facebook.com/groups/1297721991377726 The Elvis RC Community is hosted on a Facebook group, providing a space to ask and answer questions related to assembly. In this group, you can explore other builders' creations, share ideas, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Join us to gain insights and enjoy the fun of building RC cars together!
Thank you for your continued interest. I used rust-effect paint, and the process is quite simple. First, you apply a metallic paint, and then finish by spraying a rust activator.
This model is also equipped with a sound system. It’s a small-sized module that fits under the hood. However, it doesn’t have volume control, the sound cannot be changed, and there is no horn function. Larger models with more features are available, but their installation options are limited. Personally, I think installing it in the cargo area is a good option. I’ll share the purchase link for the product. Also, I’d love for you to join our Elvis RC Community Facebook group and enjoy it with other friends. I’ll include the invitation link as well! ko.aliexpress.com/item/1005006775546301.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.47.21ef140f5HE6eF&gatewayAdapt=glo2kor ko.aliexpress.com/item/1005005051045194.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller.11.6577eIJbeIJbSw&gps-id=pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.40196.366991.0&scm_id=1007.40196.366991.0&scm-url=1007.40196.366991.0&pvid=1cc4ef7a-cd1c-4595-ade2-978dc7b844b3&_t=gps-id:pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.40196.366991.0,pvid:1cc4ef7a-cd1c-4595-ade2-978dc7b844b3,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238108%231977&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21110.63%2132.88%21%21%21808.67%21240.35%21%402140f53817362080156348226e2f81%2112000031458137829%21rec%21KR%21873958871%21XZ&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller%7Cquery_from%3A facebook.com/groups/1297721991377726
Thank you ! I bought the other model with you and building it with my free time. So I will use that sound system as well. What would be the tires size for the blue beautiful truck each I bought ?
@@besttourinrio9 As someone who shares the same hobby, I will always support you. We have a Facebook group called Elvis RC Community. I hope you have a great time with other builders there. I'll provide an invitation link for you. facebook.com/groups/1297721991377726
The Elvis RC Community is hosted on a Facebook group, providing a space to ask and answer questions related to assembly.
In this group, you can explore other builders' creations, share ideas, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.
Join us to gain insights and enjoy the fun of building RC cars together!
Not just good looking, but it really performs extremely well. 👍👍
I redesigned the chassis so many times. I really appreciate you noticing and giving me such kind words. It means a lot. Thank you!
I really love this model.😍😍😍
I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for your kind words😀😀
Wow that's model is killer. I think this will be the next one 😉.
How did you get that rusted paint job?
Thank you for your continued interest. I used rust-effect paint, and the process is quite simple. First, you apply a metallic paint, and then finish by spraying a rust activator.
@elvisrcchannel4590 Thank you!
Amazing this one too! Are you making available the sound system for it or advice where to buy it?
This model is also equipped with a sound system. It’s a small-sized module that fits under the hood. However, it doesn’t have volume control, the sound cannot be changed, and there is no horn function.
Larger models with more features are available, but their installation options are limited. Personally, I think installing it in the cargo area is a good option.
I’ll share the purchase link for the product.
Also, I’d love for you to join our Elvis RC Community Facebook group and enjoy it with other friends.
I’ll include the invitation link as well!
Thank you ! I bought the other model with you and building it with my free time. So I will use that sound system as well.
What would be the tires size for the blue beautiful truck each I bought ?
@@besttourinrio9 As someone who shares the same hobby, I will always support you.
We have a Facebook group called Elvis RC Community. I hope you have a great time with other builders there. I'll provide an invitation link for you.
Thank you ! Just got in
the group !