We, when we are identified with/as the "person"/persona/ego, yes, we are the source of all problems. When human Beings become "conscious", Aware, however.. oh, we are beautiful, wise and true! Rare, though.
SALOM BAribir men uchun janob JET LI olijanob mard tengsiz buyuk inson bòlib qoladi shunchaki unga havas qilish uni yaxshi kòrish kerak menimcha bu unchalik qiyin emas❤
Happiness......is to know the true purpose of our life, a True Wisdom that Buddha taught 2,600 years ago. I'm glad through his studies and observation, finally he finds the path in Vajrayana ( Tibetan Buddhism). 🙏☸️🪷📿🪔💎🌈☀️😇💗
We never get satisfied....I like that. Meaning we are the source of all the problems in this world.
We, when we are identified with/as the "person"/persona/ego, yes, we are the source of all problems.
When human Beings become "conscious", Aware, however.. oh, we are beautiful, wise and true!
Rare, though.
SALOM BAribir men uchun janob JET LI olijanob mard tengsiz buyuk inson bòlib qoladi shunchaki unga havas qilish uni yaxshi kòrish kerak menimcha bu unchalik qiyin emas❤
Happiness......is to know the true purpose of our life, a True Wisdom that Buddha taught 2,600 years ago.
I'm glad through his studies and observation, finally he finds the path in Vajrayana ( Tibetan Buddhism). 🙏☸️🪷📿🪔💎🌈☀️😇💗