One thing all of us with ADHD can do is convince the other person we heard every word they said by nodding and staring into their eyes but really we’re wondering how to build a pond and a house in the middle of no where and also wondering how we would get electricity.. and then the conversation ends.
This is low-key my specialty. Doesn't help my job in sales though, sometimes a costumer tells a 3 minuten story and before I know it I'm picturing how to repair my bike or what was the name of that song that goes like la la la la, after that I think to myself I need to pick up some food later. When I'm back on earth and the customer is still going I will smile and nod. Welcome to my life haha
as a toadler I used to stare at the wall for half an hour (or maybe more IDK) and either hyperfocus on the texture of the wall or be so in thoughts. I could probably spent the rest of my life in my room without getting bored...the only time I get bored is when I'm "forced" to do things I don't feel like doing... like... studying... I'm someone who is always "happy" but not being able to meet the expectations people have for me makes me sad... and really had a negative effect on my self-confidence...
funny cos my mom always brings me along when she meet her friends because Im quiet and never get bored and give her a tantrum. I spent my years as a kid being lost in my mind in another world.
Wow, that is exactly what I've been doing. I think is the 4th talk I've listened to on ADHD. The amount of homework I could've done by now if I knew how to control my dang brain.
It's not like every ADHD share all traits. I have ADHD and I have not had this problem. ADHD doesn't men that you do not pay attention but you pay attention to what you like otherwise your attention may jump to something else.
XD true! When I sued to have to make eye contact I wouldn't look at there eyes if look at there for head,ears,eyebrows,mouth, just cuz I didn't wanna listen to my mom 🤣
I jump from job to job, interest to interest, I cannot manage money at all, relationships start of with lots of excitement then it fades and I jump onto the next relationship, I struggle with addiction, I pretend bills don't exist and put all letters in the cupboard, I cannot read a single page pf a book without skipping paragraphs, I cant sit and talk to someone face to face for more than 15 seconds, I skip tracks of music constantly. I spend money on what I want and not what I need, I was the class clown at school, restless constantly, I have all these wonderful ideas on how to improve my life and never even get round to doing one, It took me 30 years to remember my mothers birthday, still don't know my dads im to scared to ask, but things I am really interested in I seem to be way above average at whatever it is I do, I love to self educate myself I will not listen to what I am told. I think I have ADHD
I feel it all. Yeah we just feel the vibration yeh most. But we want to help you decode. Because that’s what it is. We’re always meant to decode our very being. It’s so deeeeeep. so deeep. There is hope for all us none the less keep programming your brain the way you want to. It’s a human experience, why not?
For me the hardest thing to manage is my obsess hyper focus at somthing that my mind chose randomly especially if its negative and I feel exhausted after 😑.
Adnan Rifai one time I spent all night writing down every possible Starbucks order I would like and their customizations and just wouldn’t stop. Like whyyyy haha
Speaker: "All the people with ADHD have stopped listening because they are already distracted" Me: (Doing my hair and makeup thinking about my next video to create)*Gasp* she knows!!!!
I zoned out right before that and head my bf giggle. I asked him what he was laughing about...he said her I had to rewind and listen again. 🤣🤣🤣
It’s only a superpower when you learn how to properly focus with love for what your doing especially for innovation and daily life... at least that’s what I’ve personally noticed and therefore trying to incorporate that into my daily life to become a more well rounded individual
You summed it up completely! Only when I'm doing what I'm interested in/passionate about do I thrive. I can't conform or take orders ( unless I deeply respect someone and then I'll listen to them lol). I also have to work in a quiet space where I can be left alone to relax and hyperfocus.
Just wanted to say this. Success can mean different things to different people. Don't measure your own life's success with how society as a whole measure's success. I love the message here that ADHD is not a disorder and it's just that our brain works differently. However, not everyone with ADHD will be successful or means that they should be "successful". Embrace your difference and just be happy and take care of yourself!
Im at 2x. I just found out I might have ADHD after a youtube comment thread that began with me saying I watch youtube videos esp lectures at 2x. I need to be diagnosed ASAP! Things are starting to make sense and I hope things will get better for me after being medicated
Dustin Diamond I work at a medtech facility building and calibrating ventilators for 12 hour shifts, while trying to learn to play guitar during my free time and trying to work out again too
Dustin Diamond thanks for the words of confidence. I’m still struggling with vices and poor habits that are holding me back from being happy with myself. Such as PMO, and drive/motivation/willpower. Like you know something is bad for you, and you tell yourself you need to stop, but you can never really kick it to the curb
@@TheNucaKolaplease search iml academy. I'm 19 with severe adhd and up until i found this forex learning academy i started learning how to make money my phone and have people motivate me on another level all the time throughout the day and they encourage me to break through my bad habits and do what i want
had. all my life drs had me on licorice and all kinds of things that I took myself off right meds and didn't know itand meds had me so out of it and I stopped taking all those but need my ADHD meds
I have been same way struggling in elementary school teacher there told my mom that I had back then add. thanks for her doing that I went from scraping by to a&bhonor roll rest of my life
I am 30 and will be tested for ADHD in a month. After reading a lot about it my whole life started to make sense... I feel relieved but also sad that no one told me sooner about ADHD. My parents never wanted me to go to a psychiatrist/psychologist even though I knew I was different (especially comparing lifestyle and learning methods with other students at uni). That one time I went to the uni psychologist (to discuss why I felt burnt out all the time) he told me I was just being lazy. I'm sad and angry that I wasted 30 years of my life - Yes, at this moment it really feels like I wasted so much time. I didn't accomplish anything despite having all these dreams and goals. But thank you so much for this talk, it is nice to see people talking positively about ADHD and underlining its advantages
@Sylvia I don't even think you have to wait to be tested. When I read the symptoms at age 32 it fitted me like a wetsuit. The main thing you should do is look at the symptoms and see which ones are your top three and do research on it and see how you can improve them (not cure). Information is your best thing to focus on now. Do not tell the whole world your diagnosis especially not your family and friends..... They are the dream stealers and will convince you that you don't have ADHD. They will rob you from looking back at your life and realize that you are not a huge failure. There is a reason you have gone through what you did and that is because of ADHD. Then look at your strong points, gifts, Super Powers and focus on improving them even more. Look at your past and look at what your greatest achievements were. Things you are proud of and not for anybody else. Even the smallest things you are proud of document it and see how you can work it. Also, look at the 5 stages of grief because that is what you will go through when diagnosed with ADHD. And if you know this you can help yourself get through the stages as soon as possible. You can save yourself so much time not getting stuck in Depression (pitfall for may) and rather accept ADHD and own it by getting as much as possible information to help yourself. Prepare yourself for a Rollercoaster-Ride of your life. Use the information you get to your benefit and document your research (I use OneNote that is free in your MS Office). I am a 52-year-old male and my passion is ADHD. My motto is "I am ADHD - What is your SuperPower?" That is how I landed on this site. Good luck and learn to be Resilient... Then Nothing will stop you!
I will turn 30 next month and only now did I realize I have adhd. So many things that stuck out like sore thumb suddenly make sense. I could get a 99/100 in math when I wanted to and I could also flunk. Teachers and parents never understood why am I not consistent, why don't I study ..?! I'd tell them, I can't study when I don't want to. That wasn't a good enough reason. The pattern continued through college - I'd top one semester and not care for two after that. I was called a 'squirrel' for having short attention span. I have been called out all my life for butting in conversations but I couldn't explain how it was an impulse. I'd tell them my brain has already had the conversation and now wants to respond. My brain would work faster than I could speak or write. There was always constant brain chatter and I'd be told to do meditation but I CANNOT DO IT. Whole of 2021 was tired but it was a running joke that she's tired without doing anything. But I'd tell them that my brain is so so tired. Anyway. It's never too late to finally have the understanding as why we are the way we are. We still have our lives ahead of us and we can use this new found knowledge to our best interests :)
Lmfaoooo. My bluntness and lack of filter makes people uncomfortable around me. Like people tend to hurt their own feeling around me while I'm just......existing and being myself.
When she said, "And those with ADHD probably aren't even listening to me anymore because they're distracted." And I'm over here in another tab scrolling with my phone in my other hand. Yeah...
Kudos to you Nikki. Well presented, and not in your first language. I wasn't diagnosed until age 51. It explained a lot, and I'm still growing into it.
@@RussBlake80Let your heart be at peace . everything will be fine. Just help yourselves focus on your strengths and the positive side of what you carry. ADHD is beautiful live with when you understand it.
I honestly think my ADHD makes me very extroverted in sociable due to having a ton of energy, getting very excited, and always being able to get an interesting convo going with my crazy mind bouncing around it's one of the things that the people who love me love most about me but it also annoys certain types of people and when I learned to keep the ones that love me for it and not sweat the ones that don't I became much happier
Yea I’ve had to accept some people just won’t understand me or like me for who I am. But the ones that do love me for me keep them close they take the time to understand you
I have ADHD I feel like I have anxiety sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here i would have a conversation with somebody and I just couldn't get my point across like I start stuttering or I couldn't pronounce the word properly I have short term memory loss I don't know if I don't get enough sleep or I'm not eating well or I just need to right vitamin I often forget things I will have a conversation with somebody and just forget what I was about to say and I hate that I really do I'm also constantly in my head or inside my head I was searching through RUclips and then they said if your forget something is completely normal I know nobody's probably going to read my comment but i just wanted to let someone know how i feel
Look up Working Memory and Executive Functioning skills. What your describing is a deficit in EF skills related to working memory. It’s a primary issue for many people with ADHD. And of course struggling with memory issues it’s going to cause you anxiety! There are ways to help you build and exercise your working memory. Do your research. Look up Dr Russell Barkley
I might have ADHD but my family never noticed because school actually interests me. I will hyperfocus on whatever assignment I'm doing to the point of literally forgetting my own name.
Sounds like you might have the "good" kind of ADHD that will help you succeed. I mean if a person can have hyper focus on any topic without any of the negative side effects that would truly be a superpower
Me as an ADHDer used to forget and lose many things I carry in my pocket. That’s why I never have water bottle, necklace, watch, scarf and so, because I simply lose and forget to bring them. But I seldom lose my phone key and wallet. These three things I almost never lose them. I remember back in several years ago, my phone is stolen by a thief. I noticed it immediately and saw a man walking in reverse direction. My intuition just made me walk through the crowd and follow that man. That man noticed me and give my phone. After that time, I never never not even a single time lost my phone. That memory and experience is just so strong and unique. It makes me keep touching my pocket to make sure every time I leave and enter a new place.
She was very engaging so I could watch the video to the very end with my ADD. What stands out is her self awareness, and how she embraces her traits, because of our condition we have more self awareness than other people. I see this as a huge +!
Emotions really start to flow and I love so much, I focus on 1 think too much and worry about things that I can’t control anyway. I’m just ask Christ to help and forgive me, that makes me so happy
Haha I started watching this having flipped from 2 other videos whilst changing the bed linen and getting ready for bed. About 6 mins in I started on the comments, now I'm adding a comment.... Got distracted mid way through by a text, am now back 15 mins later... It's ok folks, it's all in hand. Im just not sure what it is, or whose hand! So many things to cram into this exact moment.... Happy ADHD moment peeps.
Ted talks really giving opportunity to share individual "specialities" and helping us to understand them. Which will help to make a better place to live for everyone.
I relate to this hard. I was always in the top 3 students in elementary school. All with very little/minimal effort. My classmates always thought I was lying when I told them I didn't study. It started getting bad in high school and became a struggling student in college (even though I aced subjects I was interested in with ease). In the professional world I am still struggling with attention and focus. The extreme boredom when I am not challenged and feeling of being overwhelmed and depressed when I can't accomplish a task in time. I think I have ADHD.
This definitely describes me. I struggle with I'm not challenged professionally. I'm always looking for adventure in my job and if I don't get it, the environment tends to depress me. I haven't gotten a diagnosis though.
in my case: One Moment Peaple say to Me I'm a genius But Anather Moment theY are LIke Are You Kidding ....Us ....did You Just Forget to that simple thing and i feel like where i was wrong.....I am just Fed Up of these things and I will start Taking a Medecine Which Activates the Beast Mode In Me...i Khow it is Bad for us....But at least i will live a good life
similar story but i dropped out of college after 2.5 years, my life felt like it was falling apart and i just thought it was because i wasn't trying hard enough, but the more i looked into it, eventually i had an aha moment or like a existential experience where everything kind of made sense. I'm now 22 on my way to a diagnosis:)
I am 60 years old & I can relate to your lifetime story. In my case, I eventually found a subject that relates to everything - “economics” (with never ending angles). It became a life time passion. Though, it does not directly relate to my job, it helped in my investment portfolio. I also want to add that I don’t recommend taking medication. There are other ways to cope with the symptoms. Maybe it would be a harder journey. Maybe it will need a lot of emotional support (also need to express your feelings in a communicable way). Maybe all it needs is a huge commitment. (I read through a ton of self-help and psychology books).
For me, I have hyper focus at times. I play piano, taught myself until I was 10 and I have played since I was four. As soon as I started, I got crazy focus on the thing and I channeled all of my energy into my fingers. Because of this comfort, I play piano a ton, not flexing just fact, I can now play very difficult pieces like fantaisie-impromptu at the age of 14. Edit: this is an effect of ADHD and I have it. Hyper focus is something you can get into if you are really interested into what you are doing.
concentration is a mental skill that is expected increasingly from anybody. people in the past would not have had these issues because there were different expectations and not everybody had to do mental work. now on the other hand if you are not wired biologically in a way that is usable in work environments, you become "dysfunctional". brave new worldey.
I’m actually writing a rhetorical analysis rough draft about this TED talk and I plan to write about how maybe she inappropriately handled this subject by acting like adhd could be a superpower. I’ll be 19 in May and I was diagnosed at 17 and I don’t see my adhd as doom and gloom or a sentence necessarily. It is a disorder, it doesn’t mean you’re less than, not at all, but it is a disorder. Don’t beat yourself up for not finding the positive side of a literal disorder that affects basic functions of day to day life such as paying attention and impulse control. You don’t even need to love it or hate it. I’ve struggled enough being diagnosed later in childhood or adolescence when I was 17, I’m so sorry you had to be undiagnosed and unnoticed for so long.
Am I the only one that have to listen to a book while having something else, a game or a picture book aside so that I could keep listening to the book?
In these 18 minutes, you just CHANGED MY LIFE! Here's how: I've got a name for the last 30 years I have been in a state of discovery, and through all the trials and tragedies and tribulations of my life I could not put it all togetheruntil just recently and this tedtalk just confirmed many things that have gone through my mind and I've also heard other say about me. the reason why I am going to say that this tedtalk has changed my life is because I am watching it consecutively and I've watched it four times and now I have a desire to watch it five more? as I exercise the lot of repetition I believe that something is going to crack where I really activate my ADHD as the superpower it is? & Boy oh boy.... Look out world, cause here she comes! 🔥🔥🔥
i understand the light going off when you stop reading and say, this is me and this is why. Congratulations for you have just won the lottery. All of the time you have spent wondering why, can now be spent on making Tracy even better. When I was 27 a friend talked me into a weekend training of "self development". I did not find a diagnosis but I did learn positive activities and thinking will produce positive results. Then there was the anything one can believe, one can achieve. I never set the world on fire (figuratively), however, I did start a coffee shop with my wife, and ran an investigation business for 25+ years. All before I was diagnosed and learned that key which explained me. Never, NEVER GIVE UP. I made it through life without ever having a diagnosis. Life is what you make it.
i always loved being alone!!! i never liked school nd my college attendence is also very low. i just blackout from a group conversation. sometimes I speak on completely different topic
I am exactly her except I am from India so ive been viewed as lazy spoiled kid with wasted potential . Abused by teachers for being late , sent out classes I get distracted etc if my family wasn't well off I would have definitely in depression like few years ago, I've found a way though with theanine and meditation to get the most important things done
nice to see another fellow Indian here...if u won't mind just wanted to know ,did u get urself diagnosed by a doctor or verified the symptoms from the internet...and Theanine was it prescribed & is it effective?? I need to find a way out too.
@Sharyu Raj there are a lot of therapists in india with no real knowledge ,some are psychologists masquerading as psychiatrists .denying problem is really not professional , find a good one .do a video consult with a good psychiatrist from bangalore ,chennai etc not from places where only mentally challenged go to a therapist . some meds like modalert are available otc in india.
@@renny6087 i went to Dr Esther Suresh in chennai for my diagnosis . theanine and meditation is my attempt to do stuff without meds . a monk in dharamshala told me about theanine .its a supplement like ashwagandha .thing with adhd is that its all about what works for you(clinically very new subject) . good to see fellow indian too .for the longest time i thought stimulants helped but am much better without them
I started watching this video a few weeks ago--- while flipping thru all the pages I have open- oh I never this video-- watched about 1 min of it and moved on to other things-- 3, 4 hrs later- let me just finish once and for all-- finally done...
this woman couldnt follow a single thought to the end. haha her brain was jumping from channel to channel even tho she sounded monotonous. ADHD at its finest
The differences in later life of those with ADHD involve severity, but also age when diagnosed, if and when treated, how much + or - events happened prior to the diagnosis, the family of origin’s level of structure or chaos, whether your parents had undiagnosed ADHD or not, the level of fit between your strengths and your career, the level of acceptance by your spouse/parents, presence and severity of co-existing MH diagnoses, the level of stress and ability to handle the stress, financial considerations, the amount of science based knowledge your dr/psychiatrist understands and how that leads to proper amount or type of meds if meds used, and also the level of hormones still pumping through the body (40+ age women primarily). The more of these factors we can get a handle on, the better the chance we have to be in or at least improve our ADHD related situation. It takes outside scaffolding sometimes to get there as well. ADHD Coaching, timer apps, body doubling to clean, these really help us as well. But we have to be open to asking for help and investing in ourselves. Learn about your own brain and how adhd affects you! But evaluate your habits with nonjudgmental attitude and Shame-FREE manner. Like as a scientist evaluating what works and what doesnt. That is the best advice i can give. Coaching helps with this as well.
Came out of iran age 17 than moved in Europe few years later to Canada and now I am 53 just find out after a failed relationships and lots of hardship… I am just crying how I lost so many years of my life 😭
And it’s ok. Thank you. We’re meeting. Most are awake but it’ was always about vibration. My music bringing it. You help me so much. I will make us all proud.🍃😎🌈🎻♾🤍
I have ADHD I think I have anxiety sometimes i wonder what im doing here i would have a conversation with someone and i couldn't get my thoughts/point across or i didn't know what to say i would start stuttering or i couldn't pronounce the word properly i have short term memory loss i don't know if I don't get enough sleep or im not eating well or i just need the right vitamins i often forget things i would have a conversation with someone and I would forget what i was about to say or what to say i hate that i really do im also constantly thinking inside my head i was searching through RUclips and then they said if you forget something is completely normal i just wanted to let someone know how I feel
I never thought someone else would be like me. Wow. I will say there is some light at the end of the tunnel for you no matter how hopeless the feeling of not being able to communicate properly with someone might be. I still ALWAYS mix up words that I don’t mean to say. Sometimes they’re even the complete opposite of what I’m intending on saying! But I try to put intention behind my words, knowing that what I’m saying is what I feel. It comes with being confident in what you’re saying and not second guessing your stream of thoughts. Even being overly enthusiastic about what your saying helps (bc with the natural lack of dopamine in our brains we have to always try harder to be positive about things that don’t peak our interests🥴)
me watching this while im in a work meeting cos i cant focus but also not even paying attention to this video cos i got distracted by reading the comments
I am creative and very talented in anything I put my mind to, and yet, people far less talented than me have accomplished more and are more successful. Which led me conclude they happened because of my lack of focus and consistency, impulsiveness, laziness and procrastination. It feels like I have squandered my gifts. I know now its ADHD, is it really a superpower? Its been a lifetime of pain.
It's not even close to success, people laughing at you in school, teachers mocking you for not learning anything, parents blame you for your scores and forgetting things. there is nothing good about having ADHD
It took me two days to finish this video because I kept getting distracted by how attractive I find the Good Madam Doctor. I kept ending up on Google images and a few obscure medical journal sites. I now have multiple annual subscriptions and the only things I've learned are: 1) fluent Arabic, and 2) Mediocre Farsi, because after I learned Arabic I remembered that Farsi is the predominant language of Iran. So all in all, pretty good weekend....
11:43 YES!!!! I always forget that I want/need sleep And about wanting to flip tables, when I would work on something that was making me mad, I would focus on a spot in front of me, hold out my hands and breath. Then I felt like I could never again, the first thing I did is grab that paper (instantly crumpling it). Not even a moment later I would feel so bad that all anger would leave, I would put down the paper and burst into tears.
she wild for thinking im going to watch the whole video in 18 mins girl its been 2 and her dress reminded me on a shirt i havent seen in a while and now im reorganizing my closet.
i actually look at people and nod but i am not listening. in class my teachers will give my example as an attentive person, students ask me for help because they think i paid attention so i know my material. it's embarrassing when they ask me for help. i can't focus even when i am reading or watching tv. i rewind tv programs over and over because i am lost. i hate meetings and long e-mails.
I can not tolerate fictional books or entertainment. I need to be reading something educational or listening to something informative, or both at the same time. I get obsessed with new topics. I have to look up the answers to dozens of questions every day. I only need 3 hours of sleep each night.
It so happened today with a friend. I asked him some question. He answered with proper examples but i zoned out. After 5 minutes I felt like asking the same question and then i felt he already answered it. I asked him if he could make out that I zoned out while he was answering. He admitted that could not make out. I realised how good I am at masking. Its almost near perfect.
I came here for my boyfriend because he has ADHD but I honestly think I have it. I can’t even pay attention to this video. I clean houses for a living also and I take forever because each room has to look perfect. Idk 🤷♀️😢
I really like this talk. I had a hard time keeping focus on my TEDx talk. Forgot some of it. Funny you mentioned that as a thing. I have been reading a lot about this lately. Happy to hear it explained simply.
2:21 When describing ADHD subtypes... "Those who are predominantly hyperactive, thank god I'm not that." Language like that is not supportive nor inclusive, even if it is coming from someone who has ADHD. Passive comments like this shouldn't be supported.
whenever I decide to be focused or to do not think to sleep, after 10 min I see myself overwhelmed with thinks, again I say hey stay focus!! then again I found myself thinking about another subject....
its not necessarily about forgetting the class. it can also be about a lack of time comprehension. If you are focused on something "now" you only know the class is "not now". so it is very easy to forget about the Not Now when you are focused on Now and then suddenly "class started 20 minutes ago"
All I am wishing right now is that the doctor will help me through. Sudden anger and procrastination as well as fear of unknown is killing my life for now.
@@vishvajeetsinh_solanki , try the different medications that the doctors prescribe, maybe they work, maybe they don't At the end of the day you have to ACCEPT who you are and your ABILITIES ! also intense exercising helps several times a day just remember nobody is born with it ! Find strategies that work for, you'll never be Normal, but try and love the life you have !
I've not been very distracted since I'm really relating to this. But I'm typing this in the middle of the video because I'll have forgotten by the time I finish watching the video.
Fantastic to call it a superpower, My question is how do you deal with your challenges in performing academically, especially as a young child, because of the difficulties to concentrate on teachers etcetera. I mean it causes one to fail grades and be in trouble all the time. Positive feedback on the question will be appreciated
fleexseed cold press oil/fish oil is a miracle i heard, exercising daily also help. some music helps too. In school they have support for kids I am getting for my son.
I’m watching this to feel better about myself procrastinating doing schoolwork that’s due tonight. Sitting down to read and comprehend and remember and actually getting it done is a whole struggle.
One thing all of us with ADHD can do is convince the other person we heard every word they said by nodding and staring into their eyes but really we’re wondering how to build a pond and a house in the middle of no where and also wondering how we would get electricity.. and then the conversation ends.
I agree😂
This is low-key my specialty. Doesn't help my job in sales though, sometimes a costumer tells a 3 minuten story and before I know it I'm picturing how to repair my bike or what was the name of that song that goes like la la la la, after that I think to myself I need to pick up some food later. When I'm back on earth and the customer is still going I will smile and nod.
Welcome to my life haha
LOL... That's exactly one of the things I was thinking about during the lecture.
Yess! Sucks when your boss is asking you to do something though then you have to play it off and have them repeat it 😂
ADHD people, distracted from video, reading comments.
@Rasika Vijay me too ✋
That's multitasking
So true!! Omg when I’m alone I’m NEVER bored. Small talk in a group of “normal” ppl... makes me wanna go run a marathon.
Jenni Highlander same! I never get bored when I’m alone, and as a toddler I used to sit in the corner and talk to myself, but I don’t mind small talk
as a toadler I used to stare at the wall for half an hour (or maybe more IDK) and either hyperfocus on the texture of the wall or be so in thoughts. I could probably spent the rest of my life in my room without getting bored...the only time I get bored is when I'm "forced" to do things I don't feel like doing... like... studying...
I'm someone who is always "happy" but not being able to meet the expectations people have for me makes me sad... and really had a negative effect on my self-confidence...
yessss i actually am forever laughing and talking to myself and its never boring
Same 🤣
funny cos my mom always brings me along when she meet her friends because Im quiet and never get bored and give her a tantrum. I spent my years as a kid being lost in my mind in another world.
When your ADHD is awry and you are watching this instead of doing homework😂
when you make adhd your homework :D
Wow, that is exactly what I've been doing. I think is the 4th talk I've listened to on ADHD. The amount of homework I could've done by now if I knew how to control my dang brain.
Gotta get that ADHD hyperfocus going!
@Rasika Vijay because we are always trying to find the explanation and solution to being able to do homework like "normal" people.
When someone’s talking to you looking directly into your eyes and you’re somewhere else... ahhh
It's not like every ADHD share all traits. I have ADHD and I have not had this problem. ADHD doesn't men that you do not pay attention but you pay attention to what you like otherwise your attention may jump to something else.
@@mogbaba depends on amount of practice, if socializing is something you enjoy etc
C it’s sooooo meeeeee
XD true! When I sued to have to make eye contact I wouldn't look at there eyes if look at there for head,ears,eyebrows,mouth, just cuz I didn't wanna listen to my mom 🤣
I jump from job to job, interest to interest, I cannot manage money at all, relationships start of with lots of excitement then it fades and I jump onto the next relationship, I struggle with addiction, I pretend bills don't exist and put all letters in the cupboard, I cannot read a single page pf a book without skipping paragraphs, I cant sit and talk to someone face to face for more than 15 seconds, I skip tracks of music constantly. I spend money on what I want and not what I need, I was the class clown at school, restless constantly, I have all these wonderful ideas on how to improve my life and never even get round to doing one, It took me 30 years to remember my mothers birthday, still don't know my dads im to scared to ask, but things I am really interested in I seem to be way above average at whatever it is I do, I love to self educate myself I will not listen to what I am told. I think I have ADHD
You have just described my life
You've got adhd you sound like my daughtet
CHRIS MORRIS get on adhd meds it will change your life
You should get diagnosed first
Don't worry you're not alone I don't know the months in the calendar
It’s hard to keep friends, I get bored with people so fast, the conversations become predicable and small talk kills me.
small talk KILLS ME, hurts my soul- i hate bs
That’s introvert
Omg felt....
Not alone bud
I love her energy and her realness. "Do you ever get so mad you want to flip over a table and slap the person who didn't give you what you want?"
Hillary Frew my life
Yep- done that too
Hilary Haines yeah
it makes me feel funny and something els comes up 😂 I feel so free.
I feel it all. Yeah we just feel the vibration yeh most. But we want to help you decode. Because that’s what it is. We’re always meant to decode our very being. It’s so deeeeeep. so deeep.
There is hope for all us none the less keep programming your brain the way you want to. It’s a human experience, why not?
oh my gosh HAHAHA i havent gotten to that part but sounds funny to read in my head with an imaginary inspiring voice 🤣🤣
For me the hardest thing to manage is my obsess hyper focus at somthing that my mind chose randomly especially if its negative and I feel exhausted after 😑.
Adnan Rifai one time I spent all night writing down every possible Starbucks order I would like and their customizations and just wouldn’t stop. Like whyyyy haha
@@marinacover8699been there done that.thats why I don't choose anymore I walk and tell them to make their favorite
I'm on an Adhd Hyperfocus rn lol
same, my latest was to paint a car wreck. dont know why but i just had to paint it
I spent the whole day researching ADHD after a particularly hard dance practice yesterday. I didn't eat or drink anything until about 7pm.
Speaker: "All the people with ADHD have stopped listening because they are already distracted"
Me: (Doing my hair and makeup thinking about my next video to create)*Gasp* she knows!!!!
I zoned out right before that and head my bf giggle. I asked him what he was laughing about...he said her I had to rewind and listen again. 🤣🤣🤣
I currently got up & starting cooking 🤣
She speaks so slowly I can't focus xD
It’s only a superpower when you learn how to properly focus with love for what your doing especially for innovation and daily life... at least that’s what I’ve personally noticed and therefore trying to incorporate that into my daily life to become a more well rounded individual
delegation is key. Employers need to realize we were made to be leaders, not workers bees
Perfect explanation
@@Saice2002 You're absolutely right!
You summed it up completely! Only when I'm doing what I'm interested in/passionate about do I thrive. I can't conform or take orders ( unless I deeply respect someone and then I'll listen to them lol). I also have to work in a quiet space where I can be left alone to relax and hyperfocus.
Cannot agree more!
Just wanted to say this. Success can mean different things to different people. Don't measure your own life's success with how society as a whole measure's success. I love the message here that ADHD is not a disorder and it's just that our brain works differently. However, not everyone with ADHD will be successful or means that they should be "successful". Embrace your difference and just be happy and take care of yourself!
"We cry when we feel like it"
Me who cried several times because of how relatable it is
yep 😭 im with ya
My ADHD Brain: I have to play it fast 1.5X at least
Im at 2x. I just found out I might have ADHD after a youtube comment thread that began with me saying I watch youtube videos esp lectures at 2x. I need to be diagnosed ASAP! Things are starting to make sense and I hope things will get better for me after being medicated
@@ramoniiituble414 I am at 1,25 and trying to get adapted to it haha, otherwise 1,5 would be okay
@@ramoniiituble414 but to be fair this lady speaks super slow too
@@2ndmoon agreed
Oh my good same here
Doesn’t feel like a superpower to me, I feel completely handicapped and unable to accomplish anything of significance
What are you interested in? Computers, get a tech job, learn how to code a game. Humans, some psychology, or doctor, use that hyper-focus!
Dustin Diamond I work at a medtech facility building and calibrating ventilators for 12 hour shifts, while trying to learn to play guitar during my free time and trying to work out again too
@@TheNucaKola seems like you got a hang of things. I just fix computers and do ALOT of camping :D
Dustin Diamond thanks for the words of confidence. I’m still struggling with vices and poor habits that are holding me back from being happy with myself. Such as PMO, and drive/motivation/willpower. Like you know something is bad for you, and you tell yourself you need to stop, but you can never really kick it to the curb
@@TheNucaKolaplease search iml academy. I'm 19 with severe adhd and up until i found this forex learning academy i started learning how to make money my phone and have people motivate me on another level all the time throughout the day and they encourage me to break through my bad habits and do what i want
When people come in the door I have to look no matter what
i thought this was just me
had. all my life drs had me on licorice and all kinds of things that I took myself off right meds and didn't know itand meds had me so out of it and I stopped taking all those but need my ADHD meds
I have been same way struggling in elementary school teacher there told my mom that I had back then add. thanks for her doing that I went from scraping by to a&bhonor roll rest of my life
I noticed that on my daughter. And she even listen all their talks. I prmss u that she will hear it all than when i talk to her.
I noticed it in the video when the lady in the background left through the door lol
I am 30 and will be tested for ADHD in a month. After reading a lot about it my whole life started to make sense... I feel relieved but also sad that no one told me sooner about ADHD. My parents never wanted me to go to a psychiatrist/psychologist even though I knew I was different (especially comparing lifestyle and learning methods with other students at uni). That one time I went to the uni psychologist (to discuss why I felt burnt out all the time) he told me I was just being lazy. I'm sad and angry that I wasted 30 years of my life - Yes, at this moment it really feels like I wasted so much time. I didn't accomplish anything despite having all these dreams and goals. But thank you so much for this talk, it is nice to see people talking positively about ADHD and underlining its advantages
@Sylvia I don't even think you have to wait to be tested. When I read the symptoms at age 32 it fitted me like a wetsuit. The main thing you should do is look at the symptoms and see which ones are your top three and do research on it and see how you can improve them (not cure).
Information is your best thing to focus on now. Do not tell the whole world your diagnosis especially not your family and friends..... They are the dream stealers and will convince you that you don't have ADHD. They will rob you from looking back at your life and realize that you are not a huge failure. There is a reason you have gone through what you did and that is because of ADHD.
Then look at your strong points, gifts, Super Powers and focus on improving them even more. Look at your past and look at what your greatest achievements were. Things you are proud of and not for anybody else. Even the smallest things you are proud of document it and see how you can work it.
Also, look at the 5 stages of grief because that is what you will go through when diagnosed with ADHD. And if you know this you can help yourself get through the stages as soon as possible. You can save yourself so much time not getting stuck in Depression (pitfall for may) and rather accept ADHD and own it by getting as much as possible information to help yourself.
Prepare yourself for a Rollercoaster-Ride of your life. Use the information you get to your benefit and document your research (I use OneNote that is free in your MS Office). I am a 52-year-old male and my passion is ADHD.
My motto is "I am ADHD - What is your SuperPower?" That is how I landed on this site.
Good luck and learn to be Resilient... Then Nothing will stop you!
I will turn 30 next month and only now did I realize I have adhd. So many things that stuck out like sore thumb suddenly make sense. I could get a 99/100 in math when I wanted to and I could also flunk. Teachers and parents never understood why am I not consistent, why don't I study ..?! I'd tell them, I can't study when I don't want to. That wasn't a good enough reason. The pattern continued through college - I'd top one semester and not care for two after that. I was called a 'squirrel' for having short attention span. I have been called out all my life for butting in conversations but I couldn't explain how it was an impulse. I'd tell them my brain has already had the conversation and now wants to respond. My brain would work faster than I could speak or write. There was always constant brain chatter and I'd be told to do meditation but I CANNOT DO IT. Whole of 2021 was tired but it was a running joke that she's tired without doing anything. But I'd tell them that my brain is so so tired.
Anyway. It's never too late to finally have the understanding as why we are the way we are. We still have our lives ahead of us and we can use this new found knowledge to our best interests :)
@@gerhardduvenhage4295 very helpful tips - thank you 🙏💜
i am 30 now and i have just noticed too 😪😪😔
My ADHD superpower is that I passively ruin someone's life by doing absolutely nothing. The only drawback is that that someone is me.
You and me both! 😅😂
Lmfaoooo. My bluntness and lack of filter makes people uncomfortable around me. Like people tend to hurt their own feeling around me while I'm just......existing and being myself.
When she said, "And those with ADHD probably aren't even listening to me anymore because they're distracted." And I'm over here in another tab scrolling with my phone in my other hand. Yeah...
but you were listening then...
Kudos to you Nikki. Well presented, and not in your first language. I wasn't diagnosed until age 51. It explained a lot, and I'm still growing into it.
I just found out at age 55. Trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life that fits with ADHD.
I just finished crying my eyes out. I admire how cool and understanding you are with having ADHD. I hope to be like that one day.
i have learned to love my adhd! :) it has its positive sides!
@@RussBlake80Let your heart be at peace . everything will be fine. Just help yourselves focus on your strengths and the positive side of what you carry. ADHD is beautiful live with when you understand it.
The crowd is disappointing !!!!
when you are supposed to be doing homework but you end up on here
im suppos to go to school ahaha
lmaooo im doing both
@Rasika Vijay this is not adhd... just lack oc interest lmao
ADHD people scrolling comments as soon as the vid starts then realizing they haven’t heard a word this chic said.
so true! here with you
literally, and whilst reading them also thinking "I wonder what she's saying"
I haven’t turned her voice on yet. I find people in the comments more real.
I honestly think my ADHD makes me very extroverted in sociable due to having a ton of energy, getting very excited, and always being able to get an interesting convo going with my crazy mind bouncing around it's one of the things that the people who love me love most about me but it also annoys certain types of people and when I learned to keep the ones that love me for it and not sweat the ones that don't I became much happier
Yea I’ve had to accept some people just won’t understand me or like me for who I am. But the ones that do love me for me keep them close they take the time to understand you
I have ADHD I feel like I have anxiety sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here i would have a conversation with somebody and I just couldn't get my point across like I start stuttering or I couldn't pronounce the word properly I have short term memory loss I don't know if I don't get enough sleep or I'm not eating well or I just need to right vitamin I often forget things I will have a conversation with somebody and just forget what I was about to say and I hate that I really do I'm also constantly in my head or inside my head I was searching through RUclips and then they said if your forget something is completely normal I know nobody's probably going to read my comment but i just wanted to let someone know how i feel
sayco79 iTz you know her name sounds like the n word
Am I you?
Dillon & Levi be nice😂
Look up Working Memory and Executive Functioning skills. What your describing is a deficit in EF skills related to working memory. It’s a primary issue for many people with ADHD. And of course struggling with memory issues it’s going to cause you anxiety! There are ways to help you build and exercise your working memory. Do your research. Look up Dr Russell Barkley
Hey, how are you? Are you still struggling? Let me know if you want to chat, I recently have been diagnosed.
It's a unique TEDx Talk. Because, the speaker perfectly uses the technique of PAUSES to make her ideas more dramatic and appealing.... Bravo.
“Did I say aggressiveness?” STORY OF MY LIFE, I’m always switching up my words
Who's hearing her talk and scrolling through the comments then catch something she said and back up to relisten to what she said?
Honestly shes kinda boring compared to the others
I might have ADHD but my family never noticed because school actually interests me. I will hyperfocus on whatever assignment I'm doing to the point of literally forgetting my own name.
Sounds like you might have the "good" kind of ADHD that will help you succeed. I mean if a person can have hyper focus on any topic without any of the negative side effects that would truly be a superpower
The adhd usually shows in hyperfocus on the topics which interests you not on any topic
Me as an ADHDer used to forget and lose many things I carry in my pocket. That’s why I never have water bottle, necklace, watch, scarf and so, because I simply lose and forget to bring them. But I seldom lose my phone key and wallet. These three things I almost never lose them. I remember back in several years ago, my phone is stolen by a thief. I noticed it immediately and saw a man walking in reverse direction. My intuition just made me walk through the crowd and follow that man. That man noticed me and give my phone. After that time, I never never not even a single time lost my phone. That memory and experience is just so strong and unique. It makes me keep touching my pocket to make sure every time I leave and enter a new place.
That’s using your ADHD super power!
I have to repeat the video,just zoned off for the past 10 minutes
She was very engaging so I could watch the video to the very end with my ADD.
What stands out is her self awareness, and how she embraces her traits, because of our condition we have more self awareness than other people. I see this as a huge +!
Emotions really start to flow and I love so much, I focus on 1 think too much and worry about things that I can’t control anyway. I’m just ask Christ to help and forgive me, that makes me so happy
Haha I started watching this having flipped from 2 other videos whilst changing the bed linen and getting ready for bed. About 6 mins in I started on the comments, now I'm adding a comment....
Got distracted mid way through by a text, am now back 15 mins later...
It's ok folks, it's all in hand. Im just not sure what it is, or whose hand!
So many things to cram into this exact moment....
Happy ADHD moment peeps.
Ted talks really giving opportunity to share individual "specialities" and helping us to understand them. Which will help to make a better place to live for everyone.
I relate to this hard. I was always in the top 3 students in elementary school. All with very little/minimal effort. My classmates always thought I was lying when I told them I didn't study. It started getting bad in high school and became a struggling student in college (even though I aced subjects I was interested in with ease). In the professional world I am still struggling with attention and focus. The extreme boredom when I am not challenged and feeling of being overwhelmed and depressed when I can't accomplish a task in time. I think I have ADHD.
This definitely describes me. I struggle with I'm not challenged professionally. I'm always looking for adventure in my job and if I don't get it, the environment tends to depress me. I haven't gotten a diagnosis though.
in my case: One Moment Peaple say to Me I'm a genius But Anather Moment theY are LIke Are You Kidding ....Us ....did You Just Forget to that simple thing and i feel like where i was wrong.....I am just Fed Up of these things and I will start Taking a Medecine Which Activates the Beast Mode In Me...i Khow it is Bad for us....But at least i will live a good life
similar story but i dropped out of college after 2.5 years, my life felt like it was falling apart and i just thought it was because i wasn't trying hard enough, but the more i looked into it, eventually i had an aha moment or like a existential experience where everything kind of made sense. I'm now 22 on my way to a diagnosis:)
Same happebed wirh me. I got diagnosed 2 days ago
I am 60 years old & I can relate to your lifetime story. In my case, I eventually found a subject that relates to everything - “economics” (with never ending angles). It became a life time passion. Though, it does not directly relate to my job, it helped in my investment portfolio.
I also want to add that I don’t recommend taking medication. There are other ways to cope with the symptoms. Maybe it would be a harder journey. Maybe it will need a lot of emotional support (also need to express your feelings in a communicable way). Maybe all it needs is a huge commitment. (I read through a ton of self-help and psychology books).
I relate to every single point she made. Never knew that's what it was despite having that suggestion thrown out a few times growing up. Thank you!
For me, I have hyper focus at times. I play piano, taught myself until I was 10 and I have played since I was four. As soon as I started, I got crazy focus on the thing and I channeled all of my energy into my fingers. Because of this comfort, I play piano a ton, not flexing just fact, I can now play very difficult pieces like fantaisie-impromptu at the age of 14.
Edit: this is an effect of ADHD and I have it. Hyper focus is something you can get into if you are really interested into what you are doing.
Oops i paused the video for 31 minutes to read the comments. Oh well time to watch it 😁
concentration is a mental skill that is expected increasingly from anybody. people in the past would not have had these issues because there were different expectations and not everybody had to do mental work. now on the other hand if you are not wired biologically in a way that is usable in work environments, you become "dysfunctional". brave new worldey.
Diagnosed with ADHD 3 months ago at 44 and really struggling to find the superpower side of it. It had ruined parts of my life and still is.
I’m actually writing a rhetorical analysis rough draft about this TED talk and I plan to write about how maybe she inappropriately handled this subject by acting like adhd could be a superpower. I’ll be 19 in May and I was diagnosed at 17 and I don’t see my adhd as doom and gloom or a sentence necessarily.
It is a disorder, it doesn’t mean you’re less than, not at all, but it is a disorder. Don’t beat yourself up for not finding the positive side of a literal disorder that affects basic functions of day to day life such as paying attention and impulse control. You don’t even need to love it or hate it. I’ve struggled enough being diagnosed later in childhood or adolescence when I was 17, I’m so sorry you had to be undiagnosed and unnoticed for so long.
When we re alone we never get bored. This is so true.
Am I the only one that have to listen to a book while having something else, a game or a picture book aside so that I could keep listening to the book?
In these 18 minutes, you just CHANGED MY LIFE! Here's how:
I've got a name for the last 30 years I have been in a state of discovery, and through all the trials and tragedies and tribulations of my life I could not put it all togetheruntil just recently and this tedtalk just confirmed many things that have gone through my mind and I've also heard other say about me. the reason why I am going to say that this tedtalk has changed my life is because I am watching it consecutively and I've watched it four times and now I have a desire to watch it five more? as I exercise the lot of repetition I believe that something is going to crack where I really activate my ADHD as the superpower it is? & Boy oh boy.... Look out world, cause here she comes! 🔥🔥🔥
Really !...............hows that working for you ?
i understand the light going off when you stop reading and say, this is me and this is why. Congratulations for you have just won the lottery. All of the time you have spent wondering why, can now be spent on making Tracy even better. When I was 27 a friend talked me into a weekend training of "self development". I did not find a diagnosis but I did learn positive activities and thinking will produce positive results. Then there was the anything one can believe, one can achieve. I never set the world on fire (figuratively), however, I did start a coffee shop with my wife, and ran an investigation business for 25+ years. All before I was diagnosed and learned that key which explained me. Never, NEVER GIVE UP. I made it through life without ever having a diagnosis. Life is what you make it.
I love this woman, she gets it.
damn she just told my life
Welcome to the club
Sure she did mine as well
i zoned out for the first 4 minutes and tuned in when she said "2 other people in this room probably aren't listening to me" or whatever she said
Scary. How can you know me - without knowing me? Super relatable.
when I’m alone I’m NEVER bored.................
That’s the only bit I didn’t agree with. I’m permanently bored/under-stimulated
i always loved being alone!!! i never liked school nd my college attendence is also very low. i just blackout from a group conversation. sometimes I speak on completely different topic
How's college life ??
My son has diagnosed with ADHD
I felt terrible though happy to know what’s wrong with him .
Thank you very much for your lecture,you made me cry.
You probably have it too.
I am exactly her except I am from India so ive been viewed as lazy spoiled kid with wasted potential . Abused by teachers for being late , sent out classes I get distracted etc if my family wasn't well off I would have definitely in depression like few years ago, I've found a way though with theanine and meditation to get the most important things done
nice to see another fellow Indian here...if u won't mind just wanted to know ,did u get urself diagnosed by a doctor or verified the symptoms from the internet...and Theanine was it prescribed & is it effective??
I need to find a way out too.
@Sharyu Raj there are a lot of therapists in india with no real knowledge ,some are psychologists masquerading as psychiatrists .denying problem is really not professional , find a good one .do a video consult with a good psychiatrist from bangalore ,chennai etc not from places where only mentally challenged go to a therapist . some meds like modalert are available otc in india.
@@renny6087 i went to Dr Esther Suresh in chennai for my diagnosis . theanine and meditation is my attempt to do stuff without meds . a monk in dharamshala told me about theanine .its a supplement like ashwagandha .thing with adhd is that its all about what works for you(clinically very new subject) . good to see fellow indian too .for the longest time i thought stimulants helped but am much better without them
Gal Gadot giving a talk about ADHD?
Yes please.
Great talk! Of course, I am writing this half-way through the video :)))
im reading comments half way through the video :'D
Reading comments before the video 🤦♂️
Lol I'm not the only one that does this 🙌🏿
Replying halfway through the video LOL
I have adhd and my mind wondered at 10 min. 🤷♀️ Now I have to go back and watch again.... Grrrrr🤦♀️
I started watching this video a few weeks ago--- while flipping thru all the pages I have open- oh I never this video-- watched about 1 min of it and moved on to other things-- 3, 4 hrs later- let me just finish once and for all-- finally done...
this woman couldnt follow a single thought to the end. haha her brain was jumping from channel to channel even tho she sounded monotonous. ADHD at its finest
Yet it was all so clear 🙌🏽
..... I didn't even notice
The differences in later life of those with ADHD involve severity, but also age when diagnosed, if and when treated, how much + or - events happened prior to the diagnosis, the family of origin’s level of structure or chaos, whether your parents had undiagnosed ADHD or not, the level of fit between your strengths and your career, the level of acceptance by your spouse/parents, presence and severity of co-existing MH diagnoses, the level of stress and ability to handle the stress, financial considerations, the amount of science based knowledge your dr/psychiatrist understands and how that leads to proper amount or type of meds if meds used, and also the level of hormones still pumping through the body (40+ age women primarily).
The more of these factors we can get a handle on, the better the chance we have to be in or at least improve our ADHD related situation. It takes outside scaffolding sometimes to get there as well. ADHD Coaching, timer apps, body doubling to clean, these really help us as well. But we have to be open to asking for help and investing in ourselves.
Learn about your own brain and how adhd affects you! But evaluate your habits with nonjudgmental attitude and Shame-FREE manner. Like as a scientist evaluating what works and what doesnt. That is the best advice i can give. Coaching helps with this as well.
Brain works differently... this words will help me to do something I face to in future
Came out of iran age 17 than moved in Europe few years later to Canada and now I am 53 just find out after a failed relationships and lots of hardship… I am just crying how I lost so many years of my life 😭
And it’s ok. Thank you. We’re meeting. Most are awake but it’ was always about vibration. My music bringing it. You help me so much. I will make us all proud.🍃😎🌈🎻♾🤍
I have ADHD I think I have anxiety sometimes i wonder what im doing here i would have a conversation with someone and i couldn't get my thoughts/point across or i didn't know what to say i would start stuttering or i couldn't pronounce the word properly i have short term memory loss i don't know if I don't get enough sleep or im not eating well or i just need the right vitamins i often forget things i would have a conversation with someone and I would forget what i was about to say or what to say i hate that i really do im also constantly thinking inside my head i was searching through RUclips and then they said if you forget something is completely normal i just wanted to let someone know how I feel
I never thought someone else would be like me.
I will say there is some light at the end of the tunnel for you no matter how hopeless the feeling of not being able to communicate properly with someone might be. I still ALWAYS mix up words that I don’t mean to say. Sometimes they’re even the complete opposite of what I’m intending on saying! But I try to put intention behind my words, knowing that what I’m saying is what I feel. It comes with being confident in what you’re saying and not second guessing your stream of thoughts. Even being overly enthusiastic about what your saying helps (bc with the natural lack of dopamine in our brains we have to always try harder to be positive about things that don’t peak our interests🥴)
me watching this while im in a work meeting cos i cant focus but also not even paying attention to this video cos i got distracted by reading the comments
I love my ADHD…I can hyper focus on interesting tasks….hi Nagar! Thank you for the talk
This talk is spot-on. She really is right that ADHD is basically a superpower.🧠
Dude me and my brother both have it and our conversation are all over the place 😂we noticed it couple days ago and couldn’t stop laughing at ourselves
Best video ever on ADHD♥️
took me 10 trys to finish the video.
I have a hard time making decisions because I'm afraid I'll regret it. So I never know what to choose because there is too much.
Spot on with what goes on in my life!
Jeez, I almost unlocked my superpower when I heard you pronounce your name before seeing the spelling.
I am creative and very talented in anything I put my mind to, and yet, people far less talented than me have accomplished more and are more successful. Which led me conclude they happened because of my lack of focus and consistency, impulsiveness, laziness and procrastination. It feels like I have squandered my gifts. I know now its ADHD, is it really a superpower? Its been a lifetime of pain.
It's not even close to success, people laughing at you in school, teachers mocking you for not learning anything, parents blame you for your scores and forgetting things. there is nothing good about having ADHD
It took me two days to finish this video because I kept getting distracted by how attractive I find the Good Madam Doctor. I kept ending up on Google images and a few obscure medical journal sites. I now have multiple annual subscriptions and the only things I've learned are: 1) fluent Arabic, and 2) Mediocre Farsi, because after I learned Arabic I remembered that Farsi is the predominant language of Iran.
So all in all, pretty good weekend....
11:43 YES!!!! I always forget that I want/need sleep
And about wanting to flip tables, when I would work on something that was making me mad, I would focus on a spot in front of me, hold out my hands and breath. Then I felt like I could never again, the first thing I did is grab that paper (instantly crumpling it). Not even a moment later I would feel so bad that all anger would leave, I would put down the paper and burst into tears.
she wild for thinking im going to watch the whole video in 18 mins girl its been 2 and her dress reminded me on a shirt i havent seen in a while and now im reorganizing my closet.
i actually look at people and nod but i am not listening. in class my teachers will give my example as an attentive person, students ask me for help because they think i paid attention so i know my material. it's embarrassing when they ask me for help. i can't focus even when i am reading or watching tv. i rewind tv programs over and over because i am lost. i hate meetings and long e-mails.
Me too
I can not tolerate fictional books or entertainment. I need to be reading something educational or listening to something informative, or both at the same time.
I get obsessed with new topics. I have to look up the answers to dozens of questions every day. I only need 3 hours of sleep each night.
I am the same way! I always have to be learning because it makes my brain stimulated enough.
It so happened today with a friend. I asked him some question. He answered with proper examples but i zoned out. After 5 minutes I felt like asking the same question and then i felt he already answered it. I asked him if he could make out that I zoned out while he was answering. He admitted that could not make out. I realised how good I am at masking. Its almost near perfect.
I came here for my boyfriend because he has ADHD but I honestly think I have it. I can’t even pay attention to this video. I clean houses for a living also and I take forever because each room has to look perfect. Idk 🤷♀️😢
I am the same way. I was cleaning houses with my sis and it took me forever to do one room. I was so worried about how long I took.
I really like this talk. I had a hard time keeping focus on my TEDx talk. Forgot some of it. Funny you mentioned that as a thing. I have been reading a lot about this lately. Happy to hear it explained simply.
2:21 When describing ADHD subtypes... "Those who are predominantly hyperactive, thank god I'm not that." Language like that is not supportive nor inclusive, even if it is coming from someone who has ADHD. Passive comments like this shouldn't be supported.
Yeah I noticed that
as someone with adhd i didnt even notice when the video ended cause i was too distracted by my phone to notice the sudden silence LMAO
The payment methods on the phone hahaha
So relatable!
I had lost toooo many cards, they bank guys already know me
I just lost a $300 coat. How the F did I do that?
Thank you!
My adhd brain: MAKE A RANDOM LOUD NOISE dooo itttt now and go out off a vid in the middle of it and read something over and over
I’m shaking my feet while watching this
7:30 Exactly That is me......I would Text People But the Moment they come in front of me it feels like the World is Burning
whenever I decide to be focused or to do not think to sleep, after 10 min I see myself overwhelmed with thinks,
again I say hey stay focus!!
then again I found myself thinking about another subject....
The way she forgot her train of thought at 3:10 and picked up at 3:17. If you know, you know. Just another thing that we have to conceal to carry on.
No one with ADHD would forget their class DAILY. or am I wrong? Is forgetting is must? Because I don't forget. I just can't take a step.
its not necessarily about forgetting the class. it can also be about a lack of time comprehension. If you are focused on something "now" you only know the class is "not now". so it is very easy to forget about the Not Now when you are focused on Now and then suddenly "class started 20 minutes ago"
All I am wishing right now is that the doctor will help me through. Sudden anger and procrastination as well as fear of unknown is killing my life for now.
I didn’t (always) forgot my classes, but the rooms. When I didn’t found it, I went home and next time had problems with the teacher.
I’ve never forgotten that I had a class... I’m 24 and was diagnosed with adhd at 6
@@vishvajeetsinh_solanki , try the different medications that the doctors prescribe, maybe they work, maybe they don't
At the end of the day you have to ACCEPT who you are and your ABILITIES !
also intense exercising helps several times a day
just remember nobody is born with it !
Find strategies that work for, you'll never be Normal, but try and love the life you have !
4:43 others are probably laughing but damm it hits inside to people with ADHD
I've not been very distracted since I'm really relating to this. But I'm typing this in the middle of the video because I'll have forgotten by the time I finish watching the video.
I've always used it as an excuse
Fantastic to call it a superpower, My question is how do you deal with your challenges in performing academically, especially as a young child, because of the difficulties to concentrate on teachers etcetera. I mean it causes one to fail grades and be in trouble all the time. Positive feedback on the question will be appreciated
fleexseed cold press oil/fish oil is a miracle i heard, exercising daily also help. some music helps too. In school they have support for kids I am getting for my son.
I need help too
Love this video
I’m watching this to feel better about myself procrastinating doing schoolwork that’s due tonight. Sitting down to read and comprehend and remember and actually getting it done is a whole struggle.
Mental hyperactivity can fluctuate with varyingly different amplitudes, frequency, triggers, Etc., than physical hyperactivity.