What If the School of Tomorrow Is Already Here? Frida Monsen at TEDxTallinn 2013

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Frida Monsén lives and works in Stockholm as a teacher of English, Swedish and social sciences. She works at the progressive Vittra Telefonplan School where all the students use the school's laptops and a unique diverse study environment has been created instead of ordinary classrooms -- the school space is motivating instead of disciplining. This creates new ways for teaching and learning but also requires different qualities from the teacher and poses different challenges.
    Frida is dedicated to improving language skills as well as writing and reading skills and is developing new learning situations and methods that build on the digital age. She uses social media as one of her tools and she is leading the Gamification project that helps the students visualize what they are learning. Frida has also embarked on establishing the 21st century school library -- in her view this would no longer be a physical place, but a part of contemporary literacy skills that everyone should possess.
    Frida Monsén on inglise keele, rootsi keele ja sotsiaalteaduste õpetaja Stockholmis. Ta töötab uuenduslikus Vittra Telefonplani koolis, kus kõik õpilased kasutavad kooli poolt antud sülearvuteid ning traditsiooniliste klassiruumide asemel on kujundatud ainulaadne mitmekülgne õppekeskkond - kooliruum mitte ei distsiplineeri, vaid motiveerib. See loob õppimiseks-õpetamiseks hoopis uusi viise ning esitab ka õpetajale teistsugused nõudmised ja väljakutsed.
    Frida on pühendunud keelte ning kirjutamis- ja lugemisoskuse arendamisele ning ta töötab välja uusi, digitaalajastust tulenevaid õppimissituatsioone ja meetodeid. Nii kasutab ta õppetöös näiteks sotsiaalmeediat ning juhib Gamification'i projekti, mis aitab õpilastel õpitut visualiseerida. Ta on alustanud 21. sajandi kooliraamatukogu loomist - Frida arvates pole raamatukogu enam füüsiline koht, vaid osa kaasaegsest kirjaoskusest, mille peaks omandama igaüks.
    In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Комментарии • 11

  • @HelenaHjerten
    @HelenaHjerten 9 лет назад +1

    Wow, Frida, you put the words absolutely right where they belong. It is an honor to have my kids go to a school where you work!

  • @drdouggreen
    @drdouggreen 11 лет назад

    I would love to visit Frida's school. Is there anyway the school could make some videos so would could get a better idea of what goes on? Also, how about a student blog so we could see the kind of stuff they produce? I'm a Swedish American with relatives who are mostly in the Borås area. I have been to Sweden many times, most recently in 2010. I blog at DrDougGreen where I plan to post this fine talk soon.

  • @fridamonsen9406
    @fridamonsen9406 11 лет назад

    Hi Douglas, Thank you for your kind words and ideas. I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the the talk!
    Please follow us at facebook (Vittra Telefonplan) to see more of our work .

  • @carlbarstad
    @carlbarstad 11 лет назад

    Awesome talk Frida! I feel proud to have gotten the chance to work with you guys on the Hackerspace in a box project. :)

  • @jelenacarinabergdahl6372
    @jelenacarinabergdahl6372 10 лет назад

    Hej Frida, jag skulle vilja veta mer om denna typ av utbildning. Finns det någos sätt att kontakta dig....? :)

  • @dannyiskandar
    @dannyiskandar 10 лет назад

    thank you Frida for the talk ....very inspiring ...!

  • @rogerioweymar
    @rogerioweymar 11 лет назад

    Hi Frida, I'm from Brazil. It's wonderfull. :-)

  • @HeavenBound28
    @HeavenBound28 9 лет назад

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!

  • @kristiinaaljas2494
    @kristiinaaljas2494 10 лет назад

    Very inspiring! Thank you for this talk!
    As a future teacher this means a lot to see the variety of teaching methods.