I buy gift bags from "Oriental trading company" in bulk and they're really tote bags, so they are also useful for other things. Bags are definitely easier than wrapping but they can get crazy expensive.
My son is 4 months and will be 5 months the day before Christmas it’s so hard to buy for young babies mine and my daughters birthday is in December too so Christmas is like more gifts lol it’s hard not to lump them all I understand jarvises pain lol cute gift wrapping stuff 🎁🎁🎁
Love the bags your grabbed!! I need to visit Burlington! Haven’t been there in forever! 🎁🎁🎁
I love your tree/christmas aesthetic! 🎁
🎁 You picked up the cutest bags! And what a great price too!
Your wrapping skills are so good!! 🎁❤ Hope you guys have a merry christmas!
🎁🎁🎁 love the your wrapping aesthetic.
There needs to be a pink 🎁 emoji in honor of your pink obsession!! 🩷
Those were some great deals! 🎁
Ooh secret emoji 🎁 such cute stuff! Thanks for the baby toy ideas!
I may need to stop at Burlington! Those bags are so cute! 🎁
🎁 ❤🎉
I buy gift bags from "Oriental trading company" in bulk and they're really tote bags, so they are also useful for other things. Bags are definitely easier than wrapping but they can get crazy expensive.
My son is 4 months and will be 5 months the day before Christmas it’s so hard to buy for young babies mine and my daughters birthday is in December too so Christmas is like more gifts lol it’s hard not to lump them all I understand jarvises pain lol cute gift wrapping stuff 🎁🎁🎁
Great video 🥰 my sisters birthday is also 2 days before Christmas 🎁
Did miss it?
Sorry I missed it!! My bad..🎁
Oh 1st to say hi :)
What???? Emoji