I installed the antennas. However, now I can’t calibrate the remote controller. Did I damage the motherboard? It took me a long time to connect the antennas, but I finally was able to connect them.
Could you by chance tell me in mm how much space is left between the evo radio and the alientech antenna once pushed into place... I have developed an alternate tablet/smartphone mount system to the evo controller and I am wondering if this antenna would still fit when my mount is installed.. My mount is 10 mm thick from the back of the evo controller.. Thank You..
My understanding is the Alientech is an amplified booster antenna with own battery power, whereas the 4Hawks is running off the power of your controller.
I bought a broken controller just as my controllers case is a bit damaged so i wanted to use it as spare, BUT guess what i can see that one of the two ribbon cables is teared apart, probably by an idiot who wanted to do an Antenna mod. Any idea / Source where to get that cable? It might turn out that that is the only damage as the RC looks pristine otherwise.
I hope the Mavic Air 2 video is as good as this one, really well done.
Just put my order in, video of the install is what I was looking for. Thanks
Thank you for the video. Please tell me which connector on the antenna cable is Ipex 1 or Ipex 4?
Do you sell the antenna protection for evo 2 pro also original Evo 2 pro antenna?
I wondering if with my Autel live deck I should install on or on the remote...???
I installed the antennas. However, now I can’t calibrate the remote controller. Did I damage the motherboard? It took me a long time to connect the antennas, but I finally was able to connect them.
Where can I buy this product?
Hi! Is there any way to use alientech booster with
Booting the controller without antennas is not wise (overheating the tx), but still a good tutorial.
Which antenna is transmit and which is receive?
Good video. A favor, can you also control the Evo 1 ?. Thank you
유익한 정보 감사합니다~
Could you by chance tell me in mm how much space is left between the evo radio and the alientech antenna once pushed into place... I have developed an alternate tablet/smartphone mount system to the evo controller and I am wondering if this antenna would still fit when my mount is installed.. My mount is 10 mm thick from the back of the evo controller.. Thank You..
it will seriously close
I have the 4Hawks Raptor SR Range Extender Antenna. and i love it, Do you think Aliantech is better?
My understanding is the Alientech is an amplified booster antenna with own battery power, whereas the 4Hawks is running off the power of your controller.
yes it's active and it rocks!
Richard Santos I agree, been using for 4 weeks with no loss of signal
Im in South Carolina is there any stores that may carry them walmart best buy etc???
Great video thanks
Great job
I bought a broken controller just as my controllers case is a bit damaged so i wanted to use it as spare, BUT guess what i can see that one of the two ribbon cables is teared apart, probably by an idiot who wanted to do an Antenna mod.
Any idea / Source where to get that cable? It might turn out that that is the only damage as the RC looks pristine otherwise.
On order and waiting on delivery
As you can see
As you can see....
Ho to modify "MADIFY"?!