Hello friend.I don't know if you still remember me,but I still love your movie for its useful and cool combos. I want to share it with my friends like before,that means I may upload your movie to other sites.Can I get your permission?Besides,I am sorry to congratulate you too late.Happy new year.
餅入り最中 Thanks a lot.By the way,this CMV's music name is codes? I used to listen this music but I can't find it now, I would be appreciate it if you give more information about this music.
毎度あざます! よいお年を!
風原時緒 コメントありがとうございます。来年も頑張らさせていただきます!
Hello friend.I don't know if you still remember me,but I still love your movie for its useful and cool combos. I want to share it with my friends like before,that means I may upload your movie to other sites.Can I get your permission?Besides,I am sorry to congratulate you too late.Happy new year.
daisuki Shiro Thank you comment mymovies.Sure.Please use my movie.
餅入り最中 Thanks a lot.By the way,this CMV's music name is codes? I used to listen this music but I can't find it now, I would be appreciate it if you give more information about this music.
Hailz 【 ピンクの女神 】 コメントありがとうございます!今年最大の頑張りをしましたので楽しんで頂ければ幸いです。