IT GETS BETTER: Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 969

  • @ZoraTheberge
    @ZoraTheberge 11 лет назад +5

    Oh my gosh. this put me to tears and saved my life.

  • @robertbabish
    @robertbabish 14 лет назад +1

    Thank you for this Bishop. One of the most beautiful sermons I ever heard.

  • @DerPytchley
    @DerPytchley 9 лет назад +6

    I admire this man so much. He helps me see that it does get better.

  • @duncansonoryan
    @duncansonoryan 14 лет назад

    I was a bible study leader in college, and lost most of my friends when I came out. I was told I was sick, needed healing, and told I should go to reparative therapy. It was crap. Bishop Robinson is so right. God made me this way, and He doesn't make mistakes. Thank you Bishop, for your powerful words that validate what so many of us know. Thank you.

  • @chloezedlitz4173
    @chloezedlitz4173 10 лет назад +4

    I met this man a few months ago. What he say is the truth. It gets better! It gets so much better

  • @rainkeltoia
    @rainkeltoia 14 лет назад

    This moved me to tears. Thank you Bishop for reminding EVERYONE that there is love, there is peace, and they are loved. Thank you. I am not catholic, but I am proud to be from NH and I am proud to have you as one of us.

  • @MaytV109
    @MaytV109 10 лет назад +4

    I think the best (insert sarcasm where you find the word "best") part about all of this is how sincere words of encouragement meant to pull people who were feeling hopeless out of suicide's grip turn into ugly, obnoxious debates about religion. RUclips comments, man...

  • @rl0028
    @rl0028 14 лет назад

    I am a 34 year old gay man that grew up in a rural baptist family in Oklahoma. It was hard and I am proud of myself for making it past my difficult youth. Your message was so amazing. I never heard a voice like yours when I was younger. You are right, my life is so much better. I remember feeling all alone and that God did not love me. I don't feel that way today. Thank you!

  • @hansolo2843
    @hansolo2843 11 лет назад +3

    Proud to be Episcopalian!!!

  • @carlairving
    @carlairving 4 года назад

    I've been out and proud for 17 years and have come to term with my spiritual path around the same time. I'm blessed to have my family, my friends, their love, their presence and their support means the world, every day. I'm single, bi, happy, and trying to conceive so I can finally be a mom like I want to. Life is good, and it has been for long now.
    Yet, I'm crying while watching this. I wish the young, confused and scared catholic girl I was had heard those words. Thank you so much.

  • @imkrisyoung
    @imkrisyoung 8 лет назад +3

    Amen! Preach it, Gene!

  • @sophelet
    @sophelet 14 лет назад

    This is WONDERFUL. Bishop Robinson, you are truly inspiring. This video needs to be shown in all churches, not just Episcopal churches. Thank you.

  • @ShowthyselfApproved
    @ShowthyselfApproved 10 лет назад +2

    The sad truth is that IT DOES NOT GET BETTER! It gets worse when you live a life of perversion and debauchery and then you go to Hell forever. In Hell you will know that you had One chance to escape that horrible torment and pain but you rejected the saving Grace of Jesus Christ and chose your lust and worldly, demonic ways instead. Sad. Read Romans 1:18-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, then John 3:3-8, 16 and pray hard to God the Father through Jesus Christ and, if you are sincere, He will answer and show you the way!

    • @loveless3138
      @loveless3138 10 лет назад +5

      If people like you are going to heaven, I'd much rather stick with hell.

    • @ShowthyselfApproved
      @ShowthyselfApproved 10 лет назад

      Nick P Yea, you will change your mind when you get there but then it will be too late. Once there you will only experience misery and regret, pain and suffering with only the lake of fire to look forward to. Please don't go there. Seek Jesus Christ as only He can save you from what we all deserve.

    • @loveless3138
      @loveless3138 10 лет назад

      ShowthyselfApproved Fortunately, that day will never come. Heaven and hell don't exist. They're imaginations used to keep those who can't think for themselves in line. When both of us die, that's it. There is no "afterlife".
      I don't need Jesus. Most of the things he did were good, but I'm not going to worship a dead man nailed to a tree, not really my vibe.
      But if you're right, and hell does exist, I won't be content with just going there. I will make it my mission to personally find Satan and become his Chief of Staff. :D

    • @ShowthyselfApproved
      @ShowthyselfApproved 10 лет назад

      Nick P You could also say gravity does not exist because you do not believe it but try it out and your lack of belief in it would mean nothing. Hell is real. Jesus is not dead. he rose again and that was witnessed by more than 500 people (1 Corinthians 15:6. Your little "chief of staff" comment sound cute, makes you feel cool... kinda like a rebel. All that will not be anywhere in your mind as soon as you realize where you are and there is no way out EVER, you will be terrified beyond belief, especially when the torments begin, over and over and over.... but then in utter misery and regret you will remember that you had an opportunity to accept Jesus and not be there and you blew it because of selfish pride and the lust of the flesh. Seek Jesus Christ now before it is everlasting too late!

    • @loveless3138
      @loveless3138 10 лет назад

      ShowthyselfApproved Sorry, none of that is going to happen. I kind of feel sorry for you, with your nihilism of the self. You're not happy, you're not free, it's kind of pathetic to look at honestly.
      My Chief of Staff comment was never made to be a rebellious or good-feeling comment, it's the truth.

  • @johndavidkevin
    @johndavidkevin 14 лет назад

    I knew without a doubt that God loves me but to hear the Bishop's message it overwhelmed me with emotion! Thank you!!!!

  • @ImaginarySkyfriend
    @ImaginarySkyfriend 14 лет назад

    I'm an atheist but I thank Bishop Robinson for taking the time to make this video and for speaking so eloquently. This is a message that many people need to hear to drown out all of the hateful noise that comes from so many supposed "Christians".

  • @TechBearSeattle
    @TechBearSeattle 14 лет назад

    This is a message that many, many other Christians should be making. Thank you, Bishop Robinson!

  • @katisawriter
    @katisawriter 13 лет назад

    I am from NH and I'm proud to have you as one of the religious leaders in the state. Thank you so much for your message.

  • @TSKTyler
    @TSKTyler 13 лет назад +1

    "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." - Jesus Christ
    Thank you, Gene. It does get better.

  • @1Danguard
    @1Danguard 12 лет назад

    And I've noticed that everytime you obey God i.e. tithing, praying, studying the word, attending church regularly, etc, YOU GET RESULTS !! God bless you brother !

  • @EileenSlade
    @EileenSlade 14 лет назад

    I am so thankful for Bishop Gene and his message.

  • @jetteyeknight
    @jetteyeknight 14 лет назад

    Thank you, Gene++. What a blessing you are for our church!

  • @imageportal
    @imageportal 13 лет назад

    Thank you Gene Robinson for your message from a Roman Catholic guy in California who feels betrayed by the religious institution i have been so loyal to. I know God loves me, just the way i am, and loves everyone who is LGBTQ he created.

  • @KySap0L
    @KySap0L 12 лет назад

    made me cry! it's important for me to see persons like you, Gene, talking about the real message of God = LOVE! you go boy!

  • @13shadowwolf
    @13shadowwolf 14 лет назад

    First time, in a long, long time that I actually gave a thumbs up to a religiously based video.
    This is a pastor that I can respect.
    Thank you.

  • @LoriZig
    @LoriZig 14 лет назад

    I'm so, so glad you did this, Bishop Robinson. Beautifully said.

  • @kevini4295
    @kevini4295 11 лет назад

    I have so much respect for Bishop Robinson. Thank you.

  • @princessssjenna1
    @princessssjenna1 14 лет назад

    The message transcends sexuality. "God loves you beyond anything you can imagine and God loves you the way you are. " That is a mg that most of us need to hear sometimes. As a person raised in the Episcopal Church, to know this msg comes from my church thrills me almost beyond words. I don't go to service much these days, but this makes me want to support the church I was raised in. I'm glad that there is a church that loves and supports all people and I was raised to be a part of it.

  • @eclipseofmyheart42
    @eclipseofmyheart42 13 лет назад

    Thank you Gene, from my heart. I am a seventeen year old lesbian who was born and raised in the Episcopal Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. I have learned that I am loved and I may love who I will, and that God loves me still. It is great to hear from a bishop that the Episcopal Church loves me. My youth minister left this year to work in California- apparently, they don't allow gay priests in this dioscese. I'm glad part of the church feels otherwise.

  • @queensowntalia
    @queensowntalia 14 лет назад

    This guy is a hero for speaking out. Need more of this.

  • @Maria_Nelander
    @Maria_Nelander 12 лет назад

    Wow... This, to me, is what true Christianity is about. About NOT condemming. About NOT loosing hope. About all people being worthy of Gods love.
    Even though I don't belong to any religion I have an enormous respect for what this man is saying and it is really nice to hear this message of hope and love.

  • @JerrySpencerJr
    @JerrySpencerJr 12 лет назад

    You are a holy man, Bishop. Continue to do God's work in New Hampshire and in the world. We support you.

  • @thexalon
    @thexalon 14 лет назад

    Gene just spreads both love of God and love of neighbor wherever he goes, because that's always been the core of his faith. I grew up in New Hampshire, and knew people who worked closely with him. He's absolutely as decent and loving as he comes across here.

  • @Defender7591
    @Defender7591 14 лет назад

    Thank you Bishop. Its heartening to see a religious figure coming forward without ire or accusation, but a message of support. I tip my hat to you sir.

  • @arklilbro
    @arklilbro 14 лет назад

    Thank you Bishop Gene, thank you for this message and for the wonderful example you are for all lgbt children of God through your peaceful, generous, and loving spirit. The people who elected you as their bishop have absolutely gotten it right.

  • @BlackVirus4
    @BlackVirus4 14 лет назад

    I am straight and a christian and now finally there is another religious person who sees things the way I do. To all those who have been picked on, beat up, and put down, I love and admire you. Please don't throw away your life because other people are blind and stupid. God wants you to be you, that's why he made you and he think you are beautiful so flaunt it. It will get better, i promise.

  • @furverus
    @furverus 14 лет назад

    im an athiest, a straight male and i have to say this truly the best thing ive seen this month. i love these video's its about time a group of people get together for a just cause. i love that a religious man is out there supporting gays and homosexuals.

  • @theautisticautismconsultant
    @theautisticautismconsultant 14 лет назад

    You're truly doing God's work. Thank you for your healing words.

  • @cannon0587
    @cannon0587 12 лет назад

    Thank you, Bishop Robinson. You have probably saved my life.

  • @somatoil4u
    @somatoil4u 14 лет назад

    Thank You so much for your voice and leadership

  • @JerrySpencerJr
    @JerrySpencerJr 12 лет назад

    He is a Reverend. And I bless your wife. A hundred years ago, your wife would never have made Reverend. But thanks to the progress of justice and God's love, your wife has been able to become a Reverend. Now, Bishop Robinson has made another step towards progress.
    I am very proud to know that all people, regardless of who they love, can share in the love of Christ and find peace and holiness in their lives.
    He did not desert his family. They are an integral part of his life. Look it up.

  • @leprekon1321
    @leprekon1321 14 лет назад

    Thank you Gene Robinson you have and will always be my hero!

  • @Scanny524
    @Scanny524 13 лет назад

    This is probably the most important message for me. To know that I am accepted for who I am in my religion is extremely important, even though I am not an extremely religious person. It's good to hear this and people should know that God loves all of us and wants to see nobody hurt by people who are hiding their discrimination under a disguise of religious justice.

  • @belarm
    @belarm 12 лет назад

    It gives me a lot of hope to see religious leaders who aren't afraid to speak out against bigotry and hatred. Thank, sir.

  • @jsclms
    @jsclms 14 лет назад

    What a wonderful message of love from a very special person. Thanks

  • @saltypop13
    @saltypop13 13 лет назад

    I'm fifteen, openly gay and haven't ever really had to deal with problems concerning my sexuality at school or in my community. For that i have always been so grateful, and considered all my friends who are so different and so great to be the greatest people in my life, along with my family. This man is speaking words that so many people need to hear, and he may have just converted me to his religion. That i did not see coming. God bless you sir X

  • @revclc
    @revclc 14 лет назад

    I am so proud to be a priest in the Episcopal Church because of people like Bishop Gene Robinson!

  • @mavanderwerf
    @mavanderwerf 13 лет назад

    I am amazed at all the Christian love I see when I read these comments. Remember these words, "The greatest of these is love" - Jesus

  • @AngelIreul
    @AngelIreul 14 лет назад

    Not gonna lie, I'm straight and I wibbled and teared up. Thank you for actually acting like a loving and compassionate holy leader

  • @colslax
    @colslax 13 лет назад

    Thank you for showing love, not hate.

  • @tnichlsn
    @tnichlsn 14 лет назад

    Thank you very much Bishop Robinson.

  • @Guggi
    @Guggi 13 лет назад

    This guy is great. He makes me believe that not all Christians are wrong about their hateful views on homosexuality. It never made sense to me, Christians who should be loving eachother, discriminate others. Gene Robinson is an inspiration ! It's wonderful to see that more and more people are accepting our equal human beings.

  • @costheresnothingelse
    @costheresnothingelse 13 лет назад

    Thank God that we are finally learning to follow the basic ethos of Christianity. God means love. Any real Christians know that love should exist between all people as we are all equal in the eyes of God. Congratulations to anyone in these videos or supporting them, what a beautiful thing :)

  • @moronchurch
    @moronchurch 14 лет назад

    Thank you for this wonderful message.

  • @ytlori
    @ytlori 14 лет назад

    I love you for doing this! I help facilitate an LGBT youth group & last week 4 kids brought up the fact that they are struggling SO much with being Catholic and not being accepted by their church or a parent. It crushed me because you could see their passion for the church, so much, yet they weren't allowed to be themselves. Reminded me of Galileo. We're going to show your video next week. They will be so so thankful. God Bless you for this.

  • @KayGirl216
    @KayGirl216 14 лет назад

    God bless you, sir. The words were taken right out of my mouth, I could not have said it better if I wanted. You symbolize everything I hold true and dear to me: self-identity and identity through God in harmonious co-existence. I hope can only hope to inspire others as you have to see the light, love, and acceptance of God.

  • @PennTrafford
    @PennTrafford 13 лет назад

    Bishop Robinson has a pure heart and a good mind. He is an inspiration to all.
    Don't let the haters and the trolls of the world get you down! They are a shrinking population......

  • @1Danguard
    @1Danguard 12 лет назад

    I totally agree with you again. I try my best not to pass judgement on anyone but some people who live a carnal lifestyle automatically assume that i'm being judgemental which of course is not true. Thank you brother for reminding me that I was there too. Be blessed in the Lord !!!!

  • @rafaeleurol
    @rafaeleurol 11 лет назад

    God Blessed you, Bishop Gene Robinson!

  • @JerrySpencerJr
    @JerrySpencerJr 12 лет назад

    And the same to you. God bless you. And God bless Bishop Robinson.

  • @brentduanefoster
    @brentduanefoster 14 лет назад

    Thank God for the Bishop, and every other spiritual figure (yes, there many out there) that stand in agreement with him.

  • @steakman1989
    @steakman1989 12 лет назад

    Thank you your Grace for being brave in the face of so many.

  • @osky1416
    @osky1416 13 лет назад

    Excellent! What a positive and inspirational messege Bishop. Thank you.

  • @whazoo45
    @whazoo45 14 лет назад

    Thank you!! I wish I would have had this message when I was growing up- thank you!!

  • @Jasonbobdude
    @Jasonbobdude 14 лет назад

    I'm tired of all the "religious" people out there who claim that God hates anyone. Thank you for making this video, because Christianity can be (and should be) a good thing.

  • @sophelet
    @sophelet 14 лет назад

    Thank you so much, Bishop. I was really elated when you were ordained to be a bishop, and I am proud to know that you are standing up for the LGBTQ community when members of that community are assailed by intolerant people in the name of religion. Your message to all those who are going through dark times is important for us all to hear, again and again. Though there are deep divisions in the Episcopal and Anglican church(es) over this issue, please stay strong! love, a lesbian Episcopalian.

  • @jakebryant1330
    @jakebryant1330 14 лет назад

    This is rather... inspiring. I know a number of people in my life who are of different sexual orientations and it always perplexed me as to why so many 'religious' people are against you being yourself, yet teach that God loves everyone. This rebuilt hope in humanity for me.

  • @Ullragg
    @Ullragg 13 лет назад


  • @TheIceyeddy
    @TheIceyeddy 14 лет назад

    I am not a religious person and I don't believe in God. However, this is a great message to the GLBT people who are religious. Thank you for making this message bishop.

  • @MTheChequeGuy
    @MTheChequeGuy 4 года назад

    It’s people like Bishop Gene that brought me into the Episcopal church. 😊💕

  • @lmought
    @lmought 14 лет назад

    As a member of the United Church of Christ, I am proud to be from a Christian tradition that values the inherent worth of all people and urges their congregations to be fully welcoming of LGBTQ people as well as people from all walks of life. There are more of us accepting Christians than people realize in part because our voices are not loud enough and the Christian right has an oversized megaphone. God made us and loves us just as we are. You honor God by being yourself.

  • @mellenbow
    @mellenbow 14 лет назад

    Whether you are Christian or not, much respect is due this courageous man. He went through hell when he was first ordained as a priest. Episcopal churches fractured right down the middle, with many unwilling or unable to accept it.

  • @GinnyGibbs
    @GinnyGibbs 13 лет назад

    Gene is great... going to put this link on my church's website (we're with Gene on this "God loves you just as He made you" concept).

  • @carlsan63
    @carlsan63 14 лет назад

    Thank you for your awesome message. You are one of my idols and I hope to meet you one day to tell you in person how proud I am of you!

  • @midgysamurai15
    @midgysamurai15 13 лет назад

    Thank you, thank you so much for this.

  • @MsTDiam0ndz
    @MsTDiam0ndz 13 лет назад


  • @billyboylb
    @billyboylb 14 лет назад

    Thanks Gene for everything you do! God bless:)

  • @terryshilo
    @terryshilo 13 лет назад

    Thanks and Amen, Bishop. God is the most important part of my life, I follow no formal religion as I believe we live the words of God, not only speak about them. God loves ALL of us beyond our imagining as you state. He alone is the only judge. Don't let ignorant people judge you to do anything harmful to yourself. Live and be a good and loving person to yourself and others for in the end God will be our only judge... God created all of us... and God does not make mistakes!

  • @dssarr
    @dssarr 13 лет назад

    That was wonderful! Thank you!

  • @jnpelle
    @jnpelle 14 лет назад

    Thank God for you, Bishop. We need more faces like you.

  • @clarekelly2996
    @clarekelly2996 12 лет назад

    I watched this documentary once and he was in it...fascinating man, fascinating story. Such a courageous person.

  • @1norville
    @1norville 13 лет назад

    Thanks be to God, that all power and judgment was handed to the Son from the Father, and not the Father to man! Amen!

  • @JerrySpencerJr
    @JerrySpencerJr 12 лет назад

    I have had many ministers who wanted to help in that "healing" way.
    I know you don't understand: you can't sympathize because you have a hard heart. But I know from a decade of attempted healing that the only thing wrong was the thought that I needed fixing.
    That's me speaking from experience, as a Christian. Not anybody else. No theologian, no indoctrinator, just me.
    And what finally made me find peace in God was realizing that He loved me as He made me.
    And that's how It Got Better.

  • @Stardust_7273
    @Stardust_7273 14 лет назад

    I just want to say I highly respect Gene Robinson for making this video and speaking directly to LGBT youths who are growing up in religious households and have been told all their lives that something is wrong with them. His message was strong and pure and from the heart. I'm not Christian but I am gay and know plenty of other gay people who, unlike me, didn't have their family's undying love and support. There should be more religious heads-- and people-- like this man.

  • @gresh1988
    @gresh1988 14 лет назад

    Gene Robinson is an example of what a real Christian leader looks like. After 3 years in ex-gay programs, two suicide attempts, self harm, depression....I know how important Gene Robinson's message is to young LGBT Christians.
    You can argue theology forever but what you can't argue with is my experiences and the experiences of many others. We looked to the church for love and all we found was judgement, condemnation, shame and an exclusive message which we didn't fit in to. Bless you Gene!!

  • @XxSweetQueenxX
    @XxSweetQueenxX 13 лет назад

    You're amazing! Thank you for you strong words

  • @whatupduck21
    @whatupduck21 13 лет назад

    Thank you, sir, for your courage, and your love of God. I hope to see you in Heaven, as well as the many people you have encouraged. May God's Will be done, no matter what that may mean. It is not for us to judge, it is only for us to love, and to help others to love God as well.
    For those offended by some comments, please remember that Gene Robinson is right - God and Christ love you, and ask only for you to love them at first, not to change.
    God Bless You!

  • @babyboi271
    @babyboi271 13 лет назад

    AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u bishop for this there are alot of ppl out there who need to realize that we are all GOD's children and he created each and every1 of us to be a form of him and i must be a form of him this way!!!! I am not ashamed not 1 bit of this

  • @cybersuebee
    @cybersuebee 14 лет назад

    Thank you Bishop. Too many people think that there is NOBODY within the church who does NOT hate them because they are of a minority sexual orientation.

  • @BlackMess94
    @BlackMess94 11 лет назад

    You're my hero. Now I don't have to worry no more and he's right God loves us no matter what! I feel so much better now :)

  • @ScarlettSarcasm
    @ScarlettSarcasm 13 лет назад

    This Gives Me Hope.

  • @skinnyhobo
    @skinnyhobo 14 лет назад

    A wonderful message... It's pretty rare that I get the opportunity to thumbs-up a video expressed from a theological viewpoint.
    But, oh my, I would give this multiple positive likes if I could.

  • @FoulMouthedChick
    @FoulMouthedChick 14 лет назад

    I'm not religious, but I think this is a wonderful message. Instead of spreading hate, we have to reach out to LGBT people and tell them that they are loved and that we all do our best to change things for the better.
    I know I will.

  • @somzz7
    @somzz7 14 лет назад

    You give me tremendous hope.

  • @BobTheism
    @BobTheism 12 лет назад

    I'm not very religious, I'm an agnostic deist, but when I hear a religious person say "God loves you", or anything to that effect, I hear them say "I love you" and there really isn't anything greater you can tell someone.

  • @1Danguard
    @1Danguard 12 лет назад

    I totally agree with you. Real men of God would never advocate sin and neither do I. God made it crystal clear that you are either on fire for him or ice cold. You cannot be lukewarm or you will be spewed out !! I am so happy that you too know the truth and are living it or at least trying your very best !

  • @CrustaceousAnnoyance
    @CrustaceousAnnoyance 12 лет назад

    I need to hug this man.

  • @Fantomasnr1
    @Fantomasnr1 14 лет назад

    I´m a lutherian pastor in germany. I´m absolutely straight. And I agree with bishop Gene Robinson also absolutely. Don´t let the darkness win. God bless you.
    And thank god: In our church in Bremen it´s possible to marry for gay and lesbian people. I had the pleasure to bless two wonderfull lesbian women. It gets better

  • @SHARKlutt
    @SHARKlutt 13 лет назад

    Good to know there are people like this in the world. :)

  • @Hezsilla
    @Hezsilla 14 лет назад

    A brave, brave man, thank you for your words and your courage. Unlike so many of your contemporaries, you are spreading the ACTUAL word of god, one of love, tolerance and acceptance, god does not want us to torment each other over our differences, or kill each other over the disparities in our beliefs, and those of you who believe that "your" god is backing you when you bully and discriminate those who are different from you are just plain wrong. God belongs to, and loves, EVERYONE.

  • @kawaiibookworm
    @kawaiibookworm 13 лет назад

    i think this video just saved my life