The heatgun noozle needs to go further into the lap to create an air dam which would be called a secondary weld. The primary weld is the outside inch and a half weld. I also turn the heat gun noozle in the opposite direction when welding down a seam because its easier to push the bleed out or bead from the top seam.
good lesson. I have few minutes to start to see your videos. I like work on top of roofing. flat roofing.
The heatgun noozle needs to go further into the lap to create an air dam which would be called a secondary weld. The primary weld is the outside inch and a half weld. I also turn the heat gun noozle in the opposite direction when welding down a seam because its easier to push the bleed out or bead from the top seam.
Hydraulics, robotics, you go mumma
Cold wrlds
Can guys please stop using the hand welder going across your body? I need an application JM
Now try all of this outside in the real world.