I'm not sure, but I think the editor is herself, because on her own youtube channel you can see the same kind of labeling too, the same visual style and the same textual style. Sometimes the labels are pointing out things that she didn't say on the video, it's complementary. So I think she's did that herself. In Jacob's wired video, he also edit it himself in his style.
Wired did a great job getting Nahre for this video. She didn’t simply explain ‘this is easy (lvl 1)... now this is difficult (lvl 16)’ like in a clickbaity list. Instead she really defined the steps of complexity within a composition in a way that is accessible for both musicians and non-musicians.
I mean don't get me wrong if I could play piano like that I'd show off to as many people as I can I really don't care what others think at that point because if you can play piano your basically a demigod.
She kindda achieved that in a way... remember that music deals with memory, and memory is a human characteristic (not just having it, but the extend by which we live by it as opposed to instinct of the moment) and when we start twisting memory and it's representations, we start to change (and reflect on) the way we perceive our own perception of reality and how we record it.
Malus Genius _does_ come in different strands! It's actually odd though, just like you can see an increase in the complexity and/or a _decrease_ in familiarity of a piece of sheet music, so to can you see it in most mathematical equations!
@OneFourFive i would watch richard atkinson, richard atinkinson actually analyzes muical compisitions of the classical era. no idea who adom nolly is tho
I think everyone who cares anything about music should watch this. It's absolutely eye opening and a rare opportunity to see how vast the musical landscape is. It's often said "you don't know what you don't know". This is one of those rare videos that allow you to take a peek at how much you don't know in regards to music in a digestable format for the layman.
I thought overall she did pretty well. I just wish she went a little deeper into the harmonic side of things. She only very briefly touched on it and it was almost more of an afterthought rather than the main focus.
@@connorwilde1471 I believe her intent was not to teach you how to use these compositional techniques, but rather to show you what you COULD do. There are plenty of resources on harmony available; she wanted to demonstrate other aspects of the musical spectrum.
reaching negative levels (ways) of untalent by leaving a comment like that, ie takes very little talent to make a comment like that lol (no offence, im untalented too (2 [level 2]))
This is a really great piece. Nahre's analogies are ON POINT, her explanations are fantastic. The editing and graphics were minimal yet so informative. Tasteful choices. Very pleasing to watch.
Happy Birthday 00:51 01.level: Melody 00:59 02.level: One-Finger Bassline 01:09 03.level: Two-Finger Bassline 01:32 04.level: Chord 01:49 05.level: Arpeggio 02:37 06.level: Waltz Form 03:25 07.level: Melodic Embellishment 04:03 Á lá Liszt or Horowitz: broken octaves, repeated notes, chromatic embellishments, arpeggio, wide chord, repeated chords, glissando, chord resolution 04:28 08.level: 2-Voice Melody - High 04:40 09.level: 2-Voice Melody - Low 04:52 10.level: 3-Voice Melody 05:27 11.level: 4-Beat Rhythm 05:35 12.level: 5-Beat Rhythm 06:00 All Levels Combined: broken chords (arpeggios), melody in inner line, melody fit into groups of 5, two independent lines, trill, lines moving different directions, 06:25 13.level: Harmony Change Extensions: any additional notes beyond first 3 notes of chord Harmonic Progression: the order of chords accompanying a melody Scale: an organized sequence of notes Scale Arrangement: starting your scale on a different note than the first scale note 07:20 14.level: Extended Harmony Polytonality: combining two different key centers together 07:40 15.level: Melody Manipulation: Melody Backwards, Upside Down, Upside Down+Backwards, fragments displace it in different registers 08:29 16.level: All Levels Combined (Text) 08:55-09:27 All Levels Combined (Music)
this is awesome! she explains it well without making it boring. I'm not a huge piano enthusiast but I found this extremely interesting as both a musician and a regular person. it's cool to know the music terms and hear her put them together like that.
Agreed. The thought of "more / more complex = better" is just stupid mental masturbation. Musical masturbation (exaggeration to showcase skill whether with vocals or instrument) just sounds bad in all shapes and forms.
She is very diplomatic with regards to the many possible interpretations of "complexity." To me, this is a clear sign of wisdom. And, in case you didn't know, not all talented musicians are wise. EXCELLENT video.
Good point. I always appreciate when someone notes that a term is overloaded with meaning rather than stating a definition as if its the only one. Complexity, seems like a term that various fields have different takes on. Its been something I would like to learn more about in the future. Just reading the wikipedia article on it has been very though provoking.
You know someone's a great musician when you see how careful yet precise they create a sound through their instrument. A lot of ppl think its all about how fast or crazy one plays, but as Nahre mentioned physicality does not equate to complexity.
Someone who is this effortlessly able to just come in and out of different genres and seamlessly do and uno all different ideas while explaining the whole time like it’s nothing is just so impressive. It’s almost like she’s a surgeon who’s got herself cut open on the table and is giving a lecture on how to perform complex surgeries without the fact that she’s demonstrating on herself phasing her in the least
Nahre did a Master-Class job of explaining all of these possible musical techniques available in the composer's palette in such a short period of time! Also excellent job of showing them applied in the context of the Piano.
@Just Me My meaning was - amount of time required to learn all that theory and begin to put it into practice. Though with a brain like mine 2000 years would not be enough, so I'll take your 200! Cheers!
Baby steps, friend. A lot of this stuff comes naturally as you come in to your own. Think about it, everything taught has to be thought first. Meaning you will probably think of your own ways to make music and possibly in the process create a new method. This is how all music theory was invented. Music lovers playing with their instruments. Keyword, playing. We don’t focus on that very much, but to play rarely has aim.
@@Tonyisgaming I guess you're right. Anyways, I tend to regard piano players as these magical beings anyways, lol. I play a bit of drums, on a good day I might even feel inclined to consider myself a decent drummer, but piano players are just a few orders of magnitude above anything I could ever endeavor to do. Jealousy, sir!XD Have a great day!
I've never heard so many different versions of Happy Birthday 😅! I am caught in a Nahre Sol RUclips rabbit hole and the deeper I get, the more excited I am! Her knowledge and creativity are beyond stunning! Every single video is a gem!
Yeah, there's a reason why even rocket scientists are glad that they studied aerospace engineering instead. And no, it's not merely a meme. Music theory is legitimately difficult.
Level 239 -Now lets play using our 3rd eye to visualize B-flat Major minor 9th and mouth trumpet along with the polytonality of Giant steps in the key of the colour blue ....... backwards ... while riding a unicycle
Weak I'm over 9000 I've entered the 10 the dimension and and playing is #!_;3$9 Key while going back to the Future and past and in an infinite level of existence to play one key at a time which exists in all of us. I am all of you. Every single soul on Earth is dedicated to a single sound
I've come back to this video 3 years later. What a wonderful talent and brain. Thank you for your contribution to the world and art Nahre, we are all better for it.
Piano teacher: You didn't practice much this week, did you? Me: Well, um... Are you familiar with the concepts of "polytonality" and "melody manipulation"? It's really hard for me to articulate, but I feel like I may have this natural ability to transform the melody in unrecognizable ways. Unintentionally. Maybe I'm gifted?
this thread is amazing lmao, you have a guy who calls out a guy who was being sarcastic, that guy probably liked the comment, then another guy comes in and thinks that the sarcastic guy is not sarcastic and calls out the guy that told the sarcastic dude to shut up, then the guy that called out the sarcastic guy told the guy who called him out because he thought that they weren't sarcastic says that the sarcastic guy was being sarcastic, amazing lol
"Whatever you do with music, it always has to have some sort of purpose other than just being an intellectual exercise - cuz otherwise whats the point?" The most important statement of this video. Great Job!
uh, it was actually a juvenile statement !! ... because twinkle twinkle literally started as an intellectual exercise on melodic variation as well as many famous pieces..
This was my favorite of the complexity series. I absolutely loved the way you explained the various aspects of music theory and how you used complexity to embellish the piece. Truly amazing.
@@whyit487 nahre is a classical musician but she experiments when it comes to composition, but she played multiple liszt/chopin-esk sounding pieces throughout this video, you just didn't pay attention I think. :D
How smart you must be to be focused on four different concepts that run simultaneously and yet execute all of them perfect.. It's like my computer doesn't have that much RAM.. Kudos
That's not hard since they don't have the copyright to it anymore and the judge who ruled that ordered them to pay back millions of dollars in claimed royalties.
mokrodog1234 She is playing so fast that these viewers thought that the video was sped up, hence their desire to check the speed of the video that you can modify in settings.
hahaha this made me laugh! ... however, don't let this intimidate you.. you can get a lot of enjoyment out of playing without remotely reaching her level. I guess it would partly depend on what your goal is in playing the piano. If you're trying to attain her expertise then I'd be intimidated too but hey it's still possible. Idk why i wrote this message cuz I know you were kidding but just thought i'd mention this lol
Daniel B hey! Thank you for stopping by. I know I will never be as good as her and I don’t really “wants” to play with such complexity. After watching this video I feel like to express my defeat speech by writing funny comments just for the laugh. Honestly I’m a huge Bacharach and Carpenters fan. I’m dying to learn their arrangement (which just enough for me).
I know you're just joking, but neuroplasticity is a heck of a thing. Spend some time practicing, and spend some time watching and reading materials you're interested in. Eventually, your brain will probably make the necessary connections. The connections make themselves passively, but they're fed by meaningful activity. "Getting Better at Stuff" is the brain's favorite song, and practice is a dime in the jukebox. Time spent crappily playing something you want to play not-crappily is time well spent, and listening to your own crappy playing is just fuel for the trip. Everyone pays that toll.
I’ve been stuck on a song I made at 10yrs old. Built it up until I was 15 and couldn’t make it more complex after that. I am now 22 and haven’t created any new progress. This video made me realize not only am I stuck at the 6-7 stage. Thank you for this video now I know where to improve
I've been feeling pretty depressed lately but watching Nahre explain how she feels about music and composition made me feel really happy to see someone so passionate and in love with their art.
this is a beautiful explanation. i never thought of music like this in my 11 years of playing piano. just goes to show that a truly great teacher will teach you all of these alongside your own will to learn
i have played piano for maybe 11 years now, when you showed all the lvel up to 15, i was like.. ok i can still do this. Then you combined all levels on 8:56. i died
Its not about levels. She just altered and elongated the song and then described it with complexity. Simple even i can pull that off. Its like people exaggerating. Ez
@@tahaqtr7439 Complexity did not mean difficulty here. It was a presentation of the "toolkit". A lot of difficult stuff is not even complex but simply very fast, etc.
This is a HUGE honor, thank you so much for having me on!!!
Nahre Sol You are a genius! You deserve so much more international recognition!!!😃
I was waiting for your that sparkly effects you always put in your videos, that I realise im on the wrong channel. Good job on the video btw
Nahre, you were amazing! 👏👏👏
Nahre Sol
Very nicely explained to the point you are not just a talented piano player but a teacher also.
Thank you you are literally amazing. I Love your youtube channel
She's amazing. Good on you for having her.
Daniel Thrasher is on here 😱
@@okayyraph ikr woahh
Daniel Thrasher I cant breathe
Didn't expect you here XD. I love your Sketches.
Dude u late
She sits there and says 'you can' and I sit here like 'I absolutely can not'
Clifford Laysell Tru dat fam.
cannot should be written together, I think ;>
Clifford Laysell hilarious
The hidden hero of this video: the editor who literally labels all the steps of the videos in the performances combined👏👏👏
I'm not sure, but I think the editor is herself, because on her own youtube channel you can see the same kind of labeling too, the same visual style and the same textual style. Sometimes the labels are pointing out things that she didn't say on the video, it's complementary. So I think she's did that herself. In Jacob's wired video, he also edit it himself in his style.
yeah, I don't think the editor knows to include which text at which point. She did it herself
It's her editor I think
Al her videos have that labelling
999th like
yep, pretty sure she edited it, she does it on her other videos too
Wired did a great job getting Nahre for this video. She didn’t simply explain ‘this is easy (lvl 1)... now this is difficult (lvl 16)’ like in a clickbaity list. Instead she really defined the steps of complexity within a composition in a way that is accessible for both musicians and non-musicians.
If you're going to say "alike", don't say "both".
@@TheJenniferKK bruh
grammarly extends its youtube ads!
Jennifer S Changed lol
Jennifer S grammar police over here
I love how she shows off her skill while still being humble.
I get what you mean ... nothing is annoyinger than an attention seeking music prodigy
I mean don't get me wrong if I could play piano like that I'd show off to as many people as I can I really don't care what others think at that point because if you can play piano your basically a demigod.
Dunno, but didn't see her as showing off.. she's just teaching
I think you mean skill, not talent.
@@kharismas6825 by showing off I meant showing us. Sorry if I added that wrong.
This girl is so humble and you can really see how artistic she is.
1st comment ...
She is most technicaly advanced pianist in the world (like Chiffra)
Ben Wälde what does that word even mean? I’ve seen it so much at like every comment.
as a music student I find myself coming back to this every few months to see how much further I've progressed
So how much have you progressed.
@@softkoffta They've started adding arpeggios into their pieces, to change things up, you know.
Level 17 - ‘Now lets try it whilst manipulating time and space’
"Now you might wonder how to manipulate time and space in a piece. There are many different ways of achieving this
Mushrooms is one way."
She kindda achieved that in a way... remember that music deals with memory, and memory is a human characteristic (not just having it, but the extend by which we live by it as opposed to instinct of the moment) and when we start twisting memory and it's representations, we start to change (and reflect on) the way we perceive our own perception of reality and how we record it.
Ling ling could do it
flat well if you can play it slow you can play it fast
shes so humble yet threatening me just by her skills, lmao, I wish she is my piano teacher
Aku juga mau kali
I don't even play piano and I feel threatened
it would be very expensive piano lessons...
I wish, she'd had been my english teacher. I actually understood, what she said.
@Corey Lylyk Neurological predisposition is where it's at.
Level 17: I will now disassemble the atoms of this universe and recreate it to the tune of happy birthday
Calm down Rick. Do you need a new Morty?
hahahhaa that was a good comment very funny
@@bazalbaz I play the piano too but I'm definitely the Morty to her Rick 😂😂
Thanos is that you
Believe it or not, but you are doing it right now billions times per second.
Today I discovered I’m at level pre-beginner.
me too 💀
No pre pre pre pre beginner
Me at 7 though🙄.more 5 levels to go.
these levels aren't for pianists, they r for compositions
@@spyder7599 yeah but it's a good way to know where You are at bro.
She's a genius. I cannot believe how clearly and concisely she articulated her points.
First reply
Second reply
First reply
Second reply
First reply
Of course she’s brilliantly acquainted with music theory, but wow is she an exceptional communicator as well.
Luke Sheveland YES!
Luke Sheveland not too shabby on the ivories either
Did you fall in love? It’s ok you can admit it...
She makes this look so simple. Communicating what we all do is a different skill entirely and its beautiful watching her do it with so much ease.
Level 1 : class example
Level 16 : actual exam question
why is this so accurate 😂😂😂👌
Best comment ever
too hard after level 0
Straight F student prolly lol
@@DomainAspect press F for respect
“C’mon it’s just music theory not rocket science”
“C’mon it’s just rocket science not music theory”
music theory is like rocket science but instead you use your ears to test out everything
when you actually understand more about rocket science than you do for music theory:
Keep telling that to your self
It’s not just a theory it’s a music theory thanks for watching
Genius _does_ come in different strands!
It's actually odd though, just like you can see an increase in the complexity and/or a _decrease_ in familiarity of a piece of sheet music, so to can you see it in most mathematical equations!
One of the best music educators on the platform, with an excellent channel! Big fan!
Add Ken Hewitt for Jazz and Blues.
Such a wonderful skill. Wish I could start learning
@@JackBarton Never too late to start :)
@OneFourFive i would watch richard atkinson, richard atinkinson actually analyzes muical compisitions of the classical era. no idea who adom nolly is tho
@@ecarohh Expect if you want to master the violin and you're over the age of 5
Congrats Nahre! What an awesome video.
Neely deserves more likes, you guys
Hey Adam neely 😏
When she mentioned polytonality, it reminded me of your vid on it :)
This Is quite a serious video
Adam neely Is here
We are talking about major leagues. :D
You wanna play on my Minecraft server?
I think everyone who cares anything about music should watch this. It's absolutely eye opening and a rare opportunity to see how vast the musical landscape is. It's often said "you don't know what you don't know". This is one of those rare videos that allow you to take a peek at how much you don't know in regards to music in a digestable format for the layman.
I thought overall she did pretty well. I just wish she went a little deeper into the harmonic side of things. She only very briefly touched on it and it was almost more of an afterthought rather than the main focus.
@@connorwilde1471 I believe her intent was not to teach you how to use these compositional techniques, but rather to show you what you COULD do. There are plenty of resources on harmony available; she wanted to demonstrate other aspects of the musical spectrum.
@@MrDrumStikz Exactly!
Beautifully articulated, that was, Mr(s). Mizuhonova.
The presenter is so talented. The way she explains each concept so concisely and demonstrates it perfectly shows true mastery.
Is there no one gonna appreciate the amazing editing skill in this awesome video?
I don't know if was Nahre or Wired that made the editing, probably Nahre because on her channel always edits like that :)
its level 17 editing.
Ahaha here I am!
You just did :)
So, when can i blow out the candle on my cake ?
hahahahahahahahahaa one of the best!!!
Probably pretty soon
Hope your Birthday isn't on Feb 29 XD
This video called me untalented in 16 different ways
You are not alone man, I got stuck at the second level
Because of my music theory class, I got level 7. Then got stuck... LOL
I made it to level 6
reaching negative levels (ways) of untalent by leaving a comment like that, ie takes very little talent to make a comment like that lol (no offence, im untalented too (2 [level 2]))
Talent is a matter of hard working and moving forward no matter what
- doesnt play piano
- understand nothing
- still watched whole video
- play piano
- understand nothing
- pain peko
@@Breno123-l4o Also me now:
- Bought a keyboard
- Struggle to self learn
- Cant play using both hand
- pain peko
-not the best at piano
-understands a bit
-is hoping for real piano lessons and not just youtube
@@rinreborn7364 i play piano, and don’t worry, it takes around a few months to learn to play with both hands.
lmao i started used 2 hands on day one
This is a really great piece. Nahre's analogies are ON POINT, her explanations are fantastic. The editing and graphics were minimal yet so informative. Tasteful choices. Very pleasing to watch.
Happy Birthday
00:51 01.level: Melody
00:59 02.level: One-Finger Bassline
01:09 03.level: Two-Finger Bassline
01:32 04.level: Chord
01:49 05.level: Arpeggio
02:37 06.level: Waltz Form
03:25 07.level: Melodic Embellishment
04:03 Á lá Liszt or Horowitz: broken octaves, repeated notes, chromatic embellishments, arpeggio, wide chord, repeated chords, glissando, chord resolution
04:28 08.level: 2-Voice Melody - High
04:40 09.level: 2-Voice Melody - Low
04:52 10.level: 3-Voice Melody
05:27 11.level: 4-Beat Rhythm
05:35 12.level: 5-Beat Rhythm
06:00 All Levels Combined: broken chords (arpeggios), melody in inner line, melody fit into groups of 5, two independent lines, trill, lines moving different directions,
06:25 13.level: Harmony Change
Extensions: any additional notes beyond first 3 notes of chord
Harmonic Progression: the order of chords accompanying a melody
Scale: an organized sequence of notes
Scale Arrangement: starting your scale on a different note than the first scale note
07:20 14.level: Extended Harmony
Polytonality: combining two different key centers together
07:40 15.level: Melody Manipulation: Melody Backwards, Upside Down, Upside Down+Backwards, fragments displace it in different registers
08:29 16.level: All Levels Combined (Text)
08:55-09:27 All Levels Combined (Music)
I love comments that contribute something to an already great video.
Thank you sir. 💯
tnsnamesoralong somebody give this man a noble prize.
this should be in the description.... WIRED should pay you for this ... thanks for the comment btw
Helpful comments in RUclips= faith in humanity, gracias. So much gracias.
have a cookie. you rock.
this is awesome! she explains it well without making it boring. I'm not a huge piano enthusiast but I found this extremely interesting as both a musician and a regular person. it's cool to know the music terms and hear her put them together like that.
You're awesome, Claire
pringelsthegamefreak thank you :) you as well!
I suddenly realized I don't want a complex birthday party. A simple one will be fine, thank you.
Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.
Let that good thing be simple.
Agreed. The thought of "more / more complex = better" is just stupid mental masturbation. Musical masturbation (exaggeration to showcase skill whether with vocals or instrument) just sounds bad in all shapes and forms.
"Simplicity is Brilliance" - Bruce Lee
In the last example, I wouldn't know when to blow out the candles.
Right when you think she's done. But then it turns out that was just the first movement, and you were just horribly rude to your birthday present...
You wouldn't have to. They'd be blown away just by listening. :P
@@bennyboyAF Nice
This comment is underrated 😂
lol man. l o l
She is very diplomatic with regards to the many possible interpretations of "complexity." To me, this is a clear sign of wisdom. And, in case you didn't know, not all talented musicians are wise. EXCELLENT video.
Good point. I always appreciate when someone notes that a term is overloaded with meaning rather than stating a definition as if its the only one.
Complexity, seems like a term that various fields have different takes on. Its been something I would like to learn more about in the future. Just reading the wikipedia article on it has been very though provoking.
Couldn't agree more.
Excellent point of view
level 17: you will now need your third hand.
Me : gets the D out
i literally lol’d
and third eye
no, thats Yngwie
Ornstein and Sorabji?
You know someone's a great musician when you see how careful yet precise they create a sound through their instrument. A lot of ppl think its all about how fast or crazy one plays, but as Nahre mentioned physicality does not equate to complexity.
wow, she condensed several years' worth of music theory and knowledge into one 10-minute video. amazing.
She's the human version of the ''demo'' mode on my old Casio keyboard. Love this!
Samuel M. I gave you the 200th like.
Level 1: Melody
Level 2: One-Finger Bassline
Level 3: Two-Finger Bassline
Level 4: Chord
Level 5: Arpeggio
Level 6: Waltz Form
Level 7: Melodic Embellishment
Level 8: 2-Voice Melody - High
Level 9: 2-Voice Melody - Low
Level 10: 3-Voice Melody
Level 11: 4-Beat Rhythm
Level 12: 5-Beat Rhythm
Level 13: Harmony Change
Level 14: Extended Harmony
Level 15: Melody Manipulation
Level 16: All Levels Combined
Commenting for future reference
@@pankajmeghani9016 You could've screenshotted it
but she forget the most important, the rhytm.
C U Next Tuesday, faaaaakkots
Someone who is this effortlessly able to just come in and out of different genres and seamlessly do and uno all different ideas while explaining the whole time like it’s nothing is just so impressive. It’s almost like she’s a surgeon who’s got herself cut open on the table and is giving a lecture on how to perform complex surgeries without the fact that she’s demonstrating on herself phasing her in the least
Understanding music at this level is such a gift. Simply beautiful.
Yeah, she knew this stuff in the womb.
I like it when she said that there should always be purpose why your playing otherwise it would be pointless . iloveit. On point
꧁Low Mike꧂ see what you did there.
It's not a gift. She worked towards it. Put lots of time to learn and practice.
not a gift. took practice and dedication
"I am Nahre Sol, and this is my Masterclass..."
quelorepario I'm Renata Bliss and i'm ur freestyle dance teacher 💃🏼
Py This is the PERFECT reply to this comment.
666th comment!!
The fact that you are demonstrating this while talking so calmly...scary
Can manipulate space time with piano.
Can't drive.
There is always a tradeoff. Unless you're Hugh Laurie.
she's got 20+ years of piano training (still super impressive tho)
Danilo Pablo maybe she started real young.
If you think this is scary go have a look at her channel.
It will have something to do with audio and video editing.
Nahre did a Master-Class job of explaining all of these possible musical techniques available in the composer's palette in such a short period of time! Also excellent job of showing them applied in the context of the Piano.
She's taking my appreciation of music on a magic carpet ride to another level. She's a g̶e̶n̶i̶e̶ genius.
A whole new worlddd🎶🎶
Putang ina mo😂
stop white knightin idiots
0:06- Enjoying myself
0:08 my crush walks in
Hugo Bolon underrated comment
Condensing 20 years of music theory in 10 minutes?! I feel ... inadequate! XD
@Just Me My meaning was - amount of time required to learn all that theory and begin to put it into practice. Though with a brain like mine 2000 years would not be enough, so I'll take your 200! Cheers!
Baby steps, friend. A lot of this stuff comes naturally as you come in to your own. Think about it, everything taught has to be thought first. Meaning you will probably think of your own ways to make music and possibly in the process create a new method. This is how all music theory was invented. Music lovers playing with their instruments. Keyword, playing. We don’t focus on that very much, but to play rarely has aim.
They should show this in every music theory class this fall and be like "with study, you can flip common melodies on their head just like this!"
@@Tonyisgaming I guess you're right. Anyways, I tend to regard piano players as these magical beings anyways, lol. I play a bit of drums, on a good day I might even feel inclined to consider myself a decent drummer, but piano players are just a few orders of magnitude above anything I could ever endeavor to do. Jealousy, sir!XD Have a great day!
I've never heard so many different versions of Happy Birthday 😅!
I am caught in a Nahre Sol RUclips rabbit hole and the deeper I get, the more excited I am! Her knowledge and creativity are beyond stunning! Every single video is a gem!
After hearing 9:08, I legit exited full screen and hit the like. I didn't even question myself.
took you long enough. I did it after the first 3 minutes.
It gave me an ad
@@lotifreons Lol. RUclips and their 2 ads before video, 9000 ads during, and 1 more after the video. Theres RUclips for ya
@@tennischesslover Learn about uBlock Origin and you will never see another add on RUclips.
@@tennischesslover its the channel, they decide if they want to put ads or not
While nahre's skills on the piano are absolutely amazing, props to the guy that edited this video, jesus christ!
TrapFx You made it sound like Jesus Christ edited this video.
@@paleontologi485 8:58 - 9:26 IS crazy
if you've seen any of the videos on her youtube channel, you might think that she helped there as well :D
I think Nahre also edited it, or at least the graphics. The edit and graphics are the same as her videos on her channel
might have been a non guy.
I want her to play Happy Birthday at my Funeral.
Simon John 😂😂😂
not a funeral march?!
@@peterd1623 welcome to the joke
You mean "Happy Death Day"?
Amazing piano skills BUT whoever edited this video is SO talented as well OMG great editing.
That was exceptional. Thanks.
gotta play the melody upside down so the australians can hear
Finally someone understands😂
What do you mean?
down under
Kronos I get it know! 😅😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂
*plays a piece so bad*
Me : It's just a new level of composition.
3 SYNC Basically Level 16 in this
is that jazz
That's funny 😂
Next Level Joke🤣
That would be next level composition 😂
I’m like level 10. Uhh, ( embarrassing), byee!
Level 1: One finger.
Level 2: Two fingers.
There are 16 levels.
I'm afraid.
Level 11: starts using toes
16 fingers of course
@@idkwtvr4844 Level 21: start using tongue.
@@abdulrahmanalhumidan3854 so when u're in level 69 u use...
We were so impressed with how effectively you explained your process, and the different levels of complexity. You're an excellent teacher!
Better than any other " 10 levels of.. " i've ever seen. This is really good
People go with 10 cause they don't understand , it's so basic and clickbaity if you don't know how to organize something into hierarchies go for 10...
But i think lucas brar is an exception
I didn't understand this guy when he told me he was getting his PhD in music theory.. now I get it
Never underestimate the musicians 😭😭
haha! this wasn't even that heavy on theory which is the even more mindblowing part lol
Yeah, there's a reason why even rocket scientists are glad that they studied aerospace engineering instead. And no, it's not merely a meme. Music theory is legitimately difficult.
Incog2k6 wtf? music theory is great and very respectful subject. But it is nothing compared to rocket science in terms of complexity lol.
@@omniyambot9876 They are both very complex is very different ways. Can't really compare apples to oranges.
Level 239 -Now lets play using our 3rd eye to visualize B-flat Major minor 9th and mouth trumpet along with the polytonality of Giant steps in the key of the colour blue ....... backwards ... while riding a unicycle
Jasbon 🤣🤣🤣
Jasbon that’s level 25 as much
Weak I'm over 9000
I've entered the 10 the dimension and and playing is #!_;3$9 Key while going back to the Future and past and in an infinite level of existence to play one key at a time which exists in all of us. I am all of you.
Every single soul on Earth is dedicated to a single sound
With ankle weights... Standing on your arms...
Hold my beer, I’m up for that
I've come back to this video 3 years later. What a wonderful talent and brain. Thank you for your contribution to the world and art Nahre, we are all better for it.
“I’m pretty good at piano”
*watches this video*
“Oh, I’m a three.”
Jay Steele same (I just finished amazing grace and thought it was amazing XD)
the beauty of piano is that people who don't play can't tell how trash we are
@@baronroaster404 hahahahahahahaha truuuu
Lol... I'm at 4...😂
9:20 when your birthday cake has cocaine
I laughed hard omg
Sounded kind of ugly and beautiful at the same time.
Or you just had 12 cups of coffee
Minuey Agreed. Happy birthday is supposed to be a simple happy song.
This sound like something that could totally be in Untitled Goose Game, maybe in a birthday area or something like that.
It’s 3:50 am, and I just watched a 10 minute video on levels of piano composition.. I don’t even play piano
chubby pikachu speaking straight facts
Omg same except its 3:40 am
Chubby Pikachu not even kidding, it's 3:33 am right now lol
@@thespeedyyoshi you live in vancouver?
Chubby Pikachu close. Oregon.
THIS IS SO AMAZING! My favorite pianist on RUclips is on WIRED. What an honor.
Okay I thought I would never be impressed by Happy Birthday melody but this was crazy
Watch "How to sound like Bach" by Nahre Sol. There she uses this theme too!
If there's any RUclipsr in the classical-music-sphere who deserves this attention it's Nahre. Congrats!
Piano teacher: You didn't practice much this week, did you?
Me: Well, um... Are you familiar with the concepts of "polytonality" and "melody manipulation"? It's really hard for me to articulate, but I feel like I may have this natural ability to transform the melody in unrecognizable ways. Unintentionally. Maybe I'm gifted?
hysterical ☠
669 likes lol
XD that was me
It's people like Nahre Sol that make it extremely hard to call myself a musician
I've just resorted to calling myself a mediocre musician. I'm at peace with that when the Nahres of the world exist.
She wasn't born this good!
Lolz u spoke my mind
6:38 ok but why was that the most mysteriously beautiful thing I have ever heard-
I need to hear a full song of this wow that was amazing!
sounds like lord of the rings lol
Jonas Gritsch Yeah
I'm saving that chord progression for my own purposes
Sounds like something Beethoven would play
"By adding the finger 6"
Wait what, that's illega
Emmanuel Abore no shut up
Oliver Wright let people enjoy things jeez
Natsai J.G no they were being sarcastic
this thread is amazing lmao, you have a guy who calls out a guy who was being sarcastic, that guy probably liked the comment, then another guy comes in and thinks that the sarcastic guy is not sarcastic and calls out the guy that told the sarcastic dude to shut up, then the guy that called out the sarcastic guy told the guy who called him out because he thought that they weren't sarcastic says that the sarcastic guy was being sarcastic, amazing lol
"Whatever you do with music, it always has to have some sort of purpose other than just being an intellectual exercise - cuz otherwise whats the point?" The most important statement of this video. Great Job!
Rob Campos exactly! Many people failed to see this point
I do not agree, if you want to see this as an exercice, why not ?
uh, it was actually a juvenile statement !! ... because twinkle twinkle literally started as an intellectual exercise on melodic variation as well as many famous pieces..
@@superblondeDotOrg Reddit vibes
This was my favorite of the complexity series. I absolutely loved the way you explained the various aspects of music theory and how you used complexity to embellish the piece. Truly amazing.
Nahre, the final composition you came up with is so lovely! I feel like I’ve learned so much in such a brief window of time, s/o to Nahre and Wired.
Thank u
Personally, I felt like it was *_far_* too "jazzy"
I'm more of a fan of classical music, which this kind of glossed over.
@@whyit487 I guess classical means so many things though, all of this could be applied to classical composition.
@@whyit487 nahre is a classical musician but she experiments when it comes to composition, but she played multiple liszt/chopin-esk sounding pieces throughout this video, you just didn't pay attention I think. :D
@@espressonoob Well, I'm talking about the last one.
How smart you must be to be focused on four different concepts that run simultaneously and yet execute all of them perfect.. It's like my computer doesn't have that much RAM.. Kudos
I tried stirring my coffee with my non-dominant hand once and my house burnt down.
@@sandoumir4348 haha
Sandou Mir lol
“How to play the Happy Birthday song without getting copyright claimed by Warner Chappell Music”
Actually, the copyright for Happy Birthday is now null because of controversy regarding who owns the lyrics of the song.
You mean Universal Music Group
That's not hard since they don't have the copyright to it anymore and the judge who ruled that ordered them to pay back millions of dollars in claimed royalties.
she explained everything so fluidly and quickly, but not once did i feel left behind or confused about what she meant. wow
That level 16 at the end made me check my playback speed!
Insane skills!
I don't get it
mokrodog1234 She is playing so fast that these viewers thought that the video was sped up, hence their desire to check the speed of the video that you can modify in settings.
Excuse me ma'am, but my piano does not play that. How to fix?
Restart it
@@wil7702 Instructions unclear. Hand now stuck in the blender. How to fix?
@@bgdowns10171 hmmmm..... it appears you have gotten yourself in a real pickle. Control alt delete and go to task manager, click end task
@@wil7702 Instructions unclear. System 32 deleted. How to fix?
first buy a $100,000+ steinway and sons grand
I just bought a piano yesterday.
I saw this video today.
Tomorrow I'm going to list my piano on ebay.
hahaha this made me laugh! ... however, don't let this intimidate you.. you can get a lot of enjoyment out of playing without remotely reaching her level. I guess it would partly depend on what your goal is in playing the piano. If you're trying to attain her expertise then I'd be intimidated too but hey it's still possible. Idk why i wrote this message cuz I know you were kidding but just thought i'd mention this lol
Daniel B hey! Thank you for stopping by. I know I will never be as good as her and I don’t really “wants” to play with such complexity. After watching this video I feel like to express my defeat speech by writing funny comments just for the laugh. Honestly I’m a huge Bacharach and Carpenters fan. I’m dying to learn their arrangement (which just enough for me).
I know you're just joking, but neuroplasticity is a heck of a thing. Spend some time practicing, and spend some time watching and reading materials you're interested in. Eventually, your brain will probably make the necessary connections. The connections make themselves passively, but they're fed by meaningful activity. "Getting Better at Stuff" is the brain's favorite song, and practice is a dime in the jukebox. Time spent crappily playing something you want to play not-crappily is time well spent, and listening to your own crappy playing is just fuel for the trip. Everyone pays that toll.
Don’t do that. Play your new piano and enjoy it.
For how much?
Me as a kid when there was no surprise on my birthday
This is a massive GCSE and A Level Music composition Cheat Sheet tbh
My country its GCE
“Let’s use happy birthday to keep it simple”
Me: yeah ok
09:02 Warning. While trying to dance to Level 16, I dislocated my hip. If you must dance, please proceed with caution.
We must.
(and musicality)
I have never laughed so hard about a comment omg I'm DEAD
Thank u for the warning 😅Hope u feel better tho
How could you dance with Happy Burthday song?
Nahre's videos are amazing. She is such a great teacher, musician and video producer. I also love how open minded she is when it comes to music.
I love/hate how Nahre astonishes me with her playing yet makes it so simple when she's playing. I'm so glad I can speak English and follow her vids
Level 16 - "Sorry but my child has started crying and is hiding behind the sofa, can you play Level 3 again please?"
please make composing theory 101, you are a great teacher who makes this sounds so interesting.
She has her own channel (called Nahre Sol), where she frequently breaks down the theory behind composition
I’ve been stuck on a song I made at 10yrs old. Built it up until I was 15 and couldn’t make it more complex after that. I am now 22 and haven’t created any new progress. This video made me realize not only am I stuck at the 6-7 stage.
Thank you for this video now I know where to improve
Holy crap, I'm really proud of Nahre :00 her channel is way to underrated :,)
Me: How many types of happy birthday can you play?
Nahre: Yes.
level 1: alright I can handle this
level 2: ight imma head out
At least improve on the comment you stole, not somehow make it worse.
I've been feeling pretty depressed lately but watching Nahre explain how she feels about music and composition made me feel really happy to see someone so passionate and in love with their art.
Beginning: let's keep it to a waltz
End: screw it 5 beats to a measure or no beats to a measure
There’s a waltz feel in 5 tho. If you count 1-2-3 4-5.
Tchaikovsky's Symphony 6, 2nd movement is a 5/4 waltz!
@@486tomas what an absolute madlad
Well, it actually is my birthday! What a great gift.
Happy birthday !!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday 🍰
Happy bday!!
- Hey man it's Jerry's birthday today, can you play happy birthday?
- Yeah, sure.
Now imagine this song with an increasing number of heads exploding in the background
this is a beautiful explanation. i never thought of music like this in my 11 years of playing piano. just goes to show that a truly great teacher will teach you all of these alongside your own will to learn
Level 17: if you can play it slowly you can play it quickly...
Which still is a fact to this day.
So I started very slowly
@@tasman5572 ..... and play a little bit quicker ......
Be a ling ling already
Level 17 - Now let's summon Mozart by twisting space-time continuum and creating a black hole using 12 fingers
Mozart is not even Level 16.
You mean Liszt
i think you mean Schoenberg
@@superblondeDotOrg *Laughs in Ligeti*
i have played piano for maybe 11 years now, when you showed all the lvel up to 15, i was like.. ok i can still do this.
Then you combined all levels on 8:56. i died
Its not about levels. She just altered and elongated the song and then described it with complexity. Simple even i can pull that off. Its like people exaggerating. Ez
@@tahaqtr7439 Complexity did not mean difficulty here. It was a presentation of the "toolkit". A lot of difficult stuff is not even complex but simply very fast, etc.
Really?? I've only been playing for six and I'm pretty sure I could do that. I can play the flight of the bumblebee🤷🏼♂️
haha, well, i started playing long time ago, but i don't really practice everyday and definitely not in the pro level yet XD
4:03 that...that...that flex though had my jaw DROPPED
It isn't my birthday but this song has been played so much that it turned today into my birthday
somi said every is a birthday day so, it’s your birthday!! 😊😊
Anh Le yEs
think i'll stick with the one fingered happy birthday thanks.
Use the middle one tho
@@Coltranized with my thumb?
Congrats, you reached level one!
You don't see your potential
8:48 It's different than really cooking it with heart and with ..... Sol.
You cooked it up perfectly Nahre, sorry for the pun.
@@MattoDesigno boo this man!!
This is one of the few times ive gotten totally impressed by a pianist. She is incredible..