Joy to The World || Galatians

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
  • But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy…
    Why did Paul catalog or itemize JOY as one of the Fruit of the Spirit? We must be hermeneutically faithful to the text and locate JOY in Paul’s historical context.
    Who was Paul’s original audience? Paul wrote this letter “To the churches of Galatia” (Galatians 1:2). These people had once been pagans who worshipped Cybele-a pagan goddess. Paul, however, preached the gospel of Jesus Christ-saved by grace-and God the Holy Spirit radically converted them. And they lived happily ever after. NO!
    There was a downward turn in the story because “some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved’” (Acts 15:1). In other words the Circumcision Party said: “Congratulations! You think you are saved because you have faith in Christ. Oh, you must also be circumcised.”
    So why would Paul list JOY in the fruit of the Spirit? Religious people do not possess JOY. Why do they not have JOY? Religious people want assurances. Religious people want certainties. There is nothing wrong with having assurances-unless you search for assurances that are manmade or man-centric. Pride is the swollen, red, oozing canker sore of the soul.
    I’d like to try an experiment with you. This will be the largest of its kind. On the count of three, I’d like for everyone to humble themselves before The Lord and say, “I’m not in control.” If you are religious, you will refuse. One, two three: “I’m not in control.”
    Accordingly, God tells us in His word that we are control freaks. Satan was a control freak. Adam and Eve believed the duplicitous lie from Satan and they sinfully thought they were in control. That’s the original sin. We think we are in control or we are still delusional today. “Hi, my name is Adam and I’m a control freak.”
    That’s the reason why religious people have no JOY. They seek assurances in man and in themselves and how they can control things, and they stubbornly refuse to trust The Lord. You will never have JOY unless you trust The Lord and stop trying to control everything.
    The Circumcision Party wanted assurances. They sought man-made assurances for their salvation. Trusting in Christ was not enough. Following Him was insufficient. It was imperative for them to take action to complete their salvation. Assurance of salvation was circumcision.
    Is that you today? Are you looking for assurances for your marriage, your job, your children’s lives, your grandchildren or maybe you are looking for assurances with this church? There are zero assurances. Trust Christ because everything else is infinitesimal.
    #God #christmas

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