"A rock wall that prevents you from going over." So no significant risk of going over (?) Slippery rocks ? Maybe not 100% safe, just a bit unlikely. Amazing experience for you, but it's not one of the things on my bucket list !
@@lagerhound I hear you! There is no significant risk at all but this only takes place in the low water season and they also monitor it to make sure the water is low. But yes it is not for everyone!:)
Waw! That’s beautiful 😍
Definitely took my breath away and I forgot the fear for a few seconds!:)
"A rock wall that prevents you from going over." So no significant risk of going over (?) Slippery rocks ? Maybe not 100% safe, just a bit unlikely. Amazing experience for you, but it's not one of the things on my bucket list !
@@lagerhound I hear you! There is no significant risk at all but this only takes place in the low water season and they also monitor it to make sure the water is low. But yes it is not for everyone!:)