Was the Law of Moses given to the Gentiles, too?

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 364

  • @interpretingscripture8068
    @interpretingscripture8068 11 месяцев назад +2

    Love the insights and fair and balanced presentation!
    Also notice.....dont break the bone......a clear foreshadow of Christ!

  • @khristanelson5076
    @khristanelson5076 Год назад +2

    Phenomenal job, brother! You come with the truth in love, and the Lord has given you a beautiful ability to teach precisely. God bless.

  • @scottmoran9338
    @scottmoran9338 Год назад +4

    Hi Rob
    Myself and most of the people i know who follow the law of God understand these verses and their context. but one must truly understand the angle of where one looks from to see the perspective of what one sees and understands.
    one perspective is that the gentiles are those of the losts / dispersed tribes and as such are set apart and are coming back to the law their ancestors were given
    and the second perspective which i believe is the main perspective ,
    is that the gentile nations are grafted "into" the native branch when 'born again' and as such are no longer sojourners living amongst but are born again into native set apartness and as such the holy laws apply. adopted brothers some might say, as opposed to just friends

    • @Truth.Is.Intolerant
      @Truth.Is.Intolerant Год назад

      Well said, I also understand the context to be as you say.

    • @melodieharder7654
      @melodieharder7654 4 месяца назад

      I’ve encountered this perspective often as well, that lens of looking at this issue.
      I went and looked through the passages about being grafted in. (Rom. 11)
      Things I see in relation to the lens of looking at this doctrine.
      Branches are holy because of the root.
      Some (natural) branches were broken off because of unbelief. v.17-23
      Wild branches (Gentile believers) grafted into the tree/root.
      v.17, 24
      Both branches (wild Gentile believers, natural Israel believers) partake of the root and fatness of the tree.
      The root bears the branches.(not the other way around)
      Wild branches (Gentile believers) are specifically grafted the ROOT/TREE, not into the natural branch (Israel). Both branches are a part of the tree. The natural branch is NOT the tree/root. Branches do not get grafted into branches in this picture.
      v.17, 24

    • @leonardhunt7241
      @leonardhunt7241 Месяц назад

      @@melodieharder7654Thank You So Very Much for your excellent work. Romans 11. Jesus Christ took Away - God The Father spoke 🗣️ through Jesus Christ John 14:10 - the Torah When He Established established the Love One Another, Love your neighbor as yourself Commandments of God as the only things that Should Be Done ✅ to have Eternal Life Matthew 19:16-19 [ Exodus 20:12-17; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:39 Mark 12:31 1st John 3:23].

  • @simplydanny
    @simplydanny Год назад +1

    I love the ancient near East, such a revealing and beneficial study for those still in the HRM. Eye for eye is not a new phrase, that phrase was already in other law codes, but what makes the Torah so great for its time, is the equity it gives to those most vulnerable. The lower class, the foreigners and the widows and fatherless. It was really a step in the right direction but not God’s ideal as stated by Jesus in Matthew 19. God as a living father moves his children into better understanding of his eternal law and will.

  • @oekmama
    @oekmama 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for this great and clear video. There’s an idea among Christians, that they are replacing the Jews. This is very problematic. And this may be what the brothers and sisters of Hebrew Roots are trying to thinking. Maybe they would rather identify themselves with the hebrews than with the foreigner.

  • @therevivalchurch4953
    @therevivalchurch4953 Год назад +1

    Have you done a video/study comparing/contrasting Gar & Nakri? In the latter section of the video you give 3 verses, the last two use nakri and the first actually has both.
    I just started this side study today hoping to clear up any confusion.
    As always, good stuff. Thanks.

  • @wakeywakey8603
    @wakeywakey8603 Год назад +5

    The word Dispensation appears in the KJV 4 times. And the word Stewardship appears in the KJV 3 times. Both words are translated from the Greek word oikonomia G3622. In Strong's Concordance the word means....
    Management or Administration of a household, property or estate. Especially of a (religious) "economy."
    And according to Oxford Languages, Dispensationalism (Christian Theology) is defined as...
    "Belief in a system of historical progression, as revealed in the Bible, consisting of a series of stages in God's self-revelation and plan of salvation."
    So stage 4 would be different from stages 1, 2 & 3. Likewise, stages 5, 6 , 7 will be different from all the previous stages. And yet have the same common denominator (chief cornerstone) which is Jesus Christ who was in the beginning as The Word. We need to walk with His indwelling Spirit so we don't stay stuck in the Old Testament which is the Old Covenant.

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

      Ephesians 4:4 There is (((one body))), and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; but according to you the Gentiles can eat unclean ? Lev 11 But homosexuality Lev 18:22 is still sin ?

    • @wakeywakey8603
      @wakeywakey8603 Год назад

      @@Jeffmacaroni1542 The BLOOD changed everything. TIME was reset to Anno Domini (in the year of the Lord). We counted the time previous to A.D. as Before Christ (B.C.). However, the entire Dispensation before The Word became flesh & tabernacle among the people, is alternatively called Anno Mundi (Year of the World). The Blood of Jesus (His DNA) was implanted into the entire human genome & RESET our "programming" with an upgraded immune system & a moral conscience. That's why demon possession & leprosy camps became rare. And all people are held accountable for their sins against God bc Gods moral laws are WRITTEN where? In their hearts. Which means in their DNA. Which is where all our programming is "written." Heart means the CORE central part of a person, thing or place. Even artichokes have hearts (the core). The Blood changed TIME & LAWS. In the end, the A/C makes a Covenant & attempts to change TIME & LAWS. Where did he get that idea? The devil is a master counterfeiter, deceiver & the ACCUSER (using the obsolete system of Mosaic Law to accuse the lost sheep day & night). The devil fights dirty. Clinging to the OT Laws (instead of Faith, Hope & Love) makes you an open target for the Adversary. Your only escape is to ENTER INTO GODS REST. That means stop "working" to establish your own self Righteousness. Instead, receive & believe & abide in the GIFT of Christ's perfect Righteousness. That was His greatest accomplishment which was the greatest accomplishment in all human history, in God's eyes. And then implanted The Good Seed (God DNA) into the human race. Now, your WORKS is to serve God by doing manifesting Brotherly Love (Philadelphia). In short, to be blessed by God, Jesus taught us to bless other people (neighbors,enemies, brethren). But of course the FIRST & ETERNAL LAW is to Love God first & foremost.

  • @segirinyahenry8553
    @segirinyahenry8553 Год назад +1

    What a LUCID explanation!!
    Thank you very much professor Solberg for helping us understand the distinction between The Law of Moses and The New Testament of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. You surely deserve a pat on the back!

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад +1

      Ephesians 4:4 There is (((one body))), and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; but according to you the Gentiles can eat unclean ? Lev 11 But homosexuality Lev 18:22 is still sin ?

  • @davbra12
    @davbra12 Год назад +1

    Outstanding teaching Professor Solberg! Bravo! Thank you for context and clarification of these scriptures! Keep up the good work! I appreciate all you do! Thank you! Shalom!

  • @KKrusey1011
    @KKrusey1011 5 месяцев назад +3

    Very clear. Thank you.

  • @nathankarp5350
    @nathankarp5350 Год назад +4

    Here is my context of the whole Bible for what it is worth to you or your listeners. Israel is the church, and the church is Israel. The Bible is very clear about that. they are used synonymously throughout scripture. yes, some are natural citizens while others are grafted in. but just like the temple in Jerusalem which contained a court specifically for the gentiles, the idea always being a oneness between the two. one temple, one body, one church etc. and yet you think there are two separate laws? that is completely absurd, with all due respect of course. it's like saying these American laws apply to natural born citizens while only some laws apply to those who later become citizens by other means. Do you think God works that way? when it talks about the stanger and sojourner showing up to feast out of personal desire as appose to requirement, it's basically saying that if i where to invite my atheist coworker to a Christian church service with a feast following than i would say they should probably dress appropriate and sit back and observe without being expected to participate but simply see it all works and if maybe you want to make a more fuller commitment to join this community. it's that simple. they would not be expected to know laws or customs or traditions etc. But God is not divided. His people His Body His church His Word His Instructions, His kingdom. None of which will, nor ever be divided, and if Jews such as myself are to set aside Gods eternal laws and thus, nobody ought to keep the Torah, then it disappears in favor of what exactly? Christian tradition? Which one? Catholic, Orthodox, Pentacostal, Mormon. Or just let our conscience be our individual guide? each person doing what is right in his own eyes, which the Bible makes very clear is not a good thing. Or just keep the Laws of Jesus? All of which are taken and Quated directly from the Mosaic Covenant which you claim is done away with? Can you see my concern and confusion here? in fact, I could say that when since the church and Israel are one and the same thing that you yourself are not required to keep Christian instructions because you're not an actual Christian but maybe you just simply live in a Christian environment, and you just happen to be sojourning among actual Christians all around you. in fact, if the like the Book of Hebrews states that the Gospel was preached on Mt Sinai than how could it be any other way? so, when you use terms like stranger and sojourner your actually saying non-Christian if in fact it's Christain Book where Jesus can be seen in virtually every line. So, you're the stranger in this scenario and your 100% correct, Gods Word does not apply to you. so, for you, a non-believer/stranger, it is optional. you even use Egypt and Assyria and Babylon as some kind of justification for not keeping Gods instructions when these same places are also used synonymously for sin and the world, i.e., non-believers, non-Christians. non-Israelites. i mean why would a non-Christian receive communion for example, that would be ridiculous, just as ridiculous as a non-believer keeping the sabbath. of course, it's not for them. than you go on to say how Israel was to be set apart and Holy etc. as if Christians are not Israel/the Church and are not required to be Holy and set apart. what version of Christianity are you espousing when the New Testament repeatedly says to come out of the world and be Holy.

    • @justinbutcher44
      @justinbutcher44 Год назад +2

      He can't figure out that the Sojourner in these passages were for covenant members who had joined themselves to Israel, and therefore were to be treated the same as the native born Israelites. He is stuck in a paradigm based on replacement/dispensational theology, relying on traditions of men and his philosophy background rather than the text. Thank the Father that many of us are waking up to the truth. I truly believe the Father is working with His people. It's just a shame that Rob is unwilling to learn from those who live this out and are reasonable with their positions on this matter.

    • @billyhw5492
      @billyhw5492 Год назад

      A paragraph breaks too hard?

    • @justinbutcher44
      @justinbutcher44 Год назад +1

      Allow me to elaborate on my last statement in case anyone is reading. The "if then" statements Rob is addressing could easily be understood as "If the non native traveling with you desires to be in covenant, THEN they should do as the Israelites have been commanded." This concept is broadly exemplified in Isaiah 56, which Rob did not mention. If you desire to be in covenant, you are expected to do covenant things. If you do covenant things, the Father looks upon you favorably. It's that simple.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      LOL, Billy HW

    • @leonardhunt7241
      @leonardhunt7241 Месяц назад

      @@justinbutcher44Jesus captured only a portion of the Torah - Love Your Neighbor As Yourself - to Only keep these Commandments for Eternal Life, and no other. Matthew 19:16-19: these don’t include Exodus 20:3-11 Love God Commandments.

  • @noelinuae7554
    @noelinuae7554 4 месяца назад +1

    How do you explain the words of Jesus in these passages referring to the Law given thru Moses?
    Luk 16:29-31 AFV 29 Abraham said to him, 'They have Moses (the Law) and the prophets. Let them hear them.' 30 But he said, 'No, Father Abraham, but if one from the dead would go to them, they would repent.' 31 And he said to him, 'If they will not hear Moses and the prophets, they would not be persuaded even if one rose from the dead.' "
    Joh 5:45-47 AFV 45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you, even Moses, in whom you have hope. 46 But if you believed Moses (the Law), you would have believed Me; for he wrote about Me. 47 And if you do not believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?"

    • @billclass5847
      @billclass5847 3 месяца назад

      Read Isa. 58:13 forbids, *"doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:"* *Who believes for one second that the Adventists have ever kept the Sabbath after that manner?* Yet, they try to pawn it off on you as them being so holy! They love to quote Isa.58:13 as if they were so holy!
      Eccl. 12: 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with EVERY SECRET THING whether it be good, or whether it be EVIL. Sadly, there is no evil the Adventist's and their like won't do or say in the name of Sabbath keeping.
      *GREAT CONTROVERSY BETWEEN CHRIST AND THE SABBATH KEEPERS* ruclips.net/video/z7wbent84Ho/видео.html

  • @heathero8980
    @heathero8980 Год назад +2

    Thank you for going over this.

  • @js5860
    @js5860 Год назад

    I’ve watched several of these and am enjoying them.
    Am local but not familiar w Williams college. If you said you were a graduate of The Masters Seminary- that would tell me a lot about you and your theology.
    Thanks for these informative sessions. So needed by the church today.
    I loved MacArthur series on Christ and the law. These just add to it,
    Thanks so much!

  • @mrsmorgann0000
    @mrsmorgann0000 Год назад +5

    I personally do not understand why some, like a dog with a bone, cling so heavily to the Mosaic Law; treating it essentially like an idol; as if salvation, liberty and life are found in it, when Scripture clearly says otherwise. The Law pointed to Jesus Christ from the very beginning. It pointed to the fact that we are sinners in desperate need of the SAVIOR and only in Him can we be saved; set free from the bondage of sin and death, and have eternal life. This was God's plan of salvation all along. So why not revere and exalt the Messiah and obey what He commanded; Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commands hang the Law and the Prophets. - Matt 22:34-40
    Thanks again Bro. Rob. As an exegete, you explained very concisely and methodically.

    • @ralphowen3367
      @ralphowen3367 3 месяца назад

      The Jews are commanded in Mal. 4 to remember the Law of Moses. In Zeck. 14, we see the Mosaic Law still in force during the Millennium which is to come. Thus, at the end of the world as we know it, the law will not yet be fulfilled to every jot and title. But the church of Jesus Christ had long before been delivered from O.T. law keeping, whether it be the Mosaic or the law of nature.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад

      quote---- life are found in it, when Scripture clearly says otherwise... unquote
      and NOT one quote from the bible!!!!

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад +1

      @@ralphowen3367 quote---- But the church of Jesus Christ had long before been delivered from O.T. law keeping, whether it be the Mosaic or the law of nature... unquote
      Is that all 613 laws??????

    • @ralphowen3367
      @ralphowen3367 3 месяца назад

      @@mitchellosmer1293 Why not? When Rom. 10:4 says "For Christ the the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth".

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад +1

      @@ralphowen3367 quote----Why not? When Rom. 10:4 says "For Christ the the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth"... unquote
      So, let me QUOTE some of those laws you believe are abolished.
      Then tell me again they ALL have been abolished.
      1. To know there is a God. (Exodus 20:2)
      2. To have not other gods. (Exodus 20:3)
      3. To know that He is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
      4. To love Him. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
      5. To fear Him.(Deuteronomy 10:20)
      6. To sanctify His Name.(Leviticus 22:32)
      7. Not to profane His Name. (Leviticus 22:32)
      8. To worship Him as He has ordered and not destroy holy objects. (Deuteronomy 12:4)
      13. To love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:18)
      7. Not to embarrass others. (Leviticus 19:17)
      18. Not to oppress the weak. (Exodus 22:21)
      19. Not to slander. (Leviticus 19:16)
      20. Not to take revenge. (Leviticus 19:18)
      21. Not to bear a grudge. (Leviticus 19:18)
      26. Not to blaspheme or curse a judge. (Exodus 22:27)
      43. To ignore the false prophet. (Deuteronomy 13:4)
      45. Not to fear killing a false prophet. (Deuteronomy 18:22)
      77. Serve God with prayer. (Exodus 23:25)
      85. Bless God after meals. (Deuteronomy 8:10)
      124. Not to withhold food, clothing, and relations from your wife. (Exodus 21:10)
      125. To have children from her. (Genesis 1:28)
      139. Not to have relations with your mother. (Leviticus 18:7)
      140. Not to have relations with your father's wife. (Leviticus 18:8)
      141. Not to have relations with your sister. (Leviticus 18:9)
      142. Not to have relations with your father's wife's daughter.(Leviticus 18:11)
      143. Not to have relations with your son's daughter.(Leviticus 18:10)
      144. Not to have relations with your daughter.(Leviticus 18:10)
      145. Not to have relations with your daughter's daughter.(Leviticus 18:10)
      146. Not to marry a woman and her daughter.(Leviticus 18:17)
      147. Not to marry a woman and her son's daughter.(Leviticus 18:17)
      148. Not to marry a woman and her daughter's daughter.(Leviticus 18:17)
      149. Not to have relations with your father's sister. (Leviticus 18:12)
      150. Not to have relations with your mother's sister. (Leviticus 18:13)
      151. Not to have relations with your father's brother's wife (same father). (Leviticus 18:14)
      152. Not to have relations with your son's wife.(Leviticus 18:15)
      53. Not to have relations with your brother's wife (same father and/or mother).(Leviticus 18:16)
      154. Not to have relations with your wife's sister.(Leviticus 18:18)
      160. Not to have relations with a married woman.(Leviticus 18:20)
      209. Not to swear falsely in God's Name.(Leviticus 19:12)
      210. Not to take God's Name in vain.(Exodus 20:7)
      212. To not swear falsely.(Leviticus 19:11)
      213. To swear in God's Name only to confirm the truth, when deemed necessary by the courts.
      (Deuteronomy 10:20)
      214. To keep your promises and vows to God. (Deuteronomy 23:24)
      250. To give charity.(Deuteronomy 15:11)
      251. Not to withhold charity from those in need.(Deuteronomy 15:7)
      304. To show reverence for the temple.(church) (Leviticus 19:30)
      467. Not to steal money stealthily. (Leviticus 19:11)
      468. The court must implement punitive measures against the thief. (Exodus 21:37)
      473. Not to kidnap. (Exodus 20:13)
      474. Not to rob openly. (Leviticus 19:13)
      475. Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt. (Leviticus 19:13)
      482. Not to murder. (Exodus 20:13)
      540. Appoint judges. (Deuteronomy 16:18)
      561. The judge must not pervert justice. (Leviticus 19:15)
      563. Judge righteously. (Leviticus 19:15)
      565. Judges must not accept bribes. (Exodus 23:8)
      567. Not to curse judges. (Exodus 22:27)
      568. Not to curse the head of state. (Exodus 22:27)
      576. Not to testify falsely. (Exodus 20:13)
      582. Not to curse your father and mother. (Exodus 21:17)
      583. Not to strike your father and mother. (Exodus 21:15)
      584. Respect your father and mother. (Exodus 20:12)
      585. Fear your father and mother. (Leviticus 19:3)
      586. Not to behave like the rebellious son as described in the Torah. (Deuteronomy 21:20)
      ALL ABOLISHED according to you!!!!!!
      Do you still want to say those are ALL abolished??????

  • @husqvarna3726
    @husqvarna3726 Год назад +1

    If you believe you are grafted in to the family tree as the adopted gentile brother, why don't you want to follow the family rules? I've always been aware of the provisions for sojourners and native israelites, so it begs the question; when we are grafted in arent we considered to be part of the family like any other child, and expected to follow the rules? I've talked with a few "sojourners" who would call themselves Christians, but they are quite comfortable remaining as sojourners with the loose living and ungodly lifestyle choices. That's not to say we should all become Jewish, but rather if we all choose to put the house rules first it will produce good fruit and we would be in unity with the rest of the family! I'm a gentile, but I LOVE the laws of Yahweh, and they are not a burden or a curse (they arent what saves, but they do produce Godliness!) I want to be more like Yeshua; giving up my old habits and trading in the ways and traditions of the world for the good things of God (including His laws!) that He has first entrusted the Jewish people with, and that we get to share in. Imagine how much good and what a light we could be to the world if the Jewish and gentile believers truly were one family, with one house, all consistent in belief and practice. It seems silly to remain divided. How can we stir the Jews to jealousy if we are divided? We can't. God's laws are Good, eternal, and not a burden!

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      Hi Husqvarna! Under the new covenant, the family rules do not include keeping the Mosaic rituals. Blessings, Rob

    • @leonardhunt7241
      @leonardhunt7241 Месяц назад

      husqvarna3726 while Gentiles are grafted in, they are in God [ the root] and not into Israel ( the branch).
      Christian believers are Not Without Law to God - No more Matthew 11:13, Luke 16:16 LOVE GOD Exodus 20:3-11 Matthew 22:36-38 Mark 12:29-30 Commandments - but Under The Law To Christ 1st Corinthians 9:21 Love one another, love your neighbor as yourself Exodus 20:12-17 ( Leviticus 19:18) 1st John 3:23 Matthew 22:39 Mark 12:31.

    • @leonardhunt7241
      @leonardhunt7241 Месяц назад

      @@TheBiblicalRootsJesus spoke 🗣️ for God The Father John 14:10: God’s will, and so became Jesus’s will, was to Take Away The First Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Matthew 22:36-38 Mark 12:29-30 [Exodus 20:3-11] and Establish The Second Matthew 22:39 Mark 12.31 [ LOVE GOD Commandments Exodus 20:12-17, Leviticus 19:18]: Hebrews 10:9.
      This Jesus established in Matthew 19:16-19. The other writings echo what Jesus established as his last will and testament Hebrews 9:16-17, Galatians 3:15: The Kingdom Of God Laws and Commandments of God Luke 16:16.

  • @mosreloaded
    @mosreloaded Год назад +1

    Can you debate Zackery Bayer live please. Im not sure it would have a gr8 effect but maybe 1 person would return to Jesus as the source of salvation?

  • @antonellabaluganti8109
    @antonellabaluganti8109 Месяц назад +1

    Sei moltissimo preparato spiritualmente fratello complimenti amen Alleluyia

  • @KatrinaTahar
    @KatrinaTahar Год назад +1

    If repentance “of the heart” does not result in a change of behavior, from disobedience to or disregard for covenant Torah, the repentance is incomplete, false, or uninspired. Biblical repentance always always always meant return to Torah. But people misunderstand even this. It is not about Torah, perceived as a list of burdensome rules, but about covenant faithfulness and covenant love. The covenant is the source of our relationship with YH and Messiah. The Torah is not the source of the relationship, but the result of that covenant relationship. Torah is the gift of the bridegroom to the bride, the gift that is the symbol of His intent and faithfulness and love, for in giving Torah He is sharing the depth of His heart. We, Israel, the bride, see His righteousness and His glory unveiled in the safety and purity of covenant. The Torah is the gift of His righteousness implanted into His people, the gift that, had they been properly grateful and faithful, would have born the fruits of the Spirit in a way that all would see His glory by how His people acted. To rebel against Torah is to rebel, reject, and repulse the love His heart desires to share. To be careless with this gift shows the shallow and fickle heart of the one to whom it was given. A true and faithful and grateful covenant recipient would wear the Torah as a garment of beauty, clothed in His righteousness, robes of radiant pure white. To truly repent is to see ourselves as the selfish and ungrateful and unfaithful whore we love to be, and to be horrified at what we have done to damage this love and relationship potential. So true repentance sees one’s shame for what it is and turns away from it utterly, returning to righteousness, not for salvation, but for the sake of the glory and honor of His covenant love. Repentance is NEVER just being sorry for sin, for trampling on the precious Torah gift He has given from His heart. True repentance MUST by definition return one to covenant faithfulness and deep love, and to appreciation for the Torah as the wedding ring symbolizing His love. True completed repentance is dying to self gratification, rebellion and disobedience, and declaring “Not my will, but thine be done”, a passionate cry of one who is secure in knowing that in repentance we are restored to His covenant love in full. The “Law of Moses” is not the law of Moses, but instruction from YH in covenant holiness so that the bridegroom is glorified by His bride and children. The Law of Moses never originated from Moses, but is the precious Word of His Covenant oath of betrothal, intent to marry, spoken through the friend of the bridegroom, who is Moses. If we understood the honor of receiving His Words of love and committment in the Torah, we would cherish it forever. The covenant is His oath to be a God to Israel, and to make them His people, a people for His glory. If we understand this rightly, YH Himself is pledging to make us glorious, even at the cost of His own life. Inherent in the oath is salvation, for a remnant of Israel must be preserved for Him to keep His covenant vow. The commandments, then, should not be understood to be the means of achieving the salvation, sanctification and glory He has already promised, but rather these commandments are prophetic utterances of who He will make Israel to be. These commandments are promises of the righteousness to come upon Israel when she finally knows Him as the one Who loves her and has never forsaken her, even when she totally failed. When Israel BELIEVES the oath He spoke and all it entails, He will grant full repentance and bring her home….and this is the gospel.
    The gospel was never “If you make yourself an acceptable bride by doing all this stuff, I will take you”. The covenant oath is “I WILL be your God and you WILL be my people, because I WILL make it so. The bridegroom will adorn the bride in garments of light, of holiness and righteousness, and then all the world will know He is glorious.
    In this I trust, and in this hope I will repent as much as I am granted to show my love and appreciation, and my anticipation of the culmination of His promise. Amen.
    My God is an awesome God.

    • @leonardhunt7241
      @leonardhunt7241 Месяц назад

      KatrinaTahar ( beautiful name Katrina) repentance means a change of heart ❤️ which results in a change of direction in behavior.
      Jesus - God The Father’s spokesman John 14:10, 12:49-50 - took away the first summary of the Mt Sinai covenant [10 Words] - LOVE GOD - and Established the Second - LOVE ONE ANOTHER, your neighbor as yourself - Matthew 19:16-19, 1st John 3:23, as one 1️⃣ of God’s will to Jesus Hebrews 10:9, as the exact ONLY Commandments to keep to have Eternal Life. Obeying the Torah, to include the Ten Commandments No More Pleases God The Father Matthew 11:13, Luke 16:16.

  • @jessedonaldson2536
    @jessedonaldson2536 2 месяца назад

    I really like listening to you! Im just wondering if i keep the law of moses am i sinning
    You've literally been teaching torah this whole time

  • @Phillip-f3d
    @Phillip-f3d 2 месяца назад +1

    ( if ) -( if ) the sojourner ,,,, He saying it’s not required for gentiles .. but ( if ) the sojourner is willing to follow the Isreal people’s… they are being ( ASKED in the Old Testament) and they both Jewish and gentiles are again ( ASKED ) ( if ) you love me keep my commandments…. No born again Jew or gentile today is required to offer up sacrifices as of blood , animal ,,,, however both are asked ( if ) you love Jesus ? Then everybody is only asked ( if ) u love him then to keep and do what he simply asked us . Keep his commandments. . You don’t have to love the lord ( he doesn’t beg any Jew or gentile ) . Look into the future where will the law of the lord go out from ? And what will be that law ? One law for everybody … from sabbath to sabbath …. We are in a dress rehearsal, both Jew and gentiles

  • @radostinvasilev599
    @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад +1

    You are very smart guy and yet you don't understand. I will pray for you.i believe once you understand you will be invaluable.

  • @bestbest91
    @bestbest91 7 месяцев назад

    The Law of Moses (excluding the sacrifical and temple laws) definitely applies to all people. This is confirmed in Ex.12:37-38, Deu. 29:14-15, Deu. 31:12 and Joshua 8:30-35.
    Concering the word for non-Israelite, "ger" or "nakri" is used. When a non-Israelite has joined themselves to the congregation of Israel, he is refered to as a "ger" (I did a word study and I checked every occurence of the word when referring to a non-Israelite). "Nakri" is only used in the Pentateuch to refer to Israel's enemies who are obviously Pagan and this word is never used to refer to a non-Israelite who has joined himself to Israel in the first five books of Moses.
    You mentioned Deu.15:3 and Deu. 23:20 but in both instances "nakri" is used.
    Regarding the Deuteronomy 14:21 verse, it says "the alien who is in your town". The addition of "who is in your town" means that this foriegner is not on the same level as an alien ("ger") in Leviticus 17:15 which says a "ger" can eat an animal that dies. To further prove my point, that the "alien who is in your town" in Deu. 14:21 is not a covenant member, Moses adds the phrase "or sell it to a foreigner ("nakri").

  • @GradyRisley
    @GradyRisley Год назад +3

    Amen! I love that you point this out. You got this one right on brother. I hope you do a lesson about how intermarriage wasn't forbidden either and how "Jewish" isolation of YHWH worship after captivity was blasphemous and exactly the opposite of what the "nation of priests" was supposed to be doing. Thanks

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

      Ephesians 4:4 There is (((one body))), and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; but according to you the Gentiles can eat unclean ? Lev 11 But homosexuality Lev 18:22 is still sin ?

    • @GradyRisley
      @GradyRisley Год назад

      ​@@Jeffmacaroni1542 Where did I say anything about homosexuality?

  • @irvinelijah8678
    @irvinelijah8678 Год назад +5

    Isaiah 42 21 Christ will magnify the law. How do all these preachers get around that

    • @ItsInMyShortsvids
      @ItsInMyShortsvids Год назад +2

      Magnify, like how he said “you have heard that it was said, but I say ti you” ?
      Making the law even more useful in showing how sinful we are and hie much we need Jesus? That without Him we could never just do the law and live? We need him, every in step of obeying the law I believe.

    • @irvinelijah8678
      @irvinelijah8678 Год назад +1

      @@ItsInMyShortsvids yes we do need him keep the law Luke 1:6

    • @ItsInMyShortsvids
      @ItsInMyShortsvids Год назад

      @@irvinelijah8678 the fact that they were walking blamelessly in all the commandments of the law and statues is humbling. Technically they would enter the kingdom of heaven if they died doing exactly that. I certainly am a child of the devil who believes in Jesus and yet because I struggle every month with one thing or another shows me I’m not going to make it, unless I stop struggling with a beer every week, and stop struggling from lustful thought when it pops in. At least I hate myself instead of completely being okay with it. Not sure if I’m born again (not a child of the devil anymore) or cut off since I struggle. I just know I should obey and want to.

    • @irvinelijah8678
      @irvinelijah8678 Год назад +1

      @@ItsInMyShortsvids the secret is prayer fasting meditating on the word study the word more listen to the word more. Get around strong men of God. And you got to go to church every Sabbath

    • @ItsInMyShortsvids
      @ItsInMyShortsvids Год назад

      @@irvinelijah8678 thanks

  • @mrhickswife
    @mrhickswife Год назад +1

    Great video! Thanks!

  • @irvinelijah8678
    @irvinelijah8678 Год назад +6

    Free Ecclesiastes 3:14 read psalms 119 89. Your word is settled in heaven oh Lord forever. The commandments the statues and the laws were settled in the Old testament the New testament cannot change those laws.

    • @sylviasandin4386
      @sylviasandin4386 21 день назад

      Isaiah 56:6-7 & 3

    • @sylviasandin4386
      @sylviasandin4386 21 день назад

      Exodus 12:48-49

    • @sylviasandin4386
      @sylviasandin4386 21 день назад

      Aztecs and Inca did meet them.
      Deuteronomy 28:49-51
      Gods Law is for everyone even if we don't believe it
      Deuteronomy 28:21-22

  • @shellyblanchard5788
    @shellyblanchard5788 Год назад +1

    One thing some these that want to think that we need to go back to this doesn't really understand why Jesus made the old covenant obsolete in the first place. In fact God made the new covenant in the garden where he told Eve that she would bruise the head of the serpent. You kill sin by crushing his power by his head. He put his enemies under his feet.
    He had these covenants made in different generations to bring in the new covenant.
    Some of the old Jewish women still try keep Sabbath. They weren't told that God has fulfilled it in Christ probably. They live in run down shacks.
    The HRM need to get out of the old covenant, and get into Christ. 😟

  • @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl
    @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 2 месяца назад

    No! Because the Mosaic Law is set apart from the Ten Commandments, they are two different covenants. The Ten Commandments were placed under the mercy seat inside the Ark of the Covenant. The Mosaic Law was place in a compartment on the outside. Two separate Laws with two very distinct functions,

  • @mariomacias7090
    @mariomacias7090 Год назад

    Thank you for your explanation. Great video!!

  • @LGParent
    @LGParent Год назад

    It seems to me that the "sojourner among you" would only apply to those who were living with the Jews in Ancient Israel. I just don't see how that applies to those of us living thousands of years later in a place and time so far separated from the Ancient Jews. Am I missing something? It seems too obvious when they bring up those verses, in addition to your arguments in this video.

  • @skellingtonmeteoryballoon
    @skellingtonmeteoryballoon Год назад +1


  • @Jeffmacaroni1542
    @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад +1

    Jesus wasn't born on Dec25th, Christmas is an abomination to the Biblical Father and Son. To stamp Jesus's name on Dec 25th is no different that the Isarelites saying the golden calf was a feast to God. Exodus 32:1-6

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +5

      There is no Scriptural basis for your claims, Jeff.

  • @robertpoddam1889
    @robertpoddam1889 Год назад +1

    You mean the ultimate idolatry well you got this all twisted up dude seriously you can be sincere and you can be sincerely wrong

    • @billyhw5492
      @billyhw5492 Год назад +1

      Why did you post 50,000 times like a crazy person?

  • @Jeffmacaroni1542
    @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад +1

    Paul taught Torah-ism......Romans 2:13 For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.

  • @mrjlarsen
    @mrjlarsen Год назад

    Luke 19 :27 is well presented in Isaiah and revaluation and other scripture

  • @KatrinaTahar
    @KatrinaTahar Год назад

    He's stumbling over this verse saying that for a foreigner, Passover is not required. However he's not connecting that if you remain a Gentile it is not bc they are out of covenant. They must be circumcised to participate. Passover is required of Yisra’ĕl. To the Gentiles who want to remain of the nations, they are out of covenant

  • @estilldotson2284
    @estilldotson2284 Год назад

    If the TORAH is not the ways of Yah ...would that not be confusing Mic 4:2
    And many nations(Goy) shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law (Torah)shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

    • @John3.36
      @John3.36 Год назад +1

      What is Micah 4:2 referring to?

    • @estilldotson2284
      @estilldotson2284 Год назад

      @@John3.36 Latter Days

    • @John3.36
      @John3.36 Год назад +1

      @@estilldotson2284 Exactly..

  • @yeshuaeselcaminoayhwh1861
    @yeshuaeselcaminoayhwh1861 Год назад

    The mixed multitude who left with israel do u think the mixed multitud put the bloos on the door post of there houses???
    Why do u want to continue to think that God makes exception of people??
    We are still waiting for you to explain steve from torah family reply to your the tutor reply??? That teaching waa clear, yoi have no idea what your talking about.

  • @elizabethl3323
    @elizabethl3323 Год назад

    Rob you did a fantastic job. The Holy Spirit is all over this teaching. God bless you. 🙏

  • @sylviasandin4386
    @sylviasandin4386 21 день назад

    The Aztecs and Inca did meet Deuteronomy 28:21-22 & 49-51. Gods Law is för everyone if we like it or not.

  • @preciadocr1ss
    @preciadocr1ss 10 дней назад

    But we are not strangers no more because we were grafted and considered sons and daughters of God!

  • @indo3052
    @indo3052 Год назад

    Esther 8:17. Help me understand this passage solberg

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Here's one way to look at it, Indo: "Back in Susa, where the decree originated, there was an enthusiastic welcome for the new regime and all it stood for, in contrast to the consternation occasioned by Haman’s edict in 3:15. Mordecai’s kingly regalia was not resented because he was judged to be worthy of trust. His good understanding won favour (Pr. 13:15) with the population as a whole, as well as with the Jews, who had every reason to celebrate their rise to favour instead of living under threat of death. Under Mordecai’s leadership people of other nations, anticipating that it would be advantageous to be Jewish, ‘Judaized themselves’, a complete reversal of attitude on the part of the public almost over-night, and an encouraging sign for the future of the Jews."
      -Joyce G. Baldwin, “Esther,” in New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition, ed. D. A. Carson et al., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), 451.

  • @mosreloaded
    @mosreloaded Год назад +2

    Thank you again for scripture showing us the facts. Good luck as i know you will be attracted as a false prophet and a bad man and someone who doesn't know how to read the bible. Hopefully no comments will not just be common but argued scripturally.

  • @KatrinaTahar
    @KatrinaTahar Год назад

    The command given to Abraham to sacrifice his son was a test for him. To test his obedience. You're twisting scripture.

  • @luiscajigas5567
    @luiscajigas5567 Год назад +2

    Rob, in your distorted view, the law of God is permissible but not required. Do you think God is an idiot? If the law of God is permissible but not required, why would God put it in the hearts of Judah and Israel, and does this "New Covenant," defined in the book of Jeremiah and confirmed in the book of Hebrews, apply to Gentiles? If your answer is yes, what tribe would the gentiles be associated with? If they are not associated with either tribe, show me in the Scriptures the gate through which you will enter the temple of God.

    • @LemonLimeJuiceBarrell
      @LemonLimeJuiceBarrell Год назад

      I have noticed that almost every HRM person I have come across on the internet is really great at keeping Jewish tradition and condemning others believers for not coming to that conclusion, but not so good at “loving thy neighbor”. Literally every comment in this thread from someone who is in HRM is rude, condescending, condemning, and legalistic. It’s not just this video either. I have watched dozens of videos on this topic trying to get some clarity but all I see is abrasive condemnation and self righteousness. It reminds me so much of the Pharisees in the NT who were obsessed with the observance of the law but had no faith or grace for their brothers. I believe Jesus referred to them as “hypocrites”.

    • @luiscajigas5567
      @luiscajigas5567 Год назад

      @alexisarnone8412 so are you associating me with the HRM movement because i believe the instructions of God is still valid today?

  • @patriciastordahl1220
    @patriciastordahl1220 Год назад

    Same thing here. They just deny Acts 15

  • @almafraser5004
    @almafraser5004 3 месяца назад

    Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. As long as you are not deaf blind or dumb God expects you to REMEMBER the Sabbath day to keep it Holy If you keep the whole law yet offend in one point you are guilty of all James 2 verses10-12. Stop hardening your heart and stiffening your neck or it may remain so permanently

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  3 месяца назад +1

      "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ." (Col. 2:16-17)

  • @radostinvasilev599
    @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

    Rob.yes.the law requires a temple.but it never says it is a physical temple.so by us being the building blocks of the temple we fulfill the moses law. The same with the priesthood and the sacrifices.the moses law remains unchanged.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  7 месяцев назад +1

      Actually, Radostin, under the old covenant God not only requires a physical temple, He requires that it be located in Jerusalem.
      Shalom, RL

    • @radostinvasilev599
      @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots what verse is that, please?

    • @radostinvasilev599
      @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots i think there was a verse about heavenly Jerusalem. So how are you going to contra that, Rob?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@radostinvasilev599 Hi Radostin! You can read all about God's requirement for a physical tabernacle in Exodus chapter 26 and following. The portable tabernacle was used by the wandering Israelites until Solomon built a permanent temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6).
      Shalom, RL

    • @radostinvasilev599
      @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Rob, nowhere it says that the physical temple was forever. Alas Daniel 9:26-27 God announces its destruction. Also, please note Isaiah 56:7 says the temple is for all nations not only jews to worship God, thus proclaiming that Torah is for the whole world. Revelation 21:22 says that God and the lamb are the temple, thus proclaiming there's no Trinity, and Jesus is not God, but a lamb of God. So, Torah remains unchanged.

  • @Jeffmacaroni1542
    @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад +1

    Modern Lawless Christianity pick and choose what sin is ......sin is transgression of the Law/Torah ...1 John 3:4 ......... They say eating pork is no longer sin (Lev 11)
    Breaking Sabbath is no ,longer sin (Lev 23)
    But Homosexuality is still sin (Lev 18:22)
    and Fornication (Lev 18-20) many more examples

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад +1

      When was the last time you stone a person for breaking the Sabbath? Did you go to Israel for the 3 mandatory pilgrimage feasts this year?

    • @LemonLimeJuiceBarrell
      @LemonLimeJuiceBarrell Год назад

      @@joshuamelton9148 I hate to say it but I feel like these people would have been among the ones to rebuke Jesus for healing a man on the Sabbath. There’s so much viciousness and condemnation in this movement. I…don’t get it. The Bible said “you will know them by their fruits” and from what I can see the tree of the HRM is barren. This so-called “modern lawless Christianity” has been practiced this way for centuries…it’s not a recent development for Christians not to follow Torah law.

    • @melodieharder7654
      @melodieharder7654 4 месяца назад

      1 John 5:17
      All unrighteousness is sin.
      Pretty precise definition. Expands to even the moral issues that weren’t covered in the mosaic law.
      Grace is actually a higher standard than the law and does not encourage sin.
      Rom. 6:1, Titus :11-14
      The mosaic law given specifically to Israel (MANY verses prove this) contained morality but it is not the origin of moral standards-that was from creation, still stands throughout time. All fall short of the glory of God.

  • @KatrinaTahar
    @KatrinaTahar Год назад

    The laws are for all. All don't want them. Like the Israelites taken from bondage of Egypt and given freedom in Torah.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      I teach and believe that obedience is God’s “love language.” Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). And I'm sure you would agree that not every command that God has given applies to every person at all times. Some of His commands only apply to certain people (i.e., men, women, parents, Levitical priests) or for certain times (i.e., building an ark, gathering manna, while in exile). And I'm sure you would also agree that we are each only expected to keep the commands of God that apply to us. The NT teaches that the ceremonial Mosaic commands do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6).
      Blessings, Rob

  • @KatrinaTahar
    @KatrinaTahar Год назад

    Right gentiles are not set apart. They don't obey God. They are out of covenant

  • @KatrinaTahar
    @KatrinaTahar Год назад

    Torah people keep repeating themselves bc your not understanding. 1 law for you and the foreign... we will all be judged by 1 law. Even those out of covenant Christians that follow the lawless antimessiah they call Jesus.

  • @radostinvasilev599
    @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

    Wake up Rob, Jesus said anyone who is angry to his brother will be subject to judgment. Is that not being under the law. Where is the salvation without works here?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hey, R! Where does the law say "anyone who is angry to his brother will be subject to judgment"?
      Also-and this is an important point-we will all be judged. And for those with a genuine faith in Jesus, the judgment regarding our works will not affect our salvation (See Matt 5:19). We have already been justified (declared righteous).
      "The righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it-the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Rom 3:21-24).
      "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom 8:1).

    • @radostinvasilev599
      @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Psalms 37:8-11
      Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land.

    • @radostinvasilev599
      @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Rob, there's no condemnation in Jesus Christ only if you work what he told you. So its about works. Love your enemy requires work mate. Jesus said what reward do you deserve (where is grace here?) If you love only your friends, the pagans do the same.

  • @radostinvasilev599
    @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

    Rob, my brother, sorry, but you are wrong again. The law is for everybody that believes in God, by not for foreigner is ment not for nonbelievers. Nonbelievers are not allowed those things although they will be judged by the very same law. Read the whole scripture, mate.

    • @radostinvasilev599
      @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

      Israelite is everyone that believes in God. The Bible never says its only certain race.

  • @jimharmon2300
    @jimharmon2300 10 месяцев назад

    If you accept the covenant then you must obey the covenant.
    Simple .
    You are a son of GOD or you are not .

  • @robertpoddam1889
    @robertpoddam1889 Год назад +1

    But you're the one claiming to be loving the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you're not just a regular Gentile so that makes you a Sojourner you do as Israel right

  • @luiscajigas5567
    @luiscajigas5567 Год назад +1

    Rob, so remember that you were once heathen people who followed the dictates of the lower nature. You were called uncircumcised by those who are known by their circumcision, accomplished for the body by human hands. At that time, you were separated from the anointed one and excluded from the commonwealth of Israel and foreigners in relation to the "Covenant Agreements" relating to the promise. You have no hope. "You were without God in the world." But now that you are in the Anointed One, Yeshua, you who were formerly "far" away from God have been brought near by the blood of the Anointed One. Ephesians 2:11-13.
    So, do you now consider yourself a native of Israel? If not, with whom do you have a covenant if you are not considered an Israelite? Remember that the Blood has brought you into the commonwealth of Israel. And how do you expect to enter His temple-remember, there are only twelve gates-unless you expect God to build another gate in his temple for the heathen to enter through?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +2

      Hello, Luis. The NT does not do away with the distinction between Jews (native Israelites) and Gentiles. "Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also, since God is one-who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith" (Rom 3:29-30). This is just one of the dozens of passages that maintain that distinction. So when Gentiles come to faith in Yeshua, they do not become natives of Israel, nor Israelites. Rather, we are adopted into God's family, or as it says in the same passage you quoted from: "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints *and members of the household of God"* (Eph 2:19). We are the wild olive branch grafted in.
      Blessings, Rob

    • @luiscajigas5567
      @luiscajigas5567 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Rob, you are absolutely wrong in your response. As a theologian, which you claim to be, your understanding of the scriptures is questionable. Yeshua came to redeem those under the law, to fulfill the promises made to the forefathers, and to remove the curse of the law.
      Now tell me, when were the gentiles under the law? Only God's chosen people, who are defined as saints by Pail, were under the law, and those gentiles who attached themselves to Israel would be considered to be under the law and native to Israel during the Exodus. The gentiles were extended the same grace that was afforded to God's chosen people.
      1) Do you understand what "commonwealth" means in a biblical sense? please explain
      2) You obviously disregard the main question. What gate will you enter through? And please don't tell them that the Ezekiel temple will not be built; you only justify your lack of or distorted understanding of the scriptures if you do state this.
      3) Could you please define "fellow citizen" with a biblical understanding?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      @@luiscajigas5567 Hi Luis! I'm glad you agree that Gentiles were never under the Law of Moses. But I'm trying to follow your line of thought, here. Is it your position that when someone comes to faith in Christ, they become a citizen of the geo-political nation of Israel, meaning, for example, they are eligible for an Israeli passport and can vote in Israel's elections? Or are you saying that when someone comes to faith in Christ, they are physically grafted into the genealogical lineage of the Jewish people and their DNA results from Ancestry.com would now reveal they are of Hebrew descent? And I suppose at that point God would assign them to one of the twelve tribes so they know which gate to enter? Can you clarify your position for me?
      Merry Christmas, by the way!

    • @luiscajigas5567
      @luiscajigas5567 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Rob, knowing very well that I don't celebrate Christmas, your wishing me a Merry Christmas is a tasteless form of mockery. You are not mocking my belief; you are mocking God's word. I will tell you a true story that happened to me while camping with my children and grandchildren. This retreat was only for homeschooling children. Every morning, the people in charge invite this one pastor to preach a quick 15-minute sermon. But before I continue, I want to say that I met the Pator at the camping area we were assigned to; he and his family were there also, and he saw my Tzitzits. We had a brief conversation about our beliefs. The next morning, before he started to give his sermon, the first words out of his mouth were, "I like bacon in the morning." This kept up every day of the week, with him mentioning some part of a pig that he just ate before he gave his sermon. A year later, my daughter received news from his daughter that their father had suffered a heart attack. Was this a coincidence? God does not deal in coincidences. This is to remind you that God is not to be mocked. Now, as to your response on DNA and the Ancestry.com comment, it only tells us that you paid three dollars for your theological degree, which, in my view, was too much in the first place. You should have paid the full five dollars; you might have understood what Paul meant when he mentioned the Commonwealth, or fellow citizen. If I were you, I would hire a lawyer and get you three dollars back because you were deceived in what you were taught.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      @@luiscajigas5567 My apologies if you were offended, Luis! That was not my intention at all. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and I mean it sincerely. I'm not offended when someone wishes me a Happy Hanukkah, and, thus, didn't think you would take offense. My bad.
      That said, my questions to you about what it means to be part of Israel were genuine. I was hoping you would clarify your position if you are able.

  • @Jeffmacaroni1542
    @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

    R. L. is with Satan.... He claims were to NOT keep God's commandments (Torah) and if we do we;ve fallen from grace, Satan is enraged at those who keep God's Commandments...... Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

  • @robertpoddam1889
    @robertpoddam1889 Год назад

    Right that's why the majority of the scriptures say for all generations forever Heaven and Earth is a witness but y'all forget that it says that and don't add to and don't take away and don't twist and take out of context but you all don't hear all that do you Deuteronomy 30 Romans 10 am I going to believe Paul or God God says I can do it Paul says there's none righteous no not one he quoted that out of Psalms that was talking about the fool says in his heart there is no God right and the camp of the fool there is none righteous no not one but it's twisted again

    • @billyhw5492
      @billyhw5492 Год назад

      Jesus, the Author of the Torah, said, "A new commandment I give you..."

    • @melodieharder7654
      @melodieharder7654 4 месяца назад

      Synoptic account of Matt. 5:17-20
      Luke 16:15-17
      And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
      And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.

  • @Jeffmacaroni1542
    @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

    Gentiles are unsaved according to Ephesians 2. But they become saved after being grafted into Israel. IF you're a gentile, you're unsaved according to Scripture but you don't live by Scripture.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Hi Jeff. I'm curious how you came to the conclusion that Gentiles "become saved after being grafted into Israel," rather than after placing their faith in Jesus. And are you suggesting that Gentiles stop being Gentiles once they're saved? ~Rob

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад +1

      @@TheBiblicalRoots R. L. is with Satan.... He claims were to NOT keep God's commandments (Torah) and if we do we;ve fallen from grace, Satan is enraged at those who keep God's Commandments...... Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

  • @PaulRasmussen18
    @PaulRasmussen18 Год назад

    God said gentiles during moses that they had to follow the laws and commandments

    • @PaulRasmussen18
      @PaulRasmussen18 Год назад

      I'm not a Torah observant

    • @miketisdale7341
      @miketisdale7341 Год назад

      @@PaulRasmussen18 These two are good examples of that not being so. The first is a different commandment for the gentile living with Israel, and the second speaks of Yahweh pursuing and redeeming only one nation with His covenant.
      Deuteronomy 14:21
      21 “You shall not eat anything that has died naturally. You may give it to the sojourner who is within your towns, that he may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a people holy to the LORD your God.
      “You shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk.
      2 Samuel 7:23
      23 And who is like your people Israel, the one nation on earth whom God went to redeem to be his people, making himself a name and doing for them great and awesome things by driving out before your people, whom you redeemed for yourself from Egypt, a nation and its gods?

  • @cordellross307
    @cordellross307 4 месяца назад

    This is great! Now I can shovel abominations into my gullet and completely throw out God's perfect law. I always knew God was incompetent. Thanks for clearing that up. Also, it's nice that I no longer have to follow Christ's example. I appreciate your passionate and prideful stance on promoting sin. You are a saint.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  3 месяца назад

      Excellent use of sarcasm, Cordell! I teach and believe that obedience to God is of utmost importance for believers. We are to submit to His authority over our lives. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). And I’m sure you would agree that not every command God has given applies to every person at all times. Some only apply to certain people (i.e., men, women, parents, Levitical priests) or at certain times (i.e., building an ark, gathering manna, while in exile). And I’m sure you would also agree that we are each only expected to keep the commands of God that apply to us. The NT expressly teaches that many of the commands given under the Old Covenant Law do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6). “If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law: (Gal. 5:18)..
      Blessings, RLS

    • @cordellross307
      @cordellross307 3 месяца назад

      @TheBiblicalRoots Yes, my sarcasm is almost as good as your ability to deceive and advocate for sin. Jesus himself says simply that he did not come to do away with the law. Peter warns against misunderstanding Paul. John states what sin is, so we don't get it crossed. And Paul flat out says multiple times not to do away with the law. But still, here we are. Seriously, what good can come from this sin you covet? Is not following the dietary guidelines and sabbath benefitting humanity? And let's be honest, when is the majority ever right in the Bible? It's hard for those who love sin to see. But for those who hate it, it is simple. Jesus didn't come back to make sin cool again.

  • @John3.36
    @John3.36 Год назад +2

    It is hard to take Hebrew Rooters seriously since they don't take the scriptures seriously.

    • @mattclevenger8598
      @mattclevenger8598 Год назад

      How serious a thing is the Tora and the prophets? Or are they not scripture?

    • @John3.36
      @John3.36 Год назад +2

      @@mattclevenger8598 Are you the kind of guy that reads the beginning of the story, puts the book down, then says "the end" ?

    • @mattclevenger8598
      @mattclevenger8598 Год назад

      @J 336 I'm the kind of guy that understands that if you disconnect the beginning from the middle and the end, then your perspective on the whole book is likely inaccurate or untrustworthy. What kind of book reader are you?

    • @John3.36
      @John3.36 Год назад

      @@mattclevenger8598 There is hope for you yet. Reading comprehension and context will take you far! Levar Burton would be proud of you.

    • @mattclevenger8598
      @mattclevenger8598 Год назад

      @J 336 I'm not sure how to take your comments. Don't know who lavar Burton is. The accusation is that torah observers don't take scripture seriously. I would argue that those that don't regard torah would be the ones that don't take the whole of scriptures seriously because they don't consider it applicable to be obeyed. Then you act disingenuously proud because a torah observer acknowledges what you seem to disregard, that is the entirety of the Bible. Am I perceiving you right?

  • @ralphowen3367
    @ralphowen3367 3 месяца назад

    They persist in insisting O.T. Law be kept because they are partially blinded and set aside during this time of the Gentiles.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад +1

      --quote----They persist in insisting O.T. Law be kept because they are partially blinded and set aside during this time of the Gentiles... unquote
      So, let me QUOTE some of those laws you believe are abolished.
      Then tell me again they ALL have been abolished.
      1. To know there is a God. (Exodus 20:2)
      2. To have not other gods. (Exodus 20:3)
      3. To know that He is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
      4. To love Him. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
      5. To fear Him.(Deuteronomy 10:20)
      6. To sanctify His Name.(Leviticus 22:32)
      7. Not to profane His Name. (Leviticus 22:32)
      8. To worship Him as He has ordered and not destroy holy objects. (Deuteronomy 12:4)
      13. To love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:18)
      7. Not to embarrass others. (Leviticus 19:17)
      18. Not to oppress the weak. (Exodus 22:21)
      19. Not to slander. (Leviticus 19:16)
      20. Not to take revenge. (Leviticus 19:18)
      21. Not to bear a grudge. (Leviticus 19:18)
      26. Not to blaspheme or curse a judge. (Exodus 22:27)
      43. To ignore the false prophet. (Deuteronomy 13:4)
      45. Not to fear killing a false prophet. (Deuteronomy 18:22)
      77. Serve God with prayer. (Exodus 23:25)
      85. Bless God after meals. (Deuteronomy 8:10)
      124. Not to withhold food, clothing, and relations from your wife. (Exodus 21:10)
      125. To have children from her. (Genesis 1:28)
      139. Not to have relations with your mother. (Leviticus 18:7)
      140. Not to have relations with your father's wife. (Leviticus 18:8)
      141. Not to have relations with your sister. (Leviticus 18:9)
      142. Not to have relations with your father's wife's daughter.(Leviticus 18:11)
      143. Not to have relations with your son's daughter.(Leviticus 18:10)
      144. Not to have relations with your daughter.(Leviticus 18:10)
      145. Not to have relations with your daughter's daughter.(Leviticus 18:10)
      146. Not to marry a woman and her daughter.(Leviticus 18:17)
      147. Not to marry a woman and her son's daughter.(Leviticus 18:17)
      148. Not to marry a woman and her daughter's daughter.(Leviticus 18:17)
      149. Not to have relations with your father's sister. (Leviticus 18:12)
      150. Not to have relations with your mother's sister. (Leviticus 18:13)
      151. Not to have relations with your father's brother's wife (same father). (Leviticus 18:14)
      152. Not to have relations with your son's wife.(Leviticus 18:15)
      53. Not to have relations with your brother's wife (same father and/or mother).(Leviticus 18:16)
      154. Not to have relations with your wife's sister.(Leviticus 18:18)
      160. Not to have relations with a married woman.(Leviticus 18:20)
      209. Not to swear falsely in God's Name.(Leviticus 19:12)
      210. Not to take God's Name in vain.(Exodus 20:7)
      212. To not swear falsely.(Leviticus 19:11)
      213. To swear in God's Name only to confirm the truth, when deemed necessary by the courts.
      (Deuteronomy 10:20)
      214. To keep your promises and vows to God. (Deuteronomy 23:24)
      250. To give charity.(Deuteronomy 15:11)
      251. Not to withhold charity from those in need.(Deuteronomy 15:7)
      304. To show reverence for the temple.(church) (Leviticus 19:30)
      467. Not to steal money stealthily. (Leviticus 19:11)
      468. The court must implement punitive measures against the thief. (Exodus 21:37)
      473. Not to kidnap. (Exodus 20:13)
      474. Not to rob openly. (Leviticus 19:13)
      475. Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt. (Leviticus 19:13)
      482. Not to murder. (Exodus 20:13)
      540. Appoint judges. (Deuteronomy 16:18)
      561. The judge must not pervert justice. (Leviticus 19:15)
      563. Judge righteously. (Leviticus 19:15)
      565. Judges must not accept bribes. (Exodus 23:8)
      567. Not to curse judges. (Exodus 22:27)
      568. Not to curse the head of state. (Exodus 22:27)
      576. Not to testify falsely. (Exodus 20:13)
      582. Not to curse your father and mother. (Exodus 21:17)
      583. Not to strike your father and mother. (Exodus 21:15)
      584. Respect your father and mother. (Exodus 20:12)
      585. Fear your father and mother. (Leviticus 19:3)
      586. Not to behave like the rebellious son as described in the Torah. (Deuteronomy 21:20)
      ALL ABOLISHED according to you!!!!!!
      Do you still want to say those are ALL abolished??????

    • @ralphowen3367
      @ralphowen3367 3 месяца назад

      @@mitchellosmer1293 They are not all abolished, but are in force for those still under the Law. I never said so in the first place. I said they are disannulled for those who have come to believe that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all those laws. When we receive the Spirit of Christ, those laws become part of our nature and we inherently know them. God keeps us from transgressing any law as temptations arise. At the first Petecost after Jesus arose from the dead and ascended to heaven, the Law and the Shekinah Glory fell on the 120 disciples in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. Those baptised and all ever since that get endued with the Spirit then become lawful in all they do and say. They are no longer under Mosaic or even nature's Law, but in the royal law of Christ.

  • @lansan3430
    @lansan3430 Год назад

    Stop tickling ears of people by enticing them to turn away from the way YHWH commanded us to walk or offering them this lawless doctrine or less laws doctrine.

  • @robertpoddam1889
    @robertpoddam1889 Год назад

    You can make all the excuses you want it don't matter you just read it three times and in context and you still make excuses for it

  • @folkeholtz6351
    @folkeholtz6351 Год назад

    There is one weakness in Solbergs does when he says that gentiles can chose to do what the Commandments of Moses. Are the Christian free to choice to steal or murder or come with false witnesses? No of course not. But is not that the Laws of Moses? Yes. the gentiles whom is Christians keep (!) 203 laws, positive laws and the negatives. They do not know that but the laws is laid in the believers heart. However some laws is more Marked to Jews to hold. This shows that it is not so easy as Solberg does to just make a sharp difference between the Laws of Moshe and the moral Laws, since it is also Law of Moshe. It is to much over simplyfied.

    • @JaySmokes97
      @JaySmokes97 Год назад +2

      Those you mention were given to all mankind prior to Moses already such as bloodshed with Noah in Genesis 9

    • @digimike8
      @digimike8 Год назад +1

      All of the 10 Commandments can be found in Genesis and Job, a time before the Mosaic Law. The 10 Commandments written by the finger of God were placed in the Ark of the Covenant. The rest of the Mosaic Laws dictated to Moses and written by his hand were set beside the Ark. The Ark then shows up on Johns vision in Revelation but the laws dictated to Moses are not scene. Another example showing the specific intention of the Mosaic Law to Israel only for an important yet limited time. Never for gentiles then nor now but the Commands of God are universal and have and will always apply to all mankind.

    • @folkeholtz6351
      @folkeholtz6351 Год назад

      @@digimike8 However those laws is anyway counted with other laws as the Laws of Mosheh. Plus the fact that all books of Moshes is named as the written Torah which include for Jews as given to the Jews, even though that there is 7 Noa-law. My point is that you can´t divide the Law from the gentile by saying that they can chose what they want to keep. it is not so simple , Not even for Paul who many times refered to the commandment of the Lord.

    • @folkeholtz6351
      @folkeholtz6351 Год назад

      @@JaySmokes97 Yes but they are counted together with all the 613 commandments by Moshe. But the point is that it is not a wall between Jews and Gentile regarded of the laws. It seems rather to be an openes for for both Jews and gentile and some of them have to be fullfilled by also gentile. So let the persons of the Hebrew roots live in the commandments

    • @billyhw5492
      @billyhw5492 Год назад

      Your questions are kindergarten level. Check out Aquinas and the Four Kinds of Law.

  • @robertpoddam1889
    @robertpoddam1889 Год назад

    Yes nobody said anything different it is to Israel to be a light unto the Nations the law was given to Israel not to the Gentiles but if you're recognizing the god of Israel You're So Journey with him so yes you should be doing these things how is it that difficult you make all the excuses you want the law wasn't given to the Gentiles no duh

  • @irvinelijah8678
    @irvinelijah8678 Год назад +2

    Unbelievable Abraham was a gentile no it was a gentile Adam was a gentile Jews did not exist until Judah the first time the word Jew appears is in the book of Kings. Ecclesiastes 12:13 for this is the whole duty of man fear God and keep his commandments notice he didn't say Jew or Israelite he said man

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      It's probably a good idea for you to go ahead and learn hebrew if you're going to pretend knowledge on this topic. "Jew" first appears in genesis 👌

    • @irvinelijah8678
      @irvinelijah8678 Год назад

      @@tbishop4961 where does the word Jew appear in Genesis please tell me

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      @@irvinelijah8678 did you suddenly learn hebrew?🙄🤦‍♂️
      Pretty useless to tell you when you can't even read it👌

    • @irvinelijah8678
      @irvinelijah8678 Год назад

      @@tbishop4961 the word jew does not appear in the Bible until second Kings

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      @@irvinelijah8678 🤣🦧 I've already explained that it appears in genesis. If you could actually read it, you wouldn't even bother asking where to find it

  • @irvinelijah8678
    @irvinelijah8678 Год назад +2

    Jesus Christ said everything I do is to please the Father John 8:29. The father the show the son and the father never disagree they believe the same thing. John 15:10 if you keep my commandments you will abide in my love just as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love this love.

    • @simplydanny
      @simplydanny Год назад

      Jesus kept the Passover by going to Jerusalem, can you bring sacrifices to the temple? What do you in these cases?

    • @irvinelijah8678
      @irvinelijah8678 Год назад

      @@simplydanny there is no Temple we don't sacrifice animals but the law of animal sacrifices is still in effect.

    • @simplydanny
      @simplydanny Год назад

      @@irvinelijah8678 so effectively what you’re saying is that we have no closeness to God, God is not in our midst. We have no national protection or national blessing, or the presence of God.

    • @irvinelijah8678
      @irvinelijah8678 Год назад

      @@simplydanny God must be worshiped in spirit and truth. Is Christmas and Easter truth

  • @kjs0391
    @kjs0391 Год назад

    Why do you fight so hard against how others feel Father has convicted them to follow?

    • @avibenavraham
      @avibenavraham Год назад +1

      Because they're pretending to be Jewish. It's annoying

    • @billyhw5492
      @billyhw5492 Год назад

      Because Judaizers are enemies of Christ and His Church.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +4

      Hi kjs03. I believe the NT teaches that keeping Shabbat, eating a kosher diet, observing the Torah feasts, and circumcision are permitted for Christians. So if you feel led to do these things, go for it! I have no problem with that. That's not what I'm fighting against. My fight is against the theology that says Christians are *required* to keep these things, and that not keeping them is sinful. This is the dangerous theology of Torahism (aka Hebrew Roots) that draws people away from Jesus and toward Moses.
      Shalom, Rob

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Ephesians 4:4 There is (((one body))), and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; but according to you the Gentiles can eat unclean ? Lev 11 But homosexuality Lev 18:22 is still sin ?

    • @mrsmorgann0000
      @mrsmorgann0000 Год назад

      @@Jeffmacaroni1542 Proverbs 18:2 says, “A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind.”
      This proverb comes to mind when seeing your numerous and redundant comments. It seems your desire is to cause strife not to impart truth. Proverbs 13:10 says, “By pride comes nothing but strife, but with the well-advised is wisdom.”
      You are not exercising prudence or self-control, but are exhibiting pride, anger and hatred. Do you believe your comments are projecting a great witness of yourself? Do you believe you are edifying others by your comments? More importantly, do you believe Yahweh is glorified by your comments?
      Jesus said in Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” To be merciful is to empty oneself of pride; to be poor of spirit; to have grace and compassion for others, even those we do not agree with; and to hungry and thirst after righteousness. Even if you strongly believe Bro. Rob is wrong in his theology, do you believe you will transform his mind or the mind of others or have any engagement of conversation with him with your futile hostility? Or are you just interested in getting your point across or to be right in your own eyes?
      When we are led by the Holy Spirit, we may be angry, but we will not sin. We will speak the truth in love because our ultimate desire is to have people embrace God’s truth. We are call not to grieve the Holy Spirit, but to put away bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice. We are commanded to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ forgave us. [Eph 4:15; 26; 31-32]
      Even if you adamantly believe Rob is wrong, please correct attitude. That may require you to get back on your knees and ask the Father for direction. However in correcting your attitude, your focus too will be corrected and people who view your comments may have their hearts and minds changed for the better.
      With the Love of Christ,

  • @savvycavvy7859
    @savvycavvy7859 Год назад +9

    0:07 Amazing intro! Challenging your friend to search the context of Jesus’s words! The very point that you’ve made here is that context is paramount. I’ve heard it said that any text out of context, is a pretext. I think this is a great observation, which now as I think about it, many of my Torah observant friends do tend to only quote one verse without really reading the entire chapter or context. I love it that when you actually dig into God‘s word, you begin to see things such as those verses about if the Sojourner WISHES to join in!! so very clear that non-Israelites were not under a command. Another thing that I was thinking, you mentioned the verses about an eye for an eye. As I read through Matthew chapter 5, Jesus quotes from Torah and then says “but I say to you love your enemy“ and do not repay back yourselves. And I also read that although Torah instructed about making and keeping vows, Jesus said don’t even make vows, just say yes or no and mean it!! I love the way you challenge your viewers to search deeply into the word of God and not just listen to the words of men.

  • @nohandle519
    @nohandle519 Год назад +16

    I encountered Torahism for the first time a few months ago and I was caught completely off guard. It never occurred to me that someone could find a way to argue that Paul taught to keep Torah. It's popped up a lot since then, and now God has led me here, so I just want to thank you. I've learned a lot, and I appreciate the work you do.

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад +3

      @ Rob Solberg...... So according to you the 10 commandments are not for the Gentiles ? Right on lets have a party with some strippers and some kegs of beer. I'm sure the sins listed in Leviticus 18 are not for us Gentiles. Woo Hoo.

    • @nohandle519
      @nohandle519 Год назад +1

      @@Jeffmacaroni1542 Paul had words for those who accused him, and they were harsh, so perhaps reconsider your position after reviewing: Romans 3:8
      “And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.”

    • @TonyPino777Yeshuasaves
      @TonyPino777Yeshuasaves Год назад +4

      @@Jeffmacaroni1542 interesting thoughts. According to Rob since Torah was only for Israel, it was only a guardian (Galatians 3) to Israel. Gentiles couldn’t have a relationship with YaH. He never provided a way for any other people to have a relationship with him. I mean Rob has said several times in his videos Torah is for Israel and not any other nation. Gentiles were just out of luck.

    • @John3.36
      @John3.36 Год назад +2

      @@Jeffmacaroni1542 keep reading the Bible Jeff. In the New Testament some Mosaic laws are reiterated (Romans 13:9 KJV), some are expanded upon ( Matthew 5), and some are no more. (Hebrews 4) Hope that helps.

    • @elizabethl3323
      @elizabethl3323 Год назад

      God bless you. I'm happy the Lord led you to Rob.❤

  • @radostinvasilev599
    @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад +1

    Also, Jesus said, don't do your righteousness in front of people, but when you give to the poor don't boast. So it sounds like by giving to the poor we have righteousness, except that we should not boast about it. So. Its about works to be righteous.

  • @Jeffmacaroni1542
    @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад +5

    Abraham was a gentile....... Here Are Examples Of Paul Keeping Torah:
    * Circumcised Timothy (Acts 16:1-3)
    * Took the nazarite vow (Acts 18:18; 21:17-26)
    * Taught and observed Gods holy days such as:
    * Passover (Acts 20:6; 1Cor. 5:6-8; 11:17-34)
    * Shavuot (Pentecost) (Acts 20:16; 1Cor. 16:8)
    * Fasting on Yom Kippur (Acts 27:9)
    Paul and others made a Temple sacrifice for their Nazarite vow,
    So Paul went to the Temple the next day with the other men. They had already started the purification ritual, so he publicly announced the date when their vows would end and sacrifices would be offered for each of them. Acts 21:26
    Paul kept the Sabbath
    Acts 18:4 - And he (Paul) reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.(Gentiles)
    Paul taught that a believer in Yeshua the Messiah is saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
    After we are saved by grace through faith, Paul taught that we should follow the Torah (Romans 3:28-31).
    Paul followed the Torah through the help of the Holy Spirit (Romans 7:22).
    Paul did not teach people to observe the law in order to be saved or justified.
    That was not the purpose of the law.
    He taught them to observe the law in order to honor God as they walked out the Christian life in the footsteps of their Lord Jesus.
    By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep HIS commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. .....1 John 5:2-3 KJV

    • @digimike8
      @digimike8 Год назад +6

      And here is Paul with and without the law because in his words he's not under the law of Moses. 1 Corinthians 9 19 For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. 21 To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law.

  • @robertpoddam1889
    @robertpoddam1889 Год назад +2

    It says that several times in the New Testament the death burial and Resurrection as it is to be written and fulfilled in the scriptures and it's a phantom verse they give no cross reference I wonder why

  • @simonskinner1450
    @simonskinner1450 Год назад +1

    The law of sin and death came in with Moses, those in Christ led by the Spirit are no longer under the law of sin and death, but are under the law if they aren't.

  • @j.michael
    @j.michael Год назад +4

    No doubt the Torah observant follower is part of a misguided group. I asked one of them who I am close too as we were in a secular popular department store, if they noticed how the store had no problem celebrating hanakah but refused to acknowledge the reason for the season was about celebrating the birth of Jesus, the promised King and Messiah. They hadn’t. I expressed because there is no power in the story of Hanakah. A menora staying lit for 8 days on one days worth of oil is wonderful to hear in historical events indeed. However, pails greatly in comparison to the celebration of the miracle birth from a virgin and the arrival of the Saviour of the World. An event Prophets prophesied about and had come to pass! Israel your King and Messiah and Lord had come!
    Wonderful teaching Bro. Solberg!

    • @estilldotson2284
      @estilldotson2284 Год назад

      Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter.
      And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon’s porch.
      Dan chapter 8-11
      Matt 24:3-30
      Zec 12:10-14
      Dan 7:13-14
      Matt 24:31
      Isa 27:13
      Dan 7:2
      Deu 4:32
      John 10:22-28
      2Th 2:3
      Dan 7:25
      2Th 2:4-8
      Isa 11:4
      history-Alexander the great
      history Antiochus IV Epiphanes

    • @billyhw5492
      @billyhw5492 Год назад

      What, you don't find deep and profound meaning in the 2nd century B.C. military victory of the Maccabean revolutionaries over the Seleucid Empire which led to 200 years of semi-independence as a client kingdome of Rome? The 7th most important Jewish holiday is the reason for the season!

    • @j.michael
      @j.michael Год назад +1

      @@billyhw5492 Sorry Bill, military victories pails immensely to the miraculous birth of the Savior of the World who came to redeem US ALL to give us everlasting life. The Maccabees victory should be read about indeed. The story of the oil lasting 8 days no doubt should be shared. It was wonderful they were able to re-take the temple. However, the birth of the Messiah who came and to overcome Death is the true victory. It’s the everlasting victory. A victory provided by God Almighty for ALL mankind. Not just for a region of the world for a temporary time in history. Christ victory is For ALL men for ALL time.
      This is why at the birth of Christ an angel from Heaven came proclaiming, “Today, in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you, He is Christ, the Lord”! ……then suddenly a GREAT COMPANY of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men”. (Luke 2)
      Praise God for His Love and Mercy on us all. He truly is worthy of all mankind’s praise indeed. There is no act of men Bill that comes close to the WORKS AND MIRACLE of His arrival. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. 2,000 years later He is still the reason for the celebration. He is still the only reason Victory can belong to all men.

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

      @ Rob Solberg...... So according to you the 10 commandments are not for the Gentiles ? Right on lets have a party with some strippers and some kegs of beer. I'm sure the sins listed in Leviticus 18 are not for us Gentiles. Woo Hoo.

    • @Jeffmacaroni1542
      @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

      Ephesians 4:4 There is (((one body))), and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; but according to you the Gentiles can eat unclean ? Lev 11 But homosexuality Lev 18:22 is still sin ?

  • @bernhardbauer5301
    @bernhardbauer5301 2 месяца назад

    To me the whole discussion looks pointless.
    1. The tora doesn't matter for gentiles.
    2. Jesus was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.
    3. THE GOSPEL, our gospel, the gospel for now was given by Christ to Paul. This Gospel is Gods gospel.
    4. Paul has the stewardship for God's Gospel. 1 Corinthians 4:1:
    Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.
    5. The Gospel:
    1 Corinthians 15:3-5:
    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
    4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
    5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
    In short:
    Christ died.
    Christ was buried.
    Christ was risen.
    Christ was seen.
    This is the saving Gospel.

  • @r.a.panimefan2109
    @r.a.panimefan2109 9 месяцев назад

    Im still new and open to have my mid changed i unfortunately am not versed enouph to qoute scripture.
    I apreciate your vids solberg i feel god sent me here to get out from HRM thumb.
    However some of there thought in some of there group is on on point
    For instance at least as far as ive researched there is not much indication to point at or suggest to me that gods standard of polygny has changed.
    I prayed about this and still am and am open to any challenge. Especially from a youtuber like this fine gentlemen. Or winger.
    But we must except martin luther of the reformation much to his own dismay said he couldnt prohibit it.
    Two the idea that adam and eve being a pair in the garden is built on sand one its reading in our desires into a text. Yes they were alone.
    But lets be real men have scientifically proven higher drive on average verses women.
    And i dare anyone ask yourselves a question would u let david. Or moses or abraham preach. If the resurection occurs and they come to witness. In what ever way revalation will happen in this hypothetical
    Would u let them preach?
    Would u.
    Christ said they followed in faith but also says adulterers go to hell.
    Now i relize god has updated the covenant but did his sexuality and marriage laws in full view change.
    In the basic new testament enterpretation the great patriarchs the men christ new as friends in heaven are being called adulterous
    Now david did commit adultery with bathesba
    But god didnt say a word about davids other 10 wives. Given to him by god.
    God gave him the women.
    And said he would have given more.
    I dont understand how these men were blessed with these wives.
    We now call this sin?
    That makes no sense.
    Now we have a clear standard that incest is wrong now. But was it always wrong?
    Reason who else would seth. Or able( had cain jot killed him)and cain and how many other children
    Who did they marry. Who could they marry if sisters were out.?
    Its obviously that for a time this was ok.
    But it was clearer evidently defined.
    Christ on the sermon says it out right
    Bold it highlight.burn it into your minds.
    Send a way
    Its divorce god hates divorse.
    If a man moses has two wives that he keeps and perfection care for
    Did he send them away
    Did he divorce him
    I dare any protestant that screams sola scriptura.
    Toss out our definitions.
    Let the book unfold.
    Let it tell u wat definitions.
    Adultery is defined in leviticus.
    With the rest of the sexuality laws.
    Test me.

  • @harshinigunasekara
    @harshinigunasekara 8 месяцев назад

    Be aware faults teachers and prophets, Apostle Paul warned , But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted-you may well put up with it!

  • @Iamlainylaine
    @Iamlainylaine Год назад +5

    Thanks again, Rob! I thank the Lord for your work in spreading the truth of God’s Word. Psalms 119:18

  • @shannonedgar6781
    @shannonedgar6781 Год назад +2

    Very well explained. Thank you

  • @richhava
    @richhava 2 месяца назад

    Having to explain the obvious is sad

  • @SteveWV
    @SteveWV Год назад +1

    If you enter an embassy of a different country, you are under that nation's laws... Normally

  • @ralphowen3367
    @ralphowen3367 3 месяца назад

    The entire Law of Moses, dietary laws, hygienic, ritual, and moral laws was for the Jews, unless the non-Jew s sojourned among them. At the advent of Jesus, the entire O.T. law was discontinued except for those who were obliged to keep it, and to whom it was still in force. Hebrews says God took away the first--O.T.-- that He may establish the second--N.T..

    • @billclass5847
      @billclass5847 3 месяца назад +1

      THIS MY FRIENDS, IS THE GOSPEL *Of the Apostolic Church and the Apostles* DON'T LET ANYONE TRY TO *CHANGE IT!*
      Accepting Jesus means you have found yourself a complete and utter sinner and have deserted the law as any means of finding righteousness. And, now the Christian walks, by faith and the Holy Spirit, leaving the righteousness of the law as a pile of dung behind you.
      *The Apostle Paul explains what it means and how a Jew and devout Sabbath keeper, as himself becomes a Christian.*
      Phil. 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of EVIL workers,*beware of the concision.(the Judaizers)*
      3 For we are the circumcision, *which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.*
      4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:
      5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
      6 Concerning zeal, *persecuting the church;* touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
      7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
      8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, *and do count them but DUNG* that I may win Christ,
      9 And be found in him, *NOT having mine own righteousness, WHICH IS OF THE LAW, but that *which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:*
      10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
      11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
      THAT MY FRIENDS, IS THE GOSPEL, DON'T TRY TO CHANGE IT! Yep, Paul calls the Judaizers *"Dogs, and evil workers"* Christ calls them *"Swine and Dogs"* A person is either Christian or not, at this point, the SDA's are NOT.
      *The apostles and Apostolic Church was beaten with whips in the Synagogues and put to death by the Sabbath keepers* because the Sabbath keepers so despised the gospel. The Apostle Paul (when he was Saul) himself, stood their and watched himself as the Sabbath keepers gnashed their TEETH by BITING ON THE ST. STEPHEN! And, then they stoned St. Stephen to death with rocks, murdering him!
      I'm calling on all faithful Christians to take a stand and defend authentic Christianity against the rabid dogs of the Judaizers! WILL YOU STAND WITH CHRIST AND THE APOSTLES???? I CALL ON THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, TO BEAR WITNESS TO THE SECRETS THOUGHTS OF ALL THOSE WHO READ THIS!

  • @stevengreenwade4802
    @stevengreenwade4802 Год назад

    Why wasn't everyone put under these curses?

  • @dbhanedatt8118
    @dbhanedatt8118 Год назад

    Can you explain Mark 2:27 -28.
    " Yeshua is saying, The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
    Note: it was for MAN.
    It didn't say for the Jews.
    The other point is - It was (MADE), this is pointing to Yahweh's 7 days creation. The 7th day Sabbath was made.

    • @melodieharder7654
      @melodieharder7654 4 месяца назад

      Sabbath Bible facts.
      •It was made known to Israel at mount Sinai.
      Neh. 9:13, 14
      •In this account of the giving of the 10 commandments (including the keeping of the sabbath), there is specific clarification that this covenant was NOT made with their fathers before, but with them there that day.
      Deuteronomy 5:2-3
      The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.
      The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.
      In the same passage, one of the reasons and qualifications for keeping sabbath is given.
      Deuteronomy 5:15
      And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: THEREFORE the LORD thy God commanded THEE to keep the sabbath day.
      •Another reason for the sabbath given to (only) Israel-To set them apart-sanctify them, as a sign between the LORD and them.
      Ezekiel 20:10-12
      Wherefore I caused them to go forth out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness.
      And I gave them my statutes, and shewed them my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them.
      Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.

  • @juditrotter5176
    @juditrotter5176 Год назад

    I’m surprised I’m not hearing the word Noahide. Check out 10 commandments and Moses.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      Hi, Judi! The concept of Noahide laws is a Jewish idea that comes from the Babylonian Talmud. It's an interesting observation or categorization of commands that applied universally. But I don't really think in those terms.
      Blessings, RLS

  • @tbishop4961
    @tbishop4961 Год назад +1

    I think you are going to have to pick a position eventually. Either the law is for the jews (still) or it has expired. Sounds like you're trying to use whatever argument is convenient
    Has it ever occurred to you that execution of blasphemers isn't actually a command of the creator and never was? Or that a good God wouldn't permit rape?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +6

      Hey, T.. Here's a quote from this video that should clear up my position for you: "We're each only expected to keep the commands of God that apply to us. And the law of Moses does not apply to followers of Jesus under the new covenant." That goes for both Gentile and Jewish followers of Jesus.
      As to your other questions, yes, I have considered the possibility that not all the text found in Scripture is true-that some or all of it may be nothing more than the recorded myths of an ancient, superstitious people. It's a thought that is never too far from my mind as I study Scripture. I have so many questions about the things God not only allowed, but commanded, or even _did._ And for me, one issue (the reliability of the text) impacts the other (the goodness of God). And what I'm starting to suspect is that the problem with both stems from a lack of understanding of the staggering, terrifying, awe-inspiring holiness of God. We tend to view these issues from a constrained, phenomenological perspective. But the more I contemplate the holiness of a morally-perfect God who created the universe out of literally nothing and try to get my mind around what that entails, the more my faith in Him grows.
      FYI Here is my attempt at finding a way into the problem of a loving God allowing evil things to happen: rlsolberg.com/the-divine-gift-love-theodicy/
      Blessings, Rob

  • @TalkingOutOfSchool
    @TalkingOutOfSchool Год назад +1

    Hebrew Roots is Kabbalah.

  • @RunFunkyWolf
    @RunFunkyWolf Год назад +1

    Did you get any feedback from the real Jewish people about that Hebrew Roots movement? I heard you say in another video that real Jewish Christian say that gentiles are not required to keep the law of Moses. But I also read that some even find this movement a bit offensive since HRM claims that gentile converts are now the “new Jews”. Some even consider this like some level of cultural appropriation. I don't have Jewish friend myself, so I don't know if this is a real thing or not.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +4

      Hi Robert. Yes, in fact, I've talked to Jews and Jewish Christians and they both have a problem with HRM theology. Some do take offense, especially when HRM (who are all Gentiles) want to host formal events like a Passover seder, which is all about remembering when "our people" were in slavery in Egypt and what God did for us. But more than cultural appropriation, those I've talked to just think the idea that "Gentiles need to keep the Torah" is silly.

    • @preciadocr1ss
      @preciadocr1ss 11 дней назад

      @@TheBiblicalRootsdid you know that “gentiles” are waking up to the fact that they have Jewish roots?

  • @reanmouton8413
    @reanmouton8413 Год назад

    Again, why do you spend your time making these videos? Why don't you leave people alone that wants to follow ALL of His instructions?
    If you want to be selective in your obedience, then go for gold.
    But why are you set on spending so much time and effort on this?
    Your time and talents can be a valuable asset to helping people in real need. No one needs your teachings on these topics.
    Please consider this seriously.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +5

      Hello, Réan. You ask a very good question. I receive dozens of messages every week from people whose marriages, families, churches, and communities are being damaged by Hebrew Roots teachings. For those who want to keep Saturday sabbath, eat kosher, and keep the Torah feast, I see no problem! They are free to do those things. The problem happens when they start demanding that _other_ people do the same thing as well. When they accuse their wife, husband, neighbor, relative, or pastor of living in sin and rebellion against God because they eat pork or work on Saturday or celebrate Christmas, people get confused, hurt, and frustrated.
      These are the people I am trying to help. This is why I spent so much time and effort on this. Christians are *not* required to do those things; not as a matter of salvation or righteousness. There is not one thing we can do-no feast or diet or special day-that can add a single thing to the righteousness that is ours through faith in Christ. Torahism is a false theology that causes division in the Bride of Christ and shifts our focus away from Jesus and toward Moses. That is what I am fighting against.
      Blessings, brother, and Merry Christmas. -Rob

    • @LemonLimeJuiceBarrell
      @LemonLimeJuiceBarrell Год назад +3

      Thank you so much for saying this. I am a new believer who desperately needs to get off RUclips. There is so much division and confusion in the body of Christ on this platform and it has thrown me into constant doubt about my salvation. I have been reading the NT for myself and have not yet gotten the impression that I’m supposed to follow the Torah but I’m so new in the faith that it’s hard to know for sure. I really appreciate you making these videos and providing clarity for me. God bless you 🙏

  • @sylviasandin4386
    @sylviasandin4386 21 день назад

    Exodus 12:48-49

  • @straitmind4762
    @straitmind4762 Год назад

    Let the word 'would keep'...'may come' from Exodus 12:48 be a personal choice for every gentile believer as long as you don't require it to others as a mean to salvation. Don't you dare judge me if I choose to observe it even though I'm a gentile believer. Anything from the Biblical feast and ten commandments is better for me than the hedonistic holidays and way of life practiced by many christians. If you say 'I have the roots' then I will ask 'where is the fruit'. Jesus letter to the churches in Revelation emphasized His Words 'I know thy WORKS'.

  • @Jeffmacaroni1542
    @Jeffmacaroni1542 Год назад

    Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to (fulfil-->(Pleroo g4137)
    I have (fully preached)-->(Pleroo g4137) the gospel of Christ. Rom. 15:19
    Many claim fulfill in Matt 5:17 means to Abolish, The Greek word Fulfill is Pleroo g4137, If thats true then these verses must also be Abolished right ?
    Matt 3:15 (Pleroo g4137) (Abolished) all righteousness.
    Rom. 15:19 (Pleroo g4137) (Abolished) the gospel of Christ.
    PHILI 2:2 (Pleroo g4137) (Abolish) my joy,
    Colossians 1:25 (Pleroo g4137) (Abolish) the word of God;

  • @barryblackwood6050
    @barryblackwood6050 Год назад

    Hi Rob For sure Blasphemy was prohibited in Exodus 22:28 but the penalty was not discussed there. Is it listed somewhere else? Prior to that it seemed even in exodus 20 where God spoke the 10 words the penalty isn't described either in specifics. ...just that He would not hold anyone guiltless who did that. Does it suggest mixed race was the issue at all? No. The question was what did the will not hold guiltless mean and the law of blasphemy was active on the mixed race man because he attached himself to Israel through blood line & came out of Egypt under the blood to live amongst the Covenant People. Just the specifics of what God meant by not hold guiltless were to be revealed. God may have zapped the guilty man himself or sent him outside the camp like he did to Miriam questioning Moses authority...no-one was sure and so they asked.
    The Levites also didn't take upon themselves for determining the penalty for the Golden Calf idolators. The were directed by Moses to put the idolators to the sword. The actions for penalty for death are very carefully sort out to be just and according to God's righteous decree. Not spontaneous decision making by a mob. The incident of the strange fire offerings by both the sons of Aaron and the sons of Korah. Abba defended His righteousness in the decision to choose the 2nd born of the house of Levi to bring forth the offerings & lifted up the yuonger brother Moses to be the leader which almost added insult to pride injury. Yah destroyed those opposed to His Torah commands. Men didn't have to bring physical judgment to the people blaspheming the name by disputing God's Law on human terms believing the first born exclusively should be the High Priest & the other errors of pride and lack of humility. God also disposed of Achan & all those associated with him as Achan hid the gold and valuables dedicated to destruction. So that was in Joshua 6. Leviticus 24 speaks of the mixed race " Israelite " and in all these judgments to death it seems that God was involved determining what would be done by seeking His will in the matter and not presuming. Blessings

  • @jonuvark2385
    @jonuvark2385 Год назад

    So good... Thank you for parsing this for us. My daughter calls our HR brethren Torah Nazi's. They are so divisive and pharisitical, layering burden upon burden, judgment upon judgment. Yet I love my. HR brethren. I just wish they could love the Sunday brethren too.

  • @jaredzimmy
    @jaredzimmy Год назад

    You're awesome great videos really helped. I do have to be honest though I had memorized specific verses when I was saved
    One of the first ones I caught my eye because of the way it was worded the phrase course jesting. Ephesians 5:4 KJV used to say nor course jesting which means no course joking now it just says nor jesting which means no joking so it doesn't make sense. I have pictures of this verse I'd written it down I shared it I had memorized it and it changed as of two years ago this coming August. There are hundreds of changes misspellings and errors now in the Bible used to be a literary Masterpiece and now it is not you could not use it to teach English as punctuation capitalization are all over the place 1611 KJV same thing it's all the same. God's word will never change it is stored in our hearts and in heaven however this Physical Realm is subject 2 manipulation that includes two translations in copies of God's word which we called the Bible. Amos 8:11 people can deny it but you have to take a hard deep look. The reason why people why we can be deceived is because we broke things off with pride without praying about it without looking into it without testing it, test the spirits the father said however now it says try the spirit that is in every version of the KJV it never said try the spirits that means something different technically