In Australia, biomed is often viewed as a pitfall, without too much value in itself. The number of places available for transfer might be 10 out of 200 in the whole biomed cohort, so for anyone who can't get into med unfortunately while wanting a backup career, go for Pharmacy and try to apply for internal transfer/GAMSAT for postgraduate entry.
Btw 作為一個面試過來人講(宜家等緊結果),啲問題用一個詞語概括就係9up。啲問題同醫科真係關係唔大,例如點解蘋果成功/如何實行綠色生活,仲要吹4分鐘,所以建議學下點即場吹水,仲要吹得有邏輯。祝各位成功
Thanks so much for helping out on JUPAS information day, Angel!
My pleasure❣️❣️🥰
Angel 姐姐,多謝你呀,你真係好錫我哋呀,你咁忙都自己落手落腳為我哋拍片同剪片🥰🥰而家啲片嘅製作已經好犀利好好睇呀,咁即係用邊隻software 整架,我都想試下自己剪片🙏🙏
綠色icon C字頭嘅software🥰(非廣告🙌🏻
今年啱啱考完DSE43455*5**,有時學校pre嘅成績真係未必準,我中五、中六中文成績一直5* 5**徘徊,pre5**,結果4,相反選修課兩科pre4反而有3粒星,所以學校pre幾多唔使驚。study leave嗰段時間俾心機一定追得上,但記住唔好顧此失彼就得。
Thank you for your advice. It is very helpful. Especially you let me know there are about 1x candidates can be transferred to med from biomed
多謝 Angel 姐姐,我好鍾意睇你啲片呀,多謝你一直以來比到咁多有用嘅資訊我哋,你啲片唔止實用,視覺效果同音效都好好😊其實係用邊隻 software 剪片,同埋係咪你自己親手製作架,辛苦晒你呀 🥰🥰
謝謝你~🥰 喺啊,所有片都喺我自己剪㗎!不過唔喺用啲好勁嘅software🤣 最近心郁郁想轉用adobe個啲~
In Australia, biomed is often viewed as a pitfall, without too much value in itself. The number of places available for transfer might be 10 out of 200 in the whole biomed cohort, so for anyone who can't get into med unfortunately while wanting a backup career, go for Pharmacy and try to apply for internal transfer/GAMSAT for postgraduate entry.
我想知report card同conduct會唔會都好重要
Hi Angel! 想問下你身邊有無人係係澳洲用year 1 biomed嘅成績轉到入mbbs嘅例子?
澳洲biomed入medic 可以睇Medic養成記ep1😘
想問下如果jupas冇填到任何oea/slp 對大學到時收生有冇影響?
Nursing門檻低過mbbs好多,但係合乎admission requirement嘅人都好多,所以競爭都好大。當然成績係優先過課外活動