Anglican Church Splinters Over Same-Sex Relationships As Members Are Asked To Leave

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • The Anglican church is at a crossroads, accused of being both too liberal and too conservative. As one couple claims anti-gay discrimination, a splinter group is leaving the church, claiming it has become too progressive. Peter Sanders & Peter Grace tell us about being asked to leave their Anglican Church.
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Комментарии • 78

  • @colin.charbel
    @colin.charbel 2 года назад +19

    The Catholic Church “emerged” in 1054????!! Over an argument on which bread to use????!!! FACT CHECK PLEASE! Disgracefully lazy journalism.

    • @Lerian_V
      @Lerian_V 2 года назад +2

      I was surprised to hear a supposed news outlet make this kind of error.

    • @colin.charbel
      @colin.charbel 2 года назад

      @@Lerian_V I wouldn’t be surprised if they are intentionally diminishing the history of the Catholic Church. The attacks never cease.

    • @colinlavelle7806
      @colinlavelle7806 Год назад +2


    • @izthebiz539
      @izthebiz539 Год назад

      they aren't even journalists. They just pretend

  • @WHU63
    @WHU63 2 года назад +33

    Why is the Anglican church even dividing itself on same sex marriage. The scriptures clearly state that marriage is between a man and woman. Same sex unions are condemned in both Testaments. The church in developed countries seem to want to ignore the manual on which their faith is based.

    • @franzfleischer3476
      @franzfleischer3476 2 года назад

      Do you support polygamy and incest as well? Because the Bible does.

    • @theysprey7777
      @theysprey7777 2 года назад

      They have been infiltrated by ppl lead by 👹 🔥

    • @dalemurphy5263
      @dalemurphy5263 2 года назад +2

      The same book that condones slavery 🤔 and actually is written by “man”. Funny, Jesus I’m sure would be appalled at the lack of compassion for those who have a loving relationship. Since God creates all things, I’m proud to say God approves of me and my relationship. I’m glad the Episcopal Church in the US accepts my relationship with open arms and is inclusive. Far too much hate in the world.

    • @titusrivers6046
      @titusrivers6046 2 года назад +1

      @@dalemurphy5263 where does the bible condone slavery?

    • @theysprey7777
      @theysprey7777 2 года назад

      @@dalemurphy5263 the problem is the action that 🌈 ppl partake in. It’s the same with hetero as well. A perversion is a perversion. But more 🌈 ppl are committing these acts because that’s how they roll.

  • @Lerian_V
    @Lerian_V 2 года назад +6

    "The Roman Catholic Church emerged in 1054"
    FALSE. The Eastern Orthodox emerged in 1054. The Christian Church was being called the Catholic Church as early as 107 AD.

    • @josephjacob3274
      @josephjacob3274 2 года назад

      That maybe, but saints have called it the Catholic church at times such as St. Ignatius and St Polycorpos. It never really called the catholic church a lot back then until the protestant reformation when anglicans called us catholics. Also, Catholic Church excommunicated the patriarch of Constantinople and vice versa, thus no one broke off from anyone. They split into two separate but legitimate churches.

    • @Lerian_V
      @Lerian_V 2 года назад

      @@josephjacob3274 The unity and authority of the church is wherever the pose is. So, the eastern orthodox broke off from the church.
      Edit: pope*

    • @josephjacob3274
      @josephjacob3274 2 года назад

      @@Lerian_V broke off or both sides excommunicated each other? The Latin patriarch excommunicated the bishop of constantinople, and vice versa. Both churches come from the same tradition.

    • @Lerian_V
      @Lerian_V 2 года назад

      @@josephjacob3274 Pope Leo IX had authority over the Patriarch of Constantinople. So, the Patriarch's excommunication of the pope doesn’t amount to much.

    • @josephjacob3274
      @josephjacob3274 2 года назад

      @@Lerian_V all 5 main branches, Alexandria, Antioch, Rome, constantinople, and Jerusalem churches had their own heads. The pentarchy was first legally expressed in the legislation of Emperor Justinian I, particularly in Novella 131. The Quinisext Council of 692 gave it formal recognition and ranked the sees in order of preeminence, but its organization remained dependent on the emperor, as when Leo the Isaurian altered the boundary of patriarchal jurisdiction between Rome and Constantinople. Due to islamic conquests, only Rome and Constantinople, which was the new Rome capital of the empire until the empire split into both western and Eastern empires. Though Rome ranked first, the pentarchy was supposed to have heads be equal to each other. In fact, the first council of constantinople said bishops of other sees were not to use their power over other sees. Their powers were only for their own sees. Bishops of Rome apparently did what they felt was right as they considered the seat of st Peter of Rome as the first, and they did not even go to this council. Also, The pope at that time of schicm abused his power and tried to latinize the east to follow a uniform liturgy. The sack of constantinople by Rome issued by the pope also left strains in the relationship. In a way, Rome caused the schism. Also, both sides in the 20th century lifted excommunication from each other to regain peace. Since the Pope accepted, it confirms both sides were excommunicated. Orthodox and catholic church split.

  • @pommiebears
    @pommiebears 2 года назад +6

    Look…in the bible, marriage is for a man and woman. I’m not even christened, let alone religious, but the church has scriptures for a reason….no?

    • @multioptioned
      @multioptioned Год назад

      If people don't like a particular religion and their beliefs just start a new one. Exactly how the Anglican religion was started! 😂

    • @peterwallis4288
      @peterwallis4288 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@multioptionedI'm very sad for the Anglicans, but you're right. I mean, it's only here because the Catholic Church wouldn't grant Henry an annulment.

  • @osamaabolail349
    @osamaabolail349 Год назад +19

    How ridiculous. To call yourself a Christian and follow the teachings of the one true God as laid out in the bible and yet allow same sex relations. That’s just beyond absurd at this point. Demonic to put it mildly.

  • @jean-paul7251
    @jean-paul7251 Год назад +1

    Don't worry you will be reading that the bible says you can marry your toilet, motorbike, or sofa next!


    I bet they'd approve marrying choir boys

  • @philwyatt2176
    @philwyatt2176 2 года назад +1

    Top-shelf reporting - plenty of information to digest. Great teamwork. 🙏

    • @theysprey7777
      @theysprey7777 2 года назад +2

      Yet again they only interview ppl that share the same opinion.

    • @finallythere100
      @finallythere100 9 месяцев назад

      The Catholic Church was established in 33 AD , it was first documented as being called the Catholic Church a little over 100 AD in historical document writings of Apostoloc Church father St Ignatius, Bushopnof Antioch , martyr and disciple of St John the Aposlte .

    • @finallythere100
      @finallythere100 9 месяцев назад

      These men are NOT committed to God, and they have the temerity to corrupt others as clergy.

  • @noel-vb4gw
    @noel-vb4gw Год назад

    I attend the Anglican church these guys to read the bible they will not inherent the kingdom of God if they continue in this relationship it's God's word not my word don't be deceived by the evil one

  • @OlivusOrchards
    @OlivusOrchards Год назад

    On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ Mt 7:22-23

  • @thembimaseko4756
    @thembimaseko4756 2 года назад +4

    I am leaving the church should they agree on this

    • @Lerian_V
      @Lerian_V 2 года назад +3

      You're welcome to the one, holy catholic and apostolic church. Come home fast.

  • @Ozgipsy
    @Ozgipsy Год назад +1

    It’s been good to see the rise of Gafcon and the claim of religious freedom. For once.

  • @RwihimbaAlexis-rk4eh
    @RwihimbaAlexis-rk4eh 11 месяцев назад

    Shalom please compassionate heed my pleading I am sicking stomach eyes back life miserable quotidian ration unsolvable please have mass for me God blessing you psalms 41:1-3

  • @sids5002
    @sids5002 Год назад

    So it depends on your own morality, which side you land on with this religious debate. Kinda begs the question of whether one's morality comes first and then one follows the branch of religion that matches it. This means that scripture is pointless, as one's mind is already made up
    Or, one has to follow and stick to, the branch one first joins, even if one disagrees on some of it. That would mean insincerity and hypocrisy.
    What a choice!

  • @BenJAMin-o1i
    @BenJAMin-o1i 2 года назад +1

    This aspect of life gets far too much clout

  • @interestedza
    @interestedza Год назад

    Having a form of godliness but denying it's power

  • @OlivusOrchards
    @OlivusOrchards Год назад

    Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers,[b] liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound[c] doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted. (1 TIm 1:8:11)

  • @duncanwallace7760
    @duncanwallace7760 2 года назад +3

    I'm trying to think of any situation where anyone would say to a couple, "unless you get divorced...".

    • @Lerian_V
      @Lerian_V 2 года назад +2

      They are not married (people of same sex can't have a valid marriage). They should be told to stop living like married people.

    • @duncanwallace7760
      @duncanwallace7760 2 года назад +3

      @@Lerian_V Keep trying troll, you need to do better than that to get a reaction.

    • @KeilyShhh
      @KeilyShhh Год назад

      @@Lerian_V You're saying that by loving who we love, we're doing something so incredibly evil. But I'm sorry, you're wrong... It's hard to say this without asking you to question your faith (which I would never want to do) but love doesn't harm because it can't! I think sometimes, well meaning folks focus on the technicalities of scripture but don't see the greatest commandment: to LOVE... and we are capable of selfless, romantic love.

    • @Lerian_V
      @Lerian_V Год назад +1

      @@duncanwallace7760 Are you okay? I expressed a traditional Christian view of marriage and you're flipping out.

    • @Lerian_V
      @Lerian_V Год назад +1

      @@KeilyShhh You are the one saying that loving who we love is incredibly evil, not me. We are meant to love everybody (and I love you) including our enemies. Having sex is a different case which we are talking about here. I love my mom and my sisters but I don't have sex with them. True love is agape love, not romantic love.

  • @mht5875
    @mht5875 Год назад

    Why not join the MCC? Specifically for LGBTQ persons.

  • @KeilyShhh
    @KeilyShhh Год назад +3

    Asking someone to repent for harming others is very different than asking them to repent for being with a person that they have so deeply fallen in love with. Please stop lumping the two together and saying that we don't have the right to be SO incredibly hurt when you tell us that we need to embrace the dehumanizing process of repenting for the most special part of ourselves: our ability to give and receive LOVE.

    • @izthebiz539
      @izthebiz539 Год назад +4

      you are free to do what you want, but its not christianity. The problem is you want everyone to affirm your views and they just wont-ever!

    • @KeilyShhh
      @KeilyShhh Год назад

      You're right, it's not Christianity. And thank god for it. The bible supports the most horrific aspects of human kind and I had to thoroughly reject it to know that god really, actually does love me.

    • @KeilyShhh
      @KeilyShhh Год назад

      @@izthebiz539 Not sure why my last message didn't address itself to you. Just notifying you that I sent it.

    • @izthebiz539
      @izthebiz539 Год назад

      @@KeilyShhh Yes, thats right, you create a god in your own image, like the majority of people. Thats called IDOLATRY!

    • @KeilyShhh
      @KeilyShhh Год назад

      @Iz The biz God is so much bigger and so much kinder than you're capable of understanding. You'll only understand that when you throw away the heartless, vile passages of the bible.

  • @TJ-TJ
    @TJ-TJ 2 года назад +3

    Religion becoming more irrelevant - wonderful news!!!

  • @xxxchurch100
    @xxxchurch100 2 года назад


  • @fanmael1
    @fanmael1 2 года назад +1

    Why is Steve 'Lets keep colonialist statues' Price still on this show?

    • @jacobandsarahelliott6492
      @jacobandsarahelliott6492 2 года назад +2

      Because it’s a difference of opinion! They exist believe it or not

    • @pommiebears
      @pommiebears 2 года назад

      Why do you feel dissenting voices should not be heard, or have an opinion? I swear, the narcissism of certain people is BEYOND troubling. And yes….keep statues, all of them. LEARN from them. You do things today, that in 50 years will be considered terrible. It’ll be you, and me, that will be served up as rotten people.