Australian Anglican Church splits after 'going too far to the Left'

  • Опубликовано: 22 авг 2022
  • Sky News host Andrew Bolt says something dramatic has happened in the Anglican Church - a faith ten per cent of Australians believe in.
    “A lot of Anglicans have thought their church has gone too far to the Left too - not just here but overseas,” he said.
    “And some last week broke away and set up their own, called the Diocese of the Southern Cross.”
    Mr Bolt said the sect swore in former Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies as their first bishop.
    He discussed the issue with Anglican priest and Institute for Spiritual Awareness Director Father Mark Durie.

Комментарии • 2,5 тыс.

  • @rickroberts9182
    @rickroberts9182 Год назад +849

    I left the Anglican church years ago because they started "Blessing" same sex unions and promising to honour same sex marriage and even participated in several in my Parish. Our female vicar presided over a same sex marriage and I told her I could no longer respect her Biblical teaching or preaching. I also have a dim view of a female being a "priest". It is not Biblical. I packed up my music gear and handed in my resignation and went to another church that respects and follows The Bible, not the woke mob.

    • @voxac30withstrat
      @voxac30withstrat Год назад +57

      Wangaratta Anglican church has 2 'married' men as priests. There was an article in the local paper about how tolerant and accepting that union is. Pffft!

    • @richlopez5896
      @richlopez5896 Год назад +47

      Can women be ordained to the priesthood? This is a question that provokes much debate in our modern world, but it is one to which the Church has always answered “No.” The basis for the Church’s teaching on ordination is found in the New Testament as well as in the writings of the Church Fathers.
      While women could publicly pray and prophesy in church (1 Cor. 11:1-16), they could not teach or have authority over a man (1 Tim. 2:11-14), since these were two essential functions of the clergy. Nor could women publicly question or challenge the teaching of the clergy (1 Cor. 14:34-38).

    • @rickroberts9182
      @rickroberts9182 Год назад +65

      @@richlopez5896 I agree. Our presiding priest was a man but had a newly ordained female priest as a resident.
      We also had a female Bishop who was responsible for pushing lgbtq acceptance at the synod meeting. She gave a highly passionate and emotional speech which used all the societal buzz words but no Biblical foundation. At that point, I was halfway out the door.

    • @DW_Kiwi
      @DW_Kiwi Год назад +31

      No Brainier. Yes The bible is clear to the born again believer

    • @ngoziokafor5682
      @ngoziokafor5682 Год назад +7

      That is the way to go…

  • @giantputt7066
    @giantputt7066 Год назад +381

    The U.K. has the same problem, with the arch bishop and bishops are so out of step with the majority of their congregations

    • @flamingrobin5957
      @flamingrobin5957 Год назад +9

      jesus said "whoever does not gather with me scatters". we need to be in touch with Jesus and in so doing we are in the will of God. being "in touch" with people means nothing left undefined by biblical information. division comes from "the flesh" human sinful nature. The Spirit of god gives unity . "let us keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace"

    • @repentorperish1405
      @repentorperish1405 Год назад

      It would not matter if they were 'in step' with the majority of the people, and the majority gave assent (which I think might be closer to the truth) they would STILL be out of step with, and therefore enemies of, God and Christ.
      Not my Circus, not my monkeys.

    • @Phil_Mitchell
      @Phil_Mitchell Год назад

      Church is for retarded people, cry more.

    • @ElementofKindness
      @ElementofKindness Год назад

      As someone who has done work for churches and witnessed the behind the scenes workings, I have come to the conclusion that most of today's churches are nothing more than a business exploiting the faith of its congregation.
      One should not confuse the church with faith in God. That's not to say that one shouldn't attend a church. But one should be highly cautious of a church that is becoming political.

    • @protorhinocerator142
      @protorhinocerator142 Год назад +14

      And this is sad because it means the laymen are more aware of God's word than the religious leaders. So why have them?

  • @duaneadams5210
    @duaneadams5210 Год назад +546

    I once was familiar with a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. About half of the people got tired of the traditional teachings and forced the rest of the church to change to a more liberal synod. The conservative half left. About two years later, the liberal half that stayed, wanted more liberal changes. About half of those people left, and for the liberals
    who stayed, they wanted still more liberal changes. More people left. Soon there was no one left to keep the lights on. The church "woke" itself into closing. I saw this very same thing happen in a Presbyterian church too.

    • @eb2505
      @eb2505 Год назад +44

      God is in the business of closing down churches too - when they no longer reflect the purity of his word, not just starting them. A good reference to this are the letters in Revelation to the major churches at the time , particularly where he says to one that he will take out the candle stick. After that , if the church survives in any form, it is no longer representational of the Christian faith.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo Год назад +4

      Which baptism is a part of the salvation process, based on what the Bible says?
      What did Peter say below?
      Acts 11:15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning.
      Acts 11:16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.
      Act 11:17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?
      Based on Luke 3:16, and John 1:33, and Acts 11:15-16, the most important thing about the word "baptize" in the New Testament has nothing to do with water. The Holy Spirit is the master teacher promised to New Covenant believers in Jeremiah 31:34, and John 14:26, and is found fulfilled in Ephesians 1:13, and 1 John 2:27. Unfortunately, many modern Christians see water when they read the word "baptize" in the text. Based on the above, what is the one baptism of our faith found in the passage below? How many times is the word "Spirit" found in the passage, and how many times is the word "water" found in the passage?
      Eph 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
      Eph 4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
      Eph 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
      Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
      Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
      “baptize” KJV
      Mat_3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
      Mar_1:8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
      Luk_3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:
      Joh_1:26 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not;
      Joh_1:33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.

    • @formerparatrooper
      @formerparatrooper Год назад +13

      Actually, this has occurred in congregations across the religious spectrum of the institutional assemblies. I know of several that used to be what were called 'evangelical' but they have found their way into abomination as well. The church in the end days will be religious expression rather than a redemption message. Jesus wondered when He returned, would He even find faith amongst what we call the church.

    • @twiektwiek32
      @twiektwiek32 Год назад +14

      Satan at work

    • @formerparatrooper
      @formerparatrooper Год назад +5

      @@twiektwiek32 Yes, with willing accomplices in the children of men. They are making decisions based on their proclivities and they are every bit in the darkness they claim to preach against. God says and Jude writes: But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

  • @garydurandt4260
    @garydurandt4260 Год назад +244

    Can't see how difficult it can be, either follow God, or follow man. Can't do both.

    • @yolondambrowm9803
      @yolondambrowm9803 Год назад +4


    • @michaellemmen
      @michaellemmen Год назад +6

      No man can serve two masters: for either he
      will hate the one, and love the other; or else
      he will hold to the one, and despise the other,
      Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
      Matthew 6:24

    • @cameroncooper9501
      @cameroncooper9501 Год назад +1

      Very true comment. Then there are those who say they follow God and then align themselves with a human political party. Then they try to justify it.

    • @litrogue6328
      @litrogue6328 Год назад

      Didn't your G*d tell you never to judge? Huhhhhh looks like you're really but a xtian, huh?

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +2

      The Anglican Church was only created because Henrey the 8th couldn't get a divorce. he wanted. Do you want to disagree?

  • @notafreespeechplatform4201
    @notafreespeechplatform4201 Год назад +428

    All mainstream churches have turned their backs on the word of God.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +5

      Which God is that? There are so many.

    • @pixibelle3282
      @pixibelle3282 Год назад +15

      Jesus had meetings in homes & did away with traditional churches.

    • @glennlanham6309
      @glennlanham6309 Год назад +12

      @@pixibelle3282 so explain why he appointed TWELVE apostles, which just happens to seem similar to TWELVE tribes....and gave them authority!!!???
      even to forgive sins: John 20

    • @sa25-svredemption98
      @sa25-svredemption98 Год назад +8

      @@David_Beames the God being referred to by traditional Christian beliefs and scriptures. That's what we're talking about here - a Christian church split between those who believe in the Christian God and those who don't.

    • @marysisak2359
      @marysisak2359 Год назад +5

      VC II destroyed the traditional Catholic church and the evangelical movement destroyed the mainline churches.

  • @tclayden1
    @tclayden1 Год назад +506

    My father was an Anglican priest who was ostracised and pushed out of his ministry in the mid 80's for his conservative views and wanting to preach the bible as it was written!
    Was so sad to watch as it really broke him as a man but didn't break his faith and has now gone to god for eternal life!

    • @childrenoflight3010
      @childrenoflight3010 Год назад +28

      Your dad was a good man may he RIP

    • @conscienceaginBlackadder
      @conscienceaginBlackadder Год назад

      He should have switched to a nasty Fundy church then! The whole point of Anglicanism is to be the freethinking folks' no-doctrine church, of William Temple, David Jenkins, Richard Holloway.

    • @raolhooley
      @raolhooley Год назад

      Yes it is so sad when old ideas die out.i myself was heart broken when cannibalism became frowned on,then slavery was abolished and no we are not supposed to persecute and devalue minorities..what a barstard..after all women and queers and non believers were religions favourite targets and still are..good riddance to these type of religious nuts..nise to hear he has passed away..sounds a real miserable piece of work

    • @rebeccaredhead7144
      @rebeccaredhead7144 Год назад +20

      Big respect to your Dad

    • @raolhooley
      @raolhooley Год назад +1

      @@rebeccaredhead7144 yes I love old bigots too

  • @alfonsvancraeynest2461
    @alfonsvancraeynest2461 Год назад +517

    This will happen in all denominations soon. They will have to decide whether to follow Christ or the world.

    • @dreamarcher4018
      @dreamarcher4018 Год назад

      Not Christ he was the messenger and a lot of the Bible has been warped with political agendas since its inception.

    • @DW_Kiwi
      @DW_Kiwi Год назад +11


    • @francescapoteet5481
      @francescapoteet5481 Год назад +13

      The time draws nigh..

    • @DavidNotSolomon
      @DavidNotSolomon Год назад +22

      The Uniting Church Australia is one of the worst offenders. But it is a good way to identify apostate churches - all the apostates support same sex marriage, having women ministers/priests is another give away.

    • @valarielewis9501
      @valarielewis9501 Год назад +5


  • @fernwood
    @fernwood Год назад +44

    Every time I see a “church” with a rainbow flag in front, I get a little sick. What’s next - “Satan welcome here.”

    • @John_Six_Twenty-Nine
      @John_Six_Twenty-Nine Год назад

      Ah cool! Celebrating Gods promise not to flood the world again! 😃, we're pro-LGBTQIABXYZ 🤨

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад +3

      ; No, he is ALREADY there...

    • @xamapperconservativemayfie3701
      @xamapperconservativemayfie3701 Год назад +3

      The rainbow flag used to have a Christian meaning

    • @riverdonoghue9992
      @riverdonoghue9992 Год назад +4

      There's one near me that I went to once and they had a pride flag right beside the altar. Then I found out the parish priest is a homosexual. First and last time I went there.

  • @barryatkins4677
    @barryatkins4677 Год назад +75

    There is NO Fellowship between Darkness n Light & the PERVERTED Ones will Fall !!! 👊👊👊...🙏🙌🙏

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад +2

      "I agree, but what do faithful Christians do in the meantime?"
      Find another church that believes what the Bible says.

    • @barryatkins4677
      @barryatkins4677 Год назад +1

      @@mariemcintyre6403 You be ok Maria Trust in Jesus : ) 🙏🙌🙏

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад

      " are one of the latter."
      What gives you that idea? I see nothing in his comment to suggest that.

    • @repentorperish1405
      @repentorperish1405 Год назад

      @@PJRayment : One of the Pot - Kettle /oxymoron cases, there I think, Phil.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад

      "One of the Pot - Kettle /oxymoron cases, there I think, Phil."
      Yes, I nearly said something along that line.

  • @monicaemm4109
    @monicaemm4109 Год назад +173

    I’m part of a conservative Anglican Church - if needs be we will leave the mad work crowd. We believe in the Bible, NOT progressive ideas

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +3

      Wasn't the New Testament a progressive interpretation of the Old Testament? That's how it seems to me. You're entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mine, right?

    • @goldencalf5144
      @goldencalf5144 Год назад +9

      What part of the Bible do you believe? The incest, the child marriages or the genocide?

    • @truthgiver8286
      @truthgiver8286 Год назад +3

      do you want to buy a laptop? it a really good one not progressive at all.

    • @robot336
      @robot336 Год назад

      I have been waiting for this 😇😇

    • @mat-mat101
      @mat-mat101 Год назад +14

      Agree. The progressive idea is very out of place for Christian setting, to the point of bordering to blasphemy

  • @joemetro352
    @joemetro352 Год назад +258

    Jesus Christ didn't come to bring peace. If you truly follow Christ and speak the truth to the world you'll be persecuted. " If the world hates you, remember they hated Me first." Be in the world, not of it. Love is being twisted and bent into being something depraved.

    • @John-wj2ht
      @John-wj2ht Год назад +4

      🙏 Amen 🙏

    • @DW_Kiwi
      @DW_Kiwi Год назад +3

      Yes. Bless you Brother

    • @davidgraham2673
      @davidgraham2673 Год назад +10

      That's right.
      God does not compromise His Holiness, Justice, Majesty, or Word.

    • @dmitriykinzhebulatov
      @dmitriykinzhebulatov Год назад +9

      @@davidgraham2673 While these are all true since Christ's death Mercy is victorious every time. However this is not license to sin. If a homosexual asks for Mercy God will not give him permission to sin but freedom from it.

    • @tdioxin2658
      @tdioxin2658 Год назад +3

      @@dmitriykinzhebulatov a very good comment

  • @alsalthree
    @alsalthree Год назад +143

    To quote a 14th century monk-----It's Better to fill Heaven than to fill Churches .

    • @briancomley8210
      @briancomley8210 Год назад +1

      At least churches are real, and can be seen, not like any God or heaven.

    • @alsalthree
      @alsalthree Год назад +3

      @@briancomley8210 I respectfully disagree.

    • @briancomley8210
      @briancomley8210 Год назад +1

      @Raymond Bastien Such a long winded reply about some book that has so many claims in it, but nothing at all about evidence. With 100s of Gods being praised, what makes yours so special that none of the others have?. l haven't heard of any good reason to believe that a God exists, let alone yours.

    • @briancomley8210
      @briancomley8210 Год назад +1

      @@alsalthree Have you seen a God or heaven?.

    • @alsalthree
      @alsalthree Год назад +4

      @@briancomley8210 It's called Faith. If you have faith then I don't have to explain it. If you don't have faith then I can't explain it.

  • @TheRealBobSmith.
    @TheRealBobSmith. Год назад +53

    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

    • @TheRealBobSmith.
      @TheRealBobSmith. Год назад

      @Cultural Marxism is a myth These Anglicans are false prophets .

    • @TheRealBobSmith.
      @TheRealBobSmith. Год назад +1

      @Cultural Marxism is a myth It is my main gig . I live it everyday .

    • @bithiahamariah9139
      @bithiahamariah9139 Год назад

      @Cultural Marxism is a myth Seen him before. He quotes the bible and verse when it is appropriate. The word of God is active to even dividing bone from marrow. BTE Cultural Marxism is a myth? I don't think so.

    • @bithiahamariah9139
      @bithiahamariah9139 Год назад +2

      Good on you Bob. Try some Muslim sites too. Give them some good bible verses - they really need them.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      @Baron Bones Ha that made me laugh 👍The comment about dingoes I mean.

  • @frankie3041
    @frankie3041 Год назад +15

    You Woke it, you broke it.

  • @jenniferraymond3913
    @jenniferraymond3913 Год назад +236

    God blesses the church that goes by the authority of the Holy Scriptures.

    • @rodgerjohnson297
      @rodgerjohnson297 Год назад +1

      If they were truely following they wouldn't be worshiping on the 1st day of the week

    • @rubiks6
      @rubiks6 Год назад +7

      @@rodgerjohnson297 - _That's_ what you choose to focus on??

    • @amsbestunderstanding1646
      @amsbestunderstanding1646 Год назад +6

      @@rodgerjohnson297 Everyday belongs to the Lord. We are not under the OT law.
      Mark 2:28
      Therefore, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."
      Colossians 2:16
      Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath.

    • @thorin8871
      @thorin8871 Год назад +5

      @@rodgerjohnson297 You really think you did something. Since you clearly aren’t a Christian, here’s situation, the old covenant that God gave to Abraham was fulfilled by Jesus, and a new covenant was formed. Instead of circumcision, there is baptism, instead of sabbath, there is the Lords day, instead of the Passover, there is the Eucharist. God left us with his church and traditions for us to be in full communion with him.

    • @samuelschick8813
      @samuelschick8813 Год назад +1

      @@amsbestunderstanding1646, Well Jesus said the laws of the OT still apply and have not been changed. If the OT laws do not apply as you say then the 10 commandments are invalid.

  • @donchuchort2296
    @donchuchort2296 Год назад +32

    Im Catholic and I always say if it was a sin in the 12th century it’s still a sin today

    • @openminds8765
      @openminds8765 Год назад +1

      Tell me what other "sin" is based on.true LOVE??? God is love not hate of others

    • @michaelheliotis5279
      @michaelheliotis5279 Год назад +1

      Disecting corpses was a sin in the 12th Century. Do you reject all of modern medicine based on its emergence from the historically sinful practice of corpse disection, which is the source of all the anatomical knowledge that modern medicine is dependent on? Or are you a hypocrite who only follows the 12th Century definition of sin when it allows you to persecute the gays and other groups you don't like?

    • @evanduquette
      @evanduquette Год назад +1

      @@openminds8765 Read the Bible.

    • @openminds8765
      @openminds8765 Год назад +2

      Cremation was a sin in the Catholic Church for the majority of the time and only has just become acceptable. Your logic is sooooo flawed and socially motivated

    • @raolhooley
      @raolhooley Год назад

      Lol..I rest my case don....that's so progressive..guess there's one born every minute aye!

  • @brian8066
    @brian8066 Год назад +261

    I came to Australia 20 years ago and found the Anglican church more interested in money and being all-inclusive and was against traditional conservative Christians, I have been to many Anglican churches here in Australia and have found many to be not welcoming and it is not just the Anglican church.

    • @robot336
      @robot336 Год назад +3

      I have been waiting for this 😇😇

    • @pixibelle3282
      @pixibelle3282 Год назад +5

      Then try a non traditional fellowship church.

    • @Westyrulz
      @Westyrulz Год назад +36

      Same deal in the Catholic church.I recently reminded some fellow Catholics the church' teachings on Sodomy and now they no longer talk to me.

    • @LibbySlaughter101
      @LibbySlaughter101 Год назад +25

      @@Westyrulz Blessed are you when men insult you, persecute you & speak all manner of evil things about you for my name's sake' (Matthew 5:11 - Jesus speaking)

    • @BUD8302
      @BUD8302 Год назад +5

      How can you be all inclusive and not welcoming at the same time. Isn't love thy neighbour unconditional? That's what they mean by "left leaning" isn't it?

  • @francescapoteet5481
    @francescapoteet5481 Год назад +241

    Same here for the United Methodist Church and many of us are leaving it because we will NOT accept what is happening with wokeness. And the UMC is making it quite difficult although they outwardly say otherwise. They’re penalizing us in many ways and deadline messages are not being sent in a timely manner and the cutoff dates are designed for them to keep assets or us pay penalties. Our Bishop is gay. She’s making a mockery of God’s word and it is so sad. My great grandparents and grandparents and father would turn over in their graves if they knew how depraved the doctrine they are actually asking us to accept is and it isn’t simply a matter of homosexuality. It’s much darker than that.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      Maybe you are in the wrong religion. Wasn't the New Testament a progressive interpretation of the Old Testament? That's how it seems to me.

    • @alsalthree
      @alsalthree Год назад +13

      Karen Oliveto is the homosexual Bishop. I am in the Virginia Conference and I will move to the Global Methodist Church when it comes. I think John Wesley is spinning too.

    • @lucasglowacki4683
      @lucasglowacki4683 Год назад +35

      Women Bishops? Maybe that was your first error🙄

    • @pegc9889
      @pegc9889 Год назад +1

      Yes, the Old and New Testaments condemn homosexual behavior. It's better to stick with the Bible and do what is pleasing to the Father, than to blend in with the world.

    • @robot336
      @robot336 Год назад +31

      @@David_Beames here we go , the the old Jesus was a leftist/ progressive / socialist .. you know we can see you , your as subtle as a used car hack / sales man 🤣🤣

  • @michaeltrinkle4197
    @michaeltrinkle4197 Год назад +96

    Any church or person who refuses to stand on GODS WORD will give an account as we all shall.GOD SAID IT.i believe HIS WORD.

    • @whatoh3407
      @whatoh3407 Год назад +3

      Hope you're ready to give up your wealth to the sick and poor

    • @gordoncrawley5826
      @gordoncrawley5826 Год назад

      @@whatoh3407 Salvation in Christ, through having faith in him, is the emphasis of Christianity. Other things are secondary to that major mission. Not saying we are not to help the sick and poor for sure, but we are not really helping people if we do not keep the Gospel of Salvation central. The best way to get out of poverty in this life, is to gain the wisdom and help that God Himself gives to people who accept Christ and his word. Biblical commands and precepts save people from much folly in life, which will keep people from poverty, if they are followed. Most people go to churches for hand outs, but have no interest in being a part of the household of God and obeying Him. So your little remark is a mark of ignorance concerning the faith, but you are not alone in that, unfortunately, and that influences other people not to understand what true Christianity is.

    • @whatoh3407
      @whatoh3407 Год назад

      @@gordoncrawley5826 lmao ass-backwards way is thinking. A good way to keep the poor in place. Poor people need money, they don't need faith. This is the real world and there's nothing after it. Your God never existed in my culture until you white colonizers murdered my ancestors and stole our land. Fuck off, your GOD is the lord of lies, because HE IS THE LIE.

    • @ourladyofguadalupebotanica6732
      @ourladyofguadalupebotanica6732 Год назад

      @@whatoh3407 what does Christianity have to do with giving up wealth to the sick and poor? Christianity has its charitable side. But always within ration and reason. Christianity is on the other end of the spectrum from communism - always has been.

    • @whatoh3407
      @whatoh3407 Год назад +1

      @@ourladyofguadalupebotanica6732 where in the Bible does it talk about ration and reason? You seem to love and defend money more than the word of Christ. Let me help you out:
      1 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?
      Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
      Luke 21:1-4 Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

  • @TheMollyPitchers
    @TheMollyPitchers Год назад +243

    Imagine if pro-football players made up their own rules, ignoring the play book, as these denominations have done with the teaching of the Christian
    play Book 👉 the Bible?

    • @pwillis1589
      @pwillis1589 Год назад

      Yeah bring back slavery just as the bible teaches.

    • @Angrybogan
      @Angrybogan Год назад +1

      That's the point. The difference is the football players don't get shamed and called bigoted for sticking what isn't ours to chnage.

    • @WHU63
      @WHU63 Год назад

      @@Angrybogan The Anglican churches in Africa are totally correct. The Bible is the Christian manual and it clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman. Same sex relations are condemned in both the Old and New testaments. The Anglican church in the West and in Australia is focusing on the agenda of man rather than the word of God.

    • @wc618
      @wc618 Год назад +6

      @@Angrybogan U know what good managers in football do to players who dont follow their tactics they get rid of them. Dont u think God is tired of being mocked also an being told by people that claim to be Christian but dont want to stick with scripture but rather want to be conformed to be like the world how full of wrath do u think God will get much more than a manager when he finally says ive had enough.

    • @domingomelchor4902
      @domingomelchor4902 Год назад +4

      The difference between a football playbook and the bible is authority outside of the playbook. In the Protestant doctrine of bible-alone authority, there are no umpires or referees to decide who’s right or wrong. But the true Church that our Lord built has the umpire authority and the playbook. The playbook is the bible or Sacred Scripture and the Catechism. The umpire is the Church Magisterium, her teaching authority. The Protestant view is not practical. Why? Can the bible say who’s right? Is it the progressive or the conservative Anglicans. But the Holy Catholic Church can. It claims authority to interpret and teach the gospel that no Protestants dare to claim.

  • @chairmandan1794
    @chairmandan1794 Год назад +117

    About time!, the church has become a political organisation and forgotten their first love.

    • @skinnyway
      @skinnyway Год назад

      no building is holy on this earth. the "church" was always political and never about God. All of these plastic catholic churches are the same.

    • @Prognosis__
      @Prognosis__ Год назад +4

      The evangelical Anglicans split sometime back

    • @chairmandan1794
      @chairmandan1794 Год назад +3

      @@Prognosis__ Not all evangelical congregations.

    • @mekavio8231
      @mekavio8231 Год назад

      @@raymondo2469 true .. those that should be the most devout and most close to the religion are abusing the most vurnable and precious of our species, chidleren. instead of doing some self reflection and burn themselves alive as they did with those 'witches" in the past, they blame and threathen the childeren and continue to cover it up or denying it.. how evil can you be ?

    • @richardbaxter2057
      @richardbaxter2057 Год назад

      Or maybe “not political enough”? The Church isn’t leading from the front and holding politicians to account?

  • @ChrisHardwickanimaladventures
    @ChrisHardwickanimaladventures Год назад +90

    When you legalize sin and force it into the church folks have to make a decision... Leave the church or rewrite the bible.

    • @notafreespeechplatform4201
      @notafreespeechplatform4201 Год назад

      They've rewritten the bible to suit their narratives thousands of times already. The only one I trust for accuracy is the 1611 KJV.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +2

      Are you a Yank? You're spelling legalise like a Yank.

    • @1967hashem
      @1967hashem Год назад +3

      I live in Philippines & we spell legalize with a Z. Just leave racial bias out of the debate.

    • @robot336
      @robot336 Год назад

      I have been waiting for this 😇😇

    • @robot336
      @robot336 Год назад

      @@David_Beames How dare you .. spelling is a soacial construct each person can change it at any time just like man can have babies because the left changed the defintion of what a man is and what marriage mean's .. until now 😇😇

  • @kickpublishing
    @kickpublishing Год назад +38

    Makes me smile how these people think they have changed the church - no, you left the church, the real church just becomes even easier to see

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      How can they change something that died hundreds of years ago ?

  • @liesbethmcclure9669
    @liesbethmcclure9669 Год назад +41

    Stand up for truth and righteousness

    • @mekavio8231
      @mekavio8231 Год назад

      anglicanism is the only true way to go then ?

    • @kafon6368
      @kafon6368 Год назад +1

      @@mekavio8231 Nope that would be Catholicism.

    • @mekavio8231
      @mekavio8231 Год назад

      @@kafon6368 hmmm... many christians claim that those catholics are the delusional, making and creating rules as they like or see fit, sometimes in contradiction with theb bible...

  • @oldmanx1234
    @oldmanx1234 Год назад +47

    That happened to the Presbyterian Church in America. The heads of the church got so out of whack with the parishioners that we split, Anyone is welcome in our church but they will not be told that doing sinful things that is not sinful.

    • @rebeccar1036
      @rebeccar1036 Год назад +3

      It’s helpful to go to a churches website to see if they are PCUSA or PCA, which is the conservative offshoot. I happily found a PCA church near me with a heavy Asian (Korean) population of which I am not. Breath of fresh air.

    • @jenbee3506
      @jenbee3506 Год назад +3

      It’s the same in the United Methodist Church as well. The hierarchy is actively out to destroy conservative strongholds.

    • @redwingfan9393
      @redwingfan9393 Год назад +2

      PCA and PCUSA are two different animals. PCUSA has gone full on progressive. While I consider PCA somewhat liberal, it's conservative when held up against PCUSA which rejected the gospel a century ago.

  • @theseeker6097
    @theseeker6097 Год назад +54

    Hold to the authority of the Bible, well imagine that, following what the actual Word of God says in the Bible over those trying to manipulate and twist God's Word to suit their own agenda. Good for this Anglican group who left the majority

  • @normalisoverrated
    @normalisoverrated Год назад +71

    Have they really "broken away", or have they stayed true to the word of God???

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад +2

      Both, apparently.

    • @eddarby469
      @eddarby469 Год назад +5

      As we said when Anglicans in the USA broke from ECUSA, we kept the faith, they kept the buildings.

    • @07silvali
      @07silvali Год назад

      What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IT`S A LONG TIME!!
      THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION of your life: Where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, in God's eyes you are a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend ETERNITY IN HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS ​​CHRIST died for you and rose on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you REPENT from your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS ​​CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and you will be assured of ETERNAL LIFE!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! Do this today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!!
      "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)

    • @none4126
      @none4126 Год назад

      They've broken away. The church has been infiltrated by non Christians who seek to destroy it.

  • @wilfredruffian5002
    @wilfredruffian5002 Год назад +14

    As soon as they hung a " hate has no home here" sign,I left.

    • @NervousNoodles
      @NervousNoodles Год назад +3

      It’s a blanket statement that says “Anyone who disagrees with our new beliefs is one who is full of hate.” Trying to converse with them would be a waste of time so better to walk away.

  • @bithiahamariah9139
    @bithiahamariah9139 Год назад +89

    Well done people. Better to meet in a park than to compromise the Gospel. God is weeding out the goats from the sheep for the end times. Jesus is coming back for his church and not the apostate one.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      You don't like goats? What have they ever done to you? Maybe you are more of a sheep :)

    • @pwillis1589
      @pwillis1589 Год назад +3

      Nonsensical gibberish

    • @tomijmcd
      @tomijmcd Год назад +4

      @@pwillis1589 Time will tell.
      We will all find out. Maybe?

    • @pwillis1589
      @pwillis1589 Год назад +3

      @@tomijmcd No time will not tell. We already know beyond reasonable doubt there in no supernatural entities. We don’t even have any reasonable evidence of an alleged Jesus character.

    • @LibbySlaughter101
      @LibbySlaughter101 Год назад +9

      @@pwillis1589 There is certainly historical evidence for the life of Jesus Christ & also for the persecution & martyrdom of the early Christ followers (Christians)

  • @christopherwheeler2749
    @christopherwheeler2749 Год назад +96

    My denomination lost me after 40 years. I now go to another. (it hurts) Keith Green made an album called "No Compromise". Compromising is a deal breaker.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      Compromising is how you make a deal mate. Jez :)

    • @LibbySlaughter101
      @LibbySlaughter101 Год назад +12

      We badly need men of the ilke of the late Keith Green. He didn't hesitate to call out the compromising, lukewarm churches of the day. He lives on through his music.

    • @tomijmcd
      @tomijmcd Год назад +5

      @@LibbySlaughter101 That was a scary thing that Jesus said when he spoke about the "lukewarm".

    • @LibbySlaughter101
      @LibbySlaughter101 Год назад +2

      @@tomijmcd It was brother, I pray the Lord finds me working when He comes. Maranatha!

    • @sandyjuntunen4088
      @sandyjuntunen4088 Год назад +2

      @@David_Beames That's for politics- not right & wrong.

  • @bapcorp8303
    @bapcorp8303 Год назад +32

    As an Anglican I've started attending the local Catholic church

    • @charlesmendeley9823
      @charlesmendeley9823 Год назад +6

      I thought that pope Francis holds similar leftist ideas.

    • @oliphauntsneverlie6227
      @oliphauntsneverlie6227 Год назад +4

      You might want to take a look at the Pope then. Unless that sort of thing is what you're looking for.

    • @GiftofChaosStudio
      @GiftofChaosStudio Год назад +5

      The Church welcomes you home!

    • @barryb90
      @barryb90 Год назад +1

      @@charlesmendeley9823 He doesn't, the media keep saying that. However, some of his appointees are suspect. Catholic Catechism is incredibly difficult to change. Even if Catholicism does become compromised like a lot of Christian denominations to liberalism. Catholics still have the traditionalist, Society of Saint Pius X.

    • @emanuelosuna9394
      @emanuelosuna9394 Год назад

      @@barryb90 Grow a spine. Francis is nothing but a cryptojew communist chomo who’s in league with China and Latin American drug cartels. Nobody in Christendom with a functioning brain sees him or Rome as God’s representative since tye bible CLEARLY states anyone who believes in god and his word is his representative on earth.

  • @dansuperbee3321
    @dansuperbee3321 Год назад +38

    My full respect for those will to stand for what they beleive is right !!!

    • @gerardmoloney433
      @gerardmoloney433 Год назад +2

      What you believe, think, feel or Imagine doesn't matter if its not the truth. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, nobody comes to the Father except through Him. That's the truth. Maranatha.

  • @davebarbadillo
    @davebarbadillo Год назад +21

    Matthew 19:4 "Jesus answered, "Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one'?

  • @caveman7490
    @caveman7490 Год назад +59

    Fair enough and about time 👍🏻

  • @agathacumberbatchroosevelt3249
    @agathacumberbatchroosevelt3249 Год назад +22

    Stand your ground...stay with the liturgical traditions of the Church and the bible!Lift high the Cross!

    • @Herr_Flick_of_ze_Gestapo
      @Herr_Flick_of_ze_Gestapo Год назад

      Join the Holy Orthodox Church. You wont get all that woke bollocks. Orthodoxy is based af.

  • @jonathangair8031
    @jonathangair8031 Год назад +27

    I stopped going to Anglican church services years ago BECAUSE the Reverends could never help themselves from espousing Leftist ideology. All I'd wanted to hear was how the Bible might give me strength and guide me.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +1

      The Anglican Church was only created because Henrey the 8th couldn't get a divorce. he wanted. Do you want to disagree?

    • @jothambate6400
      @jothambate6400 Год назад +3

      @@David_Beames That was the reason the Anglican Church separated from Rome, but one could argue that there has been a distinct church in England since before Alfred the Great.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      @@jothambate6400 Interesting, could you provide me with some links to information on that? I'm not being sarcastic. I really would be interested. I've read a lot about the reformation but which started in 1517 and the Anglican Church starting in 1534 but more than 600 years before that during Alfred the Great reign I don't know how that relates.

    • @jeffkardosjr.3825
      @jeffkardosjr.3825 Год назад

      @@David_Beames The reformation was going on.
      A bit more to things than just a divorce.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      @@jeffkardosjr.3825 Which reformation? The English Reformation to the Anglican church which was instigated by Henry the 8th or the European Reformation to the Protestant church which was instigated by Martin Luther. Bonus respect if you know which one happened first.

  • @saturupiah5940
    @saturupiah5940 Год назад +51

    Left the Darwin Anglican Church years ago. Implicit support of SSM, “refugees” Woke environmentalism and ridicule of Donald Trump was too much. Then there were the elbow bumps and Covid hysterics!

    • @Longtack55
      @Longtack55 Год назад

      Sounds like they were enlightened.

    • @none4126
      @none4126 Год назад

      @@Longtack55 Sounds like you're not.
      Ah, the arrogant left and its assumption that it's opinions are objective fact.

    • @lachlanbrown409
      @lachlanbrown409 Год назад

      Elbow bumps just pathetic. Just a seasonal flu.

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      . Amazing how a 'dead' organization can still be operating.

    • @saturupiah5940
      @saturupiah5940 Год назад

      @@lachlanbrown409 Yep. Elbow bumps all around. We then met up at a cafe and there were hugs and kisses. Covid’s in the church but not in cafes apparently!

  • @thomashogan9196
    @thomashogan9196 Год назад +19

    Everyone in Sodom said Lot was on the wrong side of history.

    • @gunzel5126
      @gunzel5126 Год назад

      Dunno about that as it's not Biblical. Were you there?

    • @thomashogan9196
      @thomashogan9196 Год назад

      @@gunzel5126 Biblically a mob of "Woke" Gay men surrounded Lot's house demanding to rape his male houseguests, since refusal would be Homophobic. Since civilizations based on corruption and decadence become weak and their men become useless (whether by act of God or just the next tougher cis-hetero "barbarian" tribe to come down the road, Goths, Huns, Mongols, Communist Chinese) such people tend to get their clocks cleaned, and it doesn't take long. So buckle up. The next 30 years is going to be a bumpy ride.

    • @singmysong1167
      @singmysong1167 Год назад +3

      True, Thomas. The same evil spirit of sodom or rather sodomy, wants to make a come-back today.

    • @michaelheliotis5279
      @michaelheliotis5279 Год назад

      If you read the story of Sodom properly, through a historical lense rather than a homophobic one, you'll find that God actually took offence with people in the city because they violated the ancient code of hospitality, not because of the homosexual means by which they did so. The concept of hospitality and the sacrosanctity of the guest-host relationship, known as ξενία _(xenía)_ among the Greeks, is ubiquitous in the ancient world, and its plainly apparent on reading the story of Sodom through a Classical lense that it's this lack of respect for divinely ordained hospitality that provoked God's cataclysmic wrath against the city.

    • @thomashogan9196
      @thomashogan9196 Год назад

      @@michaelheliotis5279 Errr, ummm, NO. Unless I also misread Leviticus 20:13: “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death." Although Ezekiel points out sodomy was not the only crime of Sodom. "Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
      50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."
      Sounds just like San Francisco to me.

  • @HannahHarbourDeep
    @HannahHarbourDeep Год назад +5

    I am in the process of becoming Catholic. The Anglican Church has become humanist and abandoned the teachings of Christ.

  • @louisfriend7388
    @louisfriend7388 Год назад +31

    “The only time you hear the word “Jesus” in the Anglican Church is when the janitor falls down the stairs.” Haha - That joke is 30 years old!

  • @eb2505
    @eb2505 Год назад +18

    It has to happen. You either come out individually , or the establishment splits and you end up with 1 or more groups either aligned with the gospel, or against it.

  • @lorenzbroll0101
    @lorenzbroll0101 Год назад +18

    A 'sacrament' of the Anglican church says that same sex marrage is not valid.
    Anyone not going by this is not an Anglican.

    • @robinharris3425
      @robinharris3425 4 месяца назад

      Where is that statement written in the Bible?

    • @lorenzbroll0101
      @lorenzbroll0101 4 месяца назад

      @@robinharris3425 Nor the 'trinity' - what your point exactly?

  • @dennisduran8500
    @dennisduran8500 Год назад +13

    I'm not religious at all and I support the break away. I'm conservative and I don't support this new world order.

    • @DW_Kiwi
      @DW_Kiwi Год назад

      I'm not religious either. I'm a christian though. Its relationship that counts

    • @paulthomas281
      @paulthomas281 Год назад +1

      @@DW_Kiwi Yes, you are religious. So following the bible is not religious?? You care conflating religiousness with rituals and the rest of it.

    • @Deputy-Seraph
      @Deputy-Seraph 11 месяцев назад

      Sometimes the statement "I am not religious" means that that person is a Christian (or fill in the blank) who doesn't attend/belong to an organized church (or fill in the blank). Some people believe that to be unnecessary to express and live their faith.

  • @DaveE7171
    @DaveE7171 Год назад +20

    Here in America, I don't believe any of the major media outlets would cover this. Maybe Fox News but I'm not sure. Stay strong Sky News Australia!

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      The Anglican Church was only created because Henrey the 8th couldn't get a divorce. he wanted. Do you want to disagree?

    • @the_kimchi_kommandant2603
      @the_kimchi_kommandant2603 Год назад +1

      @@David_Beames The Anglican Church and all other Churches that split from the larger Churches are a travesty and are one of the biggest reasons why Christianity was eroded beyond redemption. Christians must unite or die out with a whimper. There is no other religion as fractured as modern Christianity. We must reclaim the vision of a United Church, God willing.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      @@the_kimchi_kommandant2603 So which is the right Christian church?

  • @sa25-svredemption98
    @sa25-svredemption98 Год назад +44

    Could be the biggest division of the Church of England since Methodism during the Wesleyan/Whitefield revivals! Funnily enough, the ecclesiastical politics is similar too (although far more liberal than the mid 1700's!)

    • @watchr740
      @watchr740 Год назад +3

      In the 1700's it was not Liberal vs Conservatives, it was Biblical vs Man made doctrine and legality. Yeshua\Jesus never gave ownership of HIS Church to a Religious Organization, Monarchy or Government, or to anyone, to manipulate & twist HIS Word into man made doctrines which were used to dictate fear, or power over the people. However, in recent times, the same freedoms that were fought for and HIS Word are being twisted and manipulated by entities who are using it to justify behavior which are condemned by GOD. The Leaders of this movement need to remember the Words of Our Lord when He warned... that it would be better for a man(or woman) to be thrown into the sea with a mill stone tied to his neck, than to face the wrath of GOD for leading even one of His children astray.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад

      "In the 1700's it was not Liberal vs Conservatives, it was Biblical vs Man made doctrine and legality."
      Sorry, what's the difference there?
      "The Leaders of this movement need to remember the Words of Our Lord ..."
      Which movement? Ostensibly the break-away movement is breaking away because they _do_ understand that.

    • @watchr740
      @watchr740 Год назад +1

      @@PJRayment I'm not speaking about the ones who are breaking away from the Anglican Church.

  • @shinigamimiroku3723
    @shinigamimiroku3723 Год назад +13

    The Lord said that He would separate the wheat from the chaff. This is part of that process.

    • @DW_Kiwi
      @DW_Kiwi Год назад

      Read your bible. The separation is "at" the end

    • @shinigamimiroku3723
      @shinigamimiroku3723 Год назад +2

      @@DW_Kiwi I am well aware of what the Bible says, hence *part*.

  • @meredithgreenslade1965
    @meredithgreenslade1965 Год назад +4

    Good on you. I hope all goes well. I left the Anglicans some years ago for these reasons and others. So understand. Blessings to you all

  • @formerparatrooper
    @formerparatrooper Год назад +28

    However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” The Anglican tradition long ago forsook the true Gospel and chose the wide path that leads to destruction.

    • @grantleyhughes
      @grantleyhughes Год назад

      Not happening. The Book of Fiction is definitely in the realm of madeitupaline.

    • @formerparatrooper
      @formerparatrooper Год назад

      @@grantleyhughes You have been warned schnuckiputzi, but when you learn of the truth, for you it will be eternally too late.

    • @singmysong1167
      @singmysong1167 Год назад +2

      @@grantleyhughes ....yes, you are just a mere man, no power to fulfill your words and make them truth for us all.

    • @grantleyhughes
      @grantleyhughes Год назад

      @@singmysong1167 You have the right to believe whatever you like. Without proof, we get to mock those beliefs. That's called "logic".

    • @grantleyhughes
      @grantleyhughes Год назад

      @@formerparatrooper I'm not going to let fiction rule my life. It's just a bad magic trick.

  • @GiGi34347
    @GiGi34347 Год назад +45

    Good for them, God bless them for honoring the Lord and His Word. We are to be the salt and light in this dying world; we’re not here to follow the world, we’re here to lead people to Christ, to salvation. This isn’t a popularity contest, this is about eternity, and a true shepherd seeks to save his flock, not lead them off the cliff

  • @LOVE-JC777
    @LOVE-JC777 Год назад +17

    People will go back to the basics “breaking bread” house churches ⛪️
    Act 2:46
    With one accord they continued to meet daily in the temple courts and to break bread from house to house, sharing their meals with gladness and sincerity of heart,

  • @claudetteplante9381
    @claudetteplante9381 Год назад +12

    God created a man and a woman to continue to populate the earth!PERIOD!!Thank you for this report!Blessings from Canada Shalom!

  • @oliveri9407
    @oliveri9407 Год назад +5

    Come back to the one true faith, the Catholic Church.

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      . The church of pagan Rome is SATAN'S biggest deceit ; a masterful one.

  • @angelamcentee1277
    @angelamcentee1277 Год назад +17

    It's not so much veering to the left or right, but holding to the truth of God's word and not compromising an inch.

  • @xzqzq
    @xzqzq Год назад +14

    The Pope recently appointed a LBGT Cardinal for the USA, seemingly in a rebuke to conservative American bishops. The question ' Is the Pope Catholic ' ? Now has to be answered in the negative.

    • @singmysong1167
      @singmysong1167 Год назад +1

      Wow, I didn't know this! I'm going to look it up! This should be a game-changer for many Catholics as well...which I'm not, but just saying.

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker Год назад +2

      What is the name of this Cardinal?

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      When the church of pagan Rome does it, it is ok.

  • @jeskerjames3260
    @jeskerjames3260 Год назад +10

    Saw this coming. There has been a struggle between conservatives and liberals in the Anglican Church for awhile. Just like has been between conservatives and liberals in larger western society which makes me wonder how much longer until we see a split in larger society, a much needed split.

  • @jf7243
    @jf7243 Год назад +9

    It is reinvigorating indeed as Andrew said so. The beginning of the reformation of the Anglican movement. It is sad to see the Anglican Church head down the slippery slope of contradicting the Bible and even the millenia old teaching of the church, but let’s hope and pray for renewal through this.

  • @mikeypiros6647
    @mikeypiros6647 Год назад +34


    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +1

      Yeah mate, you should start a Trump Church! Jim Jones all the way :)

    • @Knappa22
      @Knappa22 Год назад +1

      Ah yes Trump - that paragon of Christian values. Not.

    • @tomijmcd
      @tomijmcd Год назад

      @A B True! The Climate Change religion is just a modern version of the worship of Mother Earth.
      That was evident in the recent COP26 conference in Glasgow where there was a large earth globe hung from the roof in the center of the main hall, and one of the final scenes was of a large mechanical puppet (very well made, I must admit) looking up and holding her upstreached right hand towards the globe in worship.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад

      "Yeah mate, you should start a Trump Church! Jim Jones all the way :)"
      It is pure denigration to compare Trump to Jones.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад +1

      "Ah yes Trump - that paragon of Christian values. Not."
      Well, not in his past, but he wasn't too bad as president.

  • @emmaschauer5409
    @emmaschauer5409 Год назад +25

    The Anglican church has been splitting continuously since Henry VIII. My former Anglican priest, his Deacon, and several of his parishioners are in the process of converting to Orthodoxy. My husband and I had don't that years ago. It's nice to see them come home.

    • @g3toutth3way
      @g3toutth3way Год назад +2

      Yeah incredible how the religion of a lost king ends up becoming lost themselves.

    • @ifo7319
      @ifo7319 Год назад +3

      “Coming home” would be going back to Catholicism but with how bad the current Pope is I can see Orthodoxy being more appealing

  • @peeceei7470
    @peeceei7470 Год назад +4

    Wow! That's guts and obedience to take note of

  • @olwynthecat
    @olwynthecat Год назад +6

    Good to see some positive things happening in the church. May The LORD be exalted throughout the whole earth!

  • @keithliebenberg6947
    @keithliebenberg6947 Год назад +3

    About time. I left the woke Anglicans a few years ago and I have never felt more spiritually happy!

    • @grantleyhughes
      @grantleyhughes Год назад

      Take the next logical step and walk away from religion entirely. There's no proof of anything. It's all faith, and all the faith in the world adds up to exactly zero.

  • @jimmydykes7961
    @jimmydykes7961 Год назад +28

    Well,its been my belief for a while now that our problems arent political,environmental
    Racial or social.our problems are spiritual,mankind has become proud and boastful thinking we can solve our problems when in all reality God and His word and the compliance of it is the answer,and sadly most our populations including many denominations and churches have fallen to the wayside of disobedience

    • @juliablom3461
      @juliablom3461 Год назад +3

      Well said Jimmy!

    • @jimmydykes7961
      @jimmydykes7961 Год назад +2

      @@juliablom3461 thank you

    • @amisoftau2659
      @amisoftau2659 Год назад +1

      Great comment. At the heart of both Wokism and it's parent Marxism is a war against the Bible and it's moral teachings. They are loudly and aggressively rejecting God and his message to humanity. It is "America's" response to Jonathan Chan's warning message from God, the signs of which began with 9/11. The Bible says that truth is absolute and defined by God. The Woke say no, truth is my truth so I can believe what ever I want, which of course is a path to delusion. Deny the facts of our existence, at your peril.

    • @Deputy-Seraph
      @Deputy-Seraph 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @trepan4944
    @trepan4944 Год назад +7

    For all its issues the Catholic church has endured for 2 millenia and stands strong today. Come home brothers and sisters. Our doors are open.

  • @joyceprovost380
    @joyceprovost380 Год назад +11

    God Bless Them For Walking Away.
    The Bible instructs us explicitly when we see such abominations, to walk away. We have and many are.
    It is better to walk away than fall into sin. ❤ 🙏

  • @lifeongps
    @lifeongps Год назад +22

    All of Australia has gone to the far left. It is why you can say good bye to tourism and start practicing your Mandarin! Shame

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +2

      The Anglican Church was only created because Henrey the 8th couldn't get a divorce. he wanted. Do you want to disagree?

    • @francosworld5030
      @francosworld5030 Год назад +1

      @@David_Beames LMAO

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      ; A foolish generalization .

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      @@geraldhagen2989 You can't even spell generalisation in English. LMFAO
      Maybe you are one of those Yanks who think the English language is actually American. 🤣🤣🤣
      Murcia F'yeah :)

    • @lifeongps
      @lifeongps Год назад +1

      @@geraldhagen2989 How so?If you are not Australian or never been there,,,then you have no clue or you a Loony Dem!

  • @craftpaint1644
    @craftpaint1644 Год назад +23

    Too far Right and you become a hypocrite. Too far Left and you disobey the Bible. It doesn't work when you complicate religion with politics and social "justice." Just sing praise to your Creator in thanks. Collect money for the poor. Be active in the community - visit the elderly and help people who can't leave their home.

    • @dreamarcher4018
      @dreamarcher4018 Год назад +2

      I am all for CENTRISM we need both sides to keep each other in “check” for extremism!

    • @lovemakestheworldgoround6726
      @lovemakestheworldgoround6726 Год назад +1

      THE most sensible comment I have read! 😊👍 i totality agree with you Craft Paint.

    • @reginaford8575
      @reginaford8575 Год назад +1

      Pure religion undefiled...taking care of the widow, orphange and the stranger and remain unspotted from the world. Check out the Book of James

    • @Antipodean33
      @Antipodean33 Год назад

      @@dreamarcher4018 Centrism and extremism hahahahaha

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      Best comment so far...shalom.

  • @serviusm9523
    @serviusm9523 Год назад +2

    A church cannot start to be woke because it is scared of losing the crowd.
    The word of God is what should matter and they need to people to believe in the teachings.

  • @davidlillecrapp2960
    @davidlillecrapp2960 Год назад

    This is clearly needed.

  • @garyfrye485
    @garyfrye485 Год назад +17

    Ecclesiastes 10:2 The heart of a wise man leans to the right. The heart of a fool leans to the left.

    • @pwillis1589
      @pwillis1589 Год назад +1

      Nothing like ignorance in quoting biblical text thinking it says what you want it to say when it fact it doesn’t mean that at all. Ecclesiastes 9:13 and on to 10:20 is about wisdom and foolishness. Different translations and wording mean the intent of that quote is not left and right it is about sensible thoughts leading you to do right and foolish thoughts leading you to do wrong. Go read Ecclesiastes 10:13

    • @voxac30withstrat
      @voxac30withstrat Год назад +4

      @@pwillis1589 Actually if you stop for a second it is an appropriate use of scripture. The Right represents conservative thinking and the Left as we have well and truly seen over the last few years is indeed about foolish thoughts.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад +1

      @@voxac30withstrat Yes, you can apply 'right' and 'left' there in that way, but it's also true the Ecclesiastes was not using the modern political understanding of those terms.

    • @DW_Kiwi
      @DW_Kiwi Год назад +2

      A quote from a woke bible translation. Jesus is at God's "right" hand

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      Maybe you are just joking...

  • @grahamleadbeatter5981
    @grahamleadbeatter5981 Год назад +8

    I was brought up an Anglican (Church of England then) and I have watched it almost disintegrate over the decades. Many knock the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement, but at least they are enthusiastic about their worship. It has its problems too, but unlike the Anglican church, it is not lukewarm.

    • @thedativecase9733
      @thedativecase9733 Год назад

      "I would thou were either cold or hot ,because thou art neither cold nor hot I shall spue(sic) thee out of my mouth" Even as an atheist I still love the King James Version of the Bible.

  • @cameroncarter3332
    @cameroncarter3332 Год назад

    Oh God! Why, why, why!? I don't under why this is happening. It is insane!

  • @christinefarrall9391
    @christinefarrall9391 Год назад +1

    Great interview

  • @vivienne4086
    @vivienne4086 Год назад +30

    For God so loved the World he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life

    • @theendishere4228
      @theendishere4228 Год назад

      So does a homosexual go to heaven transvestite go to heaven because they believe in God if they believe in God they would repent turn away from their sins. so does abortionist so do adulterers so thieves, murderers go to heaven only if they turn away from sin.

    • @tomijmcd
      @tomijmcd Год назад

      @@elimason7954 Both

    • @theendishere4228
      @theendishere4228 Год назад +1

      @@elimason7954 see if you'd understand God is Spirit he has no physical form Jesus Christ came in a physical form of God because he was full of the spirit of God which makes him the son of man and God at the same time. He was the word in the beginning the word was God. Became flesh and dwelt among men.

    • @tomijmcd
      @tomijmcd Год назад +1

      @@elimason7954 That is the mystery of the Trinity.

    • @elimason7954
      @elimason7954 Год назад

      @@theendishere4228 If Jesus is God, how could he die. Isn't God immortal?

  • @colleeninprayer1498
    @colleeninprayer1498 Год назад +5

    Glad to see this split happen. Stay with God’s law and not man’s law who wish to change the fundamental meanings in the Bible according to societies trends.

  • @moasaad
    @moasaad Год назад

    Spot on! Spiritual guts! 🙏🏻🕊

  • @aleahberylaine5311
    @aleahberylaine5311 Год назад +2

    We have a Lutheran church in my city in Canada that flies the pride flag. They encourage divorce no matter the circumstances. They don't follow christ and they're parking lot is filled. It's scary.

  • @jimmycain8669
    @jimmycain8669 Год назад +3

    I’m Anglican and my church is split off and is the ACNA and we believe in the absolute authority of God as outlined in the Bible.

  • @waltp5798
    @waltp5798 Год назад +8

    The splitting up of denominations is going on in every country and all over the world.
    God is winnowing the wheat from the chaff. Do not worry about this, just keep reading and obeying the Bible.
    The human mind is easily deceived. Satan is not stupid he uses sex lust, and greed to move people away from God.
    Who cares about money and gaudy buildings when you have the Great Creator God.
    The Bible predicted a great falling away and this is probably the beginning.
    I say, pray for these lost souls.

  • @hermanvisser4034
    @hermanvisser4034 Год назад +7

    The Bible is pretty clear about most things in life. If a church is making up its own rules along the way then it should not be called a Church of the God of Isreal.

    • @pwillis1589
      @pwillis1589 Год назад

      Yeah they must of just gotten sick of having to slaughter all those homosexuals.

  • @Renville80
    @Renville80 Год назад +3

    The same is happening within the Lutheran Church… it is clear that the main Lutheran denomination in the US, the ELCA, has lost the plot or is on the verge of doing so. This certainly puts a different light on the sudden turnover among the pastoral staff at my church.

  • @slacken
    @slacken Год назад +5

    The Bible doesn't change. Rewriting the Bible to meet your or current society trends is simply writing your own beliefs, which is not the Bible. You hold to the Bible, not just bits and pieces of it, throwing out the rest and then filling in anything that supports your desires. Such a book of your faith is not the Bible.

    • @donchuchort2296
      @donchuchort2296 Год назад

      That’s exactly what the Protestant reformation did lol

  • @Randy-md6xl
    @Randy-md6xl Год назад +3

    Following the word of God is the only way you can be a true Christian. You don't get to change the teachings of Jesus and the Ten Commandments.

  • @trixmania
    @trixmania Год назад +1

    Some of their churches only have seniors attending. It's struggling a lot more that they admit

  • @leftistnazicensorship8882
    @leftistnazicensorship8882 Год назад +3

    You don’t split you cast the non believers out and shun them.

  • @h.r7050
    @h.r7050 Год назад +5

    Accepting the authority of the Bible - end of. This is how it should be.

    • @pwillis1589
      @pwillis1589 Год назад

      Yahoo, when do I get my slaves.

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      Plus ; OBEYING it ; no easy matter; for me, anyway.

    • @h.r7050
      @h.r7050 Год назад

      @@geraldhagen2989 Must be difficult for the royalty.

  • @jillconner5062
    @jillconner5062 Год назад +3

    I knew my days at my lifelong Parrish were done. When I overheard the priest telling a gay man God doesn't make mistakes. The church is now in the business of giving people comfort in their sins!

  • @chriscody1761
    @chriscody1761 Год назад +1

    The Church is not the building, its the Congregation.....The Lord will not be mocked

  • @haroldb1856
    @haroldb1856 Год назад +2

    The Scripture is timeless.

  • @meredithisme3752
    @meredithisme3752 Год назад +3

    I dumped the Anglican church when it introduced and accepted groomers as ministers

  • @susanhawkins3890
    @susanhawkins3890 Год назад +22

    Our church,Episopal, in USA…. We left the diocese because of the homosexual element…our rector was against hiring homosexuals …..

    • @someonewhoexist
      @someonewhoexist Год назад

      Im jesus, and i forgive, maybe you should to? And leave the judgement to me.

    • @grantleyhughes
      @grantleyhughes Год назад

      But let's forget about all the little boys homosexually assaulted in churches and their related institutions.

  • @marialanchester8180
    @marialanchester8180 Год назад +1

    The falling away comes to mind

  • @Jenny-fl5cn
    @Jenny-fl5cn Год назад +1

    Anglican Church in Nigeria broke away a long time ago from the Church in Canterbury.

  • @jillstevenson9585
    @jillstevenson9585 Год назад +11

    The authority of the Bible would be pretty important for a Church, surely? Or can the Church just delete parts to suit the current trends? And on whose authority would that be morally possible to do?

    • @vahrheit9996
      @vahrheit9996 Год назад +3

      No one can change God's Word no matter what they do. Wake up.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад +1

      @@vahrheit9996 Then why are there currently over 2000 versions of the Bible? Which is your favourite?

    • @FronteirWolf
      @FronteirWolf Год назад

      @@David_Beames I've grown up with the KJV, and I like that translation. I definately like it better than the NKJV.
      I am also fond of the NLT. I would say my favourite translations are the KJV and the NLT.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment Год назад

      "Then why are there currently over 2000 versions of the Bible?"
      Because it's been translated into different languages? And, of course, they all say the same thing. Just using different words.
      "Which is your favourite?"
      An English translation. I don't read other languages.

    • @David_Beames
      @David_Beames Год назад

      @@PJRayment There are many different versions of the bible in English. You know that right? Don't be disingenuous.
      If you need I can send you examples.

  • @myopinion4920
    @myopinion4920 Год назад +3

    The same thing is going on in Canada.

  • @lieshtmeiser5542
    @lieshtmeiser5542 Год назад +1

    Good start, and needs to go much much further.

  • @Luna-cf3op
    @Luna-cf3op Год назад +1

    Good for those who stand up for the truth we experience the same in our churches.

  • @scallopohare9431
    @scallopohare9431 Год назад +4

    In the US, we call it the Episcopal church. There used to be high church, and low church. As you can guess high church wasmuch more observant. Low church was very relaxed, rather more a social group. Well,the decision was made to smash them together, and congregations started splitting off. Oh, well.

  • @LiverpoolRules4Ever
    @LiverpoolRules4Ever Год назад +3

    Good luck to Conservative Anglicans.. from a Conservative RC. Don't worry, under Mad Frankie aka pope Frankie... we RCs are going down a similar road. 🙏✝️

    • @geraldhagen2989
      @geraldhagen2989 Год назад

      Thanks for your honesty about RC. Did you know that, about three years ago Mary ( the RC version of her) was ( artificially) elevated ABOVE God ; God HAS to obey her. According to them, God is no longer God almighty ; 'Mary' is supreme ruler. Massive blasphemy. Read about it yourself and be SHOCKED,. Shalom Pep.

    • @LiverpoolRules4Ever
      @LiverpoolRules4Ever Год назад

      @@geraldhagen2989 Well, it's the truth that sets you free 👍

  • @_Solaris
    @_Solaris Год назад +1

    Did anyone really think it wouldn't happen?

  • @cmdrreggit
    @cmdrreggit Год назад +2

    I was raised Anglican, and my hometown (that thank God I don't live in anymore) decided they wanted to allow Muslims in their worship Allah...
    Of course the Anglicans were very woke, and within a few days, the Muslims had completely taken over, the Christians were nowhere to be found, and the church became a mosque.
    Christians badly need to grow a backbone, or be prepared to live under Sharia.