Assalamu Alaikum, at 9:12, my brother started a Hadeeth, and it was in Allah's wisdom that he got distracted and never finished it. This is the full Hadeeth: Sunan Ibn Majah 4141 It was narrated from Salamah bin ‘Ubaidullah bin Mihsan Al-Ansari that his father said: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever among you wakes up physically healthy, feeling safe and secure within himself, with food for the day, it is as the whole world has been given to him.’”
May Allah protect for us our Ustadh, increase him in goodness and accept from him his Ijtihaad in his spreading of Allah's religion in the english language so that the people may benefit, and make it from his righteous works Yawmul-Qiyaamah and the same goes for the whole team at AMAU وفقكم الله وبارك فيكم وتقبل منكم
Let's not pressure the brothers to upload this series and other videos. I think they're busy. Let's make duaa for them and let's spread the beneficial knowledge.
salaamu'alaikum wa rahmatuLlaah. AlhamduliLlaah wa djazakaLlaahu khayr for the ustadh, barakAllaahu fiehu for these beautiful series of sierah; just... can the microphones be more up as the sound is little wa baarakAllaahu fiekum?
Al-Miqdam ibn Ma’dikarib reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “I have surely been given the Quran and something like it along with it. Soon the time is come when a man will recline on his couch, saying: Only follow the Quran, make lawful what you find in it as lawful and outlaw what you find in it as unlawful.” Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4604 Sahih according to Al-Albani
mawqif walid ibn Mugirah, Nsaburi reported on ibn Abbas. Walid ibn Mugira is father of Khalid ibn Walid, hisham embraced Islam, some say Walid ibn Awaid and Ammar ibn Walid embraced Islam. Abu Jahl's son Ikrama is a sahaba. Abu Jahl heard Walid Mughira , his uncle wanted to embrace Islam and was annoyed and said let's get you some wealth. He said why? He replied why not? Walid says Qayraish knows I am the most wealthiest so why tempt me? They said Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him's word isn't poetry. Quran 74 : 11. Leave Me Alone (to deal) with whom I created lonely (without any wealth or children etc, i.e. Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah Al-Makhzumi)! 12. And then granted him resources in abundance. 13. And children to be by his side. 14. And made life smooth and comfortable for him. 15. After all that he desires that I should give more; 16. Nay! Verily, he has been opposing Our Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations). 17. I shall oblige him to (climb a slippery mountain in the Jahunnum called As-Sa'ud, or) face a severe painful penalty! It was narrated from Salamah bin ‘Ubaidullah bin Mihsan Al-Ansari that his father said: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever among you wakes up physically healthy, feeling safe and secure within himself, with food for the day, it is as the whole world has been given to him.’” Sunan Ibn Majah 4141, Zhud 10 :00 - Health is a crown, Having something can prevent you from valuing something. Surah Takathur. Wealth distracts us but what will we say when you are questioned. Tongues, eyes etc. we were given w/o asking should we use it in sin. ibn Hanbal was asked does leaving one salat make one a disbeliever... he said why not deviI missed one sujud... many ppl when Shin of Allah is uncovered won't be able to prostrate as they didn't do it in this life time. Later Walid ibn Mughirah said its magic, point is some ppl Allah didn't give them guidance. Suraq Baqarah to Nas is all from Allah. Religion with Allah is Islam, Quran 3 :19 & 85. Islam benefits the self, it doesn't need anybody, so have confidence it's always high no matter who comes and goes. in Musnad Ahmad Qayraish didn't want the other tribes to see Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him... he would say say La ilaha ilalah and you will find success, he would say it in all types of roads, people would look at him in facisnation. 20 :00 - did Qayraish know what La ilaha ilalah mean? Quran 38 :5.- "Has he made the alihah (gods) (all) into One Ilah (God - Allah). Verily, this is a curious thing!" The pagans knew what La ilaha ilalah meant but many Muslims don't. Abu Lahab would say this is my nephew he is crazy... but Abo Talib read 100 line poetry to defend him. Students of knowledge are soppose to try to memorize it. Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was calling Walif mughirah, utba, shaybah .... but Abdullah ibn Muktam came and asked the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him... this was tough as he was talking to leaders who might lead others to embrace Islam. He postponed speaking to Ibn Muktam, then Allah sent down Surah Abasa, the message was the status that the least in material Muslim is higher then the disbelievers. Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him used to always give Ibn Maktum a seat after this our of respect. Abi Dar Gifari, Jundub ibn Junada is his name. 30 :00 - He said we left the ppl of Gifar, me and my brother Unais and mother, his brother said I have a need in Mecca, Unais came hom late and said I met a man who claims he is a prophet and ppl say he is a magician etc. Jundub then said I don't think his speech iis like poetry as I am a poet, he is telling the truth and they lie. Unais said if you go be careful... Jundub said ok no problem. Imam Nawawi says he said I looked at weakest ppl and asked where is teh man who you call asaabiha or a deviant... the man replied, the deviant? Everyone looked at him and beat him... Abu Dar said I went to zam zam and cleaned the "bIxxd" and stayed for 30 days only drinking zam zam until my weight gained. Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said Zam Zam is food. Abu Dar went out & said one night 2 nisa were doing tawaf to their idol - isa wa Nafila were 2 idols... some say they were ppl who did some zna and became stone... 39 :00 - Q & A Walid ibn Mughirah's rejection of Islam is his fault, he made the decision on his own. Prophet peace and blessings be upon him in Qiyam Layl would ask Alah to guide him, calling Allah lord of the heavens and the Earth... it's arrogance to think we are saved. Abdullah b. Amr b. al-'As reported that he heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: Verily, the hearts of all the sons of Adam are between the two fingers out of the fingers of the Compassionate Lord as one heart. He turns that to any (direction) He likes. Then Allahs Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) said: 0 Allah, the Turner of the hearts, turn our hearts to Thine obedience. - Muslim 2655, Book of destiny. Shahr bin Hawshab said: “I said to Umm Salamah: ‘O Mother of the Believers! What was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) said most frequently when he was with you?” She said: ‘The supplication he said most frequently was: “O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion (Yā Muqallibal-qulūb, thabbit qalbī `alā dīnik).’” She said: ‘So I said: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you supplicate so frequently: ‘O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.’ He said: ‘O Umm Salamah! Verily, there is no human being except that his heart is between Two Fingers of the Fingers of Allah, so whomsoever He wills He makes steadfast, and whomever He wills He causes to deviate.’” - Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3522, Book of dua of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. acts are based on it's ending. there were some people of Bani Israil who went astray. If a Muslim does a private mistake keep it private, hadith says who covers the mistakes of a Muslim, Allah will cover their sin... Umar or someone said try to make 70 interpretations for your brother before blaming him. So many ppl act different in s. media, Quran 50 :16. there is difference between seeing someone do something wrong and they both know and one who does something wrong thinking it is right. Still enjoin good & forbid evil w/o making it hate, at times its better to hate it in your heart. Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yaman reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the one in whose hand is my soul, you must enjoin good and forbid evil, or else Allah will soon send punishment upon you. Then, you will call upon Allah and it will not be answered for you.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2169, Fitan 50 :00 - Hadith Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him didn't remake the kaba on station of Ibrahim as people, the new Muslims might misunderstand him and think he was breaking the Kaba. Also him not taking the lives of certain hypocrites. So at times some enforcing of good and penalties is due to avoiding certain harms. Qatada student of ibn Abbas said I wont question a person's akel to speak properly, they believe in speaking high level! AbdurRahman Hasan says I teach poetry like they memorize Quran! Umar heard a man say Allah is free from His Messenger and disbelievers in the ayat, but it should be read Allah and His Messenger are free from the disbelievers, Umar after thi didn't allow someone to lead Salat unless they knew Arabic! abdul Malik ibn Quraib said 3 ppl are low, a man speaking Farsi in an Arab place... Imam Shafi'i left to go to bedouin to learn Arabic and memorized poetry to serve Fiqh. 1 :00 :30 - Abdul Malik ibn Quraib spoke to him on it. Abu Ubaida Marith Uthanna & Abdul Malik ibn Quraib were both called by a ruler. ibnul Qais mastered poetry on horses. Abu Ubaida said he wrote 40 volumes but didn't memorize, Abdul Malik read it. Sallion was sold for 9 million dollars. Bugati is 3 million. Al Asmai said when he wanted to anger Abu Ubaida he says can I meet you, and he'd bring his horse. Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is said to only kiII one man at Badr, his daughter wrote a poem, explained what she felt... Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said If I seen this poet I wouldn't have touched him. (really? - source?) teach children so they can articulate. Harun Rashid had imam Qusai , one of 7 recitors, he taught the rulers children. says Mahmud Shakir, kitab Mutanabi and risal Fakatima & his Al Kows Adra Namatul Makeeth, Maqalat. Kitab Haywan by Jah, he is mutazilah. Adab Katib ibn Qutaiba Al Kamil by Abbas al Barrid Wahi Kalam by Mustafa sadiq Rafi'i - says each page takes half an hour to read. ahmad hasan Zayat, ruhu risalat, bifa balagha Nahu Ajrumiya , Tufu Samat. Mutamital Ajrumiyah ibn Hisham Shar Nahu. Hashiyat for sudas. al fiyatul Malik. ibn Qail Taah ibn Jawzi. Makasim shafiya by Shatibi, 10 volumes. kanzanatul adab, by abdul Qadir Bagdadi. s. Ahmad HAshimi wrote Jawahir Adab...
For 3 Weeks Ustadh Was Absent, THe Man WHo Edits The Videos Is Also THe Cameraman And He Makes Alot Of Videos In A Week And In That Same Week He Edits THe Other Videos, Sabrun Jameel
Assalamu Alaikum, at 9:12, my brother started a Hadeeth, and it was in Allah's wisdom that he got distracted and never finished it. This is the full Hadeeth:
Sunan Ibn Majah 4141
It was narrated from Salamah bin ‘Ubaidullah bin Mihsan Al-Ansari that his father said:
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever among you wakes up physically healthy, feeling safe and secure within himself, with food for the day, it is as the whole world has been given to him.’”
Inna lillaahi wa Inna ilayhi rajiun Wa laykoom as salaam wa rahmatuLLAHi wa baraqatu
I wasn’t expecting a Q/A session, but allahuma baarik the sheikh’s students asked some brilliant questions.
جزاکم الله خیرا
subhanallah i have watched over 100 videos of the shaykh this has to be the first time i saw him have doubt in his memories
May Allah protect for us our Ustadh, increase him in goodness and accept from him his Ijtihaad in his spreading of Allah's religion in the english language so that the people may benefit, and make it from his righteous works Yawmul-Qiyaamah and the same goes for the whole team at AMAU
وفقكم الله وبارك فيكم وتقبل منكم
صلوات الله وسلامه عليه
Let's not pressure the brothers to upload this series and other videos. I think they're busy. Let's make duaa for them and let's spread the beneficial knowledge.
جزاكم الله خيرا
بارك الله فيكم
May Allah reward you abundantly .
Please keep on uploading. May Allah reward you with goodness
جزاك الله خيرا
Jazakallahu Khairan.
Jazakumullahu Khairan
اللّهُـمَّ بارِكْ
salaamu'alaikum wa rahmatuLlaah. AlhamduliLlaah wa djazakaLlaahu khayr for the ustadh, barakAllaahu fiehu for these beautiful series of sierah; just... can the microphones be more up as the sound is little wa baarakAllaahu fiekum?
Book recommendations at 1:09:00
Wallahy we're all together, please stop asking us if this is the case yarham walideine. Barakallahoufik for the lectures anyways
Al-Miqdam ibn Ma’dikarib reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “I have surely been given the Quran and something like it along with it. Soon the time is come when a man will recline on his couch, saying: Only follow the Quran, make lawful what you find in it as lawful and outlaw what you find in it as unlawful.”
Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4604
Sahih according to Al-Albani
mawqif walid ibn Mugirah, Nsaburi reported on ibn Abbas.
Walid ibn Mugira is father of Khalid ibn Walid, hisham embraced Islam, some say Walid ibn Awaid and Ammar ibn Walid embraced Islam.
Abu Jahl's son Ikrama is a sahaba.
Abu Jahl heard Walid Mughira , his uncle wanted to embrace Islam and was annoyed and said let's get you some wealth.
He said why? He replied why not?
Walid says Qayraish knows I am the most wealthiest so why tempt me?
They said Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him's word isn't poetry.
Quran 74 : 11. Leave Me Alone (to deal) with whom I created lonely (without any wealth or children etc, i.e. Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah Al-Makhzumi)!
12. And then granted him resources in abundance.
13. And children to be by his side.
14. And made life smooth and comfortable for him.
15. After all that he desires that I should give more;
16. Nay! Verily, he has been opposing Our Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations).
17. I shall oblige him to (climb a slippery mountain in the Jahunnum called As-Sa'ud, or) face a severe painful penalty!
It was narrated from Salamah bin ‘Ubaidullah bin Mihsan Al-Ansari that his father said:
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever among you wakes up physically healthy, feeling safe and secure within himself, with food for the day, it is as the whole world has been given to him.’”
Sunan Ibn Majah 4141, Zhud
10 :00 -
Health is a crown, Having something can prevent you from valuing something.
Surah Takathur.
Wealth distracts us but what will we say when you are questioned.
Tongues, eyes etc. we were given w/o asking should we use it in sin.
ibn Hanbal was asked does leaving one salat make one a disbeliever... he said why not deviI missed one sujud... many ppl when Shin of Allah is uncovered won't be able to prostrate as they didn't do it in this life time.
Later Walid ibn Mughirah said its magic, point is some ppl Allah didn't give them guidance.
Suraq Baqarah to Nas is all from Allah.
Religion with Allah is Islam, Quran 3 :19 & 85.
Islam benefits the self, it doesn't need anybody, so have confidence it's always high no matter who comes and goes.
in Musnad Ahmad Qayraish didn't want the other tribes to see Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him... he would say say La ilaha ilalah and you will find success, he would say it in all types of roads, people would look at him in facisnation.
20 :00 -
did Qayraish know what La ilaha ilalah mean?
Quran 38 :5.- "Has he made the alihah (gods) (all) into One Ilah (God - Allah). Verily, this is a curious thing!"
The pagans knew what La ilaha ilalah meant but many Muslims don't.
Abu Lahab would say this is my nephew he is crazy...
but Abo Talib read 100 line poetry to defend him.
Students of knowledge are soppose to try to memorize it.
Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was calling Walif mughirah, utba, shaybah .... but Abdullah ibn Muktam came and asked the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him... this was tough as he was talking to leaders who might lead others to embrace Islam. He postponed speaking to Ibn Muktam, then Allah sent down Surah Abasa, the message was the status that the least in material Muslim is higher then the disbelievers.
Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him used to always give Ibn Maktum a seat after this our of respect.
Abi Dar Gifari, Jundub ibn Junada is his name.
30 :00 -
He said we left the ppl of Gifar, me and my brother Unais and mother, his brother said I have a need in Mecca, Unais came hom late and said I met a man who claims he is a prophet and ppl say he is a magician etc. Jundub then said I don't think his speech iis like poetry as I am a poet, he is telling the truth and they lie. Unais said if you go be careful... Jundub said ok no problem. Imam Nawawi says he said I looked at weakest ppl and asked where is teh man who you call asaabiha or a deviant... the man replied, the deviant? Everyone looked at him and beat him... Abu Dar said I went to zam zam and cleaned the "bIxxd" and stayed for 30 days only drinking zam zam until my weight gained.
Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said Zam Zam is food.
Abu Dar went out &
said one night 2 nisa were doing tawaf to their idol - isa wa Nafila were 2 idols... some say they were ppl who did some zna and became stone...
39 :00 - Q & A
Walid ibn Mughirah's rejection of Islam is his fault, he made the decision on his own.
Prophet peace and blessings be upon him in Qiyam Layl would ask Alah to guide him, calling Allah lord of the heavens and the Earth...
it's arrogance to think we are saved.
Abdullah b. Amr b. al-'As reported that he heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
Verily, the hearts of all the sons of Adam are between the two fingers out of the fingers of the Compassionate Lord as one heart. He turns that to any (direction) He likes. Then Allahs Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) said: 0 Allah, the Turner of the hearts, turn our hearts to Thine obedience.
- Muslim 2655, Book of destiny.
Shahr bin Hawshab said:
“I said to Umm Salamah: ‘O Mother of the Believers! What was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) said most frequently when he was with you?” She said: ‘The supplication he said most frequently was: “O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion (Yā Muqallibal-qulūb, thabbit qalbī `alā dīnik).’”
She said: ‘So I said: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you supplicate so frequently: ‘O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.’ He said: ‘O Umm Salamah! Verily, there is no human being except that his heart is between Two Fingers of the Fingers of Allah, so whomsoever He wills He makes steadfast, and whomever He wills He causes to deviate.’”
- Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3522, Book of dua of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him.
acts are based on it's ending.
there were some people of Bani Israil who went astray.
If a Muslim does a private mistake keep it private, hadith says who covers the mistakes of a Muslim, Allah will cover their sin...
Umar or someone said try to make 70 interpretations for your brother before blaming him.
So many ppl act different in s. media, Quran 50 :16.
there is difference between seeing someone do something wrong and they both know and one who does something wrong thinking it is right.
Still enjoin good & forbid evil w/o making it hate, at times its better to hate it in your heart.
Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yaman reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the one in whose hand is my soul, you must enjoin good and forbid evil, or else Allah will soon send punishment upon you. Then, you will call upon Allah and it will not be answered for you.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2169, Fitan
50 :00 -
Hadith Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him didn't remake the kaba on station of Ibrahim as people, the new Muslims might misunderstand him and think he was breaking the Kaba.
Also him not taking the lives of certain hypocrites.
So at times some enforcing of good and penalties is due to avoiding certain harms.
Qatada student of ibn Abbas said I wont question a person's akel to speak properly, they believe in speaking high level!
AbdurRahman Hasan says I teach poetry like they memorize Quran!
Umar heard a man say Allah is free from His Messenger and disbelievers in the ayat, but it should be read Allah and His Messenger are free from the disbelievers, Umar after thi didn't allow someone to lead Salat unless they knew Arabic!
abdul Malik ibn Quraib said 3 ppl are low, a man speaking Farsi in an Arab place...
Imam Shafi'i left to go to bedouin to learn Arabic and memorized poetry to serve Fiqh.
1 :00 :30 -
Abdul Malik ibn Quraib spoke to him on it.
Abu Ubaida Marith Uthanna & Abdul Malik ibn Quraib were both called by a ruler.
ibnul Qais mastered poetry on horses.
Abu Ubaida said he wrote 40 volumes but didn't memorize, Abdul Malik read it.
Sallion was sold for 9 million dollars.
Bugati is 3 million.
Al Asmai said when he wanted to anger Abu Ubaida he says can I meet you, and he'd bring his horse.
Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is said to only kiII one man at Badr, his daughter wrote a poem, explained what she felt... Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said If I seen this poet I wouldn't have touched him.
(really? - source?)
teach children so they can articulate.
Harun Rashid had imam Qusai , one of 7 recitors, he taught the rulers children.
says Mahmud Shakir, kitab Mutanabi and risal Fakatima
& his Al Kows Adra
Namatul Makeeth, Maqalat.
Kitab Haywan by Jah, he is mutazilah.
Adab Katib ibn Qutaiba
Al Kamil by Abbas al Barrid
Wahi Kalam by Mustafa sadiq Rafi'i - says each page takes half an hour to read.
ahmad hasan Zayat, ruhu risalat, bifa balagha
Nahu Ajrumiya , Tufu Samat.
Mutamital Ajrumiyah
ibn Hisham Shar Nahu.
Hashiyat for sudas.
al fiyatul Malik. ibn Qail Taah ibn Jawzi.
Makasim shafiya by Shatibi, 10 volumes.
kanzanatul adab, by abdul Qadir Bagdadi.
s. Ahmad HAshimi wrote Jawahir Adab...
I couldn't able to find out the books name please can you sent us name of the books which ustaad has mentioned last part..
them quickly
For 3 Weeks Ustadh Was Absent, THe Man WHo Edits The Videos Is Also THe Cameraman And He Makes Alot Of Videos In A Week And In That Same Week He Edits THe Other Videos, Sabrun Jameel
جزاك الله خيرا