Oslo Norway summer walking tour | Oslo city walk 2024 | Karl Johans shopping street Oslo

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 32

  • @shazmagohar1430
    @shazmagohar1430 Год назад +2

    Great work. I enjoy your videos, keep uplaoding ☺

  • @이진모-t7c
    @이진모-t7c Год назад +2

    fantastic oslo
    I love traveling so if i go norway i must go oslo firstly
    Thanks 🎉😊

  • @lytofamily
    @lytofamily Год назад +1

    Amazing walking tour 🥰😍💓👍


    Kota yang indah dan banyak penjalan kaki

  • @Exploringeurope102
    @Exploringeurope102 Год назад +2

    Wow ..amazing

  • @mynameboss2746
    @mynameboss2746 Год назад +2

    Walking tour is amazing and the quality of ur video is xcellent

  • @WalkWithMeInGermany3
    @WalkWithMeInGermany3 Год назад +4

    This video is amazing and great! I enjoyed every moment of it, and the quality is top-notch.

    • @Koochay4KWalks
      @Koochay4KWalks  Год назад +1

      Thanks 😊

    • @yaobleestelle2513
      @yaobleestelle2513 Год назад +1

      30 Vit at når du blir født, henger alle familie og slektningers velsignelser og forbannelser fra Adam ned over deg. Men når du når bevissthetens alder, bestemmer ikke trollmannene, men dine første handlinger ditt valg. Og løsningen er å vende tilbake først til Gud gjennom sin profet i henhold til 2 Krønike 20:20. Søk Frelse først. Og Frelse er bare gjennom din tids levende profet. Ikke en engel, ikke en bok som heter Bibelen eller Koranen. Ikke en profet som heter Moses, Jesus fra Nasaret eller Mahomet. Men ordene til en levende mann blant dere. Og du, uansett hvilke vanskeligheter og lidelser du går gjennom, først, vet at personen å klandre for alt dette er deg selv. Og på jakt etter en løsning, skal du ikke gå til noen profet, og ikke hvem som helst skal legge hendene på deg. Du skal aldri bytte din Frelse mot en flyktig lettelse fra Satan i en katolsk, protestantisk, evangelisk eller branhamistisk kirke. I 1 Mosebok 50 ba Joseph om at hans ben skulle gå opp fra Egypt sammen med profeten Moses. Og du, hvis du er utvalgt, må du ikke dø før du aksepterer Kacou Philippe, den levende profeten i din tid.

    • @Vincen-De-Gesco
      @Vincen-De-Gesco Год назад

      7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6.
      8 This Message says that the world council of churches, the ecumenical council of churches, associations, unions, federations and confederations of churches ... Catholic churches, orthodox churches, Methodist churches, Eckankar, the sect of Horus, Lutheran churches, Anglican churches, Mahikari, Baptist churches, Rosicrucianism, Nazarene churches, Scientology, esotericism, Anabaptist churches, Voodoo, Adventist churches, companions of Jesus, Emmaus mission, Inner Life, Jehovah’s witnesses, witnesses of Jesus, foursquare churches.
      9 Freemasons, Pentecostal churches, the worship of Inca gods, Protestant churches, Krishna, the church of Christ, transcendental meditation, the Grail, spiritualists, evangelical churches, Mormons, Guru Maharaja, Islam and Judaism and all the so-called revealed or restored churches… prayer camps, monasteries, convents, missions and ministries including the Branhamists, that is to say, those who still follow the Message of William Branham, even in its purity, are purgatories and nets of Satan to send mankind to hell and the spirits that act in those churches are not the Holy Spirit, but demons of seduction. Those are the same demons that were in the rivers, creeks, masks, Voodoo, forests and sacred groves, customs and traditions and which raised up traditional fetish priests.

  • @karimedinburgh
    @karimedinburgh Год назад +1

    Like 37

  • @djedjejulienbouabre-vw9nd
    @djedjejulienbouabre-vw9nd Год назад +2

    43 Simon Peter sa til sin herre Jesus Kristus: "Du, vår Rabbiner, du er Kristus, sønn av den levende Gud" og Herren Jesus Kristus sa til ham: "Du er Peter og på denne klippen av åpenbaringen, vil jeg bygge min kirke". Denne uttalelsen om Peter var steinen og det høyeste punktet i alle åpenbaringene i Vår Herre Jesu Kristi tid. Åpenbaringens klippe i 1415 var å kunne si: "Du, John Huss, for vår tid er du Kristus, sønn av de levendes Gud". Steinen og det høyeste punktet i åpenbaringen i 1545 var å kunne si: "Du Martin Luther, du er Kristus, sønn av de levendes Gud". Klippen av åpenbaringen mellom 1933 og 1965 var å kunne si: "Du, William Branham, du er Kristus, sønn av den levendes Gud". Åpenbaringens klippe siden 24. Å gjenkjenne Gud i en mann i ditt liv er steinen og det høyeste trospunktet for evig liv.

  • @kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932
    @kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932 Год назад +2

    91 And our redemption will depend on our willingness to confide in God through his prophets, as King Jehoshaphat cried out in 2 Chronicles 20:20, saying, "Hear me, Judah and you, inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in Jehovah your God, and you will be established; confide in his prophets, and you shall prosper". You must stay with a living prophet messenger and after this prophet, you must look for another prophet, as it is written in Hosea 12:13 that, "By a prophet Jehovah brought Israel out of Egypt; and by a prophet was he preserved".

  • @mauriceg2695
    @mauriceg2695 Год назад +2

    😈 "Promo SM"

  • @ismaelbadou2666
    @ismaelbadou2666 Год назад +1

    28 Well. Now, let’s consider Israel and the Jews that went out of Egypt according to Numbers 33. They went from Rameses and encamped there and there were springs of water and palm trees because there was a living prophet named Moses. And they went from there and encamped in another place and there were springs of water and palm trees because there was Joshua, a living prophet. And they went from there and encamped again in another place and there were springs of water and palm trees because there was Jeremiah, a living prophet. And they went from there and encamped again and there were springs of water and palm trees because there was Isaiah, a living prophet. And they went and encamped again because there was a living prophet. Only a living prophet made Israel move forward. And when there was no livingprophet, Israel encamped there. And the Bible says thatthey went from there and encamped at Elim where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees which are the twelve Apostles and the seventy disciples because there was a living prophet, Jesus of Nazareth.[Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].