsx1202
      @rachelwilliamsx1202 4 года назад +39

      it made me so happy seeing how confident and happy he looks 🥺

  • @nevrgonnadnce
    @nevrgonnadnce 3 года назад +193

    2:58 why did i start crying?
    i think his passion for music just bursts through my screen right into my heart. (and i also dance like this, but i am in my flat and he is in front of this huge crowd)

  • @studyingproject7115
    @studyingproject7115 4 года назад +1306

    the fact that liam is watching this live got me overwhelmed

    • @91fallings
      @91fallings 4 года назад +16

      That fact that i could read this comment with the tune!!!

    • @someonefromearth5231
      @someonefromearth5231 4 года назад +10

      Just randomly singing your comment

    • @91fallings
      @91fallings 4 года назад +3

      @@someonefromearth5231 ikr😂 it's fun

  • @taenosefreckle
    @taenosefreckle 5 лет назад +8108

    Directioners: sing original version
    Harries: sing Harry’s version
    Result: magic that almost spans a decade

    • @shipwreckedhannah9345
      @shipwreckedhannah9345 5 лет назад +167

      I love how most of us directioners say WMYB is annoying but then when it comes on we’re going crazy 😂

    • @Natalyflyer
      @Natalyflyer 5 лет назад +17

      @@shipwreckedhannah9345 im that person!

    • @onlyoncetbj
      @onlyoncetbj 5 лет назад +26

      It's iconic honestly

    • @geewhizgirl8851
      @geewhizgirl8851 5 лет назад +2

      I honestly never liked Harry Styles like ya know EVER

    • @famousvideosxx3098
      @famousvideosxx3098 5 лет назад +17

      •BananaLifesMatter • it's annoying because you heard it like over 500,000 times lol

  • @chelsealeary2761
    @chelsealeary2761 5 лет назад +7062

    harry messing up a song he’s been singing since he was 16 is honestly a relief

  • @harrysanimatedfish4702
    @harrysanimatedfish4702 3 года назад +183


    • @leagddt
      @leagddt 3 года назад +5

      it’s SO CUTE💀

  • @ursulapereyra4522
    @ursulapereyra4522 5 лет назад +4838

    Harry: sing along if u know the words
    Also Harry: cause i forget them

  • @PeterPan-nh4dy
    @PeterPan-nh4dy 4 года назад +7734

    I think the only reason why Harry didn’t invite Liam to sing with him on stage is because he didn’t want his pants pulled down again 😂

  • @alysaatira7847
    @alysaatira7847 4 года назад +540

    harry: i don’t know why
    me: i don’t know why
    harry: you’re being shy
    me: why you so shy

  • @syrahanand2392
    @syrahanand2392 3 года назад +1066

    Just imagine if Liam runs out on stage and pulls Harry's pants down and all the boys just come running on stage and hugging each other 🥺im cryingggggggg

    • @misspolly3266
      @misspolly3266 3 года назад +61

      And then security run after them and chase them off the stage.

    • @aayushkhadka6170
      @aayushkhadka6170 3 года назад +11

      All 5

    • @joselynburi782
      @joselynburi782 3 года назад +11

      I just imagen and I’m crying 😢

    • @jemimajohnson5405
      @jemimajohnson5405 3 года назад +6


    • @maahipandit6341
      @maahipandit6341 3 года назад +10

      You can't do this to me luv 😭 its literally 12:15 am and I am sitting in bed, crying, trying to imagine what u said 😭😭

  • @meh_81
    @meh_81 5 лет назад +7301

    Harry: **singing**
    Liam, backstage somewhere: wait thats not how it goes...

    • @Ari-ov8vw
      @Ari-ov8vw 5 лет назад +339

      I think he was in the crowd during this performance watching him preform

    • @samuelleumas9964
      @samuelleumas9964 5 лет назад +27

      @@Ari-ov8vw wait really?

    • @chloeroberts4620
      @chloeroberts4620 5 лет назад +111

      Samuel Leumas yes there’s a video on capitals insta he was front row watching

    • @Ari-ov8vw
      @Ari-ov8vw 5 лет назад +116

      @@samuelleumas9964 yeah capital released the video of Liam watching from the crowd (VIP section) during Adore you and Lights up and then said that Liam watched all of Harry's songs

    • @meh_81
      @meh_81 5 лет назад +6

      @@Ari-ov8vw ohhh that makes sense

  • @whammypotter4793
    @whammypotter4793 5 лет назад +1576

    Harry: baby you light up my world like nobody
    Me: else
    Harry: baby you light up my world like nobody
    Me: else

  • @gyw2557
    @gyw2557 5 лет назад +1087

    Baby you light up my world like nobody else

    • @emilywarrin3210
      @emilywarrin3210 5 лет назад +7

      the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

    • @MoonL0
      @MoonL0 5 лет назад +6

      emily warrin but when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell

    • @faithneufville2902
      @faithneufville2902 5 лет назад +4

      @@MoonL0 you don't know

    • @osamudazai4808
      @osamudazai4808 5 лет назад +5

      @@faithneufville2902 you don't know you beautiful!

    • @MoonL0
      @MoonL0 5 лет назад +4

      We’re cool 😎

  • @fe1920
    @fe1920 3 года назад +50

    “STILL KNOW IT” 😭😭😭 and the fact that liam’s in there 😭😭😭

  • @anaksetan2332
    @anaksetan2332 5 лет назад +3281

    Harry : if you know the words to this one please do sing along
    Instrument start playing
    Crowd : wait whats this
    Harry : you're insecure..
    Crowd : ooh OOHHH- (start to sing along)

  • @britneyfroehlich6524
    @britneyfroehlich6524 5 лет назад +3662

    Harry: "still know it"
    Also harry: *starts early*

    • @niyatirudra4218
      @niyatirudra4218 5 лет назад +4

      Hahahahaha ikr

    • @laosaboluda
      @laosaboluda 5 лет назад +7

      i think that's why. he was going with the regular song but that space was too long so he knows the original maybe lao

    • @essiemusic7769
      @essiemusic7769 5 лет назад +3

      Baby you light up- nananananananan

    • @ishita1014
      @ishita1014 5 лет назад +1

      what’s the time stamp for when he says still know ?

    • @mr.parkjeonkimmateo7331
      @mr.parkjeonkimmateo7331 5 лет назад +1

      Thats their debute song of he knows that he will never ever forget that

  • @weeklyrb
    @weeklyrb 5 лет назад +1328

    When Harry let the fans sing he said "Still know." and smiles. We never left the fandom Harreh!

    • @lifewithmyt5722
      @lifewithmyt5722 5 лет назад +12

      Remalyn Bandahala and we will never leave fandom so he’ll have to get use to it😀😀😀

    • @mathilde4237
      @mathilde4237 5 лет назад +4

      Anyway, we can't leave this amazing fandom ❤

    • @ehohreolli5349
      @ehohreolli5349 5 лет назад +2

      time pls?

    • @femkekomies9084
      @femkekomies9084 5 лет назад +2

      brightlena gomez 0:39/0:40

  • @xivxiiv1318
    @xivxiiv1318 3 года назад +67

    2:58 ; that's what exactly I start doing when my heart is breaking and I can't tell people how broken and sad I am bc they won't understand.

    • @sureshmakwana8709
      @sureshmakwana8709 3 года назад

      Can anybody please tell me how in the 7th heaven did Harry chose to sing this song even if talking about 1d is like a taboo amongst the boys??? Or did his management or capital fm made him sing wmyb ???

  • @tushh7506
    @tushh7506 4 года назад +11449

    Harry tries to change the melody
    Fans singing original melody : dont forgot where you belong

    • @queennibedita3777
      @queennibedita3777 4 года назад +116

      Bro actually he was singing his part From WMYB

    • @Ieifowkfosm
      @Ieifowkfosm 4 года назад +203

      He’s only singing his original version because the normal melody is for one direction not harry styles

    • @alefar9884
      @alefar9884 4 года назад +83

      Harrys not trying changing anything bc he already did. He's been singing this version for four years now

    • @harshii35
      @harshii35 4 года назад +5

      Haha yes

    • @moonlau6298
      @moonlau6298 4 года назад +4


  • @mac7175
    @mac7175 4 года назад +1480

    "Baby you light up my...."
    Band: na na na nana na nana... 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @t3732
    @t3732 5 лет назад +759

    his face when he stuffed up the lyrics omg he's too precious I can't

    • @jayanair4257
      @jayanair4257 5 лет назад

      Time stamp?

    • @laurenbray8314
      @laurenbray8314 5 лет назад +3

      Calum Goetz no lol he played it off like that but he definitely messed up lol. It's okay though.

    • @bosoudang
      @bosoudang 5 лет назад +1

      @@jayanair4257 2:10

    • @adrienne4197
      @adrienne4197 5 лет назад

      @@bosoudang ilang pages yun

    • @calumgoetz3718
      @calumgoetz3718 5 лет назад

      Lauren Bray, yeah sorry about I realized I was wrong

  • @fadoodledz6993
    @fadoodledz6993 3 года назад +19

    I rewatch this about 3 times a day and I still haven't seen a comment about how incredible Sara is. Seriously she is actually amazing

  • @yourgiirlm3l
    @yourgiirlm3l 5 лет назад +1828

    Harry is so unproblematic & humble and never forgets his roots . We stan a true king!!

    • @tiaran.a6510
      @tiaran.a6510 5 лет назад +4

      Namjoon i see u🤣

    • @soraya7413
      @soraya7413 5 лет назад +5

      unproblematic ? he supports Israel..... I used to be a big fan but that's disapointing tbh, he has been cancelled by a lot of people

    • @yourgiirlm3l
      @yourgiirlm3l 5 лет назад

      Tiara Nur Annisa 👀

    • @wild3estdreams10
      @wild3estdreams10 5 лет назад

      he isn't but most of his fans are....and he deserves better

    • @ilomilodirectioner1381
      @ilomilodirectioner1381 5 лет назад


  • @Paula-zr7xw
    @Paula-zr7xw 5 лет назад +2344

    Harry: You do-o-n’t know
    Crowd: You don’t kno-o-ow

    • @ZoramPavalai
      @ZoramPavalai 5 лет назад +7

      I make it 1k likes bro

    • @RoiiVlogss
      @RoiiVlogss 5 лет назад +13

      if only i could like this comment a million times lol

  • @urluv01
    @urluv01 5 лет назад +2220

    Harry: „[...] you walk through the door-
    Crowd: „Do-o-or“

    • @iamme3346
      @iamme3346 5 лет назад +4


    • @rhiannonmoody814
      @rhiannonmoody814 5 лет назад +1


    • @notimportant6815
      @notimportant6815 5 лет назад +18

      Ok but I’m laughing so so so hard

    • @urluv01
      @urluv01 5 лет назад +1

      Yasmin Broekhoven omg😂😂

    • @bayanalfaraj7646
      @bayanalfaraj7646 5 лет назад +32

      Harry: “.. to prove I’m right I put it in a song ...”
      Crowd: “ So-o-ong”

  • @kaleighgilbert4598
    @kaleighgilbert4598 2 года назад +41

    Anyone else notice how Harry sings everyone else's part but lets the crowd sing his part? Like my heart can't handle him.

  • @missk5517
    @missk5517 5 лет назад +1395

    Okay wait but that lady with the drums🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌

    • @sattheer1493
      @sattheer1493 5 лет назад +12

      Miss K97 sarah jones!

    • @abelesser69
      @abelesser69 5 лет назад

      His girl

    • @rinrazalo9077
      @rinrazalo9077 5 лет назад +2

      she seems have no chill but its awesome !

    • @steffnic13
      @steffnic13 5 лет назад +4

      She’s fabulous in the Juice cover. Fabulous all around.

    • @noyes1973
      @noyes1973 4 года назад

      Miss K97 sarah

  • @ameliar-s8970
    @ameliar-s8970 5 лет назад +1257

    why’s noone talking about the drummer? shes KILLING it!!!

  • @handloomforall4178
    @handloomforall4178 4 года назад +1729

    Lyrics: Haha you forgot my lyrics.
    Harry: Hold my bottle of water.

    • @karla3815
      @karla3815 4 года назад +7

      the best ever comment

  • @AbdulRahman-jp8br
    @AbdulRahman-jp8br 4 года назад +69

    Crowd: "You don't know you're beautiful!"
    Harry styles: "hahah Psych".

    • @atifrazajaffery
      @atifrazajaffery 3 года назад +1

      He looked disappointed 😂

    • @sureshmakwana8709
      @sureshmakwana8709 3 года назад +1

      Can anybody please tell me how in the 7th heaven did Harry chose to sing this song even if talking about 1d is like a taboo amongst the boys??? Or did his management or capital fm made him sing wmyb ???

  • @pristi713
    @pristi713 5 лет назад +2275

    I love how the crowd are singing it the one direction way

  • @sampreeti_._
    @sampreeti_._ 4 года назад +646

    Imagine Liam being so confused while sitting in the audience when Harry starts singing and then going -"OoHhh"

  • @tpwksusan3135
    @tpwksusan3135 5 лет назад +15637

    Harry: “baby you light up my-“
    Vocals: “na na na na na na”
    Harry’s brain: oops 😳

    • @alejandrareyes6931
      @alejandrareyes6931 5 лет назад +105


    • @natnatannat
      @natnatannat 5 лет назад +18

      Yup XD

    • @natnatannat
      @natnatannat 5 лет назад +15

      Alejandra Reyes jajaja? What? It doesn’t was hahaha? XDD

    • @koda8564
      @koda8564 5 лет назад +7


    • @riri9327
      @riri9327 5 лет назад +5

      Susan Rodriguez 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 i’m dying

  • @user-wh7ce5sl5i
    @user-wh7ce5sl5i 3 года назад +135

    The fact that he litrelly sang everyone's solos 🥺🦋

  • @amrithas.p.3415
    @amrithas.p.3415 5 лет назад +1447

    Harry: Baby you light up my wo-
    Backtrack : Na na na na na na
    Harry: { ●_ ● }

  • @kallelmeister2809
    @kallelmeister2809 5 лет назад +2187

    Harry: sing along if you know the words
    Also Harry: messes up the words

    • @siciliaan2932
      @siciliaan2932 5 лет назад +4

      HAHAHAHAHAH periodt. But he looks cute so I forgive him 💗

  • @courtneysaffold3130
    @courtneysaffold3130 5 лет назад +3253

    harry: BABY YOU L-
    *na na na na na na na na na*
    harry: 😳

  • @lionelekin11
    @lionelekin11 3 года назад +152

    No body:
    Really no body:
    Harry:hmmm if i change the melody i can forget 1 D

    • @ırmakidil16
      @ırmakidil16 3 года назад +2


    • @ldrdlr4318
      @ldrdlr4318 3 года назад

      sNe aSlInDa yOğSuN

    • @lionelekin11
      @lionelekin11 3 года назад

      @@ldrdlr4318 knk ahiretten yazıom çokta şey etne İngilizcem fln yok

    • @ldrdlr4318
      @ldrdlr4318 3 года назад


  • @rennysanp
    @rennysanp 5 лет назад +1880

    Just IMAGINE if this was their surprise reunion performance

    • @devakimanoj
      @devakimanoj 5 лет назад +24

      OMG u made me cry

    • @abi-tb6yh
      @abi-tb6yh 5 лет назад +6

      Devaki Manoj i’m crying too :(

    • @guitarboy0211
      @guitarboy0211 5 лет назад +17

      Or maybe this is like a teaser?

    • @beth8419
      @beth8419 5 лет назад +8

      I KNOW!! Liam was there too!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • @loesh8085
      @loesh8085 5 лет назад +3

      Just hurts a bit...
      No who am I kidding this hurts bad😢

  • @SandyCheeks92837
    @SandyCheeks92837 5 лет назад +186

    The way his voice changed, if I didn’t knew this was him singing them I would have thought it was a cover. He sounds completely different from when the song came out. I’m proud of him. I remember my directioner days and they were awesome! I miss everything about it but I know these guys have grown and chosen their own path to happiness. I’m so happy for him! ❤️

  • @fritz.6511
    @fritz.6511 5 лет назад +2352

    Harry: i'm serious singing here
    Fans: we're not believing you.

  • @ananyabose8015
    @ananyabose8015 3 года назад +43


  • @amylimplatya117
    @amylimplatya117 5 лет назад +3960

    I love how the crowd sings it the 1D way when Harry is singing his own little version of it
    EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3.4K LIKES. I SWEAR IT WAS JUST 412 likes less than 24 hours ago

    • @makisp6219
      @makisp6219 5 лет назад +14

      This is because they don't know from covers and versions most people don't understand music they understand just music hits

    • @gabriellaindarte5210
      @gabriellaindarte5210 5 лет назад +35

      he's not singing a different version, he's just sing one of the harmonies of the song lol

    • @anoukbeckers5857
      @anoukbeckers5857 5 лет назад +4

      It sounds like a cool mix-up

    • @noee1997
      @noee1997 5 лет назад +15

      @@makisp6219 you know some people aren't gonna stop singing the original version, i love harry but i'm gonna sing wmyb as i've always done

    • @dewwinurseptiani2969
      @dewwinurseptiani2969 5 лет назад +1

      Amy Limplatya aaah me too!

  • @polka_dot_harry4715
    @polka_dot_harry4715 5 лет назад +1571

    This boy lights up my world

    • @alice.gubelliniii
      @alice.gubelliniii 5 лет назад +15

      .....Like nobody else....❣

    • @leotyson2904
      @leotyson2904 5 лет назад +12

      And the way he flips his hair gets me overwhelmed

    • @girlboss5227
      @girlboss5227 5 лет назад +8

      But when he smiles at the ground it ain't hard to tell... He knows oh - oh- oh HE KNOWS HE IS BEAUTIFUL.

    • @bellak46
      @bellak46 5 лет назад +1

      He definitely turns heads when he walks through the door ❤️

    • @sselbsselb6870
      @sselbsselb6870 5 лет назад +1

      Being the way that he is is eno-uh-ough.

  • @lilyjames9282
    @lilyjames9282 5 лет назад +918

    The fact that liam was watching him sing this is making me *sCrEaM iNsIdE*

    • @sarahlamar430
      @sarahlamar430 5 лет назад +27

      I KNOW! It was killing me I think at one point during one of the songs harry gave a certain look at the left side of the crowd and I think he must have noticed liam

    • @bigscaleman9006
      @bigscaleman9006 5 лет назад

      Lily James how do u know Liam was watching?

    • @sarahlamar430
      @sarahlamar430 5 лет назад +3

      V.a.h. just go to capital fm and go to there play list then click best of harry or best of liam

  • @priyanshunegi3833
    @priyanshunegi3833 3 года назад +45

    Harry:- I will sing my own version
    Crowd:- But Not we baby😂❤️

  • @julias127
    @julias127 5 лет назад +2834

    Harry: baby you light up my-
    song: this is the part where we na na na na

    • @actuallyvidding
      @actuallyvidding 5 лет назад +36

      The lyrics is from the key of awesome😭💖

    • @julias127
      @julias127 5 лет назад +13

      Sokheta Khen every time I hear that part of the song I think of the key of awesome video lol

    • @taylorcrumrine419
      @taylorcrumrine419 5 лет назад


    • @kickinbackwithKeira
      @kickinbackwithKeira 5 лет назад +3

      Every hit song needs a na na na

    • @deniyar.9121
      @deniyar.9121 5 лет назад +12

      His reaction tho😭😂

  • @cynthiadutta7976
    @cynthiadutta7976 5 лет назад +1954

    Harry: "You don't know"
    Croud: "You don't know-o-ow"

  • @carolinaleedya606
    @carolinaleedya606 4 года назад +1975

    2:12 proof that Harry dont do lip sync😍

    • @pubggaming517
      @pubggaming517 4 года назад +37

      he messed up there too

    • @chrismatt4006
      @chrismatt4006 4 года назад +99

      @@pubggaming517 Which, I am sure, is Carol's point. He messed up and when he realized and stopped, there was no background sound( except na na na). Meaning, it was all natural😉

    • @pubggaming517
      @pubggaming517 4 года назад +6

      @@chrismatt4006 yeah that's true👍

    • @kingloz36
      @kingloz36 4 года назад +11

      nobody accused him of it?

    • @izzym2647
      @izzym2647 4 года назад +14

      King Loz some people have

  • @evatrost1750
    @evatrost1750 4 месяца назад +2

    I am so in love with Harry‘s own version. It’s like the song has grown up with him and feels & sounds much more like Harry does.

  • @alanya7066
    @alanya7066 5 лет назад +810

    I love how he’s singing in his own style

  • @jjj12362
    @jjj12362 5 лет назад +1765

    Why nobody is talking about his pink and yellow nails Im impressed

    • @TrTara-ro3lo
      @TrTara-ro3lo 5 лет назад +10

      Jana, Swiftie Color on his nail are so pretty😍

    • @ale_98_
      @ale_98_ 5 лет назад +33

      Because you're at least five years late. He wears nail polish since 2015

    • @vaggeliskiki9837
      @vaggeliskiki9837 4 года назад +1

      I love it

    • @jjj12362
      @jjj12362 4 года назад +4

      lacrymosa 88 I was never a fan and never noticed ao yeah I’m late..

    • @nwerpy5577
      @nwerpy5577 4 года назад

      Alex 98 actually since 2010

  • @shernayrod
    @shernayrod 5 лет назад +812

    I love how he made the song kinda like his style of music that he does

    • @Nickelberkelium
      @Nickelberkelium 5 лет назад +7

      idk Compilations he just made it sound more mature

    • @enyac9877
      @enyac9877 5 лет назад

      Yeah! Great addition to his tour

  • @ladyhanane7036
    @ladyhanane7036 3 года назад +10

    His voice and his way of singing kills me 😭😭💕💕

  • @41d4-w9i
    @41d4-w9i 5 лет назад +1340

    Harry: you don't know.
    I'm broken.

  • @lizashley3478
    @lizashley3478 5 лет назад +1291

    2:58 is me in the shower when this song comes on Spotify

  • @nurulaulia548
    @nurulaulia548 5 лет назад +2868

    Harry: sings too early
    also Harry : makes the crowd sing too early

    • @RealHansPeter69
      @RealHansPeter69 5 лет назад +8

      Gotta find a balance, you know. 😂

    • @speeeee35
      @speeeee35 5 лет назад +7

      What do you mean? The crowd was singing too fast at the start...
      Hahahahaha oh wait right when I typed this I saw what you mean when he sang “baby you light up my world” and then when he said “sing it!” Hahahahahaha so funny how he did the little “no no no” finger wave to the crowd 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @fauzanirvanka6261
      @fauzanirvanka6261 5 лет назад


  • @ark1240
    @ark1240 3 года назад +22

    If Liam sang history that night looking into Harry's eyes in the crowd it would have been a mad ness.

  • @dancingrose9623
    @dancingrose9623 5 лет назад +1963

    "if u know the words to this then pls sing along"
    He asked us all to sing but why am I crying?? 🥺🥺

  • @ale-barba
    @ale-barba 5 лет назад +767

    In an interview he said that WMYB is a song he’d sing forever and here he is 💖

    • @nathaniel4754
      @nathaniel4754 5 лет назад +1

      Alejandra Barba that’s cos that’s the song that started all their careers

  • @samhome8932
    @samhome8932 5 лет назад +2717

    I can just imagine Liams reaction when harry sung it wrong

    • @annalarsen3159
      @annalarsen3159 4 года назад +51

      sam home this was probably him 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @amei_pa
      @amei_pa 4 года назад +183

      He would have pulled his pants down

    • @anthonyhines4891
      @anthonyhines4891 4 года назад +10

      It aint wrong its his style lol

    • @adinasuleyman5613
      @adinasuleyman5613 4 года назад +32

      Anthony Hines no he sang wrong at 2:12

    • @anthonyhines4891
      @anthonyhines4891 4 года назад +6

      @@adinasuleyman5613 oh my bad i misunderstood sorry

  • @Naomi-bc8ve
    @Naomi-bc8ve 9 месяцев назад +3