Why are UK councils going bankrupt? | Decomplicated

  • Опубликовано: 16 июл 2024

Комментарии • 81

  • @satyasyasatyasya5746
    @satyasyasatyasya5746 4 месяца назад +18

    The focus on cutting things as if its just common sense is rather telling, when there's always plenty of money for tax cuts on the rich and these sweet-heart deals involving public funds for a whole lot of nothing, to lobbyists and their pals. That it is even taken as normal to make entire cities or town or villages poorer and worse to "balance a budget" is grotesque. This is all intentional; starve a system to justify privitisation. Cutting water and sewage?! So don't ever ask why funds are so low (as part of neoliberalism), but just go straight to "lets make our drinking water worse and pollute our rivers to bAlAnCe A bUdGeT!"

    • @ScottishRoss27
      @ScottishRoss27 4 месяца назад

      Water & sewage are privatised foreign shareholder owned in England.

    • @satyasyasatyasya5746
      @satyasyasatyasya5746 4 месяца назад +4

      @@ScottishRoss27 exactly. things are bad and getting worse because the rot has already set in, decades ago

    • @cyberhermit1222
      @cyberhermit1222 Месяц назад

      No matter how in debt they are... they always have an endless pot of money for housing third world invaders and painting police vans with rainbow flags.

  • @johnsymons6862
    @johnsymons6862 4 месяца назад +10

    Why is social care so expensive. Someone is making a killing.

  • @jasonking6892
    @jasonking6892 4 месяца назад +7

    Expat 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 from Birmingham what a Toilet the UK 🇬🇧 has Become 😅😅😅😅😅

    • @stephenholmes1036
      @stephenholmes1036 4 месяца назад +2

      An "equal opportunities" employer who paid women less! = £1billion

    • @jasonking6892
      @jasonking6892 4 месяца назад +1

      @@stephenholmes1036 not only Dinner ladies

    • @JohnKobaRuddy
      @JohnKobaRuddy Месяц назад

      Immigrant! Let's not have one word for us and another for everybody else.

  • @heiltd1286
    @heiltd1286 4 месяца назад +3

    These councils will cut back on everything causing suffering. However one thing is sacrosanct......the huge compensations and pensions for senior council officials. You can be absolutely sure not a penny will be cut from those.

  • @nickelroof6727
    @nickelroof6727 4 месяца назад +7

    So, "..... it would be an unelected body making the decisions that impact the residents of our county". Is this Birmingham council trying to shift blame away from their incompetence? Here's a novel thought: why don't Labour-run councils stop wasting money on their bloated pensions, gender identity course and critical race theory policies and actually spend Tax-payers money on local services like they are meant to?

  • @peterteagleteagle9958
    @peterteagleteagle9958 2 месяца назад +3

    Enfield Council was skint then found 10 million quid to waste on cycle lanes, knowing that your budget is going to be cut ,year in year out ,you don't go and spend 10 million quid on a cycle lanes

    • @cyberhermit1222
      @cyberhermit1222 Месяц назад +3

      Cycle lanes, liberal arts, migrant housing, painting police vans rainbow coloured, nepotistic council contracts and pensions, diversity quangos and non-jobs, thought crime policing.

  • @jamiecleeves7921
    @jamiecleeves7921 4 месяца назад +12

    they take a big chunk of your council tax money for there private pensions get real and pass the word

  • @cowboys360
    @cowboys360 4 месяца назад +5

    Too many mouths to feed, less people bringing something for the table

    • @JohnKobaRuddy
      @JohnKobaRuddy Месяц назад

      Too many idiotic mouths to feed.

  • @johnsmart2616
    @johnsmart2616 4 месяца назад +5

    Top heavy,poor management, too much of our money to waste.
    One of the problems of promoting within an organisation
    They are not proficient enough due to lack of experience in business.
    My experiences with local government is
    "Its whats right on paper that matters"
    Not whats right in reality

  • @rd123.
    @rd123. Месяц назад +1

    They should sell their assets.

  • @Pianoguy32
    @Pianoguy32 4 месяца назад +3

    probably because they spend half their money on social care.

  • @teocostea1450
    @teocostea1450 4 месяца назад +4

    Dont you worry, British you will manage.
    Yet this situation reminds me of another story called Yugoslavia.
    When economic problems started cultural problems followed by a war.
    Enjoy your brexit:))😅

  • @stephenholmes1036
    @stephenholmes1036 4 месяца назад +2

    Birmingham didn't pay women equally £1billion,

  • @farright118
    @farright118 4 месяца назад +1

    The uk should get regional proportional parliments
    The councils have to much power and FPTP is crap

  • @chrisknox4346
    @chrisknox4346 4 месяца назад +1

    If you keep housing people who have no right to be here and paying councillors mad salaries, this is ehat you get.

  • @hayleydoherty9557
    @hayleydoherty9557 4 месяца назад +1

    He likes to use 70 % lol

  • @stephenlester7286
    @stephenlester7286 4 месяца назад

    Someone in a one bedroom starter home in a rough area of my town is now in real terms paying the same council tax as the manor house in the village i grew up in just outside the town in the mid nineties.(£1850)

  • @davidmyers4056
    @davidmyers4056 4 месяца назад +1

    The ruleing class are reneging on their responsibility
    We give them privilege, power , and a high income
    They look after the country. Not amy more.

  • @callxmx9213
    @callxmx9213 4 месяца назад

    what about wales?

  • @farright118
    @farright118 4 месяца назад +1

    This is what happens when you dont have fiscal conservatism

    • @JohnKobaRuddy
      @JohnKobaRuddy Месяц назад

      It's fiscal conservatism that CAUSED THIS.

  • @keithhooper6123
    @keithhooper6123 4 месяца назад +4

    Have a look at the gravy trains.Officials on " leave", or suspended ,on full pay, eventually leave,with huge payouts.Tgen,get a job at another council.Then there's the pensions,and the number of officers on huge salaries.Overall inefficiency,poor supervision ,generally no responsibility to taxpayers.

  • @Domdeone1
    @Domdeone1 11 дней назад

    Migrants in hotels: 6 million a day then HS2

  • @WaterhenBloa14
    @WaterhenBloa14 4 месяца назад +4

    I take it all with a pinch of salt. Look at the multi million pound town halls, civic buildings etc.
    Wonder what salaries and pensions the fat pen pushers are awarding each other.
    How did we manage before council tax was even a thing?

  • @Makemineadoubles
    @Makemineadoubles 4 месяца назад

    Cause they ran out due to budget cuts, mismanagement of funds or lack of revenue or combination of these. Gave you back 7:20

  • @MrSmegfish
    @MrSmegfish 4 месяца назад


  • @einseitig3391
    @einseitig3391 4 месяца назад +2

    You can tell here that the understanding of what is going wrong is poor.
    The Conservatives Councillor stated that 70% of expenditure was adult social care and 70% of funding is now local taxation and that the government grant was reducing year-on-year.
    Note, the government caps (effectively) their ability to increase the council tax by insisting on a local referendum if they want to exceed the cap.
    Notice that national government does not restrict their own ability to raise taxes.
    This is a mess. Local government funding needs reforming and needs to be removed from the whims of national government, say via a local income tax.
    Council tax and business rates need reforming too; they are too arbitrary between similar councils, paid by too few people (homeowners only) and in the case of business rates, no longer fit for purpose.
    Having voted Conservative much of adult life (though not since 2011) it grieves me to say I really cannot imagine how any bunch of adults could run this country so poorly.
    There is very little that national government touches that is not withered or totally unfit for purpose.
    That we should on average be paying £2,000+ per annum for this abuse is shocking.

  • @MrSmegfish
    @MrSmegfish 4 месяца назад

    Tony Blair dropped auditors

  • @lawrencebishton9071
    @lawrencebishton9071 4 месяца назад

    moto manai

  • @stevewalsh-balshaw1727
    @stevewalsh-balshaw1727 4 месяца назад +1

    Why are councils struggling. ......the main issue is the utter waste of money and inept management most of email couldn't buy a clue and they don't give a toss because they can always put tax up that's the truth of the matter

  • @michaelfitzgerald1980
    @michaelfitzgerald1980 4 месяца назад +1


    @EZEKIELAIA 4 месяца назад +5

    10 years of deliberate chronic underfunding....simple!

  • @ogriboy
    @ogriboy 4 месяца назад

    Gold plated defined benefit pensions and salary sacrifice deals and other benefits long unaffordable in the private sector since Gordon Brown cost much tax payers money.

  • @chris20041958
    @chris20041958 4 месяца назад +7

    Cut in services, oh no. How will I manage without my diversity manager.

  • @danielcooke9974
    @danielcooke9974 4 месяца назад +3

    Bankruptcy but still have to find millions for houses for illegal imagrants

  • @ScottishRoss27
    @ScottishRoss27 4 месяца назад +1

    *English councils

    • @jayaitch2194
      @jayaitch2194 4 месяца назад +1

      And the Scottish ones are all rolling in cash?? SNP government have a 1.5 billion blackhole and there's currently squabbling between them and COSLA.

    • @ScottishRoss27
      @ScottishRoss27 4 месяца назад

      No but none have declared bankruptcy unlike the 6 in England have.
      So far Councils that have voted to accept the funded council tax freeze from ScotGov are
      SNP ran Glasgow City Council.
      Labour ran North Lanarkshire Council
      Labour ran South Lanarkshire Council.
      Torie ran Borders Council.
      Independent ran Western Isles Council.
      The Scottish Government generates more than 1.5 Billion a year.
      Last years revenue growth in Devolved Taxes was 2.3 Billion.
      Its a good thing that COSLA and the Government squabble.

    • @jayaitch2194
      @jayaitch2194 4 месяца назад

      @@ScottishRoss27 Sobthe stated £1.5billion is a myth? Come on! The SNP "government" are as incompetent as it's possible to be, fortunately we are still, thanks to those of us Scots who are also proud to be, British so aren't facing the Darian Scheme situation that led to the Union in thecfirst place.

    • @ScottishRoss27
      @ScottishRoss27 4 месяца назад

      Aye as are likely to generate more than that in revenue growth.
      They can't be that incompetent in Government as have been elected, re-elected and re-elected.
      Proud to be British? proud of this
      UK Ranks 21st in World for GDP Per Capita.
      World Happiness Report 2023 Country Rankings
      19th United Kingdom
      The UK has fallen to its worst ever ranking on corruption.
      In Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index in 2023
      The UK was ranked 20th out of 181 countries.
      UK Debt approaching £2.7 Trillion.
      £119 Billion in debt interest payments last year
      In Unicef Child Poverty Rankings 2023, The UK is ranked 37th out of 39 OECD Nations.
      Over 14 Million people the UK are living poverty.
      UK is ranked 17th out of 35 OECD countries for saving disposable income.
      6,7 million crimes were recorded in England & Wales in the year ending September 2023.
      Armed Forces Personnel has shrunk 19,8 percent from 177,800 in April 2010 to 142,500 in April 2023.
      In December 2023, UK government scrapped its dedicated Disability Minister.
      Nearly 120,000 retail jobs lost across the UK in 2023.
      Weekly State Pension Amount
      Bulgaria £167.66
      UK basic £156.20 = 6,83% lower

    • @ScottishRoss27
      @ScottishRoss27 4 месяца назад

      Aye as are likely to generate more than that in revenue growth.
      They can't be that incompetent in Government as have been elected, re-elected and re-elected.
      Proud to be British? proud of this
      World Happiness Report 2023 Country Rankings
      19th United Kingdom
      In Unicef Child Poverty Rankings 2023, The UK is ranked 37th out of 39 OECD Nations.
      Over 14 Million people the UK are living poverty.
      UK is ranked 17th out of 35 OECD countries for saving disposable income.
      The UK has fallen to its worst ever ranking on corruption.
      In Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index in 2023
      The UK was ranked 20th out of 181 countries.
      Armed Forces Personnel has shrunk 19,8 percent from 177,800 in April 2010 to 142,500 in April 2023.
      In December 2023, UK government scrapped its dedicated Disability Minister.

  • @finianlacy8827
    @finianlacy8827 4 месяца назад

    ALL CASH GOES TO COUNCILORS/ Gov...then they break open the safes and take the money and run !!!

    • @andytc4840
      @andytc4840 4 месяца назад

      On average, councillors in England receive around £7,000 a year - ranging from £3,000 to £16,000 depending on the council.

  • @charlesscottkelly
    @charlesscottkelly 4 месяца назад +4

    When you allow 1.2 millions imigrants into your county every 2 year what do you expect.

  • @cyberhermit1222
    @cyberhermit1222 Месяц назад +1

    Muslim councils going broke....what a surprise!!!!