Did you know… at 8.5 months old… she still has the occasional clumsy puppy moments on stairs where she loses her footing. Usually when going up the stairs and she is overly excited about something, her little back feet sometimes miss the step and slid down to the next step. It’s cute. 🥰
@@MileyandMeSheltie Oh my, can't believe she's already 8.5 mo. old. I expect she'll get better w/ every passing day of going up & down those stairs! So cute! Thank you for your pic & lovely reply Miley & Cassie!
Miley did a great job coming down all those stairs, going up is always the toughest part! You go Miley, you can do it! Blessings to ALL!
Did you know… at 8.5 months old… she still has the occasional clumsy puppy moments on stairs where she loses her footing. Usually when going up the stairs and she is overly excited about something, her little back feet sometimes miss the step and slid down to the next step. It’s cute. 🥰
@@MileyandMeSheltie Oh my, can't believe she's already 8.5 mo. old. I expect she'll get better w/ every passing day of going up & down those stairs! So cute! Thank you for your pic & lovely reply Miley & Cassie!