Listening to this alone, while grilling/BBQ at my RIP grandmother's house&garden somewhere in eastern europe, I have wannabe American party here, some burgers, a corn with butter and American pale ale haha, it is so fun having the moment only for myself... Wish to show you all the beauty of it my dear internet strangers. Love ya,
Not missing much in America.. I believe in couple years a.i will figure the quickest and cheapest travel country to country.. the tourism will be insane
You know we are not supposed to be okay with this situation. a lot of our rights are being taken away right before our very eyes. I'll never understand how people are okay with this
can't get enough of this track. this is the feeling of overdosing in the early morning, after a long night of dancing in the shadows. slipping into the void, finding yourself , fade to black. return to space.
It's a very beautiful remix, it makes me sad by reminding me of my loss and failure and also kinda gives me strength to go on, after all it's just another day.
No matter what life throws at you. you have to come up from it . I have sat in my sorrows for years and I’m finally starting to understand. where life is going all it takes is time every day can either get worse or better. but it’s all what we make it .💔❤️🖤
I think it is safe to say that you're definitely not the only one with these feelings. It won't make you feel better, but a lot of us have stuff to regret - better or worse, events that throws us down in the dumps and things that make us feel like we failed... However, like the comments above - it's just another day. Push through, focus on what's important for you and you'll get there! Let this song be the reminder of potential in you :) "The longest journey begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu"
Damn, DJ AEDIDIAS must have been in a full blown melancholy mood when he made this as well as Real Friends a few years back. I’d never heard this remix of Telepopmusik’s Just Breath until now Oct 2021. But Real Friends has been my goto these past few years for that tear jerk lust for the past mood inducing song. Who knows, maybe this remix will grow on me as much as Real Friends has. Phew … couldn’t help but reminisce to the first album that ever had that melancholy thing going for it via electronics. Go way back to 1980 and OMD’s self-titled first release. Songs like Electricity, Bunker Soldiers, Messages. etc. Oh man, at least for me, the birth of electronic melancholy.
It’s amazing how this is one of my all time favorite songs and just the moment it’s existence fades from my conscious mind the algorithms hit with it at the PERFECT TIMING!
Acabo de ir a una fiesta de halloween en el centro la noche pasada, y tenian esto cuando llegue, maximo volumen, todo era oscuro y las luces de neon en el techo rojo, alumbraban tenuemente mientras me deslizaba entre todas las personas, disfrazadas, todo se me empezo a tornar muy lento, estaba haciendo efecto el ajo que me habia tomado, mas la mari, de pronto no escuchaba ni una sola voz, nada del murmullo de las personas, solo era esta cancion sonando de fondo en mi psique, en mi eter , no lo puedo olvidar y parece que una parte de mi ser se hubiese quedado sellado en esta cancion.
Un melange a la fois doux comme un rayon de soleil réchauffent le coeur de ceux qui sont deja mort plus d’une fois et a la fois triste comme une fin ou tous le monde doit ce dire au revoir voila ce que je ressent quand jecoutte cette masterclass 🎉
Dude ur songs r the best , i had my phone in my pocket and this comes on and im like wait who does this one again i love this one and see ur name , its something about the vocals u use and the whole vibe. Thumbs up
@Latvian Nationalist she is a puppet my friend. just a lousy degenerate goblin shit. people like this exist to force you to give up your christian morals by making you feel helpless and by this making you hatefull.
I remember when that song was on the radio, I was in 7th grade and thought it was so futuristic. The first time I heard it was when it was in a Mitsubishi commercial, lol.
Beware of the liars Japanese and French and the authoritative Americans as I warn my roommate Pijus Bacevicius. Pijus Bacevicius's supervisors are responsible for his own punishment and the women who come to him at night, such as killer•mad•actress YuunaTaira平佑奈, Erika Toda戸田恵梨香 and Takako Handa半田貴子, who remotely raped me all last night. Don't let those women harm me. That's all you have to do.昨晩から今朝にかけてまたCT,MRIによる被害が起きた。身体がぐったりだ。昨晩は女性加害者達ばかりがゾンビシステムの運用側にいたようだ。知人の秋子、田邊(女性)が知っている女優達による犯行だ。3時間くらいしか寝れなくて身体がずっと酷使されていた。
Internet, tous vos sens, vos pensées sont constamment piratés. Je m'appelle Kanako Matsuno (fille aînée de la famille de la victime, née le 13 avril 17-2-2 Nerima-kuKouyama, ville de Kunitachi, ville de Miyazaki, vécue à Paris, 40 ans, célibataire, célèbre et puissante, Il n’y a aucune interaction avec qui que ce soit). Aujourd'hui, l'histoire de l'acquisition d'images de caméras de surveillance de l'affaire du meurtre brutal à l'hôpital général de Yokohama a été évoquée. Y a-t-il eu une atmosphère effrayante ou des informations sur la situation inhabituelle des 29 et 30 janvier 2024 au Japon ? Nous apprenons que les suspects présents sur les lieux incluent Mayu Matsuoka, Daisuke Miyagawa, SUGIZO, Hitoshi Matsumoto et Asumi Ito. 今日,泥棒ピウスバチェビシス(この緑背景の全面写真の男)と半田貴子(39歳、子持ち女性、元劇団員、芸能人との交流多数、アクセサリーなど物質で人心掌握、有害行為及びエイズ事件の水先案内人、松野可奈子に美貌があった頃をインストールしたクローン人造人間)に仕返ししてください。 impersonators Erika Toda and Takako Handa recreated my birth scene, and although they were the suspects in the December 26, 2022, Naptime AiDS Blood Injection Incident in which I was infected with AIDS (assailants are Erika Toda, Takako Handa, Hikari Mitsushima, Ayame Gouriki, Aya Ueto, Tokyo Musashino Hospital, Hikaru Utada, Matsubara, Asami Kimura, Yuu Ooshika, Akiko), they apparently carried out fraudulent activities with the intention of creating a video document to cover up the incident. Because these people claimed that my victimization was their own, in the winter of 2023, when I went to report, the low-intelligence police in France were at the mercy of the killer•actors, and even though I presented my ID, they confined me by measures that should have been taken against the two of them when I went to report the experience as crime. Stupid. The above-mentioned acquaintances and TV celebrities, as well as LUNASEA guitarist SUGIZO, Arashi's Ninomiya Kazunari and Hashimoto Toru, who have completely destroyed my memory and appearance with harmful chemicals, CT scans and MRI scans, committed an injury crime of harmful radiation on me while I was sleeping on the day of my second-hospitalized transport, August 23-24, 2023, together with immoral French medical workers and scammers. 昨年2023年8月23日に私の赤ちゃんが殺された時の状況が明かされました。戸田恵梨香と半田貴子が容疑者であるにも関わらず私の出産シーンを演技のように再現し、 私がエイズ感染された2022年12月26日昼寝のエイズ血液注射事件 (現場にいたとされる容疑者は戸田恵梨香、半田貴子、満島ひかり、剛力彩芽、上戸彩、東京武蔵野病院勤務経験者、宇多田ヒカル、松原、木村麻美、大鹿由、秋子)を揉み消す為に2023年8月24日に私を二次輸送した先の病院セント アンですら影武者のような活動で結果を健康な人間のものに差し替えたそうです。 上記の女加害者達は揉み消しの為の映像資料のつもりで詐欺活動している。 こいつらが私の被害を自分の事のように主張するせいで、被害を訴えに行った2023年の冬に、フランスの低知能警察が役者達の言いなりになり、私が身分証を提示しているにも関わらずその2人が拘束されるべき対処を被害を訴えに行った私に仕向けて来ました。 有害化学物質やCTスキャンやMRIスキャンで散々わたしの記憶や風貌の破壊を行ってきた上記の知人若しくはTV有名人達及びLUNASEAのギタリストのSUGIZOと嵐の二宮和成及び橋下徹は、その出産の日2023年8月23日にすら私の就寝中、フランスの背徳的な医療従事者や詐欺師たちと共に私に有害照射の傷害事件を起こしました。 記憶のデジタル改竄を50億点もされ、体顔つきをそれに合わせて醜くされるというおぞましい犯罪をおかされ続けました。私の親、奈美子も幸彦も顔の造形が意図的に変形をきたされていることを2022年の夏、彼等の渡仏時に感じましたが、日本での深刻な被害について彼らの口から語られることはありませんでした。私は自分の被害の説明や日本に帰国の意志が無いことを伝えることに集中していたので、彼等のために日本の近隣住民を警告する余地がありませんでした。異常すぎる危険な生活を強制されて、感覚が通常より鈍っていたと思いますが、そもそもどこで生活していても性の搾取、略奪、理不尽な対応が止まず、刃向かうには誰に味方してもらえっていうのだろうと思っていた。 結局フランスに住んでも誰も 味方がいなかった、被害は全て他人事で、インターネットで見ず知らずの他人を侮辱する人々のように非難はわたしや日本の家族のせいにし、悪人に媚びへつらい、個人の楽しみを優先して犠牲者という言い回しで社会実験のような扱いをされた。 言いがかりを付ける為にいつもインターネット、全感覚、思考のハッキングをされ続けているのです。私は被害者家族の長女松野 可奈子(女性、4月13日生まれ、国立市、練馬区向山2-17-2,宮崎市、パリ市内に居住経験あり、40歳、未婚、著名人や権力者との交流は一切ない)です。 今日、横浜総合病院での監禁惨殺事件の監視カメラ映像の買収の話が揉み消された。日本の2024年1月29日30日は異常事態なおどろおどろしい雰囲気や情報はありましたか?現場容疑者は松岡茉優、宮川大輔、SUGIZO,松本人志、伊東あすみ等と聞いています
It's nightime and we all together you feel it do you feel this synergy and energy there no frontier the music is echoing throughout the universe and it's beautiful yes it is beautiful, life is beautiful
been there done that bro. mostly you dont really walk the walk of fame afterwards... the fruits you picked the night before often rott pretty quick in a sober mans view...
Waking up on the beach in Bali with a girl next to you is enough. No party necessary. Like Armin stated, moments taking place during party's will rot quickly. They arent wholesome.. but the first part you said is more than enough.
Talk for yourself friends, I met the love of my life under the influence of aloot of alcohol haha at a techno/house fesitval (not in Bali though). Barerly rememeber much except small fragments. Managed to take each other’s instagram somehow and now we are moving to Barcelona in january :)
Listening to this alone, while grilling/BBQ at my RIP grandmother's house&garden somewhere in eastern europe, I have wannabe American party here, some burgers, a corn with butter and American pale ale haha, it is so fun having the moment only for myself... Wish to show you all the beauty of it my dear internet strangers. Love ya,
Not missing much in America.. I believe in couple years a.i will figure the quickest and cheapest travel country to country.. the tourism will be insane
stay blessed brother
RIP to your grandmother and thank you for sharing brother. Enjoy the moment and live your life
ONE LOVE BRO..........
Digital love and hugs from Amsterdam 🫂
Who’s here at the end of 2024!
I'll be here in 2025 as well
This song makes me feel different, like i miss old timesвидео.html
You know we are not supposed to be okay with this situation. a lot of our rights are being taken away right before our very eyes. I'll never understand how people are okay with this
There's a word for that u know
LaVergapriv Maybe claim that the old days were better?
This kind of music during quarantine hits different
bro it’s not quarantine anymore it’s ww2.5
@@confinedinhell 1
Just as the CCP wants it... it’s all their fault
can't get enough of this track. this is the feeling of overdosing in the early morning, after a long night of dancing in the shadows. slipping into the void, finding yourself , fade to black. return to space.
Don't overdose friend. Stay alive. We love. You.
Haven't yet!! I'm well and kickin it! Still jammin this early mornings while raising and falling (or vicea versa? ) Cheers! Take care
We all start from space
That is one of the most beautiful things I’ve read in a long time, you literally took what I was feeling and expressed it in words . ❤️❤️
@@emilialopez3525 I totally agree with you both....
It's a very beautiful remix, it makes me sad by reminding me of my loss and failure and also kinda gives me strength to go on, after all it's just another day.
So true mate.
Its always just another day
This type of music gives you wicked nostalgia simultaneously reminding you to live in the moment. Such an truthfully off balance feeling.
No matter what life throws at you. you have to come up from it . I have sat in my sorrows for years and I’m finally starting to understand. where life is going all it takes is time every day can either get worse or better. but it’s all what we make it .💔❤️🖤
I think it is safe to say that you're definitely not the only one with these feelings. It won't make you feel better, but a lot of us have stuff to regret - better or worse, events that throws us down in the dumps and things that make us feel like we failed...
However, like the comments above - it's just another day. Push through, focus on what's important for you and you'll get there! Let this song be the reminder of potential in you :)
"The longest journey begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu"
If you like house music, listen now !видео.html
You should listen to the original one. Breathe - Telepopmusik
@@lwlfsn Did it. I am blown away. How coul I live without this.
Thank you, Leon!
@@dys1525 I'm glad you enjoyed it. Try Thievery Corporation - shadows of ourselves
@@lwlfsnwhat els
I’m high af right now and I’m vibing to this song so hard!!
Emma Marunic same lol
ugh goals! I ran out of weed /:
I feel so this song rn
I got weed!! and this song feels soo crazy now that im high
Немој дувати траву, спржиће ти мозак
When I play this on my speakers and shut out the world. Looking around with these echoing beats. It's a whole different atmosphere.
If you like house music, listen now !видео.html
Can't believe how good this is! It's like finding a hidden gem. 💎
Damn, DJ AEDIDIAS must have been in a full blown melancholy mood when he made this as well as Real Friends a few years back. I’d never heard this remix of Telepopmusik’s Just Breath until now Oct 2021. But Real Friends has been my goto these past few years for that tear jerk lust for the past mood inducing song. Who knows, maybe this remix will grow on me as much as Real Friends has.
Phew … couldn’t help but reminisce to the first album that ever had that melancholy thing going for it via electronics. Go way back to 1980 and OMD’s self-titled first release. Songs like Electricity, Bunker Soldiers, Messages. etc. Oh man, at least for me, the birth of electronic melancholy.
That's fascinating that I was also listening to this track in October 2021 right half of an hour before breakup :')
not so serious, slightly sorrowful
It’s amazing how this is one of my all time favorite songs and just the moment it’s existence fades from my conscious mind the algorithms hit with it at the PERFECT TIMING!
agradezco a la vida haber encontrado estos temas ... me encantan
UUUI tonce mira este canal
@@eldant007 que genero es bro?
@@tomidelic hot house, lofi house
If you like house music, listen now !видео.html
This Song is Fire! Brings back old memories of good days :)
This song just hits all the right places and it feels so good!
Real this DJ. Niiiice
A good track for starting a new day..
First time I heard this song (original) I was in a bar in the middle of the day and fell in love with it instantly. Those were some good times man 👌
the original is a gem and this is also a gem
What’s the original one?
Acabo de ir a una fiesta de halloween en el centro la noche pasada, y tenian esto cuando llegue, maximo volumen, todo era oscuro y las luces de neon en el techo rojo, alumbraban tenuemente mientras me deslizaba entre todas las personas, disfrazadas, todo se me empezo a tornar muy lento, estaba haciendo efecto el ajo que me habia tomado, mas la mari, de pronto no escuchaba ni una sola voz, nada del murmullo de las personas, solo era esta cancion sonando de fondo en mi psique, en mi eter , no lo puedo olvidar y parece que una parte de mi ser se hubiese quedado sellado en esta cancion.
DJ adedas y poolboy estan de lujo cuando te das un ajo bro
Justo en la nostalgia. Entro cada tanto para remontarme a un momento similar... pero en 2002 o algo así, no recuerdo.
recuerda esto, hermano
Leí tu comentario y se me erizó la piel. Good vibes!
DJ ÆDIDIAS - Another Day (Breathe Edit) = Magnificent Track! Recently played it in my "Funkadelic Professor Spank" mix video / stream
Let me be..... I miss My Family
Trust in the Lord, he is your way
@@RRSoeiro I truly wished it was that simple
I miss you
Envie de danser avec les gens d'avant
masterpiece... this one got me thinking about the past and the future at the same time
Oh dude. Dope edit. I clicked this thinking nah it's not gonna be that song and it wasnt it was a totally different version, of that song. Awesome.
It's amazing, never through this song could be remixed so well one day
yep it happened
Who made the original one
Un melange a la fois doux comme un rayon de soleil réchauffent le coeur de ceux qui sont deja mort plus d’une fois et a la fois triste comme une fin ou tous le monde doit ce dire au revoir voila ce que je ressent quand jecoutte cette masterclass 🎉
the art is soooooooooooo nice and so are the vibes of this song......... takes me to sunrise at a surf beach on a hot summers morning
Der Junge in der Gruft verfügt über das mindset !
No puedo amar mas este tema❤💣
Es increíble!
Sometimes I can’t listen to this tune it reminds me too much of the old days
Dude ur songs r the best , i had my phone in my pocket and this comes on and im like wait who does this one again i love this one and see ur name , its something about the vocals u use and the whole vibe. Thumbs up
This gives me such amazing vibes even on a cloudy, stormy day like today✌🏾☔
They did really well with the dance good job 👏 👍
A sunset in Ibiza
"when you've got a classic song stuck in your head and you can only remember a couple of lines and a basic impression of the melody"
Greatest tune ever created by a living being
I'm vibing to this song while I'm high, love it !
Who would dislike this. Omg, the sample is a track called breath, this track is one of the most beautiful mixes I’ve ever heard.
Whats the full ID of the sample track?
@@caimundo telepop - breathe
@@haushead97 amazing sample
godness, what a joy. Gonna break the replay botton
The Sample is from Telepopmusik - Just Breath
The chancellor approves.
@Latvian Nationalist she is a puppet my friend. just a lousy degenerate goblin shit. people like this exist to force you to give up your christian morals by making you feel helpless and by this making you hatefull.
@@pekbekmkek6310 take i_ karus for example nothing more than a weak and shallow sheep
No, seriously ?
This mix is way better
Listening to this song while reading Lily Love 2 made a really enjoyable mood
Every time I listen to this song I cry and I dunno why 😭
broo me 2
Unbeliavable vibes! Impossible to feel bad while listening to this. Not even any nostalgic ties to it.
I'm on a spaceship right now. Nice to ride trough galaxies listening to it
This has a feeling like the 90s.Nice❤
Bring this version pls back on Spotify
yessss, telepop samples
always hit the spot
I remember when that song was on the radio, I was in 7th grade and thought it was so futuristic. The first time I heard it was when it was in a Mitsubishi commercial, lol.
such a good producer
really clean.. pure vibes
you are amazing brother!!! much love for this song honestly thank you!!!!!!!
in effect of weed is the maximum 100% recommended
the golden days are made now right now
this song is vibing material lezz goo boyzz
My Trip... Love It...
Excelente! No se le compara nada de lo que esta sonando hoy en día a temas como estos. Saludos desde México
we all see the bearded cyclops shedding a surprised tear of joy, right??
Keep up the amazing work! Listening to the nice sound waves all the way in mazatlan sinaloa mexico.
cheif 1991 saludos desde chihuahua, chihuahua
so beautiful
DJ ADIDAS at his finest peak
nothing to do but believe.
Beware of the liars Japanese and French and the authoritative Americans as I warn my roommate Pijus Bacevicius. Pijus Bacevicius's supervisors are responsible for his own punishment and the women who come to him at night, such as killer•mad•actress YuunaTaira平佑奈, Erika Toda戸田恵梨香 and Takako Handa半田貴子, who remotely raped me all last night. Don't let those women harm me. That's all you have to do.昨晩から今朝にかけてまたCT,MRIによる被害が起きた。身体がぐったりだ。昨晩は女性加害者達ばかりがゾンビシステムの運用側にいたようだ。知人の秋子、田邊(女性)が知っている女優達による犯行だ。3時間くらいしか寝れなくて身体がずっと酷使されていた。
Internet, tous vos sens, vos pensées sont constamment piratés. Je m'appelle Kanako Matsuno (fille aînée de la famille de la victime, née le 13 avril 17-2-2 Nerima-kuKouyama, ville de Kunitachi, ville de Miyazaki, vécue à Paris, 40 ans, célibataire, célèbre et puissante, Il n’y a aucune interaction avec qui que ce soit).
Aujourd'hui, l'histoire de l'acquisition d'images de caméras de surveillance de l'affaire du meurtre brutal à l'hôpital général de Yokohama a été évoquée. Y a-t-il eu une atmosphère effrayante ou des informations sur la situation inhabituelle des 29 et 30 janvier 2024 au Japon ? Nous apprenons que les suspects présents sur les lieux incluent Mayu Matsuoka, Daisuke Miyagawa, SUGIZO, Hitoshi Matsumoto et Asumi Ito.
impersonators Erika Toda and Takako Handa recreated my birth scene, and although they were the suspects in the December 26, 2022, Naptime AiDS Blood Injection Incident in which I was infected with AIDS (assailants are Erika Toda, Takako Handa, Hikari Mitsushima, Ayame Gouriki, Aya Ueto, Tokyo Musashino Hospital, Hikaru Utada, Matsubara, Asami Kimura, Yuu Ooshika, Akiko), they apparently carried out fraudulent activities with the intention of creating a video document to cover up the incident.
Because these people claimed that my victimization was their own, in the winter of 2023, when I went to report, the low-intelligence police in France were at the mercy of the killer•actors, and even though I presented my ID, they confined me by measures that should have been taken against the two of them when I went to report the experience as crime. Stupid.
The above-mentioned acquaintances and TV celebrities, as well as LUNASEA guitarist SUGIZO, Arashi's Ninomiya Kazunari and Hashimoto Toru, who have completely destroyed my memory and appearance with harmful chemicals, CT scans and MRI scans, committed an injury crime of harmful radiation on me while I was sleeping on the day of my second-hospitalized transport, August 23-24, 2023, together with immoral French medical workers and scammers.
(現場にいたとされる容疑者は戸田恵梨香、半田貴子、満島ひかり、剛力彩芽、上戸彩、東京武蔵野病院勤務経験者、宇多田ヒカル、松原、木村麻美、大鹿由、秋子)を揉み消す為に2023年8月24日に私を二次輸送した先の病院セント アンですら影武者のような活動で結果を健康な人間のものに差し替えたそうです。
言いがかりを付ける為にいつもインターネット、全感覚、思考のハッキングをされ続けているのです。私は被害者家族の長女松野 可奈子(女性、4月13日生まれ、国立市、練馬区向山2-17-2,宮崎市、パリ市内に居住経験あり、40歳、未婚、著名人や権力者との交流は一切ない)です。
¿porque no esta en instagram esta cancion?
Parece que Instagram no quiere reconocer buenos temas :(
Spetember, desert beaches, clear water, white sand alone with my soul... so sad.
Immediate chills
Nothing like lofi house on mid 🌃 great company
he just deleted this song from spotify, I cant understand why. The other mixes are honestly not at this level
I agree 100%
he's trying to milk the fact that we're checking it out by releasing something close to it
shitty move honestly
It is on the spotify thats first. Second dj aedidas is a chick
@@w0nski781 No, this edit is not "On the spotify" there is other versions, but not this, he removed it 6 months ago. And second, its not a chick.
Love from italy❤️❤️❤️
only one word...GREATNESS!! old sample but nice new curton! JUST BREEEZ
i only know ,,that Telepopmusik and Juri Hulkonen have make this in ca.2000 ,,,Breathe by Télépopmusik feat. Angela McCluskey @Sava Miljković
El House sin duda uno de los mejores géneros qué ha y sigue existiendo.
If you like house music, listen now !видео.html
ახლა 2024 წელია, უამრავი წლის დაკარგული მუსიკაა❤️ყველა მოგონება დამიბრუნდა🫶🏻
breathe- telepopmusik is a classic
emotional tune!
damn...just feeling relaxed about all of the negative shit around me....
this is the first good song ive heard since the corona virus crisis
ეს ჩვენი ტრეკია! 💖
This is so inspiring!
An other day! 💕
In my opinion this version is better than the original👀🤷🏾♂️
It's nightime and we all together you feel it do you feel this synergy and energy there no frontier the music is echoing throughout the universe and it's beautiful yes it is beautiful, life is beautiful
ye cuz
Joder, que canción más buena
Uuhuuuu DJ ÆDIDIAS no RÉVEILLON 2021 Brasil
Foda dms
Breathe!!! 😍
Damn you this a Banger Fr!!!
During this beat you want.. to wake up somewhere in Bali on the beach to see sunrise with a girl after a nice party.. haha
been there done that bro. mostly you dont really walk the walk of fame afterwards... the fruits you picked the night before often rott pretty quick in a sober mans view...
Yes. Your comment is the m o o d that I needed.
Or be on your couch with some M
Waking up on the beach in Bali with a girl next to you is enough. No party necessary. Like Armin stated, moments taking place during party's will rot quickly. They arent wholesome.. but the first part you said is more than enough.
Talk for yourself friends, I met the love of my life under the influence of aloot of alcohol haha at a techno/house fesitval (not in Bali though). Barerly rememeber much except small fragments. Managed to take each other’s instagram somehow and now we are moving to Barcelona in january :)
4 years today and RUclips recommends this video to me.
Andjelkovic Dennis : das ist das mindset
Für wenn das Zuviel wird hat jetzt die Chance nachhause zu gehen !
In loveeee❤
Who else is getting blasted in 2024 and listening to this 🔥
love from turkey
gorgeous track
Love form Los Angeles
Wish you all to live in the moment now just enjoy what you have already dont try to find happiness it’s already in you now!🌞❤️
yes sir this is Top work
თუ ამ კომენტარს ნახავ იცოდე რომ ისევ მიყვარხარ ჩემო პატარიკო ♥
Great remix!!! It make me feel nostalgic
Damn a great remix 😎🤗😎😎
Qué rico tech house! 😋
Saiiin bn shd ert untasan bn shd. Munndaag 😊😊 saindaa ch bish yadraal shuud untasn bxdaa. Oglooning🙆♀️. (•have a nice day •)
better times are coming
This is awesome I really didn't expect it to drop like that. Fuck yeah.