Bad News Batchat Review Bat Chattilon 25 t AP World of Tanks Blitz
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- The Bat Chattilon 25 t AP is the tier 9 French Light fresh to the world with patch 4.2. Only its not gifted with that most precious of light tank skillsets, the ability to reset its camp while driving along at 65kmh. Its bound by the rules of camo as we see it more traditionally applied. Which is a bit disappointing, but it can still move and shake.
Like the more famous tier 10 variant of a French light it is an auto loading burst monster that struggles mightily when left alone on a long clip reload against multiple or even single opponents.
So to maximise this thing, your going to have to shelve that Russian medium dpm philosophy and stop pretending that your a heavy tank. You are going to have to think your way round a battlefield and look for the path of least resistance.
If you can find it, this tank has all the right numbers to reward you for your troubles. if you can't then things are going to be very very grim all over :)
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Is anybody really surprised by this? Wargaming not only makes the rules but they break them whenever they want! Bastards!
Dr FreezeYou hahaha
then they should have just classed it as a medium then ^
I have to agree... why classify it as a light if you don't give it the defining characteristic of a light tank.
If they weren't gonna give it light tank camo why the hell would they pretend its a light? Just call it a med or fix the camo... WG is such a disappointment.
It almost feels like wargaming wants to destroy their own company. Their decisions are constantly pissing people off. That's not a good recipe for a successful company.
_CH3F very true
So then what’s the point of calling it a light? Why try to fake it being a light at all
Tier ten batchat needs four rounds in the clip
An interview with WG
"So what do you think of all the community hate there is regarding anything you change?"
WG:"Doesn't matter, even though many go ahead and hate on us they still play our game and pay for our premiums :P"
"No more questions needed, thanks WG"
Sergio González Torres why do u comment on every damn video bushka puts up
Andrew Do because...I got 30 minutes to spare in my mornings and am bored? Lol
All these people saying that's because it's a medium on PC. Blitz is a completely different system than PC with similar tanks but not the same stats. Hopefully they'll fix the camo issue once they introduce the other tier 10 lights
They said they would be adding the other t10 lights
Its not an "issue" to them they put a weak medium in light clothing on purpose.
It's classified as medium tank in real life by the way ...
Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere They have a bunch of tanks that don't match real life type classifications like the T30 (heavy tank) and the Matilda (infantry tank)
tazman, do you really feel that the matilda should be a lt?
7:30 the shot went into the small gray area beside the gun, when the aiming circle is outside of it, cant say whether or not its super lucky or unlucky lol
So it is basically a Leo with less armor
Newto Leo doesn't has armor......
Leo has troll turret, and can't be HE penned in the front by most tanks. Bat chat AP can
Newto less armor and bad dpm
Leo has 3.5k dpm and the same mobility, this thing has less dpm, less armor, and less gun depression.
So, basically light tanks pay for their awesome camo by making sacrifices to armour, total hitpoints, damage per shot (Batchatillon has a 105mm gun that does 100mm alpha damage), damage per minute, overall penetration, and gun-handling -to some extent-, in comparison to their medium tank counter parts. If the Batchat is "buying" it's cammo with its armour, HP, DPS, DPM, penetration, and gun-handling and getting nothing in return for it then that just puts the Batchat in debt. Meaning its underpowered. That coupled with the fact that it has a longer delay in between shells than the t57 heavy, despite the fact that the T57 has a larger caliber gun than the Batchatillon, really cripples the Batchat. I was really excited for this tank but seeing how WG scammed it makes me much less excited to play it. I might just wait to grind the line AFTER they buff it. I think giving it standard 105mm damage, -which would take the average magazine damage from 930 up to 1050-, along with making the shell delay some thing like 2.3 seconds and giving it traditional light tank cammo is a more than adequate start.
It was at this moment that wargaming knew. It fucked up
Hey bushka, when you made the IS-5 review and said your clan is lazy, dayum you meant lazy. Tier III supply unlocked!
hahah thats on NA mate :) our clan on Asia is 10 :)
Maybe the reason for t9 and t10 french lights not having light tank camo is that they're the only lights on their tiers. I'm guessing they will change that when/if they add german, american and russian lights to those tiers.
WG fails on both the new French lines
It just needs a lesser reload between shells so even if the camo drops, you can pump out your burst damage and run off.
These tanks are mediums on PC, I think they gave them the light tank symbol so that there is a tier 10 light tank skill grinder
I was going to start grinding this line but now i think i'll just stick to the t57 to fill my tier x autoloading needs
Bushka, it doesn't have on the move camo because in PC It's a medium tank, they want to make a med-light blend
Pc has nothing to do with this...nothing. It's not a medium light blend it's a medium tank. Every other light in the game has on the move camo.
then I guess they should just name it a medium tank, if it has no light perks
Bushka this is EXACTLY what we told you before the patch. The BC25T AP is way too similar. That's why we carried on about the 3 shells at tier X for the BC25T. We saw it was nothing better. Personally, I think the BC25T should have 4 shells and 2 seconds between each shell. Then, WG needs to change the label back to a Medium for the sake of camouflage.
yep but mate as I mentioned then I had to play it on live to make my decisions. On live this stuff becomes apparent. You just can't judge them purely on stats. If the camo was light tank camo all this would be fine. Without the camo the tier tens just irrelevant. It can't compete it can't land its bursts easily and its risk vs rewards off the charts.
Bushka On Blitz agreed. If WG were to give the BC25T a 4 shot clip and a 2 second shell reload with say 20 seconds between clips and give it the title of a medium tank, I would be happy. If they were to give it 2 seconds between shells and give it LT camouflage, I would be happy. We can only wait and see!
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond :D
That's because the Bat Chat 25 AP and 25T are medium tanks. Blitz likes to change some of the class of some tanks i.e. FCM.
its a light tank in blitz and lights in blitz till now have had light tank camo. This isn't that.
Bushka On Blitz will they fix it? Should we raise a ticket about this? Is there any hope they fix camo, if we talk in forum? I was super excited about LT coming to tier 10 but this is disappointing
Bushka On Blitz Seems like a total gimmick to say it's a light tank when it doesn't have the most defining feature for a light.
If they are medium tanks why do they have the light tanks symbol on it?
If they introduce the other tier X light tanks, they will fix the camo on the Bat Chatillon 25t AP and the Bat Chatillon 25t. But in their current state of being the only high tier light tanks, they would have advantages, that other tier IX and X tanks wouldn't be able to have. And that would be unfair
I don't agree at all. Every other light gets on the move camouflage. Are they all overpowered?
This makes sense, because if they gave the teir X batchat light tank camo it would dethrone the obj. 140 from the king of camo at teir X
So give it the same dpm and armour and call it a medium
Bushka On Blitz that is a good point. I have no clue what they were thinking because on pc it's a medium and has like 5-6 rounds in the magazine I think.
Ok so if Bushka saying a tank is solid means "stay away". Does Bushka saying stay way mean it's really solid? And if the tank is solid and that means stay away, but stay away means it's solid, does that mean we're stuck in an infinate time loop? And if we're stuck in an infinate time loop and the tank is solid which means stay away, but stay away means the tank is solid, but we're stuck in a time loop will the time loop ever end? If the time loop never ends and the tank is solid which means stay away, but stay away means the tank is solid, and we're stuck in a time loop that never ends why is this an issue?
Rogue Gen got it
Bushka do u wanna a tip to be better in ur rear turre ted french lts?
Its since they r rear turrented the best way to attack enemies by coming around corbers is to go around and poke the back of ur tabk out to expose the leasr amount of it as possible
Lame. Another bait and switch. Advertising the tank as a light then getting short changed and not getting LIGHT CAMO BENEFIT is fraudulent. Many wouldn't waste money or credits on the Batchat if they would have known this. FIX IT WARGAMING
It could be that the Blitz devs are stupid. It's a joke or meme calling the Bat "the best tier X light" or referring it to a light tank. Maybe they are simply reading all the hype in prep for the copy they needed to advertise the tank. Anyway, Blitz peeps do get nerfed version of these tanks but I keep forgetting you guys have wonky matchmaking. On PC and console lights see -1/+3
Lasting Damage Not on PC anymore they have -2/+2 for a while now
Bushka, in PC the BC 25 T and BC 25 T AP are medium tanks
Earlaloo Derp but this is blitz not pc. Different games mean there are different rules.
Retina Deletion Even though the just copied the rules with a different font? They literally copy paste a nerfed batchat and called it a light for shits and giggles
I’m confused. The specs for the tier 10 BC 25t say that it has 31% concealment while stationary and 31% concealment while moving. So how does it not have light tank camo while moving when it’s concealment is the same while moving as it is when stationary?
it would of been much better exected and anticipated if they have put the medium tank symbole n the them that way we would of been expecting another thing
so, basically you drive it one day, don't notice anything wrong, and now it's suddenly a bad tank ? i manage to stay invisible for complete games, while moving, and i do over 3000 dmg frequently, im simply not convinced that this tank doesn't have the light camo on the move, and even if it doesn't it's still the most invisible tier X tank. i think your problem with DPM is caused by your awful ping
pizzagorgonzola ehhhh gotta agree sorta
pizzagorgonzola "awful ping" *meanwhile everyone else gets random 12k ping strikes lol
Sergio González Torres Haven't gotten those in ages. Playing on a 250-400 average ping gives the opponent a 1-3 second advantage.
mate remain as unconvinced as you like. I talked to wargaming and got the word from the developers. I then went and tested it in training rooms. It doesn't have light tank camo.
Bushka On Blitz kind of sad...
Actually the amx 13 57 has medium tank camo too, tier 7,
I keep hoping little things like this will at some point be over and done.
Again, I do not mind people making a living. That is not the issue. I just don't want to rebuild an entire garage again, especially with tanks that are less than they should be to begin with. I loved the game and the people I played with, and in fact have spent more money on tanks now than I did when I actually played, so W/G can not pass me off as a poor customer. It just has to reach a Saturation Point at some time doesn't it? Please say "yes it will".
WG could just make the Bat.-Chats to mediums and stop the fake hype of Tier 10 lights in Blitz.
Also carry maximum 3 HE, it has so few ammo, don't waste space in your tank.
Wait 1 damn minute!!! Does that thing have standard tier10 105mm damage??? Wtf did they nerf alpha on the T54E1???
Rogue Gen So that they can call it balance and have the batchat not that that damage
So, basically light tanks pay for their awesome camo by making sacrifices to armour, total hitpoints, damage per shot (Batchatillon has a 105mm gun that does 100mm alpha damage), damage per minute, overall penetration, and gun-handling -to some extent-, in comparison to their medium tank counter parts. If the Batchat is "buying" it's cammo with its armour, HP, DPS, DPM, penetration, and gun-handling and getting nothing in return for it then that just puts the Batchat in debt. Meaning its underpowered. That coupled with the fact that it has a longer delay in between shells than the t57 heavy, despite the fact that the T57 has a larger caliber gun than the Batchatillon, really cripples the Batchat. I was really excited for this tank but seeing how WG scammed it makes me much less excited to play it. I might just wait to grind the line AFTER they buff it. I think giving it standard 105mm damage, -which would take the average magazine damage from 930 up to 1050-, along with making the shell delay some thing like 2.3 seconds and giving it traditional light tank cammo is a more than adequate start.
Edit, when I say Batchatillon I'm talking about the tier ten Batchatillon 25T, not the Batchatillon 25T-AP at tier nine. The total damage of the tier nine's magizene is fine, although the cammo and shell delay could still use fixing.
I disagree with you here; the BC is already really powerful in competitive and a buff will just make it broken. In a situation where the ability to do damage fast and get guns off the field is important (during a brawl in a tournament) there is no medium that can do what it can do which is pick off a tier 10 heavy from 1/3 hp, so the most important part of the fight (the first few seconds where everyone is focus firing damage off the field) is where it puts out all sorts of damage which means that you are now ahead on tanks. 2. of them will be even better since now any tank under 2000 hp has to worry and any under 1900 hp is a likely one clip kill.
its not powerful in blitz in competitive mate.
57 heavy can drop 1200 in 5 seconds batchat can drop 930 in 6..please tell me which you'd want in a tournament.
When using this tank only use 1 shell type
HE ( lol who would use this )
Very prone to "Out of shells"
Batchat 's are a dump but I think the 25t > 54e1 still. More mobility allows you to manufacture shots. The average player would probably do the same but 25t has a higher skill ceiling than t54e1 for sure.
@Bushka On Blitz Whats with the resolution mate?
its processing will improve mate
Has the camo been fixed since 5.4?
Does batchat still have that camo? Cause I have 13 90 about to get batchat, pls tell me it has been buffed
Hey Bushka do you think these high tier french lights are BETTER then high tier french heavies?
god no. 50b is a sweet ride
I'm only excited about the elc amx, batchat doesn't suit my PC meds game style anyway.
Been saying it for ages, WG make everything the same or underwhelming! Some spent a shit load of gold in the first minutes of the update to get the tier X Batchat, what a rip off WG!!
Light tank without on the move camo, I'm suspect on the tier V and 6 AMX re on the move camo, even in secure spots getting spotted easily!
MaverickDH glad I didn't do that
LimitlessPro same, I have only grinded up to tier 6 and its stock, not in any rush to go further, very disappointing again WG have let the blitz players down esp though not surprised, with the top tier Batchats, Bushka was not alone in looking fwd to these tanks, but I have learnt for a long time now to not rush in, it's a great game, but in my experience very poorly managed, not from the Asia end, but the Russian head office decision end..
Is this a bug or is this as usual where WG publish incorrect stats in the tech tree upgrades module section!
So the AMX 12t at Tier 6 the top gun 75mm SA50 AP has 151mm pen/APCR has 212mm pen/HE has 40mm pen!
Yet @ Tier 7 the AMX 13/75 same gun which is the top gun SA50 only has 144mm pen on AP / 202mm pen on APCR / 38mm pen on HE
Wtf this is why I get fckd off with WG so the Tier 7 variant has less gun pen and is the same gun which is bad enough!
So some stats are slightly better, dispersion and reload time, but you see tier 8 tanks and yet gun is worse FFS
MaverickDH Maybe you had calibrated shells on the 12 t? I done that and have the same stats
What about the second gun?
2 sec is reasonable for baraban
Thats a pity. So technically its still a medium tank. I just made it to the 13 90 and grinded the whole way with no free XP and now you break the news I cant run and gun?!?! what the heck is the point of getting the t9 and t10 now?
Its still very good on t9 but the fact they were hiding this fact from players is just insulting.
How should you play the panzer 4 bushka
Wtf wg. If there's no light tank camo, then just make it a medium tank.
A second gun with slightly less pen or reload but more dmg?
The batchat has the 100mm with a tap bit less of everything but the damage.
try out runing a T49A rocket/missile with BC25t
Ahoy Bushka..
murat işsiz not Goin to happen
don't say "we", use "I"
My My09 wargamig can do it.
Probably never gonna happen.
murat işsiz,,, I agree with yah it would be nice to have bigger map
aim time is4.2 seconds according to in game data, i didn't drive it, but the tier X bat chat definity has a bad aim time, absolutly not under 2 seconds, the web site you use is just wrong.
no it lists base aim time mate its the aim time of the gun itself not the same numbers
That's stock gun.. the base aim time for the top gun with no buffs says 3.5s. (Tier X)
ok, that's new, it used to display the real aim time in game
Then why is it even a light tank burst dmg yeah thats all well and good but i was soo exited that we have light tier 10 tank in blitz but no if it doesnt have a light tank camo them cmon its not a light only good speed and burst dmg well not that im complainga its still good but wanted it to be truely a light tank
Bushka buddy I thought the Bat Shit 25t was gonna be the new tank in competitive ???? Guess not huh lmao
Hate to say I told ya so, buuuuuuut...
I didn't know that it didn't have light tank camo either so I have no right to.
It has MT camo because normally it is a MT. You can see it in PC version.
mate that makes no sense. The other tanks in this game that have changed class have changed camo numbers.
The problem is they are selling them as lights but in fact its a med and they deliberately hid that fact from us.
You are so right Bushka! I dont get Why wargaming dont See so obvious Things. When i first Saw s tats Tier 10 and 9 bat Chat i immediedly thought that They nearly simmilar. So it was clear that the Tier 10 wasnt going to be great.
Its just Not understandeble what wg are thinking
Bushka u know bat chat havent light tank camo :'(
Simply it is still miles better to get a Leopard 1 instead of this bc25t due to 4 severe problems: 1. No recon tank camouflage on the move 2. Damage per minute potential is too low for average tier X 3. This tank has a severe lack of total ammunition capacity for a tank this active and especially for a tank that utilises a drum gun as the only primary weapon 4. For a recon tank, it's view range is readily beaten by some staple medium tanks tier X for example an STB 1 or a Leopard 1. This bc25t might still get some adequate results in random public games due to the unpredictable nature of the said environment, but in its current form will not be a substitute for staple tier X medium tanks in clan wars or even high stakes tournaments such as a twister cup final championships.
FFS then why is it a light??????? no light tank camo... WG is mad
Just either buff the DPM or give it bloody light tank camo
Is that thing seriously doing 900 hp with a 14 second reload?
Drifter X, it's actually 930 total. But yes it is.
Lol nice ram for the kpz70
ColdBoltz Gt dude the Panzer 70 is a beast
love your vids
Then I'll just enjoy the light French up to tier 8.
Its the only tech that has tier 9 and 10 light tanks and what's the problem??? Stop whinning and start changing your play style on that tank or play it like a medium with 1 hp
,....not sure if you are serious or you don't understand. its not a light tank. Its a medium tank...or are you just incapable of reading?
Bushka On Blitz Don't worry about him, he's a salty that makes fish dead fish shiver
it's a light tank
Ladru Go But blitz developers are treating it as a medium
AHOY. Don't have the sads mate! Stay Resilient & Bounce Back!!!
American Tanks For the Win.
I really want the Is-5 and i have it unlocked but im too broke to afford it ):
I know this is the Baby Bat but we all know the point of the line is the Batchat. With that said, I almost enjoy the Baby Bat more--less self imposed pressure being tier X. Plus the Bat is infamous and you are expected to at least clip a few tanks. Anyway, thank god all of you Blitz players aren't getting the amazing AMX 30 pro--of course Blitz would nerf one of the best tier 9 mediums in the game. I sold my Baby Bat and now am grinding up the 13 90 again for my AMX 30 pro.
Lasting Damage I'm calling it right now that the AMX 30 would be a meh tank. What does it have on PC? DPM? Nah, can't have that the Leo already has that. Pen? Nah, let's make it 245. Accuracy? A good 0.340, can't let it stand to the Leo.
Hey Bushka, could you do a video on the VK 30.02M?
working as intended we have heard this too many times when they try to cover up their mistakes. just accept that its a mistake wg
no they did this intentionally mate its not a bug.
Ok Bushka a he B.C. 25t ap is tje worst light tank on wot pc and as everyone knows the batchatllion 25 t is a medium not light tank
Jorge Torres fix your spelling. And bruh this it blitz not pc, stop comparing apples to oranges. If it's classified as a light it should have light tank cammo.becaus, basically light tanks pay for their awesome camo by making sacrifices to armour, total hitpoints, damage per shot (Batchatillon has a 105mm gun that does 100mm alpha damage), damage per minute, overall penetration, and gun-handling -to some extent-, in comparison to their medium tank counter parts. If the Batchat is "buying" it's cammo with its armour, HP, DPS, DPM, penetration, and gun-handling and getting nothing in return for it then that just puts the Batchat in debt. Meaning its underpowered. That coupled with the fact that it has a longer delay in between shells than the t57 heavy, despite the fact that the T57 has a larger caliber gun than the Batchatillon, really cripples the Batchat. I was really excited for this tank but seeing how WG scammed it makes me much less excited to play it. I might just wait to grind the line AFTER they buff it. I think giving it standard 105mm damage, -which would take the average magazine damage from 930 up to 1050-, along with making the shell delay some thing like 2.3 seconds and giving it traditional light tank cammo is a more than adequate start.
Retina Deletion thats the whole reason it doesnt have light camo
batchat is med not light..its a known info from wot pc
Mohd Nizam this is blitz not pc. Don't compare apples to oranges.
dear god then please tell us why it has a light symbol on its markings?
Bushka On Blitz Because the blitz developers saw the weight and said it's a light tank. But then realized that lights get the camo advantage and we can't have that tier X before the other nations get their light tanks so they gave it it's medium tank stats so that it's not a real light tank but a medium with gender issues
let you know that wargaming owns blitz and wot pc, they can make the decisions for their games; just putting that out there. My opinion the batchat tier 9 and 10 should be mediums.
David w but they're not and yet they're getting penalized in all the areas that light tanks get penalized in with out receiving the main benefit of lights that makes up for all their deficiencies.
damnit, wg got the symbols wrong, too much vodka
Absolutely infuriating. Wargaming always pulling shit like this
Bushka u gotta stop ramming other tanks with this tank
3 sec is too much. second, as say Perfect_m1nd light tank with camo on the move, just nonsense. wtf doing WG?
French engineering
Give it better on the move camo, but NOT LT CAMO!!! lt camo is simply op, and will outperform the leo in every single way then.
apart from dmg gun depression accuracy and pen amigo. I mean without the on the move camo its simply outclassed completely.
I agree. but i still think onthemove camo is op. i'd say give it better turret traverse and it's own competing element. Some extra engine HP but not top speed. As a leo lover, im hating the bc xD
This is another care of WG lying to the community consistently. Lie after lie after lie. If i wanted to be lied to, i would go play Tencent games.
IXxhpnotiqxXI at what point did they lie? I'm disappointed in the camo as well but they never lied about it. Calm down.
Infamous WOT Blitz light tanks always have on the move camo. This is THE FIRST LIGHT TANK with no on the move camo. Stupid move by WG.
Lol who the fuck expected this to be a light?? In the PC version i am preaty sure its a medium
No wonder this game is pay 2 win
They dont want the batchat to kill rusian tanks
RogerNerfclub Lol I can so see that. "Alright comrades. We'll add batchat in game, but we give it light tank name, without the camo. Next, we give it 3 shot loader, with 310 damage on 105mm for balance. Finally we make loader have 3 second reload in clip, for balance."
Blurry vid
I knew this would happen. Please try this--grind this up on console. Sickening they lied and called this a Lighr. Ok, reason I say try this line on console is it is easier to train a crew as well as gain XP. There also is a skill called Silent Driving which gives you camo on move. At least you will know the joy of and Actual Batchat. I left Blitz because I wanted the French line. I thought I'd at least grind it out on Blitz like I did on PC and console but this tank is a joke and shouldn't even be called the Batchat
It's supposed to be a medium anyway lol
CROblazer420 wg classed it as a light. If they wanted as a medium they would have done so like pc. The map sizes and its armor dont make it a medium.
IXxhpnotiqxXI if they wanted it to be a light they would have given it light cammo
CROblazer420 your comment doesn't make sense. It IS CLASSIFIED AS A LIGHT TANK, therefore it should have LIGHT TANK CAMO. this isn't WOT PC. the map dimensions are different, which is why the class of BC was changed. THIS WAS A SIMPLE CASH GRAB BY WG. they didnt even put it in patch notes, which even speaks further of their deception. They knew people were stoked for this tank, but they had to FUCK IT UP somehow
IXxhpnotiqxXI keyword "should have", but it doesn't. If they wanted to give us a light they should have given it with the cammo, this what they did makes no sense, why bother listing it as a light when it's basically a medium with a light icon next to it. The only thing that makes no sense here is your stubbornes and stupidity, buh bye
CROblazer420 go re-read my comment and I'm basically saying it's stupid to have a light tank with medium camo. If thats the case just make it a medium. Takes all the BS out of it
First boi
My bacchat 25t AP constantly low rolls. I never get 310 dmg with AP I always get ~ 270. No joking!