Response to The truth about homosexuality vidoe

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • his is our video response to user +Share the truth in love (
    This user left us a link in our Channel. We took that as he wants us to see his video, so we created a response to it. We noticed the same misunderstanding that most Christian are so prompted to make. They confuse sexuality with sex. They fail to see the ontological issue that is a stake.
    • Video

Комментарии • 20

  • @Christian-moviesCoUk
    @Christian-moviesCoUk 10 лет назад +3

    Many blessings to you guys. I'm so sorry that many of our Christian brothers and sisters forget what we are called to do, to love each other and not to judge, lest we ourselves be judged. I'll never understand why homosexuality is picked on more than any other perceived problem; every single brother who points the finger at you and spits venom is a sinner, saved by grace, who falls short of God's glory every day. Especially when we judge! I'll never understand it. It just seems like pride, fear and false piety. I'm not sure if we can be in an actively homosexual relationship and achieve perfection, but I know for certain, that daily I fall short and still experience God's saving grace through Christ Jesus. I seek, I persevere, I carry on. And I know that God never abandons me, or leaves me until I'm whiter than white in my own strength! Whoever points the finger at you guys and calls you names is deceiving themselves, we are saved by grace and grace alone, and that grace, with a true and saving experience of Christ will motivate us into a life of love and forgiveness, knowing what we have been forgiven and are forgiven daily by a loving God. If that grace makes us feel so holy that we can finger point and condemn, then we are missing God's entire purpose in Christ.

    • @LikeAChildMinistries
      @LikeAChildMinistries 10 лет назад +2

      Stay strong you my dear brothers ... The Lord loves you Unconditionally ... Ignore the "backbiters", eaters of the flesh!!
      We love you both and stand by your side!... Stay in the word!!
      Ask for forgiveness of their sins and yours ... Stay pure!!
      God bless!

  • @berthaleroux9050
    @berthaleroux9050 10 лет назад

    Thanks guys for the awesome response.... It is also made my thinking more clear when i have to sometimes explain to people this same confusion that this person has. Thanks for your encouraging channel. Love you guys! Bertha

  • @stevekudlo1464
    @stevekudlo1464 10 лет назад

    That was a great video, but if would like to point out that there or almost no supportive traditions for gays in the churches that I've heard of, except marriage. All our native traditions are hetero focused. Another question, are hookups immoral?

  • @AngorRandford
    @AngorRandford 10 лет назад

    28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. Matthew 5:28-30
    For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others - and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it. Matthew 19:12
    Gay Christian Thanks for the video. Question :-)... Why didn't you explain to him that sexual lust can be controlled (But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion 1 Corinthians 7:9 - whole passage important also 1 Corinthians 7) and a little about the history of the eunuch or saris and maybe he would have understood???
    Kind regards

  • @gaychristiancollab
    @gaychristiancollab  10 лет назад +2

    Our video response to "The Truth of Homosexuality"
    Response to The truth about homosexuality vidoe

  • @enzomthethwa5861
    @enzomthethwa5861 10 лет назад +1

    Mark Sellers, gay Christians don't all believe the same thing just as not all straight Christians have the same theology. It depends on who you ask.

  • @maceoholmes1726
    @maceoholmes1726 7 лет назад

    A gay person can become a Christian. It is a progression into your personal relationship with God and Christ. All other subjects or FLESHLY matters, are put on the back burner. A Christian, is more into Spirituality and drawing closer to our Savior Jesus Christ! You do this honestly and without pressure as some churches do. Coming to Jesus, means you understand your sin, purely from the fact that the Holy Spirit presence is absent from your life whenever your living in sin. Feelings of guilt is a good thing for someone who is struggling in life over ANY type of sin. That is God telling you its wrong! Even if you got 99.9998% OF THE WORLDS POPULATION TO TELL YOU ITS OKAY! Your STILL going to feel guilty! You going to blame other for your unhappiness. And sad to say, some so called Christians are going to agree and help support your ideology, BUT you will STILL feel that unhappy feeling when you get in a room alone. Just ask yourself a simple question away from the audience and away friend, friends who make it their job to defend your sensibility instead of speaking the gospel as written." Am I truly doing something God designed for me to do? Does he approve of my ideal of how I think mankind is designed?" In the end, only you can stand before God and be judged on your life! Jesus stands for the sins you acknowledged. My advice to you, is to find a true Bible based Church. One that is into STUDYING with you from the Bible and not coming up with these Religious Ideals that has nothing to do with Christ.

  • @berthaleroux9050
    @berthaleroux9050 10 лет назад

    Thanks guys for the awesome response.... It is also made my thinking more clear when i have to sometimes explain to people this same confusion that this person has. Thanks for your encouraging channel. Love you guys! Bertha

    • @gaychristiancollab
      @gaychristiancollab  10 лет назад

      Thanks Bertha! God bless

    • @berthaleroux9050
      @berthaleroux9050 10 лет назад

      I watched the lengthy The truth about homosexuality and it was sad to see and gave me hardache to hear.
      I was reading an interesting passage in John 9:1-3 this morning and I thought about labels people give by just judging by what they hear. Even the deciples here was asking Jesus who have sinned for this man to be blined from birth. So they were labelling without even knowing the blind guy. Christians are quick to judge gay Christians which do not lead a promiscuous lifestyle. no effort is put in on getting to know the gay christian which are being labelled and in Mat 7:1-2 it is so important to realize again that Jesus commands all of us not to judge.
      No church can bring you into heaven, this is between you and God.
      In my country SA it is still very hard in Christian circles as there are immediate judgement, losing of friends, falling apart of your support structure. No church will be perfect and one will not always agree with all the fundamentals ever. A hard one to stay in although the messages are good is the 7th day adventist church which has sabbath on saturday. There are no room for homosexuality, although a lot of gay people are in the church. You will just not know because of fearbof exposure, rejection and being expelled by the church. The documentary 7th gay adventists are very useful to watch and it encourage one not too loose your faith. It is particularly hard to find an accepting christian community here, especially in pretoria, south africa. That is why my heart goes out to this man in the video you did the response to. One does not choose to be gay, but are often confused by being forced into a heterosexual lifestyle that leads to loneliness and much unhappiness. God also said in His word that it is more important to obey Him than man. Just we have to live amongst man.
      I think the person in the video is denying who he is and might get to a point when he is older where he cannot keep up being somebody else God created to be. Was just pouring out my heart a bit... hard sometimes where I live and work.

    • @gaychristiancollab
      @gaychristiancollab  10 лет назад

      Bertha, this is very true but in the middle of all this mess we are called to be light, to live truthful to ourselves and toward God. Love all, love those who persecute us even when they claim to be Christians.

    • @berthaleroux9050
      @berthaleroux9050 10 лет назад +1

      Thanks... this instills new hope... to remember that this is very important and very true what you are saying.

    • @AngorRandford
      @AngorRandford 10 лет назад

      Bertha le Roux Hi :-) also from S.A. Have a nice evening. God bless you!