your solution for x[2n] was totally wrong! while you are talking about discrete signals, then all of the values of 'an' must be natural. so if in time scaling process you face with some numbers like 'an' (a is the coefficient that is multiplied with n) that are not natural, you must change their amplitiute to zero.
Not necessarily, discrete time does not mean the signal exists only at integer values of n. you re talking about unit step which exists only at integer points,
your solution for x[2n] was totally wrong! while you are talking about discrete signals, then all of the values of 'an' must be natural. so if in time scaling process you face with some numbers like 'an' (a is the coefficient that is multiplied with n) that are not natural, you must change their amplitiute to zero.
Not necessarily, discrete time does not mean the signal exists only at integer values of n. you re talking about unit step which exists only at integer points,
if you do scaling, it's kind of like 'throwing' parts of the signal. 1:30 given that x[n] = {3 2 3}, the answer of x[2n] should be {2}
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