Can you please help me? I have an 8 month old rhesus. He still doesn’t listen to me. Should I take his toys out of his cage and just let him have a blanket? Someone told me that Americans spoil monkeys too much that’s why we have problems. He is starting to drive me crazy by not listening when I tell him to come. He runs away and just doesn’t listen to commands. What can I do?
if it doesnt listen to you, you made a huge mistake early on, you need to teach them early, just like their mom in the wild would do. You need to be hard , even if its a animal. when a monkey are older its really hard learning cus by now they already know how strong and the power they have. Ive had a couple myself, i teached them early, as infants.
Pampersnya beli di mana pak ? Boleh minta linknya ?
Can you please help me? I have an 8 month old rhesus. He still doesn’t listen to me. Should I take his toys out of his cage and just let him have a blanket? Someone told me that Americans spoil monkeys too much that’s why we have problems. He is starting to drive me crazy by not listening when I tell him to come. He runs away and just doesn’t listen to commands. What can I do?
if it doesnt listen to you, you made a huge mistake early on, you need to teach them early, just like their mom in the wild would do. You need to be hard , even if its a animal. when a monkey are older its really hard learning cus by now they already know how strong and the power they have. Ive had a couple myself, i teached them early, as infants.
thats a well behaved rat, good job
Aq punya umur 8bln tp dia suka gigit2 apalagi ma orang lain crnya agar tdjk gigit orang gimana y bos.
Way too old for a bottle