Alhamdullilah, I am a Turk and love my Black brothers, for all the racists if you have a problem with black people you have a problem with the prophets of Allah and the beloved Sahabah!
The original Arabs weren’t black as the majority. Some were but not the majority. There isn’t a authentic source that shows the Arabs whitewashed their lineage by taking a massive amount wives from other regions. If they didn’t do that, how would their skin complexion have changed?
The original Arabs weren’t black as the majority. Some were but not the majority. There isn’t a authentic source that shows the Arabs whitewashed their lineage by taking a massive amount wives from other regions. If they didn’t do that, how would their skin complexion have changed? Also remember that living in the desert heat your whole life can get you dark but it doesn’t mean that’s their original skin tone or that they were black.
The original Arabs weren’t black as the majority. Some were but not the majority. There isn’t a authentic source that shows the Arabs whitewashed their lineage by taking a massive amount wives from other regions. If they didn’t do that, how would their skin complexion have changed? Also remember that living in the desert heat your whole life can get you dark but it doesn’t mean that’s their original skin tone or that they were black.
اخضر means green what closer to green in olive and even who says he said that ,black people are african not arab you guys are pathetic making everyone black .
Ibn Manzur writing in the 13t century: "It is said that he fadl ibn al abbas meant that he is from the purest of arabs because most of arabs are black-skinned" lbn Mandor: "Lank hair is kind of hair most of non arabs persians and romans have while kinky hair is the kind of hair that most of arabs have:
Ibn Manzur affirms: “The Arabs don’t say a man is white [or: “white man”,” rajul abyad] due to a white complexion. Rather, whiteness [al-abyad] with them means an external appearance that is free from blemish [al-zahir al-naqi min al-uqub]: when they mean a white complexion they say ‘red’ (ahmar)…when the Arabs say, so-and-so is white (abyad - bayda), they only [only] mean a noble character (al-karam fi l-akhlaq). Not skin color. It is when they say ‘so-and-so is red’ (ahmar - hamra) that they mean white skin. And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.” Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-arab IV 209, 210.
Exactly , the man even got the back wrong , let alone other things . Complete nonsense . Skin color means nothing but trying to extract something with extreme measure and for e just to prove their point of view is stupid . Not many heard of so call black scholar from Sudan , even if they did , we do not know their asna. He went to one scholar out of millions we got just to prove his point , that deperateky reaching out to fix reality into their world view instead of the other way around
If your rational is correct why is the history omitting the descriptions of Muslims but they describe Prophet Muhammad’s appearance, his beard, his hands, his looks even the patches on his clothes but never describe the woman that wet nursed him or the woman that was with him from the day he was born to his death , these women were not only dark skinned but were not Arabs.?
@@madeline-hatim6575 White supremacy has infiltrated Islam just like Judaism and Christianity. Prophet Muhammad’s Mother: Amīna bt. Wahb, the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, hailed from the Banū Zuhra, a black sub-clan of the black Quraysh tribe.[24] Amīna is the daughter of Wahb b. ‘Abd Manāf b. Zuhra whose mother (Amīna’s grandmother) is said to be ‘Ātika bt. al-Awqaṣ from the exceptionally black Banū Sulaym.[25] The black Sulaym are thus considered the maternal uncles of the prophet and he is therefore reported to have said: “I am the son of the many ‘Ātikas of Sulaym.”[26] In other words, Amīna’s paternal grandmother is from the black Sulaym tribe, and her grandfather ‘Abd Manāf was from the Zuhra tribe. Banū Zuhra tribesmen were frequently noted for their blackness, especially the maternal relatives of the Prophet Muhammad.
@madeline-hatim6575, who was prophet Muhammad's mother, and from what tribe is she from? She sure didn't look like the Arabs you see today. Things are hidden the same way the christians hide the truth. The Muslims called his mother a kufr. But regardless of that tell us the tribe she was from then tell us what was the skin color of that tribe.
When you think of it like that " they are white " could actually be negative even today when we say you look white, it often means you look sick or " you look like youve seen a ghost "
Alhamdulillah for a young bright shinning star of The Faydah of (The Shaykh of Islam), Shaykh Ibrahim Niass (ra). Thanku Thanku Thanku for delivering a greater understanding of Islam and uncovering historical facts of The Black people's contribution in This universal complete Religion until the end of time.
Umar ibn al khattab was a qurashi and ali ibn abi talib was a hashimi . Arabs in lineage to ismael AS and the yemeni tribe qahtan. Get out of here with this nonsense.
People who are saying Adam wasn’t black don’t read the Quran in sura hijr 26 and 28 Allah said he created man from a black mud this man study about Islam history one of his books is beyond bilal bcuz the Arab of today only care of bilal being black bcuz it started he was a slave that what they want hear even bilal was from a royal family his mother was a princess 👸🏽 they don’t want to hear the truth even though it is in the Quran and Hadith why do you think black are hated everywhere in the world 🌎 bcuz we are a threat the same way Adam was jealously hated and envy by satan from the start so satan is still on verge by using the Caucasian who God knows we’re the form to frustrate us but evil always fails even if it takes long the truth will always prevail
Stop being racist. There are Caucasian Muslims who are good people. There isn’t a ethnic group that has all of its people as good or bad. The color of Adam did t mean he is black because it doesn’t seem that he was described as “shadeed ul udma” which is black skin.
The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
To be an Arab means you speak Arabic, the most eloquent speech. It has nothing to do with skin color, hair or eye color, nation or race. I am white, blue eyed and now am Arab because I studied Arabic and Quran for 20 years in Cairo. Anyone can be an Arab if you study hard for years. Sadly, those in the Middle East have mainly adopted English as their main focus. Arabic will always remain as it is the words of Allah in Quran.
Umar ibn al khattab was a qurashi and ali ibn abi talib was a hashimi . Arabs in lineage to ismael AS and the yemeni tribe qahtan. Get out of here with this nonsense.
This is one of the craziest thing is I’ve ever heard we need to be careful that we don’t end up with trans racial Muslims so basically anyone can identify as an Arab Why would a person want to remove their own legacy
The Prophte saws was also meticulously portrayed. He had a round face (Muslim, Ibn Hibban), not a complete roundness, but it was like the moon when it is complete. And it was WHITE with a slight ruddiness, as if the sun or the moon were running in it. (Ahmad, Muslim, Al-Bayhaqi)
@@Omar-x13brother, here you go trying to emphasize WHITE as if to indicate his skin was white. We have many narrations that depict his true complexion (brown) as mentioned in the authentic hadith of Ana's (r.a.). White here is a reference to his nur (emanating from him in his radiance) NOT skin complexion. Do you know what you are doing and the damage you spread (and lie) when you try to impart that he was white (as in a white Arab/man)? You will have accountability for lying so be careful. Moreover, didn't you realize that Ali (who was jet black) from from his family and his father (was jet black) who was the brother of the prophets (a.s.) father. Oh there will be some reckoning of the likes of those pushing this white narrative. I suppose you think Esa (a.s.) was white too while being from the tribe (Banu) of Israel? None from amongst those major prophets were white skinned. Have you even just listened to what the brother was saying?
@@MrThinktank01 give me a SAHIH Hadith that is saying Ali RA was jet black ? where is the proof/referrence ? how is saying the prophet saws was white a damage ? it sounds like you have a problem with with skin ?
@@MrThinktank01 Sahih al-Bukhari 63: While we were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: “Who amongst you is Muhammad?” At that time the Prophet (ﷺ) was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, “This white man reclining on his arm.” The man then addressed him, “O Son of `Abdul Muttalib.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “I am here to answer your questions.” Sahih al-Bukhari 3544: I heard Abii Juhaifa saying, “I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin `Ali resembled him.” I said to Abu- Juhaifa, “Describe him for me.” He said, “He was white and his beard was black with some white hair. He promised to give us 13 young she-camels, but he expired before we could get them.” Sahih Muslim 2340a: I said to Abu Tufail: Did you see Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face. Muslim b. Hajjaj said: Abu Tufail who died in 100 Hijra was the last of the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ).
The grandson of Umar was Salim the son of Abdella ibn UMAR IBN KHATTAB: Ibn Abd Rabbih wrote in "Al Iqd al Fareed" "the Unique (or Precious) Necklace" vol. 5 , p. 192 ... the son of abd el-Malik entered the medina and said to someone, 'Go see who is in the mosque.' The person after looking in said they saw "' A tall jet-black skinned man." Hisham then said "That is the son of Abdella." son of Umar. Al-Dhahabi also said in - Al-Ibir fiy Khabar man Ghabar. vol 4. also said Saalim grandson of Umar ibn Khattab was "black-skinned" . ; ) Salim's mother was of the Banu Thakif tribe of Hawazin b. Mansur.
The mother of Abdella ibn al-Khattab was from the Jumah tribe of Quraish. Abdellah (or Abdullah ibn Umar) told someone "We inherited our black complexions from our maternal uncles." Ibn Saad al-Tabaqaat El Kubra vol. 9 The complexion of the sons of Umar didn't come from the paternal side. Umar's grandfather was of slave descent (slave of Abd al'Mutallib) and very possibly " red" (hamra) in complexion like most Arabian slaves of that period.
Respectfully and truthfully Ansari you’re most likely of European descent, Turkish descent and Persian descent rather than original indigenous Arab descent. But you’re my Muslim brother Alhumduillah and we love you bro.
Aren't we suppose to put ALL this tribalism and nationalism out of our Beliefs as a Muslim? Allah (swt) explicitly said that HE(swt) sent the last and final message to the Messenger(saw) and for ALL mankind. Alhamdullilah Personally, I don't care how much melanin our Prophet (saw) or Abubaker (ra) or Umar (ra) or Ali (ra) had. What I DO care about is the MESSAGE. Alhamdullilah The haqq is the haqq no matter how dark or light your skin is. InshaAllah THIS Ummah of the Prophet (saw) will get OVER this so we can come together and STOP doing exactly what the kuffar do, and rise above to show the better way, the ONLY way. Al-Islam InshaAllah Now THAT is the true evolution for ALL mankind.
Yes! The message is the MOST important thing. But if Allah swt wished, he could have made us all the same. Allah swt made us into tribes so that we would know each other. Our beloved Prophet pbuh made no attempt to end tribalism although it was ubiquitous at the time. The reality is… that diversity equals tension. There was tension among the tribes during the Prophet pbuh’s time and part of our miracles is the fact that he navigated this landscape with Devine wisdom. This tension is inevitable and this video and the comments is proof of that fact.
The same conspiracy used by White Europeans to suppress the true phenotypic features of Nabi 'Isa (a.s.), his Disciples, and the community at large, was the same intrigue employed by so-called "White Arabs" to camouflage the black skin of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), his Companions, and the general Quraishi and Ansar populations. The shocking truth, yet unknown to the vast majority of the world's population, is that all the Divinely Commissioned Emissaries sent by Allah, ta'ala throughout the course of human history were Black.
“The Arabs used to take pride in their brown and black complexion (al-sumra wa al-sawād) and they had a distaste for a white and fair complexion (al-ḥumra wa al-shaqra)” Apud Ibn Abi al Hadid, Sharh Nahj al Balaghah, V:56.
They were Tanned by the climate they were not west Africans . Only some kings from Nubians were Black who conquered Egypt and then Egypt kicked the Nubians out again
@@Blackfoot100 as the DNA and the Arts of the Pharos evidences it’s not true. Yes there were Nubians king conquered Egypt but the origin were the Egyptians now and the Nubians still Nubians
“The Arabs don’t say a man is white (abyad) due to a white complexion. Rather, whiteness with them means an external appearance that is free from blemish when they mean a white (fair) complexion they say ‘red’ … when the Arabs say, ‘so-and-so is white, they mean a noble character, not skin color. It is when they say ‘so-and-so is red’ that they mean white skin. And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.” Ibn Manzur Lisān al-ʿArab IV: 209, 210 (13th c.) Also Al-Mubarrad (d. 898) wrote “They are red-skinned (al-ḥamrāʿ)…” al-ḥamrāʿ means the Persians and Romans…And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.” The classical authentic Arabs called the Eurasians (Syrians, Byzantines, Turks, Central Asians and Europeans "red", not "white" (abyad/bayda) - which was the complexion of Abyssinians and other black people.
"Ali Ibn Abi Taalib" Ibn Jawzi describes Ali ibn Abi Taalib as shadid al-udma in his book Safwat Al-Safwa.” Al-Baladhuri wrote - "If you looked at him, you'd think that he was Adaam in complexion but if you came a little closer you'd see that he is actually Asmar in complexion leaning towards being Adaam in complexion."
The host seems to have a problem accepting the fact that the Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w.s.) blood family had members that would be considered black by today’s understanding. The scholar said nothing about tans, but the host had to rationalize their dark skin as being the result of tanning. Shadid Al udmah. Adami shadid Al Adam. I suggest the host read the original descriptions of Ali, alay salam, himself, in the original Arabic. He should also get a DNA test. Yes, they were black. If Bilal, r.a. was black in color, so was Ali, a.s. It can be no plainer than that.
@@letholamokhesi1253 These 10’s of Sahih Mutawattir hadith should be enough, he was a man of whitish complexion and Amhaq meaning not completely white therefore meaning light brown with a reddish hue. I don’t care what skin colour he was but don’t make up lies, fear Allah.
Abdullah bin Umar narrated: "My father was fair-skinned with a reddish complexion, tall, bald, and gray-haired." Another said: "He was pale, tall, bald, dark-skinned, and ambidextrous." Abu Raja’ al-‘Ataridi said: "He was tall and well-built, intensely bald, and deeply red in complexion. He had light hair on his cheeks, a large mustache with reddish tips, and when he was troubled by something, he would twist it." سير اعلام النبلاء
Salam alaikoum. I have listened carefully but didn’t get to hear upon which basis this claim is based. Moreover I am curious to know why this claim is being made. If it were brought up in order to address racial bias then I’d say that the hadith sufficiently addressed this subject.
The brother is speaking the truth! Those Hadiths are not to be trusted when it comes to racism. The Hadiths were written 200 plus years after the Quran, It contains a lot of racism and colourism. The ancient Arabians were black. We have been lied to for so long.
Absolutely correct . My best ever shayh was a black man from Ghana , a very knowledgeable and gentle followers of the salaf. He taught me that Adam, the first man, was black.the When I first married my Egyptian husband 40 years ago I was showing pictures of the wedding and every response I got from the Egyptian women was you're so beautiful why did you marry a black man, He is not good looking I replied I think he is in my eyes. Firstly he's not black like my best shaykh from Ghana was, he's Like a dark tan color And he has got brown eyes and black hair very curly. He would always vigorously smash his hair down because he hated his curly hair and I love it.😊 Most people are woefully uninformed, dare I say ignorant. You will be causing a veritable storm with this video keep up the good work
Making a point on race such as this can only be excused in the context of combating racism. But we should be very wary as to think that race offers an affirmative confirmation of piety or favor.
@@hxyzazolchak there are also people to say white people can’t be Muslims. That’s why we were scarred against all racial based accolades. The nation of Islam actually relieved the white people were devils. There is no distinction amongst the races in front of Allah, the only distinction that is important is piety.
Having a family relative being called “al Bayda” which means “the white one” doesn’t mean the rest of the people were dark but rather it could be that person described “bayda” might have looked more lighter than the rest. Keep in mind most of the Arabs at that time weren’t described as “Adam” which means very tanned - dark skin.
Keep stretching the rational to evade what is being discovered and that is 1. Arab Muslims are/were as racist as other Europeans 2. The hiding of historical facts pertinent to the Unification of humanity shows the presence of the Satan in the history.
His mother was Fatimah bnt Asad bn Hashim she’s cousin of her husband father of Ali AS Abutalib bn AbdulmutLib bn Hashim. The father and the mother all meet in Hashem their grand father. Abutalib the father of Ali AS and Abdallah the father of prophet Muhammad PBUH were siblings having the same mother and father. Ali is the only Arab having both father and mother from Hashimites clan, clan of prophet Muhammad which are directly descended from Ismael son of Ibrahim AS without mixing with others. They have darker complexion due to the Arabian climate with distinctive facial features. Their darker complexion has nothing to do with Africa since they were not mix with white or African tribes. But later generations mixed with Africans mostly the children of Hussain son of Ali specifically whom had Nubian women and had mixing African children for three generations
The Phrophet described Moses as a black man, and the Quran said when he put his hand in his rib and pulled it out it was white and when he put it back it became its original colour, what's that pink or black? , the Saudis will say white is light but what's nit ture
The word Jew has no verifiable meaning, whether linguistically, geographically, ethnically or otherwise ALLAHt tells us we have the tribe of Israel and those who broke off turned away while they knew and they are called YAHUD. The Invented word in common parlance is Jew which is nothing but a smokescreen as is the word anti-Semite. The word Israel is a good word which means those who fight in the path of ALLAH. Yes,they were the chosen people descendants of Jacob and yet they really blew it, most of them are yahud few are good, This is literally a verse from Quran. The Old Testament terms them covenant breakers frequently.
Anas (Radiallahu Anhu) reports: “Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither tall nor was he short (like a dwarf-He was of medium stature). In complexion, he was neither very white like lime, nor very dark, nor brown which results in darkness (he was illuminant, more luminous than even the full-moon on the 14th night). The hair of Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither very straight nor very curly (but slightly wavy).
My friend those terms are just to glorify the prophet otherwise we all know there’s no human beings with those descriptions. Arabs were very dark skinned people.
@@jalander8817 do you believe in that? Don’t be that fool please. Even scholars said no way prophet hair was that long. That’s like other Roman who also painted Jesus white.
Just dark skinned you mean? They wouldnt look and act like todays blacks, although afrocentrists love to claim they are in fact the “original people” and “other races” arent people
This conversation is clear if you visit villages in Saudi, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait. There is all types of Arabs. Mainstream Racial conceptualizations become close to irrelevant.
The sun has nothing to do with the complexion you were norn with... Ali Abu Talib was nit born white then tanned due to the heat .....he was born black skinned
not sure why this is even a thing? Original arabs come from Yemen, before Yemen they came from Ethiopia in the first migration out of africa. What's the issue here?
@@hihello-yv2ttbro the 2 are not mutually exclusive. Be believe Allah created man we dont have to accept one theory of the means by which this occured. Wa Allahu alam
@@Alejandro-te2nt Adam and his wife came to earth, one of their descendants is Nuh (Noah). Some of the descendants of Nuh went to Africa, some in the Middle East and others went to Europe and Asia.
@@hihello-yv2ttAdam was created from clay and mud from the earth so he was made on earth but Allah made Adam reside in paradise temporarily before being cast down to earth.
I implore anyone to look at a current map of Yemen and then look at a map of the Kingdom of Aksum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia) during the time or Rasulullah (saws) and you will discover the modern geographical location of Yemen was at one time part of the Kingdom of Axum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia), specifically during the 1st Hijra (migration) of the Sahabah. When the Sahabah made their 1st migration to the Kingdom of Aksum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia), they didn't travel to the current geographical continent of Africa (as many may picture in their mind), instead, they traveled to the southern part of what today is known as the Arabian Peninsula - the geographical area of modern-day Yemen which was part of the Kingdom of Aksum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia) at that time. So, when we think of "black" we should not assume the phenotypes / skin complexions are exclusively native to the continent of Africa because people across the Red Sea resembled each other.
Where did you get this explanation of the first Hijra being to Yemen and not to ETHIOPIA.. because I’ve never come across it .. please provide your source.
@@JustinKamara-k3o During the time of the Prophet (saws) Yemen was part of the Aksum (Ethiopian) kingdom. King Kaleb of Aksum (Ethiopia) invaded Yemen in 520 CE. Islam started to become the dominate religion in Yemen After 630 CE.
The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
@@TheProperPerspective Historically, the kingdom of Axum had palaces in Yemen. We know this because Abraha ruled the Himyarite Kingdom in Yemen which was part of the Kingdom of Axum the year Rasulullah (saws) was born.
This is actually common sense if people stop and think about it. Dark skinned people were the original people here on earth. It is through colonialism that many regions are predominantly mixed.
Every thing stated in this video was 100% factual, those who have prejudice and racism in their hearts for black people, you’re gonna have to take that up with Allah (SWT). Maybe if you people read his book you’ll see the sources and evidence for all the information and factual claims he stated. Reading the comment section is evident Anti-Blackness is real thing and it’s disgusting honestly. The truth hurts sometimes but that’s life.
The same conspiracy used by White Europeans to suppress the true phenotypic features of Nabi 'Isa (a.s.), his Disciples, and the community at large, was the same intrigue employed by so-called "White Arabs" to camouflage the black skin of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), his Companions, and the general Quraishi and Ansar populations. The shocking truth, yet unknown to the vast majority of the world's population, is that all the Divinely Commissioned Emissaries sent by Allah, ta'ala throughout the course of human history were Black.
It’s so weird that people are so obsessed with color. And I find it very strange that many black people love to believe that many major historical figures were black.
I’ve never heard anything of Imam Ali (as) skin complexion being black. Rather there are traditions of him being described as being light in complexion. Additionally if this was the case then his sons (Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain) a.s would’ve also been dark. But we hear in traditions that they were not. Im not saying there rank or status would be any less if their complexion was dark. But I have often noticed many dark skinned/black scholars or historians associating prominent historical figures to the black demographic. Also just for the sake of knowledge. There were dark skinned or even black Imams a.s from the Ahlulbayt a.s. Namely Imam Ali ibn Musa Al Ridha a.s and Imam Al Jawas a.s.
Never heard Ali being described as light. Only dark in complexion. If you’re Shia you probably don’t believe in our Hadith though so you wouldn’t have been exposed to it
@@Abuaaliyah1 Salam perhaps you’re right I haven’t been exposed to Sunni Hadith describing him a.s in this way. But I don’t think it’s because I’m Shia. I truly have never seen any Hadith describing him a.s as being black
The same conspiracy used by White Europeans to suppress the true phenotypic features of Nabi 'Isa (a.s.), his Disciples, and the community at large, was the same intrigue employed by so-called "White Arabs" to camouflage the black skin of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), his Companions, and the general Quraishi and Ansar populations. The shocking truth, yet unknown to the vast majority of the world's population, is that all the Divinely Commissioned Emissaries sent by Allah, ta'ala throughout the course of human history were Black.
And why do you think they insist color doesn't matter and surprisingly even their scholars? it's because they knew all prophets of Allah were Brothers by blood and not by religion as they claim
@@satellitekhan2300why does it bother you so much? Tafseer Al Baydhaawy Chapter 3 page 29 Verily (Musa) alayhi Asalaam was Adaam shadeed Al Udmah jet black. Ibn Birr said in his book Al Istiyaab fee Mariftu Al Ishaab Chapter 3 page 1146 ” Zir ibn Habaysh and other than him recorded that Umar was Adam Shadeed Al Udmah(Jet black) and most of the scholars of the days of the people and their biographies and their news knew that.”…… Ansaab Al Ashraaf, Chapter 2 page 868 by Al Baladhaari ”Ali ibn Abi Taalib as Adam Shadeed Al-Udma (black-skinned) وكان علي آدم شديد الادمة، ثقيل العينين، ضخم البطن، أصلع ذا عضلات ومناكب، في أذنيه شعر قد خرج من أذنه، وكان إلى القصر أقرب j If dark complexion bothers you take it up with Allah and most of his prophets including Adam and Nuh
From Wickedpedia " After the fall of Caesarea in 640, 4,000 "heads" (captives) were sent to Caliph Umar in Medina, where they were gathered and inspected on the Jurd Plain - a plain commonly used to assemble the troops of Medina before battle, with room for thousands of people, before they were distributed as war booty to the orphans of the Ansar." Caesarea was a Byzantine regin of Turkey.
I don't know what their real color was, but one thing is certain: their dignity will not decrease if they were black, nor will their virtue increase because they are white. So, there is no need to really worry about this issue. Personally, I think them being black is more interesting to me than hearing they were white. This is because I have been biased by the media, imagining every historical figure as having white skin, which is not based in reality. I am fed up with these thoughts and I want to break free from them
West Africans don’t have one look. The same way East Africans have different looks. A person from Omo valley, South Sudan, Oromo, Tigray, and Kunama look very different. With in all of these groups majority of the people are brown and dark skin with Afro texture hair. Bilal in the movie was dark skin and slim, which he was described to be very dark skinned. He could have passed for anything, including East African. He didn’t look like Burna boy or John boyega. I’ve been to addis and all I saw was a sea of dark skinned people a few lighter brown. Arab with a black mother doesn’t mean he is going to be light skinned or mixed looking. Most southern Arabians were already brown with curly hair. He probably looked more like his mother. He wouldn’t have looked like a European- black mixed raced person anyway. Even today the ruling class Arabs are whiter than the rest because of mixing.
@@halimashehu770 A lot of what you said was true, but not everything. Some of your statements have nuance behind it. I don’t want to make this long, but the plain fact is that Bilal’s mother was Abyssinian (Habesha) and his father was Arab. I understand that the ancient Arabs were a dark skinned people. But colorism still existed among them just like it exists in the African American community today. We see lighter skin as more desirable because of the white people we see in power and want to assimilate into that paradigm. During the time of Bilal and the Arabs 1400 years ago, the Roman’s and Persians were superpowers. So the Arabs had the same inferiority complex that we have. Nonetheless the Arabs had tribalism just like Sub Saharan Africans have tribalism today. The point is that Arabs have intermixed with Abyssinians for a long time before the coming of prophet Muhummad. Not to mention that Yemeni southern Arabs and Axumite Abyssinians have been trading and coexisting since before the time of Jesus.
Ali was a pure Arab with no known non-Arab ancestors. His skin was black and his nose was flat as per the narrations. What say you about his “West African” nose?
@@muhammedabdullah9480 All of that is true. Think about it this way, if a Mexican man says someone is light skinned, and an African American says someone is light skinned, so we assume that they are both the same complexion? This is all predicated on the phenotypes of Arabs 1400 years ago.
This is the reason why Somalis and other indigenous Africans that been Muslim since the 7 th century face racism sometimes also sadly from white Arabs.
Neither Ali ibn Abu Talib R.A.nor Umar ibn Khattab R.A.were black.They were both Arabs.Ali R.A.was a member of the Banu Hashim clan and Umar R.A.from the Banu Adi clan.They both were from the Quraish tribe like that of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.and his forefathers
He didn't say they weren't Arab, he was saying their complexions were darker. The complexions of Arabs can go from what we say is 'light sminned' to what we say is 'dark skinned' same as Africans. My sisters complexion is like that of a white person and mine is that of a black person, we are of Caribbean decent
Ibn Hawqal 10th century wrote "The inhabitants of Bajeh (Bedja) are blacker than the Abbyssinians, LIKE THE ARABS and they have not either cities, villages, nor cultivated land---nothing but what they bring from Yemen, Egypt, Abbyssinia, "or or the land of the Greeks.." Then he wrote a few sentences later - "In Bajeh (Bedja) they worship idols, or any thing that seems pleasing to their eyes. Those who immediately border on the land of Abbyssinia are Christians, and OF THE SAME COMPLEXION AS THE ARABIANS.' Kitab Al Masalik
As Salam wa leikum I can truly believe this I had a dream sometime last year where my family was part of the migration to Medina and in the dream I had a sense of Prophet Mohammed because he was giving us instruction, I didn’t clearly see his face but I saw the faces of Ali and Omar (RA) and they were indeed darker skin- toned Arabs, they were not black African but their skin tone was darker toned.
Sir,if one looks at Arabs of Arab peninsula in the present times,they look no different from Indians. Example: MBS minus his Arab dress. In fact,Arabs have interacted with india since times immemorial due to the trade between India and Europe with Arabs as intermediaries .Muhammad was also engaged in this trade,though he perhaps never touched any indian shore. But he was definitely aware of india due to his intermediate trade links of caravans between Mecca and Levant.
This guy keeps saying "black" like it means something? South Arabians, Habesha, Somalis etc are all dark but would not be considered stereotypically "black" (ie Nee-groyd/west African, kinky hair, wide nose bridges, protruding jaws etc). The peninsular Arab tribes were 4, genetically and culturally; they were Arabian (Ishmaelites), Old South Arabian (Qahtani Arabs descendants of Hadramaut and Himyar) Abyssinians (look very different to other Africans), and the Cushites (ie people from Bilad Al Barbar/ the horn of Africa, ie the Somalis who also look very distinct from Africans and had shared lineages with both Ishmalites nd Old South Arabian peoples). The latter 3 racial groups skin tones varying from very dark skin to light brown skin, but are not racially "black" as we understand the term black today. To go ahead and say now, these people looked west African simply because of their skin tone, is a big joke. Imagine calling a Somali west African. Or Mehri Yemenite west African.
No one defined black as west African, I mean no one. You are called black when your skin colour is black including somalis, whether they like it or not. Don't you know their are some tribes in West Africa that have lighter skin colour than Somalis? A lot of indians are black, although they call themselves brown, but average west African has lighter skin than them. This is the reason why the sheikhs need to talk about this issues, because their are a lot of racism in Islamic world. As everyone can see some Arabs feel they're superior and it's clearly written in the works of some scholars. All human are equal regardless of our skin colour, the only thing that makes you superior is your iman
@@alasanabayo8484 and what is the significance in being black? It is like talking about white skin in relation to Chinese people, when they have nothing to do with Caucasians. By saying black you are not differentiating between the different groups, many of whom who are as close to one another as an Anglo-Saxon is to a Chinese. You will find some that are lighter or darker than the other yet explains nothing of any importance, you are reducing entire population groups to a color, essentializing everything about them (therein lies the actual racism). Sharing the same skin color doesn't mean you share the same struggles, maybe that's the horse crap you have been fed in the west, but is not the case in most Islamic countries.
@@alasanabayo8484 You only want to highlight racism when it is an Arab doing it. But their is just as much racism, colorism, and tribalism in Africa. Don't bring your wokism to Islam mate. Racism is bad when done by whitey and blacky.
@@Somali.Pirate1 what is the significance of not being black? Ohh yes all blacks are have the same struggle. When you go to India they look down on there own race just because they are black. When you go to the Arabs they're still making black people slaves ( making them work for months when they ask for salary they are deported). That's why it necessary for Islamic scholars to speak about sahabas who are blacks and the fact that their is a possibility of the prophet himself being black. What is the offense of saying that Ali may be black? You look down on black people that's why you don't want to accept that, the people you look up to could be black. racism is really happening in the Muslim world, just because people are not talking about it doesn't mean it is not there. The man is giving you clear proof, but all you do is blablabla with out any genuine argument.
AlhamduliLlah. I am mixed race and this Egyptian brother is almost as "African looking" as me. Egypt is africa anf there are still so-called Black Africans present theoughout North Africa. Down with the false dycotomieis and may the truth prevail, inshaAllah.
Yes, the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) was indeed a black Arab man resembling the complexion of Nipsey Hussel or Haile Selassie‼️ I also saw our Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) in a dream many years ago‼️ The word Abyadh: “European or Caucasianal white” in Arabic is not what’s intended when the old Arabs talked‼️ Rather, what they meant was: Al Hintee Al-Laun meaning - “Wheatish or peanut Complexioned” with an Hilyah ( Overtone ) of Sudaa’a ( Black or brownness ), “Lightskinned” or “Mixed” because the Arabs originate from a hot region, constantly under the sun which naturally gives them a dark tinge and tanned so their complexions range from being very dark, light brown to many shades of a brown people never pink or red people‼️ So when the Arab used the word “Black” it simply meant very dark complexion Udmaa and “Abyadh” it mean light-brown or Lightskin‼️
No the quran and sunnah says Allah created different races like different colors of mud, the prophet (pbuh) was a white skinned arab with dark hair according to hadiths and his cousin Ali (ra) is said to resemble him.
Yep, we got great black prophets Moses, Eisa, Luqman the wise (personally Luqman should be enough establish confidence and high self worth for Africans (cause he didn’t got super natural connection like prophets and on top of that he alone is wiser than all the white race combined today ), no need for Muslims (the black Africans ) to give a damn about our anything else , Africans got Luqman , no one but prover can beat that . End of story (I ain’t African )
"Here we met a family of Aarab Daed, Hatheyl, removing : the women wore short kirtles to the knee, and slops under ! Their skins were black and shining ..." Travels in Arabia Deserta by Charles Doughty (d 1929). Hatheyl/Hudhail ibn Mudrika are brethren to Khuzaima and the still black Kenaneh ibn Khuzaimeh ibn Mudrika living from the Ghawr in Transjordania to Sinai now, from whom came the Quraish. Doughty also calls the Hudhayl Qoreish.
I think he is saying Arabs used to be darker skinned than they are today. For example there are ppl in the Hijaz today that have West African ancestry which is obvious because it was fairly recent immigration (maybe 200 yrs ago). Similarly, there was migration into the Hijaz in the first few centuries of Islam from places like Khorasan, Sham etc. Those ppl mixed with the population and the overall population became lighter in skin tone.
Great conversation 😊 and the Prophet himself ( Mohammad 😊 ) was a Great Grandson of a Black Woman. of Egypt 🇪🇬 ( HAJARA) under whom the whole City of MACCAH was established by Allah.
The Quraysh in Sinai and Jericho are still black. So even with a black Egyptian woman as a grandmother he would have neen black. His maternal side was from Sulaym ibn Mansur whose complexion was "black as lava" like Hawazin ibn Mansur. See Ibn Kathir and Ibn Jahiz. : )
The land of Sham or Shem among true or "genuine" Arabs and Arabians only referred to Hijaz and Central Arabia or what was northern Saudi Arabia and that was true until the British colonial period. The Hijaz according to Chinese manuscripts up until the 15th century was populated by "people of a very dark purple complexion" p.174 in Ying-Yai Sheng-Lan, ‘The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores’ [1433] J.V. G. Mills (1970) Cambridge University Press. This was a manuscript written by a Ma Huan a translator and documenter for Zheng He’s expeditions. That is why al-Dhahabi wrote that fair-skin was very rare in Hijaz and anyone possessing it was assumed or considered of slave descentt. The people in Hijaz in that time of the Arabs came of Qays ailan Elyas and the Yemenite tribes. "Sorry to break some peoples hearts".
People that are both white and "very red" are essentially light skinned blacks like this group of mixed Berbers in Marrakech, Morocco.видео.htmlfeature=shared
I’m sorry to break some people’s hearts , Omar ibn al Khattab wasn’t black , we have authentic hadiths describing him as white , the description was made by his own son , I have nothing against my black brothers , I am dark skinned myself , but history is history and truth should be said , Omar was white , and the only report that described him as آدم means dark skinned , was made by Zarr and the scholars said about his report : Omar wasn’t dark skinned and Zarr must’ve seen him in the famine year , that was the only time his color changed to a little darker and it was because he ate a lot of olive oil . As for the rest of the reports they all all agree that he was white and one of them is the report of his son Abdallah who said my father was a white man very tall bold headed with a lot of grey hair. Abu Arrajaa Al Otaridi said : Omar was a white man with some red complexion he was very tall a huge man bold headed and his beard has grey lines in it .
@@Mym794 it’s all following up with the new west plan , which is to try to use black people just the way they’re using the Jews , you see at a certain time when the west wanted to divide the Muslim entities they started it by reinforcing the nationalism and attacking the Muslim unity by dividing them into little powerless countries , then to make sure those countries always have a hot subject to fight about they reinforced the Jews right of return , and they claimed that the great Israel belongs to the Jews and parts of this great Israel is Jordan Syria Lebanon , Sini desert in Egypt and parts of north Saudi Arabia , and they keep making documentaries about that and movies and all type of propaganda , lately Israel is being exposed and the nationalism is getting defeated because Muslims are getting reunited again so what they do is look for an other entity they can keep the Muslim busy with , so they start with making a documentary showing cleopatra as a black lady , and claiming that Egyptians are actually black from Africa and Egypt originally belongs to Africans not to Arabs , then they follow it with an other documentary portraying Hannibal Barca as a black man , despite history and despite all of us knowing that he’s Phoenician , reinforcing that idea again that Tunisia doesn’t belong to Arabs but it actually belongs to Africans , all that coincide with the illegal emigration of Africans to Tunisia thousands of them are trespassing the Tunisian and Egyptian borders daily ! And the west needs to reinforce that idea for black communities to keep claiming their right ! The new RIGHT OF RETURN black to North Africa and Egypt , you would ask why Tunisia and Egypt , the easy answer is that all the world saw that the Arab spring started from Tunisia and it affected almost the whole Arabic world ! So they know that this little country has a huge impact and is intellectually dangerous and that explains the t-shirt Mark Zuckerberg was wearing in his birthday saying Carthage must fall , Carthage which is the capital of Tunisia , than why Egypt simply because Egypt is the gate to Palestine , and it’s the country with over 130 million citizen and the very first country who followed the Tunisian lead in the Arab spring !
Being a dark skinned person them you must know that white in Europe, white in Mauritania have nothing in common. I'm considered white in Mauritania but I'm Black in America. See how that works.
@@blackseed9293 can you use Arabic and apply it to what you’re saying ?? Because Arabic is way more accurate in description than English , now if you’re considered white in Mauritania and black in America I assume that you are light skinned more flair than an average black person , and that’s what we call in Arabic أسْمَرْ ، الاسمر هو اللون الحنطي الغامق ويستخدم في زمننا أيضا لوصف من هو اغمق درجة ولكن لا يصل للسواد Unfortunately English is very limited and we don’t have the word اسمر in English , but I assume that’s what you are , on the other hand Omar wasn’t described as اسمر he was described as white with a red complexion in Arabic أبيض تعلوه حمرة ، so if he was anything other than white they would’ve used the word أسمر , the Arabs in Arabia back then used a very detailed expressions to determine the colors , ابيضّ which is white ، اسمر which is a bit darker than white، أدم which is a bit darker than اسمر and finally اسود which is the very dark like African black people , in the end , as our prophet said there is no difference between black and white or women and men except by the fear and obedience to Allah .
"Ali ibn Abi Hamla said, I entered where Ali ibn Abdella was and I found him huge and black-skenned. Al-Jahiz , Fakhr Al -Sudaan ala Al Beydaan. p. 209 Al-Dhahabi wrote "Ali the son of Abdella the son of El Abbas vwas very dark-skinned and his mother was the daughter of the king of the Banu Kinda" Al-Dhahabi Siyar A'laam al Nubalaa vo. 5, p. 251, The Hashemites were called the "fathers of tar" for a reason. ; )
Arabs have two groups The southern arabs: were darker in color and originated from Yemen and Oman. The northern Arabs: light skined, originated from southern levant and eventually became the majority. Besides to this afro-arabs were a minority with good numbers throughout the Arab world.
The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
@@SonOfAdam314 The Ahabish included the Kinana ibn Khuzaima, Hudhail ibn Mudrika and Hun ibn Khuzaima or Al Qaea. Hudhail was partly descended from Khuza'a and the largest branch were the Hubaysh or Habesha otherwise called Ahabish.And yes by the 9th centyury BC they had emigrated into the Horn of Africa. That is why so many of their clans are still found in Somalia Eritrea and Ethiopia. Ifriqus Tubba and Dhu'l Manar also emigrated into Africa and were the ancestors of the Berber people around Tunisia or Ifrikiya who at that time were the Tuareg, still called Ifuraces.
Imam Al Dhahabi ( Seera A’laam Al Nubalaa, Chapter 2, page 168) said that ‘“Red, in the dialect of the Hijaazi people means a pale white complexion and it was a colour that was rare amongst them.” Al Dhahabi lived in the 14th century / Doesn't mean Umar wasn't reddish ("fair"). He probably was as his mother was a slave. Al-Dhahabi said if one was "red" in the Hijaz they were assumed to come from slaves.
Mar7abaa! I am an American of mixed European and ethnic Maronite ancestry. I have some genetic ancestry in modern-day Lebanon. I may have a few Bedouins in my bloodline, but I don't consider myself an Arab in any sense of the word. By the way, the Maronites are an ethnoreligious group.
@@madeline-hatim6575 it's ur obsession to call them black this us going on the nazi way. Black race superior race blahblah blah. After sometime u ppl Will tell prophet Saws is also black.
I watched the first two episode and realisd Omar was depicted with fare skin. He was dark skinned and did not have full head of hair. This types of drama even though good does a great disservice. It appears the colonized trauma still affects how muslim minds are still impacted.
Yes Arabian Peninsula is very hot and dry one could not look like a Viking. It is also very close to Africa so it's people dark skin. If you look at old Saudi photos before 1930 the traditional houses in Saudi looked just like African houses.
@@ChromeMan04 The Uan Muhugging archaeological site in Libya date 5600 BP. They found a well preserved mummy of a young boy. It precedes Ancient Egyptian by 1000 years. DNA testing and other states he had negroid features and was of a dark complexion. Libya is not sub -Sahara but it was not like it is today. The Royal family of Libya a number of it's members are black. Take notes parts of Yemen and Oman are green with lots of water. Coffee highlands even today Saudi Arabia is not desert. Senegal which is sub Sahara has the Lompoul desert what about the Kalahari desert? These home of black people.
Phoenicians are the descendants of the Canaanites who are the children of Ham. The Phoenicians are Black Berbers & Sonike of Mali. Reference of the the black Berbers is the history of ibn Khaldun.
Berbers aren’t Arabs and I don’t think they are descendants of Phoenicians considering they been in Africa before Phoenicians entered. Also Phoenicians are Semitic based on Stronger evidence.
Phoenicians are lebanese, canaanites are palestinians. These are the whitest Arabic speaking groups. The black Amazigh are a combination of the natural gradient of complexion within the base Amazigh population due to environmental factors and their genetic makeup and admixture from free or enslaved subsaharan Africans
@@Ali_Raza808No he wasn't lol. He was a Hebrew and we know the Hebrews are a dark people. He was described as very dark-skinned. If he were here today he'd be seen as "black". Also, prophet Musa (AS) was also described as very dark-skinned, not brown. Brown is the complexion of the man in the video.
The physical characteristics of Omar bin Al-Khattab Omar bin Al-Khattab had white skin with a slight redness in his cheeks. He had a bald head. He had a long beard that he dyed with henna. It was long in the front and short at the ends. Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, was broad-shouldered. He was tall, and it was said that when he, may God be pleased with him, was riding a horse, he appeared as if he was standing because his feet reached the ground. It was said that someone saw him, and it was Adam. He interpreted this as the years of drought, as he used to eat nothing but bread with oil until he fed the people before him, until his color changed. Ali too was not black رضي الله عنهم و الله تعالى اعلم
Can you please share the source for this? Would love to know the source for the shaykh as well! JazakAllah khairan to all those sharing beneficial knowledge isA and may Allah remove any discrimination other than for good things isA 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽
Ali was from the Prophet AS family who was light skinned Arab.. Why are you bringing this Yehudi race things into discussion about Islam like we even care about that. Instead of talking about their honor and deeds you're talking about their skin lol. Wrong way in my opinion.
You're lying my friend! I've got about 3 to 4 sources who describe him exactly like Bilal ibn RABAH!! I can put it on the comment section if you want!! And the color don't matter but the truth is important! HAQQ IS HAQQ
@plitty2632 OK prouve it than!! If you have a strong hadith with a chaine of Narration bring it! I checked it very well and I'm sure of what I'm saying and I can easily back it up
@@plitty2632 You cant be a black african with a light-skin Arab family. Literally the only evidence he brought was "they called his aunty white".. So he said the rest must be dark? Lol. Thats a very not smart thing to say. But you guys sound like Yehud so obsessed with race. Just relax.
You're wrong! آدم "adem" means brown. ادلم "adlem" mean black. so even if we take the only source you've mentioned al jahidh said among the chikdren of Abu Talib they were brown and black. He didn't mention Ali, who was described by other sources as being brown.
They might have had the same skin color but not other features. Think of it like how many Indians, native Americans, Polynesians and Asians have the same complexion as many African people. Arguably most of the world has a darker complexion because most of the world live near the equator.
Ali رضي الله عنه had a flat nose. Kind of kills your argument considering he wasn’t mixed with anything. His parents were the first Hashemites to marry one another.
@@letsbuild7298 I’ve seen Asians and white people with flat noses, doesn’t mean they are of African origin. If you say the original Arabs are black, what happened to them? How did they get lighter even though there isn’t evidence of a mass admixture between Arabs and non Arab women in the Arabian peninsula?
@@hihello-yv2tt The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
How can the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.from a mixed background.He was a pure Hashemite.He was described as not very white nor very dark(blush)and he was also described as the most beautiful man of his time
@@Koelsoemahmed than you don't know what you believe in you just follow it.. how come you don't know this fact is beyond me ,, please read your book again... and again to see what you maybe by arrogance fail to see,,I know there's so much mis-education amongst your society of Arabs who have a different look to sudden people's of the world.. and it's known very well maybe you are coming from such ideological perspective I don't know but please seek to know the truth..IT SET YOU FREE ".. SALEM..IF I TELL YOU THAT THE WHOLE ISLAM BELIEVE IS AFRICAN JUST AS CHRISTIANITY IS YOU WILL SAY I AM CRAZY 🤣🤣.. BUT IT'S FACT'S.. NOT BECAUSE AM AFRICAN NO IT'S THE TRUTH.. THAT'S ALL THAT MATTER'S..TRUTH
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂delusional continue your bias as the video is saying your heart needs Iman because complexion knows is different from geographic. Learn and you would understand, this Africans you have prejudiced against there great Islamic scholars who reside there from every corner you won’t know because of ignorance and hatefulness May Allah guide you and us to the straight path and truth.
@@radicalnormie. ok but he also said, he was half Ethiopian right? And where is Ethiopia located? The issue is you guys don’t want Africa to be connected to the Quran. Was it not in Ethiopia where the prophet PBUH found refuge? Was it not in West Africa that the caliphate existed? Please stop I have a history degree in Middle Eastern and Africa studies. This information isn’t new. Only to some of you.
@@fodaykamara9440 Okay you clearly have a degree in history from "My grandmother told me" college. Having a degree does not equate knowledge or actual shrewdness in todays era, for all I know your a 14 year old fully indoctrinated in US schools that read a few articles here and there then claimed you know some hidden knowledge. Lets clean up some of your comments "Caliphate existed in west Africa" Do you even know what Caliphate means???? Its the representative of Prophet Mohammed PBUH. First through 4th rightly guided Caliphah was Abu Baker, Omar, Uthman, and Ali RA. "Was it not in Ethiopia where the prophet PBUH found refuge? " You definitely did not get a degree in history nor even read history let alone the Seerah. No he did not, it was the Sahaba a minority at the time in Makkah who were severely oppressed and made Hijra on the recommendation of the Prophet PBUH to the land of axum. You definitely and deliberately lying as Uthman was one of the companions that made this Hijra. In addition you clearly discredited your self at the end by claiming you have a degree in history like its a shield to not discredit you, you don't get to have that this century.
@@CanaanAmaliqi Are Arabs black ? Name me which Arabs are black? Saudi ? , Palestinians , Lebanese? , which Arabs are black ? I have no issue with black I'm not racist I'm saying this because that statement seems incorrect.
@@satellitekhan2300 Yes. The original Arabs are black. Those light and fair-skinned inhabitants in those countries you named are mostly Arabized people and comprise of Arabized Persians, Romans, Ottoman Turks, Greeks etc... they are not Arabs in lineage but are Arabized.
Maybe dark in complexion, but not black from Africa type of black. We see people of dark complexion on this side of the world a lot (like India etc). They don’t consider themselves as Africans, but they have dark complexions.
Maybe dark? States Jet black. Ethiopia is in africa and umar father and grandfather are from there. Which india is jet black pls? and we know there are some black ppl in india . the only issue u have here is africa
The majority of them weren’t black. If they were black, how did they get lighter when there isn’t strong evidence of a mass ethnic admixture between Arabs and non Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula.
I'm a bit baffled at this black thing .. When we refer to someone as black we generally refer to them as being African decent . If an Arab or Asian is dark skin we cannot and shouldn't refer to them as being black since black donates coming from African decent .
The purpose of the discussion of race is not aimed at clarifying anything. It is designed to confuse and create such a state of bewilderment that people just throw their hands up and just believe whatever modern experts say about the situation. Then, one day the experts will change it all and you have to believe the science has changed. Hope this helps.
Umar ibn al khattab was a qurashi and ali ibn abi talib was a hashimi . Arabs in lineage to ismael AS and the yemeni tribe qahtan. Get out of here with this nonsense. You have an inferiority complex thats why black people try to claim every single civilization as their own “forgotten history”
Alhamdullilah, I am a Turk and love my Black brothers, for all the racists if you have a problem with black people you have a problem with the prophets of Allah and the beloved Sahabah!
He's speaking the truth. Alhumdulillaah.
Wow MashaAllah as a black Muslim this is very enlightening because we often are confronted by racism from Arab Muslims which is sad
Propaganda of black kufr militants in America lol don't fall for that bs brother go to Africa and you will see 🤜🏽🤛🏻
Mashallah, I'm sorry to hear that wait till you find out that Musa (as) was also blk alhumdudillah
My friend omar ibn al khattab was not black
Do not believe anything u see on the internet
The irony is, many Arabs have a lot of European ancestry so they're not technically entirely Arab themselves.
I think you're just generalizing
TabarakaLah! 🌸👍🏼
Much needed enlightenments in this area!
The original Arabs weren’t black as the majority. Some were but not the majority. There isn’t a authentic source that shows the Arabs whitewashed their lineage by taking a massive amount wives from other regions. If they didn’t do that, how would their skin complexion have changed?
The original Arabs weren’t black as the majority. Some were but not the majority. There isn’t a authentic source that shows the Arabs whitewashed their lineage by taking a massive amount wives from other regions. If they didn’t do that, how would their skin complexion have changed? Also remember that living in the desert heat your whole life can get you dark but it doesn’t mean that’s their original skin tone or that they were black.
“I am jet black in complexion (اخضر) the color of the true Arabs” Miskeen Al-Darimi
The original Arabs weren’t black as the majority. Some were but not the majority. There isn’t a authentic source that shows the Arabs whitewashed their lineage by taking a massive amount wives from other regions. If they didn’t do that, how would their skin complexion have changed? Also remember that living in the desert heat your whole life can get you dark but it doesn’t mean that’s their original skin tone or that they were black.
Abu al Qasim the lost profit of Islam of PAGAN Islam was a whit arabs
اخضر means green what closer to green in olive and even who says he said that ,black people are african not arab you guys are pathetic making everyone black .
Not sunnah😭
This was immensely thought-provoking for me. We often forget that racial categorizations are relative to cultural, historical and social factors
Wow subhanallah❤ u learn something new everyday
Ibn Manzur writing in the 13t century:
"It is said that he fadl ibn al abbas meant that he is from the purest of arabs because most of arabs are black-skinned" lbn Mandor: "Lank hair is kind of hair most of non arabs persians and romans have while kinky hair is the kind of hair that most of arabs have:
Ibn Manzur affirms: “The Arabs don’t say a man is white [or: “white man”,” rajul abyad] due to a white complexion. Rather, whiteness [al-abyad] with them means an external appearance that is free from blemish [al-zahir al-naqi min al-uqub]: when they mean a white complexion they say ‘red’ (ahmar)…when the Arabs say, so-and-so is white (abyad - bayda), they only [only] mean a noble character (al-karam fi l-akhlaq). Not skin color. It is when they say ‘so-and-so is red’ (ahmar - hamra) that they mean white skin. And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.” Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-arab IV 209, 210.
Exactly , the man even got the back wrong , let alone other things . Complete nonsense . Skin color means nothing but trying to extract something with extreme measure and for e just to prove their point of view is stupid . Not many heard of so call black scholar from Sudan , even if they did , we do not know their asna. He went to one scholar out of millions we got just to prove his point , that deperateky reaching out to fix reality into their world view instead of the other way around
If your rational is correct why is the history omitting the descriptions of Muslims but they describe Prophet Muhammad’s appearance, his beard, his hands, his looks even the patches on his clothes but never describe the woman that wet nursed him or the woman that was with him from the day he was born to his death , these women were not only dark skinned but were not Arabs.?
@@madeline-hatim6575 White supremacy has infiltrated Islam just like Judaism and Christianity.
Prophet Muhammad’s Mother: Amīna bt. Wahb, the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, hailed from the Banū Zuhra, a black sub-clan of the black Quraysh tribe.[24] Amīna is the daughter of Wahb b. ‘Abd Manāf b. Zuhra whose mother (Amīna’s grandmother) is said to be ‘Ātika bt. al-Awqaṣ from the exceptionally black Banū Sulaym.[25] The black Sulaym are thus considered the maternal uncles of the prophet and he is therefore reported to have said: “I am the son of the many ‘Ātikas of Sulaym.”[26] In other words, Amīna’s paternal grandmother is from the black Sulaym tribe, and her grandfather ‘Abd Manāf was from the Zuhra tribe. Banū Zuhra tribesmen were frequently noted for their blackness, especially the maternal relatives of the Prophet Muhammad.
@madeline-hatim6575, who was prophet Muhammad's mother, and from what tribe is she from? She sure didn't look like the Arabs you see today. Things are hidden the same way the christians hide the truth. The Muslims called his mother a kufr. But regardless of that tell us the tribe she was from then tell us what was the skin color of that tribe.
When you think of it like that " they are white " could actually be negative even today when we say you look white, it often means you look sick or " you look like youve seen a ghost "
Alhamdulillah for a young bright shinning star of The Faydah of (The Shaykh of Islam), Shaykh Ibrahim Niass (ra). Thanku Thanku Thanku for delivering a greater understanding of Islam and uncovering historical facts of The Black people's contribution in This universal complete Religion until the end of time.
Umar ibn al khattab was a qurashi and ali ibn abi talib was a hashimi . Arabs in lineage to ismael AS and the yemeni tribe qahtan. Get out of here with this nonsense.
Islam is nothing but a catholic arm of terrorism....PERIOD.
Stop the lies before you get attacked and call us extremist 😭
He’s 100% right & exact! It’s almost disrespectful to the our religion that we don’t know this information!
Arabs are a multiracial society Yemen and east Africa used to be apart of the same empire. Alhamdullah Islam unites us.
By Allah Islam is supposed to unite us in righteousness however that doesn’t happen in the presence of racism.
People who are saying Adam wasn’t black don’t read the Quran in sura hijr 26 and 28 Allah said he created man from a black mud this man study about Islam history one of his books is beyond bilal bcuz the Arab of today only care of bilal being black bcuz it started he was a slave that what they want hear even bilal was from a royal family his mother was a princess 👸🏽 they don’t want to hear the truth even though it is in the Quran and Hadith why do you think black are hated everywhere in the world 🌎 bcuz we are a threat the same way Adam was jealously hated and envy by satan from the start so satan is still on verge by using the Caucasian who God knows we’re the form to frustrate us but evil always fails even if it takes long the truth will always prevail
Stop being racist. There are Caucasian Muslims who are good people. There isn’t a ethnic group that has all of its people as good or bad. The color of Adam did t mean he is black because it doesn’t seem that he was described as “shadeed ul udma” which is black skin.
The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
@@SonOfAdam314 Nope we dont come from Yemen
To be an Arab means you speak Arabic, the most eloquent speech. It has nothing to do with skin color, hair or eye color, nation or race.
I am white, blue eyed and now am Arab because I studied Arabic and Quran for 20 years in Cairo. Anyone can be an Arab if you study hard for years.
Sadly, those in the Middle East have mainly adopted English as their main focus. Arabic will always remain as it is the words of Allah in Quran.
What are the ethnic origin of Arabs today? Are they bubbles?
You aren't an arab lol What is this nonsense! An arab without without any lineage ! I'm sure those ppl would laugh at you😂
It is also an ethnic group originating from the arabian peninsula though?
Umar ibn al khattab was a qurashi and ali ibn abi talib was a hashimi . Arabs in lineage to ismael AS and the yemeni tribe qahtan. Get out of here with this nonsense.
This is one of the craziest thing is I’ve ever heard we need to be careful that we don’t end up with trans racial Muslims so basically anyone can identify as an Arab
Why would a person want to remove their own legacy
The Prophte saws was also meticulously portrayed. He had a round face (Muslim, Ibn Hibban), not a complete roundness, but it was like the moon when it is complete. And it was WHITE with a slight ruddiness, as if the sun or the moon were running in it. (Ahmad, Muslim, Al-Bayhaqi)
Not a complete roundness , but like the moon when it is complete? That sounds pretty round to me! What does thst even mean? And is it even authentic?
@@POINTS-OF-LIGHT It means it was perfect and shining Like the White full moon, Not as round Like it of course. Yes IT IS authentic. Sahih
@@Omar-x13brother, here you go trying to emphasize WHITE as if to indicate his skin was white. We have many narrations that depict his true complexion (brown) as mentioned in the authentic hadith of Ana's (r.a.). White here is a reference to his nur (emanating from him in his radiance) NOT skin complexion. Do you know what you are doing and the damage you spread (and lie) when you try to impart that he was white (as in a white Arab/man)? You will have accountability for lying so be careful. Moreover, didn't you realize that Ali (who was jet black) from from his family and his father (was jet black) who was the brother of the prophets (a.s.) father. Oh there will be some reckoning of the likes of those pushing this white narrative. I suppose you think Esa (a.s.) was white too while being from the tribe (Banu) of Israel? None from amongst those major prophets were white skinned. Have you even just listened to what the brother was saying?
@@MrThinktank01 give me a SAHIH Hadith that is saying Ali RA was jet black ? where is the proof/referrence ? how is saying the prophet saws was white a damage ? it sounds like you have a problem with with skin ?
@@MrThinktank01 Sahih al-Bukhari 63:
While we were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: “Who amongst you is Muhammad?” At that time the Prophet (ﷺ) was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, “This white man reclining on his arm.” The man then addressed him, “O Son of `Abdul Muttalib.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “I am here to answer your questions.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 3544:
I heard Abii Juhaifa saying, “I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin `Ali resembled him.” I said to Abu- Juhaifa, “Describe him for me.” He said, “He was white and his beard was black with some white hair. He promised to give us 13 young she-camels, but he expired before we could get them.”
Sahih Muslim 2340a:
I said to Abu Tufail: Did you see Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face. Muslim b. Hajjaj said: Abu Tufail who died in 100 Hijra was the last of the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ).
The grandson of Umar was Salim the son of Abdella ibn UMAR IBN KHATTAB: Ibn Abd Rabbih wrote in "Al Iqd al Fareed" "the Unique (or Precious) Necklace" vol. 5 , p. 192 ... the son of abd el-Malik entered the medina and said to someone, 'Go see who is in the mosque.' The person after looking in said they saw "' A tall jet-black skinned man." Hisham then said "That is the son of Abdella." son of Umar. Al-Dhahabi also said in - Al-Ibir fiy Khabar man Ghabar. vol 4. also said Saalim grandson of Umar ibn Khattab was "black-skinned" . ; ) Salim's mother was of the Banu Thakif tribe of Hawazin b. Mansur.
The mother of Abdella ibn al-Khattab was from the Jumah tribe of Quraish. Abdellah (or Abdullah ibn Umar) told someone "We inherited our black complexions from our maternal uncles." Ibn Saad al-Tabaqaat El Kubra vol. 9 The complexion of the sons of Umar didn't come from the paternal side. Umar's grandfather was of slave descent (slave of Abd al'Mutallib) and very possibly " red" (hamra) in complexion like most Arabian slaves of that period.
Respectfully and truthfully Ansari you’re most likely of European descent, Turkish descent and Persian descent rather than original indigenous Arab descent. But you’re my Muslim brother Alhumduillah and we love you bro.
Aren't we suppose to put ALL this tribalism and nationalism out of our Beliefs as a Muslim? Allah (swt) explicitly said that HE(swt) sent the last and final message to the Messenger(saw) and for ALL mankind. Alhamdullilah
Personally, I don't care how much melanin our Prophet (saw) or Abubaker (ra) or Umar (ra) or Ali (ra) had. What I DO care about is the MESSAGE. Alhamdullilah The haqq is the haqq no matter how dark or light your skin is.
InshaAllah THIS Ummah of the Prophet (saw) will get OVER this so we can come together and STOP doing exactly what the kuffar do, and rise above to show the better way, the ONLY way. Al-Islam InshaAllah Now THAT is the true evolution for ALL mankind.
Yes! The message is the MOST important thing. But if Allah swt wished, he could have made us all the same. Allah swt made us into tribes so that we would know each other. Our beloved Prophet pbuh made no attempt to end tribalism although it was ubiquitous at the time.
The reality is… that diversity equals tension. There was tension among the tribes during the Prophet pbuh’s time and part of our miracles is the fact that he navigated this landscape with Devine wisdom. This tension is inevitable and this video and the comments is proof of that fact.
@@jalander8817 i dont have to denounce my tribe just for your sake.
@@jalander8817Allah (SWT) doesn’t wish he does. Don’t put acts that’s not certain beside Allah (SWT) Name.
The same conspiracy used by White Europeans to suppress the true phenotypic features of Nabi 'Isa (a.s.), his Disciples, and the community at large, was the same intrigue employed by so-called "White Arabs" to camouflage the black skin of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), his Companions, and the general Quraishi and Ansar populations. The shocking truth, yet unknown to the vast majority of the world's population, is that all the Divinely Commissioned Emissaries sent by Allah, ta'ala throughout the course of human history were Black.
@@jalander8817what do you mean the prophet didn’t attempt to end tribalism? He absolutely did end it and he condemned it! What are you smoking??
Its good to realize that none of us are the some of our skin colour. Its the interior that really counts.
This sounds as if you're saying skin colour has quantifiable value...
“The Arabs used to take pride in their brown and black complexion (al-sumra wa al-sawād) and they had a distaste for a white and fair complexion (al-ḥumra wa al-shaqra)” Apud Ibn Abi al Hadid, Sharh Nahj al Balaghah, V:56.
That brother isn't a original Egyptian, the original Egyptian are Black.
Not true
They were Tanned by the climate they were not west Africans . Only some kings from Nubians were Black who conquered Egypt and then Egypt kicked the Nubians out again
It is More than True. The original Pharaohs were Black. That is a fact.
@@Blackfoot100 as the DNA and the Arts of the Pharos evidences it’s not true. Yes there were Nubians king conquered Egypt but the origin were the Egyptians now and the Nubians still Nubians
@@SonOfAdam314 it is true. Just look at the nose of the Pharaohs. I know it hurts your feelings. Don't type me anymore.
If it does no matter why the hate for black skin the truth shall be told
“The Arabs don’t say a man is white (abyad) due to a white complexion. Rather, whiteness with them means an external appearance that is free from blemish when they mean a white (fair) complexion they say ‘red’ … when the Arabs say, ‘so-and-so is white, they mean a noble character, not skin color. It is when they say ‘so-and-so is red’ that they mean white skin. And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.” Ibn Manzur Lisān al-ʿArab IV: 209, 210 (13th c.) Also Al-Mubarrad (d. 898) wrote “They are red-skinned (al-ḥamrāʿ)…” al-ḥamrāʿ means the Persians and Romans…And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.” The classical authentic Arabs called the Eurasians (Syrians, Byzantines, Turks, Central Asians and Europeans "red", not "white" (abyad/bayda) - which was the complexion of Abyssinians and other black people.
"Ali Ibn Abi Taalib" Ibn Jawzi describes Ali ibn Abi Taalib as shadid al-udma in his book Safwat Al-Safwa.” Al-Baladhuri wrote - "If you looked at him, you'd think that he was Adaam in complexion but if you came a little closer you'd see that he is actually Asmar in complexion leaning towards being Adaam in complexion."
The host seems to have a problem accepting the fact that the Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w.s.) blood family had members that would be considered black by today’s understanding. The scholar said nothing about tans, but the host had to rationalize their dark skin as being the result of tanning. Shadid Al udmah. Adami shadid Al Adam. I suggest the host read the original descriptions of Ali, alay salam, himself, in the original Arabic. He should also get a DNA test. Yes, they were black. If Bilal, r.a. was black in color, so was Ali, a.s. It can be no plainer than that.
in the translations of alSuyuti....Ali's description is described as
You forget to mention that Muhammad was black too.. Aswaad
@@letholamokhesi1253lol Muhammed sallahu alayhi wasalam was not Black 😂
@@Mohammedthemercy prove it
@@letholamokhesi1253 These 10’s of Sahih Mutawattir hadith should be enough, he was a man of whitish complexion and Amhaq meaning not completely white therefore meaning light brown with a reddish hue. I don’t care what skin colour he was but don’t make up lies, fear Allah.
Beautiful video brothers Ma sha Alalh ❤❤❤❤❤
I think the look and color would resemble, Ethiopians, Eritrean and somalis of today.
we come in all colour
no, it resembled modern day Saudis, enough with conspiracy theories
@@man-vg5emSaudis are black
@@man-vg5emyes Hijazi Saudis who are brown and Black skin people originally
@@man-vg5emmodern day Saudis genetically have more European, Turkish, Persian dna than Arab dna.
Abdullah bin Umar narrated: "My father was fair-skinned with a reddish complexion, tall, bald, and gray-haired."
Another said: "He was pale, tall, bald, dark-skinned, and ambidextrous."
Abu Raja’ al-‘Ataridi said: "He was tall and well-built, intensely bald, and deeply red in complexion. He had light hair on his cheeks, a large mustache with reddish tips, and when he was troubled by something, he would twist it."
سير اعلام النبلاء
Salam alaikoum. I have listened carefully but didn’t get to hear upon which basis this claim is based. Moreover I am curious to know why this claim is being made. If it were brought up in order to address racial bias then I’d say that the hadith sufficiently addressed this subject.
Study the history of migration
The brother is speaking the truth! Those Hadiths are not to be trusted when it comes to racism. The Hadiths were written 200 plus years after the Quran, It contains a lot of racism and colourism. The ancient Arabians were black. We have been lied to for so long.
Absolutely correct
. My best ever shayh was a black man from Ghana , a very knowledgeable and gentle followers of the salaf.
He taught me that Adam, the first man, was black.the
When I first married my Egyptian husband 40 years ago I was showing pictures of the wedding and every response I got from the Egyptian women was you're so beautiful why did you marry a black man, He is not good looking I replied I think he is in my eyes. Firstly he's not black like my best shaykh from Ghana was, he's Like a dark tan color And he has got brown eyes and black hair very curly. He would always vigorously smash his hair down because he hated his curly hair and I love it.😊 Most people are woefully uninformed, dare I say ignorant.
You will be causing a veritable storm with this video keep up the good work
Making a point on race such as this can only be excused in the context of combating racism. But we should be very wary as to think that race offers an affirmative confirmation of piety or favor.
Literally nobody said that but we do have people who believe that blacks can't be muslims though
Remove it
@@hxyzazolchak there are also people to say white people can’t be Muslims. That’s why we were scarred against all racial based accolades. The nation of Islam actually relieved the white people were devils. There is no distinction amongst the races in front of Allah, the only distinction that is important is piety.
It offers correct historical context.
We need to stop thinking we are different races, this concept was brought to us by Europeans, the ethnic background is what matters.
Having a family relative being called “al Bayda” which means “the white one” doesn’t mean the rest of the people were dark but rather it could be that person described “bayda” might have looked more lighter than the rest. Keep in mind most of the Arabs at that time weren’t described as “Adam” which means very tanned - dark skin.
Keep stretching the rational to evade what is being discovered and that is 1. Arab Muslims are/were as racist as other Europeans 2. The hiding of historical facts pertinent to the Unification of humanity shows the presence of the Satan in the history.
His mother was Fatimah bnt Asad bn Hashim she’s cousin of her husband father of Ali AS Abutalib bn AbdulmutLib bn Hashim. The father and the mother all meet in Hashem their grand father. Abutalib the father of Ali AS and Abdallah the father of prophet Muhammad PBUH were siblings having the same mother and father. Ali is the only Arab having both father and mother from Hashimites clan, clan of prophet Muhammad which are directly descended from Ismael son of Ibrahim AS without mixing with others. They have darker complexion due to the Arabian climate with distinctive facial features. Their darker complexion has nothing to do with Africa since they were not mix with white or African tribes.
But later generations mixed with Africans mostly the children of Hussain son of Ali specifically whom had Nubian women and had mixing African children for three generations
The Phrophet described Moses as a black man, and the Quran said when he put his hand in his rib and pulled it out it was white and when he put it back it became its original colour, what's that pink or black? , the Saudis will say white is light but what's nit ture
brown. jews and Arabs were brown. and moses was ethnically a jew.
@@man-vg5em actually the word in Futuh as-Shama is 'black", not brown and this is due to the Azd origin of the israelites.
The word Jew has no verifiable meaning, whether linguistically, geographically, ethnically or otherwise ALLAHt tells us we have the tribe of Israel and those who broke off turned away while they knew and they are called YAHUD.
The Invented word in common parlance is Jew which is nothing but a smokescreen as is the word anti-Semite. The word Israel is a good word which means those who fight in the path of ALLAH. Yes,they were the chosen people descendants of Jacob and yet they really blew it, most of them are yahud few are good, This is literally a verse from Quran.
The Old Testament terms them covenant breakers frequently.
Anas (Radiallahu Anhu) reports: “Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither tall nor was he short (like a dwarf-He was of medium stature). In complexion, he was neither very white like lime, nor very dark, nor brown which results in darkness (he was illuminant, more luminous than even the full-moon on the 14th night).
The hair of Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither very straight nor very curly (but slightly wavy).
My friend those terms are just to glorify the prophet otherwise we all know there’s no human beings with those descriptions. Arabs were very dark skinned people.
@@moosshabaz90 No. Imam Malik for example even Had blue eyes
Our Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) had red hair. His hair is in a museum in Turkey. It is red hair.
@@jalander8817 do you believe in that? Don’t be that fool please. Even scholars said no way prophet hair was that long. That’s like other Roman who also painted Jesus white.
@@jalander8817 no, black hair.
Brother is taking every icons for him, please leave Aatham alaihi wa salam for us Sri Lankans❤
The Original people were Blackpeople ,period. Including the Egyptians.
Just dark skinned you mean? They wouldnt look and act like todays blacks, although afrocentrists love to claim they are in fact the “original people” and “other races” arent people
Straight facts.
@@Blackfoot100the Egyptians were black? Since when?
This conversation is clear if you visit villages in Saudi, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait. There is all types of Arabs. Mainstream Racial conceptualizations become close to irrelevant.
The sun has nothing to do with the complexion you were norn with... Ali Abu Talib was nit born white then tanned due to the heat .....he was born black skinned
not sure why this is even a thing?
Original arabs come from Yemen, before Yemen they came from Ethiopia in the first migration out of africa.
What's the issue here?
We don’t believe in this concept of first migration from Africa as Muslims because we know humanity didn’t originate in Africa but rather in paradise.
@@hihello-yv2ttbro the 2 are not mutually exclusive. Be believe Allah created man we dont have to accept one theory of the means by which this occured. Wa Allahu alam
@@Alejandro-te2nt Adam and his wife came to earth, one of their descendants is Nuh (Noah). Some of the descendants of Nuh went to Africa, some in the Middle East and others went to Europe and Asia.
Nope Arabs dont come from Ethiopia and we only gave them asylum when Muhammed and his followers were driven out by the Jews
@@hihello-yv2ttAdam was created from clay and mud from the earth so he was made on earth but Allah made Adam reside in paradise temporarily before being cast down to earth.
Black Arabia & The African Origin of Islam" - by Dr. Wesley Muhammad
I implore anyone to look at a current map of Yemen and then look at a map of the Kingdom of Aksum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia) during the time or Rasulullah (saws) and you will discover the modern geographical location of Yemen was at one time part of the Kingdom of Axum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia), specifically during the 1st Hijra (migration) of the Sahabah.
When the Sahabah made their 1st migration to the Kingdom of Aksum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia), they didn't travel to the current geographical continent of Africa (as many may picture in their mind), instead, they traveled to the southern part of what today is known as the Arabian Peninsula - the geographical area of modern-day Yemen which was part of the Kingdom of Aksum (Abyssinia / Ethiopia) at that time.
So, when we think of "black" we should not assume the phenotypes / skin complexions are exclusively native to the continent of Africa because people across the Red Sea resembled each other.
Where did you get this explanation of the first Hijra being to Yemen and not to ETHIOPIA.. because I’ve never come across it .. please provide your source.
@@JustinKamara-k3o During the time of the Prophet (saws) Yemen was part of the Aksum (Ethiopian) kingdom.
King Kaleb of Aksum (Ethiopia) invaded Yemen in 520 CE. Islam started to become the dominate religion in Yemen After 630 CE.
The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
😅😅 the historical record says Ethiopia/Axum is where they went to amd was in the "palace" of the king while in Axum
@@TheProperPerspective Historically, the kingdom of Axum had palaces in Yemen. We know this because Abraha ruled the Himyarite Kingdom in Yemen which was part of the Kingdom of Axum the year Rasulullah (saws) was born.
Even though I don't consider myself an Arab in any sense of the word, can I pass as a red Arab or a pale Arab?
This is actually common sense if people stop and think about it. Dark skinned people were the original people here on earth. It is through colonialism that many regions are predominantly mixed.
Every thing stated in this video was 100% factual, those who have prejudice and racism in their hearts for black people, you’re gonna have to take that up with Allah (SWT). Maybe if you people read his book you’ll see the sources and evidence for all the information and factual claims he stated. Reading the comment section is evident Anti-Blackness is real thing and it’s disgusting honestly. The truth hurts sometimes but that’s life.
You’re going to upset some Irani Mollahs who think they are Aryan descendants of Ali R.A!
The same conspiracy used by White Europeans to suppress the true phenotypic features of Nabi 'Isa (a.s.), his Disciples, and the community at large, was the same intrigue employed by so-called "White Arabs" to camouflage the black skin of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), his Companions, and the general Quraishi and Ansar populations. The shocking truth, yet unknown to the vast majority of the world's population, is that all the Divinely Commissioned Emissaries sent by Allah, ta'ala throughout the course of human history were Black.
It’s so weird that people are so obsessed with color. And I find it very strange that many black people love to believe that many major historical figures were black.
I’ve never heard anything of Imam Ali (as) skin complexion being black. Rather there are traditions of him being described as being light in complexion. Additionally if this was the case then his sons (Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain) a.s would’ve also been dark. But we hear in traditions that they were not.
Im not saying there rank or status would be any less if their complexion was dark. But I have often noticed many dark skinned/black scholars or historians associating prominent historical figures to the black demographic.
Also just for the sake of knowledge. There were dark skinned or even black Imams a.s from the Ahlulbayt a.s. Namely Imam Ali ibn Musa Al Ridha a.s and Imam Al Jawas a.s.
Never heard Ali being described as light. Only dark in complexion. If you’re Shia you probably don’t believe in our Hadith though so you wouldn’t have been exposed to it
@@Abuaaliyah1 Salam perhaps you’re right I haven’t been exposed to Sunni Hadith describing him a.s in this way. But I don’t think it’s because I’m Shia. I truly have never seen any Hadith describing him a.s as being black
@@Abuaaliyah1 he was not black
The same conspiracy used by White Europeans to suppress the true phenotypic features of Nabi 'Isa (a.s.), his Disciples, and the community at large, was the same intrigue employed by so-called "White Arabs" to camouflage the black skin of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), his Companions, and the general Quraishi and Ansar populations. The shocking truth, yet unknown to the vast majority of the world's population, is that all the Divinely Commissioned Emissaries sent by Allah, ta'ala throughout the course of human history were Black.
@@man-vg5emhe was black.
And why do you think they insist color doesn't matter and surprisingly even their scholars? it's because they knew all prophets of Allah were Brothers by blood and not by religion as they claim
Your mistaken Umar was white with red cheeks.
It's not accurate what he's saying , Ali and omar were not black or dark in color never heard this before , never
Like Steph curry 😂
@@satellitekhan2300why does it bother you so much?
Tafseer Al Baydhaawy Chapter 3 page 29
Verily (Musa) alayhi Asalaam was Adaam shadeed Al Udmah jet black.
Ibn Birr said in his book Al Istiyaab fee Mariftu Al Ishaab Chapter 3 page 1146
” Zir ibn Habaysh and other than him recorded that Umar was Adam Shadeed Al Udmah(Jet black) and most of the scholars of the days of the people and their biographies and their news knew that.”……
Ansaab Al Ashraaf, Chapter 2 page 868 by Al Baladhaari
”Ali ibn Abi Taalib as Adam Shadeed Al-Udma (black-skinned)
وكان علي آدم شديد الادمة، ثقيل العينين، ضخم البطن، أصلع ذا عضلات ومناكب، في أذنيه شعر قد خرج من أذنه، وكان إلى القصر أقرب
If dark complexion bothers you take it up with Allah and most of his prophets including Adam and Nuh
@@satellitekhan2300It is. Did you watch the video?
I recommend that you read Suyooti's book The History of the Khulafa.
From Wickedpedia " After the fall of Caesarea in 640, 4,000 "heads" (captives) were sent to Caliph Umar in Medina, where they were gathered and inspected on the Jurd Plain - a plain commonly used to assemble the troops of Medina before battle, with room for thousands of people, before they were distributed as war booty to the orphans of the Ansar." Caesarea was a Byzantine regin of Turkey.
Bilal was an Ethiopian who was sold into Arab slavery
And he dead being a slave.
@@BareFoot-um8qi english please...
@@wewenang5167 bilal was never free he DIED a slave .
@@wewenang5167 bilal was never free he DIED a slave
Sources please?
I don't know what their real color was, but one thing is certain: their dignity will not decrease if they were black, nor will their virtue increase because they are white. So, there is no need to really worry about this issue. Personally, I think them being black is more interesting to me than hearing they were white. This is because I have been biased by the media, imagining every historical figure as having white skin, which is not based in reality. I am fed up with these thoughts and I want to break free from them
Bilal is always portrayed as a west African man when he had an Arab father and Abyssinian mother. Habesha people don’t look west African
Most people calling themselves muslims today are lying and clear jahil.
West Africans don’t have one look. The same way East Africans have different looks. A person from Omo valley, South Sudan, Oromo, Tigray, and Kunama look very different. With in all of these groups majority of the people are brown and dark skin with Afro texture hair. Bilal in the movie was dark skin and slim, which he was described to be very dark skinned. He could have passed for anything, including East African. He didn’t look like Burna boy or John boyega. I’ve been to addis and all I saw was a sea of dark skinned people a few lighter brown. Arab with a black mother doesn’t mean he is going to be light skinned or mixed looking. Most southern Arabians were already brown with curly hair. He probably looked more like his mother. He wouldn’t have looked like a European- black mixed raced person anyway. Even today the ruling class Arabs are whiter than the rest because of mixing.
@@halimashehu770 A lot of what you said was true, but not everything. Some of your statements have nuance behind it. I don’t want to make this long, but the plain fact is that Bilal’s mother was Abyssinian (Habesha) and his father was Arab. I understand that the ancient Arabs were a dark skinned people. But colorism still existed among them just like it exists in the African American community today. We see lighter skin as more desirable because of the white people we see in power and want to assimilate into that paradigm. During the time of Bilal and the Arabs 1400 years ago, the Roman’s and Persians were superpowers. So the Arabs had the same inferiority complex that we have. Nonetheless the Arabs had tribalism just like Sub Saharan Africans have tribalism today. The point is that Arabs have intermixed with Abyssinians for a long time before the coming of prophet Muhummad. Not to mention that Yemeni southern Arabs and Axumite Abyssinians have been trading and coexisting since before the time of Jesus.
Ali was a pure Arab with no known non-Arab ancestors. His skin was black and his nose was flat as per the narrations. What say you about his “West African” nose?
@@muhammedabdullah9480 All of that is true. Think about it this way, if a Mexican man says someone is light skinned, and an African American says someone is light skinned, so we assume that they are both the same complexion? This is all predicated on the phenotypes of Arabs 1400 years ago.
This is the reason why Somalis and other indigenous Africans that been Muslim since the 7 th century face racism sometimes also sadly from white Arabs.
And then they turn around and do it to others as well.
Neither Ali ibn Abu Talib R.A.nor Umar ibn Khattab R.A.were black.They were both Arabs.Ali R.A.was a member of the Banu Hashim clan and Umar R.A.from the Banu Adi clan.They both were from the Quraish tribe like that of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.and his forefathers
He didn't say they weren't Arab, he was saying their complexions were darker. The complexions of Arabs can go from what we say is 'light sminned' to what we say is 'dark skinned' same as Africans. My sisters complexion is like that of a white person and mine is that of a black person, we are of Caribbean decent
He never said they were not Qureish Arabs, he said they had Dark skin, simple and way to understand,these people were living in deserts of Mecca
Ibn Hawqal 10th century wrote "The inhabitants of Bajeh (Bedja) are blacker than the Abbyssinians, LIKE THE ARABS and they have not either cities, villages, nor cultivated land---nothing but what they bring from Yemen, Egypt, Abbyssinia, "or or the land of the Greeks.."
Then he wrote a few sentences later - "In Bajeh (Bedja) they worship idols, or any thing that seems pleasing to their eyes. Those who immediately border on the land of Abbyssinia are Christians, and OF THE SAME COMPLEXION AS THE ARABIANS.' Kitab Al Masalik
Abraham’s wife hajara was black from Egypt. She’s the mother of Ishmael the father of all Arabs. When did Arabia become white? After mongol invasions
And Greek, and Persian, and the Romans. Naturally looks will start to change into something else.
Egypt had been under Turkish rule way before Ottomans. Bahri mamluks, zengid an aTulunids.
what is the difference between Turkish and Ottoman?
Omar (RA) had a lighter skin then it got darker in the time of him being a caliph
As Salam wa leikum I can truly believe this I had a dream sometime last year where my family was part of the migration to Medina and in the dream I had a sense of Prophet Mohammed because he was giving us instruction, I didn’t clearly see his face but I saw the faces of Ali and Omar (RA) and they were indeed darker skin- toned Arabs, they were not black African but their skin tone was darker toned.
Prophet Mohammed (SAW).
Alhamdulilah: The Ummah should look into this. The same for many of the Bani Israel of that era and before.
I know many Yamani people, they are original arab and they are black
South Yemeni people especially
Sir,if one looks at Arabs of Arab peninsula in the present times,they look no different from Indians.
Example: MBS minus his Arab dress.
In fact,Arabs have interacted with india since times immemorial due to the trade between India and Europe with Arabs as intermediaries .Muhammad was also engaged in this trade,though he perhaps never touched any indian shore. But he was definitely aware of india due to his intermediate trade links of caravans between Mecca and Levant.
This guy keeps saying "black" like it means something? South Arabians, Habesha, Somalis etc are all dark but would not be considered stereotypically "black" (ie Nee-groyd/west African, kinky hair, wide nose bridges, protruding jaws etc). The peninsular Arab tribes were 4, genetically and culturally; they were Arabian (Ishmaelites), Old South Arabian (Qahtani Arabs descendants of Hadramaut and Himyar) Abyssinians (look very different to other Africans), and the Cushites (ie people from Bilad Al Barbar/ the horn of Africa, ie the Somalis who also look very distinct from Africans and had shared lineages with both Ishmalites nd Old South Arabian peoples). The latter 3 racial groups skin tones varying from very dark skin to light brown skin, but are not racially "black" as we understand the term black today. To go ahead and say now, these people looked west African simply because of their skin tone, is a big joke. Imagine calling a Somali west African. Or Mehri Yemenite west African.
No one defined black as west African, I mean no one. You are called black when your skin colour is black including somalis, whether they like it or not. Don't you know their are some tribes in West Africa that have lighter skin colour than Somalis? A lot of indians are black, although they call themselves brown, but average west African has lighter skin than them.
This is the reason why the sheikhs need to talk about this issues, because their are a lot of racism in Islamic world. As everyone can see some Arabs feel they're superior and it's clearly written in the works of some scholars. All human are equal regardless of our skin colour, the only thing that makes you superior is your iman
@@alasanabayo8484 and what is the significance in being black? It is like talking about white skin in relation to Chinese people, when they have nothing to do with Caucasians. By saying black you are not differentiating between the different groups, many of whom who are as close to one another as an Anglo-Saxon is to a Chinese. You will find some that are lighter or darker than the other yet explains nothing of any importance, you are reducing entire population groups to a color, essentializing everything about them (therein lies the actual racism). Sharing the same skin color doesn't mean you share the same struggles, maybe that's the horse crap you have been fed in the west, but is not the case in most Islamic countries.
@@alasanabayo8484 You only want to highlight racism when it is an Arab doing it. But their is just as much racism, colorism, and tribalism in Africa. Don't bring your wokism to Islam mate. Racism is bad when done by whitey and blacky.
@@Somali.Pirate1 what is the significance of not being black? Ohh yes all blacks are have the same struggle. When you go to India they look down on there own race just because they are black. When you go to the Arabs they're still making black people slaves ( making them work for months when they ask for salary they are deported). That's why it necessary for Islamic scholars to speak about sahabas who are blacks and the fact that their is a possibility of the prophet himself being black. What is the offense of saying that Ali may be black? You look down on black people that's why you don't want to accept that, the people you look up to could be black. racism is really happening in the Muslim world, just because people are not talking about it doesn't mean it is not there. The man is giving you clear proof, but all you do is blablabla with out any genuine argument.
Umar ibn al khattab was a qurashi and ali ibn abi talib was a hashimi . Arabs in lineage to ismael AS and the yemeni tribe qahtan.
AlhamduliLlah. I am mixed race and this Egyptian brother is almost as "African looking" as me. Egypt is africa anf there are still so-called Black Africans present theoughout North Africa. Down with the false dycotomieis and may the truth prevail, inshaAllah.
Yes, the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) was indeed a black Arab man resembling the complexion of Nipsey Hussel or Haile Selassie‼️
I also saw our Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) in a dream many years ago‼️
The word Abyadh: “European or Caucasianal white” in Arabic is not what’s intended when the old Arabs talked‼️
Rather, what they meant was: Al Hintee Al-Laun meaning - “Wheatish or peanut Complexioned” with an Hilyah ( Overtone ) of Sudaa’a ( Black or brownness ), “Lightskinned” or “Mixed” because the Arabs originate from a hot region, constantly under the sun which naturally gives them a dark tinge and tanned so their complexions range from being very dark, light brown to many shades of a brown people never pink or red people‼️
So when the Arab used the word “Black” it simply meant very dark complexion Udmaa and “Abyadh” it mean light-brown or Lightskin‼️
Remember thousands of years ago East Africans were purely African, no Arab mixture
No the quran and sunnah says Allah created different races like different colors of mud, the prophet (pbuh) was a white skinned arab with dark hair according to hadiths and his cousin Ali (ra) is said to resemble him.
@@محمد678 abu al Qasim the lost profit of Islam was a pure white arab man
I can prove it.
Islam and Christianity
Is not for Africans
@@محمد678 so you agree your caucasoid ?
@@kf9926 You agree you are misguided and racist?
Bilal was no half Arab brother he was habashi ..pure Ethiopia do your research
His dad is an arab 😂. But he didn't want him
I'm black African myself, but I totally disagree what this guy is saying. What he's saying is Afrocentric nonsense
Yep, we got great black prophets Moses, Eisa, Luqman the wise (personally Luqman should be enough establish confidence and high self worth for Africans (cause he didn’t got super natural connection like prophets and on top of that he alone is wiser than all the white race combined today ), no need for Muslims (the black Africans ) to give a damn about our anything else , Africans got Luqman , no one but prover can beat that . End of story (I ain’t African )
@@RIVALSGOOBERS there's no proof the existence of black prophets, besides what's so important about the existence a black prophet?
Race talk is so corny 😂
@@Hornscoperead the hedith of the prophet Mohammad he states moses was black Jesus was black
@@Hornscope Muhammad
"Here we met a family of Aarab Daed, Hatheyl, removing : the women wore short kirtles to the knee, and slops under ! Their skins were black and shining ..." Travels in Arabia Deserta by Charles Doughty (d 1929). Hatheyl/Hudhail ibn Mudrika are brethren to Khuzaima and the still black Kenaneh ibn Khuzaimeh ibn Mudrika living from the Ghawr in Transjordania to Sinai now, from whom came the Quraish. Doughty also calls the Hudhayl Qoreish.
I don’t know I feel some of the things he is saying are suspicious. Is he implying that ahl al bayt the prophets family are Afro Arab ?
I think he is saying Arabs used to be darker skinned than they are today. For example there are ppl in the Hijaz today that have West African ancestry which is obvious because it was fairly recent immigration (maybe 200 yrs ago). Similarly, there was migration into the Hijaz in the first few centuries of Islam from places like Khorasan, Sham etc. Those ppl mixed with the population and the overall population became lighter in skin tone.
@@besharafereg2198 this makes sense are you from ksa?
@@besharafereg2198 I am hejazi and we never mix with non-arab it's the harah climate that's it.
@@naifjo8195 literally all of Hejaz is mixed with Ethiopian blood from the Kingdom of Negas days
@@besharafereg2198 all Hijaz people have black ancestry from Ethiopian rulers. Look up the Kingdom of Negus
Great conversation 😊 and the Prophet himself ( Mohammad 😊 ) was a Great Grandson of a Black Woman. of Egypt 🇪🇬 ( HAJARA) under whom the whole City of MACCAH was established by Allah.
The Quraysh in Sinai and Jericho are still black. So even with a black Egyptian woman as a grandmother he would have neen black. His maternal side was from Sulaym ibn Mansur whose complexion was "black as lava" like Hawazin ibn Mansur. See Ibn Kathir and Ibn Jahiz. : )
The land of Sham or Shem among true or "genuine" Arabs and Arabians only referred to Hijaz and Central Arabia or what was northern Saudi Arabia and that was true until the British colonial period. The Hijaz according to Chinese manuscripts up until the 15th century was populated by "people of a very dark purple complexion" p.174 in Ying-Yai Sheng-Lan, ‘The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores’ [1433] J.V. G. Mills (1970) Cambridge University Press. This was a manuscript written by a Ma Huan a translator and documenter for Zheng He’s expeditions. That is why al-Dhahabi wrote that fair-skin was very rare in Hijaz and anyone possessing it was assumed or considered of slave descentt. The people in Hijaz in that time of the Arabs came of Qays ailan Elyas and the Yemenite tribes. "Sorry to break some peoples hearts".
People that are both white and "very red" are essentially light skinned blacks like this group of mixed Berbers in Marrakech, Morocco.видео.htmlfeature=shared
I’m sorry to break some people’s hearts , Omar ibn al Khattab wasn’t black , we have authentic hadiths describing him as white , the description was made by his own son , I have nothing against my black brothers , I am dark skinned myself , but history is history and truth should be said , Omar was white , and the only report that described him as آدم means dark skinned , was made by Zarr and the scholars said about his report : Omar wasn’t dark skinned and Zarr must’ve seen him in the famine year , that was the only time his color changed to a little darker and it was because he ate a lot of olive oil . As for the rest of the reports they all all agree that he was white and one of them is the report of his son Abdallah who said my father was a white man very tall bold headed with a lot of grey hair. Abu Arrajaa Al Otaridi said : Omar was a white man with some red complexion he was very tall a huge man bold headed and his beard has grey lines in it .
Exactly! Moreover, it contradicts hadith narrations. I don't understand why this obsession with skin color.
@@Mym794 it’s all following up with the new west plan , which is to try to use black people just the way they’re using the Jews , you see at a certain time when the west wanted to divide the Muslim entities they started it by reinforcing the nationalism and attacking the Muslim unity by dividing them into little powerless countries , then to make sure those countries always have a hot subject to fight about they reinforced the Jews right of return , and they claimed that the great Israel belongs to the Jews and parts of this great Israel is Jordan Syria Lebanon , Sini desert in Egypt and parts of north Saudi Arabia , and they keep making documentaries about that and movies and all type of propaganda , lately Israel is being exposed and the nationalism is getting defeated because Muslims are getting reunited again so what they do is look for an other entity they can keep the Muslim busy with , so they start with making a documentary showing cleopatra as a black lady , and claiming that Egyptians are actually black from Africa and Egypt originally belongs to Africans not to Arabs , then they follow it with an other documentary portraying Hannibal Barca as a black man , despite history and despite all of us knowing that he’s Phoenician , reinforcing that idea again that Tunisia doesn’t belong to Arabs but it actually belongs to Africans , all that coincide with the illegal emigration of Africans to Tunisia thousands of them are trespassing the Tunisian and Egyptian borders daily ! And the west needs to reinforce that idea for black communities to keep claiming their right ! The new RIGHT OF RETURN black to North Africa and Egypt , you would ask why Tunisia and Egypt , the easy answer is that all the world saw that the Arab spring started from Tunisia and it affected almost the whole Arabic world ! So they know that this little country has a huge impact and is intellectually dangerous and that explains the t-shirt Mark Zuckerberg was wearing in his birthday saying Carthage must fall , Carthage which is the capital of Tunisia , than why Egypt simply because Egypt is the gate to Palestine , and it’s the country with over 130 million citizen and the very first country who followed the Tunisian lead in the Arab spring !
Being a dark skinned person them you must know that white in Europe, white in Mauritania have nothing in common. I'm considered white in Mauritania but I'm Black in America. See how that works.
@@blackseed9293 can you use Arabic and apply it to what you’re saying ?? Because Arabic is way more accurate in description than English , now if you’re considered white in Mauritania and black in America I assume that you are light skinned more flair than an average black person , and that’s what we call in Arabic أسْمَرْ ،
الاسمر هو اللون الحنطي الغامق ويستخدم في زمننا أيضا لوصف
من هو اغمق درجة ولكن لا يصل للسواد
Unfortunately English is very limited and we don’t have the word اسمر in English , but I assume that’s what you are , on the other hand Omar wasn’t described as اسمر he was described as white with a red complexion in Arabic أبيض تعلوه حمرة ، so if he was anything other than white they would’ve used the word أسمر , the Arabs in Arabia back then used a very detailed expressions to determine the colors , ابيضّ which is white ، اسمر which is a bit darker than white، أدم which is a bit darker than اسمر and finally اسود which is the very dark like African black people , in the end , as our prophet said there is no difference between black and white or women and men except by the fear and obedience to Allah .
Exactly brother, I don't get why people are so obsessed to the point that everyone has to be black. What is that nonsense.
"Ali ibn Abi Hamla said, I entered where Ali ibn Abdella was and I found him huge and black-skenned. Al-Jahiz , Fakhr Al -Sudaan ala Al Beydaan. p. 209 Al-Dhahabi wrote "Ali the son of Abdella the son of El Abbas vwas very dark-skinned and his mother was the daughter of the king of the Banu Kinda" Al-Dhahabi Siyar A'laam al Nubalaa vo. 5, p. 251, The Hashemites were called the "fathers of tar" for a reason. ; )
Arabs have two groups
The southern arabs: were darker in color and originated from Yemen and Oman.
The northern Arabs: light skined, originated from southern levant and eventually became the majority.
Besides to this afro-arabs were a minority with good numbers throughout the Arab world.
Even among Yemeni and Omanis, there are Arabs who know their lineage and are still not black or dark skinned.
The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
@@SonOfAdam314 The Ahabish included the Kinana ibn Khuzaima, Hudhail ibn Mudrika and Hun ibn Khuzaima or Al Qaea. Hudhail was partly descended from Khuza'a and the largest branch were the Hubaysh or Habesha otherwise called Ahabish.And yes by the 9th centyury BC they had emigrated into the Horn of Africa. That is why so many of their clans are still found in Somalia Eritrea and Ethiopia. Ifriqus Tubba and Dhu'l Manar also emigrated into Africa and were the ancestors of the Berber people around Tunisia or Ifrikiya who at that time were the Tuareg, still called Ifuraces.
Imam Al Dhahabi ( Seera A’laam Al Nubalaa, Chapter 2, page 168) said that
‘“Red, in the dialect of the Hijaazi people means a pale white complexion and it was a colour that was rare amongst them.” Al Dhahabi lived in the 14th century / Doesn't mean Umar wasn't reddish ("fair"). He probably was as his mother was a slave. Al-Dhahabi said if one was "red" in the Hijaz they were assumed to come from slaves.
Omar was redhead, with the legendary redhead temper , u do the math
He was Bald or balding
Red head ?
No he wasn’t. Stop whitewashing Middle Easterners
Lol he was Bald, wtf is redhead doing in the deserts of Arabia😂
Mar7abaa! I am an American of mixed European and ethnic Maronite ancestry. I have some genetic ancestry in modern-day Lebanon. I may have a few Bedouins in my bloodline, but I don't consider myself an Arab in any sense of the word. By the way, the Maronites are an ethnoreligious group.
No. But in many seerah of umar ra he is mentioned as some reddish complexikn in skin color how can he b black
Oh so you have never seen reddish black skin? Mix your primary colors, mix white and black, then mix black and red tell us what you get.
@@madeline-hatim6575 it's ur obsession to call them black this us going on the nazi way. Black race superior race blahblah blah.
After sometime u ppl Will tell prophet Saws is also black.
@@madeline-hatim6575Do you arabs and whites have melanin hereditary DNA in you?If you don't then shut up!!!!!!!
I watched the first two episode and realisd Omar was depicted with fare skin. He was dark skinned and did not have full head of hair. This types of drama even though good does a great disservice. It appears the colonized trauma still affects how muslim minds are still impacted.
Yes Arabian Peninsula is very hot and dry one could not look like a Viking. It is also very close to Africa so it's people dark skin. If you look at old Saudi photos before 1930 the traditional houses in Saudi looked just like African houses.
Arabia has a desert climate and it’s above the equator. Sub Saharan Africans are black because they are below the equator.
Learn some geography!
@@ChromeMan04 The Uan Muhugging archaeological site in Libya date 5600 BP. They found a well preserved mummy of a young boy. It precedes Ancient Egyptian by 1000 years. DNA testing and other states he had negroid features and was of a dark complexion. Libya is not sub -Sahara but it was not like it is today. The Royal family of Libya a number of it's members are black. Take notes parts of Yemen and Oman are green with lots of water. Coffee highlands even today Saudi Arabia is not desert. Senegal which is sub Sahara has the Lompoul desert what about the Kalahari desert? These home of black people.
Phoenicians are the descendants of the Canaanites who are the children of Ham. The Phoenicians are Black Berbers & Sonike of Mali. Reference of the the black Berbers is the history of ibn Khaldun.
Berbers aren’t Arabs and I don’t think they are descendants of Phoenicians considering they been in Africa before Phoenicians entered. Also Phoenicians are Semitic based on
Stronger evidence.
Phoenicians are lebanese, canaanites are palestinians. These are the whitest Arabic speaking groups. The black Amazigh are a combination of the natural gradient of complexion within the base Amazigh population due to environmental factors and their genetic makeup and admixture from free or enslaved subsaharan Africans
@@Alejandro-te2nt not true. They are one of the original Hamitic groups who are black.
Phonecians were ancient Arabs
Where's the authentication of these claims?
He is stating all factual information. Just do your research and you’ll too come to find truth in everything he is saying.
Thank you for this truth.
Also I saw pictures of black Jesus(PBUH). 😞
That's not Esa
That’s a fake Picture
Eesa is described as white skin with rosy cheeks in hadith, he wasn't black sorry to sadden Africans but prophet Musa was brown in complexion.
@@abdladigun6436It's accurate depictions.
@@Ali_Raza808No he wasn't lol. He was a Hebrew and we know the Hebrews are a dark people. He was described as very dark-skinned. If he were here today he'd be seen as "black". Also, prophet Musa (AS) was also described as very dark-skinned, not brown. Brown is the complexion of the man in the video.
The physical characteristics of Omar bin Al-Khattab Omar bin Al-Khattab had white skin with a slight redness in his cheeks. He had a bald head. He had a long beard that he dyed with henna. It was long in the front and short at the ends. Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, was broad-shouldered. He was tall, and it was said that when he, may God be pleased with him, was riding a horse, he appeared as if he was standing because his feet reached the ground. It was said that someone saw him, and it was Adam. He interpreted this as the years of drought, as he used to eat nothing but bread with oil until he fed the people before him, until his color changed. Ali too was not black رضي الله عنهم و الله تعالى اعلم
Can you please share the source for this? Would love to know the source for the shaykh as well! JazakAllah khairan to all those sharing beneficial knowledge isA and may Allah remove any discrimination other than for good things isA 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽
Ali was from the Prophet AS family who was light skinned Arab.. Why are you bringing this Yehudi race things into discussion about Islam like we even care about that. Instead of talking about their honor and deeds you're talking about their skin lol. Wrong way in my opinion.
You're lying my friend! I've got about 3 to 4 sources who describe him exactly like Bilal ibn RABAH!! I can put it on the comment section if you want!! And the color don't matter but the truth is important! HAQQ IS HAQQ
your skin colour can be different from other people in your family?
@plitty2632 OK prouve it than!! If you have a strong hadith with a chaine of Narration bring it! I checked it very well and I'm sure of what I'm saying and I can easily back it up
@@plitty2632 You cant be a black african with a light-skin Arab family. Literally the only evidence he brought was "they called his aunty white".. So he said the rest must be dark? Lol. Thats a very not smart thing to say. But you guys sound like Yehud so obsessed with race. Just relax.
@@malikialgeriankabyleswag4200 you can be a black arab african
Rather dark, not black. Bilal was black. It is undeniable that the Mecca Arabs or Quraysh have a little mixed African blood, especially Ethiopian.
You're wrong! آدم "adem" means brown. ادلم "adlem" mean black. so even if we take the only source you've mentioned al jahidh said among the chikdren of Abu Talib they were brown and black. He didn't mention Ali, who was described by other sources as being brown.
I saw Umar ibn al khattab in my dream and he was tall black / dark skinned man.
Sayidna Bilal RAA is not the "token black guy" in Islam/Islamic History. What is this guy talking about?
who is?
@@jdfj100 You're not very bright it seems Go and sit in the corner.
It’s a corny way of talking about race that was thought to the masses by the Saturday people.
He means first person people think about Black Muslim is Bilal which is false as Bilal skin color wasn't much different to the Qureishis
@@calm123 Actually it was different to a lot of the Qureishis.
They might have had the same skin color but not other features. Think of it like how many Indians, native Americans, Polynesians and Asians have the same complexion as many African people. Arguably most of the world has a darker complexion because most of the world live near the equator.
Ali رضي الله عنه had a flat nose. Kind of kills your argument considering he wasn’t mixed with anything. His parents were the first Hashemites to marry one another.
Most Arabs didn’t have Dark skin.
@@letsbuild7298 I’ve seen Asians and white people with flat noses, doesn’t mean they are of African origin. If you say the original Arabs are black, what happened to them? How did they get lighter even though there isn’t evidence of a mass admixture between Arabs and non Arab women in the Arabian peninsula?
@@hihello-yv2tt The origin of Abyssinian Al Habasha are Arabs . Al Habasha are a tribe sons of himyar came from Yemen long before and made Al Habasha kingdom . And the Africa continent named after A yemeni Sabaens king named Afrikis son of Abraha son of Dhi Al-Manar son of Sabaens
Even Muhammad was a mixed race.. that they don't tell
How can the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.from a mixed background.He was a pure Hashemite.He was described as not very white nor very dark(blush)and he was also described as the most beautiful man of his time
@@Koelsoemahmed than you don't know what you believe in you just follow it.. how come you don't know this fact is beyond me ,, please read your book again... and again to see what you maybe by arrogance fail to see,,I know there's so much mis-education amongst your society of Arabs who have a different look to sudden people's of the world.. and it's known very well maybe you are coming from such ideological perspective I don't know but please seek to know the truth..IT SET YOU FREE ".. SALEM..IF I TELL YOU THAT THE WHOLE ISLAM BELIEVE IS AFRICAN JUST AS CHRISTIANITY IS YOU WILL SAY I AM CRAZY 🤣🤣.. BUT IT'S FACT'S.. NOT BECAUSE AM AFRICAN NO IT'S THE TRUTH.. THAT'S ALL THAT MATTER'S..TRUTH
When he says Black he means complexion of the skin NOT as in Black from Africa
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂delusional continue your bias as the video is saying your heart needs Iman because complexion knows is different from geographic. Learn and you would understand, this Africans you have prejudiced against there great Islamic scholars who reside there from every corner you won’t know because of ignorance and hatefulness May Allah guide you and us to the straight path and truth.
Where is Ethiopia located? Arabia is connected to Africa. There’s dark skin Yemeni. The problem is some of you have a negative view of black Africans.
@@fodaykamara9440 he's right though, he literally said dark in completion not african.
@@radicalnormie. ok but he also said, he was half Ethiopian right? And where is Ethiopia located? The issue is you guys don’t want Africa to be connected to the Quran. Was it not in Ethiopia where the prophet PBUH found refuge? Was it not in West Africa that the caliphate existed? Please stop I have a history degree in Middle Eastern and Africa studies. This information isn’t new. Only to some of you.
@@fodaykamara9440 Okay you clearly have a degree in history from "My grandmother told me" college. Having a degree does not equate knowledge or actual shrewdness in todays era, for all I know your a 14 year old fully indoctrinated in US schools that read a few articles here and there then claimed you know some hidden knowledge.
Lets clean up some of your comments
"Caliphate existed in west Africa"
Do you even know what Caliphate means???? Its the representative of Prophet Mohammed PBUH. First through 4th rightly guided Caliphah was Abu Baker, Omar, Uthman, and Ali RA.
"Was it not in Ethiopia where the prophet PBUH found refuge? "
You definitely did not get a degree in history nor even read history let alone the Seerah. No he did not, it was the Sahaba a minority at the time in Makkah who were severely oppressed and made Hijra on the recommendation of the Prophet PBUH to the land of axum. You definitely and deliberately lying as Uthman was one of the companions that made this Hijra.
In addition you clearly discredited your self at the end by claiming you have a degree in history like its a shield to not discredit you, you don't get to have that this century.
Never ever heard this before , that Ali ibn Abi talib was black or dark colour I think that's not accurate, we need a solid proof before say this.
Spoken like a true racist.
@@madeline-hatim6575 Not at all , I'm just saying I never read or heard because Arabs are not black they are more on brown side.
@@satellitekhan2300Arabs are black, very dark and dark. Also, brown is the complexion of the man in the video. The Arabs are a dark skinned people.
@@CanaanAmaliqi Are Arabs black ? Name me which Arabs are black? Saudi ? , Palestinians , Lebanese? , which Arabs are black ?
I have no issue with black I'm not racist I'm saying this because that statement seems incorrect.
@@satellitekhan2300 Yes. The original Arabs are black. Those light and fair-skinned inhabitants in those countries you named are mostly Arabized people and comprise of Arabized Persians, Romans, Ottoman Turks, Greeks etc... they are not Arabs in lineage but are Arabized.
Maybe dark in complexion, but not black from Africa type of black.
We see people of dark complexion on this side of the world a lot (like India etc).
They don’t consider themselves as Africans, but they have dark complexions.
Indian are not from the Middle East
Maybe dark? States Jet black. Ethiopia is in africa and umar father and grandfather are from there. Which india is jet black pls? and we know there are some black ppl in india . the only issue u have here is africa
Dark complexion. The Arabs were known to be of dark complexion. Even Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal was dark complexioned.
Yeah the original Arabs are black in complex
The majority of them weren’t black. If they were black, how did they get lighter when there isn’t strong evidence of a mass ethnic admixture between Arabs and non Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula.
I'm a bit baffled at this black thing ..
When we refer to someone as black we generally refer to them as being African decent .
If an Arab or Asian is dark skin we cannot and shouldn't refer to them as being black since black donates coming from African decent .
The purpose of the discussion of race is not aimed at clarifying anything. It is designed to confuse and create such a state of bewilderment that people just throw their hands up and just believe whatever modern experts say about the situation. Then, one day the experts will change it all and you have to believe the science has changed. Hope this helps.
So you're saying Egyptians, Libyans, Moroccans are black since they're of African descent?
What about austronesians? The people of australia, papua etc. Thry are black but have been out of Africa for at least 50,000 years
The first arab skin was dark skinned, so called Middle East it’s a myth, all of that land is Africa 🤷🏾, show us the (Middle west)
Umar ibn al khattab was a qurashi and ali ibn abi talib was a hashimi . Arabs in lineage to ismael AS and the yemeni tribe qahtan. Get out of here with this nonsense. You have an inferiority complex thats why black people try to claim every single civilization as their own “forgotten history”
Wall off Philadelphia!