Tài sản của “Người giàu” thường là gì? | Live 170

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2024
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tự hỏi tại sao những người giàu có lại ngày càng giàu hơn, trong khi nhiều người trong chúng ta vẫn đang chật vật từng ngày mà lại vẫn khó khăn?
    Trong Livestream 170 ngày hôm nay chắc chắn tiết lộ những bí mật ẩn sau những tài sản mà chỉ người giàu mới sở hữu. Không chỉ là tiền bạc, mà còn là những giá trị vô hình nào giúp họ duy trì và phát triển sự giàu có của mình?
    Liệu bạn cũng có thể nắm giữ những tài sản ấy để thay đổi cuộc sống của mình? Hãy cùng chúng tôi khám phá câu trả lời trong Livestream 170 này.
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    Lịch phát sóng:
    🟢 7h Sáng thứ 2️⃣4️⃣6️⃣: RADIO Nhi Le
    🟠 11h Trưa thứ 3️⃣5️⃣7️⃣: Q&A
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    ● Video edited by NhiLe Team
    ● Graphic design by Thanh Tâm (Monica)
    📌 Link Timecode tất cả Livestream: tinyurl.com/timecodeNhiLe
    00:41 Chào mọi người, nhớ đăng ký kênh để nghe Nhi trả lời câu hỏi mỗi ngày.
    03:50 Nhi phân tích :Tài sản nào tạo nên sự giàu thịnh vượng?"
    19:50 Khi mở công ty, góc nhìn rộng và giá trị to lớn hơn tiền là gì?
    21:20 Tập trung vào một kênh đầu tư có được không?
    23:08 Chuyển đổi AI vào công việc, nên bắt đầu từ đâu?
    24:53 Vai trò của sự kiên nhẫn trong việc duy trì động lực và đam mê.
    28:30 Thói quen quan trọng hơn động lực?
    32:57 Vì sao nhiều người quay lại lối sống cũ dù đã vượt qua nó? Làm sao để duy trì lối sống tốt?
    36:46 Bạn không điều khiển được người khác.
    44:09 Tự do là gì? Làm công ăn lương có tự do tài chính được không?
    55:49 |*| Người giàu thường làm gì?
    01:19:49 Cho con học gì, chơi gì cho bớt quậy?
    01:24:35 Nhận biết người có giá trị đạo đức trên livestream.
    01:32:22 Nhi chia sẻ về một lần thất bại và cách vượt qua.
    01:36:27 Nhi chia sẻ về cách kiếm tiền từ mua business.
    01:47:55 Nhi chia sẻ về cuộc sống của mình thời gian qua.
    #nhilelive #nhile #nhilefoundation #taisan #nguoigiau #tienbac
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Комментарии • 202

    @NHILE_SG  9 дней назад +5

    Các chương trình giúp bạn THAY ĐỔI CUỘC SỐNG: t.me/+oRNgkLckPFU4MGE1

  • @vuonsaunha3126
    @vuonsaunha3126 9 дней назад +12

    Lesson from Tài sản của “Người giàu” thường là gì? | Live 170
    1. Tư duy tích cực về tiền bạc: Người giàu thường có tư duy tích cực về tiền bạc, họ không coi đó là một vấn đề rủi ro mà thay vào đó là một cơ hội để kiếm thêm và quản lý tốt.
    2. Kiến thức và kỹ năng tài chính: Những người giàu thường đầu tư thời gian và nỗ lực vào việc học hỏi về tài chính và phát triển kỹ năng quản lý tài chính để đạt được thành công về mặt tài chính.
    3. Kiên nhẫn và kiên trì: Để đạt được thành công tài chính, cần phải có sự kiên nhẫn và kiên trì trong quá trình làm việc và đầu tư. Người giàu hiểu rằng thành công không đến qua đêm mà đòi hỏi thời gian và nỗ lực.
    4. Xác định mục tiêu và kế hoạch: Một bài học quan trọng trong việc quản lý tài chính là xác định rõ mục tiêu cụ thể và lập kế hoạch hành động cụ thể để đạt được mục tiêu đó.
    5. Đầu tư vào bản thân: Người giàu thường đầu tư vào việc phát triển bản thân thông qua việc học hỏi, rèn luyện kỹ năng, và duy trì một tư duy tích cực để đạt được thành công và tài sản lớn.
    6. Quản lý nợ: Người giàu thường biết cách quản lý nợ một cách thông minh và hiệu quả. Họ không để nợ trở thành gánh nặng mà thay vào đó cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng trước khi vay và đảm bảo có kế hoạch trả nợ đúng hạn.
    7. Đa dạng hóa đầu tư: Để giảm thiểu rủi ro và tối ưu hiệu quả đầu tư, người giàu thường đa dạng hóa danh mục đầu tư của mình bằng cách đầu tư vào nhiều lĩnh vực và loại tài sản khác nhau.
    8. Tạo ra nguồn thu không định kì: Một bài học quan trọng là tìm cách tạo ra nguồn thu không định kì, chẳng hạn như thông qua việc xây dựng doanh nghiệp riêng, đầu tư vào bất động sản cho thu nhập passsive, hoặc tạo ra các nguồn thu từ sở thích và sở trường cá nhân.
    9. Học hỏi từ thất bại: Người giàu hiểu rằng thất bại là một phần không thể tránh khỏi trên con đường thành công. Họ học hỏi từ những sai lầm, sẽ mạnh mẽ hơn và hiểu rõ hơn cách khắc phục chúng để trở nên thành công hơn.
    10. Xây dựng mối quan hệ và mạng lưới: Một bài học quan trọng mà người giàu thường áp dụng là xây dựng mối quan hệ và mạng lưới xã hội rộng lớn. Việc chăm sóc và duy trì mối quan hệ tích cực có thể mang lại cơ hội kinh doanh mới, hỗ trợ trong việc phát triển sự nghiệp và đầu tư.
    11. Khả năng tự quản lý và tự thúc đẩy: Người giàu thường có khả năng tự quản lý thời gian, công việc và tài chính hiệu quả. Họ cũng biết cách tự thúc đẩy bản thân, đặt ra mục tiêu rõ ràng và giữ cho bản thân luôn phấn đấu hướng tới thành công.
    12. Sẵn lòng học hỏi liên tục: Bài học cuối cùng là sẵn lòng học hỏi liên tục và không ngừng phát triển bản thân. Việc đầu tư vào việc học, đọc sách, tham gia các khóa học chuyên môn sẽ giúp bạn không chỉ mở rộng kiến thức mà còn nắm vững cơ hội mới trong thế giới kinh doanh và tài chính.
    13. Tính nhân quả và trách nhiệm: Người giàu thường hiểu rõ rằng mọi hành động đều có hậu quả, và họ chấp nhận trách nhiệm với những quyết định của mình. Bằng cách đưa ra những quyết định thông minh và đúng đắn, họ có thể tối đa hóa lợi ích và giảm thiểu những rủi ro có thể phát sinh.
    14. Đặt mục tiêu thông minh và cụ thể: Người giàu thường đặt ra những mục tiêu cụ thể, đo lường được và có tính khả thi để hướng tới. Việc đặt mục tiêu giúp họ tập trung vào những gì quan trọng nhất và tăng cơ hội thành công hơn trong cuộc sống và sự nghiệp.
    15. Phát triển kỹ năng giao tiếp: Người giàu thường sở hữu kỹ năng giao tiếp xuất sắc, từ cách diễn đạt ý kiến đến khả năng lắng nghe. Việc hiểu rõ ngôn ngữ cơ thể, biết cách tương tác hiệu quả với người khác và thể hiện mình một cách tự tin là yếu tố quan trọng giúp họ thành công trong môi trường kinh doanh và xã hội.
    16. Xây dựng mạng lưới quan hệ: Mạng lưới quan hệ chơi vai trò quan trọng trong việc phát triển sự nghiệp và thành công cá nhân. Người thành công thông thường đầu tư thời gian trong việc xây dựng và phát triển mối quan hệ với những người có thể hỗ trợ và thúc đẩy cho sự phát triển của họ.
    17. Tự kiểm soát và quản lý thời gian: Để đạt được hiệu quả cao, người giàu luôn biết cách quản lý thời gian của mình một cách thông minh. Bằng cách ưu tiên công việc và sắp xếp thời gian một cách hợp lý, họ có thể tối đa hóa hiệu suất làm việc và đạt kết quả cao.
    18. Học hỏi liên tục: Người thành công luôn coi việc học là một quá trình liên tục, không bao giờ ngừng. Việc nâng cao kiến thức, kỹ năng và thái độ từ những nguồn học tập khác nhau giúp họ nâng cao trình độ và thành công hơn trong sự nghiệp.
    19. Tư duy lạc quan và sáng tạo: Tư duy lạc quan giúp người thành công nhìn nhận các tình huống khó khăn một cách tích cực và tìm ra giải pháp sáng tạo. Bằng cách thúc đẩy tư duy sáng tạo và lạc quan, họ có thể vượt qua được thách thức và đạt được mục tiêu đề ra.
    20. Thể hiện lòng biết ơn: Người giàu thường biết trân trọng và thể hiện lòng biết ơn đến những người đã hỗ trợ và giúp đỡ họ trên con đường thành công. Việc đánh giá cao những đóng góp và sự giúp đỡ từ người khác giúp họ duy trì mối quan hệ tích cực và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau trong tương lai.

  • @vinhtrantrong7108
    @vinhtrantrong7108 3 дня назад +1

    Giới trẻ theo đuổi, nhưng sau lưng gia đình giàu và điều kiện thì không sao hết. Cha mẹ học vẽ, học trồng cây, học đánh đàn, học nuôi cá,… và đưa con bạn theo, dần dần con sẽ trải nghiệm và hứng thú

  • @TuyetNganOfficial
    @TuyetNganOfficial 6 дней назад +1

    Lessons from livestream 170
    - Helping others is helping yourself
    - The opportunity for yourself to look back on yourself
    - Help more people not to return to the old lifestyle but choose to spend more time to contribute
    - The feeling of seeing others change for the better is extremely happy
    - Whatever is from the heart, it also touches the hearts of others.

  • @BeBu99
    @BeBu99 День назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - If you don't persevere, you will never succeed
    - habits are more important than motivation
    - Only time will make you mature, when do you need to say yes or no.
    - Helping others is helping yourself

  • @PhiNhan95
    @PhiNhan95 День назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - When you help others, it is also an opportunity for you to reflect and consider yourself.
    - Every generation has different views... the only way to get along with your children is to learn to understand them better
    - finances support your move towards freedom.

  • @tookim9096
    @tookim9096 6 дней назад +1

    Lessons from live 170
    - Society has many layers and it is built over time.
    - Invest in things you have knowledge about.
    - Success needs to be created from perseverance.
    - Trust your intuition.
    - The final way to overcome addiction is to join a group to help others.

  • @hoailuongthi-wz4is
    @hoailuongthi-wz4is 7 дней назад +2

    Em cảm ơn chị ạ ❤❤

  • @nguyenoanh6048
    @nguyenoanh6048 3 дня назад

    Lessons from live 170:
    - Poor people want to overcome and learn to overcome themselves, don't help them.
    - People who go up must also go down.
    - Sitting with someone who has experienced one day is like learning 10 years of knowledge.
    - The number 1 healing energy comes from trees.

  • @doanhhuynh902
    @doanhhuynh902 6 дней назад +1

    Lessons from live 170
    1. The way rich people think is very different from poor people
    2. Do not invest in anything if you do not have the knowledge
    3. Learn not to let yourself fall into the trap of scammers
    4. Building a business takes time, no business is successful after 1-2 days

  • @khanhlinhluu3706
    @khanhlinhluu3706 7 дней назад

    lessons from live 170
    - the rich teach other to be rich just because they like doing it
    - put emotion aside, focus on doing things rationally
    - trust in your intuition, who is sweet to you is not really good friends
    - environment keep you continue your routine
    - help other is help yourself because it makes you reflect on yourself

  • @bu4434
    @bu4434 9 дней назад +2

    Chị Nhi dễ thương quá, :'))

    @DSDUCTRONG 5 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170 (tiep)
    Success requires adaptability and resilience. Life and business are full of unpredictable events, and one must be prepared to handle them. This includes managing stress, dealing with unexpected problems, and continuously improving oneself. Balancing work and personal life is key to sustaining long-term success and well-being.

  • @anhnguyen-zk5jy
    @anhnguyen-zk5jy 9 дней назад +4

    Nay trông chị xinh hơn á

  • @tramnguyen2841
    @tramnguyen2841 6 дней назад

    Live 170
    -Learn to say no, set boundaries
    -Instead of blaming social networks, parents should teach children how to interact, share feelings and live independently
    -To take on a variety of roles and develop skills before deciding to start or work for others
    -Focus on maintaining good health and energy from an early age to avoid health problems later

  • @NhuQuynh-qz2zt
    @NhuQuynh-qz2zt 6 дней назад +1

    Lessons from live 170:
    - Habits matter more than motivation.
    - Respect and follow the law.
    - Make time to give back. You cannot control the external world, but you can control yourself.
    - Be respectful of others' differences.
    - Rebalance and control yourself.
    - You cannot teach others what you do not have.
    - There is no financial freedom in this world; only freedom.

    @DSDUCTRONG 8 дней назад

    Chi Nhi emphasizes the importance of understanding economic and financial knowledge. Chi Nhi explains that financial stability is a crucial aspect of life that cannot be ignored. Learning how to earn and manage money is essential for supporting oneself and those around them. This knowledge is likened to a journey through different stages of education, where each stage builds upon the previous one.

  • @huakimngan05
    @huakimngan05 8 дней назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    + The real source of money for the rich comes from their corporate empires
    + Focus on what you do well
    + If you don't persevere, you'll never succeed
    + Environment and friends are very important, successful people always have a team
    + When you help others, you help yourself

  • @tuananhluong3213
    @tuananhluong3213 День назад

    Lesson from live 170:
    1. Patience is the indispensable factor to be successful. That means pursuing the goal with effort, getting up after failure, doing it again and again, is maintaining, someday you have to do what you dont want to. Even in love, relationships need being patient
    2. Good habits only come when you are in healthy environment, who accompany with you are very important. The most successful people have companion who pull them uo from hell
    3. You should find your own boundary, know to say no, know where your limits are, know when walk away, know when should strongly protect yourself
    4. The way to prevent drug addicts from relapsing is joining team which helps addicts become better person

  • @thanhnhien69
    @thanhnhien69 8 дней назад

    Now Nhi looks more gentle.
    Whatever you do, you must have perseverance

  • @thuuyennguyen680
    @thuuyennguyen680 4 дня назад

    00:41 Chào mọi người, nhớ đăng ký kênh để nghe Nhi trả lời câu hỏi mỗi ngày.
    03:50 Nhi phân tích :Tài sản nào tạo nên sự giàu thịnh vượng?"
    19:50 Khi mở công ty, góc nhìn rộng và giá trị to lớn hơn tiền là gì?
    21:20 Tập trung vào một kênh đầu tư có được không?
    23:08 Chuyển đổi AI vào công việc, nên bắt đầu từ đâu?
    24:53 Vai trò của sự kiên nhẫn trong việc duy trì động lực và đam mê.
    28:30 Thói quen quan trọng hơn động lực?
    32:57 Vì sao nhiều người quay lại lối sống cũ dù đã vượt qua nó? Làm sao để duy trì lối sống tốt?
    36:46 Bạn không điều khiển được người khác.
    44:09 Tự do là gì? Làm công ăn lương có tự do tài chính được không?
    55:49 |*| Người giàu thường làm gì?
    01:19:49 Cho con học gì, chơi gì cho bớt quậy?
    01:24:35 Nhận biết người có giá trị đạo đức trên livestream.
    01:32:22 Nhi chia sẻ về một lần thất bại và cách vượt qua.
    01:36:27 Nhi chia sẻ về cách kiếm tiền từ mua business.
    01:47:55 Nhi chia sẻ về cuộc sống của mình thời gian qua.

  • @thupham8574
    @thupham8574 8 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - Go from this floor to another floor
    - Take care of yourself first before taking care of others
    - If you don't know what to do, start by learning
    - Helping others is also helping yourself. It helps you appreciate the present and let go of old habits
    - There is no financial freedom. Freedom is doing what you want while still having money to do so
    - Let your child engage in physical activities; when they burn off energy, they won't have the energy to bother you

  • @Huongchan
    @Huongchan 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - You have to participate in the game to understand its rules.
    - You have passion but don't have perseverance, practice is like nothing
    - habits are more important than motivation, but you need to have teammates to motivate each other.
    - When you help others, it is also an opportunity for you to reflect and examine yourself.
    - Each generation has differences in opinion... the only way to get along with your children is to learn to understand them better
    - finances support your move towards freedom.

  • @nguyenhotrucquynh
    @nguyenhotrucquynh 19 часов назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    - Open minded to accept when people say directly
    - Stop blaming your kids
    - Parents must learn how to know their kids
    - Learn about finances

  • @HaDuyen-ey3dv
    @HaDuyen-ey3dv 8 дней назад

    Lessons from Live 170 Nhi Le
    1, Have to study so much, before want to invest in something
    2, The differentiation between a successful person is a patient
    3, friends, the environment is very important
    4, Karma has always existed
    5, Key point not come back old habbit is help people outside as much as you can

  • @huyenoanhvu
    @huyenoanhvu 16 часов назад

    Lesson from Live 170:
    - Are you ok to pay that price?
    - You have all the conditions to be happy. Be grateful for that
    - Learn to talk to yourself like your best friend
    - You are the average of your 5 closet friends
    - There will be always pains in your life, learn to stand up the fastest you can and move on
    - If you don't do wrong, you don't grow
    - Accept feedback from others positively
    - You can't change other people's lives, you can only change yours
    - Don't take things personal
    - Never react
    - It's other's business, not yours. Why do you care?
    - No more drama
    - Live honestly but don't force others to accept it

  • @mainguyenthibich55
    @mainguyenthibich55 7 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170
    - Rich people are rich from the profits of their businesses, no one is rich from lots of cash
    - Rich people always use leverage (employees, tools, machinery, etc.)
    - When investing, you must have knowledge
    - Perseverance has no price, perseverance is the factor for success
    - Friends, teams, companions are very important in the development journey
    - To overcome and not return to addiction, you must participate in helping the community

  • @hongoan2084
    @hongoan2084 6 дней назад +1

    Lessons from live 170:
    - Whatever you do, you must have knowledge before doing it.
    - Make a persistent effort to do it every day, the habit comes from the teammates around you.
    - Join communities to help people like me in the past. When we help others, we also help ourselves.
    - Teach your child how to let him live with him. Learn about your child's life to learn and help him or her develop.

  • @LinhPhuong-L
    @LinhPhuong-L 8 дней назад

    Lessons from Live 170 p2:
    - Allow children to participate in necessary physical activities
    - Boring business is a business that can make money even with its eyes closed: accounting, vending machines,...
    - Know how to read financial reports and know how to operate a business
    - Nature, trees, rivers and streams carry a lot of healing energy

  • @TramThanh-li2ld
    @TramThanh-li2ld 7 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170 #2:
    - It takes perseverance to lead to success
    - friends, comrade, people next to you verry important

  • @nguyenkhanhbeauty
    @nguyenkhanhbeauty 8 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170 Nhi Le
    - Have knowledge to do anything
    - the rich people and poor people dont have the same mind
    - everything if you say, its need the truth
    - dont invest your money on anthing if you dont have knowledge
    - Learn Ai
    - You want to win, lets jump in to do it

  • @tamanh9322
    @tamanh9322 4 дня назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    1. Rich people don't have much cash.
    2. There is no financial freedom, only the freedom to do what you want.
    3. Employees have time for family, owners only have work.
    4. Try both employee and self-employed jobs to see what job qualities you have
    5. Children need exercise
    6. Happy people love themselves, being alone is fine
    7. Don't waste your health

  • @ThanhTruc-sx8yf
    @ThanhTruc-sx8yf 7 дней назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    - invest in yourself
    - Your health is still the most important
    - invest in yourself
    - work and learn to invest
    - love yourself

  • @dongockhanhvy
    @dongockhanhvy 9 дней назад +1

    Lessons from live 170
    Everything must start learning from the foundation
    Persistence is something that you cannot put a price on
    Set boundaries for yourself, say no to things you don't want
    Remember the law of cause and effect
    There is no financial freedom in this world, only freedom.

  • @dothithaonguyen21
    @dothithaonguyen21 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170
    - There is no luck
    - The winner of the game is the person who participates in the game
    - Perseverance is not paying the price
    - No one works for 3 or 6 months and is successful
    - Habits are more important than motivation
    - There is no financial freedom, there is only freedom

  • @thuongthuong28
    @thuongthuong28 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170:
    - Perseverance will help you succeed
    - Invest in something you have knowledge in
    - Find an environment to develop and change habits
    -Helping others is also helping ourselves, giving us the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and the things we have experienced.

  • @tuananhluong3213
    @tuananhluong3213 17 часов назад

    Lesson from live 170:
    1. Respect the gap among generations, instead of wanting to change somebody, you only can learn and balance yourself
    2. In real life dont have financial freedom, that means freedom only. Freedom is the right to design, to decide your own life and do what you want to is when money feed your freedom because you dont have to worry about three meals for anyday
    3. Sometimes, freedom comes from being wage-earner, not anyone doing business have freedom. Freedom comes from having control your life and knowing about who you are, where you belong to
    4. Learn to know more about yourself, have ability to do what, want to be who

  • @ainhan.nguyengia
    @ainhan.nguyengia 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170:
    Practical experience is invaluable for personal and professional growth.
    Use your intuition to choose the right friends and partners.
    Helping others can reinforce positive habits and prevent regression into old, unproductive patterns.
    Support others in their creative endeavors and respect their individual dreams.

  • @nguyenthianhthu02
    @nguyenthianhthu02 13 часов назад

    Lessons from livestream 170:
    1. focus on your strengths
    2. Invest in knowledge
    3. You can't change anyone else, you can only change yourself
    4. Find a teacher to help you

  • @buihan239
    @buihan239 2 дня назад

    Lessons from livestream 170 p2
    - Distinguishing types of businesses
    - Old bamboo shoots sprouting
    - Each age is a different stage
    - Take care of your health from a young age

  • @sallyduong7090
    @sallyduong7090 День назад

    Lesson from lesson 170 :
    - what is your feedom
    - take care of your emotion and meatal first
    - there is no luck
    - never give up
    Finances is some thing that must to learn
    - study to gain knowledge

  • @32-voduytan26
    @32-voduytan26 9 дней назад

    Lessions from livestream 170:
    - Take care of your emotional and mental health first, then learn about finance and prosperity.
    - Without interacting with wealthy people, you can't understand their skills to learn from them.
    - The only person who wins the game is the one who actually plays it.
    - Perseverance and effort are the keys to success.
    - Learn to be ready to fight for your success, and be prepared to say no.
    - Be willing to accept that you might be outdated, accept yourself, and continue learning.
    - Stop blaming; instead, educate yourself to understand the root cause of problems and how to solve them.
    - Experience the jobs you want to do, and be ready to ask for help when needed.

  • @HanhNghiep-eg5ed
    @HanhNghiep-eg5ed 7 дней назад

    Lessons from Live 170:
    - Utilizing machinery and other people to generate passive income even when not actively working
    - Learning and gaining knowledge before starting a business
    - Don't invest without knowledge
    - If you work for 3 or 6 months and then quit, you will never succeed
    - Habits are more important than motivation
    - We must unite to survive together

  • @phuonglekim3358
    @phuonglekim3358 9 дней назад +1

    Chị Nhi cắt kiểu tóc này hợp gương mặt quá

  • @lanyennguyen3490
    @lanyennguyen3490 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    If you want to do business, invest, stock, start a career... you must have knowledge, practice, practice, and do it right away.
    You have to be patient and persevere every day to achieve the results you deserve, even if you wake up feeling discouraged on days, practice and learn to do things every day.
    Success is not determined by gentleness

  • @phoebenguyenle2081
    @phoebenguyenle2081 9 дней назад +1

    Lessons from live 170 Nhi Le
    -don’t invest when you don’t have knowledge
    -study from more source and self learning always improve
    -persist make success but it’s a long journey

  • @sallyduong7090
    @sallyduong7090 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170 :
    - learn about finace in detail
    - dont invest anything if you dont have Knowledge
    - help others quite bad habit
    - have own mentor
    - you can learning slowly but never stop leanning
    - help others is the way to be develop yourself

  • @duybao8770
    @duybao8770 6 дней назад +1

    Lessons from livestream 170:
    _ Make a plan for your child, let them burn energy
    _ Take action
    _ Your words must match your actions
    _ You are the only one who can decide for yourself
    _ Invest in knowledge and skills in yourself
    _ Give away is to get back

  • @truongCooking0801
    @truongCooking0801 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170
    • Accepting that health and recovery are not like when we were 20.
    • Doing less, resting and sleeping properly.
    • Trees help reduce stress.

  • @LinhPhuong-L
    @LinhPhuong-L 9 дней назад

    Lesson from Live 170:
    - Should have a diversified asset investment portfolio
    - Be patient and persistent in the field you want to succeed in
    - If you don't want to do it, you have to do it. If you're too tired, you have to do it
    - Everything from family, love, career requires perseverance
    - You must dare to go out and be ready to face down, dare to say yes to receive the opportunity, dare to say no to protect yourself
    - Trust your intuition when choosing friends
    - Building new habits must be in a new, positive environment and helping others

  • @ngocanh8561
    @ngocanh8561 4 дня назад

    Lessons from Live 170:
    - Environment and teammates are very important
    - Unite to survive
    - You don't understand yourself as much as you think
    - Trust your intuition
    - People really like salary and peace
    - Learn and experience to know what you are suitable for
    - Let your child experience more classes to burn energy

  • @tanmakhanh
    @tanmakhanh 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - The rich use of money and time is completely different from that of the poor
    - You can only control yourself, not anyone
    - go to school to see if you know if you should be an employer or a worker.
    - Working for a salary is much happier than owning
    - If your child has too much energy, send him to martial arts lessons or energy-burning games to get home less disturbed

  • @tuananhluong3213
    @tuananhluong3213 7 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170:
    1. The rich people can make money when they relax, use leverage in business from others and applying advanced technology
    2. A real businessman is a visionary with insane knowledge and mindset, that why they can build a huge empire
    3. Do business shouldn’t base on luckiness, have to base on your own wisdom
    4. If you want to invest or make a business, you have to know about economy then solve the problem that you can bring what value to others
    5. The only person win the game is who can start by joining to play this game

  • @TramThanh-li2ld
    @TramThanh-li2ld 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170:
    - do not investing when you no have knowledge
    - maybe you learn slowly but do not stop learning

  • @ThaoNguyen-my2pz
    @ThaoNguyen-my2pz 9 дней назад

    Lesson from Live 170:
    - Rich people's assets come most from businesses
    - You are a person who learns and develops yourself
    - If you want to know, you have to go out and experience it
    - Love yourself again
    - Invest in learning

    @DSDUCTRONG 7 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170 (continue)
    She explains the differences between middle and upper classes, noting that wealth is not just about having money but understanding how to manage and grow it. She uses examples to illustrate the distinctions and encourages her audience to strive for financial growth and stability.

  • @BeBu99
    @BeBu99 18 часов назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - The more money you have, will you have the health to spend it?
    - Whatever you can do, do it because you're young
    - Learn to love your body at any age.
    - Don't waste your time on useless things.

  • @nguyenkhanhbeauty
    @nguyenkhanhbeauty 7 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170 NhiLe
    - have more the different between poor and rich people
    - You control your life
    - give for the world your value to trade money
    - dont put the price for your effort
    - give your value for the world ís the best things make you higher

  • @kimhong5836
    @kimhong5836 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170:
    - Finance is something that must be learned
    - Learn knowledge before starting a business
    - Rich people think differently about finances than poor people
    - Learn about economics before buying real estate or stocks
    - Join the game to win

  • @phuongnguyenbuithi1701
    @phuongnguyenbuithi1701 4 дня назад

    Lessons from Livestream 170:
    - Rich people usually don't have much cash.
    - Rich people are often rich through business.
    - Helping others is an opportunity for you to review your own journey.
    - Set boundaries for yourself, say no to what you don't want.
    - It takes time to heal and re-energize to function.

  • @ngochuyenvu5397
    @ngochuyenvu5397 7 дней назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    - Success is formed by perseverance
    - Don't waste your time and health on things you won't carry with you for the rest of your life.
    - Invest in an area you are best at, most interested in and have the ability to go long term.

  • @nhuytran6729
    @nhuytran6729 7 дней назад

    Lessons from Live 170
    -What asset makes me wealth? (cash, house, transportation, saving money like a normal person or fund, real estate, interest from businesses like a billionaire
    -if you want to start up, you need to learn how to start up.
    - consistent is a key to success.
    - learn Ai
    - earn money from AI
    - WE ARE One
    -We need to carefully make a friend. Environment is important.

  • @HanhNguyen-xo7zq
    @HanhNguyen-xo7zq 5 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    _The way to not relapse is to participate in community activities, groups that help the community when you are in a new school environment, being part of a new environment and helping others is an opportunity for you to see Receiving yourself and helping yourself take the time to contribute will make you very happy.

  • @nghi4563
    @nghi4563 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170:
    - Being in control is being in control of your time
    - Be an employee with stable salary and time
    - Don't waste time looking for energy-burning sports activities for your children

  • @tuyetmai3334
    @tuyetmai3334 9 дней назад

    Nhi Le Live 170
    - Middle class is average and take rest 8h
    - High class is they use 8h rest to work
    - You need patient and resilience to success
    - Don't matter you tired or holiday, you still do

  • @vuthuynga3371
    @vuthuynga3371 9 дней назад

    Lessons from Live 170:
    - Wealth from business profits
    - Daily persistence is crucial
    - Environment impacts mindset
    - Set and enforce boundaries

  • @15nguyenphamkhanhlinh9
    @15nguyenphamkhanhlinh9 8 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    -Persist make success but it's a long journey
    -Set boundaries for yourself, say no to things you don't want
    -Everything must start learning from the foundation -Persistence is that you do not put a price on
    -Remember the law of cause and effect

  • @Nguyenn_hoa
    @Nguyenn_hoa 9 дней назад

    Lesson from livestream 170:
    1. Perseverance is the key to success.
    2. Invest in what you have knowledge about.
    3. Trust your intuition when choosing friends.
    4. there is only freedom, no financial freedom.

  • @tuyetmai3334
    @tuyetmai3334 8 дней назад

    Nhi Le Live 170
    - Adapting to young people and the world
    - Everybody was a child
    - Listen your child and be friend with them
    - No finance freedom, it's only freedom

  • @katie_huynh_sg
    @katie_huynh_sg 9 дней назад

    Lessons from Livestream 170
    - Focus on building assets and leveraging businesses for ongoing cash flow, even during rest periods.
    - It's important to go to school to determine your career path and to invest in areas where you have knowledge.
    - Prioritize health to avoid spending money on treatments later. Good habits are crucial and are often more important than motivation.
    - Perseverance is key to success. Don't fear mistakes in youth; they are more difficult to correct later in life.
    - Helping others and maintaining good relationships can lead to personal growth and development.
    - The concept of freedom goes beyond financial freedom, emphasizing personal and emotional freedom.

  • @phuongkim9693
    @phuongkim9693 8 дней назад

    Lesson from livestream 170
    - Please invest wisely.
    - Train yourself every day, practice discipline.
    - If you want a free life you must have enough money.
    - Please experience as much as possible

  • @minhhoe5518
    @minhhoe5518 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170:
    - Focus on what you are good at
    - If you don't persevere, you can't do anything
    - habits are more important than motivation
    - you have to be willing to say yes and say yes

    @DSDUCTRONG 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170
    1. Learn about finances ASAP
    2. Helping others people to quit bad habits
    3. If you wanna be a business man, you need to learn more about integrity

  • @TungTran-2008
    @TungTran-2008 2 дня назад

    Lesson from live 170:
    - The middle class works 8 hours to earn money. The upper class works 8 hours to create leverage.
    - Everything requires perseverance.
    - The wealth of the rich is their businesses.
    - Helping others is helping yourself.
    - You cannot control the wind; you can only control how you set your sail.

  • @hangocho03
    @hangocho03 9 дней назад

    Lessons from Live 170
    Learn to improve awareness
    Freedom is having money to do what you want
    Do you have the money to achieve this freedom?
    Go to school to gain awareness, experience both sides
    Don't waste time, health on things that won't last a lifetime
    Living true to yourself gets attacked

  • @buihan239
    @buihan239 3 дня назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    - Rich people get rich thanks to business
    - Rich people don't have much cash
    - Rich people rely on their businesses to live
    - Only with perseverance will there be success

  • @AnnHoang10
    @AnnHoang10 9 дней назад

    My lessons:
    - be grateful for everything u have.
    - when giving, u receive smt.
    - financial freedom vs freedom.

  • @khoaho2809
    @khoaho2809 9 дней назад

    Lesson from Live 170:
    - Reducing liabilities and consumption standards will help you save money, and using levers will make a profit from your investment.
    - Take advantage of your time and youth, don't put off going on your way to success, and regret your chances were gone away.
    - Set boundaries for your limit in helping someone, and know when to concur or disagree with someone.
    - Stop predicting or blaming for your imagined reasons, act then you will know how far you can go.

  • @AnnHoang10
    @AnnHoang10 8 дней назад

    My lessons:
    - be hustle while u r young.
    - take care of ur health.
    - start smt -> end -> start smt new... it's endless. Just prepare urself for that day. U cannot change that. Pp will old and some day they'll disappear.

  • @letien630
    @letien630 9 дней назад

    Lessons from Livestream 170:
    - Perseverance for everything.
    - Never give up.
    - New environment, become a new person.
    - Allow your child to learn the right knowledge.
    - Freedom, not financial freedom.
    - Rich people only share when you have a real need to learn.
    - Prepare yourself mentally for your choice.

  • @nhu_y_ng
    @nhu_y_ng 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170:
    - Upper class: choose to work 8 hours, remember the labor of many people, sleep and still make money
    - Middle class: have a lot of cash, assets, vehicles, houses, work 8 hours to rest
    - To have a lot of value you have to know who you are
    - Children need to be active and tired to burn energy
    - Let their children go to martial arts and sports classes
    - Your child is upset because you don't let him work
    - Experience both mastery and work to understand what you like, don't guess what to do
    - New experience to know what you're good at and what you like

  • @baoanhnguyen5296
    @baoanhnguyen5296 7 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170
    1. **Diversify assets**: The wealthy use leverage and other assets to increase prosperity.
    2. **Continuous learning**: Update basic knowledge and stay informed in areas of interest.
    3. **Persistence and effort**: Success comes from continuous persistence and effort.
    4. **Build good relationships**: Have good companions to support and motivate you.
    5. **Use leverage**: Use financial and human leverage to generate passive income.
    6. **Focus on expertise**: Concentrate on a field you love to become an expert.
    7. **Innovation and creativity**: Innovation helps maintain a competitive edge.
    8. **Contribute and help others**: Sharing knowledge and helping others fosters personal growth and societal value.

  • @TramThanh-li2ld
    @TramThanh-li2ld 2 дня назад

    Lessons from live 170 #3:
    - what is your freedom?
    - Looking for rich people who want to teach to learn
    - To know who teaching right, learn and do what they teach, watch results

  • @Duchoa2012
    @Duchoa2012 7 дней назад

    Lesson from Livestreams 170
    -There should be more than one asset class, in addition to cash, there are real estate, businesses and other assets to ensure financial stability and growth
    -Understanding economics and financial management is a way to stop financial literacy
    -Focus on a specific area of investment, learn from experienced individuals and persevere in efforts to achieve success
    -Learn to say no, set boundaries
    -Instead of blaming social networks, parents should teach children how to interact, share feelings and live independently
    -To take on a variety of roles and develop skills before deciding to start or work for others
    -Focus on maintaining good health and energy from an early age to avoid health problems later

  • @thanhtram2985
    @thanhtram2985 9 дней назад

    lessons from live 170
    The wealth of the rich is not just cash but also includes other assets such as houses, cars and retirement savings.
    Financial literacy is an important step toward achieving financial security.
    Assets that create wealth fall into four categories: cash, homes, vehicles, and retirement savings/life insurance.
    Finances are important because they allow you to take care of yourself and your loved ones.
    Surround yourself with positive people who help you grow and succeed.
    Take care of your mental and emotional health as well as your physical health

  • @TinhNguyen-yj9nu
    @TinhNguyen-yj9nu 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170:
    -Perseverance leads to success
    -Don't worry if you don't have knowledge
    -Rich people have a lot of profit from practicing

  • @ThanhHuong_1903
    @ThanhHuong_1903 8 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - Habits are more important than motivation.
    - Freedom is the ability to manage one's own work schedule.
    - Being a boss is not necessary to achieve freedom.
    - The wealth of the rich is measured by businesses, stocks, etc.
    - Avoid criticizing the younger generation for their lifestyle choices.

  • @ThanhTruc-sx8yf
    @ThanhTruc-sx8yf 5 дней назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    - I can't control anyone, only you can control yourself
    - You can't force someone to grow up when you can't
    - To understand other people's things you must learn and act on why they are the way they are
    - You must experience with your child instead of just forcing and not guiding

  • @lamoan3986
    @lamoan3986 8 дней назад

    Lessons from Live 170:
    - Investing requires knowledge
    - Success requires consistency
    - Set boundaries to protect yourself.
    - Helping others is helping yourself, giving yourself a chance to reflect

  • @PhuongTrinh-tx7ci
    @PhuongTrinh-tx7ci 8 дней назад

    Lessons from Nhi Le live 170:
    - Patience and perseverance are very important
    - I have to be ready to say yes and no
    - Success or not, has nothing to do with goodness. But when you are young and naive, life teaches you
    - respect the law
    - Trust your intuition
    - Helping others is helping yourself
    - I can't change the wind, I can change the direction of the sail
    - You want your child to know what you have to endure out there, put your phone away and play with your child
    - Freedom, not financial freedom
    - everything comes at a price
    - Health needs time to recover
    - Learn to love yourself
    - Don't waste your time

  • @ThanhHuong_1903
    @ThanhHuong_1903 6 дней назад

    lessons from live 170 (2)
    - Prioritize your own health.
    - Take care of your body and energy.
    - While young and with time on your side, give your all and dedicate yourself fully.
    - Don't waste time and energy on things that cannot be carried with you throughout your life.
    - If you want children to behave, burn their energy through physical activities.

  • @diemtonthien826
    @diemtonthien826 8 дней назад

    Lessons from Livestream 170:
    - Don't invest without knowledge.
    - If you don't persist, you can't succeed in anything.
    - Helping others is also reflecting on yourself and helping yourself.
    - Each generation is different. We should not impose previous generations' views on future generations without understanding them.
    - Set boundaries for yourself. Ready say no if you don't want to do it.
    - There is no freedom in finance, just freedom.

  • @TuyetNganOfficial
    @TuyetNganOfficial 9 дней назад

    Lessons from livestream 170
    - Rich people have no cash in them
    - Rich people live with many other assets, especially with businesses operating
    - Constantly invest in knowledge and apply it in practice.
    - Live and work with people in a quality relationship circle
    - Take time to rest to create money for yourself.
    - Choose to do more and buy back the time trap to recruit employees or machines.
    - Use traps on others to make money.

  • @dungcao2802
    @dungcao2802 9 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170
    - Mouse rotation
    - Invest when you have knowledge
    - It takes perseverance and time to succeed
    - Teammates are very important, you won't succeed if you go alone
    - Causal law
    - Going out into the world, experiencing is the way to grow up

  • @tinajjc
    @tinajjc 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170
    _Persistence in following your determined goals is the key to success
    _Every success takes time and perseverance
    _Sharing your experiences and helping others will help you not return to your old failed lifestyle and develop in the future
    _Update knowledge to help and understand the new generation
    _We should only help unsuccessful people with knowledge, not with money
    _ Love yourself, enjoy life journey every moment not just result because.the most precious thing is time
    _ Coneting more with nature .
    _Stay healthy while young
    _You should experience a lot when you are young.

  • @duybao8770
    @duybao8770 8 дней назад

    Lessons from livestream 170:
    _ You must persevere with your own journey
    _ The environment is very important
    _ Live without shame
    _ Help others
    _ What you can control, what you cannot control
    _ Don't teach your children through fear
    _ Take action

    @DSDUCTRONG 4 дня назад

    Ensuring children engage in physical activities like martial arts, soccer, swimming, and other sports is essential for their physical and mental well-being. These activities help children burn off excess energy, reducing disruptive behavior and promoting better focus and discipline.

  • @anva0901
    @anva0901 9 дней назад

    Lessons from Livestream 170:
    - Assets of the RICH:
    + Middle class: Cash, House, Car, Pension
    + Upper stream: mostly from business profits, using leverage
    - Thinking changes on each floor we go
    - Invest when you have knowledge
    - The real winner is the person who participates in the game
    - Patience and perseverance: there are days when you wake up and don't want to do anything, but you have to do it
    - Only time, miserable people will teach you when to say NO, when to use reason
    - Thinking: helping the community, helping others is also helping yourself
    - Children: need to be active

  • @nguyenanhnguyen9785
    @nguyenanhnguyen9785 9 дней назад

    Lesson from live 170
    - Time cannot return
    - I'm in the middle period turn to 30s, the top point and start to flow
    - When is the last time I love my body and learn how to love her
    - Reduce the conflict inside me, love her and adopt with her, let her go as her journey
    - Talking with myself more
    - GenZ is the next generation, nursing them not push them in the parttern

  • @user-fo8og3cy6t
    @user-fo8og3cy6t 5 дней назад

    Lessons from live 170:
    - do not change anyone
    -learn to be honest and straightforward with each other
    - the more pain, the stranger
    -keeps winning, when life today you down
    -set up early to discipline yourself