Home Church | Church Trauma | How To Heal From Church Hurt | How To Get Rid of Wood Smoke Smell

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 70

  • @shelly8387
    @shelly8387 Год назад +21

    Oh sweet girl, I know what you mean about the "unconventional" religion. It can really leave a lot of scars. But when the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to the scriptures and the truth we just have to walk away and trust the Father. {{Hugs}}. I wish my family could find home church.

    • @mountainmamashome
      @mountainmamashome  Год назад +7

      Shelly, I knew there were things I was forgetting to add to this video. Now I remember one big thing I forgot to add! When the thought of home church would cross my mind I remember offering up quick little prayers. Clearly God heard me and granted my hearts desire! I'll pray He does for you as well. I feel like it's a little miracle how HE worked this out for us. Our home church is very small at this point in time, but so meaningful.

    • @simplelivingmontana
      @simplelivingmontana Год назад +3

      @@mountainmamashome We will join you in prayer for its growth but to not be watered down by growth but to continue with solid food!

  • @pinkroses135
    @pinkroses135 Год назад +10

    Everyone should absolutely be cautious and aware when looking for a church. And don't feel guilty about walking out that door if the pastor is a jerk, refuses to answer any tough questions you might have/won't be straight about their doctrine, if anything feels cult like, heretical or contrary to scripture. ❤

  • @janematthew7109
    @janematthew7109 Год назад +6

    Thank you so much for taking about church trauma. Not everyone wants to talk about it. I hope you find a church soon ♥️♥️

  • @angelamelum4304
    @angelamelum4304 Год назад +9

    It is so wonderful that even with the traumatic church experience, you didn’t give up on God altogether and He is using you to share the Gospel. ❤️❤️

  • @annewithane7876
    @annewithane7876 Год назад +7

    As a Catholic I don't go to church for fellowship or any other reason to do with the other members. I go because of God and specifically Christ's presence in the Eucharist. Since I'm not a priest, I can't replicate that at home.

  • @TerrySmith-he5vx
    @TerrySmith-he5vx 9 месяцев назад +1

    I believe as time goes on we will see a lot more home churches spring up. We had church in our home for years.

  • @kdean3495
    @kdean3495 Год назад +3

    There is a group called church without walls that is doing home church. If they get too big, they split into smaller groups, trying to stay biblical, meeting in each others homes, singing, praying, taking turns leading, always sharing a meal. They were told by God that this would be needed for what is coming. They want to know and help each other, not sit in an auditorium church, as they call regular church.

  • @ad6417
    @ad6417 Год назад +8

    I lost my relationship with my mom and my sister because we joined an independent church. It's been lonely at times but I don't regret the decision.

  • @AmandaWRU
    @AmandaWRU Год назад +1

    I was in a similar situation to you, run down houses, no money, 4 children, strong religious pressures, but, unlike you, it broke me. After 26 years my health was gone, I was emotionally and spiriually drained, our marriage broke up.. 18 years on I have a quiet life, a small, neat home, 4 loving adult children and a restored relationship with God that is stronger than ever.

  • @pattyhansen7563
    @pattyhansen7563 Год назад +7

    Being a Catholic, who is in love with my faith/church/fellowship with members, I know home church would never work for my denomination. But I give you credit for being willing to talk about this publicly. For me the 'church hurt' has come about for a much different reason. We were not ALLOWED to go to church for almost 2 straight years. I suffered from the lack of fellowship & the accountability that the structure of our church offers. Being accountable before God & your fellow parishioners that you are living & walking in the faith. We could not get communion, go to confession, have celebrations, and only 'certain' people were allowed to go to church on a very limited basis & with all sorts of regulations imposed upon us. I resorted to going to an independent Baptist church - which did not follow any of the dictates of the gov't during that time period. Although I was able to still hear the word of God & the congregants were especially nice, the pastor had a real hard time with the fact that we were Catholic. He spent time in every service weaving in all the "mistakes" that Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc... make & how we are not going to heaven. Now...people of every denomination have their own certain views on 'who' is going to heaven (so as not to start an argument, because I don't care...), but to be singled out all the time, was uncomfortable. I have finally been able to go back to our church, but while we were away they consolidated 6 churches into one and we ended up with different priests, deacons, times, etc... It barely resembles the church family, as we knew it. It has caused a lot of suffering & I have several friends that got out of the routine of going to mass & have never gone back. This really saddens me. But I have seen where our parish is starting to heal & that gives me hope. We have 2 very young priests (which if you know anything about the Catholic denomination, you know this is a huge thing) and a very young seminarian. They have all sorts of energy, love, vision, and are starting to bring back alot of the older traditions & inspiring the younger generation to take a more active role. I still have a lot of pain about the time missed going to church & I have a very strong belief that Gov't should stay OUT of religion, but I have been praying about it. They have decided to start up ministry groups to get people mingling & I have suggested a charity knitting group that will also pray together & I am hoping that this will help some of us heal from the fracturing of our church family.

    • @mountainmamashome
      @mountainmamashome  Год назад +4

      Thank you for this comment, and perspective, Patty. Praying for your heart, and healing! I can see this has been tremendously difficult for you. I'm sad you were singled out like you were by the Baptist preacher. The Bible says that if you think someone is in sin they are to be approached PRIVATELY with LOVE, please know that what that preacher did was sinful because if He was truly convinced you were in sin by being Catholic he should have abided Matthew 18's directions. If it's any consolation, this has happened to me multiple times, where things were directed at me from a pulpit. I've learned that when I see this that the one behind the pulpit is not preaching from the Spirit but of flesh and pride. It takes a lot of humility to approach someone lovingly, and privately as the Bible commands. You also have to be 100% convinced you are in the right. I think this is why some preachers attack from the pulpit. It's easier for frightened preacher/pastors who are not walking in the Holy Spirit and too proud to do as Scriptures command.
      Hugs to you Patty. I hope you have a beautiful healing soon.

    • @pattyhansen7563
      @pattyhansen7563 Год назад +1

      @@mountainmamashome Thx for your thoughtful & beautiful reply. As a weird little aside: we had been invited to go to this church by a homeschooling friend who's husband WAS the pastor at first. Then they accepted a move to a different town far away. The 1st pastor never displayed this behavior & was very loving and kind. We actually started to think we would continue to attend that church....He NEVER singled anyone/group out & there were quite a few former Catholics that attended that service. Many of my values aligned with theirs as far as how I viewed God/relationship with God, reading/studying the Bible, fellowship, & loving each other as brothers & sisters of Christ. I had been doing all of those things for years. Once they left, an interim pastor came (who the wife of the 1st even wasn't crazy about). As soon as he came they ended up excommunicating a member that had helped build up that church because he was struggling over doctrinal issues. I personally felt that the gentleman just had genuine questions, possible some mental health issues, & was experiencing some major health issues & family issues. I never really had an issue with the congregants - they were pretty loving & accepting of us. The 2nd pastor spent a lot of time talking about how many people he "saved" while a pastor & tooting his own horn about his evangelism, his writings, his radio program, his success as a wrestling coach, and about all the trouble he got into for proselytizing on his Catholic School bus Run job - these would be the backbone of the service. I would never judge the rest of the Baptist denomination by this situation, but as it was an independent Baptist church there really was no recourse if the person was abusing their power. tHat was what kind of made me shy away... I try to keep in mind that we are flawed humans & we sin - I try not to let another human interfere with my faith in the Lord! May blessings be heaped upon you. Just found you on y.t. & have really been enjoying your content - especially the video about 'unanswered prayers' really been struggling with that one for about a year and you opened my eyes to some things I had never considered before. Actually it brought me alot of peace. Keep doing what you're doing. Sorry this was so long. : (

    • @MuliebritySmith
      @MuliebritySmith Год назад +1

      As a fellow Catholic I can relate to what you have written here. The Church in most areas decided to bow down to the government and it’s just sickening. I was not incredibly active pre-lock down, but we are committed to helping restore and reinvigorate.

    • @franzone70
      @franzone70 Год назад

      I am also Catholic and was very upset when I could not attend Mass during that time. I missed receiving Communion and being with my fellow Christians. It was all so sad, and now I see that some have not returned. They think watching it on TV is just the same. It's not. I just found this you tuber and find her very kind and sweet. and love her home and cooking. My husband of 40 years passed away ten years ago after we retired and moved to our vacation home by the lake. But I find comfort in Jesus Christ and my children visit quite a bit.

    • @pattyhansen7563
      @pattyhansen7563 Год назад

      @@franzone70 I have encouraged several friends to go back to church & was delighted to find one of my friends attending last week! I was always taught that 'church' is 2 or more people convening in person to hear/speak/live the word of God & you can't do that thru youtube. The Holy Spirit is present when you are in 'communion' with other believers. I don't think the Holy Spirt has cell service 😆or a youtube channel, the last time I checked. I have been inspired recently because our parish has been trying to reinvigorate itself. We just sent 60 kids to a youth conference in Ohio where there were thousands of other Catholic teens. My daughter said that almost 200 young men & 100 young women took the stage to declare intentions to become priests/nuns. In our parish we have 2 young priests & 3 seminarians - and we are rural. They are breathing life back into our church. Many more children are getting involved. I just keep praying. I don't really care what denomination Christians you are, just go to church - be in communion with your brothers & sisters in Christ. Go In Peace, my friend!

  • @trinashumblehomestead
    @trinashumblehomestead Год назад +8

    Thank you for this message. As a past, very active member, worship leader, invoved in every aspect of the Mega Church world. i too understand the very trauma that has come out of so much man taught religion vrs. Just teaching God's Word. I love living in a small country town now, and growing my own little homestead. I have not found a church, but I too do practice church "At home". I would like to find more of a community here. So this is my prayer. I have subscribed to your channel. I am growing my channel, so I love watching other homesteaders, and learning so much! Once again, thanks so much for sharing you testimony! God Bless!

  • @theirmom4723
    @theirmom4723 Год назад +3

    after being in a main stream denomination for over 55 years, I can say, the best thing that came from 2020 was the break from the "habit" of attending typical church. I haven't returned, nor my family. I find, I have grown closer to God and His ways than when I attended and "fellowshipped" with typical believers once a week. I fellowship by being with like minded believers during the week. Keep doing what you are doing for your family.

  • @freetofly5107
    @freetofly5107 Год назад +8

    Thank you for sharing your story. My family and I are out of corporate church, because of the same reasons you are. There are so much politics and I agree with what you said about the Sabbath. We are praying and asking the Lord to guide us in this next season.

  • @andreaeshelman3592
    @andreaeshelman3592 5 месяцев назад

    This!!! I can connect with this and have also felt the calling for home church. Thank you for sharing this!

  • @tanglewoodhomestead
    @tanglewoodhomestead Год назад +12

    Thank you for sharing. We have experienced church hurt multiple times, and although we are still attending a congregation we have considered a home church or finding a smaller congregation. BTW, I love your channel and identify so much with what you share as I am also a homeschooling, homesteading mama with autoimmune disease and living in snowy inland northwest. I always look forward to your videos!

  • @simplelivingmontana
    @simplelivingmontana Год назад +6

    Thank you for sharing and I'm sorry for your hurt and pain. Humans are very good at doing this to one another and churches are no different. We all have sin and being connected to a local body of believers is the only way to change a community and eventually the world. God bless!

  • @jmessick8163
    @jmessick8163 Год назад +1

    Our family has the same struggle with churches. We do daily Bible studies with our children at the beginning of our day right after breakfast and animal chores. We are the church body and no building is required. A few families with same beliefs gathering is really all we need to fellowship.
    Praising our Father all the day long!
    Blessings, Linda

  • @Mrs_Guac_and_Glock
    @Mrs_Guac_and_Glock Год назад +8

    My husband and I had separate church hurt when we first got together and then experienced it a couple times since we've been married. We tried to start a house church in 2020 but it didn't work out. I'm trying to spend time with other believers, but I'm definitely scared of getting hurt again.

  • @alicehayden4118
    @alicehayden4118 Год назад +3

    Just found your channel and love it.
    So sorry for the hurt and trauma you experienced thru others.
    Yahweh and Jesus do not hurt but love and comfort. So glad you are continuing in your faith.

  • @margolucas3793
    @margolucas3793 Год назад +2

    Your honesty & humility is genuinely refreshing!

  • @odulcina
    @odulcina Год назад +3

    This is so sad that you have been treated like that from Christians but the important is that you still believe and follow God.

  • @tiffanywalker7474
    @tiffanywalker7474 Год назад +4

    I am so sorry for all the hurt you have been through with church. I can tell how much happier you seem now. I wish I could find a home church. I think it would be more like a Bible study. I don't have friends so I know how lonely it feels. Merry Christmas 🎄

  • @tarahays5829
    @tarahays5829 Год назад +2

    Thanks for sharing. I try to remember that God is good and perfect....it's humans that mess up "religion ". You are a beautiful lady with a beautiful family and home. You are blessed, and your trials have made you stronger. Have a peaceful holiday season.

  • @ejuran2661
    @ejuran2661 Год назад +1

    I have had the same issues with several churches since we have moved to our current home. Where they still treat us like outsiders and we have been here 18 years. It’s so sad and the reason so many leave the church to never return.

  • @kdean3495
    @kdean3495 Год назад +1

    If you burn your wood stove hot for a few minutes, once a day, it will melt the creosote daily, and you will not need to do the chimney sweep thing, also is much safer. Burn it hot. You will hear the creosote melting and coming down the chimney. It makes a tinkling sound. Also, leave the snow on the roof to insulate. If it is colder than freezing, the snow will be warmer than that at 32 degrees!

  • @loratommy8670
    @loratommy8670 Год назад +4

    Home church is very New Testament. That is how churches started.
    Sometimes I think the big corporate churches these days is just about power, money and control.

  • @christylaughter1568
    @christylaughter1568 Год назад

    This is our struggle as well, with church trauma. Your openness is so refreshing and needed at this point in my own life. I was just talking with my husband about what I thought our needs for fellowship were. Even though the thought of finding AND trusting others in a "church" setting makes me extremely anxious. I look forward to hearing more details on how to find an organizer or organize your own. For now, I'm thankful for channels like yours to help guide me. Thank you for your work!

  • @watsdatnoise
    @watsdatnoise Год назад +1

    We’re a large family of nine and we’ve been doing home church for the past three years now! We really love it, our children have church journals they use during service, and it’s makes fire such a peaceful Sunday.

  • @valeriemelendez5860
    @valeriemelendez5860 Год назад

    Love the idea of home church! We have experienced this as well but in a different way. Pain and trauma are real but some don’t see it that way. It can be very debilitating whereas others think you just need to ‘get over it’ but all that does is bury it until it works its way back up top. God is good and is faithful when others are not. That is why we put our hope in Him - something i have to continually remind myself

  • @emilyroseellis
    @emilyroseellis Год назад

    Thank you. I am in the same place.

  • @ElizabethRodriguez-cg5en
    @ElizabethRodriguez-cg5en Год назад +1

    Hello, home church is not for everyone. I've experienced " church trauma" as well. I was guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer and found another church. I will pray you find a church in which to worship the God of Heaven who has given you all these wonderful blessings.

  • @abigailrathbun43
    @abigailrathbun43 Год назад

    Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so sorry that you have had to walk through all of this. I am fortunate to have not gone through any of the type of trauma that you have described, despite being in church my whole life. I've liked every church I've been in, and I really like the one (large) one we are in now. Even so, I STILL have to agree with you on the day of rest issue. It has long perplexed me, and now with 3 young children, my husband and I are really trying to work out a day of rest. We need one, our kids need one, and it's one of the ten commandments! It gets tricky when hauling the crew to and from church is far from restful, yet we still need some time in a weekend to run errands, go to birthday parties, and complete projects around the house, so making Saturday our day if rest is really, really hard. We are trying to figure it out and very few acknowledge the fact that church (especially with young ones and especially if you're serving as well) may be wonderful and refreshing in it's own rite, but really not restful at all. You sharing your thoughts makes me feel not quite so alone.

    • @mountainmamashome
      @mountainmamashome  Год назад +1

      I believe it was the Roman Catholic church that instituted Sunday as the day of worship, under the belief that Christ rose on Sunday. Likely it was a group of old men who didn't have small children to prepare, feed, and care for, lol!

  • @mistyhuber4831
    @mistyhuber4831 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your story. It was so encouraging and helpful.

  • @leslibartlett4811
    @leslibartlett4811 3 месяца назад

    Your videos have been such a help to me. And as a mom of a large family can i say how much i love the beautiful sound of children in the back ground You probably worry about the sound of your kids in thd background put please don't

    • @mountainmamashome
      @mountainmamashome  3 месяца назад

      Thank you! The only time that stress's me is when they are fighting, lol!

  • @melissaeight481
    @melissaeight481 Месяц назад

    Thank you❤

  • @potpourrioflife
    @potpourrioflife Год назад +1

    Beautifully explained!!

  • @margaretboutin9603
    @margaretboutin9603 Год назад +1

    Love love you site came upon it 2 days ago and am binge watching,Your kitchen is a dream,love the way you decorate!!

  • @JuliaCantley
    @JuliaCantley Год назад +1

    Thanks go answering my question. I had to look up what unconventional church meant and I'm still not sure what it means, but wow... I had no idea. I'm sorry that you had that trauma and hurt. Church hurt seems to be so much worse than anything else when we think that these people are should believes and a supportive community.

  • @mountainmamashome
    @mountainmamashome  Год назад

    Please enjoy my holiday playlist next! ruclips.net/p/PLF8M-ErcDDXIrVJd4P8EQmjZxpCXGXPRj

  • @catherine1886
    @catherine1886 Год назад +2

    Hello, your videos are very well done and enjoyable. You are a beautiful mom doing a great service to your husband and children. My family has been hurt by our Church as well, but we keep not for any human relationship but for Christ Himself. My husband is active duty, we’re moving for the fourth time now and have six small children (so far). We are open to all the life God has in store for us. I must say I couldn’t do it without Christ in the Eucharist and His grace given in the sacrament of Confession. I don’t look to the Priest to be perfect. I look to Jesus. I wonder if you could try a Saturday night Catholic Mass (vigil). Or a Sunday Mass with a brunch following it. That’s what us large families do to keep Sunday simple! God bless, Catherine

  • @erinnsmith180
    @erinnsmith180 Год назад +2

    Love it! Fascinating ~ I would love to know more. Like structure-wise… is there a music worship and study? Do you tithe back through projects that glorify? So many questions- we live in Sicily… and are thinking about starting a Saturday gathering with another family. We are Messianic believers (so we are alone mostly). No need to answer- but if you make a fallow up video- I will give it a big LIKE 😉😜

    • @mountainmamashome
      @mountainmamashome  Год назад +1

      Hello again, Erinn! So right now I'm filming a weekend in the life, it might answer some of your questions! I'll write down to answer the others in a Q& A video!

  • @user39h2j8il
    @user39h2j8il Год назад +1

    Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and our Sabbath rest. Our rest from WORKS.

  • @aslansdaughter4648
    @aslansdaughter4648 Год назад

    I understand all too well the church trauma and politics. We also did home church through the splits we went through. After more moves, I am back in three churches because of my different weekends. It is a balance.

  • @Shannon.Hazleton
    @Shannon.Hazleton Год назад

    Love this! We’ve had a very similar journey. ♥️

  • @AutumnLeavesChristmasTrees
    @AutumnLeavesChristmasTrees Год назад +1

    Church Trauma is real!!!!!

  • @BacktonaturelivingCom
    @BacktonaturelivingCom Год назад

    On our Rocky Mtn Homestead, we got that smoke smell in our house and had problems keeping the fire lit when the damper accidentally got turned the wrong way...once we put the damper in the complete open position and wired it to stay in that position, we no longer had that issue...Smoke can also happen from not completely dried wood, also causing problems keeping the fire lit....I hope this helps....

  • @KingJamesBibleBeliever-de9fy
    @KingJamesBibleBeliever-de9fy Год назад +1

    I home church because that;s what they did in the New Testament, the !st century, The 1st church building didnt arrive til 326 AD with the catholic and they 're based on the traditions of men not based on scripture..
    Which verstion do you use?

    • @mountainmamashome
      @mountainmamashome  Год назад +1

      Hello! Good point you have!
      I use various versions and cross reference with concordances.

  • @jeng4354
    @jeng4354 Год назад

    Thank you for sharing. I’ve been through this. Very devastating. I cringe at the thought of going back to corporate fellowship. Would you mind sharing what church?