Doppelganger by Naomi Klein

  • Опубликовано: 24 авг 2023
  • Learn more about Doppelganger at
    Doppelganger is a guidebook for our unsettling age, inviting all of us to view our reflections in the looking glass. It’s for anyone who has lost hours down an internet rabbit hole, who wonders why our politics has become so fatally warped, and who wants a way out of our collective vertigo and back to fighting for what really matters. Braiding together elements of tragicomic memoir, chilling political reportage, and cobweb-clearing cultural analysis, Naomi Klein dives deep into what she calls the Mirror World-our destabilized present rife with doubles and confusion, where far right movements playact solidarity with the working class, AI-generated content blurs the line between genuine and spurious, New Age wellness entrepreneurs turned anti-vaxxers further scramble our familiar political allegiances, and so many of us project our own carefully curated digital doubles out into the social media sphere.
    Director: Colby Richardson (@ColbyRichardson-MediaArtist)
    AI Technical Lead: Graeme Niedermayer
    Sound: Andy Rudolph, Kelsey Braun
    Editing: Colby Richardson
    Script: Naomi Klein, Colby Richardson, Avi Lewis
    Found Footage Consultant: Aaron Zeghers
    Hair and Makeup: Ksenia Ogolikhina
    Lighting: David Nguyen
    Lighting Assistant: Amanda Yeo
    Research: Kendra Jewell
    Producer: Colby Richardson, Jackie Joiner, Avi Lewis
    Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Knopf Canada, and Allen Lane.

Комментарии • 124

  • @chasingdownchano
    @chasingdownchano 3 месяца назад +5

    I love the use of deforum and AI animation in this video. It deserves more views. It's well crafted. I wish someone had put more effort into the thumbnail and title, because this could have blown up and given Naomi much more sales.

  • @lafeete98
    @lafeete98 6 месяцев назад +4

    What an incredible book, Naomi has detailed what ails our society in a most ingenious way, and it took a Doppelgänger to allow her to peer thru the looking glass.

  • @BrettHeth
    @BrettHeth 2 месяца назад

    She’s still inspiring after two and a half decades, isn’t she?
    I interviewed her by phone for my first ever article (in late 1999 I think) and she was as generous and kind with me as anyone could be. I’ve never forgotten that. The book was her brilliant first one, No Logo.
    She did an open meeting a few years ago with Barcelona’s then left mayoress and I couldn’t even get in. The line was down the street and around the block…in the freezing cold!

  • @AngelaWildman-ep6qu
    @AngelaWildman-ep6qu 4 месяца назад +2

    I’ve been having nightmares about the mirror world for several years now 🙀

  • @davidbrock2871
    @davidbrock2871 9 месяцев назад +28

    This together with the Guardian article rings all too true; and is deeply disturbing. I've lost good friends and family to this Mirror World; have no real idea how it happened; and feel powerless to get them back. Another aspect of this is the subtle intrusion of technology into our daily lives, taking our attention away from the real world into one increasingly created by AI. Worryingly, I can't see a solution.

    • @AndreaDHoran
      @AndreaDHoran 9 месяцев назад


    • @Just4Growers
      @Just4Growers 9 месяцев назад +3

      Before you lament any further about how 'powerless' you feel to bring those with differing political opinions to your own back into alignment, please learn how to use semicolons correctly so that you can condescend to them more convincingly.

    • @KristofferYiFredriksson
      @KristofferYiFredriksson 9 месяцев назад

      Which Guardian article?

    • @davidbrock2871
      @davidbrock2871 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@KristofferYiFredriksson It was from the Guardian of August 26th , Naomi Klein on following her doppelganger Naomi Wolf and conspiracy theories.

    • @nova4005
      @nova4005 8 месяцев назад

      BOTH SIDES of this mirror are manipulated reality. People need to realize that, and see how their side of the mirror is being manipulated by algorithms, AI and divisive tactics. The people who are confident that "their side couldn't be the one being manipulated" are the most dangerous for our country. Ignorant, confident people will allow horrific things to be done around them, because they are confident that they are right, good and just. Their confidence blinds them. I look forward to reading more about this book, but I hope to find that Naomi Klein has looked in her own mirror and has recognized how what she believes and values has also been manipulated by media. When you truly recognize there is very little you can know for sure in this world, it humbles you, and opens you to your fellow people on this Earth. THAT is what is needed as our systems collapse.

  • @shardanette1
    @shardanette1 7 месяцев назад +2

    This is wild. I have my own Doppelganger. The only other person in America with my name is the opposite of me in many ways, which they live out on social media.
    It is pretty wild to see, and I've thought about this issue since discovering this.

    • @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk
      @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk 7 месяцев назад

      Yes Shardanette but you have a very unique name. Naomi is common name

  • @mrightrishna
    @mrightrishna 9 месяцев назад +6

    I am looking forward to Klein's book. This video and the guardian article did give me a lot of food for thought. I feel like I'm afflicted by a certain kind of political delirium. It's an unnerving ungrounding of our social and political selves that is experienced by people across the ideological spectrum. And while many continental philosophers like the thinkers from the Frankfurt School or the French post structuralists, tried to make sense of this predicament and almost accurately diagnosed it as a symptom of late stage capitalism. The pandemic has undoubtedly exacerbated this feeling of delirium at least for people like me. I hope Klien's work gives us some clarity in these confusing times.
    If i could share my two cents, I think the tone of this video and her essay in the Guardian reeks of the same Paranoia that it attempts to critique. The truth is that both the Noami's are produced by the same discourse. They are a product of this kind of political and social thinking that is exhausted by simplistic opposition's between conservatives and progressives , republicans and democrats etc. Klein's pov does throw light on the right wing ecosystem and how it becomes a breeding ground for misinformation and conspiracy theories. But we must not forget that the far left has also been responsible for fanning mass hysteria in the society garbed under progressive, anti racist, anti colonial, anti capitalism rhetorics. While it is true that the right wing and conservatives on the whole have done great harm by spreading misinformation but the left is guilty of riding a moral high horse and creating deafening echo chambers.
    There's a way in which we as a society are benumbed by the rush and validation offered by social media and sometime this very simple logic of reward and instant gratification does undergrid the more complex social/ political phenomenon . But this Social-dilemma kind of analysis has yeilded nothing more than a diagnosis. Where does one go with this information?

    • @peterhooper3391
      @peterhooper3391 9 месяцев назад +5

      Great false equivalence, there!

    • @llh3025
      @llh3025 9 месяцев назад +1

      I agree on some of your points but one important thing to point out is the labels "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" are scary labels being used to justify censorship online. The answer to bad information is _more_ information, not less. Let the reader beware.

  • @themovingkitchen5238
    @themovingkitchen5238 28 дней назад

    People in the comments should really read the book before judging.

  • @angelawildman122
    @angelawildman122 8 месяцев назад

    This doubling of our world really creeps me out 🙀 Really don’t want computers and AI to end up replacing real people and animals!

  • @MitchellPorter2025
    @MitchellPorter2025 9 месяцев назад +4

    From Naomi [Klein] to Naomi [Wolf], there are none like Naomi [Wu]
    This is the new Barbenheimer

  • @DanLee1969
    @DanLee1969 9 месяцев назад +2

    A little before my time, but I think the world where everyone watched Walter Cronkite and had the same basic reality must have been so nice.
    Now, depending on your politics and what news channel you watch, you think that the world is completely different from those on the opposite side. The U.S. is definitely living in a bifurcated world. It has some similarities but is vastly different.

    • @nova4005
      @nova4005 8 месяцев назад

      That's what the media tells us, but is this true in your real life, your real life offline? It's not true in mine.

    • @DanLee1969
      @DanLee1969 8 месяцев назад

      @@nova4005 An example would be where Trump's justice department, his Attorney General, and about every other official said that he lost the election without any significant interference. But if you watched Fox TV, there's a good chance that you thought Trump won, and the election was stolen. If you didn't watch Fox, you thought he lost.

    • @shardanette1
      @shardanette1 7 месяцев назад +2

      Don't forget, Cronkite had his own battles with the Truthers of that time, the John Birch Society.
      But it was easier to win that battle back then with fewer ways for JBS to get their word out, and Cronkite's large audience.

    • @fredgarvinMP
      @fredgarvinMP 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@shardanette1Are you saying things were better when not everyone had a voice?

    • @fredgarvinMP
      @fredgarvinMP 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@DanLee1969The FBI interfered in the election.

  • @lphelmar744
    @lphelmar744 9 месяцев назад +14

    I read the whole piece despite it being very one note because I kept thinking that there was going to be a punchline. I thought Klein would have to have some sort of real introspection. It's the crushing certainty of the mainstream media elite that is so offputting and will be their downfall. You are so convinced you are right, you will not entertain any other perspective.

    • @peterhooper3391
      @peterhooper3391 9 месяцев назад +4

      “You are so convinced you are right…” they said to the mirror.

    • @nova4005
      @nova4005 8 месяцев назад

      Exactly. Both sides of this mirror world are being manipulated by technology, AI and divisive tactics. Those who recognize this and our humble in the face of it will be the ones fighting fascist movements. There is actually very little we can know for sure in this world. Media gives one slice, one version of anything happening. People take this slice and extrapolate it to whole groups of people, and to things going on in the world. No matter what side of "the mirror" you find yourself on, you need to be self-reflective, assume you're being manipulated, find ways to bridge differences, and know that you're real life is offline. Most of us are not fighting with people regularly and are real life, but media makes it seem like we are. I look forward to reading more about this book, but I have the same fear that you expressed lphelmar744; that Naomi doesn't have the ability to reflect on how she's been manipulated, and how she might be stereotyping whole groups of people. It's not good if she's contributing to the divisiveness that technology is already sewing.

  • @user-pc6wj8yw4d
    @user-pc6wj8yw4d 11 дней назад

    I've read this book. What I realised when I was reading it, is that in contrast to her previous books, she has done absolutely no research whatsoever. She focuses on the writings of Naomi Wolf, but she has made absolutely no attempt whatsoever to look at the evidence and arguments presented by scientists and doctors opposed to the COVID narrative - I very much doubt if she knows what they are. Absolutely zero. Nada. Nothing. Why she thinks this is ok I haven't a clue.

  • @lorenekeitch155
    @lorenekeitch155 9 месяцев назад +6

    I can't wait for the book; have my pre-order waiting.

    • @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk
      @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk 8 месяцев назад +1

      Happy reading I guess
      Might I suggest the bodies of others by naomi wolf

  • @deletist_
    @deletist_ 8 месяцев назад


  • @dhollsynthmusic
    @dhollsynthmusic 9 месяцев назад +2

    My post isn't getting through. Testing....

    • @dhollsynthmusic
      @dhollsynthmusic 9 месяцев назад +1

      Personally I never got the two Naomis mixed up, always considered Klein the more intellectual analytical 'Big Idea Thinker' and Wolf more broad-strokes-style emotive reactive reasoning. And yet...

    • @dhollsynthmusic
      @dhollsynthmusic 9 месяцев назад +1

      what I didn't see in Klein's Guardian piece today was any analysis of the aggressive vaccine-push, what that meant for society at the time and going forward. All I saw was assumptions that 'anti-vaccine = rightwing-conspiracy-nut'...disappointingly limited thinking.

    • @dhollsynthmusic
      @dhollsynthmusic 9 месяцев назад +1

      Wolf has taken that on, albeit with plainly incorrect too-fantastical takes.

    • @dhollsynthmusic
      @dhollsynthmusic 9 месяцев назад

      It's a profoundly-important subject that we all need to dispassionately analyse...and judge.

    • @dhollsynthmusic
      @dhollsynthmusic 9 месяцев назад +1

      I'd like Klein to look into that topic specifically (and less about Wolf herself) if she wishes to understand the Big Picture.

  • @MichaelShawcross
    @MichaelShawcross 8 месяцев назад

    Wasn't there a book written about Naomi called, "Who's Afraid of Naomi Klein?"

  • @SomeBizarretaSomeBizzareLabel0
    @SomeBizarretaSomeBizzareLabel0 8 месяцев назад

  • @peterhooper3391
    @peterhooper3391 9 месяцев назад +3

    What’s real?
    Go outside.
    If you are in the majority of global cities, you’ll experience an urban or suburban hellscaoe. Maybe you can get to work to change that.
    If you are one of an increasingly minority, you’ll experience a wealth of delightful, non-mediated visual, auditory, olfactory and physical sensation. Maybe you ought to get to work protecting that.

  • @dhollsynthmusic
    @dhollsynthmusic 9 месяцев назад +10

    Personally I never got the two Naomis mixed up, always considered Klein the more intellectual analytical 'Big Idea Thinker' and Wolf more broad-strokes-style emotive reactive reasoning. And yet...
    ...what I didn't see in Klein's Guardian piece today was any analysis of the aggressive vaccine-push, what that meant for society at the time and going forward. All I saw was assumptions that 'anti-vaccine = rightwing-conspiracy-nut'...disappointingly limited thinking.
    Wolf has taken that on, albeit with plainly incorrect too-fantastical takes. But there really was an aggressive societal push for a largely in-effektiv* vack-scene* to treat a largely-harmless vyrus* (if limiting our analysis to the relatively-healthy pre-pension-age masses, who were nonetheless aggressively pushed to take the jab on false pretenses that it limited spread).
    It's a profoundly-important subject that we all need to dispassionately analyse...and judge. I'd like Klein to look into that topic specifically (and less about Wolf herself) if she wishes to understand the Big Picture.
    *intentional misspellings to bypass automatic comment-removal bots.

    • @aaronnwebber9677
      @aaronnwebber9677 9 месяцев назад +3

      Perhaps you should examine your priors? What are you assuming and what are you taking from trusted sources that may not be accurate. This can happen to anyone, so please don't take it as an attack. I want to push back on the "largely harmless" language that you obscured to avoid censorship. There was a lot of people that died, and have continued to die despite the vaccine. There were relatively healthy ppl that died, but you're right, a lot already had some sort of condition. But literally most people, especially increasing in age do! Besides, you cant tell somebody's blood pressure or cholesterol level just by looking... your best friends could also be as unhealthy as those with dreaded ""co-morbidities."" It's notable when life expectancy drops, regardless of cause. SOMETHING is happening, and sure we can debate around the edges, I don't have a medical degree or anything, so my opinion is just as good as yours. Where I came down on this was that the vaccine isn't good enough, rather than the virus isn't harmful. You seem really thoughtful so I'm curious how you got there.

    • @llh3025
      @llh3025 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@aaronnwebber9677 Let me give you some good advice I recently read on the internet: What are you assuming and what are you taking from trusted sources may not be accurate. This can happen to anyone, so please don't take it as an attack.

  • @clairecohen1249
    @clairecohen1249 9 месяцев назад +3

    wooooow I love this and personally love Naomi Klein & think she is brilliant

    • @llh3025
      @llh3025 9 месяцев назад +3

      She used to be brilliant. The thrill is gone.

    • @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk
      @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@llh3025bless u

  • @richardlane5498
    @richardlane5498 6 месяцев назад

    Posting this from one facet of the mirror world...of A.I.

  • @amiran5273
    @amiran5273 9 месяцев назад +10

    The self righteousness is hard to bare... Even once you saw the parallels, the mirror world, you are not able to find a single fault on your side? That's not how symmetry works. This mindless polarisation leads to dumbing down of everything, on both sides, and conflict only increases.

    • @SimonLilburn
      @SimonLilburn 9 месяцев назад +1

      you read a book that isn't released yet?

    • @amiran5273
      @amiran5273 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@SimonLilburn I'm commenting on the video.

    • @SimonLilburn
      @SimonLilburn 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@amiran5273 sorry, I should have said, "you're responding to an argument set forth in a book that isn't out yet?"

    • @llh3025
      @llh3025 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@amiran5273 Well said.

    • @amiran5273
      @amiran5273 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@SimonLilburn the video speaks for itself.

  • @randstahl4869
    @randstahl4869 8 месяцев назад

    Here seen is a captivating video performance of visual art delivering a message indistinguishable from its media. Video production craft displayed here is art. Thanks for the visual experience.

  • @mattstiglic
    @mattstiglic 8 месяцев назад +3

    The sad part is most of what Klein espouses is in fact the simulation, not anything resembling truth.

  • @GymMusic-xq4nu
    @GymMusic-xq4nu 7 месяцев назад

    Can anyone explain artificial intelligence to me?

    • @fredgarvinMP
      @fredgarvinMP 7 месяцев назад +1

      Non-human logic and decision making performed by computers. It poses some problems for regular folks and different problems for elites.

  • @KlausBahnhof
    @KlausBahnhof 3 месяца назад

    After enduring a lot of meaningless pontification and distracting graphics, the only thing I learned here is that Klein is a self-confessed stalker, and that she has gone so far as to write an entire book about a woman with whom she merely shares the same first name.
    I don't agree with some of Wolf's opinions, but she has vastly more honesty and integrity than Klein, who comes across as a manipulative grifter towards an increasingly cult-like liberal audience. Klein is shamelessly throwing another woman under the bus while also cashing in on that woman's hard-earned status as a writer and anti-establishment figure.
    Does Klein still claim to be a feminist? If so, how does she justify attacking another woman in such a blatant attempt at self-promotion? This kind of conduct is, frankly speaking, repulsive.

  • @tristankiener2338
    @tristankiener2338 8 месяцев назад +4

    Wow, I chucked my Chomsky books, excepting Manufacturing Consent, after he summarily dismissed anything related to ruling class false flag psyops. I knew NK followed in his footsteps and became an A class Covidian but this personal attack on NW is the tops, I now can't bear to see Shock Doctrine on my shelf. She wrote the book but can't see it punching her in the face.

  • @teribowles6079
    @teribowles6079 Месяц назад

    .....@ThisWeekInFascism. Are you trashing Naomi Wolf? Your doppelganger?!? You two have the same first name. That's about it. Naomi Wolf continues down the rabbit hole where you took the cash. What you're doing here, creating division, is exactly the thing you claim to be criticizing. Or am I mistaken? Because as a former democrat, liberal, Sanders supporter , I don't recognize YOU anymore, Naomi Klein. You have changed, not the world. How the Left has fallen. Christ.

  • @truthoverlies1820
    @truthoverlies1820 2 месяца назад +1

    Zzz what a load of bs

  • @irishfruitandberries9059
    @irishfruitandberries9059 8 месяцев назад +4

    Lots of broad analogous generalisations, sounds like a lot of nonsense

  • @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk
    @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk 8 месяцев назад +1

    Just no honey.

  • @aliensystem1528
    @aliensystem1528 9 месяцев назад +15

    This video is a perfect example of gaslighting

    • @nineteenthly
      @nineteenthly 9 месяцев назад +1

      Could you say more? I'm neither agreeing or disagreeing, just want to know more about what you mean.

    • @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk
      @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@nineteenthly it's gaslighting because Naomi Wolf is like whoa something Is really radically off with our covid response. And here comes this other naomi and says no covid policy is just same ol same ol so its gaslighting because gaslighting is you deny reality
      Klein is a Gaslighter extraordinaire because she says covid was not a total break with business as usual. KLEIN SAYS covid was business as usual. Contrary to what we all lived thru. No It wasnt

    • @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk
      @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @bryc528
      @bryc528 8 месяцев назад +2


    • @nineteenthly
      @nineteenthly 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@bryc528 okay, I'm just going to say this (not directed at you but about the OP): I think that comment meant that Klein's book is a double-bluff. Judging by the Guardian article, her view seemed quite on-point and extremely relevant to many people's personal lives. I'd really have liked that comment not to have just been dropped and moved on from, but it seems unlikely there's going to be a conversation about it, sadly.

  • @ThisWeekInFascism
    @ThisWeekInFascism 9 месяцев назад +8

    Are you trashing Naomi Wolf? Your doppelganger?!? You two have the same first name. That's about it. Naomi Wolf continues down the rabbit hole where you took the cash. What you're doing here, creating division, is exactly the thing you claim to be criticizing. Or am I mistaken? Because as a former democrat, liberal, Sanders supporter , I don't recognize YOU anymore, Naomi Klein. You have changed, not the world. How the Left has fallen. Christ.

    • @peterhooper3391
      @peterhooper3391 9 месяцев назад +2

      I’m sure you think you know what you are talking about, but I don’t know what you are talking about. What are you talking about?

    • @llh3025
      @llh3025 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@peterhooper3391 Naomi Klein used to be on the right side of history. Clear enough?

    • @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk
      @RoscoeRossi-fo1zk 8 месяцев назад +1

      Amen. Thank u

    • @phasespace4700
      @phasespace4700 8 месяцев назад

      @ThisWeekInFascism I suppose even a Sanders supporter can have completely psychotic, anti-science notions about infectious diseases and vaccines.
      Please take an oath of silence.

    • @fredgarvinMP
      @fredgarvinMP 8 месяцев назад

      @@phasespace4700 Always want to silence your opposition...

  • @sagganuts
    @sagganuts 8 месяцев назад +8

    Controlled opposition says what? After the last 3 years you said nothing about anything of worth, now you go after 'conspiracy theorists' lmao

  • @atthebijou8209
    @atthebijou8209 8 месяцев назад +1

    unwatchable. is this made for children? and that's unfair to children.