How Any Power Can Pet DPS in DCUO
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Pet DPS Build Loadout is:
Slot 1. Spam ability
Slot 2. Godwave Strength
Slot 3. Mercy Attack Protocol
Slot 4. DOT/Supercharge Generator/Additional Pet/Riptide/Or Robot Sidekick if you can do the glitch to have 2 pets out at once
Slot 5. Robot Sidekick/Crystal/Fury
Slot 6. 5,000-10,000 cost Supercharge or other ability from slot 4
Support role loadout is the same but instead of slot 1,4, and 6 being for damage use these three slots to make your role work like use priority and group heals for healer, debuff and instant power for controller, and pulls and heals and/or shields for tank
For the allies now you can use zatana with the emperor aquaman, not sure if that was out in the time of the video. Zatana gives pets another 10% damage after using 6 attacks
Im using atomic which is fun
I personally run source shard, larnaes amulet and quislet to cover any missed dmg from my pets so that I can still compete with other dps it’s power heavy tho so u got to get a gd rotation together depending on ur power
I can see that being viable for certain powers and others have to follow the video and use mercy to keep up just depends
I know I’m hella late but I’m prec based dps but I’m thinking running venom wrist dispenser with mercy art and source shard. Robot sidekick should be cracked no matter what power I go too
Nice video! Also what back piece is that on your character?
Thanks appreciate it bro and keep up the good work!
@@Treyortj_ what material do you use?
Are pets might based? Or are they independent of whatever stats you have spec’d?
They are independent neither might nor precision just your CR gear score level is how you will get them up. Which allow for you to do crazy easy damage on support roles too.
If I'm a troll , can I have half troll gear half DPS gear? Would it affect anything? Just so I can have dominance at the required dom ya know and still have high might
Independent from your own stats, neither might or prec.
Just saw u😍
How does this fare against a normal DPS aka Trans, Stra, quizlet or ebon vs this can it out DPS that ?? I just wanna know before I start grinding these arts
It is ok depending on the power and what is available to them you can look at my videos where I already did a might base regular loadout for the power and then look at the pet dps for the same power I normally say what’s the highest I’ve hit and what’s the average in each video. Keep in mind that some where made last year so scale them accordingly
I would like to see some gameplay if you don't mind.
Check out the elite plus alert review video to see some gameplay of it
Would this work for atomic?
Yes it can work for atomic as well
Wat about single target?
How good is this build versus moving targets
Build is great for average moving targets it will start to lack in those super sweaty tank super pulls all ads away to where no one else sees them then they start falling off but in those cases so do most people’s build only burst damage does good in that or something like nature or fire where dots can be applied
What back style is that?
I believe it’s the electrostatic style from the static shock inspired gear from a few dlcs back
Pets don't benefit from Nitro, omega, troll buffs, or ally buffs. Pet dps will never keep up with regular dps because of this. Anyone can spam attacks on a sparring target that doesn't move. The biggest problem with pets, besides the buffing I just mentioned, is they miss. They miss all the time. The AI sucks. If they miss you get 0 dmg and bosses in content don't stand still like sparring targets do. Pets will go attack the wrong target too. Cause the AI sucks.
The ai isn’t the greatest but it does still hit and the powers you use can accommodate and cover any weak points that the pets have. This is the same with yourself and any loadout since most loadouts have to be in a certain ideal situation to be viable whether it’s close, medium or long range, aoe or single target this is just another way to play the game and try something new. Pets do benefit from ally emperor aqua man pet damage buff. Pets don’t often miss in content from what I see in game. I may see them shot an attack and it misses because the enemy is already dead but that’s the same with normal loadouts you can hit an extra move that doesn’t hit/misses everyone because they are all dead already. Plus most enemies inside of content can and will be still or a very predictable pattern that pets do well on if you have a decent tank with you or at least have someone that the enemies are targeting above everyone else to “focus fire” everyone’s damage
The pets won’t benefit from most buffs but you still will which is why depending on your power this is good like for earth you can spam Jack hammer which does good damage and is used by many dps outside of this build for regular melee damage loadouts. Like different powers can make this build do and be completely different water has riptide which can force the pets to constantly hit harder, electric has Tesla ball which will get supercharge faster, celestial has cursed idol which can maximize when the pets kill one enemy so all other enemies take massive damage and fall like dominos. Plus the targeting in game normally doesn’t always hit everything you want it to but can and will if you position yourself properly just like Tesla ball can miss everyone if they are not in range or get pulled out of the area of effect so can the pet damage but they fortunately can correct themselves as opposed to yourself having to wait until the power comes back off of cooldown you try and not miss this time.