level 1 Q has the lowest cooldown, so you can use it more to stack your passive. Even if you're playing support your strength as level 1 rengar is that you can use 2 abilities in a trade (Q + EmpQ) when everyone else can only use 1. You always go Q level 1
@@Phos7x Even if the recharge time is shorter, it's no use if you're not going to use 2 in a row at lvl 1 because you'll be pulled to your tower, if you start with E to gain bush vision and slow poke, it would be infinitely better. lvl 1 Q only if you know there will be pressure.
Bro we miss you
5:00 that is the longest Noct leash I’ve ever seen in my life
How did you make the bottom frame white?
yea seen a few koreans playing it on replays, looks pretty sick
i reckon dekar would be a sick pro game commentator
Why build randuins against a team with no crit and only 2 ad dmg heavy champs? Is it bcs of the active?
Rengar ADC is also fun, but im also with like bronze players so it probably is only fun there.
Still Works on Platinum.Good sups for him: Senna Taric Shen Yuumi Ivern Morgana Thresh Braum Rell.
@@marlonbrenowthegameplayhighelo i think only senna and ivern yes it works with this supports but like is not very optimal
theres 1 guy d1-2 in euw that plays rengar adc, i find him sometimes
@@gam3ro90 i usually play with a yuumi, its great. Lulu is also nice- bronze pov tho so my word isnt worth alot
@@marlonbrenowthegameplayhighelobro are you high? Def doesn’t work in plat lol
This is the most for fun game I've seen dekar play😂
I have played him supp in 3 games and win them all realizing that im the ultimate hunter
Wow, last comment was from 6 months ago. Anyway since i love to play as Rengar, i'm spamming it in Support Role.
E start is most good, or not?
level 1 Q has the lowest cooldown, so you can use it more to stack your passive. Even if you're playing support your strength as level 1 rengar is that you can use 2 abilities in a trade (Q + EmpQ) when everyone else can only use 1. You always go Q level 1
@@Phos7x Even if the recharge time is shorter, it's no use if you're not going to use 2 in a row at lvl 1 because you'll be pulled to your tower, if you start with E to gain bush vision and slow poke, it would be infinitely better.
lvl 1 Q only if you know there will be pressure.
Works 100%
Bro i don’tknow if 5/10/25 means it worked😂😂❤
good stats on supp
Still a 3.0 kda which is pretty good for an engage support. But clearly you are more knowledgable so I'll shut my mouth 0.0
I did this in bronze years ago and got banned for it 😔
I need dekar
Hey I use appear offline when I just wanna veg and play ARAMs :/
cant wait to try this out and get reported for it
I told you !!! It’s been years that I have said it works
I have tons of rengar bot games on the channel.