Ad. HARDCORE TRIP By Xirek - 05.07.2024 (Album)

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024
  • It is a composition of songs related to each other, an initiation journey for Hardcore. It mixes gabber
    themes with millennium and current sound, all telling a brief story and with touches of different
    eras. Searching for memories and feelings, fighting with the current problem, where a song is made
    without feeling, quickly and looking for something that they believe the public wants, which fades
    away in a few weeks.
    1. Silencio
    “Nadie puede destruir lo auténtico, porque nadie puede destruir un recuerdo. Pasarán los años y
    solo quedarás los recuerdos, los recuerdos de quienes marcamos, ¡quienes destacamos! No habrá
    reyes en esas memorias. Sin ruido, no hay silencio.”
    “No one can destroy the authentic, because no one can destroy a memory. Years will pass and only
    the memories will remain, the memories of those who marked, those who stood out! There will be
    no kings in those memories. Without noise, there is no silence.”
    We return to the origins, where melodies prevail over kicks, dark and enveloping atmospheres. The
    musical memories of the public remain in the songs that make them feel, that make them
    remember. When the future is written, only the music that has marked you, which you can
    remember by a feeling, remains to be remembered.
    Composition: Xirek
    Vocalist: Xirek
    BPM: 164
    2. T-ERROR
    “¿Violento? No somos violentos. ¿Agresivos? Pero no asesinos. No le tenemos miedo a nada, no le
    tenemos miedo a nadie.
    Ataca con el Hardcore, no olvides lo que sientes, y todo el mundo verá, que la ira no es de fuertes.
    Ataca con el Hardcore, tan duro como intentes, Padrec ataca oscuro para que tu no te enfrentes.
    Ataca con el Hardcore, tan duro como siempre, y todo el mundo verá, que la ira no es de fuertes.
    Ataca con el Hardcore, ataca con el Hardcore, Xirek ataca duro para esos que nos mienten.”
    "Violent? We are not violent. Aggressive? But not murderers. We are not afraid of anything, we are
    not afraid of anyone.
    Attack with Hardcore, don't forget what you feel, and everyone will see that anger is not for the
    Attack with Hardcore, as hard as you try, Padrec attacks dark so that you don't face him.
    Attack with Hardcore, as hard as ever, and everyone will see that anger is not for the strong.
    “Attack with Hardcore, attack with Hardcore, Xirek attacks hard for those who lie to us.”
    We are aggressive musically, we are not aggressive personally, we are not murderers. The image
    from outside this world creates very erroneous stereotypes of what we are like. We are more
    sensitive than most people. Dark and experimental song, high distortion and a huge amount of
    “easter eggs”.
    Composition: Xirek & Padrec
    Vocalist: Xirek
    BPM: 168
    3. Light a rainbow
    “E un mundo dificile, donde ya nada dura como antes, un beso, una melodía, un bombo”
    “In a difficult world, where nothing lasts as before, a kiss, a melody, a bass drum”
    Current music is very fast, easy to start and short-lived, with this song we return to the millennium,
    the golden age. The atmospheres, structures, bass drums, melodies and downs of the time are
    Composition: Xirek
    Vocalist: Xirek
    BPM: 172
    4. Te encontraré
    “Ven conmigo y sabrás quién eres. Una se escucha y la otra se siente”
    Lejos de aquí a mucha distancia, yo te seguiré. Lejos de aquí por mucho tiempo, yo te esperaré. Te
    encontraré, lo haré”
    “Come with me and you will know who you are. One is heard and the other is felt”
    Far from here, far away, I will follow you. Far from here for a long time, I will wait for you. I will find
    you, I will”
    We begin the journey to this new world for many, where once you go you never come back, a path
    of initiation to a new audience. A new era where you can mix the old and the essence with the
    current sound and audience. Key piece in the trip.
    Composition: Xirek
    Vocalist: Xirek & Barbara Vander
    BPM: 180
    5. Juntos a volar
    “Lunes a viernes todo es una mierda, ahora es momento de salir a bailar, gabbers y hermanos,
    vayamos juntos a volar”
    “Monday to Friday everything is shit, now it's time to go out dancing, gabbers and brothers, let's go
    fly together”
    Gabber feeling, feeling of brotherhood, we are all a family, we go through our hardships during the
    week but on party weekends we go out together to dance and fly, we are free. 192 bpms, an exact
    Composition: Xirek
    Vocalist: Xirek & Alba Alfaro
    BPM: 192
    6. No volverá
    “No volverá jamás de allí, si tú no estás, mama es feliz”
    “He will never come back from there, if you are not here, mom is happy”
    Once the journey begins, there is no turning back, this music will captivate you for life, you will open
    your mind and discover the great complexity of this genre. You can listen and you will feel.
    Composition: Xirek
    Vocalist: Xirek & Alba Alfaro
    BPM: 200
    7. Gabber Valencia
    Gabber essence bringing out the madness without reaching the uptempo kick, early sound, end of
    the trip, you are now a Hardcore person.
    Composition: Xirek
    BPM: 208

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