That high pitched beeping means the government recording bug needs it's batteries replaced. I suggest you smash it into tiny pieces and you will feel brand new brutha.
@@christie3668 most likely due to modern PC’s wont run it because the game was built around PC’s that were 32 Bit at the time. Luckily someone was clutch enough to make patches for the game including making the game run smooth on 64 Bit Computers💯
That high pitched beeping means the government recording bug needs it's batteries replaced. I suggest you smash it into tiny pieces and you will feel brand new brutha.
yo this guy is funny asf he needs more views
prison guards getting fucked up in the jail ☠️
@@rrvnqx that one prison guard was getting pieced up in the canteen😭😭
I was ready for hard time very interesting game tho but 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I'm surprised this version is still playable in 2025.
@@christie3668 most likely due to modern PC’s wont run it because the game was built around PC’s that were 32 Bit at the time. Luckily someone was clutch enough to make patches for the game including making the game run smooth on 64 Bit Computers💯
Hey thats name!
you should use cheat codes for next vid bro
@@globoy414 bet, I know the cheat codes too, I was using it on the other character before I started a new one.💯