Alyssa is typical transactional maga!! My daughter is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, she didn't go into it for the money, she went in to because she wanted to help others!!
You took the words out of my mouth!! I didn't exactly do it to help people (i think social work is great!) but I did follow my passion and that was dance😉
Generally speaking, Ameica spends more on public education compared to other developed countries, the same as healthcare. The main difference is the efficiency of the spending. And yes, teachers need to be paid more and also the culture needs to change.
More money, by far, is spent on kids in poor areas per capita than is spent in wealthy areas. And that is a FACT. The average in Chicago per student per year is $18,000. I compared Palm Beach County, FL because it's one if the wealthiest counties in this country. They spend $11,000 per student per year. This repeats across the country and yet, liberals will lie like rugs and boo hoo about the poor little waifs in the inner city who are overlooked! Stop spewing what you heard on Tik Tok or from Sunny Hostin, who lives in a 10 bedroom/ 10 bedroom home and whose husband was just named in the largest New York State indictment for racketeering (insurance fraud) and do a 30 second Google search to compare the per pupil spending. It makes me cringe when I see liberals lying so unashamedly because it tells me that there are some seriously unintelligent people in this country. I knew it was bad but this just proves hat liberals are some SLOW people and we need to do everything we can to keep them out if office for the next 100 years.
Keep throwing money at a sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean that’s been down there for 100 years, still ain’t gonna float meanwhile there’s no shortage of people willing to take your money and promise you’ll be sailing in no time and yet you’re no closer than you were on day 1 That’s the US education system
I am a teacher at a predominately black and brown school. Because our students did so well on the state test we lost funding. A well rounded education is under valued.
@johnmatthews4717 BS! Get your head Out of the sand or Out of the MAGA clown car!! Teachers are way Under valued and Under paid, and RepubliCONS are doing their Damnest to rip More away from them! Corrupt and Fraudulent are MAGA!! Unamerican!!
haha, it is not cheap, I am on H1B in silicon valley so I know. Also you are acting like 50% of the silicion valley or big tech in general is on H1B. Sure you should be able to prioritize on your own citizens first, but again the culture for sciences is not as strong as it once was. If I were to go out and pick a random 18 year old here in California and ask them if what's their major 80 percent of the times the answer I'll get is sociology/psychology/some sort of arts. You are still riding on the coattails of the efforts from the 80s,90s and 00s
Trump ran on anti immigration claiming that immigrants are taking American jobs. When in reality, the undocumented workers are not taking American jobs. They are taking jobs that Americans don’t want to do. But now the real president Elon Musk realized by bringing back to HB one visa he can pay his employees much less, so he can make more money. And that’s what these billionaire CEOs are doing. They’re taking away the job that I want Americans want giving them to immigrants so they can pay them less.
What is Alyssa talking about? America can also train engineers, doctors, CPA and data scientists. Elon and Vivek want to bring the same people at a lower rate. H1B should be reserved to research.
As per international test scores, Americans rank below average in math and science compared to other economically developed nations, despite being among the highest spenders on education per capita.
I agree. I worked for Oracle, & after Y2K was over they kept all the H1B visa workers from the Middle East, whose salaries were 30% lower than the Americans, and they laid off only American workers.
Foreigners get more privilege and help to do good in America Sarah. You think Americans don’t want to go to college, ITS EXPENSIVE. If you want more qualified workers, make college free, or the first 4 years free
Thank you, Whoopi, for saying what needed to be said. We will never be able to compete globally until we educate everyone, EQUALLY and not just the ones WE think deserves an education. All Educators know this and we have been screaming this for years.
I worked 37 years in high schools as a Secretary. The public puts way too much importance on sports. When we had to cut after school tutorials and extra classes for math and science or STEM, you could hear a pin drop at the next school board meeting. No one cared. Yet when the district was going to cut sports, the sound of parents running to the meeting was deafening. When I walked around the building after school, there were all kinds of sport activities going on. But the Library, where we used to have Math, English and Science Tutorials, was dark and the lights were out. the students had to leave the library as soon as school was out! In sports? Yep. Hang around and play. Need extra tutoring and learning, tough. It won’t change til the parents demand less importance going to sports and more effort and money for staffing for after school STEM programs with transportation when necessary! Parents always figure out how to get their kids to and from sports activities but were not willing to do the same for before and after school learning programs. So. This lands right on the parents.
I believe in a well rounded education, and also think extracurricular activities are important for each child's growth and well-being. What I Dont want to see is our children being pushed so much to succeed that it causes mental and emotional breakdowns! A good example is a book I believe it's called Dragon Mother. It basically shows how other countries cultures push children so much, and don't appreciate their individual talents, that the outcome of this is increase in suicides, etc, because a child is pushed beyond their means! I would much rather have a child who has a wrll rounded education, and is emotionally well adjusted, than one who is pushed excessively to succeed!!
@@janiceshanahan1324 Interestingly the situation regarding athletes in US schools is sort of the same as young students abroad (e.g. China, Korea). Abroad they are pushed so hard b/c there are limited academic spots and rigid rankings and it's (at least believed) that only those that are the best, the stars, are able to break out and make something of themselves-- the same as athletes that are on a path towards professional athletic careers. I think the idea of well rounded and more student-centric schooling is great when they have choice in their paths and some financial grounding but in regions where there are limited paths to escape some kind of socioeconomic state/poverty, they do have that pressure to rise above.
You said it they need to take the sports out of the school am rising 3 granddaughters it is hard they don't teach kids to spell right anymore my oldest had a 2 hrs of tutoring, which was free 2 hours twice a week. And actually they enjoyed it and I do agree with transportation to help the parents and give them children to help the kids. Because some of the kids wants to go because they want to do better and my oldest did, and it done her a world of good. Because with raisin, 3 -2 with special needs it's hard to keep everything day to day and I am a grandmother like I said, and when you're older, it's harder to do it. Second time around and there are a lot of us out there. There are more of us than the parents these days raising their kids. Also, another thing that has got the problem with kids. Is there are no consequences to any kind of actions these days? Uh, actually, my son would be in and school suspension. A lot and he had to do stuff from the dictionary and from the encyclopedia's and he said that he learned more that way than he learned in the classroom, and he liked to be a loner and he loved to read, he still loves to read. He's 32 years old and got 2 sons of his own, and one of them is 7 years old and it's already been marked as genius. He said, I got the nerdy child. Which is good my son really puts education. I'm his boys, very strong. The 1 that's 7 and the 1 that's 3, because my son is a genius but I didn't even know, but he also has dyslexia like my father and like myself, he never wanted to admit it, but he still can sit down and read 4 endless amounts of hours loves. Reading a actual book. I also asked the school. Why did they take like stuff like home economics away? When they've fun so much of the sports and I see the home economics is not important. Yes, it is. It's using my ath, it's using reading. It's using measurements. It's teaching them day to day things I think that's important, but they do not have that in our schools around here and in our schools. Sports is focused on a whole lot bc nike actually sponsors R high school football team around here. I don't think that that is a good thing. One person's opinion and yes, as I wrote earlier, I was a dropout myself, but I dropped out 2 work. Full-time my dad had cancer. He died not long after that. So I do not regret Dropping out I did work a good job. I had a work good work ethic. I made really good money and that doesn't make me a bad person because I worked hard. I did go back to school because I quit in the 12th grade into adult school and I got my credits and I did graduate, but I didn't get to walk across the stage. But that's okay. I got to do more worthwhile stuff. And there are people that started businesses that never graduated from high school. They're very smart people that worked in the tech. Industry that started up the businesses that got home computers started. That got games start, they got all kind of stuff started. So it is sometimes peoples drive and not what their what their education is, and sometimes it's people. Well, all the time, it's people thinking outside of the box that really invents new things. It has nothing to do with race at all
@@Kg8f60yes we got alot of sports things going on here in the south. I actually hate sports because there are a lot of times it. It encourages people to be bullies, and it separates people by what they do on the field and not what they do as a human being
It’s so CRAZY (or is it?) how Alyssa just flipped so quickly to defend Trump and his lackeys once he won lol. Her spine just disappeared overnight 😂🤦🏽♂️
I've always said we overpay entertainers, underpay teachers, and we continue this ugly Catch-22. The health, well-being and safety of children doesn't matter in this country. It's disgusting for 'the greatest country in the world' BS.
Meredith, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and Richard were made for each other. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this your time of profound grief. May the Father of tender mercies and the God of all Comfort, Who Comforts us in all our trials, Comfort you and your family at this your time of grief. 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4
Whoopi is right!!!! I work as a teacher for over 10+ years and the amount of things I see that about the education system. The neighborhoods that receive more money and resources for schools are in a higher economic class… it’s really unfair how a scholar from the Bronx vs from park avenue are taught differently and unequally! So we need to say that the student who is from park avenue will have more opportunities and will be more likely to be successful financially and educated!
@@sandarahcatmom9897 what I am doing to change this… is continue to educate ate myself first so I can educate the future scholars giving them skills to be self-sufficient so they can meet actualization! … I am doing the purposeful work and it’s God’s work because not everyone can be a teacher! There are so many people not built for this! I would share my but this is a social platform and I do not know people on here! It’s already a selfless career! I want to ask you what are you doing to help educate the youth?
Alyssa, I believe you’re wrong as there are countries that are not going to give up the highly prepared and highly qualified people they have. Not everything and everyone wants to be in the USA. Thanks Sarah.
Alyssa is in the wrong period. Her comments were controversial and gaslighting at the worst. She is defending trump. She does not know what she is talking about. Please don't take a word of what she says as gospel because it is not.
Also a lot of other countries don’t like Americas ! I work with a lot of immigrants. That came the correct way(because I work for the government)! They love our country because now they are apart of it! However others see us as spoiled little brats, or uneducated toothless people!
Agreeing with certain points and policies is not defending the man. You and these hens are part of the problem -- you're incapable of having discourse. Just partisan nonsense.
Alyssa I thought she wouldnt support trump just for the sake of womens health care. Maybe she backtracking to get in trump circle again. Whoopie I agree educate our own every child. Have two daughters teachers they use their own money to help educate because they dont have funds. Yes have a grandson that 13 have trade programs in school, auto , welding , wood working child care, and more. Also you need free lunches for feeding the child then you can feed their mind. Some kids thats their only meal of the day. Dont watch much but some times you have comman sense and some times you sound like my hens cackling in my chicken coup.
What Alyssa and other conservatives get wrong is that we need to stop emphasizing wealth potential as a benchmark for a worthy career choice. Those Liberal Arts degrees they deemed as “unworthy” are important to the mental health and well being of society. Everyone can’t be entrepreneurs. Everyone can’t be CEOs, CFOs. If we would just allow ppl to be paid well so they can live a fulfilling life to THEIR own standards, we wouldn’t be falling behind globally.
And people consume more art than anything else, movies, clothing, television, books, pictures you see on walls, furniture and graphics you see on websites. All of that is art. What's wrong with conservatives is that they are really bad at seeing the big picture because they're always consumed with fame and the dollar bill.
If someone has a degree in something that doesn't make money and spent their time getting that degree knowing the whole time it's a long shot to make money why should they be entitled to be "paid well?" That's just ridiculous. I want a degree in 'couch potato'. If you think it's "unworthy" then you are just a jerk. It's great for my mental health. Pay me. 😂
I do not see the IT companies employers hire expatriates to be a social worker. They have demand on computer science, engineering, math, physics, quantum physics, chemistry , microbiology, etc. all these fields require studying from young age, parents involvement and care., not to have fun all the time, discipline of completing homework. When my young son today is a successful engineer, some of his classmates who used to bully him never went to college, not doing well financially. As a parent I was looking at my son school assignments every single day and checked his homework, helped him to master math skills. This is the investment of many years, paid off later. My daughter graduated from the university of California in science field. I am an immigrant from Ukraine.
Why is it, then, that the people pursuing and achieving those useless degrees are among the most mentally unwell people out there? It's clearly not helping them. You know what does have a huge impact on mental wellbeing? The fulfillment that comes with knowing that you are a productive member of society instead of a drain on it, and the understanding that with rights come responsibilities.
I agree with Sarah in the sense of the visa workers should be paid the same as a high skilled American workers. However, I agree with Whoopi and Sunny more in the sense we should be getting American workers first for these high skilled jobs and educating Americans to fulfill these positions.
I deepest sympathy go out to dear Meredith, on the loss of her beloved husband.They were so in love and perfect for each other. R I P Both ladies today were great guests. Really enjoy seeing and listening to both.
American workers are not worth the pay of an experienced well trained worker! they need to be trained much better then what's happening now, many Americans are lazy and dumb.
I hope you see this Sunny Hostin we absolutely love you we love how truthful you are how kind you are how strong you are how much of an activist you are. We love your transparency, and I know it’s been hard being someone of integrity at all costs someone who fights for people at all costs, but I just wanted to tell you don’t be afraid God is with you God loves you God will protect you God is your strength, and God has put you on this panel to be a voice for us. I really honestly hope you see this.. What you have done for us is priceless. Thank you thank you thank you thank you for all you’ve done Sunny Hostin please don’t be afraid. Keep being strong. We’re praying for you and you have a great purpose. And God will always protect you. Just be your true, authentic self no matter what the circumstances God in the end is going to protect you and we have your back and prayers and you represent so many peoples voices. You have no idea. We love you and stay strong.
Yeah!!! At look at the degrees folks here are getting!!! Companies want folks with degrees that can actually do something constructive not just make them feel good.
Everyone wants free education like in Europe (which incidentally isn't provided to every student in most of those countries, just those who perform well enough academically) but no one wants to pay the taxes to fund it. EU citizens pay an average of 30% of their income in taxes to fund all that free education and healthcare-- over twice what the average American pays.
I think Alyssa is very smart, all the ladies are smart, but it really bothers me when one of the ladies is trying to have her say & Alyssa constantly interrupts. Let everyone have their turn....jeeezzz.
@@kingforaday8725 Sorry. He’s just some South African on a Visa, so no, he doesn’t. But it’s Bizzaro USA now, and no one with money has to follow the rules anymore.
The problem is that we still need diversity in people and in the subjects they study. We need artists and writers and historians AND the sciences AND economists AND mechanics AND skills. We need it all in order to stay highly competitive, but Ramaswamy and Must don't believe in anything but themselves.
@@lakshmig2061 So, that's all that matters?! Television is art. History is part of politics. So, tell me how they're not valuable again?! Tell me the last time a stockbroker did anything to make America better as a whole?! Or a tech bro?! I'll wait. And people wonder what's wrong with this country?!
Am a proud father of three girls. Each one is a high achiever , each one is different. The common denominator of success isn't what Whoopi says. When I listen to her I feel logic and reality are not in her system. I don't blame her, I just notice a parallel reality.
SLP, here-- I love that Amanda shares her story about her speech impairment. Following the inauguration, I loved sharing her story with kiddos to encourage them to continue to work on improving their speech when they left my office. 🙏🏽 SN: I worked with her aunt for a year-- didn’t know her very well, we were both always very busy-- she was so proud of Amanda (rightfully so). ❤
From someone who attended both, private K-8th, public high school and a public college,but a small program that was hands on. Private is way better education. The only reason I did so well in a public college is because of the small program with lots of one-on-one time with professors like a private school. I also feel like when you are in private school, they actually care about you and your education as opposed to public school where you are just another ‘number’.
Probably how to control the rest of us. Their curriculum has to be way different - and I've often wondered too what the differences are. Can you imagine some private East Coast school costing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year teaching the same stuff in the same way as some small town or poor inner city district? Not a chance.
@@erinholleran837 Oh no, no, no. I was an elementary public school teacher for 20 years and the district that I worked for treated each student with dignity and respect and we nurtured them as individuals, inspiring them to reach their true potential. I learned each student's name on day one. Maybe your experience wasn't like that. I feel this is the most honorable work that I have done. I was an advertising executive prior to that profession making more money, but teaching brought me such joy.
It's not just paying the teachers more, it's also reducing the amount of children in the classrooms, and getting rid of "teaching TO the test" rather than teaching the child how to do something because it's an important stepping stone toward mastering the next concept they'll need to understand in order to progress to the NEXT level in advanced maths. And my biggest pet peeve is not giving children current science or history text books because the school board, or some religious parents group doesn't want the children to learn REAL SCIENCE or REAL HISTORY because it contradicts the bible. There is a correct way to teach both but not at the expense of learning one OVER the other. It also goes without saying that teaching children how to spell and use proper grammar is important. Text speak isn't going to make your resume look very professional, nor will you sound like a serious candidate applying for a job opening. BUT ABOVE ALL THAT, a child must learn to be respectful, helpful, giving, and kind to all living things and beings, because that is what Christ asks of us.
@@vincentbaca790He wasn’t indicted. He is named in an insurance fraud lawsuit along with 199 other NY doctors by an insurance company who is trying to get out of paying patients medical claims.
Read the book "Hidden Figures". Sure it is about black people succeeding, but the atmosphere around the families involved explains a lot about their success.
All of y’all are so ‘American centered’ it’s scary. We live in a country where money is intentionally used as a marginalization barrier. But if you took the time to think, OUTSIDE of what you’ve been conditioned, you will understand that it doesn’t have to be that way. The majority of the world is not structured that way. There are lots of ways to get quality education. There are many educational institutions to where entry doesn’t hinge on how much you have in your bank account. Some of the greatest minds came from humble beginnings. Most of what we learned in school was uncovered by ppl who were from lower class social circles. Don’t let the top 1% warp your mind. There’s a reason why no one solely in academics is wealthy. Yet education is a central pillar of a stable society.
No such thing as free college. FASFA paid all tuition and book costs at a community college when my daughter attended. You don’t need a $250,000 degree from Harvard. If that’s what you want, expect to pay for it. You can’t get a Lambo at a Ford Focus price!
Wonderful that the virw show cases young peoples talent. She is the future of society..I hope I live long enough to see her reach her Presidenty in 2039! ❤
WHAT ABOUT HIRING OUR OWN PEOPLE WHO ARE ALREADY EDUCATED AND TRAINED FOR HIGH TECH JOBS??? I have nieces and nephews (not siblings) who got hired for tech jobs earning $100,000. as s soon as they graduated!
@S.K.Smith-Green I can't name the companies for privacy reasons; but I'll let you know that one is a financial/investment firm (niece got that one). Another is a law firm (neice). A third is a boat/yacht architectural group (nephew); next a medical research firm (nephew) 😉
We can’t teach everyone equally because parents want to baby their kids. Kids have more opportunities now than ever, why are Americans falling behind other countries? State standards don’t allow for kids to be tested in spelling. States prohibit teachers from correcting grammars because it would make them feel inadequate. My proposal, let teachers teach! They know best how to do it.
After watching our local school district's budget decline over the past 30 years, tax payers have let us know with their money, or lack of it, that they don't value education. You get what you pay for, or don't pay for.
I was just having a conversation with my colleague about a raise. We are both teachers. We are seriously underpaid guys, and I do love my job and my high-school sweethearts/challengers 😅
It is true that we need higher focus on education. In my small country school, the rich kids and the jocks were the top of the popular kids. The intelligent kids were considered nureds. We lose are good looks as we get older. The focus should be on being intelligent and educated. Not being beautiful and talented in sports.
If we value education, then we need to place a premium on it with among other things, commencing with teachers' salaries -- starting from K-12 at least 75K and up. If we don't place premium quality on our teachers (Commensurate high salaries will attract commensurate highly intelligent, talented, professional educators!
What you did not say is; #1 What additional benefits do you get such as interest free loans for luxury homes and/or cars. #2 If you gave children, are they in private school. #3 Are you qualified (have the necessary education, knowledge and experience to do the job you were hired to do) or does and American tech have to clean up your mess. #4 Are you planning to go home after you VISA expires or are you trying to have children born in this country so you can stay. #5 Are you spying on America and sending secrets to others. I pray that you are straight forward.
Hey Sunny, how is the lawsuit against your hubby going!? Let’s discuss that on air! Kickbacks! What other criminal activities is he involved in! You reap what you sow 😅
I’m wonder how they did a whole show talking about everything but what’s going on with Sunny’s husband when on this day was one of the trending topics🤷🏾♂️
He along with the other 199 doctors. Don’t get suckered. This is a lawsuit filed by an insurance company that’s been trying to get out of paying patients’ claims. The insurance CEOs are now trying to put the attention on the doctors to take it off of them. It is expected the lawsuit will be thrown out because it’s without merit.
@@janiceweston3799 Did you not hear sunny herself, out her own mouth…. My husband operates on people WITHOUT insurance, doesn’t get paid, then has to sue health insurance providers…… how do you sue an insurance company, if the patient had NO INSURANCE to begin with??? Explain please…….
@@sbielec30It appears that you are commingling separate things. She said he performs operations for people who don’t have any insurance and doesn’t get paid so they are getting free services. He also operates on people who do have insurance and then he sometimes have to sue for payment. This insurance company has been sued by him and other doctors for none payment. This insurance company is about to file for bankruptcy so they see looking for a pay day from over 200 doctors. The case will be dismissed.
Im not going to continue watching the view if Alisa continues to interrupt other speakers and what happened to Sunny's voice it seems she has been silenced in some way!
I guess it’s good for the Republican Party to have a voice on this show because Alyssa definitely decided she was going to be the talking head for the Trump Party! She seems very ready to go to war with her cohost to make sure they are being heard I think it just might seem weird to people to hear her opinion since Trump became president elect!
@ I didn’t even say she said anything wrong! Nor did I say that I disagreed with anything that she said! You people are so miserable and unhappy you “TRY” to insult people you don’t know for absolutely nothing!
@@jo-annevanwyk8958: Alyssa has a brain, but her ego is bigger. Really intelligent people also learn to listen & grow emotionally. As a Former Republican.. #MAGA_Republicans R NOTHING like traditional Republicans. No. If anything they R like Klan Dems until FDR drew a lot of voters to a changing Democratic Party. This notion of party "affiliation" has truly made people even more misguided. Do your Research, People. 🗽
@@jo-annevanwyk8958 .. all Alyssa does is flap her gums, talking over everyone, and talking so fast no one else can get a word in. Republicans have that down to a T.
This is so true Whoopi 2:55. I worked for Oracle, & after Y2K was over they kept all the H1 visa workers from the Middle East, whose salaries were 30% lower than the Americans, and they laid off only American workers.
Alyssa not everyone goes to college for money, others follow their passion. I’m a proud social worker because I have a passion to help people.
My granddaughter is studying secondary education 😅 obviously not for the money 😂 I'm so proud of her
@@patriciamurfitt4590I am too, and very grateful to people like her.. amen follow your passion and eventually the money will follow you
Alyssa is typical transactional maga!! My daughter is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, she didn't go into it for the money, she went in to because she wanted to help others!!
You took the words out of my mouth!! I didn't exactly do it to help people (i think social work is great!) but I did follow my passion and that was dance😉
It's ridiculous to expect academic excellence when you aren't willing to invest in the education system and making it available to all of our youth.
Generally speaking, Ameica spends more on public education compared to other developed countries, the same as healthcare. The main difference is the efficiency of the spending. And yes, teachers need to be paid more and also the culture needs to change.
More money, by far, is spent on kids in poor areas per capita than is spent in wealthy areas. And that is a FACT.
The average in Chicago per student per year is $18,000. I compared Palm Beach County, FL because it's one if the wealthiest counties in this country. They spend $11,000 per student per year. This repeats across the country and yet, liberals will lie like rugs and boo hoo about the poor little waifs in the inner city who are overlooked!
Stop spewing what you heard on Tik Tok or from Sunny Hostin, who lives in a 10 bedroom/ 10 bedroom home and whose husband was just named in the largest New York State indictment for racketeering (insurance fraud) and do a 30 second Google search to compare the per pupil spending.
It makes me cringe when I see liberals lying so unashamedly because it tells me that there are some seriously unintelligent people in this country. I knew it was bad but this just proves hat liberals are some SLOW people and we need to do everything we can to keep them out if office for the next 100 years.
Keep throwing money at a sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean that’s been down there for 100 years, still ain’t gonna float meanwhile there’s no shortage of people willing to take your money and promise you’ll be sailing in no time and yet you’re no closer than you were on day 1
That’s the US education system
Free public education is available to all Americans
@@johnmatthews4717 Really. Based on your understanding of the educational finances of K-12 schools. Do you know any free colleges? Educate me.
My condolences to Meredith and her family.
I am a teacher at a predominately black and brown school. Because our students did so well on the state test we lost funding. A well rounded education is under valued.
So teachers finally did their jobs, and still whine.
@johnmatthews4717 BS! Get your head Out of the sand or Out of the MAGA clown car!! Teachers are way Under valued and Under paid, and RepubliCONS are doing their Damnest to rip More away from them! Corrupt and Fraudulent are MAGA!! Unamerican!!
So you just proved your folks can succeed !! Is it sometimes they just dont want to? Jus askin.
I am sad to say, at the end of the day Silicone Valley only concerns is
Cheap Labor. They want their cake and eat too.
Yes, it all about abusing another program for cheap labor that can be controlled.
haha, it is not cheap, I am on H1B in silicon valley so I know. Also you are acting like 50% of the silicion valley or big tech in general is on H1B. Sure you should be able to prioritize on your own citizens first, but again the culture for sciences is not as strong as it once was. If I were to go out and pick a random 18 year old here in California and ask them if what's their major 80 percent of the times the answer I'll get is sociology/psychology/some sort of arts. You are still riding on the coattails of the efforts from the 80s,90s and 00s
same as liberal california wanting its brown slaves
Trump ran on anti immigration claiming that immigrants are taking American jobs. When in reality, the undocumented workers are not taking American jobs. They are taking jobs that Americans don’t want to do. But now the real president Elon Musk realized by bringing back to HB one visa he can pay his employees much less, so he can make more money. And that’s what these billionaire CEOs are doing. They’re taking away the job that I want Americans want giving them to immigrants so they can pay them less.
True and there lies the conflict in their political views.
What is Alyssa talking about? America can also train engineers, doctors, CPA and data scientists. Elon and Vivek want to bring the same people at a lower rate. H1B should be reserved to research.
As per international test scores, Americans rank below average in math and science compared to other economically developed nations, despite being among the highest spenders on education per capita.
Elon & Vivek characters
Hahaha. Now democrats are conflicted w/ racism
I agree. I worked for Oracle, & after Y2K was over they kept all the H1B visa workers from the Middle East, whose salaries were 30% lower than the Americans, and they laid off only American workers.
Foreigners get more privilege and help to do good in America Sarah. You think Americans don’t want to go to college, ITS EXPENSIVE. If you want more qualified workers, make college free, or the first 4 years free
So true. We have thousands of 4.0 students who can’t go to college because it is too expensive or filled with F1 students.
Alyssa, I didn’t know you had a Doctorate of Education.
👏👏👏👏Thank you!!!!
stop begging for free everything
@ what the heck are you talking about. Also how many years have you spent in Education and the Immigration Service. Do your research dude.
Alyssa is wrong I’m a stem graduate and I’m a general manager at Burger King so Alyssa just stop talking because your WRONG on this
Sometimes, she just needs to stop talking.
So, you failed in life.
That STEM degree will take you to Regional Manager soon. Can I get an Amen.
Gus, Does your job require you to say, "Do you want fries with that?"
Thank you, Whoopi, for saying what needed to be said. We will never be able to compete globally until we educate everyone, EQUALLY and not just the ones WE think deserves an education. All Educators know this and we have been screaming this for years.
Agreed 👍
But when tons of people drop out each year...
@@SomethingSomethingg what does that have to do with the kids that graduate?
TDSBC+ BREAKING NEWS: Sonny Hostin of The View's Dr husband busted for insurance fraud. Nobodies above the law! 🧂🧂✊🏿Gulf of America 🧂🧂✊🏿
Whoopi is never right. 😂
I worked 37 years in high schools as a Secretary. The public puts way too much importance on sports. When we had to cut after school tutorials and extra classes for math and science or STEM, you could hear a pin drop at the next school board meeting. No one cared. Yet when the district was going to cut sports, the sound of parents running to the meeting was deafening. When I walked around the building after school, there were all kinds of sport activities going on. But the Library, where we used to have Math, English and Science Tutorials, was dark and the lights were out. the students had to leave the library as soon as school was out! In sports? Yep. Hang around and play. Need extra tutoring and learning, tough.
It won’t change til the parents demand less importance going to sports and more effort and money for staffing for after school STEM programs with transportation when necessary! Parents always figure out how to get their kids to and from sports activities but were not willing to do the same for before and after school learning programs. So. This lands right on the parents.
Are you in the South! It seems like sports are "everything" in southern states.
I believe in a well rounded education, and also think extracurricular activities are important for each child's growth and well-being. What I Dont want to see is our children being pushed so much to succeed that it causes mental and emotional breakdowns! A good example is a book I believe it's called Dragon Mother. It basically shows how other countries cultures push children so much, and don't appreciate their individual talents, that the outcome of this is increase in suicides, etc, because a child is pushed beyond their means! I would much rather have a child who has a wrll rounded education, and is emotionally well adjusted, than one who is pushed excessively to succeed!!
@@janiceshanahan1324 Interestingly the situation regarding athletes in US schools is sort of the same as young students abroad (e.g. China, Korea). Abroad they are pushed so hard b/c there are limited academic spots and rigid rankings and it's (at least believed) that only those that are the best, the stars, are able to break out and make something of themselves-- the same as athletes that are on a path towards professional athletic careers. I think the idea of well rounded and more student-centric schooling is great when they have choice in their paths and some financial grounding but in regions where there are limited paths to escape some kind of socioeconomic state/poverty, they do have that pressure to rise above.
You said it they need to take the sports out of the school am rising 3 granddaughters it is hard they don't teach kids to spell right anymore my oldest had a 2 hrs of tutoring, which was free 2 hours twice a week. And actually they enjoyed it and I do agree with transportation to help the parents and give them children to help the kids. Because some of the kids wants to go because they want to do better and my oldest did, and it done her a world of good. Because with raisin, 3 -2 with special needs it's hard to keep everything day to day and I am a grandmother like I said, and when you're older, it's harder to do it. Second time around and there are a lot of us out there. There are more of us than the parents these days raising their kids. Also, another thing that has got the problem with kids. Is there are no consequences to any kind of actions these days? Uh, actually, my son would be in and school suspension. A lot and he had to do stuff from the dictionary and from the encyclopedia's and he said that he learned more that way than he learned in the classroom, and he liked to be a loner and he loved to read, he still loves to read. He's 32 years old and got 2 sons of his own, and one of them is 7 years old and it's already been marked as genius. He said, I got the nerdy child. Which is good my son really puts education. I'm his boys, very strong. The 1 that's 7 and the 1 that's 3, because my son is a genius but I didn't even know, but he also has dyslexia like my father and like myself, he never wanted to admit it, but he still can sit down and read 4 endless amounts of hours loves. Reading a actual book. I also asked the school. Why did they take like stuff like home economics away? When they've fun so much of the sports and I see the home economics is not important. Yes, it is. It's using my ath, it's using reading. It's using measurements. It's teaching them day to day things I think that's important, but they do not have that in our schools around here and in our schools. Sports is focused on a whole lot bc nike actually sponsors R high school football team around here. I don't think that that is a good thing. One person's opinion and yes, as I wrote earlier, I was a dropout myself, but I dropped out 2 work. Full-time my dad had cancer. He died not long after that. So I do not regret Dropping out I did work a good job. I had a work good work ethic. I made really good money and that doesn't make me a bad person because I worked hard. I did go back to school because I quit in the 12th grade into adult school and I got my credits and I did graduate, but I didn't get to walk across the stage. But that's okay. I got to do more worthwhile stuff. And there are people that started businesses that never graduated from high school. They're very smart people that worked in the tech. Industry that started up the businesses that got home computers started. That got games start, they got all kind of stuff started. So it is sometimes peoples drive and not what their what their education is, and sometimes it's people. Well, all the time, it's people thinking outside of the box that really invents new things. It has nothing to do with race at all
@@Kg8f60yes we got alot of sports things going on here in the south. I actually hate sports because there are a lot of times it. It encourages people to be bullies, and it separates people by what they do on the field and not what they do as a human being
It’s so CRAZY (or is it?) how Alyssa just flipped so quickly to defend Trump and his lackeys once he won lol. Her spine just disappeared overnight 😂🤦🏽♂️
She never had a spine.
She drank the Kool aid, just like all the other flip floppers!
Love Joy!
Joy is a loser. Has nothing to contribute but constant Trump bashing. It’s getting old..
LOL you love pure ignorance.
I love joy
@@bbrockRailFan2 And you are joining her 😂😂
You only...
I've always said we overpay entertainers, underpay teachers, and we continue this ugly Catch-22. The health, well-being and safety of children doesn't matter in this country. It's disgusting for 'the greatest country in the world' BS.
We also overpay tech giants, athletes and influencers and we don't pay teachers enough because with them, we wouldn't have the rest.
I got my Ba!
teachers are overly paid
@@johnmatthews4717 At least we know what you value. So don't complain when more immigrants come to America to take high-paying jobs.
@@johnmatthews4717 maybe teachers are overly paid on some other planet
Meredith, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and Richard were made for each other. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this your time of profound grief. May the Father of tender mercies and the God of all Comfort, Who Comforts us in all our trials, Comfort you and your family at this your time of grief. 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4
Yes! My family is going through it now. I thank God for helping us through this difficult time in my life.
Stop wasting your time on talking to Meredith about verses from the Bible. She's not at all religious, just like the rest of the liberal hippies.
Why does alyssa cut people off so much? I want to hear what whoopi has to say.
Alyssa is a narcissist!!!! She’s a gop (only God deserves caps) lover no matter who is being discussed!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡‼️
She still lap dances for Trump, and is a nervous, uptight twit
She gets interrupted more then any of them
She won't let the other host speak, and finish their thoughts...she always works on this or that!!
Whoopi is right!!!! I work as a teacher for over 10+ years and the amount of things I see that about the education system. The neighborhoods that receive more money and resources for schools are in a higher economic class… it’s really unfair how a scholar from the Bronx vs from park avenue are taught differently and unequally! So we need to say that the student who is from park avenue will have more opportunities and will be more likely to be successful financially and educated!
It's been that way for ages - what are you doing to change that? Why not run for office in your local community?
Whoopie is a drop out. You cant force whoopie to go back to school. Bad ex.
@@sandarahcatmom9897 what I am doing to change this… is continue to educate ate myself first so I can educate the future scholars giving them skills to be self-sufficient so they can meet actualization! … I am doing the purposeful work and it’s God’s work because not everyone can be a teacher! There are so many people not built for this! I would share my but this is a social platform and I do not know people on here!
It’s already a selfless career! I want to ask you what are you doing to help educate the youth?
@VladGuru-g1l this is rude bye
@VladGuru-g1lthis is not about Whoopi so you are off topic
Whoopi's softer look suits her well. She looks pretty.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now thats funny!!!! I thought she was gonna announce a guest appearance on a zombie movie!!!
😂😂😂😂😂 I've seen toads prettier than Whoopi
My heart goes out to Meredith Viera and the cast and crew of The many years.........Sincere Condoleances to all concerned !!🙏🙏
What happened?
Watch the show, they made a reference to Meredith's husband passing.
Alyssa, I believe you’re wrong as there are countries that are not going to give up the highly prepared and highly qualified people they have. Not everything and everyone wants to be in the USA. Thanks Sarah.
Then why do they come here illegally?
@@JDRamos213 .. those that come here illegally are NOT the college educated.
Alyssa is in the wrong period. Her comments were controversial and gaslighting at the worst. She is defending trump. She does not know what she is talking about. Please don't take a word of what she says as gospel because it is not.
Governmrnt contracts. @@JDRamos213
Also a lot of other countries don’t like Americas ! I work with a lot of immigrants. That came the correct way(because I work for the government)! They love our country because now they are apart of it! However others see us as spoiled little brats, or uneducated toothless people!
Sunny Hostin’s husband is being sued for insurance fraud 😂😂😂
Alyssa should go back and work for trump she defends him every change she gets
she is smart, you are woke!
Agreeing with certain points and policies is not defending the man. You and these hens are part of the problem -- you're incapable of having discourse. Just partisan nonsense.
She sure do
@@jo-annevanwyk8958 yea woke to ur BS
Alyssa I thought she wouldnt support trump just for the sake of womens health care. Maybe she backtracking to get in trump circle again. Whoopie I agree educate our own every child. Have two daughters teachers they use their own money to help educate because they dont have funds. Yes have a grandson that 13 have trade programs in school, auto , welding , wood working child care, and more. Also you need free lunches for feeding the child then you can feed their mind. Some kids thats their only meal of the day. Dont watch much but some times you have comman sense and some times you sound like my hens cackling in my chicken coup.
What Alyssa and other conservatives get wrong is that we need to stop emphasizing wealth potential as a benchmark for a worthy career choice. Those Liberal Arts degrees they deemed as “unworthy” are important to the mental health and well being of society. Everyone can’t be entrepreneurs. Everyone can’t be CEOs, CFOs. If we would just allow ppl to be paid well so they can live a fulfilling life to THEIR own standards, we wouldn’t be falling behind globally.
And people consume more art than anything else, movies, clothing, television, books, pictures you see on walls, furniture and graphics you see on websites. All of that is art. What's wrong with conservatives is that they are really bad at seeing the big picture because they're always consumed with fame and the dollar bill.
true. some of you need to work in fast food
If someone has a degree in something that doesn't make money and spent their time getting that degree knowing the whole time it's a long shot to make money why should they be entitled to be "paid well?" That's just ridiculous. I want a degree in 'couch potato'. If you think it's "unworthy" then you are just a jerk. It's great for my mental health. Pay me. 😂
I do not see the IT companies employers hire expatriates to be a social worker. They have demand on computer science, engineering, math, physics, quantum physics, chemistry , microbiology, etc. all these fields require studying from young age, parents involvement and care., not to have fun all the time, discipline of completing homework. When my young son today is a successful engineer, some of his classmates who used to bully him never went to college, not doing well financially. As a parent I was looking at my son school assignments every single day and checked his homework, helped him to master math skills. This is the investment of many years, paid off later. My daughter graduated from the university of California in science field. I am an immigrant from Ukraine.
Why is it, then, that the people pursuing and achieving those useless degrees are among the most mentally unwell people out there? It's clearly not helping them. You know what does have a huge impact on mental wellbeing? The fulfillment that comes with knowing that you are a productive member of society instead of a drain on it, and the understanding that with rights come responsibilities.
I agree with Sarah in the sense of the visa workers should be paid the same as a high skilled American workers. However, I agree with Whoopi and Sunny more in the sense we should be getting American workers first for these high skilled jobs and educating Americans to fulfill these positions.
I deepest sympathy go out to dear Meredith, on the loss of her beloved husband.They were so in love and perfect for each other.
Both ladies today were great guests. Really enjoy seeing and listening to both.
Why is Alyssa defending the person who she has agreed herself shouldn’t be in office?
Because she has always been a trump/MAGA Supporter. She hired on to The View to be a mole for Trump - to spread gossip and relay code.
🎉 B I N G O !!!!
They don’t want to pay the Wages of American workers 🤷♀️
American workers are not worth the pay of an experienced well trained worker! they need to be trained much better then what's happening now, many Americans are lazy and dumb.
The biggest barrier to education is parents. Until THEIR attitude changes to respect education...we're doomed.
They’re tired from working three jobs. Quit depending on overworked parents. It’s obvious they can’t help.
I agree
@@S.K.Smith-Greenthen don’t have kids
Alyssa stop over talking!
Repeat this 1 billion (1,000,000,000) times.
Why not just go watch MSNBC if you want to live in an echo chamber and hear only things you want.
Alyssa, stop interrupting! She's just obnoxious.
Don't watch it then .💯
I'm more concerned with Sunny saying Jan6th is as bad as WW2 and the Holocaust. That's just ridiculous.
@@brianoden1798Sunny never heard of Pearl Harbor or 9/11 or the Afghanistan withdrawal. 😮
@sbielec30 yes and she seems to forget her ancestors owned slaves
I hope you see this Sunny Hostin we absolutely love you we love how truthful you are how kind you are how strong you are how much of an activist you are. We love your transparency, and I know it’s been hard being someone of integrity at all costs someone who fights for people at all costs, but I just wanted to tell you don’t be afraid God is with you God loves you God will protect you God is your strength, and God has put you on this panel to be a voice for us. I really honestly hope you see this.. What you have done for us is priceless. Thank you thank you thank you thank you for all you’ve done Sunny Hostin please don’t be afraid. Keep being strong. We’re praying for you and you have a great purpose. And God will always protect you. Just be your true, authentic self no matter what the circumstances God in the end is going to protect you and we have your back and prayers and you represent so many peoples voices. You have no idea. We love you and stay strong.
Love you Sis!
Alyssa how do you know what he meant!!
Good grief...
@@Achieng-p8t sunny's husband is headlined today. Fraud.
OhMG Alyssa gets on my nerves, flip flopping and acting like she knows everything …and now she is always defending everything the republicans say
Alyssa shut! You do not let people talk. It’s always about you!!!!!!
You mixed her up with Sunny. Sunny is the biggest racist. Telling her "black kids" have to try harder is pushing racism on them.
And all she is doing is "gaslighting". She has no ecpertise on any of the subjects.
Amanda is awesome and inspirational 😊
Heartbroken for Meredith and her family 💔❤️🩹 lovely man and family. May he rest peacefully 🕊
Thank you Joy. Blessings to Meredith Viera and all of her family as they deal with the loss of her husband and their children’s dad, Richard.
Please, can Alyssa stop interrupting! Please stop it!
Alyssa interrupt because the other ladies ignore her
@donnaking8056 and never let her finish a point when she is making to much sense and making them look like idiots.
I'm here for Whoopi.
I also am here for Whoopi. 👍💯👍
Always! Plus Joy brings sisterhood w Whoppi
Whoopie is a drop out. You cant force whoopie to go back to school. Bad ex.
@VladGuru-g1l Here we have another MAGA copying machine.
@@kimberlywalker3970 truth hurts. Drop outs should have smaller abt this topic.
ITs not just compensation is a lack of respect for people especially teachers
part time employees get partial respect
@@johnmatthews4717 I’m going to guess you’re a Christian
Most advanced nations educate FOR FREE through what we consider a first college degree...we need that as well...
@@jennyray4698 thats communist forte
Yeah!!! At look at the degrees folks here are getting!!! Companies want folks with degrees that can actually do something constructive not just make them feel good.
Everyone wants free education like in Europe (which incidentally isn't provided to every student in most of those countries, just those who perform well enough academically) but no one wants to pay the taxes to fund it. EU citizens pay an average of 30% of their income in taxes to fund all that free education and healthcare-- over twice what the average American pays.
Why is it that liberals don’t understand the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. Seriously someone please explain that to me
As always, thank you ABC for allowing us to watch the View at our convenience. Love these ladies 🥰
I think Alyssa is very smart, all the ladies are smart, but it really bothers me when one of the ladies is trying to have her say & Alyssa constantly interrupts. Let everyone have their turn....jeeezzz.
Clearly not smart.
These ladies are not smart at all. O.O
She's does it a lot!!
You mean like Whoopi does constantly to her?
What are you talking about?? Watch it again bc Joy is the main interrupter -
Where does Musk get the rights to tell American companies who they should hire? He has no business telling anyone how to run their business!!
Hey, he spent $200M to get Trump elected. So, right now, he's everyone's boss whether you voted for him or not.
Yeah he does. You jealous cause you dont have the skills he does?
@@kingforaday8725 You jealous? Should be, you are jealous! Talk about poor education!
@@kingforaday8725 Sorry. He’s just some South African on a Visa, so no, he doesn’t. But it’s Bizzaro USA now, and no one with money has to follow the rules anymore.
The US is very very low on the international education achievement survey and also has a low literacy rate.
The problem is that we still need diversity in people and in the subjects they study. We need artists and writers and historians AND the sciences AND economists AND mechanics AND skills. We need it all in order to stay highly competitive, but Ramaswamy and Must don't believe in anything but themselves.
Arts and historians dont generate income
@@lakshmig2061 So, that's all that matters?! Television is art. History is part of politics. So, tell me how they're not valuable again?! Tell me the last time a stockbroker did anything to make America better as a whole?! Or a tech bro?! I'll wait. And people wonder what's wrong with this country?!
Oh yes
@@kimberlywalker3970their not valuable when EVERY mf wants to be an artist…….. we need blue collar workers more then we do white collar…
STOP talking over each other. Can't hear anyone's thought
Am a proud father of three girls. Each one is a high achiever , each one is different. The common denominator of success isn't what Whoopi says. When I listen to her I feel logic and reality are not in her system. I don't blame her, I just notice a parallel reality.
So glad you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so boring without you over the holidays.
Seriously! Jimmy Kimmel too❤️
MAGA GOODBYE!@@Sgoat2332
SLP, here-- I love that Amanda shares her story about her speech impairment. Following the inauguration, I loved sharing her story with kiddos to encourage them to continue to work on improving their speech when they left my office. 🙏🏽
SN: I worked with her aunt for a year-- didn’t know her very well, we were both always very busy-- she was so proud of Amanda (rightfully so). ❤
Amanda is so beautiful ❤
It starts at home. Don't blame the educational system or teachers
Texas defunded schools then told them they could get money by teaching Bible studies. I blame politicians.
I’ve always been curious as to what the kids learn at private schools that cost thousands and thousands of dollars.
They work at a faster pace, and have more personalized attention when needed
From someone who attended both, private K-8th, public high school and a public college,but a small program that was hands on. Private is way better education. The only reason I did so well in a public college is because of the small program with lots of one-on-one time with professors like a private school. I also feel like when you are in private school, they actually care about you and your education as opposed to public school where you are just another ‘number’.
Probably how to control the rest of us. Their curriculum has to be way different - and I've often wondered too what the differences are. Can you imagine some private East Coast school costing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year teaching the same stuff in the same way as some small town or poor inner city district? Not a chance.
Better learning environment plus it’s worth the money just to not be fed modern woke alphabet lgbthsiQiA+LBS/KG propaganda
@@erinholleran837 Oh no, no, no. I was an elementary public school teacher for 20 years and the district that I worked for treated each student with dignity and respect and we nurtured them as individuals, inspiring them to reach their true potential. I learned each student's name on day one. Maybe your experience wasn't like that. I feel this is the most honorable work that I have done. I was an advertising executive prior to that profession making more money, but teaching brought me such joy.
Alyssa's day & night minutes are @0! U make 10 points +cut others off! Enough already!
Wonder how Sonny is feeling about the allegations and lawsuit against her husband😂
The only reason I'm here! lol
@@swampwitch9290 Truth! 🤣
Me too!
Me too 😅😅😅😅😂😂😂
Me too!
It's not just paying the teachers more, it's also reducing the amount of children in the classrooms, and getting rid of "teaching TO the test" rather than teaching the child how to do something because it's an important stepping stone toward mastering the next concept they'll need to understand in order to progress to the NEXT level in advanced maths. And my biggest pet peeve is not giving children current science or history text books because the school board, or some religious parents group doesn't want the children to learn REAL SCIENCE or REAL HISTORY because it contradicts the bible. There is a correct way to teach both but not at the expense of learning one OVER the other.
It also goes without saying that teaching children how to spell and use proper grammar is important. Text speak isn't going to make your resume look very professional, nor will you sound like a serious candidate applying for a job opening. BUT ABOVE ALL THAT, a child must learn to be respectful, helpful, giving, and kind to all living things and beings, because that is what Christ asks of us.
Is the view not going to talk about the tragedy that happened in New Orleans????
not politically correct
What about Sunny's husband's indictment today?
@@vincentbaca790He wasn’t indicted. He is named in an insurance fraud lawsuit along with 199 other NY doctors by an insurance company who is trying to get out of paying patients medical claims.
The guy who did it wasn't a white conservative, so it doesn't fit their narrative and must therefore be ignored.
AMERICA needs More Trade Schools/Teach Trade Jobs, colleges need to offer More Trade Job Courses.
Read the book "Hidden Figures". Sure it is about black people succeeding, but the atmosphere around the families involved explains a lot about their success.
Finances don’t dictate educational aptitude.
This is literally your.wrong opinion...
@@vincentbaca790 well, it kind of does, generally speaking, sure exceptions are there.
No, but they dictate quality of the education. Don't be dense.
@@kimberlywalker3970Not everyone can afford college. YOU don’t be dense.
All of y’all are so ‘American centered’ it’s scary. We live in a country where money is intentionally used as a marginalization barrier. But if you took the time to think, OUTSIDE of what you’ve been conditioned, you will understand that it doesn’t have to be that way. The majority of the world is not structured that way. There are lots of ways to get quality education. There are many educational institutions to where entry doesn’t hinge on how much you have in your bank account. Some of the greatest minds came from humble beginnings. Most of what we learned in school was uncovered by ppl who were from lower class social circles. Don’t let the top 1% warp your mind. There’s a reason why no one solely in academics is wealthy. Yet education is a central pillar of a stable society.
Is Alyssa out of touch? 🤔
Song by Hall and Oates?
MAGA nuts are.
❤ Amanda Gorman, so reminds me of Maya Angelou. ❤
We can start with FREE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE. People got very discouraged when college prices got way out of hand.
Look, I personally know someone who paid almost 50,000 tonget.a degree in woman's Studies....WTF?
get a job
@@vincentbaca790 Well, that was her bad decision. I don't have a degree in women's studies and neither does anyone I know.
No such thing as free college. FASFA paid all tuition and book costs at a community college when my daughter attended. You don’t need a $250,000 degree from Harvard. If that’s what you want, expect to pay for it. You can’t get a Lambo at a Ford Focus price!
heartfelt condolences to Meredith and her family - she and Richard - one of the strongest steadfast couples-
My favorite view cast ❤
Wonderful that the virw show cases young peoples talent. She is the future of society..I hope I live long enough to see her reach her Presidenty in 2039! ❤
You are speaking about Amanda Gorman. Just want to make sure that you are not speaking about Alyssa.
Alyssa is 💯 a Trump fan .
No. We want to MAKE the smartest candidates here. And letz's be truthful. There is no shortage of highly skilled American tech workers.
WHAT ABOUT HIRING OUR OWN PEOPLE WHO ARE ALREADY EDUCATED AND TRAINED FOR HIGH TECH JOBS??? I have nieces and nephews (not siblings) who got hired for tech jobs earning $100,000. as s soon as they graduated!
....THAT is the REASON...."they" DON'T want to PAY those SALARIES!!!! It doesn't BENEFIT "them".
Really? Never heard of that. What companies? I’d like to research it.
@S.K.Smith-Green I can't name the companies for privacy reasons; but I'll let you know that one is a financial/investment firm (niece got that one). Another is a law firm (neice). A third is a boat/yacht architectural group (nephew); next a medical research firm (nephew) 😉
Yo Sunny! Shut up. Tell your husband to stop scamming. 😂😂😂
We can’t teach everyone equally because parents want to baby their kids. Kids have more opportunities now than ever, why are Americans falling behind other countries? State standards don’t allow for kids to be tested in spelling. States prohibit teachers from correcting grammars because it would make them feel inadequate. My proposal, let teachers teach! They know best how to do it.
After watching our local school district's budget decline over the past 30 years, tax payers have let us know with their money, or lack of it, that they don't value education. You get what you pay for, or don't pay for.
I was just having a conversation with my colleague about a raise. We are both teachers. We are seriously underpaid guys, and I do love my job and my high-school sweethearts/challengers 😅
Do you have a union? If not, why not? Does your union do what it's supposed to do, if not why not? Get actively involved.
We love you for loving your job 💖💖
lol.... love that Sunny is getting her "fair due" - Democrats running Califirnia... E'NUFF SAID!!! lol
It is true that we need higher focus on education. In my small country school, the rich kids and the jocks were the top of the popular kids. The intelligent kids were considered nureds.
We lose are good looks as we get older. The focus should be on being intelligent and educated. Not being beautiful and talented in sports.
Growing up in Africa, our parents told us the only way you can get rich is to be educated.
Why are most of the full episode RUclips videos “hidden” from the playlist now?
Please see my comment..
Because they are really bad at what they do.. And Sunny is about to get sued.
@@focohustlaFor what?
@KatKrueger defamation.. But her husbands Rico charge is a big deal.
@@focohustla Cite the source of your information.
Yes Joy, exactly! Trump is crafty but he’s an ignoramus!
Interesting, now how do you feel about Biden and Harris? It would let us all know if you're unbiased or not.
Right....kinda like when my chick told me was only half pregnant....
@@WendyNelson-g9r show me the money. Hahaha. Smart people are billionaires.
He's now your daddy 😂😂😂
Allisa,Thinks she knows it all.She is a joke.
Always (most of the time) speaking first, you can't say what he was saying
I am so sick of AFG
This is actually the most substantive debate I've seen on the view. Important issue, good discussion.
If we value education, then we need to place a premium on it with among other things, commencing with teachers' salaries -- starting from K-12 at least 75K and up. If we don't place premium quality on our teachers (Commensurate high salaries will attract commensurate highly intelligent, talented, professional educators!
Sunny's husband hit with RICO talk about that 😂😂😂😂
I don’t trust Alyssa.
Sunny’s husband is being sued for insurance fraud😅
I'm watching the view live today juuuuuuuuuuust to see if sunny is there...and i so hope someone says the words Rico😂
Why be so happy??
Love you Amanda intelligent, well spoken, funny, kind and beautiful🎉🎉🎉
Maybe she should have ran for president...
@@vincentbaca790 You're not funny.
As an H1b holder- trust me the company doesn’t put that much $ to sponsor - they make far more off of paying us less- make no mistake
What you did not say is; #1 What additional benefits do you get such as interest free loans for luxury homes and/or cars. #2 If you gave children, are they in private school. #3 Are you qualified (have the necessary education, knowledge and experience to do the job you were hired to do) or does and American tech have to clean up your mess. #4 Are you planning to go home after you VISA expires or are you trying to have children born in this country so you can stay. #5 Are you spying on America and sending secrets to others. I pray that you are straight forward.
...AND AGREED to it.
@@sharontrujillosure, that’s what signing a contract means. Just correcting Alyssa’s incorrect statement about sponsorship.
Happy New Year Ladies 😊
Hey Sunny, how is the lawsuit against your hubby going!? Let’s discuss that on air! Kickbacks! What other criminal activities is he involved in! You reap what you sow 😅
I’m so glad Sunny Hostin informed me that Jan 6th was comparable to the Holocaust and WW2 😂
Especially since the FBI cleared Trump. There is no connection at all. Sunny is a dumpster fire.
I’m wonder how they did a whole show talking about everything but what’s going on with Sunny’s husband when on this day was one of the trending topics🤷🏾♂️
Educating people costs money. Importing already educated people costs nothing and increases the profits of the employers.
The rich aren’t advocating for their children to join the trades. Just saying.
Sonny needs to worry about her husband being charged with insurance fraud 😮😮😮😮
He along with the other 199 doctors. Don’t get suckered. This is a lawsuit filed by an insurance company that’s been trying to get out of paying patients’ claims. The insurance CEOs are now trying to put the attention on the doctors to take it off of them. It is expected the lawsuit will be thrown out because it’s without merit.
@@janiceweston3799 Did you not hear sunny herself, out her own mouth…. My husband operates on people WITHOUT insurance, doesn’t get paid, then has to sue health insurance providers…… how do you sue an insurance company, if the patient had NO INSURANCE to begin with???
Explain please…….
@@sbielec30It appears that you are commingling separate things. She said he performs operations for people who don’t have any insurance and doesn’t get paid so they are getting free services. He also operates on people who do have insurance and then he sometimes have to sue for payment. This insurance company has been sued by him and other doctors for none payment. This insurance company is about to file for bankruptcy so they see looking for a pay day from over 200 doctors. The case will be dismissed.
Yes! 😅😂😂
Im not going to continue watching the view if Alisa continues to interrupt other speakers and what happened to Sunny's voice it seems she has been silenced in some way!
I guess it’s good for the Republican Party to have a voice on this show because Alyssa definitely decided she was going to be the talking head for the Trump Party! She seems very ready to go to war with her cohost to make sure they are being heard I think it just might seem weird to people to hear her opinion since Trump became president elect!
She's intelligent,you won't understand.
@ I didn’t even say she said anything wrong! Nor did I say that I disagreed with anything that she said! You people are so miserable and unhappy you “TRY” to insult people you don’t know for absolutely nothing!
@ I don’t even know why I responded to a faceless profile though enjoy the remainder of your day though ✌🏾✌🏾
@@jo-annevanwyk8958: Alyssa has a brain, but her ego is bigger. Really intelligent people also learn to listen & grow emotionally. As a Former Republican.. #MAGA_Republicans R NOTHING like traditional Republicans. No. If anything they R like Klan Dems until FDR drew a lot of voters to a changing Democratic Party. This notion of party "affiliation" has truly made people even more misguided. Do your Research, People. 🗽
@@jo-annevanwyk8958 .. all Alyssa does is flap her gums, talking over everyone, and talking so fast no one else can get a word in. Republicans have that down to a T.
Just wondering if Sony is going to give legal statements about her husband? Is she going to stay with him after he becomes a felon?? LMAO, Karma!!!
Hey, Hostin, how's your husband doing? 😂😂😂 couldn't have happened to a better couple. You deserve it all.
This is so true Whoopi 2:55. I worked for Oracle, & after Y2K was over they kept all the H1 visa workers from the Middle East, whose salaries were 30% lower than the Americans, and they laid off only American workers.
Say it again. What did Elon Musk do when he bought Twitter. Exactly.
@@ArnitaBranch Yeah. Got rid of folks they responded by going home and crying on their 2 sudscriber youtube channel.
Sonny hysband going to prison on RICO CHARGES 😂😂😂😂