Battle Hunters [Nattie (Me) VS GON] (No Cards)

  • Опубликовано: 13 окт 2024
  • Battle Hunters is an Excellent Game for the PS1. A Turn based RPG Card Battler if i were to explain it. So in this video I fight GON. What is GON? In this game players Get cards that influence actions and as you use them up the card counter in the Top Right corner of the field screen. It drops with the constant use of cards by all players, once it hits 0 GON Appears a very powerful monster that in most cases is a good idea to run away from it as its stats are considerably higher then most and can do alot of damage. But as i show here if you have the right gear and enough points in your stats in the right places then you can hold your own against him pretty well. Or even better yet beat him in the process. But its a fruitless endeavor since GON comes right back the following action...Basically GON is more meant to act as a Boss if your taking to long as he chases the player with the Key artifact. What the player must do is reach the exit gate with the Key artifact to be payed a huge sum. If GON takes out the player with the key artifact the price is actually very brutal... Everyone loses all there Gear and items and All there money...GONS quite hard to kill if your not at Max level like I am and are Equipped with Gear aswell. GON's Critical hit if he rolls doubles not only causes you the panic status ailment (witch makes you lose control of your character this is standard with every Critical Hit) And the Stun status witch costs you your next turn and until your next turn comes around your at a complete disadvantage from all attacks done to you after the stun as your defense wont add into your rolls if you are stunned. GON because of his high stats in all fields offense is hard to do alot to GON himself. Retreating is not a guarantee since GON is also quite good in the Movement stat even for runner esc character builds. Defense is useally a smart choice against GON as it doubles your defense and adds it to your defense roll at the cost that you dont attack back witch ultimately makes it easier to tank hits from GON himself. None the less I hold my ground and fight GON off without the help of any influencing Cards to boot.
    GONS Stats
    Movement: 5
    Attack: 15
    Defense: 5
    Like I said GON has overall high numbers to combat mostly all builds that Players would create. He can outrun most speedy players both in battle and on the field. (This high speed also alows him to cover Ground very quickly.) Overpower most if not all tanks, and has the defense so unless your packing some form of offense no simple hit will brake through his Defenses. So the main way to beat him is high defense and power to brake through those defenses whilst still having the defense to tank the hits hes throwing at you. But even then luck is still a factor and as such you can simply go down from an unlucky draw its in your best interest to avoid GON under most circumstances not confront him. (Especially if your not as high as the level im at...)
    Fun Fact: I beat GON twice the second time is the time your seeing here but I had no cards after the first scuffle so I thought lets make a recording of this instead.

Комментарии • 34

  • @videogamerNattie98
    @videogamerNattie98  3 года назад +1

    Okay I am going to make a few statements 1 I did not expect this to hit 1k views thanks I really do appreciate it 🙂
    And secondly if you really like this game you can get it off of the PS3 or PSP/ PSP Vita's PSN Store for $6 Do note that the PS3 is still backwards compatible with PS1 disks so a physical copy of this game will still work no matter what. Also just remember the original PSP stores will still go down by July but Vita and PS3 will remain up.

  • @ParagonProtag
    @ParagonProtag 10 месяцев назад +1

    Desir just having the WORST day to wind up with 2 HP. 😂

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  10 месяцев назад

      Yep unfortunately to get GON without being in a disadvantageous position I need to wait by the exit with the relic till the cards run out beat him then leave.
      So that means the others get a little roughed up in that time.

  • @thebroker2191
    @thebroker2191 2 года назад +3

    Nice job dude! That’s a pretty beefy character. I’m fire this game up tonight, myself /,,/,

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  2 года назад +1

      I would then proceed to remake the character after losing the save, Buy the PS3 version of the PS1 game of the store and transfer the saves between each other.

  • @danbeatboxerlee966
    @danbeatboxerlee966 2 года назад +3

    Well played!! I love this game my fav game as a kid! GON was so strong when u 1st start I always dragged out this part for the banger music lmao 🤣

  • @INFJPhilosopher
    @INFJPhilosopher 4 года назад +3

    My sister, friends, and I would play this game a lot. We had a lot of good times with this game!

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  4 года назад +1

      whilst I was not around for its release I got it on emulator to try it because I seen it was an amazing game and it did not dissapoint. Emulation is always a grey area but this is what makes it so great preserving the good times of those diamonds of back then. That and these games can be scarce and rather expensive to get and I look at it as the company who made it is not gonna be able to get anymore profit from doing it so i decided to emulate it to play it. And modern services like parsec and Steam alows for some amazing remote play so you can effectively give these old games a makeshift retrofitted online mode by emulating it and using them.

    • @INFJPhilosopher
      @INFJPhilosopher 4 года назад +1

      @@videogamerNattie98 I still have my original copy that I paid $9.99 for at Babbages back when it was still in business.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  4 года назад

      As for emulation itself its a bit of a grey area but the emulator I use here is the ePSXe now if you do get it on PC do remember that you will need to procure the BIOS of the PS1 to do it and sadly due to questionable legality I cant help you there. The best I can tell you and the most legal approach to it is your suppose to get the bios off of your personally owned PS1 if you want to get it through other means for the sake of making sure you do not incriminate yourself for legality issues later. Leave it off the internet is the best advice I can give you on that. To clarify this is not legal advice this is just what I think I should tell you when entering this field if you do.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  4 года назад

      @@INFJPhilosopher That is cool I will also say it is fully legal to make a copy of something you own its only illegal if you distribute the copy to someone else but yes you can get a ROM copy off of your disk to if you wanted to emulate it and the ePSXe i think lets you read from disk drive to.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  4 года назад

      @@INFJPhilosopher As for GON himself I would only recommend taking him on if your near or at level 15 and only if you have high defense and attack as you need it to stand a chance in the description I note just what stats he has and his stats are designed to combat most builds being generally high across the board.

  • @romekjanes7664
    @romekjanes7664 3 месяца назад +1

    If i remember correctly you can play as Shuichi and the claw character by using their names.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  2 месяца назад +1

      You are right there is 2 special names you can put into the character creator to play as some characters from the story.
      SHUICHI or VIKEIF and unlike other characters you make and play as these characters while they are level 1, have preset level ups as they have a layout of stats there pre set to have and the game automatically builds them up to that preset with each level.

  • @pixienyx4306
    @pixienyx4306 3 года назад +2

    Damn….. GON was always terrifying to me…
    I mean I’d always drag out a mission to get the badass music and pray to RNGesus that he didn’t spawn within half a grid of me but for you to actually beat him?
    Just…. Damn….. nice job!

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  3 года назад

      Needless to say I am someone who has some experience taking on big nasty foes.
      But if your gonna fight him ideally it would be best if your at lvl 15 or max level as GON has amazing stats across the board. That and a max level hunter is best at contesting at least 2 of the 3 Stats. I noted in the description its impossible to do all 3, and I recommend focusing on attack, and defense with some HP making Spd your dump stat.
      Bring Attack and Defense boosting items, and a thing that boosts healing like the med kit. Attack only on the counterattack because you'll want your turns to rest it also prevents Crits from him on the attacks you would have made. Which are much more damning then a counter attack Crit cause then he will hit you while stunned which means you cant take a reaction and for that attack taken while stunned your defense is 0.
      Where as if he does it when he counters you then you'll get back on your turn. You even see that in the vid he crit me but because I only did attacks on the counter attack. I got back up immediately on my turn, and regained control of the situation.
      Doing all this you can maximize your chances of success. High defense characters if they defend can stall GON if there defense is high enough that is why my strategy in taking him on works so well even without the anti GON attack whip.
      As for who he chooses to attack Gon Prioritizes the key item holder but he will prioritize other hunters next to him over that. And of course if no one is holding the key item he just targets whoever is closest to him so that is his priorities.

  • @ayngels88333
    @ayngels88333 4 года назад +3

    As your dice show numbers below 3 sometimes my guess is that your are missing out on very precious items... or no luck ! With the right items you don't need so much in defense and and health. My build with 5 items (keeping 1 slot free) gives me mov +1, att+20, hp 30 and defence 5. The amulet which makes dice always above 2 reduces the randomness. In the end worst case scenario during combat dice give you -6. GON having +15 and my char having 5 defense, worst case scenario is a 16 damage hit and knocked out. Whith the Angel wing item, you heal yourself from 3 to 6 (with the amulet that is) each turn. which means that you'll recover +11 at least each turn not knocked out with 30 HP. The Angel wing activates even if you're knocked out btw, so it's really awesome. if you then want you can gard in order to double your defense and recover. The probability for you to get knocked out several times in a row with massive damage is extremely small to the point that it's practically impossible for you to actually die. +5 defense and the odds beign with you with the amulet in combat will make you unvulnerable to most enemies making you able to take on GON with being ganged by others =) With 20 Attack and the double attack item you can one shoot him. generally he dies in 3 hits. 2 counter attacks (I never attack him directly unless I am sure he will die) He has only 38 HP. You probably don't play anymore ahah but I am nostalgic ^^ I have been watching a few videos and it seems that people completely miss the importance of items and how a few of them are game changers. Btw I have found a way to play as BPHS, as well as vikeyev but without stat constraint =)

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  4 года назад

      The problem with all this is its all random if you get it so unless you grind the game needlessly to make a god character your pretty much at the whim of RNG. So i focused my points into attack and defense to build a character more suited to fighting without having to go grind needlessly for items. The Defense is at 7 so I can guard for 14 reducing his odds of getting a hard hit on me to let me rest. But yes I do know items in the game exist that can make this fight a cake walk and reduce RNG further but it takes a lot of time and luck to get them. I mainly did this cause few actually get to see what actually happen if you beat GON since its more of a completely optional thing to do. And is as close as your gonna get to an actual boss of this game.
      I stumbled on this game in my ventures of emulation and its a really good multiplayer gem on the PSX. Also because of the way this game is layed out you can stream the game and play with others without needing to give them a controller a ask on what they want to do kind of multiplayer game. And you have things like parsec which make jerry rigging emulate able games like this with a form of online play.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  3 года назад

      ​@@ayngels88333 The item that grants a bonus to your rest flat out is the med kit or as the game calls it Medicine it boosts all resting by 50% rounded down. Also any item held that has an effect can not be stacked with an item that grants the exact same effect. Resting Normally restores 25% I assume rounded down of your life and with the med kits boost it roughly puts that to around 35% or a bit over a third of your Max HP.
      The best items in the game are the Stat boosting items Defense +2 and Attack +3 items especially. The folklores or as I call it the Holy Bible Which drops encounter rate to 0%, the generator for other Hunters/Players making Crits also apply the stun effect instead of confusion, and for both monsters and other Hunters/Players the A book or Attack book which doubles your attack role on a crit. And the med kit which I already described the effects of, Other good items are the panic pills which can be used to cure panic.
      How they work is they cure panic on your turn instead of after it. Given any crit done to you causes panic this prevents your character from taking irrational actions. It wont stop your character from taking irrational reactions it just means that you'll regain control of your character and have control of them every single turn no matter what.
      And the crutch which makes it so with a broken leg instead of having a movement of 0 will be considered to have a movement of +1 if you have more then 0. Its good because when I create my character I instinctually put 1 point into defense and 2 into movement this is because all stats have 1 point in them by default before point allocation so not putting any points in it period means a waste of a freebie point the game gives you in that stat.
      Also I did get and test out the PS3s PSN store version its the same as original the virtual multitap does indeed work I will say only for the first slot not the second so make sure your players are on the 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, and 4-A slots and none of the B's as they do not work which is not really a big deal given the game is only 4 players anyways. And while the game detects the virtual memory card slots the PS3 only allows allocation of memory cards in the 1 and 2 slot or the 1-A, and 1-B slots when the multi tap is in use. Which is also not a problem because the PS3 makes up for it by allowing creation of as many PS1 virtual memory cards as needed.
      The emulation the PS3 uses is fundamentally solid and is a very valid way to play this game and any others. Also make sure to enable rumble this is not an emulator thing but Battle Hunters has rumble support but its disabled by default and it does not save your configuration I recommend a pan through the settings to enable that and orientate the player slots and settings upon boot up.
      And finally I have a few tips to share, every level up will restore all lost permanent HP so focus on a level up more then restoring lost HP if you can level up or are close to doing so. And encountered traps can be skillfully dodged with good timing during the double exclamation mark a smaller one will flicker for but a moment next to the notification if you can press X when its on screen in this moment your hunter will do a cool pose and automatically dodge the trap despite being noted in the manual the game has no name for it but I call this a Skillful Dodge. And if your wondering yes the PS3s PSN store version of the game comes with a digital copy of the manual accessible through the XMB or PS3 button menu on the controller while in game.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  3 года назад

      Also about your reply I accidentally fat fingered it sorry about that :p

  • @churchofsatan2041
    @churchofsatan2041 7 дней назад +1

    I still never understood how the combat calculation works

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  7 дней назад +1

      To explain how the combat cacluation works the dice cards have color to tell you what stat is being used
      Red Dice cards are Attack.
      Yellow Dice cards are Defense.
      And Blue Dice cards are Speed.
      You have 3 stats, Attack, Defense, and Speed.
      When your attacking your attack stat is added to your roll and when on the Defense your defense stat is added to your roll. And when the rolls happen the defense total is subtracted from the attackers total.
      So its there Defense roll + There Defense stat that's then subtracted from your Attack roll + your attack stat, and the remaining is the damage.
      In Combat you have 4 responses when being attacked, counter attack your opponent, Defend from the attack, Run away from the attacker, or surrender.
      If you choose to counter attack your opting to make a attack on them after there attack resolves. But if you get crit which is when someone rolls doubles on the attack die, and take damage then you lose the counter attack if you take no damage from a crit then your attack will go through like normal. My attack of 13 easily bites through GONs defense of 5 (I explain GONs stats in the Description, I was able to get them by simply doing the math backwords and through that process able to deduce what numbers are applying to his stats.) Monsters will only ever counter-attack, so its his defense roll + 5 that subtracts my Attack roll + 13 which is essentially Gon's Defense roll subtracted by my Attack Roll + 8 so he takes decent amounts of damage from every one of my attacks.
      Defense instead of countering there attack, your instead taking your defense stat, and doubling it for the attack there doing on you. The reason I use defense is because I have a high defense so it takes my high defense of 7 and doubles it to 14. And then adds the doubled value to my defense roll for my attack. Thats why GONs attacks are lowered much more then most when I defend. GON has an attack of 15 and I have a defense of 14 for that Attack but this literally means its his Attack roll + 15 subtracted by my Defense roll + 14 which is essentially his Attack roll + 1 subtracted by my Defense Roll when defending which makes the maximum possible damage GON can do when defending a 11 because worst case I roll double 1s for 2, and he rolls double 6s for 12 making a difference of 10 and a difference of 10 + 1 = 11. Which means if I'm defending its physically impossible for him to 1 shot me when my HP is decent as I have a good amount of HP. GONs crit can stun you BUT you recover from stun on your turn so if the Crit comes in when GONs doing the attack ill recover from the crit before he can benefit from it before his next attack. That being said when you recover from stun in this game you lose your turn and cant rest to heal but that means that ill be able to defend the subsequent attacks till I can swing the fight back in my favor by using my turn to rest to recover HP and to only hit on the counter.
      Then there is running if you run you both make contested speed checks both rolling blue dice each adding your speed stat to your respective rolls. If the runner rolls higher then the attacker they get away and that fight ends immediately with no consequence. BUT if the attacker gets the better roll the person being attacked is caught up to, and is considered stunned for the attack. Which means there defense stat is considered 0 for the sake of there defense calculation of the attack they will receive.
      Surrendering lets you teleport out of combat but you have to give the opponent an item. The difference with surrendering and being defeated is while yes you do technically lose the fight you have a choice on what item to give the opponent instead of them taking a item of there choice when they defeat you. So you can use other treasure as a bail out option from the fight but be forewarned the teleport away is random so you may not go where you want if you do that.
      Basically if you have a high attack Countering is the better move if you can take there hits. You should only defend if you have a good defense as it doubles the defense stat so if you have no defense your just throwing your counter attack away for nothing. And you should only run if you have a high speed stat but be forwarned its risky and if your caught which can happen if the dice fall out of your favor youll take a serious hit for it as your defense will be considered 0 for the attack your taking. The defense roll will still go through even if you fail a run check but late game players have high attack stat and so your more then likely gonna take the brunt of there entire attack stat with no defense.
      Another thing to note status effects do effect these rolls if you have a broken leg your speed is considered 0 and you can fix that by getting to the exit reguardless of treaure. If you dont have the treasure it will cure the broken leg and teleport you to a random place in the dungeon. There also exists the crutch which is a treasure item you can find, while it wont fix your speed your speed is considered 1 while holding it with a broken leg. Remember though treasure items will not give you there benefits until you get them identified.
      Also if someone is stunned and they get attacked they cant make an option and there defense is considered 0 letting anyone who attacks them during the stun gain the ability to really mess them up. So if your dealing with a pursuer traps are a good way as stepping on a trap stops them in there tracks if they get hit by it. But you can use a stun trap to stun them then go up for a nasty punish for chasing you.
      If your dealing with traps from my knowledge of traps its not speed your base evasion of the trap is actually based on your defense stat from my experience of playing high defense low speed characters they tend to avoid them more its why defense cards raise your trap avoidance chances out of combat. But another thing about traps is a mini ! appears next to the characters response to the trap for a very brief moment. If you press X when its on screen you can do a active dodge, and avoid the trap using good timed skill.
      Each trap is good against a certain build but are good in general, Leg traps cripple Speed builds completely stopping there ability to run but they can also be used to put the speed stat more in your favor when running from someone. Stun traps let you bypass a players beefy defense build they are my favorite because it can set up any player chasing you for a nasty punish and they cant do anything about it when stunned. And damage traps can help bring down large sums of HP if the player going after you has a HP sponge build going on which some do over defense since resting is percentage based, so having more HP gives more HP per rest.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  7 дней назад +1

      I know its a lot to read but if you do you'll understand the math then watch the vid and it all starts to click in :)

    • @churchofsatan2041
      @churchofsatan2041 7 дней назад +1

      @@videogamerNattie98 thank you, that was very helpful.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  День назад

      @@churchofsatan2041 Anytime friend :)

  • @MrBeakdog
    @MrBeakdog 5 лет назад +4


    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  3 года назад

      What's funny is I found out its on PS3s PSN store since I found that out, and since the store will go dead by July you can get it there to. But this game on my PCSX emulator with parsec to play the game with friends online its the life. I would easily recommend that if you and your friends have good internet.

    • @videogamerNattie98
      @videogamerNattie98  3 года назад

      Good news is Jim Ryan the CEO of Sony reversed the decision to kill the PS3 store so long live digital PS3 Goods :D