47:34 A little tip for Bryce, Bobby and Gilbert (also whoever plays rdr2). Once you hunt/kill a legendary animal the pelt automatically goes to the trapper. So even if you lose it like Bryce did, once you get to the trapper he will already have it for you. Please like this so they can see and Bryce doesn't lose his mind
“Kahlyla’s behavior is disgusting in this episode” “Kahlyla really dragged this ep down” “No one gives a shit about ur insecurities, Kahlyla” Blah blah blah. Y’all r damn insensitive. People have feelings, I think you’d b surprised to know, and these comments get read. Firstly, people get emotional. That’s just what it is. If she’s feeling emotional, then she’s feeling emotional. Do u expect everyone to always be perfectly positive and entertaining? I personally love this episode. I don’t mean to come across as a psychopath who revels in witnessing conflict, but I truly appreciate you guys sharing ur more vulnerable, less proud moments with us. Thank you. Secondly, Kahlyla wasn’t complaining about not being able to talk more about herself on the pod, she’s talking about Bob not expressing interest in her recently in general. I think you’d be interested in knowing that if you cleaned ur encrusted ear canals, rewound, and listened again, you’d hear as much. I love Bobby, and it’s clear he loves talking about himself. Whenever K (sorry, I can only type ur name so many times, so from now on ur K) or Gilbert divulge something about themselves, it’s usually followed by a few seconds of awkward silence before Bob moves onto something else. I know most come here for bob, but K and Gilbert were/are huge in making this show a reality. And to all of u calling K insecure or a narcissist, it bc of this. Think about this. Bob has several insecurities, but the difference is that whenever bob reveals an insecurity everyone (K, Gilbert, George) either asks about it, unpacks it, dissects it, emotionally supports bobby, or makes a joke about it. Whatever it is, it gets discussed. It gets emotionally processed. If K says something about an insecurity, (usually) it’s breezed past in a few seconds. No one even helps her understand or discuss what that insecurity is about, so the audience is left thinking “this girl is insecure”. The end. I’d like u all to take a moment to imagine what this podcast would look like without anyone to challenge bobby. K is literally the only person who consistently does that. No king should go unchecked. (Guffaw guffaw, I’m writing that last one down for a book of proverbs) I really don’t know if it’s my place to say, but fuck it. Like u said with that bad singing girl, she needs to go up there, if only to see what happens as a result. Sometimes the song must be sung. (Proverb #2) Bobby, u bring more light to my life, but ask ur girl questions. Express more interest. She’s wearing a dolphin pelt for God’s sake. K, don’t keep ur emotions pent up. Those fuckers always find a way of expressing themselves one way or another. I guess that doesn’t even necessarily mean say what u feel at the exact moment u feel it, but take a moment to assess that emotion and its source, then decide a course that would best work towards a resolution. Sometimes that can mean having it out then and there. U seem a little distraught this ep, so (insert words of emotional support) Gilbert, its okay for u to disagree with bob about something. U don’t always need to roll over for him. George, ur gone in this one, but keep that positive attitude Bryce, I don’t really know u or if that’s how u spell ur name, so this is awkward. I know this all sounds super hippy dippy, but I got in a bad wreck today, so maybe I’m feeling sentimental. I love u guys and thank u for sharing ur lives, insecurities, good sides, and not so great sides with us. Peace.
I gotta say, Khalyla dragged this one down some. I have enjoyed the way that she has, REALLY elevated some episodes. In this one..from the blanket and the disengagement to the complaining...not her best. Also, Gilbits is talent. He should be on camera. Also Khalylas face is behind the arm of the mic.
Love the Red dead talk. I lasso'ed a narc once and put him on the train tracks like it was an old Popeye cartoon. The last words he heard was "Nosotros Papaya"
I always look forward to Tigerbelly. We are having a nasty snowstorm here in PA so me and my man are all wrapped up in our blankets laughing and listening together. Thanks for making our day brighter 💖💖💖
I've grown to like this podcast so much. I haven't even watched it but I'm so excited! I just refreshed and saw the video and it just brought me so much joy. Thank you tgrbly
She's using him, and hes using her for different reasons. She's more confident in her attractiveness than Bobby is, so is triggering him with her subtle rejections and hints she is unhappy. Bobby uses her as a trophy at times, but behind the scenes is less than perfect.
Alright. Khaloko. We are here for BOBBY if it was just u and gilbert i wouldnt watch. Bobby has the intresting stories and is just intresting. As a viewer i love how centered bobby is because the mans HILARIOUS
And khaloko...you guys podcast once a week so please. Leave the emotions behind please and leave those things behind doors cause when When You get serious and emotianal it kinda ruins the vibe. You have the rest of the week to talk tobob about your emotions
She didn’t say she wanted to talk more about herself on the podcast, my man. There’s actually a part in this episode where bobby thought she meant exactly what you’re saying, then she clarified, saying the issue was a lack of engagement in their personal lives.
I'm gonna have to agree with this. This isn't about her. Even if she has issues in the relationship, she should understand that good relations ships like Ethan and Hila really make the podcast more enjoyable.
Greetings slept king & co. Tigerbelly truly is the show which I look forward to the most, it has has brought me joy in a long lasting deppression. Wish you all the best, love from Sweden. Ps. Bryce really seems to have found his groove on the show, the reactions and bits from him and George add a great element to your show.
Just so all the Red Dead players know if you drop any legendary pelt in the game, it will automatically respawn by the Trapper so that you can still craft items with it
Bobby! Man you should do a gaming podcast with your bro. Just pure gaming shit. Your so into it, and I love listening. Why does gaming need to be a hassle for your life, just make money with it bro! Love you guys!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again... please bring on Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan. HELLO!!!! Are you reading this friend, bring on Crista Fucking Flanagan.... Have a good one, bye.
At first i thought Khalyla was talking about Bobby talking too much about himself on the podcast. Like what? We don’t come to listen to that muppet. We come for the king. Glad it was cleared up though
Just wanted to let you know, if you drop a legendary pelt, no matter where in the game, it will automatically be delivered to the trapper. So Bryce's pelt was safe! (Didn't have to restart)
Funny they talk about waiting forever to download games and now it takes less then an hour on next gen. I hope Bobby is experiencing next gen cause it’s amazing. Games are ten times better now then 4 years ago. Still no gta 6 lol
The legendary pelt automatically find its way to the trapper, the guy you are supposed to bring it to... There was no need to restart the game😂😂😂. Damn maybe Bobby was right about Brice.
If you have the walkthrough you would know this! Lol these games should have walkthroughs mandatory or like included the warnings about if you are about to make a game breaking decision are so helpful
Khalyla, if you want to get Bobby to actually show you attention the way you deserve and are lacking, start doing a podcast with Brendan Schaub. I guarantee you that he comes home every day early and asks about every detail of your day.
Why are you watching the entire podcast and getting annoyed by something so stupid and irrelevant? You can simply listen you know. That's the real content.
Late tip but if you lose a legendary pelt in RDR it automatically goes to the trapper. You won’t be able to sell it (obviously) but the trapper will have it available for you to make legendary clothes out of
Let me tell y'all man I really enjoy y'alls podcast. Cool shit and I feel like I'm there being part of the conversation. Keep em coming, y'all. Y'all count: 4
You guys definitely need to finish Making A Murderer!!! It’s infuriating and only makes you more mad, but there’s a massive bombshell that is dropped in the last episode that makes it worth it.
I mean, they are correct in comparing the Ridge wallets to a college degree: they both cost about the same. Ridge has a +97% profit margin!!!! Meaning, if the wallet sells for $100, it costs them $3 to make it!!! They are charging you $97 for a silly wallet. I got a knockoff brand for $25 (still too expensive) but WAY better than $100, and it's...THE...EXACT....SAME.... THING...AND....MATERIALS. Lol
Jesus Christ, Khalyla. Maybe next time dress warmly and sit in that chair like an adult with the mindset of someone who is aware that this podcast is her only source of income
Are you serious? Who gives a shit. I hope next time she comes out laying on a recliner wearing a sleeved blanket, and I hope she annoys the shit out of you.
That's whats aggravating...that she can basically not say anything and still get the same money. She contributes the least to the podcast, Bobby the main act, George the producer, Gilbert the sound engineer and Bobby's backup. She sits there, disrupt the flow of the podcast and stops Urban Bobby!
SS O I get what you’re saying... the blanket does look pretty inappropriate, but I think it’s to show she appreciates the gift. As far as everyone saying she needs a job - She lives with Bobby, and puts up with so much “Bobby-stuff” 🤣 And we don’t know what she does when the camera’s off. Just sayin’.
She definitely needs to get a job. She is constantly trying to prove how intelligent she is during the podcast cause she is so insecure. Taking care of all those pets is not a damn job.
deezznts She fucking sucks and her friends are fucking retards. Especially that Jenna chick. She brings nothing to the show. She’s so fucking sloppy and lazy. Look at her in the this show. She’s in a fucking blanket for fucks sake. She needs to go.
Absolutely love The Slept King. Just wish Yoko didn't think Festivus was a weekly thing with her airing of grievances. Maybe next week do the feats of strength!
pretzel is referring to the pretzel buns from Weiner schnitzel and how they remain consistent and don't get soggy. Potato pubes refers to skinny french fries and how they're gross
Splitting up together is now on United WiFi app. Watched a couple episodes today on the plane. Very funny show. The girl on the Halloween episode that is super scary is the same one from the movie Hereditary.
Why don't you get out of your damn blanket and work more than 1 hour a week, then you won't have so much resentment to Bobby being caught up in his career
exactly right. She has too much time on her hands which is why she has such thoughts. Bobby is at the store every night, acting on a tv show, goes on the road, of course he is tired when he gets home and doesnt want to talk as much, and maybe just wants to play his favorite video game to de-stress. But she is unhappy because Bobby is not giving her enough attention
she's probably having these thoughts because she is too free. She needs a job man. Bobby goes on the road, at the comedy store every night, tv show, of course he's tired once he gets home and maybe just doesn't want to talk as much and wants to play his favorite video games but she gets upset at him for that. She sits in a blanket and plays on her phone for an hour a week and get paid the same share as the other 3 lol
Quick poll: Who's playing Red Dead 2? -PD
I finished it on Monday, It was pretty good, a little boring though.
....literally 18 people are playing red dead
apparently if you lose your legendary pelts it transferred to the trapper
TigerBellyClips 🙋🏼♀️
Thank you for 200K!! We tried something a little different on this one. Hope you like it. -PD
i do :)
I'm yet watching and waiting
The t-shirts sold out so fast! when are y'all going to get more?
Editing out the disagreements is a bitch move
Does the intro music make anyone else depressingly happy in a nostalgic confusingly blissful way?
Yes. Especially when I hear the closing song. It’s so strangely somber.
your description of how the song makes you feel is amazingly accurate 👌
My taking-a-shit music
I love it so much it’s my ringtone
Bobby "my point is this, is is that" Lee.
I never realized how HUGE George's laugh is to this podcast!
Nice try, George.
I don't know about everyone else, but I think the podcasts with just Bobby, Khalyla and Gilbert are seriously some of most hilarious ones
Yea, but sometimes khaloco be acting like a real asshole and I need a break. She usually talks less with guests
They are the best!
Cesar Garcia and PD
@@55jacos you can shut your fucking mouth right now
Cesar Garcia eh he’s definitely right if you listen to full episodes, she can be a bit annoying an say stupid stuff
A little tip for Bryce, Bobby and Gilbert (also whoever plays rdr2). Once you hunt/kill a legendary animal the pelt automatically goes to the trapper. So even if you lose it like Bryce did, once you get to the trapper he will already have it for you.
Please like this so they can see and Bryce doesn't lose his mind
It's weird not hearing George laugh hysterically in the background 😂
@@tuneablestar1712 Hahaha 😂
i love his laugh in the background 😭💔 miss u pd
when bobby doesn't lead the convo, it turns into a boring podcast.
I love when Bobby says "is" twice in a row... "The thing is is that"...."My point is is that"... :)
“Kahlyla’s behavior is disgusting in this episode”
“Kahlyla really dragged this ep down”
“No one gives a shit about ur insecurities, Kahlyla”
Blah blah blah. Y’all r damn insensitive. People have feelings, I think you’d b surprised to know, and these comments get read.
Firstly, people get emotional. That’s just what it is. If she’s feeling emotional, then she’s feeling emotional. Do u expect everyone to always be perfectly positive and entertaining? I personally love this episode. I don’t mean to come across as a psychopath who revels in witnessing conflict, but I truly appreciate you guys sharing ur more vulnerable, less proud moments with us. Thank you.
Secondly, Kahlyla wasn’t complaining about not being able to talk more about herself on the pod, she’s talking about Bob not expressing interest in her recently in general. I think you’d be interested in knowing that if you cleaned ur encrusted ear canals, rewound, and listened again, you’d hear as much.
I love Bobby, and it’s clear he loves talking about himself. Whenever K (sorry, I can only type ur name so many times, so from now on ur K) or Gilbert divulge something about themselves, it’s usually followed by a few seconds of awkward silence before Bob moves onto something else. I know most come here for bob, but K and Gilbert were/are huge in making this show a reality. And to all of u calling K insecure or a narcissist, it bc of this. Think about this. Bob has several insecurities, but the difference is that whenever bob reveals an insecurity everyone (K, Gilbert, George) either asks about it, unpacks it, dissects it, emotionally supports bobby, or makes a joke about it. Whatever it is, it gets discussed. It gets emotionally processed. If K says something about an insecurity, (usually) it’s breezed past in a few seconds. No one even helps her understand or discuss what that insecurity is about, so the audience is left thinking “this girl is insecure”. The end.
I’d like u all to take a moment to imagine what this podcast would look like without anyone to challenge bobby. K is literally the only person who consistently does that. No king should go unchecked. (Guffaw guffaw, I’m writing that last one down for a book of proverbs)
I really don’t know if it’s my place to say, but fuck it. Like u said with that bad singing girl, she needs to go up there, if only to see what happens as a result. Sometimes the song must be sung. (Proverb #2)
Bobby, u bring more light to my life, but ask ur girl questions. Express more interest. She’s wearing a dolphin pelt for God’s sake.
K, don’t keep ur emotions pent up. Those fuckers always find a way of expressing themselves one way or another. I guess that doesn’t even necessarily mean say what u feel at the exact moment u feel it, but take a moment to assess that emotion and its source, then decide a course that would best work towards a resolution. Sometimes that can mean having it out then and there. U seem a little distraught this ep, so (insert words of emotional support)
Gilbert, its okay for u to disagree with bob about something. U don’t always need to roll over for him.
George, ur gone in this one, but keep that positive attitude
Bryce, I don’t really know u or if that’s how u spell ur name, so this is awkward.
I know this all sounds super hippy dippy, but I got in a bad wreck today, so maybe I’m feeling sentimental.
I love u guys and thank u for sharing ur lives, insecurities, good sides, and not so great sides with us. Peace.
Hope ur feeling better. Ur a great writer. Let me know when that proverb book comes out 😂
56:33 lmao "a giraffe?!" From both of them was so funny.
NOSOTROS PAPAYA, FELLOW SLEEPERS!!! The Slept Kang has arisen, let us praise him. Amen.
Nah WOKE PRINCE the true path
Praise bob. JR Bob Dobbs that is.
Hear, hear!
@Victor Savo since we are acting like a douche you should praise bob, Jr bob dobbs that is.
Love when bobby talks about games and movies
"Aliens, if you're listening. Attack."
He was so disappointed when they didn’t know what an enchirito was 😂
No guests are my favourite episodes, just jumping from idea to idea with complete hilarity 😂👍
9:15 Gilbo finally roasts Bobby and he laughs his ass off. This is a turning point
I gotta say, Khalyla dragged this one down some. I have enjoyed the way that she has, REALLY elevated some episodes. In this one..from the blanket and the disengagement to the complaining...not her best.
Also, Gilbits is talent. He should be on camera.
Also Khalylas face is behind the arm of the mic.
Uh huh...
She needs to sit up and get engaged
Your gilbert comment completely killed your credibility...
@@alexroyal17 aaahahahahaa, well said. Bt he is more in the "talent" category than Koloko is
Enjoy the free content and get a life
Love the Red dead talk.
I lasso'ed a narc once and put him on the train tracks like it was an old Popeye cartoon. The last words he heard was "Nosotros Papaya"
I always look forward to Tigerbelly. We are having a nasty snowstorm here in PA so me and my man are all wrapped up in our blankets laughing and listening together. Thanks for making our day brighter 💖💖💖
TigerBelly ALWAYS puts a smile upon my face. Bobby Lee seems to have an extraordinarily kindhearted soul.
I've grown to like this podcast so much. I haven't even watched it but I'm so excited! I just refreshed and saw the video and it just brought me so much joy. Thank you tgrbly
I love seeing people of color together and harmonizing through laughter and honesty! Soul food✊🏽
@@marciestoddard730 yeah Marcie😏only people of color🤦🏽♀️
I'm a NEW follower and I can't get enough of you guys!
Maria Lee Welcome
Congrats on 200K Subs. 🎊🎉 Best podcast out there. Period. Nosotros Papaya.
Khalyla disrespecting the King hard on this one.
Off with her giant nose!
its King brandon! CAPITAL K
Rad Aplan you right, you right.
She might be bleeding.
She's using him, and hes using her for different reasons.
She's more confident in her attractiveness than Bobby is, so is triggering him with her subtle rejections and hints she is unhappy.
Bobby uses her as a trophy at times, but behind the scenes is less than perfect.
Alright. Khaloko. We are here for BOBBY if it was just u and gilbert i wouldnt watch. Bobby has the intresting stories and is just intresting. As a viewer i love how centered bobby is because the mans HILARIOUS
And khaloko...you guys podcast once a week so please. Leave the emotions behind please and leave those things behind doors cause when When You get serious and emotianal it kinda ruins the vibe. You have the rest of the week to talk tobob about your emotions
She didn’t say she wanted to talk more about herself on the podcast, my man. There’s actually a part in this episode where bobby thought she meant exactly what you’re saying, then she clarified, saying the issue was a lack of engagement in their personal lives.
I'm gonna have to agree with this. This isn't about her. Even if she has issues in the relationship, she should understand that good relations ships like Ethan and Hila really make the podcast more enjoyable.
Cut was at 14:18
Love hearing them talk through everything and communicate
Greetings slept king & co. Tigerbelly truly is the show which I look forward to the most, it has has brought me joy in a long lasting deppression. Wish you all the best, love from Sweden.
Ps. Bryce really seems to have found his groove on the show, the reactions and bits from him and George add a great element to your show.
Bobby with Fun Dip, must bring out good memories.
This is the only Podcast that makes me crack up. Must watch thursday.
Just so all the Red Dead players know if you drop any legendary pelt in the game, it will automatically respawn by the Trapper so that you can still craft items with it
Bobby! Man you should do a gaming podcast with your bro. Just pure gaming shit. Your so into it, and I love listening. Why does gaming need to be a hassle for your life, just make money with it bro! Love you guys!
Like the way you tell your in game stories is so interesting. Other people review games and stuff but they dont talk about it the way you do.
I like where bobby seeks his joy it resonates with my soul and nourishes the mind
I really truly believe that if Kalayla wasn't in the podcast the downloads of this podcast will skyrocket through the roof.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again... please bring on Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan, Crista Flanagan. HELLO!!!! Are you reading this friend, bring on Crista Fucking Flanagan.... Have a good one, bye.
Tigerbelly forever!
Bobby: have you ever line danced?!
Gilbert: does electric slide count?
Bobby: no
Gilbert: ok
No offense kaykay but your insecurities are sending out bad vibes this episode love you guys
@@jayy8364 awee u got butt hurt
I legit stayed overtime at work to listen to this.
J F lmao
Tigerbelly about to make this the best day ever.
Awesome podcast, thanks for making sure it got up quickly! We appreciate that. Much love
Jst waiting for the Bobby Lee/Erik Griffin podcast....
Came here to say that, put Khalaya as third mic off camera just to fact check Bobby and nothing more
With Theo and Chris
Whoa those few minutes at the 1 hour mark was by far the most real moment of the entire podcast’s history.
If you drop the bear pelt it will automatically go to the trapper
Nosotros Papaya! I love Tigerbelly for life. :) Much respect.
At first i thought Khalyla was talking about Bobby talking too much about himself on the podcast. Like what? We don’t come to listen to that muppet. We come for the king. Glad it was cleared up though
You live up to your username
love how papa bob has been hanging around all episode every episode
This podcast means so much to me during this pandemic 😷
Just wanted to let you know, if you drop a legendary pelt, no matter where in the game, it will automatically be delivered to the trapper. So Bryce's pelt was safe! (Didn't have to restart)
"you know there's not that much mud in the Philippines actually" lmao.... That's arguing literally just to argue.
Funny they talk about waiting forever to download games and now it takes less then an hour on next gen. I hope Bobby is experiencing next gen cause it’s amazing. Games are ten times better now then 4 years ago. Still no gta 6 lol
The legendary pelt automatically find its way to the trapper, the guy you are supposed to bring it to... There was no need to restart the game😂😂😂. Damn maybe Bobby was right about Brice.
:/ was not aware of the magical pelt fairy
It's very elusive but it does it job!
If you have the walkthrough you would know this! Lol these games should have walkthroughs mandatory or like included the warnings about if you are about to make a game breaking decision are so helpful
Wanted to say this. Playing the intro twice??? oooof. What a waste lol
Yass! Nothing like a dose of Bobby and the gang in the morning!
The next time anyone says anything remotely mean or aggressive to me I will respond with “Pretty good”.
Cuz I’ve evolved. 😂
I love Bobby as a human being
Where did the name Tigerbelly come from? Ive been watching this podcast for a while and always wondered.
Get steve green on here
Steve Green is trash
the legendary animal skins never disappear. they go to the trapper. you're good bryce
Thanks! Loving the game
Khalyla, if you want to get Bobby to actually show you attention the way you deserve and are lacking, start doing a podcast with Brendan Schaub. I guarantee you that he comes home every day early and asks about every detail of your day.
i am fucking waiting for Brendan to be a guest here. It would be hilarious.
@@ryukdluffy LOL....Holy Shit that would be awesome. Bobby won't do it though. That would be an awesome episode though.
Yah that will work.....
It really would show how much of a pussy he is.
Congratatulations on your 200k subs.
Perfect jus started my drive to work
Same homeboy. Les do dis plaaaaaayaaaa.
Congrats on 200k tigerbelly forever
Anyone else notice his nose running as he's screaming 'just grab a tissue!' :''')
Can’t stand Khaloco on this one 🙄
Was thinking the same. Sometimes she’s so damn self-righteous and downright bitchy
"Pretty good" 😂😭😂😂😭😭😭
It's just so annoying watching her kill bits and sit around with a blanket on using her phone
Why are you watching the entire podcast and getting annoyed by something so stupid and irrelevant? You can simply listen you know. That's the real content.
We all have bad days
She’s not trying to be entertaining anymore I like it
@@WhackashitCollaborations your a moron
@Ryan Bugden she athe worst person ever
Late tip but if you lose a legendary pelt in RDR it automatically goes to the trapper. You won’t be able to sell it (obviously) but the trapper will have it available for you to make legendary clothes out of
@ 35:30
I'm vegan but I eat McDonald's chicken nuggets and Arby's purple ass meat because that shit ain't real, it's just flavored sponge 😂
How'd you know to go to 35:30 after only 5 minutes of release? -PD
So you eat chicken
That's not vegan.
@@TigerBelly audio release
Damn straight!
Let me tell y'all man I really enjoy y'alls podcast. Cool shit and I feel like I'm there being part of the conversation. Keep em coming, y'all. Y'all count: 4
You guys definitely need to finish Making A Murderer!!! It’s infuriating and only makes you more mad, but there’s a massive bombshell that is dropped in the last episode that makes it worth it.
NOSOTROS PAPAYA!!!! Love you Bobby!!!! God bless you brother - can't wait to sit across for you on the podcast.
WTF.....is TB falling apart? Are B&K starting to fall apart...? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Trouble in paradise
It’s about time Bobby is such a diva and kind of a pussy
That would be so awesome. You'd see this podcast grow like you didn't think was possible
I mean, they are correct in comparing the Ridge wallets to a college degree: they both cost about the same. Ridge has a +97% profit margin!!!! Meaning, if the wallet sells for $100, it costs them $3 to make it!!! They are charging you $97 for a silly wallet.
I got a knockoff brand for $25 (still too expensive) but WAY better than $100, and it's...THE...EXACT....SAME.... THING...AND....MATERIALS. Lol
Jesus Christ, Khalyla. Maybe next time dress warmly and sit in that chair like an adult with the mindset of someone who is aware that this podcast is her only source of income
@B L She has a dick :O?
Are you serious? Who gives a shit. I hope next time she comes out laying on a recliner wearing a sleeved blanket, and I hope she annoys the shit out of you.
That's whats aggravating...that she can basically not say anything and still get the same money. She contributes the least to the podcast, Bobby the main act, George the producer, Gilbert the sound engineer and Bobby's backup. She sits there, disrupt the flow of the podcast and stops Urban Bobby!
SS O I get what you’re saying... the blanket does look pretty inappropriate, but I think it’s to show she appreciates the gift. As far as everyone saying she needs a job - She lives with Bobby, and puts up with so much “Bobby-stuff” 🤣 And we don’t know what she does when the camera’s off. Just sayin’.
I love Bobby's stories and his takes on stuff. I really don't care for anyone else's opinion.
When is Bill Burr coming on? :(
I'd love it!
Bobby describing how we need an Independance day is basically the plot of Watchmen.
I wanna know what lead up to the “uncomfortable 10 minutes” they cut and why captain bob stormed out😂
I often wonder if Bobby ever found ad broke the white Arabian horse in RDR2
Love Khalyla but shes getting a tad too whiny.
That's Bobby's fault. He needs to put her in her good damn place lol
@@growinglifeorganic940 He's does, but he won't. He needed to check her 50 podcasts ago.
@Jimin You Stalker alert!! ....LOL
@Jimin You That virgin energy is very stronk
@Jimin You just fucking with you. We all love Kholoko and TB, but we don't have to worship them. Khalyla can be obnoxious as fuck sometimes.
Dudes, imagine a giraffe running through Malibu while on fire! That would be simultaneously the saddest, and yet, most death metal shit ever!!
khalyla needs to get a job. She has way too much time on her hands and as a result lashes out at bobby.
She definitely needs to get a job. She is constantly trying to prove how intelligent she is during the podcast cause she is so insecure. Taking care of all those pets is not a damn job.
She has to live with bobby 24/7
deezznts She fucking sucks and her friends are fucking retards. Especially that Jenna chick. She brings nothing to the show. She’s so fucking sloppy and lazy. Look at her in the this show. She’s in a fucking blanket for fucks sake. She needs to go.
Bob lee makes like his job is more hard than it is
@@justinkoga5593 have u made movies or been in tv shows?
Absolutely love The Slept King. Just wish Yoko didn't think Festivus was a weekly thing with her airing of grievances. Maybe next week do the feats of strength!
A little awkward towards the end..the elephant in the room is Khalyla and Bobbys relationship..tensions built up because they are using each other.
I wanna see the footage of that bobby walk-out hahaha
I was a great fan but now I’m a AC unit
Wow I wrote that. Didn’t know I been watching for that long
pretzel is referring to the pretzel buns from Weiner schnitzel and how they remain consistent and don't get soggy. Potato pubes refers to skinny french fries and how they're gross
We're here for Bobby, lets get real
Splitting up together is now on United WiFi app. Watched a couple episodes today on the plane. Very funny show. The girl on the Halloween episode that is super scary is the same one from the movie Hereditary.
Khalyla appears to be going thru some stuff. maybe seek couples counseling?
LuisEspinozaMusic she seems like she’s on drugs this episode. Hope it’s not heart related.
anyone who has gotten the amount of plastic surgery she has is not a very stable person.
They both look so exhausted or hungover :(
Gil is so underrated in the podcast world. He is so fucking funny and quick with the comedy
Why don't you get out of your damn blanket and work more than 1 hour a week, then you won't have so much resentment to Bobby being caught up in his career
exactly right. She has too much time on her hands which is why she has such thoughts. Bobby is at the store every night, acting on a tv show, goes on the road, of course he is tired when he gets home and doesnt want to talk as much, and maybe just wants to play his favorite video game to de-stress. But she is unhappy because Bobby is not giving her enough attention
Just finished singing and playing my 🎸 today and all set for podcast heaven 😀
Wow, Khalaya says Bobby is consumed with himself because he doesn't think about her. It sounds like she's the one thinking of herself.
she's probably having these thoughts because she is too free. She needs a job man. Bobby goes on the road, at the comedy store every night, tv show, of course he's tired once he gets home and maybe just doesn't want to talk as much and wants to play his favorite video games but she gets upset at him for that. She sits in a blanket and plays on her phone for an hour a week and get paid the same share as the other 3 lol
Congrats on 200k