The BBC has already taken away Russell's Radio 2 website page so all the photos, blog, viddycasts have gone. Thank you so much supersally for putting the viddycasts up on youtube. GUTTED :-(
Luckily for Russell and Jonathan, they didn't offend 30,000 people, they offended 30,000 tabloid readers. I can't imagine any sense in which this is a bad thing.
Snap!!!! I called the BBC today and let rip and demanded they send me a letter justifying why I have to pay my license when it's only for the BBC channels, NOT the hundreds of others out there. The guy agreed with me too LOL! probably as he wanted the mad lady to fuck off the line. (I didn't do this on the complaint line for this as it gets registered as a complaint. The majority of the calls were-rumour has it-supportive of the pair) At least ponderland is on tonight!
iTunes doesn't seem to have the 25/10/08 show for download and on the BBC site it says that it is unavailable. Does anyone know what's going on? Is it just because of this stupid mess with Andrew Sachs? Will I ever be able to download it and if so, does anyone know when/where?! Thank so much!
i didnt mean it to, i just get annoyed when i think of what happend. but hes back on the radio in a few weeks with noel so hopefully that will be the start of a new show ( sorry this is in three bits. stupid damn word limit that this thing has)
i know its not the same thing, but people were complainig saying that he shouldnt have to know about what his grandaughter did and because they directly told him, but so many celebrities lives are ruined by kiss and tells and no one gives a damn. and aswell. if it had happend to someone who wasnt as loved as andrew sachs i dont think there would have been so many complaints tbh. anyway. i got carried away. i hope this doesnt sound like im being harsh towards you,
it was a little our of order yeah, but shouldnt have been aired by the bbc as it was a pre-record. and if the people who complained about what happend are really concerned about peoples familiesgetting hurt than they should also complain about all the kiss and tells in news papers that are out there, a persons parents or grandparents can just as easily read that.
So... thats it? Thats all this fuss is about? Jeez, the way everyones going on about it you'd think they personally went to his house and beat him up or something. This has been blown so out of proportion
dudes, in all fairness it was abit dickish what they did, i've heard it all aswell... they didn't mean any harm by it but soon as they sed it they shud hav realise that they wud be insulting him... and i love JR and RB is annoying sumtimes but hillarious so i'm being a neutral as possible, how would all of you guys like sum1 ringing u and randomly blurting out, oh this guy had sex with ur mam/sister etc. not only that but kept ringing u aswell... i hope it all gets settled as fair as poss tho
I'm not a particular fan of either of those two, I don't particularly pay attention usually. I can't believe people are taking such offense to them doing what they usually do. People just need to get over it and show they have a sense of humour. I hate people with no sense of humour. I know that prank phone calls can be annoying, but they should just shake it off and get over it.
These guys are cool, can't believe they were disaplined for this, just for entertaining the public, this country is going to the dogs with its political correctness, we can't even have a laugh any more how morbid the UK is becoming, what a depressing country, if you can't have a laugh then what sort of life is that? i love the USA it welcomes freedom of speech! I will move to the USA soon & have a laugh without being political correct!!
Four more years is something chanted during an election campaign. Four more years is typically the duration of elected office, at least in America.
The BBC has already taken away Russell's Radio 2 website page so all the photos, blog, viddycasts have gone. Thank you so much supersally for putting the viddycasts up on youtube. GUTTED :-(
How has this only got 34k views yet the audio versions got 1 mil
I agree :) I loved that show. Miss it so much. What they did was stupid I suppose but nobody died.
We need them!
Four more years! And I love the dance he does while singing to Sachs.
Thanks for uploading this.. I didn't get a chance to see it before the bbc pulled it from there site
he gets so excited in what hes doing
I know! i was thinking the same thing. I hope they're alright. they're sooooo funny and lovable together
can someone explain the 'four more years' bit?
oh i miss them so
Luckily for Russell and Jonathan, they didn't offend 30,000 people, they offended 30,000 tabloid readers. I can't imagine any sense in which this is a bad thing.
Snap!!!! I called the BBC today and let rip and demanded they send me a letter justifying why I have to pay my license when it's only for the BBC channels, NOT the hundreds of others out there. The guy agreed with me too LOL! probably as he wanted the mad lady to fuck off the line.
(I didn't do this on the complaint line for this as it gets registered as a complaint. The majority of the calls were-rumour has it-supportive of the pair) At least ponderland is on tonight!
where can i listen to the last show, i missed it and they never released te final podcast or viddycast
Russell’s mood change when somebody tells him to calm down 2:17
The " I won the fart war, I WON THE FART WAR" Bit made me keel over out of my seat laughing...XD im not the only one right? 4:47
3:51 Russell is so excited haha
it was originally 2 complaints
iTunes doesn't seem to have the 25/10/08 show for download and on the BBC site it says that it is unavailable. Does anyone know what's going on? Is it just because of this stupid mess with Andrew Sachs? Will I ever be able to download it and if so, does anyone know when/where?! Thank so much!
where I can find that radio show??
@Flowerblood thanks a lot :D
lmfaooo god damn that was funny as hell
@pedromz88 You are probably right, but then again you can't get blood out of a stone.
I think everybody overreacted to what Russell and Jonathon did - I personally thought it was hilarious!!!
oh yeh, original idea.....petition to bring back RB gots 400,000 people now :)
lmao i watched this earlyer today now its on the news for complaints.
i didnt mean it to, i just get annoyed when i think of what happend. but hes back on the radio in a few weeks with noel so hopefully that will be the start of a new show ( sorry this is in three bits. stupid damn word limit that this thing has)
sign the petition, singin won't get much done
omfg people want attention and blow a funny thing like a prank out of proportion. LONG LIVE RUSSELL AND JONATHAN
i know its not the same thing, but people were complainig saying that he shouldnt have to know about what his grandaughter did and because they directly told him, but so many celebrities lives are ruined by kiss and tells and no one gives a damn. and aswell. if it had happend to someone who wasnt as loved as andrew sachs i dont think there would have been so many complaints tbh. anyway. i got carried away. i hope this doesnt sound like im being harsh towards you,
naaah this is just the viddycast. the full thing is only on the podcast. its very funny imo ! lol
I am glad that Jonathan Ross didn't resign. I would stop listening to BBC Radio if he did.
is this the full video ????? whats the offencive sht theyr gettin bollocked about???
ok the media really wasmaking thisinto a big fiasco, and where he hell was the part about suicide???? i didnt hear n e thing like that
I stand by the opinion that it was hilarious x] No matter how ultimately stupid.
Brand was the biggest talent on the BBC after Sir David Attenborough!!
it was a little our of order yeah, but shouldnt have been aired by the bbc as it was a pre-record. and if the people who complained about what happend are really concerned about peoples familiesgetting hurt than they should also complain about all the kiss and tells in news papers that are out there, a persons parents or grandparents can just as easily read that.
So... thats it? Thats all this fuss is about?
Jeez, the way everyones going on about it you'd think they personally went to his house and beat him up or something. This has been blown so out of proportion
Oh come on! Anyone can see that they didnt mean anything malicious!
no publicity is bad publicity.
i hope it works out, even if what they did was pretty dumb.
dudes, in all fairness it was abit dickish what they did, i've heard it all aswell... they didn't mean any harm by it but soon as they sed it they shud hav realise that they wud be insulting him... and i love JR and RB is annoying sumtimes but hillarious so i'm being a neutral as possible, how would all of you guys like sum1 ringing u and randomly blurting out, oh this guy had sex with ur mam/sister etc. not only that but kept ringing u aswell... i hope it all gets settled as fair as poss tho
I'm not a particular fan of either of those two, I don't particularly pay attention usually. I can't believe people are taking such offense to them doing what they usually do. People just need to get over it and show they have a sense of humour. I hate people with no sense of humour. I know that prank phone calls can be annoying, but they should just shake it off and get over it.
These guys are cool, can't believe they were disaplined for this, just for entertaining the public, this country is going to the dogs with its political correctness, we can't even have a laugh any more how morbid the UK is becoming, what a depressing country, if you can't have a laugh then what sort of life is that? i love the USA it welcomes freedom of speech! I will move to the USA soon & have a laugh without being political correct!!
Jonathan Ross is wubbish!