
  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • hello youtube! this is my 5 months on T update. how is it 5 months already?!?
    i talk about passing at my dad's gym by gendering my dad not myself, stomach fat is starting to shift to more of a vertical oval than a horizontal oval, teeny tiny new back hair (nooooo!!) and butt fuzz, shoulders are broadening, everyone is FINALLY noticing my voice!, ridiculous voice cracking, officially decided on Samuel Noah and need to fill out the paperwork so i can get a new passport so i can go on a cruise this summer because Genderbusters got into a film festival on a cruise called The Pride of the Ocean!, does anyone have a step-by-step how-to for california name change?, and i have been emotionally very even keeled even in the face of 2 back to back romantic disappointments or i might just be too busy to care.
    ALSO, i talk a bit about subQ injections. i got my shot subQ while i was in boston and have compiled a bunch of information to try to bring that method to the west coast. so far boston and philadelphia seem to be where that is the standard. if you want information that i have collected please feel free to email me and i can send it along to you.
    jude: 0HeyJude0
    bryan: puck13rocker

Комментарии • 64

  • @TheSLOfox
    @TheSLOfox 13 лет назад

    Hey Sam, nice to hear your update! I am always a fan of natural-colored hair (i.e. not dyed). :) It's interesting to hear all your observations. congrats on getting into that cruise!

  • @tfpunk1979
    @tfpunk1979 13 лет назад

    im glad you had your 1st passing experience with many more to come :) congrats on your 5 months ^_^

  • @Zedie36
    @Zedie36 13 лет назад

    big changes samuel noah!!! love the name!!! i would love to have the information you collected on sub-q shots. i've been considering them. it appears butt cheek shots don't absorb as well for me for some reason. my levels are higher on thigh shots than butt shots, but my thighs hurt all the time. have a post-op appointment with my pcp tomorrow and am going to try talking to her about it. thought i'd finish my thigh shots through may and then try sub-q for year two. i'm loving your voice!!! cont.

  • @angaloo23
    @angaloo23 13 лет назад

    All of this sounds really great Sam! Congrats on the name change decision :) Also, really glad you got some good information about sub q injections. I just had to start doing sub q injections for meds I take. It's getting irritating because I have to do them twice a day, but I imagine if you're only doing them once a week you'll get the hang of giving them to yourself soon enough! Sounds like you've found some excellent resources. Also, I'm not on T and I've noticed a shift in my emotional stuff

  • @hikinghomohippie
    @hikinghomohippie 13 лет назад

    i really like noah (and of course sammual) very cool. choosing your name is so tricky, i finally discovered atticus and oh my how i love it. i love it! anyway, good to see your transition is treating you well.

  • @ufo8mykat
    @ufo8mykat 13 лет назад

    Congrats on 5 months! I dig brown hair. Conveniently it's my favourite colour. I'd be interested to read your subcu shot data. Glad to see you looking well and energetic.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @smithsmithboy bummed too!!! lots. excited you will be back! for pride? happy healing spencer! :)

  • @actionvixen
    @actionvixen 13 лет назад

    @videokidsam I'm good! And so jealous of you still being in film! How are you?? I was bragging about you to a friend today about how you are such an inspiration to so many on YT.

  • @smithsmithboy
    @smithsmithboy 13 лет назад

    hey sam... so bummed i missed you this time. i will be back in the summer. lets hang then... great to see you man!!! congrats on 5 months...

  • @ashleighpark
    @ashleighpark 13 лет назад

    OMG SAM! I havent been on youtube for a good few months and your voice has totally changed! Its ALOT deeper. WOW! :D hope your well x

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @TheSLOfox yeah, i kind of miss the bleached part but am digging the regular for now. yeah! i am so excited for the cruise! just have to get my name changed and passport before then and that's a little stressful... but it will be GREAT!

  • @Dylaganally
    @Dylaganally 13 лет назад

    Woah Sam. Your voice change is amazing. And don't worry about the hair, you can take care of that. Talk to you soon :- )

  • @Popeslave
    @Popeslave 13 лет назад

    @videokidsam Yay for liking belly hair! :) Just remember you make your transition what YOU want in terms of starting, stopping, accepting the downs and reveling in the ups. You've been so smart about trusting your instincts in this whole adventure and I wish you the best in everything, even if it involves butt-fuzz. ;)

  • @moldingMe
    @moldingMe 13 лет назад

    I love it if you sent me that information on subq shots!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @boy0boi thanks! yeah, i am excited for the cruise! crazy!

  • @MrImportrans
    @MrImportrans 13 лет назад

    @videokidsam 11th June. Single stall bathrooms, all for that! Washing your hands before doing anything else is so much more hygenic, too, and you can only have that in single stall bathrooms ;)

  • @actionvixen
    @actionvixen 13 лет назад

    wow, your voice has gotten so deep!

  • @Zedie36
    @Zedie36 13 лет назад

    @videokidsam got it. thanks! glad you're getting help with the name change. i think in cali if you're below a certain income you can get the court fees waived. be sure and ask about that. since you're an up and coming steven spielberg and film festival baller to evoke theo's wise words ;) then maybe you qualify. thanks for the careful hugs! i'm getting stronger everyday! headed out for the first time in an hour for a much needed haircut. nice to know you've noticed my ordeal :) xo

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @angaloo23 thanks! i'm sorry you have to do them twice a day. that sounds intense. yes, the resources are really helpful.

  • @bbbbakey
    @bbbbakey 13 лет назад

    Wow, 5 months already, congrats! Thanks for making an update. It's funny to pass like that, without even 'trying', huh? Just being yourself but being seen as male. I am still getting used to it. That's cool you're teaching yourselfsub-Q. Self-sufficiency rules! So does more injection site options! I like the plain brown hair. Perhaps you like it because you are beginning to like you as you. Samuel Noah sounds great!! Congrats on getting into that baller film fest.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Popeslave thank you, radford! seriously, dude, you are so wise. :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Zedie36 yes i am definitely looking into the fee waiver stuff. hehe, film festival baller? ha! i missed that one.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @CodyOriole oh! i was thinking maybe they had to come inside.

  • @riggeronfire
    @riggeronfire 13 лет назад

    Remember, your passport is based off of your birth certificate and your social security number - you might have to go through those steps to change over your passport safely.

  • @Zedie36
    @Zedie36 13 лет назад

    i changed my name while living in LA all by my lonesome. very easy! let me know if you still need information. xo

  • @actionvixen
    @actionvixen 13 лет назад

    @videokidsam hmmm hopefully! San Francisco is my favorite place on earth. I just have to take care of things and prepare before I can move back. :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Dylaganally thanks, buddy!!! yes, we need to talk soon. XO!

  • @Popeslave
    @Popeslave 13 лет назад

    Wow lots & lots of stuff in this update! :) Congrats on all the good stuff and forgive me if I just can't feel bad about your "couple back hairs & butt fuzz". ;) I wouldn't wish my furrrrrrr on anyone (unless they wanted it for some reason) but it is what it is and I love so much more about transition than I dislike so I choose to look to the positive. Sounds like you do too. :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @riggeronfire yeah there's these new passport rules that are confusing me. i need it all re-explained preferably with handouts...

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @actionvixen aw really? that's awesome! i am good. just wicked crazy busy with film stuff. what are you up to? are you coming back to california some day?

  • @MrImportrans
    @MrImportrans 13 лет назад

    @videokidsam Oh, cool, I'm thinking of switching to Fenway Health, so it's nice they're nice ;) If you're in Boston for Pride, that'd be a perfect timing ;) Looking forward to your bathroom vid, because I was slightly shocked to read you still go to the women's...

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @hikinghomohippie thanks! yeah it took a long time to find the right name. i am pleased with it. just gotta make it legal!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @MrImportrans cool yeah i might actually be in town then!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @actionvixen well let me know if yer ever out here for a visit or something. it'd be crazy nice to see you. :)

  • @MrImportrans
    @MrImportrans 13 лет назад

    Oh yeah, about the butt fuzz: don't shave that. Really, don't. I learned why not the hard way :')

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @MrImportrans ha! yeah, i guess that is how i sound. :) at this point, i am pleased with how people perceive my voice EXCEPT when it comes to using the bathroom. will talk about that in the next video but i'm thinking my time in the women's bathroom is coming to an end. :( -- yep, fenway health. they were awesome. it would be super great to meet you in boston some time! this summer i'll be there in june i think.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Cyntillation01 hehe, thanks, cynthia!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @moldingMe will do!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @MrImportrans yeah they were crazy welcoming and helpful. when is boston pride? UG, yes, i have been putting off the bathroom switch forever. no interest whatsoever of using the men's... i'm not a man. i'm not a woman. we need genderqueer bathrooms. or single stall ones. i found ONE on my entire campus.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @MikaAddiction aw thanks!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @hollymichigan thank you!!!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @CodyOriole what do your chickens do in the winter?

  • @Zedie36
    @Zedie36 13 лет назад

    @YaninBananin i love tea parties! ami digs out old knee pads from the good ole volleyball days.

  • @YaninBananin
    @YaninBananin 13 лет назад

    ok. must. make. this end of summer thing happen! tea. tea. tea. hmmm tea party?!!
    I like brown hairs. Also, mehehehe, butt fuzz. and Also #2, I have a law school friend who recently changed their name, that I go to for all CA name change advice…could pass along contact info…just remind me if you don't find a resource.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @bbbbakey well i am TRYING to teach myself subQ but its still really intense to stick a needle in myself regardless of the size... i need to look into needle phobia therapy. yeah i like the brown too! hey, did you decide on your name yet? nice to hear from you, baker! :)

  • @boy0boi
    @boy0boi 13 лет назад

    Hey I like the hair. looks good. Also a gay cruise sounds like the most fantastic thing to do in the summer ever. congrats on the film fest. :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @tfpunk1979 thanks!

  • @Zedie36
    @Zedie36 13 лет назад

    @YaninBananin why? Why? WHY? didn't we know about each other when i lived in LA?! and why? Why? WHY? didn' sam and i meet when i lived in cali?! apparently i'm having a whiny morning. after enduring ohio for another 16 months (not that i'm counting down or anything), maybe cali will be our mecca and we'll literally come crawling back and get to meet all of the cool kids finally ;)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Popeslave oh, radford... i thought you might say that about the vid. *hides in embarrassment* hehe. yes, of course there are more positives than negatives and taking it all in perspective. its just slowly becoming more of a reality and that part will take getting used to. but so far its not so bad and i kind of like my belly hair! :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @MrImportrans hahahahaha. ok, i'll take your word for it.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @actionvixen i KNOW! how are you????

  • @YaninBananin
    @YaninBananin 13 лет назад

    ;) I'm liking the visual of this crawl back!! AND you can join our tea party!

  • @MrImportrans
    @MrImportrans 13 лет назад

    Holy shit dude... your voice :D You sound like a fourteen year old boy. I love the newfound... I guess relief now that I don't have to be afraid my voice is gonna give me away and people correct themselves. Do you have that too?
    I recognise your dads vision re Spanish/English "son". I have the same. Wrong pronouns in Dutch are way worse.
    Which clinic did you go to in Boston? Fenway Health? I do sub-Q too :) Really hope we can meet up in Boston sometime when you're less busy, buddy :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @ufo8mykat thanks!! i'll send you the info.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @CodyOriole hey stranger!! nice to hear from you! i will totally email you the subQ info. how are you??

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Zedie36 it'll totally happen some day, dude. :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @ashleighpark hehehehe, YUP. :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @YaninBananin um, YES to tea party when we live together! casey loves tea too! ooh, yes, please do send along the contact info for your friend. i am having a disappointingly difficult time getting a hold of anyone at the transgender law center. phooey.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @postgender yes yes yes to this summer, carson! :) xo.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @queerchocolate hey thanks! :)

  • @Popeslave
    @Popeslave 13 лет назад

    @videokidsam ;) takes one to know one!

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @dpunktech i'll send it to you. :)

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Zedie36 thanks buddy!! i will send the subQ info momentarily. -- i got in touch finally with the transgender law center and they're gonna help me with the legal stuff. whew! -- sending you lots of careful hugs, mister.

  • @videokidsam
    @videokidsam  13 лет назад

    @Popeslave :O)